PE Express E-Edition - 9 October 2024

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Merryvale to host musical play

DATUM: 23Oktober

Spies gesels met Willem Jordaan, redakteur van Die Burger en voormalige politieke joernalis, Inge Kühne, redakteur van Rapport en gesoute joernalis, en Cara-Lee Scheun, ’n Netwerk24-verslaggewer in die Oos-Kaapse kantoor, om sin te maak van die situasie en al jou kopkrapvrae te beantwoord. Daarmee saam gaan daar ook lekker musiekvermaak tussendeur wees.

TYD: 08:00vir08:30

PLEK: Die Boardwalk-hotel, Summerstrand, Gqeberha

KOSTE: R200 p.p. op Quicket. Sluit ontbyt, koffie en tee in.

Stuur e-pos aan vir meer inligting.


International Airport. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


Bafana Bafana welcomed ahead of AFCON qualifier



Bafana Bafana, South Africa’s national football team, arrived in the city ahead of their crucial AFCON qualifier match against Congo.

from right here in Gqeberha.

Ticketsforthegamearenowonsaleandcan be purchased at the NMB Stadium Ticket Office, Ticketpro outlets, including Spar, or online, with general tickets starting at just R60 for adults and R30 for kids under 12. The atmosphereisexpectedtobeelectric,andtheaction on the pitch promises to be top-notch.

The team was warmly welcomed at the Chief Dawid Stuurman International Airport by the Member of the Mayoral Committee for Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Councillor Bassie Kamana, and Economic, Development, Tourism and Agriculture, Councillor Shuling Lindoor, on Sunday.

The much-anticipated match is set to take place at the iconic Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium on Friday, October 11, with kick-off scheduled for 19:00.

AddingtotheexcitementisthefactthatBafana Bafana’s captain, Ronwen Williams, hails

Kamana expressed his enthusiasm, saying, “We are thrilled to welcome Bafana Bafana to ourcity.Thismatchisnotjustagame,it’salso an unforgettable evening of excitement, good vibes,andentertainment.Let’spackthestadium, cheer for Bafana Bafana, and show the world why Nelson Mandela Bay is the home of South African football!”

Lindoor added, “This is a fantastic opportunity for our community to come together and supportournationalteam.Withourveryown RonwenWilliamsleadingthecharge,wehave every reason to be proud and excited.”

captain, Ronwen Williams (left), and Member of the Mayoral Committee for Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Councillor Bassie Kamana, at the Chief Dawid Stuurman

Thando Mgqwetho’s Thando Mgqwetho’s inspiring journey inspiring journey

Hiked fuel prices for Bay consumers and businesses

Thando Mgqwetho is the lucky winner of a R10 000 cash prize, courtesy of the PE Express’ Bay’s Finest Businesses competition.



THANDO Mgqwetho, born Johan Goosen, is the lucky winner of a R10 000 cash prize, courtesy of the PE Express’ “Bay’s Finest” Businesses competition.

While many would use the money for their Christmas holiday preparations or finally fixing a few things around the house, for Thando, as he prefers to be called, this win came at the perfect time to take care of his medical needs.

“When I received the call, I was sitting at home after just returning from the hospital for an operation,” he said. “I have kidney disease, and I had just come back from a stent insertion procedure, so you can imagine I wasn’t feeling very great. But receiving that call really cheered me up.”

Thando casually entered the competition, not thinking he even stood a chance, but after winning, he said he felt that although life has been quite the roller coaster ride for him, it was also giving him many chances at living purposefully.

“A few years ago, I lost my leg at a farm I worked at. Something bit my toe, and the infection spread to the point where my leg had to be removed. I also lost my job as a result - I lost everything,” Thando shared.

He said he fell into a dark hole, and nothing made sense to him anymore, until a woman, Thandi Mgqwetho, found him and nursed him back to life.

“That Gogo was an angel sent to give me life again. She took me in and literally cared for me until I was alive again. Thandi wasn’t a wealthy woman,

but she shared the little that she had with me.”

The old woman shared more than just material things with Thando. “She’s the one that gave me the name ‘Thando’, meaning love. She saw something beautiful in me even at my lowest - she said I was a lovable person, and also was full of love.

It boggled my mind to think that at a time when I felt like my life was slipping away from me, someone saw such purity in me.

She restored so much in me, and if it wasn’t for her, I don’t know where I’d be,” Thando said emotionally.

Thandi passed away last year, but even after passing, Thando said she’s still giving to him and inspiring him.

“I don’t take anything for granted anymore, especially life. I live life with so much meaning and intentionality now, and I know she would be so proud of the progress I’ve made because of her love and care.”

Thando’s favourite place in the Bay is the Pier by the beach.

“I mentioned it as my favourite place in one of the questions for the competition because when I’m there, I’m transported back to the days when I was younger and would have hot dogs and ice cream with my friends there. It’s so beautiful and serene, the sound of the waves, the breeze, and watching the sunset and rise there is just breathtaking,” Thando concluded.

With the money he’s won, Thando plans on taking care of his medical expenses and making sure he takes care of his health while on a path of living with purpose and intention.

