1 minute read


Waterflow Conductivity

Saltwater average salinity: 0~35 parts per thousand(ppt)

Saltwater average conductivity: 0~40 millisiemens(ms)

Freshwater average salinity: <1-2 parts per thousand(ppt)

Freshwater average conductivity: <1-2 millisiemens(ms)

Measure time: 4-5pm


Sea Level Rise

Sea Level Rise Section Of Affected Area

Sea level rise reduces the capacity of the soil to absorb rainfall by raising the watertable. This results in increased runoff, which increases and the amount of surface flooding that occur during a rainfall event.

Industrial Typology

Studying 6 types of basic industrial typology in the industrial distritct, in terms of guard houses, building plot, orientation, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, storage spaces, green spaces and parking lots

Functions Of Industrial Spaces

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