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Union of Students in Ireland / Aontas na Mac Léinn in Éirinn

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is the national representative body for the 354,000 students in third level education on the Island of Ireland. USI are a membership organisation – our members are our affiliated Students’ Unions around Ireland, North and South. USI is not made up of the officers alone, it is made up of every student in every affiliated college in the country – it’s your union, it’s your national voice! USI works for: • An education and training system open to all, irrespective of any consideration of national origin, race, sex, sexuality, creed, political beliefs or economic circumstances, so that each individual can realise their full potential in the service of the Irish people. • An education and training system that through the development of art and literature, natural and social sciences truly serves the interests of the people of Ireland. • The right of students to a decent standard of living, with the right to adequate financial support, proper housing and future prospects of employment in Ireland. • The defence and promotion of all democratic and human rights. • The provision of student services for the benefit of the membership on the principle that control of student services should lie with the membership.

USI is run quite like a local Students’ Union on a national scale. Instead of class reps, we have SU sabbatical officers who represent your college in USI National Council, just like you represent your class at . Every member SU sends a certain number of delegates to Annual Congress (which is USI’s main decision-making body) at a ratio of one per 1,000 students and you could be one of your college’s delegates.

The USI Officer board 2021/22 is made up as follows:

• President – Clare Austick • VP for Academic Affairs – Megan O’Connor • VP for Welfare – Somhairle Brennan • VP for Campaigns – Beth O’Reilly • VP for Equality & Citizenship – Bukky Adebowale • VP for the Border, Midlands and Western Region – Victor O’Loughlin • VP for the Southern Region – John Fortune • VP for the Dublin Region – Caoimhe O’Carroll • LU don Ghaeilge – Muireann Nic Corcráin • VP for Postgraduate Affairs – Jenna Barry • President NUS-USI - Ellen Fearon

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