NTUCO's 25th Annual Concert Booklet - Transient Reminiscences 2023: Timeless 25

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Established in 1983, Nanyang Technological University Chinese Orchestra (NTUCO) is currently one of the most active member clubs under NTU Cultural Activities Club. Since its establishment, NTUCO has been able to make tremendous progress under the tutelage of conductor, Mr Ng Seng Hong, and fellow instructors. Since 1997, NTUCO has organised large-scale Annual Concerts, Transient Reminiscences, which were well received. Besides Annual Concerts, NTUCO also organizes overseas exchange trips regularly and the orchestra has since participated in joint concerts and cultural exchange programmes in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Macau, enriching the members culturally and musically.

南洋理⼯⼤学华乐团 (NTUCO) 成⽴于1983年,是南洋理⼯⼤学⽂化与艺术术协 会属下最活跃的社团之⼀。⾃成⽴以来,南⼤华乐团获得校⽅的⼤⼒⽀持,在指 挥⻩歆峰⽼师和各声部指导⽼师的悉⼼指导下茁壮成⻓。⾃1997年以来每年都举 办⼤型的公开演奏会《南⼤云⾳》,深受欢迎且好评如潮。此外,南⼤华乐团也 多次远赴北京,⾹港,台北,澳⻔,与各地的顶尖⼤学进⾏⽂化交流并联办⾳乐 会,得到了热烈回响和⾼度评价。


Mr Ng Seng Hong is currently the Music Director of NTUCO and instructor of the Huqin section. He has attained the Licentiate Diploma of London College of Music (LLCM) in Conducting, Master of Fine Arts. He was awarded the Singapore Ten Outstanding Youth Award in 1992 and Singapore Youth Artist Award (Music) in 1993. He received a Doctorate in Buddhism from the Dharma Buddhist University in 2017. As an outstanding Erhu musician in Singapore, Mr Ng has been invited to perform with internationally renowned orchestras such as Singapore Chinese Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, Taipei Municipal Chinese Orchestra, and Taiwan I-Lan Youth Orchestra.

Mr Ng is currently the president and Music Director of Impression of Nanyang Arts Association (Singapore). Concurrently, he is the Conductor of Temasek Junior College, Anderson Serangoon Junior College and other schools’ Chinese Orchestra. Due to his outstanding performance in the field of Chinese music, Mr Ng's personal introduction and artistic resume were also included in the "Chinese Music Collection" published in China in 2004.

⻩歆峰现为南洋理⼯⼤学华乐团的⾳乐总监及胡琴组指导⽼师。他获得了英国伦 敦⾳乐学院指挥专业执业学位(LLCM)。⻩歆峰分别在1992年和1993年荣获新 加坡⼗⼤杰出⻘年奖和新加坡⻘年艺术奖(⾳乐),并在2017年荣获了⼤⻢佛教⼤ 学佛学博⼠学位。作为新加坡杰出的⼆胡演奏家,⻩歆峰多次受邀与新加坡华乐 团、上海交响乐团、上海⺠族乐团、台北市⽴国乐团、台湾宜兰⻘少年国乐团等 国际知名乐团合作。 ⻩歆峰现任新加坡《印象南洋⾳乐协会》会⻓兼⾳乐总监,并同时担任淡⻢锡初 级学院,安德逊实⻰岗初级学院等学校的华乐团指挥。由于他在华乐领域的杰出 表现,⻩歆峰的个⼈介绍及艺术履历也被收录在2004年中国出版的《国乐典藏》 中。


"Entering the beginning of spring in 2023, Nanyang Technological University Chinese Orchestra (NTUCO) will present a large-scale Chinese music concert in the Esplanade Concert Hall to Chinese music lovers and supporters. Over 90 talented young performers in the orchestra will give full play to their youth in the concert, showing their musical talent and enthusiasm.

I have been leading NTUCO for more than 17 years. Apart from local students, the orchestra members also come from different countries and regions. Everyone is striving for a common goal and interest. I am moved by their efforts and dedication to music.

The support of Nanyang Technological University is the greatest motivation for us to persist for 17 years. I sincerely thank the school for its trust and support. In the future, NTUCO will strive to contribute to the development of Chinese music in Singapore, and will continue to provide opportunities for students from different countries and regions to exchange and learn through the artistic charm of Chinese music."

