Mr Ng became the first foreign awardee of the inaugural China Jiang Nan Sizhu Competition held in Shanghai in 1987. He also attained the Performance Award and the Special Achievement Award in the Erhu Youth Category at the first Beijing “ART” Cup China International Music Competition in 1989. For his outstanding achievements, Mr Ng was awarded the Singapore Youth Award in 1992, the Young Artist Award (Music) by the National Arts Council in 1993, as well as a scholarship to study Erhu at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
Mr Ng Seng Hong is the music director and Erhu instructor of Nanyang Technological University Chinese Orchestra (NTUCO) He has attained the Licentiate Diploma of the London College of Music (LLCM) in Conducting, Master of Fine Arts in 2014 as well as a Doctor of Philosophy in Buddhism in 2017 by Dharma Buddhist University. He is currently the Music Director and Conductor of the People's Association Youth Chinese Orchestra, and a conductor for several Chinese Orchestras as well. Always seeking to break new grounds in Chinese orchestral music, Mr Ng has also been actively involved in the development and promotion of fusion between traditional and modern music. As an outstanding local Erhu musician, Mr Ng has collaborated with numerous renowned orchestras worldwide, including Singapore Chinese Orchestra, Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Chinese Orchestra and I Lan Youth Chinese Orchestra.
⻩歆峰⽼师现任南洋理⼯⼤学华乐团的⾳乐总监及胡琴组指导⽼师,曾 获得英国伦敦⾳乐学院指挥专业执业学位,⼤⻢佛教⼤学艺术硕⼠ (2014),以及⼤⻢佛教⼤学佛学博⼠学位 (2017)。他是新加坡杰出的本⼟ ⾳乐家,现为⼈⺠协会⻘年华乐团⾳乐总监及指挥,并同时担任淡⻢锡 初级学院,安德逊实⻰岗初级学院等学校的华乐团指挥。 作为新加坡本地杰出的⼆胡演奏家,⻩歆峰多次受邀与新加坡华乐团、 上海交响乐团、上海⺠族乐团、台北市⽴国乐团、台湾宜兰⻘少年国乐 团等国际知名乐团合作。 1987年,⻩歆峰荣获“⾸届海内外江南丝⽵⽐赛”(上海)三等奖,是⾸位在 中国得奖的海外⼈⼠。在1989年,他参加在北京举⾏的第⼀届ART杯国际 中国乐器⽐赛,荣获⻘年⼆胡专业组的表演奖及特别奖。随后,他在 1992年荣获新加坡⼗⼤杰出⻘年奖。在1993年,⻩歆峰荣获新加坡⻘年艺 术奖(⾳乐),同年获颁国家艺术理事会奖学⾦,前往上海⾳乐学院进修⼆ 胡专业。
ORCHESTRA INTRODUCTION | 乐团简介 NTU Chinese Orchestra was established in 1983 and is currently one of the most active member clubs under the NTU Cultural Activities Club. Since its establishment, NTU Chinese Orchestra has been able to make tremendous progress under the tutelage of conductor Mr Ng and fellow instructors. Besides annual concerts, NTUCO also organises overseas exchange trips regularly and the orchestra has since then participated in joint concerts and cultural exchange programmes in Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei and Macau, enriching the members culturally and musically. 南洋理⼯华乐团成⽴于1983年,是南洋理⼯⼤学⽂化与艺术术协会属下 最活跃的社团之⼀。⾃成⽴以来,南⼤华乐团在指挥⻩⽼师以及各声部 ⽼师的悉⼼指导下茁壮成⻓承蒙校⽅和各界⼈⼠的⿍⼒⽀持,南⼤华乐 团⾃1997年以来有幸举办常年⼤型公开演奏会《南⼤云⾳》,深受观众 好评。此外,南⼤华乐团已远赴北京,⾹港,台北,澳⻔,与各地的顶 尖⼤学进⾏⽂化交流并联办⾳乐会,得到了热烈回响和⾼度评价。
在经历了两年的疫情肆虐后,南洋理⼯⼤学华乐团将在13 8 22重新出 发,再次荣誉呈现南⼤云⾳系列年度⾳乐会。今晚上我们全体团员将聚 集在新加坡艺术学校的⾳乐厅,给⼤家带来⼀台别具特⾊的⾳乐会武侠 篇 之 :《剑胆琴⼼》NTUCO是 个⾮常杰出的⼤学乐团,团员都是品学兼 优的⻘年才俊,他们都热爱⾳乐,对艺术的追求有着年轻⼈特有的⼲ 劲,希望同学们都能继续保持对华乐的热爱,也祝贺NTUCO 今晚的演出 取得巨⼤的成功。 After two years ' suspension due to the pandemic, NTUCO will return to the stage to resume our annual concert series on 13 August 2022. Here at SOTA concert hall , we are pleased to present you with Transient Reminiscences : <Courage of a Warrior, Soul of a Musician> NTUCO is an extraordinary orchestra organized by university students, where the members are holistically developed both musically and in academic performance. They are passionate about music, pursuing the art with great energy of young people. I sincerely hope everyone can keep their love for Chinese music, and send my best wishes to the success of the concert tonight! CONDUCTOR'S MESSAGE | 指挥感⾔
