Anne Sundberg
Governing boards are busy places and although governors are all volunteers, there is nonetheless much responsibility placed collectively on the board. This of course requires a lot of time, effort, commitment, and work.
It is hoped that in volunteering, governors also gain opportunities for self-development and the satisfaction of knowing that they are giving their time to furthering educational and holistic opportunities for young people in the community.
The Department for Education (DfE) released new governance guides on 7th March 2024, for both maintained schools and academies, but the core functions of effective governance are essentially still the same:
• Ensuring strategic direction – that the vision, ethos, and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined
• Holding executive leaders to account –ensuring that headteacher(s) and senior leaders perform their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school
• Overseeing financial performance –ensuring the sound, proper, and effective use of the school’s financial resources
Although this guidance may be applied slightly differently in different types of school, these three core functions still require that the board has a breadth of knowledge and experience, and a structure of governance in place, to be able to fulfil them.
But not every aspect of the board’s work needs to be done by the board itself. And that is where successful delegation of work to committees comes in.
And it is therefore probably no surprise that in addressing these
three core functions, the majority of boards/ trust boards follow the model of having at least a curriculum/standards committee and a finance/personnel committee, even if such committees go under slightly different names.
In multi-academy trusts it is likely that the governance model will be that the trust board delegates work to its own committees and that local governance in schools is served by local governing boards/committees which are essentially different names for the same thing. In maintained and non-academy schools it is likely that the governing board of a school will delegate work to its own committees.
But the structure of this delegation is likely to be the same in terms of function, operation, and ethos.
Of course, for this delegation to work, everyone needs to know what is expected of them. The structure of delegation needs to be clear and, equally importantly, to be adhered to, if everything is to work properly.
reference on an annual basis, and these should be approved by the board since it the board which needs to be satisfied that any delegation of work is compliant and effective.
The board should have a scheme of delegation, including a financial scheme of delegation (sometimes contained with the Finance Policy), and the board’s subcommittees should have terms of reference which clearly define membership, function, and remit. This is particularly important in terms of the headteacher being a committee member and how they form part of the quorum for any meeting. Arguably, a finance committee meeting consisting of the headteacher, and two other governors would not be a robust model of operation given the responsibilities usually placed on such committees. A quorum of three governors PLUS the headteacher would, for example, give an extra layer of robustness.
Committees should review their own terms of
Boards and schools should follow a compliance calendar or work plan which details what should be considered by the board and each committee and at what point in the academic year cycle. Statutory policies such as the Pay Policy, Sickness Absence Policy, and Appraisal Policy for example, are defined by the local authority/trust, and can only be approved by the full board. School policies and procedures, however, can be delegated to relevant committees for approval (not just for recommendation to the board), and it is vital that all governors and stakeholders understand the powers of the committee in approving these. It also saves a lot of board meeting time if these school policies and procedures are simply for noting as approved at committee level rather than requiring full board approval.
Other aspects of the board’s work can, and should, also be successfully delegated. Scrutiny of the budget is certainly one for the finance committee although ultimately it is the board which must approve it for sign-off by the chair.
And this is where trust and confidence come in. Without these two elements, no structure of delegation will ever really work. If part of the board’s work is delegated to a committee, then the members of this committee need to be trusted to get on with it. Not to be left abandoned in this but having the confidence and knowledge to understand what is required and how they can accomplish it.
Which brings us on to the next part of the art of delegation – how do boards and committees communicate to ensure that all information
is available and transparent but still avoiding information overload?
Committees are still responsible to the board as in reality no amount of careful delegation will ever change the fact that the “buck stops” with the board collectively.
But what is the point of a committee robustly scrutinising budgets or pupil performance data if this exact same information is simply going to presented and discussed in detail again at the next full board meeting?
All governance papers should be available to all governors and the expectation placed on individuals is that they will have read them. There may be a number of reasons why this is not happening, and if this is the case then it may be something the board may wish to address.
At The Education Space we use Governor Hub for storing and sharing governance information and boards which may not currently use Governor Hub to its full potential are strongly encouraged to do so.
Governors are busy people and schools are busy places. Governors need adequate time to read papers and schools need adequate time to prepare them, but sometimes “life” just gets in the way. A great benefit of Governor Hub is that papers can be uploaded and shared as and when they become available, rather than waiting until the whole meeting pack is ready to be circulated.
All governors will have access to Governor Hub, and the board will easily be able to see just what its committees are getting up to!
Question and challenge are vital parts of the role of governors and the board collectively, but this is perhaps only truly useful if the question has not already been answered. Revisiting matters for which clear clarification has already been provided can easily lead to frustration at meetings although this is not to say that governors should not ask questions if they need an answer, which is especially true for those newer to the role.
As we say in our Introduction to Governance course, there really is no such thing as a stupid question because there is every chance that at least someone else in the meeting will be grateful for the answer!
But governors who have given their time to attend a committee meeting do not really want to give more of their time to hear the same thing repeated. As mentioned previously, minutes of board and committee meetings can easily be made available to all governors on Governor Hub, with the only exception to this being confidential minutes of meetings when certain governors have a conflict of interest and recuse themselves. These minutes should give an accurate account of what was discussed and/or challenged. Therefore, a brief verbal summary by the committee chair at the full board meeting should suffice to capture key points and allow for any further questions should governors feel that they do indeed require more clarification on a particular matter. But for delegation to truly work, there has to be trust and confidence that the committee is able to fulfil its remit
And last, but by no means least, effective committees allow for governors, especially those more recently appointed, to gain in knowledge, confidence, and experience. To really begin to understand how the school operates, led by the school development plan, and to then question and challenge, if necessary, how this contributes to the strategic aims of the school and governing board.
