Hey you, would you ever like to know whats is a tornado, a hurricane, or even the weather of Indiana? There are many ways to
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discover them, but this article that is in your hand could help you with some information. Read along and you will be amazed from how
Lissete Fortoso, Kaylee [1] Kopka, Zackary Davidson
many things you find out!
L!sete Fo"oso, Kaylee Kopka, Zackary Davidosn
May 28, 2013
Dear Readers, We have written this article about hurricanes, tornados, and Indiana weather. So you can know more information. This is very helpful and its one of the top articles sold. I’m Lissete Fortoso, something I learned about hurricane while doing this articles is what is a hurricane, what are the causes, where they are most likely to occur, which season it happens, similar and differences, saffir simspon, damages, deaths, hurricanes names, good things they could do, and interesting facts. I’ve learn so much while doing the article, you should read along more, thank you. What i learned from this project is all the types of weather in indiana and what we get from this weathers. Why we get these weather. We get tornadoes and wind and storm form hurricanes, Zackary Davidson Im Kaylee Kopka , while doing this project I learned how tornados form, all the damage they do mentally and physically. Their are also different types of tornados, F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5. The F5 is the worst. Ive learned how important all of this information is and what it would be like to be a storm chaser.2. Sincerely yours, Lissete Fortoso, Kaylee Kopka, Zackary Davidson
Hurricanes are the only weather disasters that have been given
WHAT IS A HURRICANE? A violet, tropical, cyclonic storms of western North Atlantic.
The lady from the air plane ask me is I wanted something to drink on my way to Florida. I told her yes, the reason i was going to florida was i was invited to play soccer in the beach with my premiered team. I was very excited for my game, it was my first time playing at the beach. Some people say its dangerous playing because some times hurricanes can occur, but i doubt a hurricane will happen when my soccer game starts. When
i landed in the air port i had to go right away to the hotel because the game was gonna be the next day. so we had to train. it was really weird playing soccer in the beach, its very different cause we are really close to the ocean. Our coach started telling us about hurricanes because he heard during our soccer game a hurricane could happen. Our whole team started to freak out and asked him what were the causes for a hurricane to
Saffir Simspon Scale
A scale ranging from 1 to 5 based on the maximum sustained wind speed of the hurricane.
The word hurricane comes from the Taino Native American word, hurucane, meaning evil spirit of the wind. The first time anyone flew into a hurricane happened in 1943 in the middle of World War II.
happen. he said “Well they could start different. some of them are warm fronts, cold fronts, high pressure, and low pressure. For the warm fronts The warm air spirals upward, the latent heat of condensation heats the air further causing it to rise faster and higher, sucks more toward the center of the hurricane. i know that sounds kinda scary but also cold fronts are scary too. Cold air moves under warm air and pushes the less dense warm air up.” One of the team mates said “that is so freaky i don't wanna play soccer any more lets go and leave Florida.” i was feeling the same, i didn't want to play anymore. i rather be safe then play in a soccer
Hurricane can produce Tornadoes
and not get killed by a hurricane. My coach said “it also depends if its high pressure and low pressure. At high altitudes, usually above 30,000 ft also it pulls heat away from the storms center while cooling the rising air. So if it gets a little cold or too hot we can stop the game. The birth of a hurricane starts as a low pressure zone and builds into a tropical wave of low pressure. Every one was just standing there with their jaw open after what coach said. I told my mom “mom if we only came here to die from a hurricane I'm not going to play tomorrow cause coach was saying there was 90% for a the storm to happen tomorrow at our soccer
game”. my dad said “don't worry about it, nothing is going to happen everything is going to be alright.” I had my iphone on hand so i search on google, Where are hurricane most likely to occur? i look up because i wanted to find out if it could happen here in Florida. i quickly got to a page and it said they could occur in Tropical zones of north and south of the equator. I know that florida wasn't close to the equator, but i remember coach saying they could still happen here. we were on the month of july. on the page that i search also said hurricane season is from june 1 to November 3. Im scared to death, i don’t want to be here. we should just cancel this game. my sister
also came along with us. she said “What if a tornado and a hurricane happen at the same .” She’s crazy! Both of these storms can not happen at the same time its not possible, because tornado is a rotating column of air and whirling at destructively high speeds. THat is nothing like a hurricane. Some how they are the same because both are natural disasters that produce powerful, destructive winds that spiral cyclonically inwards via low pressure. They are both stormy atmospheric systems that have the potential of causing destruction. They are caused due to instability in atmospheric conditions. They might do the same the but they are different their own
72 miles per hour
Slow moving hurricanes produce more rainfall and can cause more damage from flooding than faster-moving, more powerful hurricanes.
