NuYou Magazine

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June 2010


HEALTH & FITNESS Staying Fit & Taking Care of Your Body


Skin Damage Treatment - by Zehra Clinic


Legal Eagle by Jeffrey “Jack” Gordon, Esq.


Laser Facial Rejuvenation - by The Fountain of Youth

10 Mariah Fox - Patient Advocate



11 Healthy Tips


BEAUTY Hair, Skin and Cosmetics 14 Love Is In The Hair by Debi Cianci


16 Ask Mariah 17 10 Years, 10 Reasons by Nancy Peritore


FASHION Clothing & Accessories - From Head To Toe! 19 Denim, It’s Become a Way of Life by Ro Martinez

20 How to Dress a Male Physique by Jay Burnett


22 NuYou Summer Expo



FOOD & NUTRITION You Are What You Eat! Feature Recipe by Tracy Allen

27 Ask Chef Alfie 28 Restaurant Guide 30 Restaurant Review - Suro Restaurant & Sushi Bar



HARMONY Wellness of Mind & Spirit 32 Reclaim & Reframe by Rev Col AnneMarie Dyer

33 Westchase Singles by Jim O’Brien 34 Horoscopes nuYou

• June 2010

Staff Publisher

Letter From The

Ok, ok .... I’m a little nervous! Sunday June 13 is our first NuYou Expo. The Summer “Health, Fitness, Beauty, Fashion Experience” will take place at Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater and I’m hoping we get a good turnout! The venue is beautiful and easy to find ... we have vendors that are anxious to show you their products and services ... we have a fashion show booked featuring two local designers ... we have seminars booked so you can ask the experts questions ... we have numerous door prizes ... and tickets are only $5 per person! Doors will open at noon and close at 6:00 pm. Everybody who enters will receive a goodie bag and will have a chance to win one of our many door prizes. If you have questions, or want to squeeze in as a vendor, give us a call at 813-814-1505. Well, Summer is here complete with the humid conditions and afternoon thundershowers. It was strange because we really didn’t have any kind of Spring season at all. It went from Winter to Summer all in a couple of weeks! The experts are saying this will be a very active hurricane season so make sure you have everything ready in your household. Next month, NuYou will have articles that discuss hurricane preparation and tips. Let’s hope we will not need any of that information here in 2010. June 20th is Father’s day and you don’t want to forget the “Old Man”. A lot of people seem to take Father’s Day lightly, but they always make a big deal out of Mother’s Day. I know that it’s easy to say “I love you” to your mom and it’s much harder to say those same words to your Dad (especially if you are a man) but those three little words mean a lot! No matter how big and tough your Father is, he still likes to know that he’s loved by his children and family. That said, Happy Father’s Day Dad ... I Love You!!! I also want to send birthday wishes out to my son Paul and my granddaughter Ashlynn this month. My beautiful wife Tracy and I will celebrate our Anniversary on June 8th as well. Please have a great June and I hope to see you at Ruth Eckerd Hall on Sunday afternoon June 13 for the NuYou Summer Health, Fitness, Beauty, Fashion Experience!

Paul Allen


COLUMNISTS: Paul Allen • Tracy Allen Jay Burnett - Fashion Editor Jeffery “Jack” Gordon - Legal Eagle Deeno • Chef Alfie • Dawn Martin Debi Cianci • Jim O’Brien Anne Marie Dyer Ro Martinez • Nancy Peritore MARKETING / SALES: Nancy Verzi - 727-403-0003 Dino Vegas - 727-916-2677 Dawn Martin - 727-510-7986 Perry Schwab - 727-480-2677 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHY: Jack Watson • Paul Allen DESIGN: Tracy Allen • Rori Miller • Erica Thomas DISTRIBUTION: Al Swetay CVS Distribution by Distributech

nuYou Magazine TM

850 Dunbar Avenue • Oldsmar, FL 34677 (813) 814-1505 - office (813) 814-1256 - fax © 2010 NuYou Magazine is published monthly by PAC Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. There should be no reproduction of content without publisher’s expressed written consent. Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors in ads beyond the cost of space occupied by the error; any slandering of an individual, business or group as we mean no malice or individual criticism at any time; any promises, claims, coupons or lack of fulfillment from advertisers who are solely responsible for content in their ads; any incorrect information found in any editorial content. Publisher is also to be held harmless from: failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond their control; all suits, claims or loss of expenses; this includes, but is not limited to, suits for libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement and/or unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph or company name or logo. Publisher does not promote excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Any information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your health-care professional regarding matters relating to personal health. Publisher does not necessarily endorse the views and opinions expressed in articles and advertisements.


