Vol. 12 2022 Institute of Service Science National Tsing Hua University
白,可能是純粹、虛無、也是所有色光的疊加態。 光進入瞳孔,世間萬物因而成形。 透明、模糊、清晰、猶疑、明確⸻
2021波折而令人難忘,在被疫情籠罩的這一年, 生活中多了些 「留白」 的時間與空間。 我們學著與自己溝通、和他人相處, 也開始去探索活著的不同形式。
螢幕顯示上,看似簡單的 「白色」 、
如同在服務科學研究所中,來自多元背景的我們, 或許風格迥異,卻總在合作中創造不一樣的可能。 這是屬於服科人們2021的故事, 期許我們都能透過不同視角,
前言|服務聲 Vol��. ����,白色
色散|光的存在,勾勒出眼中所有形貌 本所成立於����年是亞洲第一個服務科學研究所,首開服務科學跨領域學習研究並培養
高服務滿意度,達到服務創新所帶來的價值。同時探討如何以科學化的方法與技術,增進 服務相關產業與企業流程的生產力與創新,增進人類福祉。
����年成立全世界第一個服務科學博士班,招收台灣與國際博士生,創造真實的多元學 習環境,期待能發揮服務科學的國際學術影響力。
自����年以來,本所採取獨特的教育方式並將人性嵌入到學習環境,涉及到產業納入教 育背景,並產生與理論方法相關領域的研究成果。
畢業後就職,如同服科所本身多元發展的特性,除出國繼續進修深造外,皆能於各領域發 揮專長,除網路產業、製造/軟體服務業、研究單位外,自行創業、加入Start-up團隊或前進 兩岸三地就職也不在少數。
業分析四大模組,配合產學合作與產業實習的實施,使學生具備服務科學的理論與實務, 同時具有進入服務為主產業的先備知識。培養具有科技與人文素養,及服務創新與創業 能力的菁英領袖人才。
清大服科所簡介 Introduction of ISS ��
03 燈塔|溫暖真誠,指引迷惘的靈魂前行 服科師長的話 - What they told us 所內老師們的祝福 歡迎新老師!訪談大揭密
15 明鏡|看見了不同可能,走出自己的路 畢業學長姐的精彩旅程 - Alumni stories 謝子昕 - TDRI台灣設計研究院|研究員 陳俊彥 - Meta|Client Solutions Manager 黃郁雯 - Amazon|Business intelligence analyst
22 迷霧|當局者迷,卻也能留下更多思考 疫情下奮鬥的服科人們 - Under Covid-19 疫情挑戰大調查 - 課程篇 疫情挑戰大調查 - 實習篇 服科人的「WFH」工作桌擺設
26 軟尺|延伸的長度,交織成未來的樣貌 服科年度大事記 - Chronology of events 關於服科所的2021 獲獎資訊|重要實事|所內活動|行政流程
28 網子|接住需求,珍惜交流帶來的力量 服科辦活動 - Extracurricular activities 春酒|實習始業式(OST)|所友回娘家|送舊| 實習始業式|迎新活動(溯溪改茶會)|實習結業式| 城鄉之際,服科所踏查|聖誕趴
32 若水|型態流向各異,善利萬物而不爭 服科之外的__ - Beyond ISS 李軒任|108級 - 缺乏領域知識,也要試著讓概念落地 李欣儒|108級 - 打造基石、堆疊創意,觸發更多可能 黃炳儒|107級 - 運用不同溝通面向,人生處處是舞台
目錄|服務聲 Vol��. ����,白色
-燈塔|服科師長的話溫暖真誠,指引迷惘的靈魂前行 What they told us.
服科師長的話 What they told us.
Fu-Ren 林福仁 教授
Dear ISS family, 2021, the second year of COVID-19 pandemic. I wish you the best to keep healthy and stay safe in the coming 2022, and we will enjoy the new lifestyle after the pandemic. While we are suffering from the pandemic, besides keeping safe, we started to lead a research project in resilience sponsored by the MOE to investigate resilience related issues in different scales of studies, in terms of policy, societies, industries, organizations in Taiwan and across the world. One of the goals is to establish a community of practice, called“Resilience Academy”, to practice resilience-oriented service innovation to equip the
the service ecosystems. Please follow us via FB fan page: https://www.facebook.com/Residemy.
Chen-Ya 王貞雅 副教授
Without seeing the end of COVID-19, Year 2021 is still a challenging year for every of us. For both ISS as an institute and members of it, agility—responding and adapting quickly to changes, may be one competitive advantage to develop. In such an era of uncertainty, it is also good timing to think what are important to you and worth pursuing. No matter what brings you to the ISS, hope you find something that will bring you a smile when you think of your journey in this program.
Jyun-Cheng 王俊程 教授
The epidemic has defined the way of life in the past two years, but it has also provided a special opportunity for us to leap closer to future life. The new lifestyle is the opportunity to define new services. I hope you can see the future, and use your unique way to grasp the future.
Soumya 雷松亞 教授
I believe 2021 has been a very mixed year for all of us. We’ve had great experiences in class and internships and made new friendships along the way. But the pandemic has touched all our lives in some shape or form. I’ve tried this year to be cognizant of the pressures our students face in terms of job market prospects, family situations, and health. In my teaching, I’ve experimented with making all my classes hybrid — students have the option to come to class or participate from home. I hope this gave students choices, as we each grapple with our own comfort and safety. But it has been a very uncomfortable approach for me as a teacher, as I am used to having a full class paying attention to me in person! But the themes of this year have been“resilience" and “adaptation", and I think we are all challenged to try uncomfortable things (including vaccines!). I also joined a major research initiative led by Prof. Furen Lin to study how small services can become resilient, and my masters research students have led me to explore various R&D projects to enhance the resilience of IT services. We can only hope that our experiments in class, research, and life lay the path for a stronger post-Covid future. In the meantime, the best we can do is to give each other more empathy and support to make it through this historic time.
服科師長的話 What they told us.
Yuan-Chi 曾元琦 副教授
ISS is a place that combines the advantages of the flexibility of design and the precision of science. We are constantly facing adjustment and adaptation this year. For example, we often need to change the way of teaching and learning following policies. Yet, we need to maintain normalcy even in a life of significant change. The essence of design is to change, not only to change but also to become better. And design thinking is flexible enough to respond to changes. Learning design and practicing design could make you a person get used to changing and turning the changing better. I wish everyone in ISS could
design and science to make life better and have a great new year.
