BloemExpress 12 February 2025

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Parties complain that their questions go unanswered Metro keeps mum

It is not just members of the public who struggle with getting little to no communication from the Mangaung Metro.

Were it not for WhatsApp groups and political parties, seemingly no one would know when and why things happen in the metro or – which is more often the case – do not happen.

Councillors in the Mangaung Metro direct Rule 38 questions to the executive mayor, Gregory Nthatisi, and appropriate officials on various matters to get clarity which, when submitted on time, must be answered at the subsequent council meeting.

In the council meeting held on 31 January, Nthatisi said these questions were answered regularly, to which many councillors’ response was that their questions were never answered.

Rule 38 questions of the Standing Rules and Orders of the Mangaung Metro may be submitted by any political office bearer to the municipal manager or senior manager of the metro. These are questions concerning any matter related to the effective performance of the functions of the municipality, as well as the exercise of powers by persons in authority.

Gopolang Lipale, caucus leader of the EFF in the Mangaung Metro, says they are very frustrated with the lack of communication maintained by the metro.

Lipale said the EFF has 12 outstanding Rule 38 questions, the oldest of which dates back to June last year.

There are also about five or six motions that the EFF have submitted that have also not yet been presented.

“The mayor is not answering the questions that we ask. It really is frustrating. I am not his friend. When I call him, it is to discuss matters of urgency.”

Lipale added that the EFF councillors were also struggling to get hold of mayoral committee members and department heads.

“We cannot make appointments because they do not answer when we call.”

Additionally, the DA has 21 questions that are outstanding for 2022 and 2023, and there are 17




questions from last year that still need to be answered.

Furthermore, five Rule 38 questions have been submitted by the DA this year.

Hardie Viviers, DA caucus

leader, says that all the questions, some of which date back as far as 2017, will now be resubmitted tot the metro.

The FF Plus has listed 22 outstanding questions, one of which dates back to March 2022.

These include questions on a wide array of topics ranging from broken water meters and illegal electricity connections, to the number of building inspectors in the city, and how long the process of approving or rejecting building plans takes.

Fraud case lands in court


The fraud case arising from the installation of information technology (IT) infrastructure at the Botshabelo District Hospital’s doctors’ quarters against two individuals, including an IT company, came before the Bloemfontein Magistrates’ Court once again on Tuesday, 11 February.

Suspects Sibusiso Edward Radebe (44), Sidwell Ntuli (50) and the entity Supana Technologies, first appeared on 12 November.

The case followed the Bloemfontein Hawks’ Serious Commercial Crime Investigation team’s probing into the fraud case estimated at R1 496 688,17.

WO Fikiswa Matoti, provincial spokesperson for the Hawks, said the complainant had raised alarm after his company was allegedly not paid for installing IT infrastructure at the hospital in question, in 2023.

“The complainant alleges that his company, together with the company that Radebe worked for, were appointed by the Free State Department of Health to form part of the project to install IT infrastructure at the Botshabelo District Hospital’s doctors’ quarters.

“He also alleges that he was informed by one of the suspects’ company that the project had been completed in December 2023, and that a payment to an amount of R1 496 688,17 had been made to another company, and not directly to the complainant’s company,” said Matoti.

She said according to information provided, Radebe was the project coordinator who supplied information and communication technology (ICT) equipment and its installation during the commencement of the project to the value of R206 942,50. In addition, the complainant’s company executed part of the work.

“As a result, the complainant was prejudiced and suffered a loss of R1 496 688,17,” said Matoti.

Gregory Nthatisi, executive mayor of the Mangaung Metro. PHOTO: TEBOHO SETENA

Impact of teen pregnancy made clear

The surge in teenage pregnancy among South Africa’s schoolgoing youths has prompted a partnership initiative in the Free State.

The provincial departments of Health and Education, together with the non-profit organisations (NPOs) LoveLife and Soul City, held a dialogue for high school learners in Senekal on 4 February.

The about 700 high school learners in attendance were enlightened on how this could impact on their childhood and adulthood.

The learners were also informed about the adverse health and associated risks in store for both unborn babies and their teenage mothers.

