Hurricane katrina

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By: L ynsey Snod Madi grass, son A rnold Paytn , Em i Kriet ly Eva er ns,

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Dear readers, Me and my friends created this magazine to inform our readers on the

safety precautions, Destruction, and occurrence or season of these deadly storms and weather. In this article you will read about those things on Hurricanes, tornados, monsoons, blizzards, and then some on general indiana weather.

Emily learned- Indiana’s weather can be extremely unpredictable. we

are in late may, and are still receiving cold days coming back from winter. Today its 76, and 2 days ago it was 56. Lynsey learned- Hurricanes only occur in the tropics, meaning a hurricane could never appear in Northern states like Illinois, Indiana, or michigan. Paytn Learned- I didn't know the intensity that a blizzard could have, i thought they we’re just littler Snow storms, But they are much more than that. Madison learned- I Didn't know about the tornado scales. like that some are bigger and stronger than others. i thought they we’re all pretty close in size. Weather is important for both plants and animals to live comfortably and peacefully. In agricultural stations where most of the people are dependent on the rains, they need to know about the weather often. Some of the crops cannot tolerate intense heat and hence the farmers will have to take steps to protect the crop lands from heavy sunlight. THANK YOU FOR READING OUR MAGAZINE, WE HOPE YOU ENJOY!

Lynsey Snodgrass, Madison Arnold, Emily Evans, Paytn Krieter


Hurricane Katrina By: Lynsey Snodgrass August 25, 2005 was an admirable day on the gritty sand of Mirabay, Florida.Laying in half sand half salt water i slowly began drifting into sleep. Abruptly, i was woken up to the disturbing sound of a siren of some sort, and when i finally came to my senses. I realized the alerting sound was Hurricane Katrina’s siren, letting me know she was hurling closer to mirabay.As i lay there covered in sand and fear. I try to keep myself calm, As i skim over the list of things in my head i should do first in my situation, i realize i had no more time to question it. I scrape up my towel and dash through the shore of the beach heading toward my house, hoping i will make it to my front steps before the hurricane has time to pick me up and tear me apart. As i run as fast as i can, i notice the sky is draped in Turquoise waves, i remember thinking it looked like when the waves start to roll up and ride on top of each other, but instead of being in front of me, the sky is creating these waves above me. Actualizing this storm is closer and coming faster than i portrayed, i go into a full out run, one of those runs where you are powered solely on the pumping adrenalin inside you. I take as many shortcuts as i know of in the town of Mirabay. But it is just enough, because when i arrive on the steps of my 2 story home, and try to look back to get a glimpse of Katrina, i take notice that she has just made her arrival 3 blocks down the street, And it is about that time where i need to run up my front steps. I bust inside and slam the door behind me, not paying any attention to my home, i pop a squat in front of the window facing the street thats holding the tropical cyclone. if i could estimate, hurricane Katrina is hurling toward my house at 175 miles per hour. She’s carrying boat loads of salt water with her, and wrapping up light poles, cars, bits and pieces of houses, and fire hydrants in her path of disruption.

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina was the most costly hurricane in history. It flooded 80 percent of New Orleans and destroyed more than 100,000 homes Before Hurricane Katrina, Mississippi did not have minimum statewide building codes. Page 1

Hurricane Katrina was a was the largest and third strongest hurricane ever recorded to make landfall in the U.S, swirling around at a category 5. Her body killed 1836 people, and 705 people were reported as still missing after hurricane Katrina. And An estimated 80 percent of New Orleans was under water, up to 20 feet deep in places. Â Â Â A hurricane is a tropical cyclone, And intense tropical weather system of strong thunderstorms with winds that circularly blow on average, at 74 mph. A Hurricanes will always form in the sea, but most occur in the atlantic or gulf of mexico. And Hurricanes need warm surface water. Also, Hurricanes have seasons from june to november. But in the eastern pacific it starts May 15th.

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By: paytn Krieter

i have lived in indiana my whole life, and i have lived through about 3 or 4 blizzards. Blizzards are not really that bad as long as you stay in and if you have to go somewhere, go in a car but make sure to pay attention. if you are wondering what a blizzard is, it is a snowstorm with high winds and low visibility. that means that the winds are very strong and if you were to try to look at something through the snow you wouldn't really be able to see because the snow would be coming down so hard. blizzards usually form when very cold, dry air clashes with very warm, moist air. if you are ever stuck outside in a blizzard you should try and get dry if you are wet, stay hydrated but don not eat the snow. Try and get someplace warm soon. do not ever eat the snow if you are starting to get dehydrated because if you eat the frozen snow it will lower your body temperature then many worse things can happen. blizzards are really hard to see threw so if you are in one you for sure want to hurry up and get in a warm place or if you are already inside you want to stay inside. The National Weather Service defines a blizzard as large amounts of blowing or falling snow with winds in excess of 35 miles per hour and visibility of 1/4 mile for at least 3 hours. winter storms do not need to meet this definition to be dangerous. Large amounts of snow or cold temperatures alone can also be dangerous and can also be called blizzards. Blizzards have a number of dangers. Blowing snow can cause whiteout conditions that make driving dangerous High winds coupled with low temperatures can create wind chill effects that pose a greater danger and can cause frostbite or hypothermia. For example, with an air temperature of 0째 and a 30 mph wind, the air against your skill will feel like -26째. High winds coupled with low temperatures can create wind chill effects that pose a greater danger and can cause frostbite or hypothermia. For example, with an air temperature of 0째 and a 30 mph wind, the air against your skill will feel like -26째. Page 3 .

if you get frostbite you want to make sure to try and take care of it right away because it can cause injures to your body tissue. hyperthermia is when you have a body temperature way to low or way above normal.) You do not have to be outside for blizzards to be dangerous. Blizzards can also cause problems in your car or home, they can damage both your car and home.


