Newcastle University Boat Club Newsletter, April 2010 CDRA Regatta NUBC made the trip to Taree on the 13th of March to compete in one of the last regattas of our competition season - the CDRA Regatta. In previous years CDRA has been one of the highlights of the regatta season and this year was no different, with crews finding success in a number of events and camping fun being had by all. This year it was really pleasing to see a lot of members trying their hand in the Men's and Women's Novice Single events. In these events, Merran Holmes, Roanne Maxwell and Andrew Evans all achieved first place in their heats. There was also success in the heats of the Intermediate Singles, with Ben Farnsworth, Jack Hanley and Emma Mujic all coming in first. Well done guys! NUBC crews also achieved first place in a number of Championship events including; Championship Women’s Coxed Four (Flowers, Mujic, Buckton and Sands, c:Bissett) Championship Men’s Double (Anthony MujicNUBC and Jason Nissen-Hunter Rowing Club) Championship Men’s Eight (Elliot, Lowe, Gibson, Hanley, Farnsworth, Flowers, Marshall and Evans) Championship Women's Eight (Buckton, Sands, Mujic, Gardiner, Maxwell, Flowers, Bissett and Bollinger c:Elliot)
The Women's 8+ after their win
For the second consecutive year, Anthony Mujic claimed the CDRA Single Scull Championship and was able to retain his glorious trophy. Congratulations Muj!
The Men's 8+, with Anthony, after their wins
The NUBC CDRA team 2010
Recent Social Events To welcome our new rowers, and to celebrate the return of Uni the NUBC recently embarked on a mid-week, Thursday-morning-lectureruining Pub Crawl around the various venues found at Darby Street. We began early in the night, enjoying steaks at the Commonwealth. This was followed by treks to the Oriental, the Cricketers Arms and the Delaney, gathering more and more NUBC members along the way and having an exceedingly delightful time. A final, epic journey was made to Customs House to conclude the night...photographic evidence suggests we also went to the Crown and Anchor but we are yet to recover these memories in our minds...good times. Some photos are over the page...
NUBC Pub Crawl
NUBC Pub Crawl
In a slightly more sophisticated display, the NUBC also held its annual Bowls Day at the scenic Dixon Park Bowling Club. It was a gorgeous, sunny day for playing bowls and, for some members, getting very sunburnt. After many hours of play it was evident that it would be wise for most of us to stick to rowing, but good fun was had by all anyway.
Catastrophe! Disaster strikes on the bowling green!
Novice Regatta Our new rowers have been practising and improving their rowing skills over the semester and on April 24th we held our annual Novice Regatta at Berry Park to let the new rowers show off their new abilities, as well as giving them their first taste of competition. Novices were divided into teams of four, with members earning points for their team by winning a number of different events. Events included Women's and Men's quad/four races, mixed eight races, 250 metre erg time-trials. The races were short, extremely fast paced and very exciting, with oars, water and insults flying everywhere. After all racing was complete, a tiebreaking event was required. This was in the form of a gripping 1000 metre erg relay. The race was intense and incredibly close, but in the end it was the Oarsome Foursome team that took home the coveted prize; a bag of delicious lollies.
One of the novice crews makes its way to the starting line during our Novice Regatta
NUBC members exerting themselves at the Bowls Day
New NUBC members prepare for erg races
University Champs Update This year's Australian University Championships are to be held in Perth from the 26th September to the 1st of October. The large amount of travel involved means that the cost of sending crews will be significantly higher than previous years. The NUBC is still aiming to send competitive crews to this event, with squad training already underway on a number of mornings. In order to lower costs the NUBC will be undertaking extensive fundraising. Plans are already underway for a second trivia night (to be held in August), as well as fundraising BBQ's and chocolate selling. Hopefully we can raise enough money to make the trip viable for students wishing to be in competitive crews, as it is sure to be an amazing experience! If you have any ideas about possible University Champs fundraising avenues, please don't hesitate to contact Jed Dickson ( or Annelise Bissett (
Upcoming Events Rowers Breakfast @the Three Monkeys (9am, May 2nd) Membership payments (before 8th May, if possible) Death (fitness and core) Training (every Thursday, 7.30pm @The Forum)