The province’s challenge of teenagers falling pregnant is underscored by the number of babies born to teenage mothers on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

According to the provincial Department of Health, eight of the babies born on Christmas Day last year were to teenage mothers between 16 and 19 years, while the number of those born to teenage mothers on New Year’s Day stood at 14.

The prevalence of teenage

pregnancy in the Free State is hovering at 13,3%, according to a survey by the Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism.

Further to this, many teenage mothers in South Africa also have

HIV – close to one in five women between the ages of 15 and 24 years who recently had a baby, data from the Human Sciences Research Council shows.

According to data provided by

School shown recognition

The 2004 matric class of the Heatherdale Comprehensive School in Heidedal, Bloemfontein, has amplified the spirit of the principle “charity begins at home.”

This came in a significant monetary contribution of R7 000, made possible through a collective effort by a group of former learners who completed their secondary schooling at the technical school 21 years ago.

The money was presented to the school on Friday, 7 February.

“This is part of our crowdfunding initiative as former matriculants, aimed at enabling the school to carry out its main objective of providing lifelong learning skills and meet the learners’ needs.

“We felt it was expected of us, as we mark 21 years since we completed matric,” said Johan Blom, spokesperson of the 2004 matric class.

According to Blom, this being the

first contribution, the cohort plans to continue with the crowd-funding initiative.

“Some members went to the school’s workshop to assess the situation, which they found necessitates us to continue with the crowd-fund project. We are challenging all former matriculants to join hands for the benefit of our school to enable it continue educating the next generation of children. The school’s management decides what to spend the money on,” said Blom.

the World Health Organization (WHO), South Africa has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy globally, with nearly one in four girls falling pregnant before turning 20 years old.


Moreover, the agency responsible for global public health also reported in 2023 that, globally, an estimated 13% of adolescent girls and young women give birth before they turn 18.


The electricity to several provincial buildings was disconnected due to the R1,3 billion debt owed by the province to the Mangaung Metro’s power utility, Centlec.

Matshediso Setai, spokesperson of the Office of the Premier, said in a news release, “the disconnections are unfortunate, but an understandable course of action.”

Setai said the impasse stems from a historical debt of arrears and current accounts owed by the Free State Provincial Government (FSPG) to Centlec.

It is not the first time that Centlec has taken action by disconnecting the power to provincially-owned buildings.

“The FSPG appreciates that the metro itself is undergoing its own financial recovery plan they have entered into with the National Treasury,” Setai said in a media release, adding that the FSPG, together with the Mangaung Metro and Centlec executive leadership, had started with a process to negotiate long term solutions, including a payment plan dealing with arrears.

André Snyman, DA councillor in the Mangaung Metro, said the unprecedented step of cutting electricity to government offices was due to non-payment.

“This is a clear indication of the administration’s failure to manage resources responsibly. Given the massive arrears in debt, there will certainly be no quick fixes, but rather a commitment by all parties to a sustainable plan which, in some instances, may require financial reconfiguration, particularly given the country’s ongoing fiscal consolidation efforts,” Setai said.

The entities that were affected by the disconnections are the departments of Education, Human Settlements and Provincial Treasury, which are housed in the Fidel Castro Building; as well as those located in the O.R. Tambo Building, which include Public Works and Infrastructure, along


with the Office of the Premier, the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta); also the Lengau Testing and Traffic Centre.

According to Setai, the disruptions reagarding service delivery are minimal, as backup generators are available in all affected government buidlings.

Setai said the FSPG’s financial systems remained operational, ensuring that service delivery was not affected.

Snyman said the DA planned on taking urgent action by escalating the Manaung Metro’s financial mismanagement to the Free State Provincial Legislature to demand accountability.

“The DA will formally table the issue, calling for a full investigation into the R2 billion in unauthorised, irregular and wasteful expenditure,” he said.

Lele Mamatu, Centlec spokesperson, said the entity had exhausted multiple efforts to engage with defaulting customers, businesses and government departments through its approved Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy. This includes the issuing of disconnection notices for overdue accounts.

Despite these efforts, a significant number of accounts remain unpaid, which negatively impacts Centlec’s ability to continue delivering quality services.

In 2022, the Free State government departments owed Centlec more than R200 million in arrears, leading to the power supplier taking action by disconnecting its power supply.