Jaewon 兪在元 助理教授 Dear ISS family, It has only been a few months since I joined ISS, but I have already grown to love being a part of the welcoming and supportive community that we have here. Everything is new to me in Taiwan—the culture, the environment, the people, and the language—but the support I received from the members of the ISS family has made things much easier for me to settle in. I am greatly thankful for it all! I am also very much looking forward to interacting with & mentoring students in the years to come. I place a great deal of importance on creating an interactive and cooperative environment where I can actively support and nurture students’academic & career success. I hope to learn and excel along with my students in the near future. I wish you all a wonderful, healthy, and fruitful year ahead in 2022!
Pei-Fang 許裴舫 教授
Dear ISS family, Looking back year 2021, what happened to us? In May, we had a sudden COVID outbreak, and all things changed without any preparation. We were not asked whether we were ready to do it or not, liked it or not, and things just happened there. We moved classes online, meetings online, and even commencement online. No photos for graduates, and no celebration party after thesis defenses. Now at the end of 2021, we accomplished so much. We finished teaching. 20 more master and 2 PhD students graduated. 1st year students interned during summer. Two new faculties, Yi-Chun and Jaewon joined ISS, after long quarantine and many unforeseen issues. We welcomed 20 more new ISS master students
achievement under such a chaotic year. Q: What do I think ISS? ISS is full of great people. From above, I am proud to say that ISS families are always willing to help when needed, hard-working, and fast-adapting. With everyone’s contribution, we keep ISS moving forward on the right track.
Q: What challenges and changes do I see? For me (and for ISS), this is the first time that I have to serve as a role of acting director. If our former directors considered the role difficult, I would called it extremely difficult. Taking this role with your help, I treat it as my return to ISS to thank what ISS family has given to me, and to serve ISS family so we can shape ISS to a shiny and healthy position.
服科師長的話 What they told us.
Pei-Fang 許裴舫 教授 Q: Blessings to ISS students Here comes 2022. I want to use the same words to encourage myself and my ISS families. Be brave to try something unfamiliar but our heart really aims for, be kind to people, in particular our loved ones, and be clear on how to use 2022 meaningfully. Happy New Year.
Yi-Chun 歐怡君 副教授 Q: What do I think ISS? ISS provides an environment of freedom of research and learning. The hierarchy and authority rarely exist at ISS, between the staff, between the students, and between the staff and the students. This is my primary impression of ISS. Q: What challenges and changes do I see? Service Science seems new to the academic community. This provides Service Science an opportunity to develop its own theories and implement specific practices. However, one coin has two sides. A new area could be unfamiliar in its positioning. For example, Service Science is a combination of Information Systems, Service Marketing and Management, Service Innovation and Design, and
Q: Blessings to ISS students While Service Science is new, each ISS student is an important frontier in creating what Service Science is. ISS students come from diverse backgrounds, which would be a key creating the uniqueness of Service Science.
Patricia 郭佩宜 助理教授 Q: What do I think ISS? ISS is an interesting place in Taiwan to research on important human behavioral topics through interdisciplinary perspectives. Hope this vibe can continue on! Q: What challenges and changes do I see? Opportunity: I see a recent growth in UI/UX field in Taiwan and Asia. This brings benefits to all students across modules at ISS, as these companies not only look for UI/UX but also marketing, data science, and information systems talents. This made ISS students situate on a sweet spot in several contexts. Remember to do some memorable work during your stay at ISS - hard work will pay off in the long run. Challenge: The competitive and growing UI/UX job market means that you need to learn how to position yourself and cultivate your core strengths when competing with many candidates. While self-packaging is important, please remember that only your solid skills and efforts you invested will make you go a long way, and increase your *mobility* wherever you go. Be adaptive, and most importantly, don’t just follow what everyone is doing or saying! Look and think globally. Q: Blessings to ISS students “Life is not fair - get used to it!”- Bill Gates Hope you will remember this sentence whenever encountering difficulties in your life. The only thing you can do is keep swimming! :) “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”- Professor Dumbledore in Harry Potter Keep this in your mind when making decisions during your professional and life journeys. Things you did, choices you made, people you helped will all represent who you are. Lastly, be safe, be healthy, and be strong! Happy 2022!
服科師長的話 What they told us.
Welcome to NTHU ISS Family ~! 歐怡君 副教授 Prof. Yi-Chun Ou Expertise:
Marketing strategies
Advertising and multi-channel effectiveness
Q: What’s the first impression of ISS students? I am particularly impressed by the fact that
the applicants for ISS’master program are very good. As committee, it is difficult to
choose the finalists. I find that ISS students focus not only on learning, but are actively
involved in extracurricular activities or participating in competitions. In addition, I never
think that what an ISS student should be. ISS provides an open-learning environment for students, where students could choose their learning path.
Q: Before taking your course, do we have relevant prior knowledge in advance? Is a business school background required?
In terms of “Marketing Strategies,” I prefer
students with basic marketing knowledge. However, no prior marketing knowledge is
necessary. In terms of quantitative research methods in marketing, students who learned basic data analyses would find the class less challenging. However, I always encourage
students to step out of their comfort zone and learn new things if they intend to do so.
Q: Why did you decide to go back to Taiwan
Q: When doing research with you, what kind of
One reason is the family. The other reason is
I prefer students who are active in exploring
and come to ISS?
right time, right place, and right people, which is“天時地利人和”in Mandarin. When seeing the post from ISS, I have made my mind to continue the academic career in Taiwan. ISS
provides not only an open-learning but open-working environment.
So far, I have been enjoying to work at ISS.
student are you looking for?
new ideas and challenge themselves. During
the process, students should often communicate with their supervisors, when there are questions and doubts. In terms of how to encourage students to ask questions, teachers should make students feel comfortable and dare to ask. I understand that students may fear that they ask stupid or not important
questions. In my opinion, no questions are
let me know. Other than this, I like my office,
opinion, is the most fundamental and import-
and helpful colleagues and the students who
stupid. Sometimes a stupid question, in your
ant question. Sometimes a stupid question indicates that teachers may not explain things clearly.
Q: What attempts do you want to make in ISS?
I have been teaching quantitative research methods in marketing in the UK. I plan to start a new attempt, Marketing Strategies, in the ���� spring semester. The class intends to introduce services in marketing in a customer management perspective. Ideally, the delivery
will combine case studies and theories. Apart from that, the class will also introduce
multi-channel related research in marketing.
Q: How are your life experience and the adaptation in NTHU ISS?
Still have to spend time in exploring the NTHU campus and Hsinchu. One way of doing this is
buying a car, as I currently have only one bike. So, if you know any good car dealers, please
which has a fantastic view. Like very friendly are so engaged in their learning.