While is it always useful for boards to consider existing skill sets when appointing governors to committees, it can be equally useful for a governor who has little experience of the curriculum, for example, to join the curriculum/standards committee so that they can plug their own skills gap in this respect.
Providing the committee membership remains robust in terms of collective expertise, experience, and knowledge, this really can be a chance to Grow Your Own Governor!
Sarah Beaumont, Head of Governance
The Education Space
“I believe that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way”
The Education 4 Change Conference on Friday 17 January 2025 in Stratford, East London, opened with a song performed by Sounds4Change, setting the tone for a wonderful day of key notes and sessions in a room of school and education leaders in Newham.
Founded by Joan Deslandes OBE, Headteacher at Kingsford Community School, Lando Duplooy, Headteacher at Dersingham Primary School and Lorna Jackson MBE, Headteacher of Maryland Primary School, Education 4 Change is an organisation committed to fostering equitable education for all.
Lorna Jackson MBE and her Deputy, Anastasia Boreham, opened the conference, speaking inspiringly about
their journey to success. Delegates were treated to view art pieces included in the school’s recent ‘Seeds of Change’ art exhibition, curated by Sabrina Charlery, art and equality lead at Maryland Primary School. The exhibition was staged to coincide with Islamophobia Awareness Month.
Dr Claudine Matthews DPROF HSC RD FHEA spoke about her research into the importance of understanding sickle cell disease and diet, challenging leaders to consider a health context when supporting young people presenting with issues that could well be symptoms.
Maggie Semple OBE, FCGI and Jane Oremosu (via live link from Australia) spoke about getting the language right in school settings. Their publication ‘My Little Black Book’ – a blacktionary -explores how inclusive language can affect change. Leaders were delighted to hear that Dr Kenny Monrose, a researcher, postgraduate tutor and fellow at the University of Cambridge and leading contributor present in the audience, was himself a Newham pupil through both primary and secondary phases. A Newham education success story in itself!
Colleagues from the Exceed Trust in Bradford shared their own stories and the challenges their communities were facing.
After a networking lunch, Abi Carberry, UK and EMEA Transformation Services Market Activation Driver at PricewaterhouseCoopers, spoke of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in corporate recruitment, which of course is relevant to school settings too.
Godfrey Junior, Chief of Staff to the Executive Director of Technology at the Bank of England, addressed economic wellbeing and disproportionality. As a Chair of Governors himself, his experiences in school governance – a subject close to my heart! – featured in this final presentation of the day.
The energy and ideas shared throughout the event were underpinned by the speakers’ personal stories, which gave the conference dimension and depth. With the drafting of action plans throughout the day, Education 4 Change did everything to ensure that work continues long after the conference closed, to create educational settings where every child is seen, heard and valued.
Wed, 29 January 2025
3:30 - 5:00 pm
Friday 24th January 2025
Wednesday 29th January 2025
Wednesday 29th January 2025
Wednesday 29th January 2025
Wednesday 5th February 2025
Thursday 6th February 2025
Wednesday 12th February 2025
Wednesday 5th March 2025
E-Learning Module / 1 Day Face to Face
Our Blended Paediatric First Course will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to competently administer Paediatric First Aid.
31st January 2025 Boardman House
3rd Floor, 64 Broadway, Stratford, E15 1NT
£193 (plus VAT) per person for members, £203 (plus VAT) for non-members.
Combined QA Level 3 First Aid at Work plus QA Level 3 Paediatric First Aid
Combining the Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work and the Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid into 3 extended days of classroom learning, this specially designed course provides learners with all of the skills and knowledge needed to administer full first aid for babies, children and young people of all ages and adults.
3rd - 5th February 2025
Boardman House 3rd Floor, 64 Broadway, Stratford, E15 1NT
£308 (plus VAT) per person for members, £318 (plus VAT) for non-members.
EmployerNew Vision Trust
Salary Inner London Main Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions)
LocationElmhurst Primary School
Hours 32.5 hours per week.
Closing Date31/03/2025 17:00
Link to Vacancyhttp://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/297992
Elmhurst Primary School is an outstanding school which is part of the New Vision Trust, an ambitious and successful Multi Academy Trust (MAT) comprised of five good and outstanding primary schools in the London borough of Newham and Redbridge; Vicarage, Nelson, Gallions, Elmhurst and Downshall. In this highly effective partnership each school retains their unique character whilst benefiting from the mutual support and challenge of belonging to a leading MAT.
We are seeking to appoint a teacher who has:
•Outstanding classroom practice or has the potential to develop this
•The desire to develop professionally
•A good academic background
•Experience of teaching across KS1 and KS2
Elmhurst Primary School is the lead school for the DfE nationally funded English Hub and Maths Hub. Expertise across our school includes phonics (we are a Read Write Inc model school), Mathematics, Art, Shakespeare and Debating, ensuring we have a rich and stimulating curriculum. Due to our national profile, Elmhurst is at the forefront of educational innovation, leading school improvement at a local and national level. Our staff are committed to ensuring that our learners receive the highest quality of education. As a member of the Elmhurst team, you will receive high quality support and development in your role, benefitting from the expertise of the National Hubs.