“进⼊2023年的开春之即, 南洋理⼯⼤学华乐团(NTUCO)将以声势浩⼤的队型 在滨海艺术中⼼⾳乐厅为⼴⼤的华乐爱好者及⽀持者呈现 场⼤型的华乐演奏会。 全团超过90位才华杨溢的⻘年演奏家将在⾳乐会上尽洒⻘春,展现他们的⾳乐才 华和热情。 我已经带领南洋理⼯⼤学华乐团超过了17个年头。除了本地学⽣,团员也来⾃不 同的国家和地区, ⼤家都为着⼀个共同的⽬标和兴趣奋⽃。他们为⾳乐的努⼒和付 出让我⾮常感动。 南洋理⼯⼤学的⽀持是我们能够坚持⾛过17年最⼤的动⼒,我衷⼼感谢校⽅的信 任和⽀持。继往开来,南洋理⼯⼤学华乐团将会努⼒不懈的为华乐在新加坡的发展 做出贡献,也会继续通过华乐的艺术魅⼒为来⾃不同国家和地区的同学提供交流和 学习的机会。 ”
Ng Seng Hong ⻩歆峰 Music Director | ⾳乐总监


"Welcome to NTUCO’s 25th Annual Concert: Transient Reminiscences 2023. This year, the theme of our concert is “Timeless 25” 《 经 典 25 》 which coincides well with our Annual Concert’s 25th Anniversary. All our members dreamed of performing at Esplanade Concert Hall, which is the reason why my committee members worked extra hard this year to secure and plan for a concert here at Esplanade, which proved to be a challenge itself. It was heartwarming to see everyone’s efforts put into making this happen. Performing at such a large scaled venue is not an easy feat. It is only possible with the hard work of all my precious members in NTUCO. We are all ready to shine on stage and we sincerely hope that you enjoy the show.

To make this year’s repertoire to be special, we carefully chose classic Chinese Orchestra pieces from the different eras of Chinese Orchestra’s long heritage to perform at the grand stage here at Esplanade. We hope to spark our audiences' interest in learning about the Chinese traditions and culture through our music, and nurture artistic talents.

Lastly, thank you, our dear audience members, for coming to our concert and supporting us."

”欢迎来到南洋理⼯⼤学华乐团第25届⾳乐会-南⼤云⾳:《经典25》。我们全团上 下都期盼着在滨海艺术中⼼⾳乐厅演出,因此我们筹委团都不
⼗年功” ,我感到⼗分欣慰当看到⼤家都不遗余⼒地为⾳乐会付出。在如此盛⼤的 舞台表演并不是 件轻松的事,都是全靠⼤家的努⼒⽅可实现。我们已准备好在舞 台上展露光芒,因此我们衷⼼地希望您能享受我们精⼼为您准备的表演。 为了庆祝这意义⾮凡的⾳乐会,我们精⼼挑选出了 系列不同时代背景的经典曲⼦ 并且在滨海艺术中⼼华丽的⾳乐厅⾥演出。我们希望能够⽤⾳乐激起观众们对中华 传统和⽂化的兴趣并且培养艺术⽅⾯的⼈才。 最后,⾮常感谢亲爱的观众们拨冗出席并⽀持我们的演出。我们希望您会陶醉在我 们的⾳乐并享受这场听觉与视觉的飨宴。 “
盛⼤的⾳乐会,当然对我们来说具有 定的挑战性。正所谓“台上 分钟,台下
Chen Min 陈敏 Chairperson | 团⻓


Tan Zhi Xuan started learning Zhongruan at the age of 13 and is currently under the tutelage of Zhongruan musician, Tan Su-Min, Clara. In 2019, Zhi Xuan performed as a soloist for the Zhongruan concerto, " 绽 放 ” , accompanied by Ngee Ann Polytechnic Chinese Orchestra. In 2021, she also took part in the Nanyang International Music Competition (Chinese Division) and attained silver. She was also awarded Central Conservatory of Music Performance (Diploma) Grade.