Q: What do you do to release the stress?
Teaching does not bring me a lot of pressure
at present, the pressure brought by research is relatively large. I used to attend group classes (e.g., Zumba, bodyjam, bodycombat) at the gym in the UK, to reduce stress. After return-
ing to Taiwan, have not picked up the exercise routine yet. Will like to find a gym in Hsinchu. Q: What is your favorite thing and the least favorite thing living in Hsinchu?
I am not familiar with Hsinchu yet. However,
people have suggested some great food stalls
to try. Hsinchu seems to have many places for outdoor activities. In a few months, I hope
that I will be able to answer this question. Other than this, this reminds me of the importance
with all the students.
服科師長的話 What they told us.
Welcome to NTHU ISS Family ~!
兪在元 助理教授 Prof. Jaewon Yoo Expertise:
Digital / Data-Driven Marketing
Economic and Societal Impacts of Innovation
Technological Platforms(social, crowd-based, sharing economy)
Field and Quasi Experiments
Q: What’s the first impression of ISS students? In fact, I was told many times that Taiwanese students tend to be shy, especially in class
when they are asked questions. But, many ISS students turned out to be very active and enthusiastic, which I also found to be true in class. In the past few months, a number of
students have reached out to me to ask about
the materials we covered in class or to discuss research interests. I feel that the Korean
students (and the culture, in general) are very
similar to Taiwanese students in that they can be kind of shy at first, but once they open up, they are very enthusiastic--they would come
knocking on your door to talk and ask lots of
questions. So basically, my first impression of ISS students was that they are pretty similar to Korean students.
like Soumya and Galit, are interested in. This was an important factor for me to decide and
join ISS. Also, I believe that NTHU can provide a good environment for me to carry out
high-quality research. I love working on
research, and pretty much the only way for me
to do this is to work as a professor in a university that can provide a suitable environment. It is also essential to know whether the institute
you would join has a good research fit with you. When I was in the job market, I have visit-
ed and interviewed at several universities worldwide
some on the other side of the
globe. But, one of the benefits of working in
Taiwan is that it is very close to where my fami-
ly/relatives are. It only takes about � hours for me to fly to Korea from Taiwan, and the flight fare is very cheap as well!
Q: What brings you to ISS?
Q: What kind of students are you looking for to
environment here at the institute, and more
I'd like to have diversity in my lab, so I would
I would have to say the research fit and the
generally, the University. I think that there is a pretty good overlap between what I am interested in and what some of my colleagues, ��
do research with you?
love to have students from different backgrounds. I believe that discussing different viewpoints and perspectives (from various
educational backgrounds) on research ideas
my students to have their own ideas on what
When I was a graduate student, I was a
school. I would encourage them to do lots of
will bring about the convergence of ideas. member of a large lab. We had many people
from different backgrounds, such as mathematics, engineering, economics, etc. Students
from different backgrounds are trained differently, so it could bring up 'innovative' ideas on
the table, which I think is very important. However, you would need to have some prerequi-
site knowledge to conduct research. For exam-
ple, you would have to have background knowledge of statistics and business analyt ics/empirical methods.
Q: Do you have any suggestions for the students who wish to join your lab?
I would also like to make my own lab in the
future. I really enjoyed interacting with my
labmates and helping them carry out their
research projects. In this process, I learned a
lot from them as well. It is my first year here at
the NTHU. Some students have reached out to me to ask if I could be their adviser, but I am still settling in and finishing up my current
projects. I am kind of overwhelmed with what I have at hand already, so maybe I will start
taking students from next year when I feel more ready. I'd suggest students to take my
courses and interact with me to see if it would fit them to work on the kind of research that I am working on. They can come knocking at
my door and continue 'bothering' me and talk to me! (haha) We could talk about research
ideas, and it is generally good to get to know each other. I would also like to know what students expect to get from having me as their
adviser. As for research, I would expect
they are interested in doing in graduate
literature reviews to really get an idea of which field/domain they are interested in. I'd want to tell them not to worry too much about preparing to 'join the lab' because clarifying
their research questions and conducting research is basically what they are going to be
doing with me as they are studying here at the
University. When a student is coming over to
have a first meeting/discussion with me, I
think it would be enough for them to let me
know a general domain/idea of their interest and what kind of research they would want to work on with me.
Q: Are there any 'attempts' or 'experiments' you want to try out at the ISS?
When it comes to research, I believe that
making a connection to real business problems is very important. So I tend to try and
work with real-world data and collaborate with businesses that are out there. Actually, one of the ways I collect data is by running
field experiments in collaboration with firms. But as finding an opportunity to run a field
experiment can be pretty challenging, I also
work with observational data that the companies can provide. Whichever approach we end
up taking, I think it is important for us to try
and find research ideas that can offer practical insights/implications (more so because we are working/studying in a management
school). So in the years to come, I would love
to see a firmly established research collaboration network with a myriad of local companies at ISS.
服科師長的話 What they told us.
Q: What do you do in your leisure time?
I love playing sports, such as basketball, and
exercising. But since I ruptured my left Achilles tendon, I started to pay more attention to
flexibility and wellbeing by practicing pilates
and yoga. I'm still searching for some courses or a place to exercise conveniently. Maybe I
will get a gym membership? Also, I'm really
looking forward to taking Galit's yoga class in the future!
Q: What is your favorite thing and the least favorite thing living in Hsinchu?
I enjoy the greenery of campus, especially on sunny days. I like looking at the shimmers on the surface of the lakes and the breeze (or
rather a typhoon!) blowing through the branches of the Banyan trees. And it really
attracts me to walk in the sun and around trees, just like taking a sunbath in a forest. Actually, we do not really have this many trees
in Korea--more so because I come from a city filled with buildings. I like the environment
that is full of plants; it's so refreshing
and pretty. About my least favorite things…
Maybe the windy and humid weather in Hsinchu?--but I actually kind of like the wind. It is
nice and refreshing to open the window and have the wind blow in when it is warm and
sunny. The weather in Hsinchu has been
pretty nice--lots of sunny days--but I have not experienced the summer in Taiwan yet.
Maybe the humidity in summer will be very
tough for me to bear with (haha). Other than that, I think the fact that I have to be away
from my family makes me feel lonely. This was supposed to be not an issue since Taiwan is
very close to Korea (it only takes a little over � hours to fly over to Korea from Taiwan), but
with Covid and the travel restrictions, this is also the issue that I really struggled with. Another good thing about Taiwan is that
everyone I came across is very friendly. I've
been invited to lunches/dinners, get-togeth-
ers, and parties. I love meeting new people and interacting with others, so it has been a really good experience for me.
