From the head of school Dear NSA Families, What an exciting summer this has been on our campuses! We just wrapped up a successful summer camp season and have been busy preparing our staff, programming and facilities for another wonderful academic year at NSA! There is a lot of energy and enthusiasm in the air as we get ready to open on August 25 for the 2021-2022 academic year. We are now eagerly awaiting the return of our faculty and students later this month! Last year, we were very successful in mitigating school spread of COVID-19, and we are optimistic that we will be able to do the same again this year using a multi-layered prevention approach. We look forward to welcoming all students back for in-person instruction, so they can fully embrace the NSA experience, which encompasses academic growth as well as social and emotional development, which are all vital to the overall development of every student. We realize in order to provide the safest and best possible experience for our community, some protocols and restrictions will remain in place, but we assure you, school life will once again include the activities and connections we know and love. We will resume the arts and athletics, our sevenperiod schedule in middle and upper schools, including community time, and use of the cafeteria/multipurpose rooms all in an effort to get back to a more “normal” school day for our students. Please read our 2021-2022 Back-to-School Guide for complete details to prepare for returning to school. Thank you in advance for your continued support of our multi-layered prevention approach and for your partnership throughout this pandemic. I look forward to working with you all again this year to keep our students safe and healthy! All my best,
Debbie Russell Head of School
Our Commitment NSA’s primary goal is keeping students safe and at school for in-person instruction. In order to provide the safest and best possible experience for our community, NSA will continue to follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) using a multi-layered COVID-19 prevention approach.
Body Temperature Scanners
Increased Cleaning Measures
Scanners will be located at the main entrances to ensure that all students, faculty, staff and essential visitors have a body temperature below 100.4°F and masks are being worn
Clorox® Total 360® Disinfectant Cleaner and Electrostatic Sprayers will be used frequently in classrooms and common areas for disinfecting and sanitizing
Face Coverings
Face coverings will be required while indoors for all students, regardless of vaccination status, unless a “COVID-19 Mask OptOut” form is on file. Faculty and staff will be required to wear masks indoors, per the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Administration permanent standard.
Health screenings will take place prior to boarding the buses, and students will be required to wear masks, regardless of vaccination status and regardless of whether a student has a “COVID-19 Mask Opt-Out” form on file per the federal mandate. Proper Air Circulation
Classroom Reconfigurations
Classroom furniture has been adjusted and rearranged to allow for at least three feet physical distancing Signs and Messaging
Signs have been installed throughout our campuses as a reminder of safety protocols and to encourage proper hygiene practices Locker Rooms
Students will have use of the locker rooms, but access will be controlled and limited
HVAC and air filtration systems have been inspected and updated to ensure proper freshair circulation and ventilation Limiting Visitors
Visitors will be limited and will be by appointment only. Visitors may be invited to attend special events based on current COVID-19 conditions.
School Community Expectations In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), NSA is following best practices to maintain a healthy school environment and to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. These practices include limitation of visitors, self-screening guidelines, wearing masks, washing and disinfecting hands frequently and respecting physical distancing guidelines. Signage will be displayed throughout our campuses to remind community members of the school’s expectations.
Essential Visitors by Appointment Only Campus visitors will continue to be limited to essential visitors and/or by appointment only. Please call the division office manager to set up an appointment. Visitors may be invited to attend special events based on the COVID-19 conditions at the time. Visitors, regardless of vaccination status, should wear a face mask while inside the buildings.
Before Leaving for School NSA will again partner with faculty, staff, students and families to assess themselves for symptoms of COVID-19 before reporting to school and will also require everyone to be screened by school personnel upon arrival. Prior to the first day of school, all NSA parents will be required to complete a form in SaintsNet, the “Community Wellness Pledge,” to support the health and wellness of the NSA community.
Prior to Boarding the Bus If an individual answers yes to any of the daily health assessment questions before arriving to NSA or before boarding NSA bus transportation, the student should stay home. Students that are transported to campus using bus services will be scanned by the bus driver using a touchless forehead temperature scanner prior to boarding the bus. Parents or guardians are required to remain at the bus stop until the student has been cleared to board the bus. Students are required to wear masks on the bus regardless of vaccination status and regardless of whether a student has a “COVID-19 Mask Opt-Out” form on file per the federal mandate. 3 | 2021-2022 Back-to-School Guide
Arrival and Dismissal Times
Daily arrival and dismissal times have been adjusted to promote physical distancing. Students will travel from carpool directly to their classroom or their first class. Families with students in more than one division should drop off students during the designated times below (i.e. drop off middle school student, then proceed to upper school carpool loop). Main Campus 7:45 a.m.