The first time anyone flew into a hurricane happened in 1943 in the middle of World War II.
Hurricanes have male and female names, but at one point only female names were used. Way. Just thinking about having a soccer hurricane moves inland and begins to game with a hurricane is pretty scary. They deteriorate. also begins to deteriorate, there can cause some terrible damages! still may be a tremendous amount of Hurricanes are the most devastating rainfall. While i was doing this natural disaster, effecting whole researching thing. the team Australians thousands of people each year. They got together for dinner and it was call hurricanes, can change a whole persons life. raining outside. it was so hard you willy-willies. they cause damage in a variety of can hear fire crackers cracking. ways, including strong winds, storm the lighting was horrible. every time it surges, flooding, tornadoes, and rip tides. was lighting it caught the corner of my The worst part is flooding! Even when the eye. Every sound of the lighting would make
INTERESTING FACTS * All hurricanes begin life in a warm moist atmosphere over tropical ocean waters. * A typical hurricane can dump 6 inches to a foot of rain across a region. * Hurricanes are the only weather disasters that have been given their own names.
me jump so high i could almost reach the top of the car roof, well i did kind of hit my head on the top of the car. My dad park at the restaurant we were going to have dinner with the team. i ran out the car door because it was pouring outside and i walked in, i look like i just got out of the shower. I couldn't wait to tell the team about hurricanes and what i found out about them. so i sat down and said everything! while one of my team mates was eating a chip dipped in hot salsa and started to choke cause she was freaking out. she almost wanted to cry. i was kind of scared but i thought it was cool. Since i told them it was cool. they all got on there phones while we were waiting for the food. Gaby said “i wonder what causes the most deaths from a hurricane.” I said “i don’t know, lets look it up.” i go on google on the information text it said 90 percent of hurricane cyclone-related deaths result from the storm surge. Im not sure what that meant. nicole ask “how are hurricanes named?” i would love to have a hurricane named after me it would be cool. i think they pick the names because maybe each storm the same so they get a name. rebecca did once a report on them and she said she new the reason why they have names. rebecca started to explain and said “Hurricanes occur every
year and sometimes two or three hurricanes can be active at the same time. Using names for these hurricanes makes it much easier for meteorologists, researchers, emergency response workers, ship captains and citizens to communicate about specific hurricanes and be clearly understood. ” she kept on talking and talking until the food came. after everyone was finished coach told us we have to win our game no matter what even if its rain or doesn't we have a game to win. i did understand coach at the same time i was thinking how can we have a game if there is going to be a hurricane! we were on our way back to the hotel from dinner and i was still raining really hard and lighting. when we got to the hotel, i go back in running and i’m wet as a mop. we got up to the our room. i changed into dry clothes and i sit on the most comfortable couch and turn on the tv with the remote that was next to my cold ice drink. all i saw on the tv was news and more news about what was going to happen the next day. then i kept on switching channels and there was this interesting show about hurricanes. It was about hurricanes can do good things. I quickly grabbed my note book and started to take notes . This is what i wrote down “Tropical cyclones are important rainmakers, providing 25
percent or more of available rainfall to places like Japan, India, and Southeast Asia. which desperately needs a dousing ASAP. By stirring the ocean, tropical cyclones also cycle nutrients from the seafloor to the surface, boosting ocean productivity and setting the stage for blooms of marine life.” Thats Good! Im pretty sure the good things happen after the hurricane. Ive had enough with the storms so i go to bed. I woke up in the same seat the lady asked me what i wanted to drink. My mom was next to me i ask her “where are we?” she said “on our way to Florida for you soccer game” It was all a dream. lissete fortoso
A tornado touch down in a field in Indiana I have lived in Indiana for a year now but I have lived in the midwest all my life. My name is Zackary and this is were I live now. We can get 3 types of weather in 1 day such as rain, snow, blizers,and more.