CONSUMERS and businesses in the Nelson MandelaBayandsurroundingareasarebeing introduced to a new fuel pricing regime.

Thischangemeansthatalthoughfuelprices have decreased, this group of people will be paying more for fuel than they ordinarily would as a coastal region. A unilateral decision by the Minister of Mineral and Petroleum Resources to revise the transport tariffs for petrol, diesel, and paraffin to those applicable in inland zones means that Bay consumers will not receive the full benefit of the October fuel price reduction.

“Effectively,accountabilityfortheadditional costs incurred by fuel transporters and wholesalers of trucking fuel into the area after a berth at the Port of Port Elizabeth was damaged in June is being unfairly passed on to localconsumersandbusinesses,”saidPresident oftheNelsonMandelaBayBusinessChamber, Siyolo Dick. “Every quarter of society is justifiably outraged.”

Dick assured the community that the Chamber, acting in the interests of its 700-member businesses, is tackling this injustice head-on.

“We are urgently investigating the economic impact and the implications of the Minister’s decision and considering the various options available to us to oppose this harsh and unfair decision, and have it reversed,” he said. “We are consulting with our national partners to rally strategic support, and we will follow every possible avenue to fight on behalf of our members and the community of Nelson Mandela Bay.”

“This is not simply a matter of losing out on a few cents per litre of the reduced fuel price. The ripple effect is substantial – raising the costs of transport for workers, the costs of doing business and transporting goods, with in-

flationary impact especially on the prices of foodandessentialgoods.Theimpactontheagricultural sector is particularly dire, as the tariff increases with distance from the port,” Dick explained.

“Even more serious than the cost implication, it is a blatantly unfair and unjust decision by the Minister, taken without consultationwiththeaffectedcommunity,whichpenalises, and passes the buck to, local consumers and businesses for a problem not of their making,” he added.

Denise van Huyssteen, Chamber CEO, echoed these sentiments, “This results in the area being unfairly subjected to new pricing tariffs where consumers and businesses will pay more for their fuel than what they should normally have been subjected to as part of a coastal region,” she said.

“Inpracticalterms,onthepriceof95unleaded fuel, consumers in the Bay received an 83 cents per litre reduction instead of 114 cents, while those in Kariega were penalised even more with a 50 cents reduction and the Kirkwood area with a 45 cents reduction. In terms ofdiesel,theBayreceiveda73centsreduction, Kariega 50 cents, and the Kirkwood area 45 cents reduction,” van Huyssteen detailed.

“On LPG gas, the Bay received a 250 cents increase, Kariega 162 cents, and Kirkwood a 149 cents increase,” she added.

“While we understand that this pricing structure is of a temporary nature, and that once the berth is fixed this area will return to its former allotted zone, this decision will still have a lasting effect and may potentially impact upon future fuel pricing adjustments,” van Huyssteen warned.

“We are currently reviewing the matter and oncewehaveafullunderstandingoftheimplications, we will consider the various options to determine our next steps in opposing this harsh and unfair decision,” she concluded.

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Housing visit highlights progress,challenges in NMB


THEthirddayoftheHousingoversightvisitwas dedicated to reviewing progress and addressing challenges in housing projects in Masangwanaville (Block 40), Motherwell NU 12 C, and NU 30. Key participants included Honourable Makhaya Twabu, Chairperson and Honourable Avela Mjajubana,WhipfromtheEasternCapeProvincial Legislature Committee, and hMMC Thembinkosi Mafana, the Portfolio Head for Human Settlements.

The visit aimed at discussing the advancement of the projects, with a focus on confirming Ward Councillors and beneficiaries. Community members voiced concerns about the need for pegging to measure plots, providing electricity to completed houses, clearing stormwater

drains, and fixing water leaks during rainy conditions.

TwabuemphasisedtheimportanceofcollaborationamongtheRegionalHeadforHumanSettlements, Zwelidinga Mkayitsana, Portfolio Head Thembinkosi Mafana, and Ward Councillors, urging them to meet with beneficiaries to develop better solutions. The goal is to resolve these issues before the next visit from Parliamentary leaders and members of the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature Committee, scheduled for October 21 to 25.

NelsonMandelaBayMunicipalityspokesperson, Sithembiso Soyaya, said housing administration and delivery have improved in the past two years. “However, challenges such as delays related to extortion, the pace of electrification, and land availability versus the backlog remain significant. This was revealed during an over-

sight visit by the Provincial Human Settlement Portfolio Committee to several housing projects in Nelson Mandela Bay,” he said.

For the current financial year 2024/25, the Metro has been funded to build 600 houses for R123 million. Currently, 126 houses have been constructed. Soyaya added that the Metro currentlyhasabacklogof126 000housesand184approved informal settlements.

Speaking to the Metro councillors and officials,PortfolioChairpersonMPLMakhayaTwabusaidhewaspleasedthatthehousingdelivery programme in Nelson Mandela Bay was proceeding well. “We have identified a few minor challenges like delays due to projects being disrupted, poor coordination between relevant departments, and minor defects in a few houses. Wearepleasedthatwewerepresentedwithsolutions to these challenges,” said Twabu.