However, after talks with former Premier Sisi Ntombela, the supply was reconnected with an undertaking that payments would be made to Centlec.

Multitudes of learners of different high schools in Matwabeng, Senekal, attending a sex education workshop to curb the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy on 4 February. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Former matriculants of the Heatherdale Comprehensive School presenting a donation to the school. From the left are Francios Miles, Vinetia Walburgh (acting headmistress) and Johan Blom. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Township marks significant chapter in its rich history


The historically significant township of Botshabelo will take the centre stage with a celebratory event dubbed “Botshabelo Day” on Saturday, 15 February.

The celebration of this day originates from a peaceful protest in 1989 against the incorporation of Botshabelo to former homeland Qwaqwa, and recognises the sacrifices made and the Botshabelo people’s struggle for liberation as well as preserving history of the township.

To be held at the Kaizer Sebothelo Stadium, starting at 10:00, the event will mark a significant chapter that unfolded 36 years ago.

The steering committee organising the day is made up of a group of activists, who also contributed in significant ways in the liberation struggle of the township during the apartheid era.

“We are individuals who are brought together by the love of our township and its people. Our main objective is to ignite activism amongst our people of Botshabelo,

We are individuals who are brought together by the love of our township and its people

- Ramajoko Mothupi

with the interest of working to advancing the development of our township,” said Ramajoko Mothupi, spokesperson.

According to Mothupi, the event renews the spirit to celebrate annually the freedom of Botshabelo township in February.

“This year we decided to take it upon ourselves to celebrate this important day when people of Botshabelo came together, held hands and march against its incorporation to the Qwaqwa homeland on 14 February in 1989,” said Mothupi.

The march proceeded to where the municipality’s office is now situated, where elected leaders supposedly presented a petition against the incorporation.

Politically conscious formations and individuals galvanised

multitudes to join the march on a Sunday, characterised by windy and dusty condition.

The march of resistance against the incorporation is believed to have underscored the significant politics of consciousness in Botshabelo

It was fuelled by the people’s struggle for freedom, which strengthened the sense of unity among the formations to achieve their ultimate goal and further democracy in South Africa.

Formations range from religious, social organisations, youth, and teachers movement.

Included among the more politically conscious formations were the Botshabelo Youth Congress (Boyco), Botshabelo Student Organisation (Boso), and the radical Botshabelo Progressive Teachers Union (Boptu), whose slogan was How can a Hungry Teacher, Teach a Hungry Child?

Among the torch bearers who formed part of the teachers union, were Kgauhelo David Kanapi and Gauta Lefuo (both late), Molifi Tau, and Teboho Leoate.

It later emerged that the march followed a failed bid in 1987 to incorporate the township by the

then Qwaqwa government, led by the late prime minister Dr Kenneth Mopeli.

In a research paper titled “The Gospel in the ‘Apartheid City’ of Botshabelo,” by Dr Pieter Verster, who was a lecture at the University of the Free State (UFS), it was revealed that Botshabelo was initially incorporated on 2 December in 1987, but the decision was reversed by the Supreme Court after it was successfully challenged.

According to the Free State sociology survey, the decision to incorporate Botshabelo was opposed by 74% of the residents who wished to remain South Africans.

Botshabelo, meaning “a place of refuge”, was established in 1979 and turns 46 years old this year.

It was formed to accommodate scores of people who reportedly were the victims of brutal oppression, tribal politics, along with racial and ethnic discrimination.

Currently, the township is regarded the largest in South Africa, and areas or sections are named in alphabetical order starting with Section A.

Killer brought to justice


Justice has been served for a 23year-old Luckhoff-based woman, Elvira Syster – ten months after her brutal killing.

The Free State High Court in Bloemfontein sentenced her murderer, Leonard Olyn (26), to 14 years’ direct imprisonment on Monday, 3 February.

The victim reportedly succumbed to injuries she sustained while being assaulted. She died on 31 March last year at the Pelonomi Hospital in Bloemfontein. Syster’s murder was met with outrage and sent shock waves throughout the Free State’s Letsemeng Local Municipality.

Sgt. Martin Xuma, provincial police spokesperson, said Olyn (also a resident of Luckhoff) pleaded guilty to murdering the victim.