-明鏡|畢業學長姐的精彩旅程看見了不同可能,走出自己的路 Alumni stories
服科所���級 黃郁雯學姐
服科所��級 陳俊彥學長
�� 台灣設計研究院
服科所���級 謝子昕學長
畢業學長姐的精彩旅程 Alumni stories
服科所���級 謝子昕學長 任職:TDRI研究員
「跳脫產業去看設計研究,是非常特別的經驗。」 Q: 這份工作為學長的第一份正職,想請問學長過
報 > 提出規劃的過程。目前有接觸過公共服務、社
我在畢業前有三份實習經驗,這段過程也算是引 領自己往UX的職涯邁進。
第一份是在玉山銀行的數據部門,在實習過程中 發現用數據做使用者體驗設計與行動服務的可能
性,也讓我看到量化UX面向與大型公司的視角。 第二份是在食品工業發展研究所做食品產業相關
研究,當時工作內容與社群聆聽、輿情分析有關, 透過網路社群在做產業及使用者研究。第三份則
是在Yahoo奇摩做產品的使用者研究,並在一個 多月中與夥伴做敏捷式開發,跑過完整的產品設
計流程,能跟公司的人討論並一起做開發是非常 有趣也很難得的體驗。
雖然只有第三份實習和UX有直接關聯,但在不同 領域實習的過程中,的確能看到UX應用上的相異
面向,並塑造自己的獨特人設。即使都是研究員, 每個人還是能從各自的學經歷中,發展出獨特的 點與觀看的角度,是非常有魅力的事情。
Q: 想邀請學長和我們分享,研究員的一天會做什 麼事情呢? ��
其實花很多時間在做案例跟文獻的搜集 > 做成簡 會設計、企業創新等不同面相的議題。
以企業創新為例,我們會研究設計的趨勢,說服更 多企業導入設計思考的思維,並藉此協助他們提
動設計,藉由把設計結構化、產出品質更穩定的產 品或服務,並透過做出有效的示範案例,讓更多人 認同這樣的理念。
至於業務開發的部分,我們會和技術廠商(如技術 法人、製造業、設計公司等等)聯絡與溝通,確定合
作計畫後開需求,也會訪談專業的研究者,舉辦專 家、技術廠商的工作坊等等。工作裡面不會純做研 究,也會思考商業考量跟UX的產值,並挖掘設計 裡許多尚未被定義的事情。
Q: 請問學長最喜歡這份工作的什麼地方?
感。TDRI設計研究的產出可能會給一般合作夥伴、 技術廠商、政府單位等不同對象執行,在這個過程 中也會意識到自己正在做很前瞻的事,將設計思
在設計顧問業、公司設計部門的設計研究,相對而 言比較沒時間體驗到這些,也因此覺得台灣設計 研究院真的是很特別的一個角色。
Q: 請問學長覺得這份工作具挑戰性的部分為何?
覺得最具挑戰性的地方主要是跟技術廠商合作, 有時要從概念wireframe進一步發展到開發的部
要 o p e n - m i n d e d 的 心 態,透 過 實 際 執 行 知 道 自己還不夠成熟的部分,才能持續進步。
Q: 好奇學長認為在服科所的課程中,有什麼Key Learning是對職涯很有幫助的嗎?
思維」帶給我很大的幫助,工作不是埋頭苦幹,要 邊做邊從其他利害關係人的角度思考。像是研究
完成一件事,需要誰的幫助、該如何溝通需求。這 度去了解怎麼做會更符合彼此的需求。
另一方面是多接觸不同領域的課程、和相異背景 的人們合作。像是服務創新、Galit老師、Soumya 老師、交大Stanley老師的課程都非常有特色。在
這也是未來在職場工作的常態,當自己跨出校園, 能以推廣者角度和他人介紹服務科學的意涵時, 記得善用溝通思考,找出達到共識的最好解方。
Q: 請問學長有什麼對學弟妹們職能培養的其他建 議嗎?
output到設計等完整的紀錄為佳,早點開始做這 類型的作品集,也可以在過程中發現自己想發展 的硬實力是什麼、現在缺少的能力有什麼、要如何 去加強。除此之外,也建議學弟妹去多接觸課外事
物,無論是做sideproject、實習、海外經驗都會帶 來許多收穫,並可能在無形中累積成最珍貴的資 產,在往後的日子裡建立更多連結和可能性。
畢業學長姐的精彩旅程 Alumni stories
服科所��級 陳俊彥學長
任職:Client Solutions Manager
「從一次次行動中,長出面對挫折與失敗的韌性。」 Q: 身為一名 Client Solutions Manager,想請問 學長這個職位大致上的工作內容為何?
這個職位就是要去面對全球不同市場的廣告主, 這邊的 Client 其實就是我們的廣告主。我被歸類 在銷售的職能底下,但是比較偏向顧問的工作,我
們每天和客戶去討論廣告的表現成效,透過測試、 新廣告的產品了解有沒有提升,而客戶在成長的 同時,自然也會為公司帶來更多營收。
Q: 請問學長,身為 Client Solutions Manager,需 要具備什麼技能或心態?
職位來說,是比較 data driven 的工作、需要對於 數字敏感、分析能力比較強的個人能力與特質。
於數據分析的能力幫助很大。我覺得服科所在讀 兩年期間對我的改變很大,雖然大家可能會覺得
領域,但重要的不是你做什麼工作,而是你有沒有 把服科的 Mindset 帶到工作上。
Q: 請問學長在選擇海內/海外工作時有什麼考量?
最實際的考量是有兩個點,第一個是你想要的舞 台是怎麼樣的?是什麼市場規模?
舉例來說,我還在訊聯的時候,一年可以幫公司創 造一億多台幣的 return,後來我去阿里巴巴,一年
幫公司創造大概快兩億的人民幣,可以藉由數字 發現這個舞台完全是不同的等級。另外一個角度
來說,這個舞台也有分台灣、全球等不同區域,比 如我在阿里巴巴做的就是全球的市場,這也就是 為何 return 可以差到這麼多的原因。
增長點,這些都是需要一些對 data 有 sense ,還
是要去深入洞察、找到數據的 insight。
Q: 學長選擇的職位非常獨特,服科所的課程是如 何幫助您在職涯上的發展?
的話,就代表你的能力、才識也是持續的有一定貢 獻度。這樣的考量可以讓自己對職能有不同的衡 量方法,並可以帶來工作上的成就感。
Q: 對於服科所的學弟妹在學習上有什麼建議嗎?