TheMPLsrecentlyvisitedaprojectinChatty, in an area called Jachvlakte, where 275 houses havebeencompletedwith52remaining.Thedelegation later visited two housing projects in Kwanobuhle, three projects in Motherwell, and one in Khayamnandi in Despatch. Part of the oversightvisitsincludesinteractingwithbeneficiariesandthosewhoarestillonthewaitinglist to check their satisfaction with the quality of their houses and provide an update about housing delivery.

Mafana said he was encouraged by the visit of the Portfolio Committee. “This visit gives us an opportunity to improve the quality of the work that we do. It also assists in improving intergovernmental relations and cooperation in our quest to implement Human Settlements withintheDistrictDevelopmentModel(DDM),” he concluded.




Boot Sale: The Forest Hill community will have a boot sale at Clover Crescent, Forest Hill (open ground by Donkin Hospital) on October 13 and October 20 from 07:00 to 13:00. Contact Ian at 081 468 5077 for more info.

DiabetesWellnessGroup(PEBranch): A special annual general meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 9 at 19:15 for 19:30 at the Caritas Service Centre in West Street, Newton Park.The agenda will include a welcome,apologies, notice of special meeting, treasurer’s report, adoption of audited financials and closure before dietician Jessica North will speak about ‘Cooking with Care’. Contact Martin / Elizabeth on 082 579 9059 or 041 367 2810. Health and Wellness Walk: The Friends of Linton Grange Library will host a health and wellness walk on October 11 from 08:00. Register at Linton Grange Library. Contact 073 184 5163. Boot Sale: The Bluewater Bay Community Church boot sale will take place on Saturday, October 12 from 07:00 to 12:00 (noon). The cost is R30. Contact Colleen Roux on 082 858 8447.

EP Bonsai Society: Need a new hobby, something that the whole family can be part of? Join the next Bonsai meeting on October 12 at the Newton Park Methodist Church Hall on the corner of Newton Street and 3rd Avenue from 11:00 onwards and learn more about the art of bonsai. Bonsai fundi Clifton Marais will give a talk and demo on choosing a tree for a bonsai, air layering and grafting, plus stands and accent plants for trees that members will be displaying at the annual show in November. Senior bonsai designer Mike Shute will give a demo on how to display/ prepare trees for the show. Non-members are welcome for a donation of R20, which includes refreshments. Senior members are available to give advice on problem trees. For more info, contact Jenny at 083 999 1058.

Creative Fundraiser: Prepare to embark on a creative journey and help Algoa Bay Council for the Aged make their first creative fundraiser a success on October 12 at Buffelsfontein Village, 17th Avenue, Charlo. There are just 60 seats available. Invite your friends and co-workers and create your own cheese board. Admission is R450 per person, which includes refreshments. Contact the Algoa Bay Council for the Aged office at or 041 368 8434. Loerie Nartjiefees: Gesinsfees op 19 Oktober op Loerie met kunstenaars Fatman, Chris en Elmari Brits, Dillon Lerm en Ruan van der Kuil.Die fees bied plaasvars groente,naartjies, kos- en kunsmarkstalletjies, koffiewinkel, naartjie-eet kompetisie en kindervermaak. Stalletjies vir publiek beskikbaar (kos- en drinkstalletjies uitgesluit). Volg die fees op sosiale media vir meer inligting. Vir navrae bel 083 383 4932.

Bazaar/Fête: Sunridgecare will have a bazaar/fete on November 2 from 09:00 to 12:00 at 25 Lily Avenue, Sunridge Park. Contact Corisa Kleyn at 083 470 6834 to book a table (outdoors) at R200.

Gqeberha Central Men’s Shed: They meet every Wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00 at The Athenaeum, Athol Fugard Terrace (Belmont Terrace), between Castle Hill and Military Road, opposite the Supreme Court. A men’s shed is a space where men can relax, get together to talk, work together, have a cup of coffee, and make friends. All ages are welcome. For info WhatsApp Willie at 061 455 6464 or Robert at 083 697 1800.


Hi’s Place Developing Centre: They have a church service every Sunday morning at 09:00 and a healing service every first Saturday night of the month at 17:00. Everyone is welcome. It’s an open meeting for all sick people and those with problems who need prayer. For more info call, SMS, or WhatsApp Pastor Christo Campher at 082 515 2294 or email

St Paul’s Anglican Church 170th: In celebration of the 170th anniversary of St Paul’s Anglican Church in Parsons Hill, a series of community-centred events will be hosted. An old-fashioned family games evening for the entire community will be held on Friday, October 18. It promises a night of fun, connection, and nostalgia. An afternoon of music titled ‘Let’s Praise’ will then be held on Saturday, October 19,with local musicians and choir singers.A special Service of Thanksgiving, which will be the culmination of the anniversary celebrations, will take place on Sunday, October 20, reflecting on their

University to honour Michael Barry with doctorate


RHODES University recently announced that Gqeberha art activist and educator, Michael Barry, will be awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws (LLD)(honoriscausa)duringtheUniversity’sgraduationceremonyinMakhanda on October 11.