This year, the theme of our concert is “Courage of a Warrior, Soul of a Musician”, 武 侠 篇 之 《 剑 胆 琴 ⼼ 》 . We want to evoke the might and atmospheric grandeur of those classic martial arts movies from China and Hong Kong, transporting you to a time where things were simpler and your biggest concern was whether the hero was going to emerge victorious. The rousing climaxes of the pieces are contrasted with the slower yet inspiring melodies two sides of the same coin, where one is not complete without the other. After all, it is only after a hard-won battle that the rewards come so much sweeter.
When we started the academic year, we all had doubts about the future. After all, though two years had passed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the effects of its fallout were and are still being experienced to this day. It had been a good whole year since the previous physical concert was cancelled, and we were all bracing ourselves for that déjà vu moment where all our plans would come crashing down. Indeed, we weren’t sure if our batch of orchestra members would be the one to see the return of Transient Reminiscences, the much-anticipated annual event. At first, we were prepared to simply roll with the punches and put on virtual events in place of the physical ones. Thanks to the hard work of every single member in the orchestra, we did manage to hold an e concert celebrating the works of art and media that allowed us to stave off the monotony of staying indoors and accompanied us through those difficult times. But there was always that desire for something more, something substantial. That empty concert hall that echoed a bit too much with our music became the motivation for us to execute our next performance this time, in person. That’s not to say that it was easy. The situation was everchanging, with Safe Management Measures updates simultaneously being the saviour of and executioner for the prospect of a physical concert. And yet, through many twists and turns and after a fair amount of delays, the day has come for us to greet all of you on stage again. We hope you have missed watching concerts as much as we have performing them for you!
This concert would not have been possible without the generous support of our school, Nanyang Technological University, the Dorothy Cheung Memorial Fund, the Student Affairs Office, the University Advancement Office (Alumni Engagement), Cultural Activities Club, and our sponsors. Special thanks to Symphonic Band, Symphonic Orchestra, Media and IT Club and Emcee Club. Last but not least, this concert would not have been possible without the efforts of each and every one of our members, our Main Committee members, our alumni and our guest players. Thank you, our dear audience member, as well, for coming to our concert and supporting us. We sincerely hope that you enjoy the show.
