Magazine article

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Letter to the editors year 1888, she looses her brother from a blizzard, my article also discusses the Dear readers, severity of different winter Imagine a world with no storms including blizzards. weather, no summer, no Some of the things I learned winter, no spring, or no fall, were, the different nothing. In our world we have temperatures that Indiana all of this, and in some cases endures, how severe it is to the extreme! We have blizzards can be and how all endured some type of dangerous/ hard it is to live weather in our lifetimes, and through a blizzard without we know the basics, like wind, proper supplies. Lastly, you rain, snow, etc. Although, do will hear about Sarah, she will we really know what happens discuss hurricanes and how around the world? In this they can wash away the lives magazine you will explore of many. several types of weather, My name is Sarah Doffin and anywhere from tornadoes, to I studied hurricanes, Indiana weather! My story was about a young We begin with Emily, Hello, girl and her best friend going I learned a lot about through a hurricane and their tornadoes and thunderstorms last few moments together. in my article Midnight I talk During my article I have also about a family outing went learned a few things about wrong and how tornadoes are cold and warm fronts, how a powerful and dangerous hurricane forms and where it creatures that can destroy forms, I greatly enjoyed this buildings, homes and even project. We hope you enjoy lives. I discuss how the tunnel this magazine! We also hope like shape can power with that you enjoy learning about wind speeds up to 550 mph! I several survivors and their also discuss the after stories, and that you learn damage and how on the fajita new things as you read on! scale determines the power of Thank you! that particular tornado. There is much to learn in my article, and it is a great way to learn. To learn more keep reading and enjoy! Now you will learn about Breanna’s topic and how she our weather “Indiana Weather” works. Hi My article is about a 15 year old girl in indiana in the Letter From the Editors

Midnight By: Emily Crouch I was 13 years old when I was caught up in my first tornado. Every vivd image of destruction and debris floats through my mind. Even after five years, I can still tell you about the soaring tunnel like shape filled with black misty dust. It all started July 4th, 2008. The mid-summer sky lit up the world with a tomato like glow. The breeze was warm and the smell of BBQ roamed the acres that my home sat upon. My family and I were preparing for a get together with some friends and family. I was in the best of moods and a smile sprung upon my face as others gathered with swim suits and dishes full of goodies in hand. The sun was gleaming and not one cloud was in sight, which made it perfect for swimming! As the day moved on, the weather outside grew cool. We were inside preparing for fireworks and some desserts others brought. I was changing a long with some friends into fresh clothes and out of our wet bathing suits. Once everyone was ready we all piled outside once more to discover the sky darkening into a misty green color. It looked like a lagoon with mud painting the sky. The sight shocked us all and we scurried to the basement where we piled into our small storage room. We were CRAMMED! Not just squished

I mean crammed, my foot was lodged in between an arm and a leg. I wasn’t concerned though, I was mostly worried about my safety. I felt a rush of nerves flow through my body. I was shivering with fear. I closed my eyes, the room was silent. Suddenly, I heard a deep moaning voice. I sprung my eyes open, it was my friend Carter he began to speak in a low voice. I couldn’t quite make out what he was saying until I realized he was telling a story, the little children there looked up. Tears flowed down their faces. He spoke of a great force he named Midnight. Midnight was a storm, a storm who just wanted a friend. Midnight was a tornado and not many tornados were seen where Midnight lived. It was rare, and the other types of weather did not like “rare”. Carter told of Midnight’s mile wide tunnel and how his color was a deep blueish black. Midnight had picked up several hundreds of acres of rummage throughout his journey to North Carolina. The other weather types teased Midnight of his dark color and his wild rages. This set Midnight on wild rage. Everyday he was made fun of and teased. The pressure built up in side of him and he let loose he went storming “literally” out of sight tearing down his path causing wicked destruction. The other

weather types scooted away in fear. Midnight was sad he flew his rummage right and left, taking out homes and buildings far as the eye could see. The kids looked around in shock the story intrigued them as it did I. I smiled it made the tornado a lot less frightening for myself and the small children. I giggled a little as Carter’s voice changed as he described the story. Midnight lasted for several hours and touched the ground for at least ten minutes. He was outraged with anger! Midnight slowed down after about three hours. The damage was horrific and everywhere homes were destroyed. The kids gasped in terror. Carter continued. Midnight felt horrible, he knew he did wrong. Everywhere people arose from ditches and homes, luckily no fatal injuries occurred. Midnight was ashamed. He had heard many times before of other tornados killing people and he did not want to be like that. He flew home in a rush, hoping, just hoping that no one would notice him. His mother knew of what had happened and when Midnight came home, she screamed in anger! She punished him as she looked at the damage he had caused. “Your lucky our home isn’t gone!” cried his mother. Continued on the next page