Over decades, Barry has used the arts as a platform for social justice, community upliftment, and cultural preservation. His work as an arts activist has empowered marginalised communities, including vulnerable youth, by encouraging them to view the arts as not only a viable career path but also a means of expressing their lived realities. He has played a pivotal role in public art initiatives and community projects, such as Route 67 in Gqeberha and the Helenvale “Boy and the Kite” public artwork, which symbolises hope, peace, and resilience in communities facing social challenges.

Barry’s life and career have been shaped by the turbulent times of South Africa’s apartheid era, particularly his early experiences of forced


removals from Fairview, Gqeberha. His creative journey began with a Fine Arts Honours degree from the prestigious Michaelis School of Fine Art at the University of Cape Town. He later earned a Higher Diploma in Education and a Master’s in Art EducationfromNelsonMandelaUniversity. Despite the challenges of apartheid, Barry channelled his experiencesintohisworkasbothanartistand

Michael Barry’s impact on the South African arts and cultural landscape is profound and far-reaching.


educator, always driven by the desire to uplift others.

Barry’s influence extends beyond the canvas. His commitment to community engagement is evident throughhisrolesasateacher,mentor, and arts advocate. After teaching art at St Thomas Senior Secondary School in Gqeberha, where he pioneered creative arts education in the Northern Areas, Barry continued to

promote community development through the arts. His work with the Arts&TeachingInitiatives(ATI)and his involvement in numerous heritage and public art projects have had a lasting impact on both the Eastern Cape and South Africa as a whole.

Rhodes University Vice-Chancellor Professor Sizwe Mabizela praised Barry’sunwaveringdedicationtothe arts, saying, “Social justice, equality, and access to the arts have been the mainstayofhislifelongjourneyasan artist,artsactivist,andartseducator. He has inspired a generation of vulnerable youth to take up the arts as a viable career option, and to use the medium to express their lived realities.”

This honorary doctorate not only recognises Barry’s achievements but also his significant contributions to South Africa’s cultural heritage. Barry’s projects, such as his involvement with the South End Museum and the Northern Areas Heritage, Research, and Interpretive Centre (NAHRIC), exemplifyhiscommitmenttopreserving and celebrating the stories of displaced people and communities.

As a pioneer of public art and cul-

young dancers to shine in ‘Voilà’showcase


NELSON Mandela Bay’s leading youngdancersaresettocaptivateaudiences with Voilà, a multi-faceted dance showcase by the Walmer School of Dance at the Savoy Theatre on October 11 and 12.

TheFrenchexclamationofsuccess or surprise, “voilà!”, meaning “there it is!”, inspired the annual showcase unveiling the successful results of a year of dedicated dance practice by the school’s pupils, from ages five to 21.

Aquartetofstrongandelegantjunior contemporary dancers will open the show with Voilà, a contemporary dance set to the beautiful song of the same name.

“Voilà features the elegant beauty of both classical and modern ballet, the energy and sass of jazz, and the

slick style of contemporary dance. The variety of dance styles and the different moods of the pieces – from cheeky fun with the younger dancers to the seniors exploring shades of dark and light – mean that there is something in the show to enchant all lovers of dance. The show is also a chance to see some future star dancers who have great things ahead of them,” said Walmer School of Dance principal, Troy Coffey.

Thosefuturestarstowatchinclude 13-year-old Alice Reekie, who will be dancing the challenging ballet solo Scorpion. Reekie won the junior ballet section in the regionals of the 2024 South African International Ballet Competitionandreachedtheinternational semi-finals, competing against dancers from around the world, at ArtscapeinCapeTown.Shealsowon the Pre-Junior Ballet championship

and Most Promising Ballet Dancer trophy at the Friendly City Dance Festival and the Junior Ballet Championship at the Nelson Mandela Bay Dance Festival earlier this year.

Senior dancer, Tayla Kolbe, and guest artist, Vernon van der Merwe, will partner in the contemporary dance, The Quality of Mercy, a moving love story told in dance, while the senior contemporary group embraces darkness in the unusual and dynamic movements of The Grotto Latin American dancer, Van der Merwe, also features in the jazz group, Peaky Blinders, which won double gold and best modern group for the Walmer school at this year’s Friendly City Dance Festival.

The mood turns to fun in Wednesday Group, a modern dance piece inspired by the spooky-comedy TV series Wednesday, and then to classical

elegance in ballet ensembles and Cherry Lane modern ballet style in

The senior contemporary ensemble in The Tree of Life introducesaJapanese influence in a piece symbolising the enchanting beauty and enduring resilience of the Sakura (cherry blossom) tree and Mount Fuji.

The show is choreographed by Coffey, a ballet teacher for over 30 years, presenting classes in ballet and contemporary dance styles at the Walmer School of Dance.