在学年头,我们都对未来充满了疑惑毕竟。尽管⾃ COVID-19 ⼤流⾏开始以来已 经过去了两年,但其后果的影响⼀直到今天仍在经历。上⼀场实体⾳乐会被取 消后,已经过去了⼀整年,⽽我们都还在在⼼⾥做好准备,预料着我们所有的 计划都会彻底摧毁。我们真的不确定我们的这批乐团成员是否能看到 Transient Reminiscences 的回归。 起初,我们准备从容地克服⼀重重难关并⽤线上演出代实体演出。 多亏了乐团 每⼀位成员的⾟勤努⼒,我们才成功举办了⼀场线上⾳乐会,庆祝让我们摆脱 了呆在家⾥的单调、陪伴我们度过了那些困难时期的艺术和媒体作品。 但我们 仍然总是渴望更多。 那个空荡荡的⾳乐厅有太多的回声,⽽这成为了我们办下 ⼀场演出的动⼒ 这次是实体演出。 但说着容易做着难。 形势瞬息万变,安全管理措施的更新同时成为实体⾳乐会 前景的救星和刽⼦⼿。 然⽽,经过许多曲折和相当多的延误,我们再次在台上 迎接⼤家的⽇⼦已到来。 希望您们跟我们⼀样好想再次在⾳乐厅⾥欣赏演出! 今年,我们⾳乐会的主题是: 武侠篇之《剑胆琴⼼》。 我们想唤起中国和⾹港 那些经典武侠电影的威⼒和⽓势,带您到⽣活⽐较简单的那个时代,当您最关 ⼼的是英雄是否会获胜。 乐曲的激动⾼潮与缓慢但打动⼈⼼的旋律像同⼀枚硬 币的两个⾯,没有⼀⾯是不完整的。 毕竟,只有在⼀场来之不易的战⽃之后, 回报才会如此甜蜜。 在此次⾳乐, 我们想感谢我校, 南洋理⼯⼤学、 Dorothy Cheung 纪念基⾦、 Student Affairs Office 、 University Advancement Office (Alumni Engagement) 、 Cultural Activities Club和赞助商的⽀持。 也特别感谢NTU Symphonic Band、NTU Symphonic Orchestra和Media and IT Club。 最后,如果没有我们每⼀位乐团成 员、委员会成员、校友和我们的客卿的努⼒,这场⾳乐会是不可能的。 也感谢我们亲爱的观众朋友们来⽀持我们的演出。 我们真诚地希望您会欣赏我 们的表演。
年开始在魏砚铭教授的指导下学习扬琴。此后,她 获得了许多荣誉,如中央⾳乐学院9级考试的优秀证书。Lisa曾在2018年参 加了新加坡全国华乐⾳乐⽐赛,并获得了⻘年独奏组的银奖。Lisa于2019 年毕业于艺术学院,主修⾳乐表演,师从新加坡华乐团⾸席扬琴演奏家 瞿建⻘。
Lisa Maria Wong started learning the Yangqin in 2008 under the tutelage of Professor Wei Yanming. She has since achieved numerous accolades such as Certificate of Distinction at the Central Conservatory of Music Grade 9 Exam. In 2018, Lisa participated in the National Chinese Music Competition and attained Silver in the Youth Solo Category. Lisa graduated from the School of the Arts in 2019 with a major in Music performance, and was under the tutelage of Singapore Chinese Orchestra Principal Yangqin musician Qu Jian Qing. Lisa 2008
PROGRAMME | 曲⽬ Theme of the Pioneers 闯将令 Yu Hui Yong, Hu Deng, Shen Wen You 于会詠,胡登跳,沈⽂友 Hong Kong TV Drama Medley ⾹港电视主题曲联奏 Qu Chun Quan 瞿春泉 Fishermen’s Song of the Eastern Sea 东海渔歌 Gu Guan Ren, Ma Sheng Long 顾冠仁, ⻢圣⻰ Battling the Typhoon 战台⻛ Wang Chang Yuan 王昌元 Intermission 中场休息 General’s Mandate 将军令 《古曲》 Heroes Conquer the Dadu River 英雄们战胜了⼤渡河 Hongqi Canal: 1st , 2nd & 3rd Movement 红旗渠 第⼀乐章:⼀轮红⽇照太⾏ 第⼆乐章:千军万⻢战⼭河 第三乐章:江旗渠⽔万年⻓ Zeng Jia Qing 曾加庆 Xu Jing Xin, Jin Fu Zai, Chen Da Wei 徐景新,⾦复载,陈⼤伟 Yangqin Concerto 扬琴协奏曲 Guzheng Ensemble 古筝合奏 Orchestra 华乐团 Orchestra 华乐团 Orchestra 华乐团 Orchestra 华乐团 Orchestra 华乐团
⺠族管弦乐合奏曲《闯将令》由⺠族⾳乐家于会泳与胡登跳两⼈于⼀九五 ⼋年合作⽽成,是⼀⾸来⾃中国⼤跃进时代的⺠乐作品,描写各条战线上 的英雄永往直前,不屈不挠的⼤⽆畏精神,充满了奋进的精神和活⼒。
Theme of the Pioneers 将令
The Chinese Orchestra piece <Theme of the Pioneers> was composed by Chinese musicians Yu Huiyong and Hu Dengju in 1958. It is a folk music piece from the era of China's Great Leap Forward, describing heroes on all fronts. Forever forward-looking, these pioneers possessed vitality, an indomitable and fearless spirit, and a heart for progress.