All faculty are expected to be present in their classrooms (faculty/staff children report to their classrooms)
Key Dates
7:45-7:55 a.m. Carpool Last Names A–M 7:50-8:10 a.m. Bus Riders and Student Drivers 7:55-8:05 a.m. Carpool Last Names N–Z 8:10 a.m.
Classes Begin for Kindergarten–Grade 12
8:10-8:25 a.m. Pre-Kindergarten Students Arrive 8:25 a.m.
Pre-Kindergarten Classes Begin
New students: 9:00 a.m. Returning Students: Last names A-L: 11:00 a.m. Last names M-Z: 1:00 p.m.
Harbour View Campus 7:45 a.m. All faculty are expected to be present in their classrooms (faculty/staff children can report to their
Classroom Meet and Greet for Returning Students and Parents in Grades 7–8
classrooms at this time)
11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
7:50-8:10 a.m. Lower School Students and Pre-K Siblings 8:10-8:25 a.m. Pre-Kindergarten Students
Middle School Orientation for New Parents and Students in Grades 7–8 and all Sixth Grade Parents and Students
Dismissal Students will be dismissed on a staggered schedule based on grade levels. Parents will not be allowed to leave their cars. Teachers will assist students into the car. Classes will be in assigned spaces, and faculty, staff and students will be required to wear masks during this time unless the student has a “COVID-19 Mask Opt-Out” form on file.
7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m., Cafeteria
Upper School Orientation
All parents of ninth grade students and parents of new students in grades 10–12 8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m.
All new students in grades 10–12 8:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
Main Campus 2:30 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 2:50 p.m. 2:55 p.m. 3:05 p.m.
Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten–Grade 1 Grades 2–3 Grades 4–5 Middle and Upper School
Harbour View Campus 2:35 p.m. 2:55 p.m. 3:05 p.m. 3:10 p.m.
Classroom Meet and Greet for Parents and Students in Kindergarten–Grade 5
Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grades 1-2 Grade 3
All ninth grade students 8:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
24 August
Classroom Meet and Greet for Pre-Kindergarten Students and Parents Last names A–L: 8:30 a.m. Last names M–Z: 9:30 a.m.
First Day of School for All Students
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Upon Arrival to Campus NSA will utilize body temperature scanners upon arrival to the school buildings for all students, faculty, staff and essential visitors, ensuring all persons waiting to be scanned are spaced at least three feet apart. Body temperature scanners will be located at the entrances listed below and will be monitored each morning upon arrival by a staff member. Lower School Lobby Lower School Admissions Lobby Middle School Lobby
Upper School Lobby Helen B. Holland Early School at the Main Campus Harbour View Campus Main Lobby
Body temperature scanners operate on a pass/fail basis and are set to fail if a student or employee has a temperature of 100.4° F or above and/or is not wearing a face mask. Body/facial temperature scanners have been tested to be accurate within 0.5 degrees. Any student or employee who receives a fail reading by the body temperature scanner will then be re-scanned by a touchless forehead temperature scanner for a second reading to determine if the student or employee may enter the building. Students who have a “COVID-19 Mask Opt-Out” form on file will have their temperatures taken using the touchless forehead temperature scanner. Students, faculty, staff or visitors with a temperature of 100.4° F or above will be sent home. School personnel will also confirm if students, faculty, staff and essential visitors are wearing a face covering (unless the student has a “COVID-19 Mask Opt-Out” form on file in SaintsNet) and utilizing hand sanitizer prior to entering the hallways. Temperatures will not be recorded, and data will not be stored in the scanners. The division heads will monitor total absences by classroom and grade level by using our current student information system.
5 | 2021-2022 Back-to-School Guide
Deciding When to Stay Home When Your Student Feels Sick
Is your student sick? YES
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Usual Symptoms
New or Unusual Symptoms
Student is sick with usual symptoms (e.g. allergies migraines, asthma, etc.) or symptoms are caused by a known diagnosis (e.g. ear infection or strep throat) and has not had close contact in the past 14 days with someone with COVID-19.
Student is sick with new or unusual symptoms and has not had close contact in the past 14 days with someone with COVID-19.
Consult your student’s health care provider and notify Head School Nurse Kelly Fujimoto. Once symptoms have improved and your student is fever free for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medication, your student may return to school.