• June 2010

The summer sun gives us a lot of wonderful things, light, tans, warmth, and great days at the beaches. But one thing that isn’t so wonderful is skin damage. We all know that we must wear sunscreen to prevent skin damage from occurring. But what if you are like the majority of people and baked in the sun over the years with little to no sunscreen, and now the sun damage has already occurred? Well there are many treatments available to people that already have sun damage but I have seen the most success with the Elos eMax Triniti® Triniti® works with laser, radio frequency, and intense pulsed light (IPL). The Triniti®is superior to other machines I have worked with because of the combinations of energy used on the skin. Not only does Triniti® improve sun damage on the skin but it also reduces the appearance of wrinkles, varicose/ spider veins, and acne. The Triniti® treatment is effective on all areas of the body. The Triniti® is my favorite modality of treating skin conditions not only for the reasons previously stated but because there is no down time for my patients. Like all skin procedures the Triniti® does require a series of treatments to obtain optimal results. Zehra Clinic is proud to bring these medical advances to the Tampa Bay area. The clinic is located at 13630 W. Hillsborough Ave. in Tampa, right outside of Oldsmar. To schedule a consultation call Zehra Clinic at 813.854.5050. Visit them online at


• June 2010

Live Life at 100%, Don’t Suffer From: • Headaches • Back Pain

• Depression • Fatigue

Dr. Michael Sosa • Dr. Raul Serrano 10981 Countryway Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33626



($170 VALUE)

ONE OFFER PER NEW PATIENT Our no risk policy. The patient or other person responsible for payment has the right to cancel payment for any service,exam or treatment which is performed as a result of, within 72 hours of responding to special offer.


• June 2010

• Health / Fitness

nuYou Legal Eagle SUING A SPORTS DRINK Last year, the Coca-Cola Company was served notice of a class action lawsuit alleging deceptive and unsubstantiated claims on its VitaminWater line of beverages. Coke markets its “VitaminWater” product as a healthful alternative to soda by labeling its several flavors with health attributes including “defense,” “rescue,” “energy,” and “endurance.” The company makes a wide range of dramatic claims, including that its drinks variously reduce the risk of chronic disease, reduce the risk of eye disease, promote healthy joints, and support optimal immune function. But nutritional experts assert that the 33 grams of sugar in each bottle of VitaminWater do more to promote obesity, diabetes, and other health problems than the vitamins in the drinks do to perform the advertised benefits listed on the bottles. VitaminWater’s website, marketing copy, and labels claim that VitaminWater is healthy, claiming, for example, that “balance cran-grapefruit” has “bioactive components” that promote “healthy, pain-free functioning of joints, structural integrity of joints and bones” and that the nutrients in “power-c dragonfruit” “enable the body to exert physical power by contributing to the structural integrity of the musculoskeletal system.” While it is true that vitamins do play various roles in the human body, the lawsuit accuses Coke of fraud because the statements on VitaminWater labels unfairly exceed the “structure/ function claims” allowed by the Food and Drug Administration. Moreover, VitaminWater contains between zero and one percent juice, despite the full names of the drinks, which include “endurance peach mango” and “focus kiwi strawberry,” and “xxx blueberry pomegranate acai,” among others. A press release for the “xxx” drink claims its antioxidants makes the drinker “last longer”