“The accused pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 14 years’ direct imprisonment. He was declared unfit to possess a firearm,” said Xuma.

Left for dead and found half-naked at a local graveyard, the victim had multiple bruises to her face and head.

Xuma said the police in Luckhoff were alerted by a passer-by who noticed the victim lying unconscious at the graveyard on 24 March at about 06:30. He said the accused was arrested after incriminating evidence was found.

“Police found a running shoe with blood stains as well as a T-shirt. The accused was apprehended the following day. The blood-stained running shoe and T-shirt were taken to the forensic science laboratory for analysis and the results were positive, linking the accused to the murder,” said Xuma.

He said Olyn’s sentencing was the culmination of probing by WO Paseka Tsokolibane, who also opposed bail and ensured the accused was brought to book.

Elvira Syster
The steering committee organising the Botshabelo Day’s 36 year celebration are, from the left, Sandile Faku, Zolile Mangcotywa, Mongezi Tafane, Thembani Lala, Richard Mokotedi, Sentle Sikisi, Getrude Mothupi, Thabo Tlhobelo, Makhetha Ratsoho, and Ramajoko Mothupi. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Standing strong, together, against growing cause of death worldwide

ambassadors and survivors from Bloemfontein observed World Cancer Day at


Power lies in water

Hydropower is undoubtedly one of the building blocks of today’s renewable energy industry, with the first bona fide hydroelectric plant established in Wisconsin, America, in 1882.


From the


Cancer Day, for the period from 2025 until 2027, is “United by Unique”. The slogan highlights the fact that people have unique stories, needs, perspectives and situations that need to be taken into consideration when shaping care and healthcare systems, while the community and everyone with an experience of cancer is united in their aim to take action against the illness. The annual event aims at raising awareness of the global impact of cancer and increasing understanding of prevention, detection, treatment and care. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Immense strength forged in fire

A breast cancer survivor in Bloemfontein, Vanessa Pijoos, is using her story to inspire hope and the importance of education about cancer.

A campaigner in her own right, she spreads the gospel of hope and participates in initiatives such as the Big Walk and Pink Ribbon campaigns, the latter of which is a well-recognised symbol of breast cancer awareness.

BloemExpress interviewed Pijoos to gain some insight about her journey since she was diagnosed with breast cancer, tying in with National Cancer Prevention Month during February.

Pijoos, who works as an administrative officer at the University of the Free State (UFS) in Bloemfontein and holds a Bachelor of Management Leadership (BML) degree, says the devastating news of cancer came in 2016.

“Hearing that you have cancer can sometimes feel like a death sentence. My first diagnosis in March 2016 was hard to hear, because the news was very unexpected, and it was devastating. I was diagnosed with HER2-positive stage 2 breast cancer. Thereafter, I was in remission for almost seven years.

“But then the cancer came

back, and in February 2023 I was diagnosed with the same breast cancer – only this time it was stage 1. It was still not easy to hear that it was back. The doctor then also told me that I had to undergo a bilateral mastectomy, which is the removal of both my breasts,” says Pijoos.

“After receiving my diagnosis, both times, it was difficult to accept and to make peace with what would be my new normal

for the time being. I was overwhelmed, heartbroken, and had immense fear about the future and what laid ahead of me.

“Cancer affects your physical health, as well as mental and emotional well-being, and left me with scars inside and outside my body. When I heard that I had cancer again in 2023, the questions that filled my mind was whether I would make it, whether I would still be able to enjoy my

life, what would my future look like, and how would this new normal affect my children, inner circle, and work.”

Pijoos attributes her ability to thrive to her faith in God.

“This kept me going through the difficult journey. I am also blessed to have an amazing support system that consists of my family and friends, who continue to carry me in prayers.

“The chemotherapy had a lot of side effects, but it did not stop me from getting up every day, dressing up, and going to work, knowing I have a support system at work. Over the past years, I have witnessed my own transformation from fragility to fortitude. Through the treatments, trials and hardship, I discovered inner resilience and a deeper connection with God.

“With renewed hope, I shifted from survival mode to embracing life’s beauty, trusting in God’s guidance, his love for me and his grace. I never allowed a cancer diagnosis or the reality of losing both breasts to define me, or make me feel less feminine,” says Pijoos.