Consult your student’s health care provider and notify COVID-19 Wellness Coordinator Kerry Bolling ’91. If an alternate diagnosis can be provided by your student’s health care provider, your student may return to school if fever free for at least 24 hours and symptoms have improved.
Has your student been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
Reference “Scenario 3” for quarantine and isolation requirements Students who are tested for COVID-19 because of symptoms or close contact with someone with COVID-19 should be kept home while waiting for test results.
The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) will be contacted within 24 hours of the discovery of a positive case. VDH will be responsible for all contact tracing, and NSA will work closely with all public health officials.
Symptoms of COVID-19 Include: • Muscle or body aches
• Fever or chills
• Headache
• Cough
• New loss of taste or smell
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Congestion or runny nose • Nausea or vomiting
• Fatigue
A person with COVID-19 is considered to be contagious starting from two days before becoming sick (or two days before testing positive if asymptomatic) until the criteria has been met to discontinue isolation.
• Diarrhea The above guidance may be adapted by the CDC, state or local health departments to respond to rapidly changing local circumstances.
Deciding When to Stay Home
What to Do if a Student Has Contact with a Confirmed COVID-19 Case Scenario 3 Your student has been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, and your student is not fully vaccinated.* Close Contact: Being within six feet of a person who has COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes, or having direct contact with respiratory secretions. *Students who are fully vaccinated are not required to quarantine if they are not showing symptoms.
Student must stay home Parent or guardian should contact COVID-19 Wellness Coordinator Kerry Bolling ’91.
Student has symptoms consistent with COVID-19
Student is asymptomatic, then develops symptoms
Consult your student’s health care provider. Student cannot return to school for five days after the day symptoms start.
When symptoms start, consult with your student’s health care provider and begin five-day isolation for your student and five-day quarantine for close contacts.
After five-day isolation, student may return to school if fever free for at least 24 hours without feverreducing medication and symptoms have resolved. The student must wear a mask at school and for extracurricular activities for days 6-10 regardless of whether a student has a “COVID-19 Mask Opt-Out” form on file. Should a student choose not to wear a mask, the student must quarantine for the full 10 days. A parent or guardian must call the COVID-19 wellness coordinator, Kerry Bolling ’91, the day before returning to school.
After five-day isolation, student may return to school if fever free for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medication and symptoms have resolved. The student must wear a mask at school and for extracurricular activities for days 6-10 regardless of whether a student has a “COVID-19 Mask Opt-Out” form on file. Should a student choose not to wear a mask, the student must quarantine for the full 10 days. A parent or guardian must call the COVID-19 wellness coordinator, Kerry Bolling ’91, the day before returning to school.
Student is asymptomatic If students do not develop symptoms, they still must remain out of school for the entire five-day quarantine. On day six, the student may return to school.* The student must wear a mask at school and for extracurricular activities for days 6-10 regardless of whether a student has a “COVID-19 Mask OptOut” form on file. Should a student choose not to wear a mask, the student must quarantine for the full 10 days. *Students who are fully vaccinated are not required to quarantine if they are not showing symptoms.
Note: A negative test for COVID-19 does not change the recommendations for quarantine/isolation. A note from your student’s health care provider may be required to return to school. Recommendations for discontinuation of isolation or quarantine in persons known to be infected with COVID-19 may differ from quarantine requirements for persons who have had close contact/exposure based on the time that it takes for symptoms to present. The above guidance may be adapted by the CDC, state or local health departments to respond to rapidly changing local circumstances. Updated 1/24/2022
Communication Protocols NSA will continue to report positive COVID-19 cases to the Virginia Department of Health and will notify families by posting information on the COVID-19 Resource Board in SaintsNet. In the event that a student, faculty and/or staff member is believed to have had primary exposure to an individual with COVID-19 while on NSA’s campuses, the school will contact those individuals directly and will provide instructions for quarantine and isolation requirements as required.