Hong Kong TV Drama Medley ⾹港电视主题曲联奏 A collection of songs from popular Hong Kong TV dramas such as 上海滩, 陆⼩凤, 千王之王, 京花春梦, 倚天屠⻰记, 世间始终你好. Popular in the 1980s, these Hong Kong TV Dramas encapsulated a period of television that set the foundation for modern TV shows. 这⾸联奏展现出了来⾃⾹港电视剧的⼏⾸经典主题曲,⽐如上海滩, 陆⼩ 凤,千王之王, 京花春梦, 倚天屠⻰记,世间始终你好。这些出名的电视 剧给了我们⽆数的精彩。
Fishermen’s Song of the Eastern Sea 海渔歌
《东海渔歌》讲述了作曲家与渔⺠们同吃同住,朝⼣相处的经历。作曲家 亲眼⽬睹了在劳动中充满⼲劲的渔⺠们。有 次出海捕⻥,渔⺠们为了获 取更⼤的丰收,在⻛浪滔天的海上拼搏了⼏天⼏夜都未归宿。当作曲家听 到⼏⼗位渔⺠们唱起号⼦的时候,那铿锵有⼒的旋律和节奏,完美表现了 作曲家⼼中渔⺠们的英雄⽓概。他们于是做出此曲,希望⽤⺠族⾳乐向世 ⼈讲述渔⺠出海与欢庆丰收的场⾯。
The piece <Fishermen’s Song of the Eastern Sea> was created during the time when the composers lived and worked together with the real fishermen, where they had a chance to see the diligent and energetic fishermen at work. Once, the fishermen were out at sea for days, fighting the extreme weather to maximize their harvests. During this fishing trip, the composers happened to hear the melody sung by fishermen and they thought it could perfectly represent the spirit of the brave and optimistic fishermen. This is how the <Fishermen's Song of the Eastern Sea> was created, to depict the scenes of fishing and harvesting in the fishermen’s life.
王昌元的此曲作于1965年,当时的她还是上海⾳乐学院的学⽣。在上海港 码头体验⽣活时,有感于⼯⼈与台⻛搏⽃⽽作的⼀⾸筝独奏曲。
Battling the Typhoon 战台⻛ Wang Changyuan composed this Guzheng piece, < Battling the Typhoon >, in 1965, when she was still a student at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. When she was experiencing life at the Shanghai port, together with other workers, they encountered a typhoon, serving as the inspiration for this piece.
General’s Mandate 将军令 <The General's Mandate> is a traditional tune from the Sichuan region that dramatizes the heroic actions of the General and the zealous fearlessness of ancient soldiers locked in combat on the battlefield. The piece is composed of five sections—prelude, war drumming and pre battle ritual, marching, fighting and return from victory. 乐曲表现古代将军升帐时的威严庄重、出征时的矫健轻捷、战⽃时的激烈 紧张。共分四段:散板、慢板、快板和急板。 [⼀]散板引⼦:琴声模拟古代战争作战前擂⿎三通,强⽽有⼒的⿎点节奏, 由慢⽽快,阵阵频催,渲染了战⽃即将开始的紧张⽓氛。 [⼆]慢板段,庄严稳重的旋律,采取“句句双”式地重复旋法,并⽤左⼿琴 ⽵“弹轮”技法奏出颇有⼒度的轮⾳,加之常出现低⼋度⾳的衬托,更显⽰出 旋律所蕴藏的内在⼒量,恰似将军升帐时那种威⻛凛凛的情状。 [三]快板段是第⼆段的变奏,主要采⽤快速的⼗六分⾳符节奏,拍⼦中的强 ⾳位置(每拍的第⼀ 、三⾳)常⽤重捶⼦扣击琴弦以加强⼒度,表现将⼠ 们浩浩荡荡,雄姿勃勃的情景。 [四]急板,⽤板式变奏的技法将第⼆段旋律成倍紧缩,变 4/4拍为 2/4拍, 连续不断的⼗六分⾳符节奏,使旋律⽆停顿地进⾏,⽓势剧烈紧迫。 扬琴 在击弦后余⾳很⻓,这样,前⾯旋律余⾳与后⾯击发的乐⾳混相交响,⾳ 响宏⼤,振奋⼈⼼,具有强烈的⾳乐效果。
Heroes Conquer the Dadu River 英雄们战胜了⼤渡河
Dadu River is a river representing heroism in history. Surrounded by sheer mountains, with its waves reaching the sky, Dadu River can be one of the most dangerous rivers in the world. Back to the long march of the Chinese People’s army, there were seventeen pioneers who got across the river under the enemy ’ s fire, managing to occupy the enemy ' s territory, allowing all the remaining comrades to successfully cross the river. In the winter of 1951, the people's army marched into Tibet During the trip, with the help of Tibet friends, they successfully got across the Dadu River. This song is in memory of the heroic spirit of people’s army that can overcome all difficulties, without fear and submission.