Professional Development:
•Access to high quality professional learning and leadership development, including nationally recognised programmes e.g. ECT, NPQSL & NPQML
•High quality induction programme for all joiners and the opportunity for extensive career progression
•Extended and paid opportunities for 1:1 tuition, after school clubs and external courses
•Regular opportunities to work with a network of professionals through the LNE Maths Hub and English Hub.
Personal and enrichment benefits:
• Inner London pay in the outer London Borough of Newham
•ECT starting salary £34,508. See below for further ECT benefits
•Resource rich working environment including laptops available to support planning and preparation
•Opportunities for residential and study visits abroad including France and Spain
•Free onsite parking and easy access to public transport
Early Career Teacher benefits:
•Salary: M1 inner London pay scale
•Recruitment and retention payment (until mainscale point M6)
• £1000 Golden Hello in August salary (ECTs who started in September 2022 received £32,157 + £1,351 recruitment and retention + £1000 Golden Hello totalling £34,508)
• Offer of paid work in June/July at the school to which appointed
• 2 days ECT familiarisation induction in July
• Bespoke training programme for ECTs with LNE Maths Hub and English Hub
• Sign posting details of local housing associations who offer a range of affordable accommodation in East London, including Local Space Housing Association (• www.localspace.co.uk) who prioritise Newham teachers on their waiting list
If you are interested in working for Elmhurst Primary School, we encourage you to contact Sukwinder Samra (• ssamra@elmhurst.newham.sch.uk) to arrange a visit to the school.
This role is not exempt from ROA 1974. A self-disclosure is required for this post, as well as an enhanced DBS certificate and barred list check. Please find the School's Safeguarding Policy attached for your attention.
Please note an online search will be conducted on all shortlisted candidates.
For technical enquires please call 020 8249 6946. For any other administrative enquiries please contact Farida Mayat at• farida.mayat@elmhurst.newham.sch.uk
Closing date: 31st March 2025, 5.00pm.
We are looking for a January 2025 and September 2025 start date.
Interviews will be held on a rolling basis.
Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Jobsgopublic Support Team (support@jobsgopublic.com). For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerLittle Ilford School
Salary Inner London Main/Upper Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions)
LocationLittle Ilford School
Hours 32.5 hours per week.
Closing Date28/02/2025 23:59
Link to Vacancyhttp://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/297746
This is a fantastic opportunity to teach in a well led, collaborative and supportive humanities faculty. Little Ilford is a friendly, inclusive and oversubscribed school in Newham making a big difference to the lives of our diverse student community. We have a strong reputation and high expectations of both students and staff and consider this to be an exciting place to work and develop, where creativity and innovation are nurtured. Our targets for attainment and progress are challenging, but staff have the focus and determination to realise them for the benefit of our students. We really know our students, and focus on them as individuals. Pastoral systems are strong and we value a curriculum offer and activities that educate the whole child.
As a school we are absolutely committed to ensuring that all staff have access to comprehensive professional development and have developed an exciting and impactful programme designed to offer training that makes a real difference. We value a good home/work balance and do what we can to support our staff in this respect.
We are looking for a committed, enthusiastic and high calibre geography teacher who has exceptional subject knowledge to join our energetic and dynamic team. You will work in the humanities team, ensuring that the quality of teaching and learning in your lessons is outstanding, keeping up to date with curricular developments and helping to ensure that geography is popular and successful within the option choices. You will engage and inspire our students in the subject, allowing them to make outstanding progress and achieve strong results, and you will contribute to general humanities teaching as required.
We will support and develop you to become an outstanding teacher and provide working partnership opportunities with other schools and departments. We are an aspirational, reflective and creative learning community where all adults are learners who take risks in order to achieve excellent results for our students.
We look forward to your application.
To obtain further information or for an informal discussion please contact Mehz Karim on 020 8928 3548 /email m.karim@littleilford.org
There is no closing date - we will shortlist and interview as soon as we have a strong field
Applicants are advised to apply sooner rather than later Little Ilford School, Rectory Road, Manor Park, London E12 6JB
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. An enhanced DBS check is required for all successful candidates.
Please apply online. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerGrange Primary School
Salary£21,779.22 - £27,636.75 (actual) depending on experience
LocationGrange Primary School
Hours21.6 hours per week. 3 days a week - Term time + 2 weeks. 3 days a week Term time + 2 weeks
Closing Date19/02/2025 09:00
Link to Vacancy http://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/302451
The Head teacher wishes to appoint an experienced, highly commited SBM to support her in the day to day running of the school. You must have a warm personality, be prepared to go the extra mile and have experience of working under pressure. This is an excellent opportunity if you are looking for that next challenge and love working in a leadership capacity within a school.
Grange was judged Good in its last Ofsted inspection (December 2022)
Grange Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We value and celebrate the cultural diversity of our school community and seek to promote equality of opportunity for all applicants.