See Voilà at the Savoy Theatre at 19.00 on Friday, October 11 and at 15:00 and 19:00 on Saturday, October 12. Tickets cost R130 and can be bought on Webtickets or request a Webtickets booking for “Voilà” at any Pick n Pay till.

turalactivism,Barryhasbeeninstrumental in fostering international collaborations between South African and European cultural organisations. Theseprojectshavecreatedplatforms for young people from diverse backgrounds to connect and engage in meaningful dialogue about culture, history, and identity.

Even in retirement, Barry remains an active force in the arts and continues to teach part-time at Nelson Mandela University, inspiring future generations of artists and educators.

Barry’s contributions to public art are nationally and internationally recognised,withhisworksfeaturedin galleries and public spaces. From his involvement in the Helenvale Urban ArtsRenewalProjecttohisleadership roles in initiatives like the Sunday Times 100-Year Heritage Project, Barry’sarthastransformedbothphysical spaces and societal narratives. His awards, including the 2018 Eastern Cape Department of Sport, Recreation,ArtsandCultureProvincialCultural Award and the Nelson Mandela University Alumni Association’s recognition, highlight the impact of his lifelong dedication to the arts.

Asive Matai (18) dances in ‘Cherry Lane’, a classical ballet ensemble.

FirstLegoLeague Tournament

Saturday, 19October2024|09:00-15:00

NelsonMandelaUniversity,TheScienceDome OceanSciencesCampus,GomeryAvenue,Summerstrand, Gqeberha


FIRST®LEGO®Leagueintroducesscience,technology,engineering,andmaths(STEM) tochildrenages4to16throughfun,excitinghands-onlearning.Participantsgainrealworldproblem-solvingexperiencethroughaguided,globalroboticsprogram,helping today’sstudentsandteachersbuildabetterfuturetogether.

Ourthreedivisionsinspireyouthtoexperimentandgrowtheircriticalthinking,coding, anddesignskillsthroughhands-onSTEMlearningandrobotics.

On Saturday,19October from 09:00to15:00 FLLteams, aged9to16,will participateintheEasternCaperegionalchallengequalifyingtournamenthostedatthe newiconicScienceDomeonOceanScienceCampus.Guestwhovisitswillenjoyacomprehensivetour,includinga3Dshowshowcasingthetournament.Freeentryandloads ofentertainmentforthewholefamily.

Contactdetails: FarrenFoutie 0415043603|




Noticeisherebygiventhatanapplicationwillbemadeto theNelsonMandelaBayMetropolitanMunicipalityfor:the RemovalofTitleDeedConditionsonPage3Clause,(F) theTitleDeedNo.T14338/2021appliestoErf791Forest Hill and ConsentUseforBoardingHouse asper Section47oftheSPLUMA.

Thedetailedproposalmayberequestedfromthe applicantviaemail,

Membersofthepublicareinvitedtosubmitcomments, objections,orintervenerstatususingtheComments& ObjectionsFormintheSPLUMBylaw,withclearreasons inrespectoftheproposaltothefollowing:

(1)TheApplicant,Archiform(Pty)Ltd,5InnesStreet, CollegeHill,Uitenhage,6229,0817008862oremail, (2)TheExecutiveDirector:HumanSettlements,PO Box9,Gqeberha,6000;c/oe-mail 19November,2024

Personswithdisabilitieswhoarenotabletoemailmay contactMsWilliamsat3rdFloorLillianDiedericks Building,No.191GovanMbekiAvenue,Gqeberha,Tel No.0415061813.

Apersonwhodeliverscomments,objectionsor representationswillbenotifiedifahearingistobeheldin respectoftheapplication.




PHYSICAL:45RossinRoad,PariPark, ADDRESSTheescombe


Noticeisherebygiventhatanapplicationwillbemadeto theNelsonMandelaBayMetropolitanMunicipalityfor:

1.SubdivisionofErf311Theescombeinto26General ResidentialZone1erven,2OpenspaceZone2erven andaspecialpurpose(Access)erf.

Thedetailedproposalmayberequestedfromtheapplicant viaemail,

Membersofthepublicareinvitedtosubmitcomments, objectionsorintervenerstatususingtheComments& ObjectionsFormintheSPLUMBylaw,withclearreasonsin respectoftheproposaltothefollowing:

(1)TheApplicant(SETPLAN),PostnetSuite54 PrivateBagX40106Walmer6065,0827879393& brendan@setplan.comandacopysentto (2)TheExecutiveDirector:HumanSettlements, POBox9,Gqeberha,6000; c/ before20November2024.

Personswithdisabilitieswhoarenotabletoemailmay contactMsWilliamsat3rdFloorLillianDiedericksBuilding, No.191GovanMbekiAvenue,Gqeberha,TelNo.041506 1813.

Apersonwhodeliverscomments,objectionsor representationswillbenotifiedifahearingistobeheldin respectoftheapplication.

(Commentssubmittedafterthesaiddatewillbeconsidered invalid.)