陈祉璇⾃从⼗三岁开始学习中阮,⽬前师从中阮演奏家,陈素敏。祉璇于2019年 演奏中阮协奏曲《绽放》,由义安理⼯学院华乐团伴奏。 她在2021年第三届新加 坡南洋国际⾳乐⼤赛中荣获中阮⾼级⾮专业组银奖。此后,她也获得了新加坡南洋 艺术学院-中央⾳乐学院华乐考试演奏级。 Tan Zhi Xuan 陈祉璇 Soloist | 独奏家


The Great Wall Capriccio 《⻓城随想》

Liu Wenjin 刘⽂⾦ 曲

Impressions of Chinese Music《印象国乐-⼤曲》

Jiang Ying 姜莹 曲

Singapura Overture《狮城序曲》 Zhang Xiao Feng 张晓峰 曲

Guzheng Ensemble 古筝重奏: Tunes of Shanxi《⼭西调》

He Zhanhao 何占豪 曲 Intermission 中场休息 (20 min)

Zhongruan Concerto 中阮协奏曲:

Reminiscences of Yunnan 3rd Mov.《云南回忆》第三乐章

Soloist 中阮独奏:Tan Zhi Xuan 陈祉璇

Liu Xing 刘星 曲

Terracotta Warriors Fantasia《秦•兵⻢俑》幻想曲 Peng Xiu Wen 彭修⽂ 曲


The Great Wall Capriccio

Liu Wenjin 刘

Adapted from composer Liu Wenjin’s earlier Erhu concerto of the same title, The Great Wall Capriccio draws reference from the First Movement, Through the Mountain Pass, and the Fourth Movement, Looking Afar. Through the Mountain Pass depicts the fascination of the Great Wall and its surroundings scene while Looking Afar envisions the future ahead. With his unique artistic style, the composer paints the emotive and picturesque scenery of the majestic Great Wall, singing praises of Chinese spirit as well as China’s long history and bright future.

Composed by Jiang Ying, Impressions of Chinese Music reintroduces ancient Chinese music culture in this modern era by morphing the motifs and cultural extensions of ancient music into modern melodies appreciated by all. The composer utilises the unique musical characteristics and qualities of various music instruments to showcase the cultural splendor, heritage and pursuit of faith of Chinese ethnic groups.

⽂⾦ 曲
《⻓城随想曲》改编⾃作曲家刘⽂⾦早期的同名⼆胡协奏曲,并借鉴了第⼀乐章 《关⼭⾏》和第四乐章《遥想篇》。《关⼭⾏》展⽰了⻓城与其周边环境的迷 ⼈,⽽《遥想篇》则是放眼未来的憧憬。作者通过对伟⼤建筑⻓城的描绘, 来抒发 对古⽼⻓城的感受,并以独特的艺术格调来讴歌中华⺠族伟⼤精神和光辉灿烂的 历史和美好的未来。 Impressions of Chinese Music《印象国乐-⼤曲》 Jiang Ying 姜莹 曲
《印象国乐-⼤曲》是由中国当代⻘年作曲家姜莹作曲。作曲家以现代听觉审美的 ⾳乐语⾔,重塑了千年古谱中所传递的⾳乐密码和⽂化外延,这是古⽼⾳乐⽂化 在新时期的绽放与重现。作曲家巧妙的利⽤⺠族乐队独有的⾳响体系、乐器声部 的⾳⾊特点、⾳乐语⾔、演奏⻛格,通过⾳乐层次不断的丰富与叠加,使作品展 现出泱泱⼤国的⽂化辉煌,体现了中华⺠族的精神传承与信仰追求。


Singapura Overture《狮城序曲》 Zhang Xiao Feng 张晓峰 曲

The main theme of this composition is based on the local song Di Tanjong Katong. The first section consists of a variation on the main theme, displaying a quick tempo, and an energetic and forceful character that illustrates the hardworking, courageous, optimistic, and forward-looking nature of Singaporeans, and the positive outlook of prosperity and growth for the country. The second section intertwines the original theme and a variation of the main theme to illustrate the multiculturalism and racial harmony in Singapore. The third section capitalises on the unique rhythmic patterns in ethnic music, bringing the piece to a climax through division, alteration, and various levels of contrast and foreshadowing. The composition concludes with a fast and powerful rhythm.

。第⼆部分运⽤了原形主 题和变化主题相互交织的对⽴⼿法,体现出新加坡的多元社会及多元种族

作品是以新加坡歌曲《丹绒加东》作为全曲主题的素材。第⼀部分由主旋律的变 奏组成,具有节奏明快、铿锵有⼒、朝⽓勃发的性格,表现出新加坡⼈⺠勤劳勇 敢、乐观向上的精神⾯貌,及国家繁荣昌盛的美好景象
和谐相 处的⼈⽂素质。第三部分运⽤了多⺠族⾳乐的节奏特点,将主题分裂、变化、多 层次的渲染铺垫,逐渐使⾳乐推向⾼点。最后全曲在宽⼴、快速、强劲有⼒的旋 律节奏中结束。


While producing the music score for the traditional Chinese spoken drama, Liu Hulan, composer He Zhanhao was greatly inspired and moved by the scenes in the spoken drama. The drama depicts young Liu Hulan’s story as a brave female spy during the Chinese Civil War who enjoys listening to her grandmother’s singing of traditional Shanxi folk songs. Tunes of Shanxi is an amalgamation of phrases from two Shanxi folk songs, portraying the love, devotion and sense of attachment of the youth and citizens of Shanxi towards their homeland.

