Natural Organized Woman Sorority Incorporated

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“You can have everything you want in life, if you just help enough other people get what they want.� NOW

We live by this simple yet powerful philosophy and we invite you to embrace it in order to achieve all of your dreams. The program you are being presented with here holds the potential to change you life, for the better, forever. We sincerely hope you make the most of the NowWear Opportunity and we welcome your valuable, lasting participation! Warm regards NOW

Congratulations! You have just come across something that has the power to change your life for the better, forever. NowWear Corporation is the worldwide Jobs initiative e-shopping portal for all to enjoy. Our product is an incredible $31.25 per month package that includes your own wholesale accounts, and email account, plus an easy-to-use web site store that will allow you to have a professional looking web site store on the web as quickly as possible. And the best thing is, you can try out everything we have to offer, starting today, for FREE. We offer a trial of our entire Jobs Program, no strings attached.

The eShopping Mall portal industry is exploding! Industry experts predict that over 5 Million eShopping Mall portals will be active annually within the next ten years. NowWear® has no competition in the system marketing industry. We are the only company that has the ability to market our eShopping Mall portal names through the power of system marketing, and we're willing to pay you handsomely for helping us get the word out worldwide. There are no geographical or income limits with NowWear®. If you have already taken a moment to read our exciting, brief presentation on line, you already know this. If you haven't, then click here and "Get Ready for the Ride of Your Life!”

Ways You are Compensated Pay for performance, sometimes abbreviated "P4P", is a motivation concept in human resources, in which employees receive increased compensation for their work if their team, department or company reaches certain targets. As of 2005, 75 percent of all U.S. companies connect at least part of an employee's pay to measures of performance.


5-Level Uni-Level Compensation Plan

This is our standard compensation plan that ALL affiliates qualify for, even those who are still in their free trial period. Basically, you are paid $10.41 per month, per eShopping Mall portal, that is registered in your 5 level systems. A uni-level compensation plan is the simplest pay plan in system marketing, and the key to our quick growth. P4P. You are not limited by width. You can sell as many people as you want to, and so can those people that you sell, and so on. Here's an example. You sell 5 people to our product/program. That pays you $52.05 per month. No big deal? Be patient, you'll see the power of this. Each of those 5 people then sell 5 of their own, so you're now getting paid an additional $260.25 per month on your "second level". Each of those 25 can sell as many as they want, but for consistency we'll say that they too sell 5 each. That's $1,301.25 in monthly commissions on your 3rd level. If the trend continues, you'll have $6,506.25 in monthly commissions on your 4th level, and $32,531.25 in monthly commissions on your 5th level. We call this the BiggSister level. Your title will be Regional President. Your service can be Retail Project Manager and Career Coach. We will provide benefits, human capital management and support. That's a total of over $390,375 a year in commissions for selling 5 people, and then teaching those people how to do the same and assisting them in growing their own organizations. Keep in mind that nobody is limited in how many people they can sell. Some of our affiliates personally sell hundreds of other affiliates. Just a couple of these "go-getters" in your organization can really blow your income off the charts. Here's a graphical example of our uni-level plan.


Earn an UNLIMITED Number of $100 Bonuses Each Week by Simply Selling FIVE New Confirmed Affiliates in a 7-day Contest Period.

You read that correctly! For every 5 paid affiliates you sell in a one week period, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus. There is no limit! Sell 25 new paid affiliates in one week and you'll earn $500! Our bonus contests are exciting... The following contest rules, awards and eligibility requirements will apply. Please read the new rules carefully and let us know if you have any questions about how the contests will be run. Contest Eligibility Requirements: You must have purchased at least ten (10) T-Shirts through your NOWWEAR account and your account must be paid and in good standing. The reason for this requirement is that we are HIGHLY recommending this as a Jobs Program promotional method for recruiting new affiliates. Your sales will be counted for one calendar week. A "week" is defined as 12:00am Monday through 11:59pm Sunday, Pacific Time. For every five (5) new PAID sales you make in the contest week, you will earn $100. For instance, if you sell 10 new affiliates who remain affiliates after their trial period, you would earn $200 for that week. Only affiliates who we can bill on the first charge attempt are counted in this contest. Because of our free 7-day trial, there is a one week delay after the contest week ends before your number of confirmed sales can be determined. You'll need a PayPal account or an ADP Total Pay Card to collect your prize money. How Winners are Determined: One week after the last day of the contest week, actual, confirmed winners are determined as the free trial members become paid affiliates. Because of our 7-day free trial offer to new affiliates, we do not know which affiliates will become paying customers until they are charged for their account at the end of the 7-day trial. Many Affiliates are getting 3 months, 6 months and 12 months in advance to make up the year. We will teach you how to ask for an annual premium. Affiliates who cancel their account prior to being charged DO NOT COUNT toward the bonus contests. The contests only count actual new affiliates from whom we are able to obtain the $31.25 fee on our first billing attempt. Contest standings and results will be announced via email and on our members' area leader boards. Requirements to Collect Your Bonus: Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about NowWear’s opportunity and/or product to along with your permission to use it on our testimonials Website. Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success. Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to