In the last year we had a bad winter storms . We have winter storms and this is how they are formed. Winter storms derive their energy from the clash of two air masses of different temperatures and moisture levels. Winter storms usually form when an air mass of cold, dry, Canadian air moves south and interacts with a warm, moist air mass moving north from the Gulf of Mexico. The point where these two air masses meet is called a front. If cold air advances and pushes away the warm air, it forms a cold front. When warm air advances, it rides up over the denser, cold air mass to form a warm front. If neither air mass advances, it forms a stationary front. [6]
HURRICANES In the state of indiana we don't have hurricanes we have tornados .If we did this what the wind would look like if we had hurricanes but we get some effect of them and we get rain and thunder storms.
violet wind from in a hurricanes
TORNADOES In the united sates have an average of 800 tornadoes ever year indian an annual average of 23 reported tornadoes out of 800 tornadoes a year each year dozen of americans die from tornadoes what is a tornado is a dark funnel shape cloud made up of violently rotating winds that can reach speed up to 300 mph. The diameter of a tornadoes can be form a few feet to a mile wide . Tornadoes generally travel northeast at the speed of 20-60 mph.
TORNADO! January 2009
When you hear tornado what I think wicked do you think?
winds,disaster,and people being hurt!
Funnal cloud! start
big tornado! [10]
of tornado!
Crashing tornado/storm!
On one dark and windy afternoon, I was on my way home from Tennessee, It got really dark, gloomy, and windy. On the radio I heard the news reporter come across and he said “excuse me as of this moment we have a tornado that has touched the ground in tennessee and it is heading in the direction of kentucky so take cover
we will keep you updated� I was in kentucky we were in the middle of nowhere land as I call it their was just country dirt roads, we had to fly down the road and get to safety, but we got sick of waiting so we left. Then we finally hit indiana and got towards my dads house. Finally we got to my dads house and the tornado sirens went off and they had a yard sale set up so we all had to hurry and
throw it all in the shed but as we were putting it all in the shed everything was flying and I looked over and a table flipped and all the glass when flying as it got even more windy and i got hit in the face with it right in the cheek bone.It shatters and cut my face ,made my eye swollen , and popped blood vessels in my eye. Then my dad made all of us run in the house and while we were running the wind was pushing us and my sister got hit in the leg with a table it knocked her down and that caused her to have a
Afternoon tornado!
big bruise on her knee but she didn't break anything.
TORNADO’S to ice my eye with a bag of My dad and stepmom are the peas ,and then the next day ones that didn't get hurt
the swelling went down but
because that we're lucky but
the bump on my eye got
they helped us get down to
bigger and caused it to swell
the basement and we had no
even more.The next day I
idea when it would be over
ended up going to the
because we had no service
hospital to see if it was okay
on any of our phones from the and they couldn't really tell storm , so my dad had to go
because how swollen it was
out and see if it was over it
so they had me ice it all night
still was bad out so we had no and then come back the next idea what was gonna happen day and they told me that I so we stayed in their for a
had to put eye drops in and
while and then we all came
keep ice on it and then come
out to see the dark gloomy
to find out I had a bunch of
skies from what we knew the
broken blood vessels and it
tornado was over it was just
spidered all over my
gonna storm. We all went in
eye.people told the it look
the living room and they were awesome but i thought it was making sure we were okay, I
gross and it hurt.
was hurt the most and i had
Tornado formation A tornado begins in a severe thunderstorm called a supercell.The severe thunderstorms which produce tornadoes form where cold dry polar air meets warm moist tropical air.
Tornadoes can form any time during the year, but most form in May. But, more severe ones form earlier because the most damage is caused in April. [13]
F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
65-85 MPH 86-110 MPH 111-135 MPH 36-165 MPH 166-200 MPH Over 200 MPH [14]