“The ‘Big C’ is not always a death sentence, but it will affect your mental and physical health. Too many people are not educated on what cancer is, and can have a misconception that it is contagious.”

Bright outlook for country’s economy

South Africa’s economic growth is projected for a steady upward trajectory, with an estimated rate of 2,0% in the medium-term this year.

Frederick Mitchell, Aluma Capital economist, said the prospect of economic growth included signifiant factors.

These are the Reserve Bank’s lowering of interest by 25 basis points, aligning with market expectations, and South Africa’s recording of a trade balance surplus of R15,46 billion in December 2024, during which exports exceeded imports.

The significant change in overall trade volume is a decrease by 1,4%, with a much larger drop of imports by 6,5%.

Mitchell said compared to November and December 2023, the value of exports and imports for November and December 2024 was lower, despite lower interest rates and a similar rand and dollar exchange rate.

Given the outlook, South Africa’s economic growth is projected to recover from 1,8% this year, and 2% in the medium-term.

Mitchell said the country mainly exported raw materials, such as base metals, gold, precious metals and minerals, while importing value-added goods like vehicles, chemicals and

machinery. He said international trade measured the country’s demand for foreign goods and services against the demand for domestically manufactured products in global markets.

For South Africa to achieve economic growth, the government has been urged to be proactive, ease infrastructure bottlenecks to enhance trade activity, and support economic growth.

“Rising confidence levels and a stable electricity supply offer promising signs for economic growth into 2025, with a growth projection of 2,0% for 2027. Inflation is expected to remain contained for at least the first half of 2025, with core inflation projected to stay within the target range of 3% to 6%.

“On the demand side, the economy is rebounding from a low base, supported by increased disposable income resulting from withdrawals from the two-pot pension system and recent interest rate reductions since September 2024,” said Mitchell.

He stated the Reserve Bank’s inflation forecast for 2025 was around 4,5%, following interest rate reduction. The latest cut in rates follows another during November last year.

Today, hydropower accounts for about 16% of the world’s total electricity generation and is, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the world’s largest source of renewable energy.

Closer to home, hydropower is used across the African continent, with many countries featuring major hydroelectric plants. As it stands, Zambia is the leading producer in Africa, generating an estimated 17 terawatthours (TWh), followed by Mozambique at 16 TWh, and Ethiopia in third place with 15 TWh.

Considering hydropower forms such an important part of the global energy posture, it is critical that its operations must be efficient, reliable and sustainable. Like other industry giants, automation must, therefore, form part of today’s modern hydropower operations to improve resource management and enhance reliability.

Water’s very nature is unpredictable; it is a fluid after all. And yes, whilst this might sound terribly oversimplified, it does make an important case for automated resource management. Automated systems play a significant role in monitoring and managing water levels, flow rates, and real-time energy demand.

It allows for precise control of water usage, ensuring that hydropower plants operate at optimal levels whilst conserving vital water resources. This precision maximises energy output and also safeguards against wastage, contributing to sustainable water management. Taking it one, important, step further is the optimisation of turbine performance and energy management. Here, automation offers: ) Real-time monitoring which continuously tracks turbine parameters such as speed, temperature, pressure, and flow rates allows operators to make immediate adjustments for optimal efficiency.

) Adaptive control algorithms which dynamically adjusts turbine operations based on changing water flow and energy demand, ensuring maximum efficiency.

) Load forecasting and Automatic Generation Control (AGC); by predicting energy demand, it ensures a balanced electricity supply, enhancing grid stability and reliability.

) Smart grid integration where automated hydropower plants seamlessly integrate with smart grids, improving energy distribution and accommodating fluctuations in renewable energy generation.

By investing in automation technologies, hydropower plants operators can readily meet regulatory requirements and achieve their sustainability goals. As mentioned, automation technologies allow for resource management which in turn reduces impact on the environment. Furthermore, continuous tracking of environmental parameters, such as water quality and aquatic ecosystem health, supports regulatory adherence.

Automation also optimises energy conversion, thus lowering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and promoting eco-friendly operations.