The email address at your NOWWEAR eShopping Mall portal to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only an email address on the eShopping Mall portal registered through NowWear (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already. After 3 pay periods NowWear will register you with our payroll service ADP and their “Total Pay Card”. For US residents: • • •

Read, sign and return the last pages the following documents: Independent Affiliate Agreement Terms and Conditions Independent Affiliate Policies and Procedures Government issued picture identification (driver's license or passport) All forms stated above as well as a completed and signed Form W-9. This form can be downloaded from here in PDF format, or you can pick up a copy at your local IRS office.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have a taxpayer ID (SSN or EIN), you should enter it in that box. If you do not have one, you should leave it blank.

All of the appropriate paperwork should then be sent via email, fax, or regular mail. I t is not necessary to send the entire Independent Affiliate Agreement Terms and Conditions or the entire Independent Affiliate Policies and Procedures. We require only the last signed page for each of these. Faxes can be sent to: 215.877.1591 Papers can be mailed to: NowWear Corporation EShopping Mall portals International #30019 4911 Wynnefield Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19131 U.S.A. You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money. If you have previously sent in your bonus requirement and we have your valid payout info on file, you will be paid automatically - so it is not necessary to send in a payment request or an additional testimonial and photo. Make sure you have ordered your T-Shirts and begin using the T-Shirt method of promotion as soon as possible. The T-Shirts have a place for your affiliate ID (known as the "access code" to your prospects). Throughout the presentation and on the T-Shirt packaging, your prospects will be directed to and instructed to enter your access code. Good luck! [START YOUR FREE TRIAL NOW]

$5,000 Job Signing Bonus Our Signing Bonus has been increased to $5,000! Any affiliate selling 100 or more paid affiliates in any consecutive 4 week period is eligible to receive the Job Bonus. The bar has been set high! Are you a heavy hitter? Show us what you're made of by selling 100 new affiliates in a month and you'll be taking home an extra $5,000 in addition to the thousands per month you'll quickly be making in performance pay. [START YOUR FREE REGISTRATION NOW]

NowWear Corporation® Announces Our NEW Infinity Bonus Since we first launched our Income for Ever™ affiliate program in May of 2008, we've had people asking us "How do I earn the BIG bucks in NowWear?" We've been running incredible sales contests, with many reps earning thousands of dollars in bonus money per month. However, for you serious players - the people who want to shoot for the moon - we're about to answer the BIG QUESTION, "How do I earn the big bucks in NOWWEAR?”

By getting paid on ALL levels, down to infinity, that's how! Don't get us wrong, our current pay structure is paying out TREMENDOUS REVENUES to those of you who are serious about building your NowWear business (many already approaching 5 figures monthly) but this takes it to the next level - allowing the real "go getters" to reach a level of income they've only dreamed about until now. How this works is still very simple. Imagine being paid not only on 5 levels, but on levels 6 through INFINITY. That could amount to some BIG extra income from the same amount of work. That's what the Infinity Bonus is all about. To earn 10% of revenues generated on your levels 6 through infinity, you must earn our "INFINTY OVERRIDE" bonus by selling AND maintaining at least 10 active BiggSister accounts on your Natural Line. In addition, at least 10 of those Natural Line affiliates must maintain at least 10 active affiliates each on THEIR front lines (100 active affiliates on your second level, who are sold by your Natural Line 10), and you'll need to have at least 5,000 active accounts in your entire 5 level organization. This will achieve the INFINITY OVERRIDE and you'll qualify to earn a 10% "unlimited levels" override, which pays down to the next qualifying "Infinity Override" on any given new hire. Will it be easy to qualify for the Infinity Override? Of course not. Nothing worth working towards ever is. However, achieving this title and earning Salary and Commissions on more than 5 levels IS SIMPLE. You do it the same way you sold your first member. Show the Benefits, then follow-up. Then, teach all

of your Natural Line to do the same. If you keep doing this for as long as it takes, YOU can earn the Infinity Override. Sticking with the NowWear Jobs Program and your daily marketing plan is the key. And, new affiliates that you sell then transfer to one of your Natural Line members DO count towards the requirement. We hope to have MANY affiliates earn the Infinity Override this year, including you! [START YOUR FREE REGISTRATION NOW]

