1 minute read
Dealing with Personal Issues / Plé a Dhéanamh le Fadhbanna Pearsanta
As a Class Rep it’s your job to keep informed on various services available so that if one of your students has an issue you should be able to direct them to the right people. Many students are merely unsure of both their problem, and how to deal with it. As a Class Rep you could well be the first person they tell.
Quick Pointers
• Don’t presume you know how they’re feeling, even if you think you do. • Listen to them. • Don’t be judgmental. • Don’t give advice. • Don’t feel you should know all the answers. • Don’t tell any of your friends, this will only hinder matters.
It’s not your brief to deal with individual personal problems. You are not a counsellor and don’t ever feel obliged to deal with people on a personal level. When someone does have a problem, the best thing to do is refer them to one of the Student Counsellors or the SU Welfare and Equality Officer.
Services available to students
It’s important that you’re aware of the services available to students. There are two main types of services available to students, services within the college, and external voluntary organisations. You may not be familiar with them all so if in doubt ask an officer in the SU! College Services College services are available to all registered students of NUI Galway, although sometimes on different levels, depending on the type of registered students. All services pride themselves on being friendly at all times.
Student Service Email Phone
Accommodation Office Chaplaincy Counselling Disability Support Centre ATS Mentoring Health Unit accommodation@nuigalway.ie 091 493 540 chaplains@nuigalway.ie counselling@nuigalway.ie 091 495 055 091 492 484 disabilityservice@nuigalway.ie 091 493 541 atsmentoring@nuigalway.ie 091 495 282 healthunit@nuigalway.ie 091 492 604
spraoinuig@gmail.com Career Development Centre careers@nuigalway.ie CÉIM su.ceim@nuigalway.ie 091 493 739 091 493 589 091 494 290
College of Arts Student Advisors - Catherine McCurry (Mon-Fri) & Mary Cairns (Mon to Thurs)
Email catherine.mccurry@nuigalway.ie mary.t.cairns@nuigalway.ie Phone 091 493 958 086 083 2075
College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences Student Advisor - AnnMarie Gilchrist
Email annmarie.gilchrist@nuigalway.ie Phone 086 083 2076
College of Science Engineering Student Advisor - Kelly Moore
Email kelly.l.moore@nuigalway.ie Phone 086 083 4435
College of Business & Economics Student Advisor - Teresa Lydon
Email Phone businessstudentadvisor@nuigalway.ie 086 083 6646