And importantly, automation allows hydropower plant operations to quickly react to potential catastrophic issues such as flooding or equipment failures.

As the demand for renewable energy continues to grow, automation allows hydropower plants to scale operations efficiently. Automated processes can be adjusted or expanded with minimal increases in labour or operational costs, making them a cost-effective solution for future energy needs. Industry stakeholders, policymakers, and technology providers must collaborate to accelerate the adoption of automation and unlock the full potential of hydropower in the global energy mix.

) Kobus Vermeulen is the direct sales executive for process automation at Schneider Electric.

Bloem Plaza
Tuesday, 4 February.
Thobeka Fuku, Mammotse Moloi, Amelia Nyaphuli, Phindiwe Sera, Lindiwe Vinger,
Pijoos, Tsholofelo Rapudumo and Mamotheo Khotle. The theme of World

Get their kicks by showing skill

The Dikoena Stars FC currently campaigns in the IBL Development League U15 category of the Bloemfontein Local Football Association, under the auspices of Safa Mangaung Metro. This development boys outfit from Rocklands in Bloemfontein is in stream A of the league competition, which has 84 clubs. Given the number of clubs, the league is divided into seven streams of 12 teams each. PHOTO: TEBOHO SETENA

Universities’ rugby sides up for gruelling task

The University of the Free State (UFS) men’s rugby team, the Shimlas, is gearing up for a gruelling quest to defend its FNB Varsity Cup glory.

Crunch time is drawing nearer

The Marumo Gallants are compelled to make amends in the Nedbank Cup’s last round of 16 match against the steadily improving AmaZulu in their aspiration to progress further in the knockout competition.

This fixture will be played at the Dr Molemela Stadium on Saturday, 15 February, with kick-off set for 15:00.

The Bahlabane ba Ntwa managed to avoid becoming a statistic describing the clubs that had been eliminated by minnows in the tournament, by narrowly beating the Pretoria Callies in the last-32 group stage. Pint-sized midfielder Monde Mphambaniso scored the all-important goal at the death of the tightly contest fixture.

The visitors, on the other hand, progressed to the next round after beating the Mighty Eagles 5 – 1.

The Gallants will meet their visiting Durban-based opponents just days after losing 0 – 2 in a Betway Premiership clash played away. The hosts have two things to avoid. First, being reduced to playing with ten players as was the case against Callies in the tournament; and second, a defeat on home soil in Bloemfontein.

The Gallants looked to emulate the 2021-’22 season’s sterling run when they reached the final, only to lose 1 – 2 to eventual winner Mamelodi Sundowns. It was Malesela’s second final in the competition.

The Gallants’ head coach will depend on the experience of influential players that include captain Edgar Manaka, Washington Arubi, and Mphambaniso to plot against AmaZulu in the forthcoming encounter.

The Ixias of the Central University of Technology (CUT), Free State, will take on the University of Johannesburg (UJ).

The Ixias camp retained top status via the relegation and promotion play-

The home lads will begin their assignment on Monday, 17 February, against their arch-rivals: the Stellenbosch University’s Maties. They are among the eight top-seeded teams vying for the prestigious trophy.

offs last year, following a dismal tournament run. The two years prior, the CUT managed to survive relegation to the lower tier Varsity Shield, which starts on Friday, 14 February. The top-tier face-offs will end in May, culminating in the crowning of the champions.

The Dan Malesela-led warriors are compelled to dust off the cobwebs and display their pedigree as warriors against the tourists. They are seeking to avenge their loss in the league in the upcoming pulsating tournament match, with the winners thereof progressing to the quarterfinal.

The match is crucial for the Gallants to redeem themselves following additional back-to-back losses against Richards Bay United and AmaZulu, respectively.

) Tickets for the match are sold at R40 and R50 at

The Marumo Gallants’ pint-sized midfielder, Monde Mphambaniso (with ball), set to spearhead his team against the AmaZulu in the pulsating knockout cup tournament. PHOTO: TEBOHO SETENA

Schools sport given platform

A private-public partnership to stream and broadcast schools sport is envisaged to uplift sport in South African schools. The partnership is between two giants broadcasters, namely SABC Sport and SuperSport.