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Noticeisherebygivenin termsofRegulation68ofthe DeedsRegistriesAct,1937, oftheintentiontoapplyfor theissueofacertifiedcopy ofDeedofTransferNumber ST6509/2015CTNpassedby CRAIGALLANWASSERMAN,IdentityNumber 6508285054082infavourof GERALDJAMESSAMPSON, IdentityNumber561211 5012087andUNETTE SAMPSON,IdentityNumber 6005060001081inrespect ofcertainlanddescribedas: AUnitconsistingof (a)SectionNo.5asshown andmorefullydescribedon SectionalPlanNoSS 133/1999inthescheme knownasBERGENVILLASin respectofthelandandbuildingorbuildingssituatedat LORRAINENELSONMANDELABAYMETROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY,ofwhichsectionthefloorarea,according tothesaidsectionalplanis 79(SeventyNine)square metresinextentand (b)Anundividedshareinthe commonpropertyinthe schemeapportionedtothe saidsectioninaccordance withtheparticipationquota asendorsedonthesaidsectionalplan. HELDBYDeedofTransfer NumberST6509/2015CTN whichhasbeenlostor destroyed. Allinterestedpersonshaving objectionoftheissueofsuch copyareherebyrequiredto lodgethesameinwriting withtheRegistrarofDeeds atKingWilliam’sTown withintwoweeksfromthe dateofpublicationofthis notice.

DatedatPORTELIZABETH this30thdayofSEPTEMBER 2024

Applicant DUTOITATTORNEYSINC t/aDTSATTORNEYS 108CapeRoad, PortElizabeth,6001 0413740852


Noticeisherebygivenin termsofRegulation68ofthe DeedsRegistriesAct,1937, oftheintentiontoapplyfor theissueofacertifiedcopy CertificateofRegistered GrantofLeaseholdNumber TL4074/1988PECTNpassed

byNELSONMANDELABAY METROPOLITANMUNICIPALITYinfavourMZIKAZI ZOLASHENOZIBELELALLIE, IdentityNumber610905 0493082Unmarriedin respectofacertainERF 32356IBHAYI,intheNelson MandelaBayMetropolitan Municipality,Divisionof PORTELIZABETH,Province oftheEasternCape,which hasbeenlostordestroyed. Allpersonshavingobjection totheissueofsuchcopyare herebyrequiredtolodethe sameinwritingwiththe RegistrarofDeedsatKING WILLIAM’STOWNwithin twoweeksafterthedateof thepublicationofthisnotice.




ATTORNEYS Office08,FirstFloor, HarmonyBuilding 14MarketStreets NorthEnd,GQEBERHA 0414844219/0835269200


Noticeisherebygivenin termsofRegulation68ofthe DeedsRegistriesAct,1937, oftheintentiontoapplyfor theissueofacertifiedcopy ofCERTIFICATEOFREGISTEREDGRANTOFLEASEHOLD NUMBERTL1135/1989PECTN passedbyNELSONMANDELABAYMETROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY,infavourof CLIFFORD&KITSIJOYCE NGCAYISAIDENTITYNUMBER4911105537082& 5305100715083,Marriedin communityofpropertyto eachother,inrespectofcertainERF5316MOTHERWELL,IntheNelsonMandela BayMetropolitanMunicipality,DivisionofUitenhage, ProvinceofEasternCape whichhasbeenlostor destroyed. Allpersonhavingobjectionto theissueofsuchcopyare herebyrequiredtolodgethe sameinwritingwiththe RegistrarofDeedsatKING WILLIAM’STOWNwithin twoweeksafterthedateof thepublicationofthisnotice.

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East Cape trainers are gunning for the win

THE local trainers are hard at work to make sure that an East Cape stable wins the most prestigious horse race in the province this year.

The R350 000 Algoa Cup over 2 000m will be run on October 25 at the Fairview Turf track in Greenbushes.

Surfin’ USA, trained by Jacques Strydom, was the last local horse to win the Algoa Cup. He won in 2009.

The local stables will be hoping there is a victory for them on Algoa Cup Day in the same fashion that Cruise Control won at Fairview this past Friday.

There was a Cape Town visitor in the field, but Cruise Control produced another sparkling sprinting performance to win the R200 000 Cradock Place Stakes over 1 200m by more than five lengths.

Cruise Control has now won 13 races from 22 starts and has earned more than R1 million in stakes money. Initially it cost R200 000.

Since then, the visiting Western Cape horses have dominated this race. They will again be a huge factor this time.

Three Western Cape stables, those of trainers Justin Snaith, Brett Crawford and Glen Kotzen, showed interest in this year’s race.

Jockey Luyolo Mxothwa has developed a special bond with Cruise Control. He has now ridden Cruise Control six times and has won six times on him.

Mxothwa and trainer Gavin Smith were very happy with this performance.

Among them, they have nominated 10 horses to run in the race. Snaith won the race last year with Future Swing.

Seven Fairview stables have nominated 16 horses between them.

The final field for the big race will be announced on October 21 and it should be very interesting to see which horses will take up their positions.

Racing fans are also looking forward to the other big race at this meeting, the R250 000 Racehorse Owners Association Stakes.