Midnight... continued. “Your behavior is severe, severe weather that is!” The children giggled and laughed at the joke. I smiled. Carter kept on. So many homes were gone. It was like someone snapped their finger! Gone. Midnight even uprooted trees. Leaving cars flying throughout the air. Oncer Carter was finished with his story he explained what was going on outside. Midnight just like any other tornado is dangerous and can cause much more than damage. Tornados can take lives. Even though the storm I COULDN’T QUITE MAKE OUT WHAT HE WAS SAYING UNTIL I REALIZED HE WAS TELLING A STORY...

had passed, the kids were frightened, but also relieved to know that they were safe. The family wondered upstairs and turned on their storm radio on full power. What they just went through was rated on a Fujita scale and this one was rated F4, the scale was from F1 to F5. F1 being the lowest and F5 being the highest. Although they were lucky 165 people lost their lives that day to a deadly and wicked storm. That day will always be remembered by me, by my family, by Carter, and by everyone who experienced it! I was a survivor and I was blessed. I still shiver at the thought of that storm.




Blizzards,Blizzards,Blizzards!!! Whoosh, whoosh. The wind blows and the snow piles up higher and higher. Its so cold in my house. There is no electricity here so we have to use our oil lamps to see anything and my family is all bundled up trying to stay warm. It’s winter of 1888. 50 inches has fallen and more than 400 people have died including my brother. While we sit there I try making conversation. “Daddy what is a Blizzard?” my dad thinks a little bit and tells me this: “Blizzards are snowstorms with low visibility and high winds. Blizzards usually form in cold, damp, and fairly breezy climates. In order for a blizzard to form, the surface severe

air must be cold. There needs to be a lot of moisture in the atmosphere, and there has to be a fair amount of lift or breeze to cause the warm air to rise above the cold air. This can result in a snow storm. With enough moisture, and high winds a typical snow storm can escalate into blizzard conditions. Blizzards usually come from the lake so it would be a lake effect blizzard. As cold, arctic air moves down and over the United States from the colder northern regions, large bodies of water are generally warmer than the air moving over them. Continued on page 5.






Blizzards,Blizzards,Blizzards... Continued.... As cold, arctic air moves currents encircling the globe down and over the United several miles above the States from the colder earth.” northern regions, large bodies My dad gets tired of talking of water are generally warmer about blizzards and looks than the air moving over outside “It should stop them. Our Great Lakes are an snowing soon” and we all excellent example of large shouted in joy. bodies of water that stay comparatively warmer than the arctic air that moves over them from the north. The cold air that moves over the lakes picks up moisture which is later dumped in areas to the south and east of the lakes. Blizzard have wind-chill, a still-air temperature that would Type to enter text have the same cooling effect on exposed human skin as a given combination of temperature and wind speed. Blizzards also have ice storms caused by freezing rain. Blizzards are all part of Indiana weather. The average temperature in Indiana is 52 Degrees. Indiana Climate is Humid Continental. Our weather comes from the west and in a circular motion.” “What are the different temperatures? How do they occur?” My Mom asked. My dad smiles and says “ Well in the summer it’s hot out the temperature can range from 70-80 degrees, in the winter the temp ranges from 25- 35 degrees Fahrenheit the temperatures occur because of jet stream it is a narrow, variable band of very strong, predominantly westerly air

Blown Away By: Sarah Doffin ! My name is Jesset Rotati and I am a Storm Survivor. I was 16 and I lived down in Florida It was a Hot June day and I was hanging out with my friend, we were surfing. They sky started to turn a weird color, like a bad minty green ice-cream color. We payed no mind we were just laughing, chilling around and feeling the sweet salty water splash against our faces. The wind started to pick up a bit and I was kinda getting freaked out. “Hey we should probably go and get some coffee or something now, its getting late” i tried not to sound too panicky. “Awww ‘lil ‘setty is getting scared of the sky” teased my best friend Dean. “Why would I be scared I just have to get home soon”. “Yeah okay, make you a bet; whoever can stay out on the next wave the longest doesn't have to pay for coffee.” Thats when I decided to be stupid, Thats when the storm hit, thats when I lost Dean.!! ! ! ! ! ! ! Here is my Story. ! “Fine, But when I win your paying for coffee, driving me home, and persuading my parents to unground me from my car, and not ground me any longer. Deal?” I teased “deal” he said. We waited for the perfect wave, the only problem is I always go for the big waves and he likes the

smaller ones. And he was the one calling me scared. Then we both saw this amazing wave, I looked right at him he gave me his crazy smirk and we both immediately started to paddle towards her. The wind really Started to pick up and Rain Started to pour down. At the Moment I honesty started to get a little scared we had no idea what was happening until the Hurricane siren went off. I Frantically looked around for Dean, He had wiped out and was already yelling for me to start paddling back. ! There was no hurricane. There wind was blowing a good 20-22 MPH but there was no hurricane just a bunch of rain. “The hurricane isn't here yet” he said. “ It starts off with a ton of rain and then the hurricane will come in but the farther in land we are the better because the hurricane will die off, it lives off of the water.” he was saying “what?!” I was so stunned about his intelligence spasm spurt thing. I had no idea what he said. “I’m taking you back to your place were gonna get your parents and evacuate before this thing hits” “what are you talking about? It's just a little rain and a little wind, quit acting like a weather man.” I was getting kinda mad because nothing was gonna happen. “Well, my dad is a Storm Chaser and he