The sucessful candidate will
• Demonstrate effective leadership and management skills
• Have a background in Finance, H&S and HR
• Be highly motivated, organised and display a positive attitude towards work
• Be proactive and be able to work on their own initiative
• Have experience of leading a team
• Be professional and courteous towards others
• Be able to work under pressure
• Have excellent interpersonal skills and be able to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing
Visits to the school are warmly welcomed. Grange is a one form entry primary school situated in Plaistow. We have easy access to an underground station, DLR, buses and have a free private car park.
For further details or to arrange a visit, please contact Mrs Akhter on 0207 476 5146
Closing Date: 19th February
Interview: WC 24th Feb 2025
Start date: April 2025
Grange Primary School is committed to safeguarding children; successful candidates will be subject to an enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service check.
Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Jobsgopublic Support Team (support@jobsgopublic.com). For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerSt Luke's Church of England Primary School
Salary NJC Scale 5
LocationSt Luke's Church of England Primary School
Hours 36 hours per week.
Closing Date10/02/2025 09:00
Link to Vacancyhttp://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/301913
St. Luke’s is a successful school located two minutes from the Jubilee and DLR station at Canning Town, the school also has its own car park.
Our school is committed to developing the whole child alongside achieving strong academic results by helping our children to explore and develop their artistic and sporting characteristics. The school is one of only a hundred schools in England and Wales to have earned a sixth flag for our ‘Eco’ status and has thus been awarded ‘Distinction Status’. We have a ‘Platinum’ participation mark in sports for the last 3 years as well as being borough champs in several sports and also have strong working relationship with the Newham Music. We also organise regular events to raise funds and supplies for our local Foodbank.
We are seeking a dynamitic Site Supervisor who would be play a pivotal role in ensuring that the day to day running of our school runs smoothly.
We can offer a school with a tradition of serving the community going back over 150 years, as well as a staff team that works closely together to support each other as well as achieving the best for our children. There is a real sense of community in this school and that inspires everything we do. Please arrange a visit and see for yourself!
Closing date for applications is Monday 10th February 2025
Interviews Monday 24th February 2025
For further information visit our website and to arrange a visit please call the main school office on 0207476 3559 or email us on:
Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Jobsgopublic Support Team (support@jobsgopublic.com). For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerLittle Ilford School
Salary LPS 9-13 (£70,396 - £76,705)
LocationLittle Ilford School
Hours 32.5 hours per week.
Closing Date07/02/2025 23:59
Link to Vacancyhttp://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/302009
Little Ilford is an oversubscribed multicultural school with high expectations of its students and staff. It is an exciting place to work and develop, where creativity and innovation are nurtured.
This is a fantastic opportunity to begin or continue your leadership journey in a school with strong academic results. We are seeking a lead practitioner to join our committed team of specialist lead practitioners, playing a significant role in leading learning and teaching at Little Ilford School. You will be a motivated colleague who has a proven track record of raising attainment. You will be able to take a leadership role in developing, implementing and evaluating policies and practice in the workplace which contribute to school improvement. Your role will be instrumental in delivering the Little Ilford vision of highly engaging, interactive and challenging learning experiences for our students.
The successful applicant will be an outstanding practitioner who has the vision, energy and drive to build on existing strengths and raise standards of attainment and progress. You will be committed to meeting the needs of all learners by ensuring that teaching is of the highest quality. You will be able to work with a range of colleagues including middle leaders to drive and communicate a compelling teaching and learning vision for specific departments, and be able to demonstrate the strategic leadership skills to deliver significant improvements.
The successful candidate will:
• Be a committed, inspiring and ambitious leader
• Be an excellent classroom practitioner with a track record of raising attainment in both in their own classroom and with other colleagues across the school to improve outcomes for all students
• Have excellent subject and pedagogical knowledge
• Be resourceful and energetic; enjoy working strategically with others to share and develop best practice
• Be skilled in using data to inform decision-making and planning
We will:
• Provide high-quality professional development
• If not yet accredited, we will train you to gain full accreditation within two years
• Support and develop you to go beyond outstanding teaching
• Provide working partnership opportunities with other schools / departments
• Provide you with an ethos where all adults are learners who take risks in order that they achieve excellent results for our students.
We have extremely challenging targets for attainment and progress and the focus and determination to realise them.
To obtain further information, for an informal discussion or to arrange a visit, please contact Mehz Karim on 020 8928 3548 /email m.karim@littleilford.org
We will shortlist/interview as soon as we have a strong field.
Little Ilford School, Rectory Road, Manor Park, London E12 6JB
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. An enhanced DBS check is required for all successful candidates.
Please apply online. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerLittle Ilford School
Salary Inner London Main/Upper Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions)
LocationLittle Ilford School
Hours 32.5 hours per week.
Closing Date07/02/2025 23:59
Link to Vacancyhttp://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/302011
This is a fantastic opportunity to teach in a well led, collaborative and supportive English faculty. Little Ilford is a friendly, inclusive and oversubscribed school in Newham making a big difference to the lives of our diverse student community. We have a strong reputation and high expectations of both students and staff and consider this to be an exciting place to work and develop, where creativity and innovation are nurtured. Our targets for attainment and progress are challenging, but staff have the focus and determination to realise them for the benefit of our students. We really know our students, and focus on them as individuals. Pastoral systems are strong and we value a curriculum offer and activities that educate the whole child.