Smith has done a wonderful job with Cruise Control, who has become a stronger and more relaxed horse over time.

Algoa Cup Day is going to be a really big one, but there is plenty of action at Fairview before then.

There are meetings this coming Friday and Tuesday and then there is that all-important third and final leg of the Nelson Mandela Bay Poly Challenge on the 18th.

This is a race for three-year-old horses over 1 600m and we have seen some brilliant performances in this one over the years.

The Cape Town horse King Regent won the first two legs. He can become the first to win all three legs of the Challenge, which started in 2016, and secure a bonus of R250 000 for his connections.

Olwam Soya joins Mzwandile Mali XV in UK

COSELELANI Secondary School rugby player, Olwam Soya, left South Africa on Friday and went with the Mzwandile Mali XV Schools’ Rugby Tour Team to the United Kingdom.

Soya, whose rugby career started at Swartkops Primary School under principal and rugby coach, Lwandile Aba, was selected as a prop with other players during the Mzwandile Mali Schools’ Rugby Tournament that was played at Wolfson Stadium in April.

Soya said before he left Motherwell for Johannesburg, “I was introduced to rugby by principal Aba when I was a young boy at Swartkops Primary. When I was admitted to Coselelani Secondary, I was motivated by my rugby coach, Mthuthuzeli Yoyo, and our local rugby coach, Rev Lumkile Tete, to play rugby.

“When our school participated in the Mzwandile Mali Schools Rugby Tournament early this year, I played my heart out. I feel very honoured to play rugby overseas because I am the only one in

my whole family to have this opportunity of playing overseas.”

Soya urged other learners to take sport seriously and highlighted that the youth should refrain from abusing drugs since they jeopardise their future. His mother, Thuliswa Soya, stated that she initially had mixed feelings but later on she was excited that her son was part of the team that was going to play in England.

Principal Langa Tshangana said that they were on top of the world as the school to have their learner, who is a player from Motherwell, going to play in the United Kingdom.

Rugby coach, Nelisa Nonyukela, also stated that Soya has put Coselelani on the world rugby map.

Soya scored a beautiful try when his side defeated Seven Oaks Academy 40–7 on Sunday. Their two games will be against Brighton College on October 9 and the last game will be against Seven Oaks Academy at Oaks Club on October 12. They are expected back on October 14.

Coselelani Secondary principal, Langa Tshangana, and SGB member, Nonceba Matshaya, hand over the sports bag, rugby boots and a luggage bag to Olwam Soya and his mother, Thuliswa Soya. With them are Coselelani Secondary rugby coaches, Lonwabo Mgobo and Nelisa Nonyukela, and Sinekhaya Mdliswa.


Local cricketers ready for North-South Tournament

THE u/19 cricketers of the Grey High School in Gqeberha face the biggest challenge of their careers.

They will represent the province in the North-South Tournament which starts tomorrow in Pretoria.

Pool matches in the T20 format will take place on the first two days, followed by the play-offs and finals on Saturday and Sunday.

The tournament has grown in stature since it started in 2018. It has become bigger and better and is a really special fixture on the national school cricket calendar.

The 16 teams will play in four different groups before advancing to the play-offs.

Grey is in a tremendously tough group, Pool D, and it will take a huge effort to beat very strong opposition.

The Grey boys have the talent and ability to make an impact as a team and as individuals. The names of players who perform at this competitive tournament will definitely go into the notebooks of influential people in South African schools’ cricket.

The Gqeberha side has produced plenty of fine performances this season leading up to the tournament.

They beat Selborne College by five wickets when Teun Kloppenberg and Tristan Grundling batted beautifully.

Likhona Gcora and Nathan Howell impressed with the ball in that match.

There was a nail-biter against Graeme College when Grey won by one wicket. Xander Elkington was the hero in this one when he took 4/20 with the ball.

Grey lost in the first innings against Rondebosch but beat Pinelands and Dale College very easily. Joel Maree caught the eye with an unbeaten innings of 86 runs against Dale.

This past weekend the players were involved in the annual Cricket Bash at the Pollock Oval of Grey High.

The Bash saw 72 Grey players ranging from u/14 to the first

team, compete in some thrilling T20 matches.

This was excellent preparation for the u/19s as the matches were played in the same format as the Pretoria tournament.

Menlopark, Paarl Boys’ High and St Andrew’s College from Bloemfontein are the teams with Grey in Pool D.

Grey will start their campaign against St Andrews on the Sinoville field. The match starts at 13:30.

The players from Paarl Boys’ High compete in the tough Western Cape league and must be regarded as serious contenders to go all the way in the tournament.

They tackle Grey on Friday

Weekend sport results

Garvey United Brothers U/17 and SEM senior team win Skizo’s Youth Soccer Tournament

SUPPORTERS of Garvey United Brothers U/17 and the SEM senior team were overjoyed when their sides collected silverware during the Skizo’s Youth Soccer Tournament at Missionvale Top 10 Soccer Field on Saturday.