Composed by Liu Xing in 1986, Reminiscences of Yunnan is the first Zhongruan concerto, consisting of three movements. This piece makes extensive use of modern compositional techniques. With a combination of various rhythms and playing techniques, it expresses the composer's infinite fantasies about Yunnan. Third movement: Allegro is performed in this concert alongside our soloist, Tan Zhi Xuan.

Guzheng Ensemble 古筝重奏: Tunes of Shanxi《⼭西调》 He Zhanhao 何占豪 曲
古筝重奏《⼭西调》是何占豪在为话剧《刘胡兰》作曲配乐时候,被剧中情景所 感动⽽创作的古筝曲。话剧描述了⾰命烈⼠英雄刘胡兰从⼩爱听奶奶教她唱⼭西 ⺠歌。何占豪将两句⼭西⺠歌发展成⼀⾸⺠乐曲,⼜改成古筝曲,抒发⼭西⻘年 及⼈⺠对家乡⼟地的热爱和激情。 Zhongruan Concerto 中阮协奏曲: Reminiscences of Yunnan 3rd Mov.《云南回忆》第三乐章 Soloist 中阮独奏:Tan Zhi Xuan 陈祉璇 Liu Xing 刘星 曲
《云南回忆》是刘星于1986年创作的第⼀部中阮协奏曲。全曲共分为三个乐章: 中庸的中板、呆滞的慢板和机械的快板。乐曲充分运⽤了较为现代的作曲技法, 并⾤⽤多变的节奏和多种演奏技巧相融合,表达了作者对云南产⽣⽆限的遐想和 ⽆尽的思念。本场⾳乐会将会演奏第三乐章:机械的快板,由陈祉璇担任独奏。


Terracotta Warriors Fantasia

Peng Xiu Wen 彭修⽂ 曲

Inspired by the excavation of the Terracotta Warriors, Terracotta Warriors Fantasia is a masterpiece composed by Peng Xiu Wen in 1984.

The music begins with a faint, steady rhythm as if a distant sound at dawn. The increased sound of the army forms the first theme of the ancient army march. The continuous rhythm of gongs and drums draws out a brilliant melody, recreating the grand marching scene. A melancholy melody marks a turning point in the piece as if the army was still homesick in the majestic marching team. After a period of drumming, the brilliant music of gongs and drums was drawn out, symbolizing the emperor's guard of honor. As the night approaches, the gongs and drums receded, shifting the focus to the low strings, conveying the soldiers' feeling of homesickness admist the war. With the sound of a gong, the army stirred and proceeded. The sudden gust of cold winds and snow dampens the morale of the army. An air of mournfulness settles over the army as the piece concludes on a brave note.

《秦·兵⻢俑》幻想曲是彭修⽂于1984年3⽉听闻秦兵⻢俑出⼟有感,伏案奋笔, ⽓呵成,创作了这部富有悲剧⾊彩的作品。 (⼀)军整肃,封禅遨游⼏时休?: ⾳乐开始以微弱的固定节奏, 像天将破晓时分远处 传来的声⾳。从远处传来的军队声由⼩到⼤,奏出了如古代军队进⾏曲第 主 题。锣⿎持续的节奏,牵引出辉煌旋律,重现了昔⽇的⽓势浩⼤的⾏军场⾯。⾳ 乐⼀个转折,奏出了⼀段略带愁苦的旋律,像是军⼠在威严的⾏军队伍仍然带着 思乡情绪。 段⿎点后,引出⼤锣⼤⿎的辉煌⾳乐,象征皇帝的仪仗。 (⼆)春闺梦,征⼈思妇相思苦: 夜深了, 喧闹的锣⿎声悄悄退去。低⾳弦乐象征这军 ⼠⻔在营⾥的夜晚, 陪伴的只有思乡情愁。 (三)⼤纛悬,关⼭万⾥共雪寒: ⼀声锣响,好梦惊醒,号⻆再次响起,军队照旧进 ⾏,秦皇依然威严指挥着军队。突然间阵阵的寒⻛吹向军队, 寒冷雪花和眼前的⼤ 战在即,营造了⼭⾬欲来的景象。⾏军主题更加悲壮,在强烈的呐喊声中结束。


