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May issue



By Gretchen, Adam, Madi, and Cameroon

Indiana weather patterns

FLOODS/ HURRICANES Learn all about floods & Hurricanes. Where they come from. Where they are most frquent. saftey plans fun facts and much much more!


TORNANDOS/ THUNDERSTORMS Learn about Tornadoes and thunderstorms. Learn about Tornado chasers and the severity of both

BLIZZARDS Learn where they start, where they come from, where they hit, when they hit, what to do when they hit, intresting fun facts and more!

Dear reader, This magazines’ purpose is to inform you, the reader about Severe weather and Weather patterns in Indiana. Here you will learn about the severity of these weather happenings. Tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, floods and weather in Indiana and the effect on the rest of the world. You’ll learn about how these storms form and their effects on the environment and people around them. We learned lots of different and interesting facts about our different topics. We learned how Indiana's weather pattern works. where the freezing destruction from a blizzard comes from. How hurricanes form. Flooding and the damage they cause. We also learned about tornadoes in tornado ally and how much destruction they cause. We all believe that learning about weather is a very important. Not only could it help clear up some confusing as to what is happening and why it’s happening in the case of a sever weather happening, but we also believe that knowing some of this information could help safe lives by informing you, the reader what to do and what are the risks of being in a sever weather happening. We hope that you never have to be a victim of one of these storms but if you are we hope what you learn here will better prepare you for any future storms. happy reading, Gretchen[2]Adam, Madison, & Cameron

EXTREME May 16, 2013

Blizzards Tornadoes Thunderstorms hurricanes flooding

Tornados and blizzard and floods oh my...... Learn all about the weather patterns in Indiana and how they affect the rest of the world. What makes Indiana a good place for tornadoes. Why is there so many blizzard and where does it flood INDIANA WEATHER PATTERNS Indiana has one of the most interesting weather patterns. Residents will tell you Indiana doesn't have one. Sometimes the Type to enter text weather in Indiana seems to skip a season, forget to snow, or rain, or bring the sun out . Indiana has some severe weather too.

were almost as tall as cars in some places. Snow was piled up everywhere and getting to the bus was difficult. We had lots of snow days. Flooding gets pretty bad too especially with the many bodies of water in the lake county area. Some floods completely cover streets and leave people trapped and unable to get home.

tornadoes, floods, and Blizzards. Indiana is part of tornado alley and during tornado season ( late spring and summer) you can see tornado chasers prowling the streets waiting for the perfect storm to occur. I have experienced a lot of different kinds of Indiana weather. When I was 10 we had to stay in the bathroom at Midwest because there were green storm clouds everywhere and tornados were striking down all around us. When I was 12 a giant blizzard hit. Snow drifts

- Indiana isn't affected by natural disasters like volcano eruptions or hurricanes not weather wise anyways. Tornadoes, flooding, and Thunderstorms are the top three weather disasters that Indiana often suffers from. Indiana receives more than a handful of tornadoes each year, the reason for this is it is in part of tornado alley. What this means in in the summer and late spring when it gets really dry and hot the air creates updrafts which in turn create thunderstorms. Some thunderstorms become unstable when the hot air rises and meets the cool air above the thunder clouds, creating some monstrous tornadoes. [3]


the winds that exceed 35 miles per hour. Blizzards ! To clarify what the temperate zone is I will explain This was it, the blizzard of 2010 what it is in the following was finally here. After weeks of paragraph. The temperate zone the weather men saying it’s is the part of the earth’s surface going to hit, it had finally come lying between the tropic of alive. The wind was kicking and cancer and the arctic circle in screaming against the back door the Northern Hemisphere or and the windows. The windows between the tropic of Capricorn and doors were covered in a and the Antarctic Circle in the heavy sheet of white glitter Southern Hemisphere, and glistening in the faint sunlight. characterized by having a As soon as the screaming wind climate that is warm in the picked up its speed, it went summer, and cold in the winter, black. The lights died and the and moderate in the spring and candle flames illuminated the fall. room around me. It was a pretty scary experience but I decided it would probably be a little less scary if I knew more about it. So with the little battery left on my iPhone I researched what a blizzard is, how they form and what makes them dangerous. I discovered that a blizzard is a severe snowstorm with high winds and very low visibility. I also found out blizzards form when cold blows out of the arctic, into a mass of warm called the temperate zone an forces the warm air up. What makes blizzards dangerous are the blowing and falling snow and

Male suada Quis Dolor Set Ipsum



wind speeds were about 135 mph. All of the rain It was mid day bright sunny stopped and the sun came and not a cloud in the sky. out and we came out of the just how it usually was in house, and it looked like we Washington D.C. On the were in the middle of a big weather channel they said circle formed by clouds. we there was a hurricane were in the eye of the building up in the atlantic hurricane. we had to go ocean from the warm, back inside before it started humid air and the low air up again. it started back up presser. Then i looked to and we heard lots of the east and i saw a huge crashes then the hurricane cloud, it looked like the hole was over. we went outside cloud was spinning slowly. and there was houses My mom came outside and caved in and debris said hurricane Irene a everywhere. category five hurricane. when i was running into the house it got really windy, and then there was daubery flying everywhere. we got to my house and stayed inside and didn't go outside. The Male suada Quis Dolor Set Ipsum



Fun Facts

- most hurricanes travel about 10-20 MPH - The farthest traveled hurricane was 7500 miles - About 300 hurricanes hit the U.S.

Floods dangerous waters fill the street

started to flood “start putting sand but not that bags around your much so I house” the decided to take meteorologist said. a nap. When I There was a big and woke up the Flood water gets really high long storm coming was water all and it is rain that of in my back neighborhood. wasn’t going to stop yard maybe a until the whole storm foot deep. I called my then it just keep was gone, and its mom and told her we getting higher and going to cause need to get to higher higher and it wouldn't flooding. If you cant grounds. So we went stop rising. then the just get to high out on are front porch rained stopped. it grounds. I didn't and climbed onto the took about two days for the rain to go worry because it roof. We could see down and then we hasn’t ever flooded the water had to get are house here before. When surrounding our cleaned out then we the storm hit it was a house and the were all back to heavy down pore. It houses in our normal.


TORNADOES AND THUNDERSTORMS It was mid June on a hot summer day. This

front to circle around each other. Then the funnel

kind of day is the best kind because there was no school and didn’t have to do any thing. I was out side on my trampoline when I started to notice the sky was turning a blackish green. When the clouds came over head it wasnt

touched the ground then turned into a tornado. I went inside to go to the basement. And I stayed there for a while thinking of how my family was. When the tornado ended I got up and went out side.

long for the rain/hail to start. I started to see a funnel forming. All it takes is a cold and a warm

The tornado did a lot of damage, it took out a couple of houses and trees where nocked over. My house was perfectly fine.





What is a thunderstorm?A

The basic ingredients

Thunderstorms can occur year round and at all hours. But happen mainly at spring and summer times.

It is estimated that there is about 1800 thunderstorms a day across the earth every day

thunderstorm is a storm with lightning and thunder. Its produced by a cumulonimbus cloud, usually producing gusty winds, heavy rain and sometimes hail.


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