Face Covering Expectations The situation with COVID-19 is fluid, and changes occur daily. As a result, our safety protocols may change throughout the year as the CDC guidance is updated or executive orders are issued. As recommended by the CDC and the AAP, we strongly recommend that all students continue to wear masks at school regardless of vaccination status. Masks will not be required outside or while participating in physical activities. Students will be given mask breaks throughout the day. In accordance with Governor Youngkin’s Executive Order #2, which gives parents the authority to decide whether their children should be masked in schools, parents or guardians may sign a “COVID-19 Mask Opt-Out” form. The “opt out” form is available in SaintsNet. Regardless of whether a student has an “opt out” form on file, the following will still apply: Students are still required to wear masks on buses (school, activity, athletic, etc.) per the federal mandate. Students who test positive for COVID-19 and students who are not fully vaccinated who have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days and want to return to school on day six must wear a mask at school and for extracurricular activities for days 6-10. Should a student choose not to wear a mask, the student must quarantine for the full 10 days. Students will be required to have their temperatures taken upon arrival at school and before they board the bus. Please note that we will continue to follow the transmission rates in our area as well as the related CDC guidance and will update masking guidelines throughout the year as needed. Face coverings should cover your nose and mouth and must fit securely on the sides of your face. All masks should have a school-appropriate design without writing, with the exception of collegiate or NSA logos, and should comply with the dress code. Face shields will not be permitted as a substitute for a mask. Gaiter-style masks are not acceptable, and masks with one-way exhalation valves or vents are also not permitted.
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Campus Modifications Physical Distancing
In Classrooms NSA will promote physical distancing within classrooms by separating classroom seating three feet apart. Additionally, NSA will continue to encourage all faculty to utilize available outdoor areas for instruction, weather permitting. Students will be encouraged to bring a blanket, towel or stadium seat for outdoor instruction.
Physical Distancing
Outside of the classroom NSA will resume the use of common spaces, such as the cafeteria, gymnasium, locker rooms, multipurpose rooms and libraries, but access will be controlled and limited.
School Day and Programs Academic Schedule NSA will return to pre-COVID schedules in each division. Please see the Upper and Middle School schedule on the following page, which can also be found in the student and parent handbooks posted in SaintsNet.
Virtual Learning In September 2020, NSA reopened for the 2020-2021 year, offering an academic and co-curricular experience that was balanced with a commitment to the physical and emotional health of our community. NSA has successfully remained open, five days a week, through the COVID-19 pandemic, and plans to remain open for the 2021-2022 school year. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, remote learning exacerbated the mental health crisis among children and adolescents, and opening schools generally does not significantly increase community transmission, particularly when guidance outlined by the CDC is followed. There are still possibilities for transmission of COVID-19. However, the AAP believes that, at this point in the pandemic, given what is known about low rates of in-school transmission when proper prevention measures are used, together with the availability of effective vaccines for those age five years and up, that the benefits of in-person learning outweigh the risks in almost all circumstances. As a result of this guidance, we believe that it is best for all students to return to in-person instruction this year, and NSA will not offer a virtual learning option. Students who miss classes due to illness (including COVID-19) will be required to work with their teachers to make up any missed assignments, just as if they had been absent as a result of an injury, surgery or other illness.
9 | 2021-2022 Back-to-School Guide
2021-2022 Upper and Middle School Schedule Time
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Staggered Arrival
7:45-8:10 a.m. 8:10-9:10 a.m.
9:10-10:10 a.m.
10:10-10:25 a.m.
10:25-11:50 a.m.
11:50 a.m.12:25 p.m.
Middle School Lunch
Upper School Community Time
11:50 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
11:50 a.m.–12:25 p.m.
Upper School Lunch and Middle School Community Time
12:25-1:05 p.m.
1:05-2:05 p.m.
2:05-3:05 p.m.