As a school we are absolutely committed to ensuring that all staff have access to comprehensive professional development and have developed an exciting and impactful programme designed to offer training that makes a real difference. We value a good home/work balance and do what we can to support our staff in this respect.
We are looking for a committed, enthusiastic and high calibre English teacher who has exceptional subject knowledge to join our energetic and dynamic team. You will work in the English team, ensuring that the quality of teaching and learning in your lessons is outstanding, keeping up to date with curricular developments and helping to ensure that English is popular and successful within the curriculum. You will engage and inspire our students in the subject, allowing them to make outstanding progress and achieve strong results.
We will support and develop you to become an outstanding teacher and provide working partnership opportunities with other schools and departments. We are an aspirational, reflective and creative learning community where all adults are learners who take risks in order to achieve excellent results for our students.
There is no closing date for applications - we will shortlist as soon as we have a strong field.
We look forward to your application.
To obtain further information or for an informal discussion please contact Mehz Karim on
020 8928 3548 /email m.karim@littleilford.org
Little Ilford School, Rectory Road, Manor Park, London E12 6JB
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. An enhanced DBS check is required for all successful candidates.
Please apply online. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerLittle Ilford School
Salary Inner London Main/Upper Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions) + TLR2a
LocationLittle Ilford School
32.5 hours per week.
Closing Date07/02/2025 23:59
Link to Vacancyhttp://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/302012
This is a fantastic opportunity to begin or continue your leadership journey in a well led, collaborative and supportive faculty. Little Ilford is a friendly, inclusive and oversubscribed school in Newham making a big difference to the lives of our diverse student community. We have a strong reputation and high expectations of both students and staff and consider this to be an exciting place to work and develop, where creativity and innovation are nurtured. Our targets for attainment and progress are challenging, but staff have the focus and determination to realise them for the benefit of our students. We really know our students, and focus on them as individuals. Pastoral systems are strong and we value a curriculum offer and activities that educate the whole child.
As a school we are absolutely committed to ensuring that all staff have access to comprehensive professional development and have developed an exciting and impactful programme designed to offer training that makes a real difference. We value a good home/work balance and do what we can to support our staff in this respect.
We are looking for a committed, enthusiastic and high calibre leader who has exceptional subject knowledge in Media Studies to join our energetic and dynamic school. You will lead a team of teachers, ensuring that the quality of teaching and learning in Media Studies is outstanding, keeping up to date with curricular developments and ensuring that the subject is popular and successful within the option choices. You will engage and inspire our students in the subject allowing them to make outstanding progress and achieve strong results.
We will support and develop you to become an outstanding leader and provide working partnership opportunities with other schools and departments. We are an aspirational, reflective and creative learning community where all adults are learners who take risks in order to achieve excellent results for our students.
We look forward to receiving your application.
To obtain further information or for an informal discussion please contact Mehz Karim at m.karim• @littleilford.org /tel: 020 8928 3548
We will shortlist and interview as soon as we have a strong field
Little Ilford School, Rectory Road, Manor Park, London E12 6JB
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. An enhanced DBS check is required for all successful candidates.
Please apply online. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerSheringham Nursery School & Children's Centre
SalaryQualified staff: Scale 3: £24,709 - £25,062 (actual) - Unqualified staff: Scale 2: £24,022 - £24,365 (actual)
LocationSheringham Nursery School & Children's Centre
Hours36 hours per week. 8:30am-4:30pm. 8:30am-4:30pm
Closing Date05/02/2025 09:00
Link to Vacancy http://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/301968
Learning Support Assistant to work with young children who have special educational needs
This post could be suitable for a candidate with a Level 3 qualification in Early Education and Childcare, or an unqualified candidate who has experience of working with young children with special educational needs.
Temporary until July 2025, with the possibility of extension.
Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre is a highly successful Newham Nursery School, rated Outstanding by Ofsted. We lead the East London Research School, a thriving hub of evidence-based practice. We are also a designated Stronger Practice Hub, providing the opportunity for further dissemination of the school’s excellent work to other settings.
We serve a diverse community in Newham, east London. We work in close partnership with parents, families, the local authority and other organisations in the surrounding area. A commitment to serving this community, and a passion for overcoming disadvantage and barriers to achievement, is essential for any applicant for this role.
Our vision: every child to be happy, healthy, confident, independent and equipped with the knowledge they need to be the best they can be.
Our mission: to work in partnership with every family. Together, we can help every child to have the best start in life.
If you share our passion for early years education, and our commitment to ensuring all children have a happy, healthy, successful time at school, then we would love to hear from you.
The children who attend our nursery school and children’s centre are engaging, creative and full of fun. Our committed and talented staff ensure all children learn, progress and thrive, and that they are ready for primary school. Our friendly children’s centre team support young children’s healthy and happy development, offering extra help when families need it.
We are looking for an enthusiastic learning support assistant with experience of working with children with special educational needs to join us.
• You will need to be a good communicator, self -motivated and committed to the inclusion of children with additional needs.
• You will be interacting and playing with a wide range of children, inside and outdoors, throughout the session.
• You will be working under the direction of our SENDCo and SENDCo Assistant and liaising with the children’s families and external agencies.
• You will be enthusiastic about taking children out on regular outings depending on their interests, this includes
Forest School sessions.