好享受,體會ㄧ下碩士生的氛圍,好好的去探索你 畢業後想做什麼事。我覺得不用侷限說我一定要 做 UX designer 之類的,真的沒有一定的!
怎麼樣子,像我當初去IBM不是傳統的商業顧問, 我是去伺服器的部門,實習兩個月後,我的心得是 我真的不適合這條路,我覺得也蠻好的,以後不用 多走冤望路。
這個時間點就是給大家去做很多的嘗試,我寫完 論文後很快就找到自己想做的事,我就想說既然 技術不是特別的適合我,或許我可以去嘗試電商
失敗,我也曾經過了失敗的兩個月,還是能好好找 到工作和自己想要的方向、不需要太擔心。
另外,其實我覺得除了身體的病痛外,大部分發生 在自己身上的困難都是可以去克服的,我一路走
我最一開始去訊聯的時候,也被老闆盯得有點慘, 剛去工作時,雖然應該是要可以提早下班,但我都
工作到七八點才走,當時我的主管對我很嚴格,我 第一年工作其實很不順利。
放棄,要想「反正我再差都不可能比這個更差了」 , 就會獲得繼續努力的勇氣。
條列重點,我就先想好,就算一開始要花兩三倍的 時間準備,慢慢的也會發現自己是有在變好的,主 管發現能挑的錯越來越少,從原本的挑剔到後來
越來越滿意我的表現,是雙方都會有感覺的過程, 回想起來我覺得第一份工作的主管雖然很嚴厲、 但也很大的改變了我在工作上的習慣和想法。
不能克服的,若還覺得不能克服,可能是你在上面 花的功夫還不夠多。
夠面對失敗的勇氣,但真正的重點,一定是要怎麼 從失敗中學習,而不是失敗的狀態本身。
畢業學長姐的精彩旅程 Alumni stories
服科所���級 黃郁雯學姐
任職:Business intelligence analyst
「換位思考、抽絲剝繭找出原因,呈現超乎預期的數據分析。」 Q: 想請問學姊過去有哪些相關經歷,讓您在畢業 後成為 Amazon 商業智能分析師呢?
有數據科學的概念,後來去修了Coursera等線上 課程平台的數據分析課程,覺得數據很有趣,想要 找到有數據、設計和商管結合的所進行學習,發現
服 科 所 是 台 灣 唯 一 有 這 樣 課 程 安 排 的 學 校。 我在服科是主修商業分析組,是裴舫老師的門生, ���� 年從服科所畢業。在學期間也同時在準備托 福跟GRE,畢業後到國外讀跨國的 data science
碩士,碩一在瑞典、碩二在荷蘭。回頭來看,雖然主 修是大數據,但會發現服科所以人為中心的應用
與知識、使用者體驗設計的概念對後來的工作很 有幫助,而跨國學習的經驗對求職也很加分!
我個人相較起來不喜歡做面向機器的預測,覺得 和人有關的數據有趣很多,因此鎖定B�C的科技
決策,也因此後來選擇到盧森堡的Amazon歐洲 總部工作。
Q: 想請問學姐,Business intelligence analyst 這個職位的工作內容為何? ��
可 以 想 像 成「 數 據 工 程 師 」加「 商 業 分 析 師 」 , Amazon是非常數據導向的公司,會透過預測模型
來幫助商業上進行決策。例如,��月底是歐洲購物 的旺季,需要提前建立模型預測整個歐洲的物流
狀況,過程中要協商需要哪些資料庫權限,做資料 庫管理與建模,建立與維護 data pipeline,進行分
資料可視化來展示給利害關係人看,協助PM了 解可能的優勢和風險來幫助商業決策。
Q: 在服科所學習時,有什麼 Key Learning 是對職 涯很有幫助的嗎?
我在學時主修商業分析模組,修了 Soumya Ray( 雷松亞) 和 Galit Shmueli (徐茉莉) 老師的課,他 們在數據相關的教學非常清晰易懂,而且因為松 亞和茉莉有在美國教書的經驗,他們也會分享兩
者間的差異,像是整體而言東方人比較注重聽、西 方人比較注重講,各有利弊,老師們通常希望學生
們多發表意見,而「 說 」對於職場是非常重要的技 能,可以趁在學期間多訓練自己開口。
關背景,但不用太擔心過渡期的挫折,因為學習曲 線之後都會漸趨平緩。
感會止步不前,這是很可惜的。班上當時有辦讀書 會,一起把作業的每一題解出來,例如松亞的作業 會用到程式語言,而服科的同學背景多元,資工/資
管背景的同學們就可以在過程中提供很多幫助, 這也是大家跨領域互相學習成長的好機會。
體驗設計、服務創新設計,因此在跟利害關係人討 論、訪談時能更順利,更能挖掘出對方會想看到什 麼,最終數據可視化的呈現總可以讓他們超乎預 期、非常滿意。
我自己在服科的暑假選擇到以色列的新創實習, 實習內容與商業分析相關,其中老闆還讓我開了 design thinking 工作坊來教同事們設計思考的方
法。當時和不同國家的人合作的過程中,也開始習 慣用英文去記住一些專業詞彙。也是因為當時修
了英文授課的課程,讓自己更快地適應國際化,也 很推薦學弟妹多修習英文授課的課程。
Q: 請問如果想朝商業分析發展,學姊會如何給予 學弟妹在學習上的建議?
可以多參加比賽、做專案的課、也可以做 sideproject ,不管是做成網站或放在 github 上,都可寫在
的小比賽開始,如Kaggle或黑客松,有時間的話, 選擇長期的計畫(如YEF創業計畫)會蠻有幫助 的!
不完全一樣的,可以幫助換位思考、更了解不同背 景的人是如何溝通的,領域間互相整合的過程很 重要。
服科所真的是很溫暖又善良的地方, 大家樂於互相合作、友善、很團結而 且同理心強,這些在溝通來說這也是 非常重要的,藉由這個相處的過程, 更知道要怎麼和他人合作。
畢業學長姐的精彩旅程 Alumni stories
-迷霧|疫情下奮鬥的服科人們當局者迷,卻也能留下更多思考 Under Covid-19
特別企劃:2021 疫情挑戰大調查 編輯團隊小小搜集了服科在學生的想法,
讓我們來看一下,在疫情期間大家上課/實習時, 大家面對的挑戰跟常用的工具們吧!