During the U/17 finals, Garvey United Brothers emerged triumphant in their 2–1 win over GUBS. In the senior teams’ semi-finals, the going got tough. SEM managed to beat GUBS 4–3 on penalties as their game ended in a tie of 2–2.

Following their hard work, SEM faced yet another tough side, Mission Stars, during the finals. The game ended in a 2–2 draw but SEM were crowned the champions in their 4–2 on penalties over Stars.

Garvey United U/17 were awarded a floating trophy and gold medals. GUBS went home with silver medals.

Garvey United goalkeeper, Oyama Mantewu, received a trophy for his efforts as he conceded only two goals during the entire tournament.

The top goal scorer award went to Garvey United striker Yibanathi Memani, who found the back of the net five times during the tournament.

SEM lifted the floating trophy, and they were given gold medals, while GUBS settled for silver medals.

The tournament director, Zolani Swelindawo, thanked their sponsor, Luvuyo Skizo Nyiki, for the huge difference he made to the community of Missionvale.

Swelindawo said, “On behalf of Missionvale Sports Development Programme, we would like to thank Nyiki for sponsoring our youth soccer tournament.

“This programme is the platform that gives opportunities to youth to actively participate in

sport. It also unites the community and motivates our youth to take sport seriously. Furthermore, the tournaments of this nature help to minimise drug abuse, alcohol abuse and hooliganism,” concluded Swelindawo.

Matanzima Supermarket Junior Soccer Tournament runs without hassles

MILAN Stars, in partnership with Matanzima Supermarket, organised the Matanzima Supermarket Junior Soccer Tournament (MSJS) successfully at Peace Park Grounds on Saturday and Sunday.

Hundreds of children braved the hot weather conditions to support their sides battling.

The tournament was organised

for the u/11, u/13 and u/15 teams.

The teams that took part in the MSJS Tournament were Milan Stars, Motherwell United, Swartkops United Brothers (SUBS) and Showvillage United Brothers.

The tournament was played in a straight knockout system.

In the u/11 finals, Showvillage United Brothers overcame their neighbours, SUBS, 2–0.

In the u/13 finals, Motherwell United had to work their socks off to defeat Showvillage United Brothers 2–1.

Fans watched a tough battle when Motherwell United won 5–4 on penalties over Showvillage United Brothers after their final ended in a goalless draw.

Milan Stars president, Nyanisile

morning from 09:00 on the CBCOB field. In the afternoon, at the same venue, Grey will play against the Pretoria side Menlopark, starting at 14:00.

Menlopark will have home ground advantage and can approach the tournament with a lot of confidence after being the runners-up last year.

They also have one of the most dangerous batsmen in the tournament, Steve Stolk, in their lineup.

The national u/19-opener is a potential match winner with his impressive stroke play. The Grey bowlers are in for a huge test of their skills and temperament when they face the Menlopark star.

Action again at Victory Raceway

Rala, said that the tournament was played without hassles.

Rala said, “I am very excited that the tournament was hassle-free. There was no over-age cheating as the players were concerned. This tournament created interest in sport because there were many enthusiastic children supporting their teams.

“This tournament also generated social traits like tolerance, sympathy,cooperationandsocialcohesion. I would like to express my gratitude to the management of Matanzima Supermarket for their continued support of our club to run this tournament.”

The winning teams went home with the floating trophy and gold medals each.

The runners-up received silver medals.

Fans see surprises in SAFA NMB Hollywoodbets Men’s Regional League games

FANS were taken aback when Camper United, EC Celtics, Young Aces and Dynamos went down during their SAFA Nelson Mandela Bay Hollywoodbets Men’s Regional League stream games on Saturday.

Camper supporters were stunned when their side succumbed 1–0 to the unpredictable Highland Spurs during their Stream A home clash at Motherwell NU 11 Stadium on Saturday.

ECCelticshomesupporterswere heartbroken after their side went down 3–0 to the defending league champions, Old Grey FC, during their Stream A game at Khayamnandi Community Grounds.

In the battle of the rookies, Young Aces FC were frustrated after their unbeaten record came to an abrupt end in their 3–1 defeat to Real Celtics in their Stream B game at Veeplaas Turf Stadium.

To the dismay of the Dynamos’ home supporters, their side failed to reply to the 2–0 defeat to Royal Bucks in their Steam B contest at Dynamos Grounds.

Bay Tigers secured their narrow 3–2 home win from Roaring Tigers in their Stream A clash at Veeplaas Turf Stadium.

Shining Stars continued with their back-to-back wins as they secured a hard-fought 1–0 home triumph from Red City in their Stream A game at Motherwell NU 11 Stadium.

Khipu Major Chiefs Sports Club continued to maintain their unbeaten record by embarrassing Madibaz Football 3–0 in their Stream B one-clash at Khayamnandi Community Grounds. Despatch Pioneers shared a 2–2 draw with Red Lions during the tough Stream B game at Khayamnandi Community Grounds.

Kenzo Barnard
Tournament organiser, Nyanisile Rala, watching Motherwell United U/15 celebrating their victory. PHOTO: SELBY MADIKANE

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