Spot Light on Success - Testimony of Bonus Winners! "NowWear is a home business with integrity and is an ideal way to start your own business on a budget. They've really thought this one through." At the beginning, do at least one significant thing a day towards building your business (on a set number of days a week). Write an email; learn something in your account, etc. Soon you'll see rewards and it won't feel like work at all. As someone said: "Don't fear going slowly - only fear standing still." Kerrie

"I have tried a number of online businesses, but there is none quite like NowWear. For just $31.25 a month I can make a great return on my investment! Plus, I have made some great friends with NowWear. A NowWear Corporation eShopping Mall portal International is the right place for me. “Persistence will make your dream come true. I work, I get paid and that is that. Margaret

"There's no other opportunity like this! I knew that many people have become rich on the Internet, but I did not know how. Since I got my Internet connection, I was looking for a possibility for myself. Someone showed me a personalized Flash presentation of and I was very impressed. I recognized that there is no risk - only $31.25 a month for my own NowWear eShopping Mall business portal and this worldwide "Income Opportunity for Ever". I started at home and now I am working from an office building we lease. My wife and I only a few hours a day, but my income is growing every month. I have more time for my daughter. It's great! "Talk to people wherever

you are. Tell them about this great job and then help your newly hired and getting success with it! Norman

"NowWear is the greatest pay for performance business ever. It took a little time to get the ball rolling, but now I have momentum and it's only going to get faster and bigger! Now that I can see some light at the end of the tunnel, it only gives me more determination." Listen to me. Talk to your Coach! If I

was going to play professional ball I would want to talk to a Coach or trainer. It's the same for this job. Talk to someone with experience to get experience! Simpson


"As a family man and a government employee, I recognize the great value of NowWear’s Pay for Performance Jobs Program. This is a great home business with a product that practically sells itself!" Every single person in

the world is potentially worth $1 for you! Pertiarto ]

"I've been involved with Systematic Pay for performance Selling for several years. I believe NowWear is the best genuine opportunity for decades, and its simple step pattern will bring success and prosperity to the ordinary person like me (with average skills and abilities) much quicker than anything else I've looked at. Your past cannot be changed. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. You can choose to make it better. A walk in the park begins with the first step along the path. What will you decide to do?" Follow

up with people who view the presentation by phone or email as soon as possible, then help them make an informed decision! Marc McDimpsey Bonus winner 4 times. My pay for performance is now at $3,200 per week. J Cohen

"NowWear is a very generous company and it will truly help me finance my projects. NowWear works fast here in the Philippines because it has the three A's of a successful business: Affordability (product is only $31.25), Availability (available 24/7), and Accessibility (home based)." My wife and 4 daughters sell and average of 500 T-Shirts per month along with the Memberships. We make a very generous living, NOW! Enrique

"I'd like to recommend all Brazilian people to NowWear. Brazil has hundreds of registered eShopping Mall portals nowadays. The country is one of the champions internet access, and those numbers are growing fast... For this and other reasons I see a world of opportunity for Brazilian people." Just invite your friends, like you have done in community websites. I am very excited about how fast NowWear Jobs Program is growing here, and I really believe that in a very little time, my Brazil roots will be recognized as a powerful place by NowWear. If you live in Brazil, what are you waiting for? Alex


How many people do you know who would like to earn an unlimited potential income, from the comfort of their own home, without ever having to talk to another person, and without investing one single penny to start? Aside from telling all the people you already know online about NowWear, the opportunity to quickly build your business is truly unlimited:

LEADS, LEADS, LEADS... Did you know that there are literally millions of people out of work and online today shopping for a job, who are just waiting to be told about a legitimate, exciting new opportunity? As we mentioned in this presentation, we have access to a virtually unlimited supply of interested prospects. Contact your Leader, Nadirah O. Williams today about the latest news on our Jobs Program, or sign up NOW, for FREE, and see for yourself! Your Leader can answer any questions you might still have about this phenomenal employment opportunity, or help you sign up right now, FREE.

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