課程篇|來看看服科線上學習有哪些挑戰呢? 討論交流隔層紗
「實體開會比較有效率」- 碩一 W 同學
「見不到人感覺寂寞」- 碩二 J 同學
「覺得跟別人很有距離感」- 碩二 P 同學
「比較不容易和同學熟」- 碩一 Y 同學
「找組員會有點茫然因為一開始都不認識」- 碩一 R 同學 服科人的線上 討論工具箱!
線上環境大不同 「比較不專心、不習慣線上上課」- 碩二 C 同學
「之前上交大的智慧生活與創新設計,期末要跟理工同學們一起實作有水的療癒小物, 但因遠距大家無法約在一起做,只能自己做美勞跟防水噴霧實驗」- 碩二 S 同學
「線上課程更容易分心,一個恍神就不知道老師說到哪裡了~老師因此上課變嚴格」- 碩二 R 同學
穩定系統看運氣 「線上會議人太多,有時候網路或裝置有 問題,就會聽不到老師的聲音」 - 碩二 F 同學
不過!也意外發現...... 線上上課的甜蜜點!
線上上課省去通勤時間,不用上下山很棒; 還有課間可以小小偷懶,很舒適欸 ~
疫情下奮鬥的服科人們 Under Covid-��
混合式,線上線下並行 WFH都在家上班
混合式實習為大宗 線上實習時,就比較難與同事麻吉
以輔助,需要花很多精力跟時間在溝通。 實習進行訪談有些變成線上,相比
線下訪談,感覺也少了那麼點溫度,比較 容易尷尬!
難有固定時間跟主管討論;跟同事線上 溝通好心累!
WFH 單獨工作好孤單、好焦慮,但
又不好意思常常打擾別人;工作碰到新 領域在家只能自學;不能進辦公室,整天 掛網的很勞心啊!
感謝碩二 W 同學提供
感謝碩二 S 同學提供
感謝碩二 R 同學提供
感謝碩二 P 同學提供
疫情下奮鬥的服科人們 Under Covid-��
-軟尺|服科年度大事記延伸的長度,交織成未來的樣貌 Chronology of events
01 Jan.
02 Feb.
04 Apr.
���� 實習學長姐座談分享會
���� Master student thesis proposal presentation
���� Spring Party
Second-year student sharing internship experience sharing
���.�� 第��屆服科所友回娘家活動 ���� ISS Alumni Party
���.�� 科管院通過AACSB持續認證
CTM approved the AACSB Continuous Improvement accreditation
05 May.
Professor Soumya Ray award ���� Outstanding Research Award of Hou De Association
Professor Galit Shmueli and Soumya Ray award ���� top jouunal submissions
因應疫情,全面改為遠距課程 Remote learning for all course
06 Jun.
Professor Jyun-Chen Wang award ���� CTM industry-academic research award
����科管院小畢典改以線上方式舉行 CTM Commencement ceremony
���年服科所斐陶斐榮譽會員:博士班阮何長安同學、碩士班薛佳恩同學 ��� academic year Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Society Honor member: PhD Kellan Ng, Master Hsueh,Chia-En
PhD Student Year-End Evaluation Presentation
���� 實習始業式
Internship Yes Party-virtually via Gather town
08 Aug.
Pei-Fang Hsu and Soumya Ray promotion to full professor
Professor Pei-Fang Hsu appointed as acting director
新聘專任歐怡君副教授、兪在元助理教授 New faculty Yi-Chun Ou and Jaewon Yoo
Professor Soumya Ray award Distinguished Professor
Professor Yi-Chun Ou award ���� Xinhua Young Scholar
Professor Galit Shmueli award the ���� MoST outstanding research award again
����實習線上小聚 Internship online gathering
09 Sep.
���學年度博士班資格考 ���� Research Methods qualifying exam ����迎新活動 Welcome gathering
����實習成果發表 Internship Sharing
10 Oct.
許裴舫教授與阮何長安博士榮獲����台灣服務科學學會學術研究獎 Professor Pei-Fang Hsu and Dr. Kellan Ng were awarded the ���� s�tw academic research award
修正碩士班修業規定,畢業學分數調整為��學分(不含論文) Modify the Master program regulation and the graduation credits: change to �� credits(excluding thesis).
11 Nov.
PhD students Jan Fell and Travis Greene awarded ���� CTM Doctoral Research Awarding
Master Oral exam and gathering of applicants
Recommend professor W. John Kao to be the new presidential candidate of NTHU
碩士班蘇靖軒同學榮獲���� SDGs學術論文獎—碩士組優選論文
ISS Master student Chin-Hsuan Su awarded ���� SDGs Academic Paper Award
12 Dec.
End-of-semester ISS Mentor and mentee gathering
Ren-Hong, Peng award ���� CTM outstanding alumni
Pandemic and Resilience:Society, Economy and Environment Sustainability Forum
服科年度大事記 Chronology of events
-網子|服科辦活動接住需求,珍惜交流帶來的力量 Extracurricular activities
Feb.23 Apr.14 Apr.24 Mid-Jun. Jun.23 Sep.11 Sep.29 Oct.26 Oct.22
實習始業式(OST) 所友回娘家 送舊
迎新活動(溯溪改茶會) 實習結業式
城鄉之際,服科所踏查 聖誕趴
Feb.23 春酒
春酒其實就像 spring gathering,在一年
服科同學、老師們彼此熟悉、同樂的聚餐, 以熱鬧的氣氛迎接新的一年。
並且有準備許多表演、美食佳餚來慶祝新 學年的到來,帶給服科夥伴們溫暖而特別 的體驗。
Apr.14 實習始業式(OST)
舉辦開放空間會議技術 (Open space
technology) 協助同學解決準備實習過 程中的疑難雜症。
其實網路上也可以找到寫履歷、面試相關 的教學,但同學在找實習時總會有自己遇 到較難以解決、或是希望能和他人討論的
問題,OST 的特性讓這些不確定性得以動 態且多元的被解答或收到回饋。
Apr.24 所友回娘家
服科所一年一度的所友回娘家於大家最 熟悉的台積館實體舉辦!
無私的經驗分享,藉由這個難得的機會, 服科的大家一起享受跨領域、跨年代、跨 業界、跨師生的交流,讓參與的每位服科 夥伴都能滿載而歸!