⼤渡河是 条具有⾰命历史意义的河流。两岸夹峭壁,浪涛拍惊天,可谓 河中天险。红军两万五千⾥的⻓征途中,⼗七位勇⼠冒着敌⼈的炮⽕,在 急湍奔流之中渡过此河,抢先占领了敌⼈的阵地,从⽽掩护了全军安全渡 河。⽽后的1951年冬天,⼈⺠解放军奉命进军西藏,在藏族同胞的帮助下与 激流搏⽃,最终迅速渡河。此曲展现了⼈⺠军队⼤⽆畏的精神和战胜⼀切 困难的英雄⽓概。
The music consists of three parts: the first part is titled "A Round of Red Sunshine" The second part, "Thousands of Armies Fighting the Mountains and Rivers", leading the piece with a suona, the song is played with strong rhythm and a majestic melody, It describes a scene of the local people working hard to break through the mountains and rivers. The third part, "Jiangqi Canal Water is Long for Thousands of Years", first imitates the sound of running water with a percussion instrument, showing that the channel is finally completed, and the water is brought in, followed by a warm and cheerful tune, describing the hearty celebration of the completion of the project and the improvement of people's lives.
Hongqi Canal: 1st , 2nd & 3rd Movement 红旗渠: 第⼀乐章, 第⼆乐章 和 第三乐章
<Red Flag Canal> is a Chinese national orchestral piece composed by Xu Jingxin, Jin Fuzai and Chen Dawei. With beautiful melody and grand momentum, the music describes the people of Linxian County, Henan Province, working hard to build the Hongqi Canal for water conservancy facilities.
《红旗渠》是由徐景新、⾦复载、陈⼤伟所作的 ⾸中国⺠族管弦乐曲。 乐曲以优美的旋律和宏⼤的⽓势,描写河南林县⼈⺠,⾟苦建造⽔利设施 红旗渠的景象。 乐曲分成三部分:第⼀部分名称“ ⼀轮红⽇照太⾏” ,为慢板,主要以胡琴组 ��奏,以优美的旋律,描写当地优美景⾊和淳厚⺠⻛。第⼆部分“千军万⻢ 战⼭河” ,以唢呐带领乐队,奏出强有⼒的节奏和雄壮的旋律,描写当地⼈ ⺠⾟苦开⼭劈⽔的景象。第三部分“江旗渠⽔万年⻓” ,先以 段打击乐器模 仿流⽔声⾳,表现渠道终于完成,引⽔⽽来,接者是热烈欢快的曲调,描 写热烈庆祝⼯程完成,改善⼈⺠⽣活的情景。
The Orchestra | 团员 Percussion 打击乐 Cherrie Toh Qiao Yi 杜巧仪 Hoh Choi May 何采薇 Hou Jia Yu 侯嘉钰 # Lim Jing Yi 林敬益 Neo Sun Wen 梁孙⽂ Gaohu ⾼胡 See Chung Yi 施忠义# Wong Xin Ru, Winni ⿈⼼如# ZhongHu 中胡 Chan Keng Sing 曾庆⽣ # Ng Tze Ho 吴致豪 # Teo Swee Tong Kayne 张瑞僮 Gaohu/Banhu ⾼胡/板胡 Lee Zong Yu 李宗裕 Erhu I ⼆胡 I Clarissa Joanna Lim 林丽珊 Tan Bing Rui 陈炳瑞 Tan Jin Tao 陈锦涛 Wo Kheng Pak, Kevin 胡京泊 Yohanna Wong Shu Yi ⻩淑仪 # Zhong Rouyu 钟若愚 # Erhu II ⼆胡 II Adelina Wong ⻩靖衡 # Chong Wei Ming 张蔚明 # Li Xinyi 李⼼怡 Liu Zhen Sin 刘振新 # Marcus Tong 汤凯鹏 # Tan En En Amy 陈恩恩 Teo Rui Ling 张睿凌 # Zhongruan 中阮 Ong Peng Hua 王鹏骅 Tan Zhi Xuan 陈祉璇 Tay Hong Lin 程虹琳 Wong Yi Xian ⻩议贤 Daruan/Zhongruan ⼤阮/中阮 Loo Zhong Han 吕宗翰 Victoria Chew 周容平 # Liuqin 柳琴 Lim Shee-ann 林思安 Tay Wei Xian 郑玮娴 # Sanxian/Liuqin 三弦/柳琴 Chee Jian Hao Denny 徐健豪 *Alumni #Guest Player Pipa 琵琶 Chen Min 陈敏 Wei Xinyi 魏⼼怡 *