Programs Morning, Extended Care and Beyond the Bell Morning and extended care will begin on August 30. The same health and safety measures that are implemented in the classroom will be used in morning and extended care. Students will be dropped off at a designated entrance on each campus. Daily health screenings will be required as well as temperature checks before students are permitted to enter the program. Students may be grouped from different classes and grade levels as necessary. Parents will not be allowed to enter the building when dropping off students. Parents will be permitted in the lobby area to pick up students, but they will be required to wear a face covering. Recess and Physical Education Outdoor activities will be encouraged as much as possible while maintaining social distancing where possible. Masks will not be required when outdoors or when participating in a physical activity. All equipment will be sanitized between classes. The Arts We are very excited for our students to have the opportunity to perform again for a live audience! Performing arts ensembles and activities will return in all divisions. COVID-19 mitigation strategies may vary, and more details will be shared in the coming weeks. 2021-2022 Back-to-School Guide | 10
Programs (continued) Athletics The Office of Athletics is excited to be able to resume competition this year and is anticipating a regular schedule. Temperatures will be taken before practice, and athletes will be socially distanced as possible. Masks will not be required for athletes participating in practices or competition while outdoors. To begin the fall season, masks will be required to be worn while on the sidelines indoors or when social distancing cannot be maintained. All student-athletes will be required to wear masks on the bus while traveling. At this time, spectators are welcome to attend sporting events. Face masks will not be required for outdoor sporting events, but will be required for all indoor events. It is important to note that there may be different protocols and policies across the TCIS and VISAA, and everyone should respect and adhere to each school’s policy. The Office of Athletics will communicate with the coaches to let them know the spectator policy for away games. NSA will continue to follow guidance from the TCIS and VISAA as well as local, state and federal recommendations as it pertains to spectator events and stadium capacity restrictions. Our safety protocols will be reassessed each season and will be updated based on the current guidelines and the local conditions. Dining Services At both campuses, NSA will resume normal lunch services. At the Main Campus, students, faculty and staff have the option of purchasing breakfast, lunch as well as “grab and go” items from our dining services vendor, Flik Independent School Dining. At the Harbour View Campus, we have partnered with Yay Lunch! to provide our students with the option of purchasing lunch from local vendors that will be delivered to the classroom daily. To view menus and to learn more, please visit the “Dining Services” Resource Board in SaintsNet. Restrooms on Campus All bathrooms on campus will be closely monitored for the number of students and will be disinfected and sanitized on a frequent basis throughout the school day. Field Trips and Student Travel NSA will resume field trips as possible. Students will be required to wear face masks while riding the bus and in accordance with the current school policy. Regardless of school protocols at the time, students may be required to wear a face mask based on the destination and the organization’s requirements. Spirit Shop The Spirit Shop at the Main Campus is open online and by appointment only. Visit www. nsacademy.org/spirit-shop to place an order, which can be delivered to your student’s classroom. Curbside pick-up is also available at either campus. Please send an email to spiritorders@ nsacademy.org to request an in-person shopping appointment.
11 | 2021-2022 Back-to-School Guide
Back-to-School Checklist Stay Connected This year, Nansemond-Suffolk Academy is partnering with BrightArrow to deliver a single, clear message to you by phone, text or email in any combination. BrightArrow will be used to notify you of school closings due to inclement weather and may also be used to keep you informed of everyday activities, such as transportation delays and changes to the athletic or activity schedule. Routine emails such as our e-newsletter, eSaints, marketing of special events, reminders, etc. will be sent to your @nsacademy email address. You will receive an initial text message from BrightArrow that will be from a 424 area code asking you to “opt in” to receive text messages from Nansemond-Suffolk Academy. Please reply “yes” to this message to receive future messages. BrightArrow syncs with our student information system in SaintsNet. Maintaining the accuracy of your profile in SaintsNet will increase the ability of the school to keep you informed. If you need to update your contact information in SaintsNet, please contact our registrar, Carrie Meadors, at cmeadors@nsacademy.org.
All Parents Log in to SaintsNet. Contact the office manager in your student’s division if you are unable to access SaintsNet. Review your contact information in SaintsNet. If you need to update your contact information, please contact our registrar, Carrie Meadors, at cmeadors@nsacademy.org. Review parent-student handbooks posted on the “Resources” tab in SaintsNet. Complete school forms in SaintsNet. Forms can be accessed by clicking on the link in the pop-up window in SaintsNet. All forms are due by the first day of school on August 25. Please note that the forms only require one parent or guardian’s signature and that select forms require signatures from both the parent or guardian as well as the middle or upper school student. Check your @nsacademy.org email account. Contact the office manager in your student’s division if you need assistance accessing your NSA Gmail account. If your student will be purchasing lunch, please click on “Resources” in SaintsNet and review the dining services information. New Students: Submit original birth certificates (Pre-K2-Grade 8) to the Office of Admissions before the first day of school.