We can offer you
• Well-resourced environments, including an extensive, landscaped outdoor space for play-based learning with a strong, experienced and friendly staff team.
• Evidence-informed professional development that will support understanding and use of highly effective strategies, enabling the candidate to work at the cutting edge of early years pedagogy and practice.
• The opportunity to work with both our Research School and the Stronger Practice Hub helping to disseminate our evidence-informed practice to the early years sector.
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The successful candidate will undergo an enhanced DBS check.
We would love to meet you and show you around our school and children’s centre. If you would like to arrange a visit, please contact Lindsey Foster, our headteacher on 0208 553 2479 or email• lindsey.foster@sheringhamnur.newham.sch.uk
Before you apply, please ensure that you will be available for interview on the afternoon of 12th February.
• Deadline for applications: 5th February 2025
• Shortlisting: 6th February 2025
• Interviews: Afternoon of 12th February 2025
Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Jobsgopublic Support Team (support@jobsgopublic.com). For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerGodwin Junior School
Salary Inner London Main Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions) + TLR 2a
LocationGodwin Junior School
Hours 13 hours per week. (Wednesdays and Thursdays). (Wednesdays and Thursdays)
Closing Date04/02/2025 12:00
Link to Vacancy http://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/302499
To commence April 2025
Godwin Junior School is a successful, four-form entry junior school in Forest Gate, Newham. We serve a vibrant and diverse community, where excellent relationships promote a high-quality, inclusive and supportive learning environment in which our children feel safe and valued.
Central to the ethos and • vision of our school is the belief that every child can achieve well and that it is our purpose to prepare our children for lifelong success. Our pupils are well-motivated and enjoy actively participating in our ‘aspirational curriculum’ (Ofsted Nov 2023)
We are ‘ambitious for pupils’ academic and personal development’ (Ofsted Nov 2023) and our staff are dedicated to ensuring that each of them has access to the best possible standard of education in order to ensure excellent learning outcomes across the curriculum.
We are seeking to appoint an excellent teacher who will teach and lead Computing across KS2 and whose creativity and dynamism will inspire our highly-motivated pupils, instil in them a love of learning and support them to develop their Learning Powers.
What makes us unique?
We are proud of…
• our motivated and well-behaved children who enjoy learning
• an ethos in which all of our children are supported to discover their talents and be successful
• a dedicated, highly-skilled and welcoming team of teachers and support staff who constantly seek to ensure that all of our children thrive – academically and pastorally
• a leadership team who place our children at the heart of every decision
• a real commitment to high-quality professional development
• a supportive, diverse community which contributes to our ethos
What makes you unique?
You are…
• inspirational, creative and passionate about teaching
• committed to supporting pupil well-being
• an excellent Computing practitioner who is committed to inclusion and high expectations for all
• an experienced and highly-motivated team-player
• reflective and enthusiastic to improve your practice through Continuous Professional Learning
We offer the Inner London Weighting Allowance.
We are seeking to appoint an experienced teacher to teach Computing and lead this subject.
Deadline for applications: Tuesday 4th February 2025 12 noon
Interviews: as soon as mutually convenient
We reserve the right to interview and appoint outstanding candidates prior to this date.
We would be pleased to welcome you to look around after school. Please contact• info@godwin.newham.sch.uk to arrange a mutually convenient time.
Please also see our website for more information about the school: • www.godwin.newham.sch.uk
The school is committed to safer recruitment practice & pre-employment checks will be undertaken before any employment is confirmed. The post is subject to an Enhanced DBS disclosure.
Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Jobsgopublic Support Team (support@jobsgopublic.com). For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerBrampton Primary School
Salary Inner London Main Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions)
LocationBrampton Primary School
Hours 32.5 hours per week.
Closing Date04/02/2025 09:00
Link to Vacancyhttp://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/301773
Brampton Primary School (BPS) – proud to have achieved an Ofsted Outstanding grade across all areas in December 2023 – is now seeking a reflective, dedicated, and passionate teacher to join our team in April 2025. Located in the vibrant community of East Ham, our popular and inclusive four-form entry school is home to well-behaved, respectful, and hardworking pupils. Embracing the rich diversity of our community, we foster collaboration, self-awareness, and forward-thinking to ensure every child thrives. Together, we are committed to Building Personal Success
As a team of over 130 members of staff, we are eager to appoint a teacher that values and understands the commitment a career in education requires. While positive mental health for adults is high on our agenda, with Ofsted commenting “leaders are considerate of staff well-being” and “manage staff workload well”, we want applicants that put children, their progress and development, first. We expect dedication, hard work, and an individual who wants to make a real difference to the lives of young people and their families.
In return for your commitment and enthusiasm, we can offer the opportunity to be part of a talented group of leaders, teachers, support staff and governors, with a proven track record of excellence. Whether an experienced or early career teacher, we are confident that by joining our team we can support and develop you in building your own personal success.
Brampton Primary School and all its personnel are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. This position is subject to an Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service and suitable references along with other essential checks.
Closing Date: Tuesday 4th February 2025
Interviews: Monday 10th February 2025
Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Jobsgopublic Support Team (support@jobsgopublic.com). For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerKeir Hardie Primary School
Salary NJC Scale 5: Point 12 - £25,394.33
LocationKeir Hardie Primary School
Hours 29 hours per week.