Gaohu | ⾼胡

Chew Yik Siang Donovan 周毅翔

Lee Zong Yu 李宗裕

Lye Tee Yin Joel* 赖智颖

Poey Hui En, Eliza ⻉慧恩

Zhonghu | 中胡

Ng Jin Jing# ⻩⾦晶

Ng Tze Ho 吴致豪

See Chung Yi# 施忠义

Tan Da Yang# 陈达扬

Erhu I | ⼆胡 I

Chua Yong Le 蔡勇乐

Clarissa Joanna Lim 林丽珊

Chong Wei Ming# 张蔚明

Joanna Tay Hui Min 郑慧敏

Tan Chuan You 陈传友

Tan Jin Tao 陈锦涛

Teo Rui Ling# 张睿凌

Wo Kheng Pak, Kevin* 胡京泊

Yeoh Lik Hern 姚⽴恒

Yong Jin Yee# 杨静宜

Erhu II | ⼆胡 II

Jade Lim Mei Yu# 林美⽟

Jamie Lim Xin Hui 林欣慧

Jessica Chen Xi Ran# 陈玺然

Kong Qi Yuen# 江慈缘

Lim Ka Min# 林佳敏

Ma Hau Yee* ⾺孝儀

Neo Rui Xuan Berlynn 梁睿玹

Tan Toh Nguan# 陈在元

Tay Yong Yun Felicia# 郑詠云

Wu ChangCheng 吴昌城

Liuqin | 柳琴

Lim Shee-ann 林思安

Lim Xin Ying Bernice 林欣颖

Ng Xian Zhi ⻩娴芝

Yangqin | 扬琴

Ang Jet 洪捷

Lisa Maria Wong ⻩其卿

Lim Jun En 林俊恩

Tan Wei Jie, Ryan 陈伟杰

Violet Tan Siew Hui 陈繡卉

Pipa | 琵琶

Chen Min 陈敏

Dong Jiayun 董佳芸

Gan Yi Xiang 颜毅翔

Khee Hui Tjin 阙慧君

Lee Cai Ping 李彩平

Lindy Lim 林利

Wei Xinyi* 魏⼼怡

Zhongruan | 中阮

Bryan Goh# 吴俊⽂

Emmanuel Shim Hao Yu 沈皓宇

Feng Jia 冯嘉

Lim Jun Feng* 林俊锋

Ng Siew Meng* ⻩秀明

Rachel Evelyn 庄雯雯

Tan Zhi Xuan 陈祉璇

Tay Hong Lin 程虹琳

Wong Yi Xian ⻩议贤

Daruan | ⼤阮

Ong Peng Hua 王鹏骅

Sanxian/Liuqin | 三弦/柳琴

Chee Jian Hao Denny 徐健豪

* Alumni 团友 | # Guest Player 客卿演奏员


Dizi | 笛⼦

Agnes Tan Ziqi 陈姿锜

Kee Kai Xuan 纪愷轩

Lew Kah Hoa 廖嘉豪

Poh Yi Yang 傅⼀扬

Soh Hao Cheng Alarick 苏浩诚

Tan Fu Lun 陈福伦

Zheng Xu Guang 郑旭光

Xiao Di/Bang Di/Xiao | ⼩笛/梆笛/萧

Amanda Yap Yan Min* 叶颜明

Bang Di/Xin Di/Xun | 梆笛/新笛/埙

Luo Wenyu 罗⽂宇

Gao Yin Sheng | ⾼⾳笙

Ang Jet 洪捷

Chin Qin Jing 陈沁璟

Eng Min Lun Jasper 余铭伦

Zhong Yin Sheng | 中⾳笙

Chan Chor Cheng 陈楚晴

Rayner Tan Chek Khai 陈泽楷

Gao Yin Suona/Gao Yin Guan


Dingwan Chenxi 钉丸⾠禧

Gao Yin Suona | ⾼⾳唢呐

Samantha Oh Jing Yi 胡景喻

Wong Wei Xiang ⻩炜翔

Zhong Yin Suona | 中⾳唢呐

Koh Liang Wei 许良��

Loo Tong Cheng, Leonard# 吕东宸

Ci Zhong Yin Suona | 次中⾳唢呐

Tiang Chuan Cheng# 程传城

Di Yin Suona/Di Yin Guan | 低⾳唢呐/低⾳管

Muhammad Afiq Bin Zaini# 莫哈末阿菲克

Cello | ⼤提琴

Boh Duang Fu 莫壮芙

Darran Teo Yi Yang* 张义扬

Helen Tan Yihong 谭逸鸿

Jordon Sim Yong Zhi 沈勇志

Lau Xuan Kai# 刘轩恺

Leaw Sze Ting, Rachel 廖锶婷

Lim Kai Zhe 林恺哲

Phoebe Lee Jia Ying 李佳颖