服科辦活動 Extracurricular activities
Mid-Jun. 送舊
齊聚在一起吃吃喝喝,以老師們的祝福影 片開場,給予畢業生鼓勵和祝福,並藉小 遊戲回憶這兩年的點點滴滴。
有些遺憾,仍將老師的影片和紀念明信片 予以最真摯的祝福分享給學長姐。
Jun.23 實習始業式
式,某些同學可能在暑期實習第一次踏入 職場,這個儀式提供機會讓同學反思自己
希望透過實習獲得什麼,另一方面也是讓 老師們知道自己的學生會跟什麼樣的產
業交流、獲得哪些公司青睞並能提供一些 建議等等,今年因疫情改線上於Gather town中辦理。
溪與陸上活動,除了拉近新生與教授們彼 此的距離外,也希望藉此凝聚團隊默契創 造服務精神價值,實踐改變的力量。
今年受疫情影響取消溯溪,改在 FB 社團
中發起自我介紹接龍的活動,並與迎新茶 會做結合,舉辦一些互動的小遊戲!
讓碩一新生對服科有初步的認識、認識同 學、學長姐、教授們,以期望新生能儘早融 入服科大家庭!
Sep.11 迎新活動(溯溪改茶會)
Sep.29 實習結業式
暑期實習的收穫,同時邀請所上教授及企 業導師與會進行交流。
當時疫情尚未穩定,改採線上與實體同步 進行的形式。分享同學及所上教授實體參 加,企業導師及碩一新生則以線上方式參 與,很榮幸這個線上線下的混合形式讓參 與的企業導師較往年人數有明顯增加!
Oct.26 城鄉之際,服科所踏查
服務科學導論課程帶著碩一學生進行新 竹城鄉踏查!經過東海里、芎林下山這片
城鄉之際的農業區,來到了九讚頭車站, 聆聽場域連結社區生活與青年的在地創 生能量的故事。
我們在樂善堂遙望山下的油羅溪,於服科 學長 Peter 經營的大山北月餐廳用餐,體 驗大山背豐富的自然與人文故事及品嘗 新竹在地食材製成的餐點,走出校園、體 驗真實。
Oct.22 聖誕趴 因為疫情的關係,今年取消溯溪活動,年
,在寒冬中帶來一些歡樂氣氛,並能在學 期接近尾聲時留下美好的回憶。
服科辦活動 Extracurricular activities
-若水|服科之外的__型態流向各異,善利萬物而不爭 Beyond ISS
「多做 Side Project ! 在迭代中成長,找到讓自己發光發熱的板塊!」 分享者:服科所 108級 李軒任 學長
【 UXE 讓我與企業合作,
感受產業視角、體驗產學對接 】
我想分享陽交大張永儒老師所開的「使用者經驗 與易用性評估」這堂課,許多人會簡稱它為UXE
(User Experience Evaluation) 。
推薦課程:陽明交大 使用者經驗與易用性評估
【 盡可能了解 Domain Knowledge, 讓概念更容易落地,產生影響力 】
刻思考及確認當前所做的研究或創新構想,究竟 有沒有落地性?即使易於落地,那又是否能幫助達 成企業的商業目標?
過程中,了解到企業在乎的是什麼?身為產品或服 到位?我個人比較特別的經驗是:在我結束這堂課
之後,因為合作的企業後來也逐漸重視使用者研 究,於是又邀請我與組員們回去報告研究成果,希
識,但也至少要了解企業在專案中要達成的商業 目標對焦,最後才有辦法做出真正能解決問題的 方案。定義業主商業需求的溝通能力,在這堂課並 沒有著墨太多,需要自己再額外研究如何操作,過 程雖然辛苦,但也非常難能可貴。
使用者需求出發為客戶打造好用的AI行銷工具。 因此,這堂課不僅能紮實訓練 UXE 的方法,課堂中 所產出的成果,對實習或未來職涯,更是非常有幫
助的。我很推薦對UX有興趣的學弟妹,一定要來 修這堂課! ��
們想了解數據分析與機器學習建模的現有工具與 解使用者需求,而不是疲於釐清一堆機器學習的 專有名詞。無論是需求釐清或專家訪談,在這門課
都屬額外投入,但卻是高頻率發生在業界工作中 的。因此,如果能完善這兩塊,一定能夠讓最終作 品大幅加分。
【 多做 Side Project!把學到的東西驗證, 再從迭代中,創造意想不到的收穫 】
我很鼓勵大家做 Side Project ,而且是實際有創
新的產出,而非只是Redesign。這對於 UX 或 HCI 學習的幫助很大!因為在過程中,你可以不斷把課
堂上所學到的東西,在 Project 應用與驗證,再從 迭代中得到更多自己沒想過的思維與創意,形成 正向的學習循環。
我自己的 Side Project 是希望能有個職場學習平 台,能讓對特定職涯成長或專業能力有興趣的人 能找到最適合自己的交流夥伴,最終形成一個良 性互動圈、學習圈,持續累積洞見優劣勢及反思的 能力。
不過這個 Project 目前因為開發人力以及我在產
品規劃上的一些問題,進度較為停滯,我自己也還 在摸索與學習。
雖然辛苦,而且也有些挫折,但還是很渴望自己能 夠創造機會並實踐這個創新點子。另一方面,我也 鼓勵大家成為 Side Project 的發起人,而非單純的 追隨者。其實不一定是 Side Project,可能是某個
流程或是組織的頭香,試著去當第一個去號召、去 實踐的角色。因為這不僅是訓練自己各方面的軟
硬 實 力,更 是 一 個 很 好 的 試 煉 與 體 驗 的 機 會。 在所有失敗與成功的循環當中,能有機會更認識 自己,找到屬於自己最能發光發熱的板塊。
Daniel學長與他的Side Project專案成員合影
服科之外的__ Beyond ISS ��
「在XR跨域實作突破舒適圈,享受跳躍式成長的快樂!」 分享者:服科所 108級 李欣儒 學姐
【 在課堂中學習 XR 遊戲開發, 是一趟又硬又爽的旅程!】
推薦課程:陽明交大 XR跨域專題
【 精雕細琢地完成自己的遊戲, 成就感無價!】
XR Camp)」課程,授課教師群包括來自多媒所、應 參與學生則大多來自這三個研究所。這堂課的目
設計、技術美術設計、遊戲音樂設計) ,在一個學期 內,與組員合力完成三個具故事性的 XR 遊戲,看 見更多創意實現的可能,並在過程中學習遊戲專 案開發流程。
我在這門課主要擔任「技術美術設計」的角色,負 責搭建遊戲場景、處理遊戲畫面氛圍。但因為這是
一堂實作課,老師並不會針對軟體來手把手教導 學生如何操作(註�) ,對我這個沒相關經驗的人來
一是「 從 � 開始製作一款完整遊戲的經驗 」 ,這非 在業界製作遊戲一般。除了基本的遊戲機制與互 動性要有,還要考量如何透過情節安排說一個吸 引人的故事、用現成的模型精雕細琢搭建出具沉 浸感的場景、以及自行編曲製作合適的背景配樂
和音效。如何當PM,規劃遊戲製作的 roadmap 、 掌握開發時程,更是一項挑戰。過程中如果你對於
其中任何一項有熱忱,那真的會是一個能發揮所 長、很快樂的經驗!學期最後還會在陽交大公開展
出優秀作品,讓辛苦製作的遊戲,能被秀出來、被 全校的師生一起體驗。
說,這真的是一個硬到爆、得強逼自己用 Youtube
二是「 了解 AR/VR/XR 領域的軟硬體知識與產業
試試看自己做 VR 遊戲、也太想認識這個有無限可
自學來趕上大神同學們的過程!因為我真的太想 能的虛擬世界了,所以不管有多挑戰,都還是得撐
起來。雖然過程很挫折,但遠比不上逐漸上手後, 跳躍式成長的快樂。
動態」 。除了習得各種遊戲製作軟體(Unity)的使 老師和同學的提問和評論,透過這樣的問答,可以
*註�:這堂課有提供幾個工作坊,供同學學習上述領域的軟體操作。但實際上,大多還是需要靠自學,才能完成老師要求的遊戲開發成品。 *註�:如果好奇我當時做了哪些遊戲,歡迎來問我唷!