Closing Date27/01/2025 09:00
Link to Vacancyhttp://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/299269
We are seeking to appoint an experienced Early Years Practitioner with relevant childcare qualifications (minimum of level 3 childcare or equivalent) who will be part of the Children’s Centre team in the Canning Town and Custom House Community Neighbourhood.
Keir Hardie Primary School and Children’s Centre work in collaboration with Edith Kerrison Nursery School and Children’s Centre as part of the Canning Town and Custom House Neighbourhood.
Our focus is on ensuring families in our area are able to access Newham’s Best Start for Life Offer through the delivery of programmes, workshops and sessions offering evidence based advice and guidance to improve outcomes for families with children from 0-5 years. (SEND 0-8 years)
This is an integral role within our organisation. You will plan and lead on the delivery of some of our family learning sessions both universal and targeted; linking with local schools and community venues; outreaching to families and advertising the services available to families with children under five and SEND services.
The successful applicant will need to be very flexible, have an enthusiastic approach and be able to work collaboratively and sensitively across our neighbourhood. They will be professional at all times, with a particular awareness of confidentiality.
Good communication skills, excellent recordkeeping and teamwork are essential.
This position will be based at Keir Hardie Primary School and Children’s Centre.
The School and Children’s Centre are integrated and together we work in partnership with other agencies, local settings and schools to ensure the very best outcomes for children and families. Visits are warmly welcomed; to make an appointment please contact the school office on 0207 476 1284.
The schools in Newham are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. This post is subject to a DBS enhanced disclosure.
Interviews will be on a rolling basis. We reserve the right to close this advert early if we receive sufficient applications for the role. Closing date: 17th December 2024
Closing Date Of Advert: 27th January 2025 at 09:00
Equal Opportunities
The School has a strong commitment to achieving equality of opportunity in both services to the community and the employment of people and expects all employees to understand and promote its policies in their work.
Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Jobsgopublic Support Team
(support@jobsgopublic.com). For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerNewham Community Learning
Salary Inner London Main/Upper Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions)
LocationLister Community School.
Hours 32.5 hours per week.
Closing Date27/01/2025 09:00
Link to Vacancyhttp://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/301387
Required from: April 2025 or sooner
About the Role
We seek to appoint an ambitious, enthusiastic and highly motivated Teacher of Physical Education. The successful applicant will be a PE specialist.
The vital importance of Physical Education is recognised and celebrated by the school. All students take core PE through to the end of Year 11. In addition, a significant number of Lower School students are able to study specialised Sports or Dance as part of their mainstream curriculum. PE, Dance and Sports Studies are all popular options in Key Stage 4.
The department is well-resourced, with access to excellent facilities (thanks to considerable recent financial investment). On the main school site we have a large Sports Hall, a Gymnasium, and a Fitness Suite, as well as outdoor basketball, netball and tennis courts, and batting nets. New changing rooms and a state of the art Dance Studio are currently under construction. The school also has its own playing fields, with grass football/rugby pitches, a 3G Astro Turf pitch, and additional changing facilities.
The Physical Education and Dance Department is committed to providing high quality teaching and learning for all students. They will have a clear vision of how PE can make a major contribution to the success of the school, and will be committed to raising the profile of PE across the school and to further expanding the range of sports, clubs and fixtures offered as part of the team’s extra-curricular programme, with the aim of maximising student participation and enjoyment across all year groups.
•Lister Community School is a large 11-16 Academy at the heart of its community, and is part of the• Newham Community Learning Trust. Our vision is to provide a world class international education for young people in Newham. We firmly believe our young people have the right to the same quality of teaching and range of opportunities as at any school in the country, and our ethos is one of continuous improvement, with a focus on strong partnerships and staff development. Over the last ten years we have significantly raised academic standards and are now the school of choice for our local community.
In November 2024 , Ofsted found that the school has maintained the good quality of education and ‘made strong progress in many aspects of the school’s provision‘ since our previous inspection in December 2018. Our many strengths are highlighted, including how students are ‘courteous and articulate’ and ‘enjoy school and value the wide range of opportunities they are given’. We are very proud that the report recognises our high aspirations, the hard work and good behaviour of our students, and the dedication and commitment of our staff.
At Lister Community School, we recognise the positive value of diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination. We welcome and encourage job applications from people of all backgrounds.
Interested candidates should read the Job Description & Person Specification, before submitting a completed Application Form.
• Applications will be reviewed and shortlisted on a rolling basis and we reserve the right to interview, appoint and close the advert early depending on the volume of applications we receive. We therefore encourage you to apply at the earliest opportunity to avoid disappointment. We will only be contacting those candidates who have been selected to progress to the next stage of the process. Please note we do not have parking facilities onsite.
• Lister Community School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. This appointment will be conditional on successful pre-employment checks. Identity, Prohibition, Qualification, Barred List, Enhanced DBS, Section 128, Overseas, Right to work, Reference, Criminal Record and Medical Checks are essential for all applicable posts at the School.
• In accordance with paragraph 221 of • Keeping Children Safe in Education (2024), Lister Community School will carry out an online search for all shortlisted candidates. If shortlisted for the role an appropriate online search will be undertaken on your name(s). Any information given will be treated as confidential and will only be used in relation to the post for which you have applied.