The collaboration of a fully curated SuperSport Schools channel on the SABC Plus streaming platform was officially launched on Saturday, 8 February, complementing the access South Africans already have to high-quality schools and youth sports through the SuperSport Schools streaming platform.

The new channel on SABC Plus will feature a selection of content from SuperSport Schools’ extensive portfolio, which includes over 60 000 matches in 2024 across a variety of sports disciplines.

The channel will focus on a diverse range of schools and youth sport, including football, netball, rugby, athletics, hockey and basketball. In a media statement, the parties stated the aim is to leverage the expertise and platforms of both entities, enhancing the viewer experience and further promoting community engagement.

SuperSport Schools is renowned for its high-quality broadcasts and innovative use of technology in sports coverage.

Rendani Ramovha, chief executive officer (CEO) of SuperSport, said one of the core pillars of this collaboration is the ongoing promotion of community engagement, fostering a deeper connection between schools and their surrounding communities.

“We want to encourage participation in sports at a grassroots level and reignite interest in sports across all schools in the country. Both SuperSport and the SABC share a common vision of providing young athletes with a platform to shine and inspiring future generations of sportsmen and women,” said Ramovha.

Nomsa Chabeli, CEO for the SABC group, described the partnership as life-changing.

“This partnership extends beyond the fulfilment of the SABC’s mandate, by offering South Africans from all walks of life a platform that nurtures young talent and provides unparalleled opportunities for personal and professional development.

“This partnership allows the SuperSport Schools channel to be accessible on the SABC Plus streaming platform, enabling rising stars to gain recognition in the early stages, which will lead to more opportunities in the future,” said Chabeli.

Shilabeko Makhubele (left) and Moses Bome (middle), both students of the University of the Free State (UFS), and Bryce Deutschmann, a learner at the St Andrew’s School, represented the Sungazers from Bloemfontein, playing for the Northern Region. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Frisbees take flight

The first South African Ultimate Frisbee Inter-Regional Tournament (IRT) for U24 players was held on Sunday, 9 February, at the St Michael’s School for Girls in Bloemfontein.

It brought players from across South Africa together to ultimately decide who should represent the country in the U24 World Ultimate Championships in Logroño, Spain, in June.

The four teams that competed in the tournament are based on the four South African Flying Disc Association’s (Safda) demarcated regions.

The Northern Region constitutes the Free State, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North West, and Limpopo. The Western

Relebohile Esther Motsitsi and the unknown biological father of Reamohetse Motsitsi born 2023-12-13 to contact Esmari du Plessis on 082 202 4306 with regards to her adoption.

Gundo Mudau or family, please contact Esmari du Plessis on 082 202 4306 with regards to the adoption of a girl child, Bokamoso Letlatsa born 2023-12-10

Engo Adoptions is calling on any person who knows or is the biological father of a child called Gosiame Junior Pitso born 2023-12-10 to contact Esmari du Plessis on 082 202 4306. GENERAL & HOME SERVICES FOR HIRE 1820




In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts

Late Estate: MOLELEKENG ADELINA LEKHEBOTSANE, ID nr 841230 0791 083, Last Address: 51 J SECTION BOTSHABELO FREE STATE, First Names of Surviving Spouse: MABITSELE LEKHEBOTSANE, ID nr 590801 5828 089, Estate No: 005106/2023

Mr Tshidiso FINGER

72 St Andrews, Ground Floor No 3, Bloemfontein 051 247 5015




Estate Late: TSILISO WILLIAM SHASHA Identity Nº: 590512 5466 081 Estate Nº: 000061/2024 Masters office: BLOEMFONTEIN, Date of death: 2023-11-23, Date of birth: 1959-05-12 Married in community of property:

GOITSHASIOANG PRISCILLA SHASHA Idendity no: 590320 0839 082, Last address: 3719

SEFOTLHELO STREET BOCHABELA 10 C, BLOEMFONTEIN 9301, All persons having claims against the above Estate are called upon to lodge their claims with the Executor(s) concerned within a period of 30 days from the date 2025/02/14, Any debtors of the estate are requested to pay amounts owing to the executor within the aforesaid period.