會練習如何提問、慢慢建構出對於遊戲設計的概 念;另外,老師會邀請領域內的各方業師,來分享 工作心得、作品製作過程和元宇宙發展。
叁式以及 HTC VIVE 旗下的 XR 媒體與內容製作團 隊 VIVE ORIGINALS 。對於未來想要進入 XR 產業 工作的同學來說,這些分享絕對是個很難得可以 認識業師、解惑、展現自己並抓住實習工作機會的 時刻!
【 善用資源,努力於在學時期累積經驗, 成為未來進入相關產業的敲門磚 】
多 新 奇 的 應 用 和 產 業 鏈 出 現,如 果 對 遊 戲、 XR/VR/AR、Metaverse有興趣,或是與我有類似背 景(服務創新與設計模組、非理工人)的學弟妹,我
以梵谷的《 星空下的咖啡座》作為遊戲場景, 玩家可在裡面到處逛逛、欣賞街景。
認為這門課累積的實作和合作經驗,是一個很好 進入相關產業工作的敲門磚。我也是因為這些經 驗,才讓我有相關工作實際面試機會!
我也建議除了這門課以外,有機會一定要去修習 或旁聽清大、陽交大裡的相關課程,也可參加陽交 大創創工坊的微課程。
究、參加相關領域(如:HCI)研討會,或是加入 Facebook 相關討論社群、追蹤國內外開發者的媒 體帳號、關注各種互動設計展覽活動,都是可以跨 出第一步,並且是成本相對低的方式。
我很鼓勵大家:趁在學時期多嘗試、多累積參與及實作經驗, 相信一定能成為未來進入相關領域的企業或職務的一大基石。
服科之外的__ Beyond ISS ��
「在演讀劇本中,剖析使用者情境。 讓每次的排演,成為未來的重要養份」 分享者:服科所 107級 黃炳儒 學長
【 鼓勵院外探索,擦撞意想不到的火花 】
推薦課程:清大 當代劇本演讀
【 練習讀劇、演劇,
也練習天使與魔鬼老師所帶給我們的課題 】
演與讀本為這堂課的兩大重點。不同於其他表演 目標。而表演後的團體討論,老師會要求大家互相
分享為何要這樣演、身為演員及觀眾各有什麼樣 的感受,以及劇本的核心意義……等。我覺得這是
一堂好玩又充實的課,在課堂上可以遇到很多不 同背景的人,更能練習說話的技巧,真的累積了很
己身體的變化,並且體驗各種情緒和細微的聲音。 我第一次感受到情緒與身體是可以如此細緻又奇 妙的被觀察、被體驗。
的溝通語言,例如肢體、表情、眼神,這是一種互動 及表達技巧的磨練,也是解讀他人肢體或話語意 涵的訓練。不論未來是否從事相關工作,我認為在 你人生的某些時刻,一定會用得到。 ��
演出的過程中,直接被他打斷、叫下台。他想強調 解當中的枝微末節,並熟悉整個情境的脈絡,才可
能自然地呈現在台上。老師希望你不是「演」 ,而是 真的在「執行」這些橋段。也因為這樣,雖然被老師 強迫中斷演出的過程很恐懼,但也讓我紮實地學 到了一課,更是我學習生涯中,難能可貴的經驗。
【 人生處處是舞台。先照顧好自己, 才有溫暖又燦爛的演出 】
隱藏訊息、出演前的自我鼓勵。首先, 「角色同理」 指的是演員在接觸每個角色時,需要仔細推敲這
習及累積到的經驗,會成為你身體記憶的一部分, 並且在未來的一個重要時刻,為你帶來意想不到 的能量。
的利害關係人分析。當你處在被設定的角色當中 時,你必須先同理他,才能完整詮釋他的樣貌,並 且順暢地與其他角色互動。
人際互動上也非常重要。畢竟一句話通常不只有 一個意思,而需要連同說話者的語調、表情,及各 種身體訊息,來做綜合判讀,才能更清晰地接住他 想傳達的資訊。這在服務科學當中的應用,莫過於
使用者訪談與 Persona 的生成。有了深刻的語言 剖析過程,才有機會深入使用者最核心的痛點與 爽點,滿足他們的需要。
最後是「出演前的自我鼓勵」 ,聽起來很簡單,但要 明白:自己不可能百分之百完美。因此,要想辦法 先安撫自己緊張的情緒、鼓勵自己,並且告訴自己
緊張,但也會漸漸發現自己越來越能克服上台的 恐懼。
【 修有興趣的課,別猶豫!
讓每個階段的努力,在未來發光 】
選課方面,我想給的建議是「重質不重量」 。只要確 認自己的時間及認知資源足夠,就去嘗試各種有 興趣的課。清大與陽交大的資源都很豐富,所以我 非常鼓勵學弟妹們多方嘗試。就像賈伯斯說過,你
服科之外的__ Beyond ISS ��
����年度服務聲電子報編輯團隊 召 集 人|劉軒妏 訪談、編輯|張硯涵、林芝萱 |許晴雯、曾婉婷 設計、美術|曾婉婷
執行單位|國立清華大學服務科學研究所 電話|��-������� 信箱|office@iss.nthu.edu.tw 地址|新竹市東區光復路二段���號台積館���室 出版|����.