Please apply online. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerNew Vision Trust
Salary £0 - £9999
LocationVicarage Primary School
Hours 7.5 hours per week.
Closing Date27/01/2025 09:00
Link to Vacancyhttp://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/302272
Vicarage Primary School is a vibrant multicultural school that is looking to appoint a Lunchtime Supervisor to work in our large and thriving school situated within a richly diverse community. We are part of the New Vision Trust.
You would be joining a friendly and hardworking staff team determined to support our children during this important part of the school day.
We are looking for a candidate who:
• Is committed to maximising children’s lunchtime experiences and will ensure that all pupils have a safe and happy lunchtime;
• Has a good knowledge and understanding of the importance of play for primary age children;
• Has a good understanding of food safety and promoting healthy eating;
• Has excellent interpersonal skills to build relationships with all members of the school community, especially children;
• Has high levels of initiative and confidence;
• Is a great team player, excellent communicator and has an enthusiastic approach to the role;
• Has the desire to make a difference!
For further details and an application form please apply online at• www.jobsgopublic.com
Closing date: Monday 27th January 2025
Interviews: Week commencing: Monday 3rd February 2025
A commitment to a multicultural, diverse environment and equal opportunities is essential. Vicarage Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Successful applications will be subject to an enhanced DBS check and medical questionnaire. A disqualification declaration questionnaire may be required for this post.
Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Jobsgopublic Support Team (support@jobsgopublic.com). For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerLittle Ilford School
Salary Inner London Main Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions)
LocationLittle Ilford School
Hours 32.5 hours per week.
Closing Date26/01/2025 23:59
Link to Vacancyhttp://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/299781
This is a fantastic opportunity to gain experience in your teaching career in a well led and supportive faculty within an outstanding school. Little Ilford is a friendly, inclusive and oversubscribed school in Newham making a big difference to the lives of our diverse student community. In October 2016, we moved into a brand new stateof-the-art building. We have a strong reputation and high expectations of both students and staff and consider this to be an exciting place to work and develop, where creativity and innovation are nurtured. Our targets for attainment and progress are challenging, but staff have the focus and determination to realise them for the benefit of our students. We really know our students, and focus on them as individuals. Pastoral systems are strong and we value a curriculum offer and activities that educate the whole child.
As a school we are absolutely committed to ensuring that all staff have access to comprehensive professional development and have developed an exciting and impactful programme designed to offer training that makes a real difference. We value a good home/work balance and do what we can to support our staff in this respect.
We are looking for a committed, enthusiastic and high calibre teacher who has strong subject knowledge in science to join our energetic and dynamic team, ensuring that the quality of teaching and learning in your classroom is outstanding, keeping up to date with curricular developments and ensuring that the subject is popular and successful within the option choices. You will engage and inspire our students in the subject allowing them to make outstanding progress and achieve strong results.
We will support and develop you to become an outstanding teacher and provide working partnership opportunities with other schools and departments. We are an aspirational, reflective and creative learning community where all adults are learners who take risks in order to achieve excellent results for our students.
Closing date for applications is 26th January 2025 - we will shortlist and interview sooner if we have a strong field.
We look forward to receiving your application.
To apply or obtain further information please visit our website • www.littleilford.newham.sch.uk or for an informal discussion contact Mehz Karim on 020 8928 3548 /email m.karim@littleilford.org
Little Ilford School, Rectory Road, Manor Park, London E12 6JB
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. An enhanced DBS check is required for all successful candidates.
Please apply online. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.
EmployerSalisbury Primary School
Salary Leadership L21-L27 - £85,267 - £98,332
LocationSalisbury Primary School
Hours 32.5 hours per week.
Closing Date24/01/2025 12:00
Link to Vacancy http://ats-theeducationspace.jgp.co.uk/vacancies/301495
The Governors of Salisbury Primary School are seeking to appoint an inspirational, passionate and driven Headteacher from September 2025 to continue to build on the school’s achievements and successes.
We wish to appoint a thoughtful, strong and ambitious leader who will share our vision to ensure each child achieves their potential, regardless of background or circumstances. The successful candidate will have a proven track record of developing senior and middle leaders; sound financial management skills; and a history of successfully raising pupil attainment.
Salisbury Primary School proudly serves a diverse community of over 500 students. Our school values encompass the desire for each student to succeed academically in a safe and enriching, happy environment. Our parents and governors support the school’s work and are proud members of the school community. We are looking for a leader to continue this important strand of wider engagement to ensure Salisbury Primary School continues to meet our community’s needs.
Staff at Salisbury Primary School are passionate and dedicated teachers who maintain the highest expectations for our students. The successful candidate will recognise the role of staff development in achieving excellent student outcomes and will focus on developing outstanding classroom practitioners and leaders.
We highly recommend you visit and take the opportunity to meet our staff and students; please contact the school directly: 020 8478 6059.
For further information about the role, please contact the Chair of Governors.
Telephone: 07947 328 746
Email: yvonne.murray@salisbury.newham.sch.uk
Closing date for applications: noon on Friday 24th January 2025
Interviews will be held week commencing 3rd February 2025
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
An online search will be completed for all shortlisted candidates who are also required to complete a selfdisclosure. The successful candidate will be required to undergo an enhanced DBS check and any appointment will be subject to references.
Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Jobsgopublic Support Team (support@jobsgopublic.com). For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.