knows a lot about this kinda stuff. Now lets go.” ! ! We went home and got some things and then left in the car. It was Really starting to pour. The streets were starting to flood. And I couldn't help but think how people in Texas were probably throwing a party because of all the rain they are probably getting, and they car Ride wasn’t so Bad at first I thought we were gonna live and we would be fine. Until we got stuck in traffic. Literally we were on an evacuation route and there was a traffic problem. The winds were really really starting to get bad. Dean told be they were now at about 37 MPH. “how do you know so much about hurricanes?” He told me how his dad is obsessed with them and he became a storm chaser ,he just kinda picked up all the information and weather things his dad talked bout. I thought it was pretty cool. He wouldn't shut up about how the wether experts have whole lists of names for the hurricanes and the SaffirSimpson Hurricane Scale. He explained how the scale ranges from 1-5 based on the wind speeds. He said that he kinda always wanted to see a 5 Hurricane but you would be dead. ! Dean helped pass the time by we were stuck for about an hour. He kept going on and on about how,

Blown Away tornadoes and hurricanes were so different and people thought they were the same. For instance tornadoes lived on land and would just die out but hurricanes lived on the water and when they got far enough into land where there was no water they would die out. Tornadoes will rip up land and hurricanes-or tropical cyclones- just moves into the land and swirling around in a vortex like motion . He also told us how the outer winds of a hurricane are called glades they are the roughest part of the hurricane and cause the most damage and that a diameter of a hurricane glade to glade can be hundreds of miles long. That part kinda freaked me out. We could be in the eye, the glades or anywhere in between. “So Dean how exactly does a hurricane form? Like it doesn't just poof out of nowhere right?” “pfffftt no.” he laughed “Its confusing but I will tell you anyway.” “Okay so, Hurricanes start when warm moist air from the ocean surface begin to rise rapidly where it encounters cooler air which causes the warm water to condense and form storm clouds and rain. When it rains it releases latent heat. That warms the cool air causing it to rise and make way for humid air from the ocean below. As this cycle keeps going it creates a wind patters that is similar to water swirling

down a drain except it keeps going ‘round and ‘round and all the flooding comes from the rainfall, pretty neat huh?” he was grinning at me like a child on Christmas morning and the funny thing is I never knew he loved weather like this. Besides all the rain, wind, and the fact we could die he was really starting to freak me out. I mean he’s my best friend and everything but, it was kinda cute. Thats when i noticed the sky behind him, it was starting to swirl like a vortex or something. “Dean..... look behind you” I could just barley get the words out, because I knew what it was. We were right in the middle of a hurricane and we were stuck. I panicked. I couldn’t breathe I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. I wanted to scream and I was Unaware what Dean had done. He had gotten out of the car. “Dean! What are you doing?” he didn’t reply to. He ran out scooped something up and had gotten back inside the car. “OH MY GOSH WHAT IS YOUR DEAL?!” I was screaming and crying at the same time. “You could've been killed or worse blown away and ripped to pieces!!” then i saw the ball of fur in his lap, it was a little puppy of what kind I didn't know. “Did i ever tell you about Warm Fronts and Cold Fronts?” he was grinning that stupid smile, and I was about to slap him.

“So i went outside to see if there was a cold or warm front. Heres what happeneds in Colds Fronts. Cold air replaces warm air, the air behind the front is colder and drier the air in front of the cold front is most and warmer, When there is a shift in wind pattern the pressure changes and with cold fronts usually there are thunder-storms and a lot of rain. With Warm Fronts the warm air is replacing cold air. Air behind the front is warmer and moist, the air in front is cooler and less moist when the wind pattern changes the pressure changes and with Warm fronts normally there is just rain Henceforth, since there is only rain there is a warm front.” I could not believe how he knew so much i just couldn't. Then all the sudden, the car jerked forward, and tumbled over and over and landed right side up, i had passed out. Because the next thing I knew I was in a hospital. parents were okay. the little dog was okay, I was okay the doctors said I just had a concussion and passed out and we were lucky because we were right outside the eye of the storm. Dean wasn’t okay.. he wasn’t even there. He had died because he wasn't strapped into his seatbelt and his neck had snapped. It was the worst thing ever. I named the dog after his middle name; Berty.


Continued... Blown Away Thats how I survived a storm and now I know so much more and can keep an eye out for storms. Thats my survivor story.

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