Soh Chun Xuan, Colin* 苏俊轩

Tan Yew Hong, West# 陈耀鸿

Double Bass | 倍⼤提琴

Li Decong 李得聪

Lin YangLei# 林杨镭

Quek Kar Min 郭佳您

Wong Khai Heng ⻩恺恒

Gu Zheng | 古箏

Chua Hao En, Ivan 蔡豪恩

Jobain Lee Jun Hao* 李峻豪

Kenisha Tanadia Adrian Tan* 陈怡璇

Li Jian 李吉安

Lim Jia Yi, Sheryl 林佳颐

Meng Xuyi 孟栩艺

Nguyen Lan Chi 阮兰枝

Philip Mark Tan Leetiong 陈俐忠

Percussion | 打击乐

Ang Zhi Ling 洪芷岭

Cherrie Toh Qiao Yi 杜巧仪

Lim Jing Yi 林敬益

Lim Yu Yan 林昱延

Neo Sun Wen 梁孙⽂

Sng Sok Hng 孙淑轩

Toh Si En, Ernneth 卓思恩

Wong Jun Yan (Huang Jun Yan) ⻩雋諺

Xu Xiaoman 许⼩满




Secretary Treasurer

Sectional Leaders

Chen Min 陈敏

Chan Chor Cheng 陈楚晴

Cherrie Toh Qiao Yi 杜巧仪

Tan En En Amy 陈恩恩

Boh Duang Fu 莫壮芙

Chua Hao En, Ivan 蔡豪恩

Clarissa Joanna Lim 林丽珊

Lindy Lim 林利

Toh Si En, Ernneth 卓思恩

Wong Wei Xiang ⻩炜翔

Student Conductor Scores Manager

Business Managers

Logistics Managers

Publicity and Publications Managers

Welfare Manager

Business Sub-Committee

Ang Jet 洪捷

Lim Shee-ann 林思安

Tan Jin Tao 陈锦涛

Toh Yong Li 卓勇莉

Ng Tze Ho 吴致豪

Tay Hong Lin 程虹琳

Chin Qin Jing 陈沁璟

Ong Peng Hua 王鹏骅

Oh Zhiheng 胡智恒

Agnes Tan Ziqi 陈姿锜

Jamie Lim Xin Hui 林欣慧

Siew Hui En 萧惠恩

Logistics Sub-Committee

Chye Jia Wen 蔡佳雯

Ng Xian Zhi ⻩娴芝

Tan Fu Lun 陈福伦

Xu Xiaoman 许⼩满

Wong Yi Xian ⻩议贤

Wu Chang Cheng 吴昌城

Publicity & Publications


Dong Jiayun 董佳芸

Hoh Choi May 何采薇

Lim Yu Yan 林昱延

Lindy Lim 林利

Welfare Sub-Committee

Helen Tan Yihong 谭逸鸿

Kee Kai Xuan 纪愷轩

Rayner Tan Chek Khai 陈泽楷


Distinguished Guests of Transient Reminiscences 2023 for gracing our concert

All Staff of NTU Student Affairs Office

Nanyang House

University Advancement Office (Alumni Engagement)

Our Instructors

Mr Ng Seng Hong

Mr Chua Seng Chee

Mr Jobain Lee Jun Hao

Mr Lim Jia Hann

Mr Tan Loke Chuah

Mr Tony Ang Ting Leong

NTU Cultural Activities Club (CAC)

Management Committee

Publicity & Publications Committee

Media & IT Committee

Emcee Club

Symphonic Band

Symphony Orchestra

Main Committee, Members, Alumni and Guest Players for their dedication and support

Audience for your unwavering support throughout the years






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