2 minute read

Public Speaking / Óráidíocht Phoiblí

As a Class Rep, one of you many functions is to inform your class of all the up and coming events and activities of the Students’ Union and indeed your own course activities. This involves getting up at the beginning or end of the class to address them. This can be intimidating at first (whether in person or online!) but with time it gets easier and you earn the respect of your classmates.

The following are some hints to help you to effectively communicate by way of a public address to a group of people.

Preparation: Always go through what you have to say in advance. Knowledge: Always ensure you have all the information you need. Relevance: Make sure what you have to say is of interest to the group. Posture: Posture is one of the first things you say about yourself in public speaking. Learn to stand up straight, look trustworthy, confident, and assured. Give your speech in a mirror and pay special attention to your posture. Who you are addressing and where you are, will determine your posture within the group. Where and how you present yourself, will determine how people perceive you and what you are saying Voice: When speaking to a group it is important to consider the following in order to achieve your goal of getting your message across:

1. Speak at a suitable audible level. 2. Speak clearly. 3. Speak slowly without being to deliberate. 4. Avoid monotone, vary your pitch and tone. 5. Don’t be afraid of pauses.

Gestures: The use of gestures and facial expressions can considerably help you in the execution of your public address. Some of the options outlined below can help with your ability to attract the attention and maintain the open line of communication with the group. Eye Contact: Include everyone and maintain eye contact at all times. Smiling: An excellent way to keep a group’s attention. Hand movements: To emphasise a point or elaborate but should not become a distraction for the group from the content of what you are saying so don’t overdo it.

Public Speaking Online

• Make sure your camera is turned on (if your internet allows) • Make sure your sound/microphone is working • Be prepared and to the point (people’s attention span is shorter) • Have a clear background and make sure you have good lighting. • Test your technology beforehand

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