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Something we don't really have here in indiana is monsoons. monsoons are windy systems that reverse directions with the change of seasons. monsoons are often associated with heavy rains. monsoons usually happen in arizona, new mexico, southern california, utah and colorado. monsoons are caused by drought conditions, and the temperature to cause one is usually around 100-108F. most people look forward too captivating sights and sounds of monsoons because lighting can strike at any moment, and they are can be very deadly. monsoons are like rainstorms but they last a lot longer and are much stronger. they form big clouds that get full of moisture and this produces heavy rainfall. monsoons usually happen in drought conditions because they get their moisture from the drought. That’s what makes the clouds of moisture and create rainfall. monsoons usually happen in mainly the west because they are closer to the southern Asia and the Indian ocean. if you are wondering monsoons can last for months, days, and maybe even hours, when there is a monsoon you don't really know when it is going to end because it can end at any time. but monsoon season is in the months of july-september.

when there is a monsoon there is most of the time a lot of damage. Monsoons in Southern Asia are the most well known and most potent. The monsoons in Southern Asia are known to bring about long drought periods from September to March. It is hard to grow crops during this period due to the lack of water. The wind blows from the Himalayas, causing a desert effect, since the tall mountains block all the moisture from reaching Southern Asia. The summer monsoon is known to do the opposite, bringing huge amounts of moisture from the Indian Ocean causing massive flooding in many areas. This flooding can destroy the infrastructure of the region if people are not properly prepared. Although monsoons have the ability to damage, they have become an intricate part of society, changing agricultural patterns and affecting people’s lives in many ways as people learn to live with the dry and flooding seasons of monsoons. the city’s economic losses are estimated at more than $100 million for just 1 monsoon. as you can see monsoons are very dangerous and if you do not want to go threw that stuff then i suggest that you move to indiana, because we do not have monsoons here.

By: Paytn Krieter

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Indiana Weather I’ve lived in Indiana for the past 14 years, and in that time, i experienced numerous tornado watches tornado warnings, blizzards. These experiences changed my life. In summer of 2011 Riley and I were hanging out tanning, it was a hot day with a breeze. My mom told me that we are under a thunderstorm watch and i thought that it was, just gonna pass over just like all the other storms do. But about 20 to 30 minutes later she heard the alert thing go off on our TV we were kinda worried that a tornado might approach our house knowing me being terrified of them i run inside in my basement. My mom told us to stay down stairs so i went upstairs instead. I looked out our front door and all you see is my uncle, my mom, my neighbors Kim & Clay standing in my driveway, looking up at the clouds, into the greenish grayish sky. I’ve never been so scared in my life because in the sky i saw a funnel forming above my neighbors house. So i ran down stairs by Riley and she wanted to know what’s wrong so i showed her what was wrong, but the funnel was gone.

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They say that they only last a few minutes and then disappear in the sky. Thats one of the few natural disasters that happens in Indiana. Indiana’s usual temperature is either 19 degrees or 86 degrees F. In the summer the climate is humid and in spring chilly, in the winter its freezing its usually under 10degrees an under. By: Emily Evans

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By: Madison Arnold

I have lived in Indiana my whole life. I’ve been through numerous tornado warnings and watches. One day in late May of 2010 when I was home alone, I was watching TV. A warning came on and it explained that there was a severe warning, and everyone should get to a basement or somewhere underground. I called my mom who was at work and she told me to calm down and go in the basement. Right before I made my way down there I looked out the window, only to see the sky was grey and green. I was terrified. I grabbed my dogs and ran down the stairs. The power went out and I heard thunder. I was crying and freaking out so my mom decided to come home from work early. About a half an hour later when she arrived, the storm had died down, but the sky was still a dark grey. The warning was over and there was no tornado, but it was extremely scary.Tornadoes are usually the extreme result of a very large thunderstorm called a supercell. During the storm cold air and warm air combine. The cold air drops as the warm air rises. The warm air eventually twists into a spiral and forms a funnel cloud. The sky turns a very dark green color and the tornado begins its destruction.There are a lot of different types of tornadoes such as; Category EF0 Wind in miles per hour: between 65 - 85. Light damage. Some damage to chimneys; branches broken off trees; shallow-rooted trees pushed over; sign boards damaged. Category EF1 Wind in miles per hour: between 86 - 110. Moderate damage. Peels surface off roofs; mobile homes pushed off foundations or overturned; moving autos blown off roads. Category EF2 Wind in miles per hour: between 111 - 135. Considerable damage. Roofs torn off frame houses; mobile homes demolished; boxcars overturned; large trees snapped or uprooted; lightobject missiles generated; cars lifted off ground. Category EF3 Wind in miles per hour: between 136 - 165. Severe damage. Roofs and some walls torn off well-constructed houses; trains overturned; most trees in forest uprooted; heavy cars lifted off the ground and thrown. Category EF4 Wind in miles per hour: between 166- 200. Devastating damage. Wellconstructed houses leveled; structures with weak foundations blown away some distance; cars thrown and large missiles generated. Category EF5 Wind in miles per hour: 200+. Incredible damage. Strong frame houses leveled off foundations and swept away; automobile-sized missiles fly through the air in excess of 100 meters (109 yards); trees debarked; incredible phenomena will occur.

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