Lower School Parents (Pre-K2-Grade 5) Log in to SaintsNet to view summer reading suggestions for grades 1-5. Click on the “Resources” tab to view the summer reading list. Purchase your student’s supplies. Lists are available in SaintsNet. Click on the “Resources” tab to access the lists. Submit School Entrance Health Form to the Lower School Office before the first day of school for all kindergarten students. Students may not attend school until this form has been submitted. Review the Virginia Department of Health’s (VDH) minimum immunization requirements for schools, which is located in SaintsNet on the “Resources” tab under “Forms and Handbooks.” Effective July 1, 2021, please note changes by the VDH for students entering kindergarten. Log in to SaintsNet on Wednesday, August 18, to view classroom placements and schedules. In the top navigation, select your student’s name to see the homeroom assignment. While logged in, please complete the applicable forms below. All forms must be submitted by the first day of school. 2021-2022 Back-to-School Guide | 12
Lower School Parents (Pre-K2-Grade 5) continued Pre-Kindergarten Forms
Lower School Forms
Agreement to Support the Handbook
Lower School Transportation
Pre-Kindergarten Medical Release
Technology Responsible Use Agreement (Grades 3-5)
Pre-Kindergarten Transportation Form
Medical Release and Permission for Off-Campus Activities
Media Release
Bus Transportation
Pre-Kindergarten Registration Form
Transportation Waiver
Community Wellness Pledge
Extended Day Registration
Transportation Waiver (Pre-K4 Only)
Community Wellness Pledge Media Release
Visit the classroom with your student to meet the teacher and drop-off school supplies: August 23, Parents and Students in Kindergarten–Grade 5 New students: 9:00 a.m. Returning students: Last names A–L: 11:00 a.m. Last names M–Z: 1:00 p.m.
August 24, Parents and Students in Pre-Kindergarten Last names A–L: 8:30 a.m. Last names M–Z: 9:30 a.m.
Middle School Parents and Students Purchase your student’s books and supplies. Click on the “Resources” tab in SaintsNet to access the lists. Log in to SaintsNet on Wednesday, August 18, to view your student’s schedule. In the top navigation, select your student’s name to access the schedule. While logged in, please complete the applicable forms below, which must be completed by the first day of school.
Middle School Forms Health Participation Agreement
Transportation Waiver
Technology Agreement
Extended Day Registration
Medical Release and Permission for Off-Campus Activities
Community Wellness Pledge
Athletic Handbook Agreement
Media Release
Athletic Waiver
Student Access Card Guidelines
Bus Transportation
Complete summer assignments by the first day of school, which are posted in SaintsNet on the “Resources” tab. Review the Virginia Department of Health’s (VDH) minimum immunization requirements for schools, which is located in SaintsNet on the “Resources” tab under “Forms and Handbooks.” Effective July 1, 2021, please note changes by the VDH for students entering seventh grade. Submit documentation of Tdap immunization to the Middle School office manager before the first day of school for all seventh grade students. Students may not attend school until this has been submitted. Upload a completed athletic physical in SaintsNet if your student plans on joining a team. Forms can be found on the “Resources” tab in SaintsNet. Athletic physicals must be updated each year. JV fall sports practices begin on August 16, and JJV sports practices begin on August 26, with the exception of JJV football, which begins on August 18. Attend orientation or meet and greets (students are welcome to bring supplies at this time or on the first day of school): August 23, 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. All returning students and parents in grades 7-8 (Drop in at one of these times to meet the teachers. Check in at the Middle School main entrance.)
August 23, 7:00 p.m. New parents and students in grades 7-8 and all sixth grade parents and students (Meet in the Cafeteria for orientation.)
Returning students should bring their access cards on the first day of school. If a replacement is needed, there will be a five dollar fee. 13 | 2021-2022 Back-to-School Guide
Upper School Parents and Students Purchase your student’s books and supplies. Click on the “Resources” tab in SaintsNet to access the lists. Log in to SaintsNet to view student schedules. Click on the “Resources” tab to view summer assignments. While logged in, complete the applicable forms below. All forms must be completed by the first day of school.
Upper School Forms Medical Release and Permission for Off-Campus Activities Technology Responsible Use Agreement Student Access Card Guidelines Athletic Handbook Agreement Athletic Waiver
Bus Transportation Transportation Waiver Community Wellness Pledge Media Release Senior Off-Campus Permission
Complete course specific summer assignments, which have varying due dates throughout the summer. Review the Virginia Department of Health’s (VDH) minimum immunization requirements for schools, which is located in SaintsNet on the “Resources” tab under “Forms and Handbooks.” Effective July 1, 2021, please note changes by the VDH for students entering twelfth grade. Upload a completed athletic physical in SaintsNet if your student plans on joining a team. Forms can be found on the “Resources” tab in SaintsNet. Athletic physicals must be updated each year. Attend orientations in the Thomas W. Johnson Gymnasium in the Beazley Center (Upper School Gym): August 23, 8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. All parents of ninth grade students and parents of new students in grades 10–12 August 23, 8:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. All new students in grades 10–12 August 23, 8:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m. All ninth grade students (wear athletic attire) Bring books and supplies to set up lockers
Returning students should bring their access cards on the first day of school. If a replacement is needed, there will be a five dollar fee.
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