NOTICE FOR THE ACCOUNT LYING FOR INSPECTION DECEASED ESTATE IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE: SANKOELA MABUTI BAREKI PASSPORT NUMBER: RC900785 Date of death: 25 AUGUST 2023, ADRESS: KOLOLONG HA MATOMOKOANE BUTHA-BUTHE LESOTHO, ESTATE NUMBER: 007979/2024, Notice is hereby given that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution account will lie for inspection at the Master of the Free State High Court Bloemfontein for a period of twenty-one (21) days from THURSDAY the 13th of FEBRUARY 2025.



TEL: 051 492 1150



Notice is hereby given that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution account in the estate of the late STHEMBISO STEVEN KHENE (Identity Number: 581029 5872 086) who resided at 6981 Unique Homes, Phahameng, Bloemfontein, will lie open for the inspection of all interested persons at the office of the Master of the High Court in Bloemfontein for a period of 21 days from 14 February 2025. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. NO 2696/2024

Dr C Cilliers c/o Webbers P O Box 501 Bloemfontein 9300.

Region has both the Western and Northern Cape. KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape make up the Eastern and Southern Region, respectively.

The U24 IRT is not only the first tournament of its kind in the country, but is also the first national tournament hosted in the Free State since the mixed nationals in 2015.

Shilabeko Makhubele and Moses Bome, students at the University of the Free State (UFS), and Bryce Deutschmann, a learner at the St Andrew’s School, represented the Sungazers from Bloemfontein, playing for Northern Region.

The team consists of 20 players and finished third in the tournament.

The team for the national squad will be announced soon.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T6624/1976 passed by Pieter Jacobus Venter, Born on 20 November 1931, in favour of Pieter Schalk Welgemoed, Born on 18 August 1936 and transferred to Anna Sophia Welgemoed, Identity Number 390319 0065 088, Unmarried, in respect of Portion 7 of Erf 25003 Bloemfontein, District Bloemfontein, Province Free State, which has been lost or destroyed.

All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at BLOEMFONTEIN within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at BLOEMFONTEIN this 6 FEBRUARY 2025



E -mail address:

Contact number: 051 505 0200

IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE: MALEFU GRACIE MOSIME IDENTITY NUMBER: 640404 1578 087, Date of death: 22 FEBRUARY 2024, And surviving spouse LINTELO BEN MOSIME IDENTITY NUMBER: 501016 5659 081, ADRESS: 16830 NDLONDLO STREET PHASE TWO BLOEMFONTEIN 9323 ESTATE NUMBER: 001490/2024 Creditors and debtors in the abovementioned estate are requested to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the Executor concerned within 30 (thirty) days as from THURSDAY the 13th of FEBEUARY 2025.



TEL: 051 492 1150



Wednesday, 12 February 2025

No room for error on field


The relegation-bound Royal Palace football club’s tough battle to avoid being axed at the end of the current season continues.

Rooted in the danger zone, the club was unable to fully capitalise on the costly mistakes of its opposition, the Bloemfontein Ambassadors FC, as they played to a draw in a third-tier league fixture.

Played on Saturday, 8 February, at the Clive Solomon Stadium, Bloemfontein, the outing ended in a final score of twoall as the Royal players let their lead slip at a crucial stage.

Royal FC is now pressured to amend in all future games to survive relegation at the

end of the current season.

The team is let down by a porous defence, accounting for 27 goals conceded thus far in the Hollywoodbets Regional League, played under the banner of Safa in the Mangaung Metro.

The Bloemfontein stream, with 12 clubs in total, now enters into the final stretch.

Boasting 17 points in fifth position on the log, the Ambassadors will strive to improve their position.

Kamele FC is riding the wave in the league with 28 points, but is under pressure from strong challenger Ocean XI FC, in second place with 27 points from 11 league matches.

James FC and Rhee Junior FC are tied at 18 points apiece, and are in third and fourth position, respectively.

The Bloemfontein Ambassadors FC goalkeeper, Boitumelo Ketela, making a brilliant save, denying Royal Palace striker Tshepang Matsoso (blue) during the teams’ Bloemfontein Regional League fixture played at the Clive Solomon Stadium on Saturday. Defender Vuyo Mbuqa (green) covers up for his goal-mender teammate during the match, which ended in a two-all draw. PHOTO: TEBOHO

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