The Orchestra | 团员 Yangqin 扬琴 Ang Jet 洪捷 Lisa Maria Wong ⻩其卿 Gao Yin Sheng ⾼⾳笙 Eng Min Lun Jasper 余铭伦 Chin Qin Jing 陈沁璟 Zhong Yin Sheng 中⾳笙 Reyner Ong Eng Kyat 王英杰 # Yeap Wei Loon 叶伟伦 Dizi 笛⼦ Agnes Tan Ziqi 陈姿绮 Kee Kai Xuan 纪愷轩 Lew Kah Hoa 廖嘉豪 # Luo Wenyu 罗⽂宇 * Poh Yi Yang 傅 扬 Soh Hao Cheng Alarick 苏浩诚 Toh Yong Li 卓勇莉 Zheng Xuguang 郑旭光 Gao Yin Suona ⾼⾳唢呐 Bryan Teh Jia Yi 郑嘉毅 # Koh Liang Wei 许良伟 Wong Wei Xiang ⻩炜翔 Zhong Yin Suona 中⾳唢呐 Chan Chor Cheng 陈楚晴 Dingwan Chenxi 钉丸⾠禧 Gu Zheng 古筝 Chua Hao En, Ivan 蔡豪恩 Kenisha Tanadia Adrian Tan 陈怡璇 * Li Jian 李吉安 Lim Jia Yi, Sheryl 林佳颐 Cello ⼤提琴 Bee Pui Lin 黎佩伶 Boh Duang Fu 莫壮芙 Claire Lim Roo Yee 林洳瑜 # Darran Teo Yi Yang 张义扬 * Goh Jun Wen Bryan Tyler 吴俊⽂# Jordon Sim Yong Zhi 沈勇志 Lee Ley Mun 黎俐妏 Double Bass 低⾳提琴 Chua Ming Rui, Delvin 蔡铭瑞 Lin YangLei 林杨镭 # Tan Zheng Yong 陈政勇 Zhong Yin Suona / Guan 中⾳唢呐 / 管 Muhammad Afiq Bin Zaini #
Executive Committee Left to right: Ashley, Choi May, Chen Min, Jing Yi Orchestra Sectional Leaders 1st row, left to right: Delvin, Jasper 2nd row, left to right: Zong Yu, Lisa
Gu Zheng Section Leader Sheryl Welfare Manager Kai Xuan
Scores Manager Cherrie Student Conductor Liang Wei
Business Manager Zhi Xuan Business Manager Yong Li
Publicity and Publications Manager Publicity and Publications Manager Ley Mun Denny
Logistics Manager Ivan Logistics Manager You You
Publicity and Publications Sub-Committee Publicity and Publications Sub-Committee Qin Jing Kevin
Publicity and Publications Sub-Committee Peng Hua Xuyi
Publicity and Publications Sub-Committee Welfare Sub-Committee Xinyi Chor Cheng
Social Network Sites
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | 呜谢 Distinguished Guests of Transient Reminiscences 2022 for gracing our concert All Staff of Student Affairs Office Nanyang House NTU Cultural Activities Club Our Instructors Mr Ng Seng Hong, Mr Chua Seng Chee, Mr Jobain Lee Jun Hao, Mr Lim Jia Hann, Mr Tan Loke Chuah, Mr Tony Ang Ting Leong Our Sponsors Alumni And Guest Players for their dedication and support Audience for your unwavering support throughout the years Active Red BBQ Wholesale Chip Guan heng Fisherman Friend Khong Guan No. 17 Tea The Corner Cart Deliexpress Balaji Wafers Best Value Mart Delta Blue Foodieland gradsingapore Lam Soon NTU Alumni Club