in some unspecified way; in any event, it has no blueberry, Jeffrey “Jack” Gordon is a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer practicing pomegranate, or in the areas of Medical Malpractice, acai juice, nor do Personal Injury and Wrongful Death. the others have any He is rated “AV Preeminent” by cranberry, grapefruit, Martindale-Hubbell. dragon fruit, peach, He can be reached by e-mail at: mango, kiwi, or strawberry juice. According to documents filed in 2007 with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Coke acknowledged that “obesity and other health concerns may reduce demand for some of [its] products,” and that “increasing public awareness” about health experts’ concerns over sugarsweetened beverage could affect the company’s profitability. That year, Coke acquired VitaminWater’s parent company, Glaceau. Also in 2007, Coke and its partner Nestlé were sued over an artificially sweetened green-teabased drink called Enviga. The companies claim Enviga burns more calories than it consumes, resulting in weight loss—a claim that nutritional experts say is not supported by the small number of studies on the drink’s ingredients. “Coke fears, probably correctly, that they’ll sell less soda as Americans become increasingly concerned with obesity, diabetes, and other conditions linked to diets too high in sugar,” said Steve Gardner, a litigation director and consumer advocate. “VitaminWater is Coke’s attempt to dress up soda in a physician’s white coat. Underneath, it’s still sugar water, albeit sugar water that costs about ten bucks a gallon.” VitaminWater typically retails for about $1.49 for a 20-ounce bottle. My advice to consumers is to get your vitamins from real food rather than supplements and sports drinks. It’ll be better for your wallet and your body.


• June 2010

• Health / Fitness nuYou

• June 2010

• Health / Fitness


NU PATIENT ADVOCATE Let me introduce myself, my name is Mariah

your money. Trust me

Fox and I am the newest member of the NuYou staff. I

when I say, you get

am taking over the cosmetic and medical section of the

what you pay for. The

wellness magazine in order to give a voice to you, the

traditional surgeon’s

reader. So many times you read these articles that come

fee should be based on

from doctors and they don’t even begin to address the

time and runs roughly

real concerns or questions of the patient. That is what I am

$1,000 per hour. That

here to do; advocate for you! I have been in the cosmetic

is an easy way for

surgery field for the past 10 years. I have worked as a

you to price shop. If a

patient advocate, patient care coordinator, marketing di-

practice will not quote prices over the phone be weary,

rector, vice president, image consultant, and owner of my

then ask them how long does this procedure normally

own company. I am considered an expert in the patient

take, there is an easy figure for you to base your budget

education field of Vaser and Smartlipo and am well versed

around. Also, if it sounds too good to be true, it normally

in most if not all cosmetic surgical procedures. I have

is. For instance, if the cost for breast augmentation is

worked with over 50 board certified surgeons assisting,

only $2,000, you need to wonder why? Considering the

managing practices, marketing, and most of all helping

cost for implants alone for the surgeon straight from the

their patients along each step during their unique process

manufacturer is approximately $1,500-$1,800 dollars, can

of cosmetic surgery.

you imagine the quality of the surgeon you are getting for $200-$500 dollars? You can barely get a mechanic to

Some may say these procedures are all about

work on your car for that price these days! Oh, by the way,

vanity, but I have found for most that it is simply a matter

the cost to remove and replace implants is around $8,000

of finding sanity. What you see in the mirror may not be

to $10,000! So your $2,000.00 breast augmentation, just

what your family, friends, or partners see, all the while

cost you around twelve thousand dollars with about a

you are thinking how lucky they that they don’t see that

year of pain, suffering, and loss of work…. do your home-

image looking back at them. Who are they to judge?

work people.

Some need to take a good, long, honest look in the mirror to view what time and gravity have done to them. Being

Just write or e-mail “Ask Mariah” and I will do

the new patient advocate for NuYou, my job is to guide

my best to help you and refer you to the best possible

you in the right direction for your needs. I will be here to

surgeon for your needs. These doctors cannot pay for

take all of your questions and I will also be live, on-site at

the referrals I provide, and I will be brutally honest. I look

the NuYou Expo on June 13th to meet you in person and

forward to meeting you all and helping you look as beau-

answer any questions that you may have.

tiful on the outside as you feel on the inside. I am really looking forward to your questions and meeting you at the

You now have the opportunity to write in to “Ask

Expo on June 13th.

Mariah” for any questions you may have, and I will provide you with answers that are supported by the 50 surgeons

Your Patient Advocate,

that I work with and also let you know where not to waste

Mariah Fox



• June 2010

If your head is pounding and you don’t have any aspirin available, try these tips .... rub the two points on either side of your vertebrae at the nape of your neck (right below the ridges at the base of your skull). Another thing that may help is massaging the webbed area on the top of your left hand, between your thumb and forefinger. Last but not least ... if you can, lie down in a cool, dark room and place a wet towel on your forehead.

Now that you are wearing shorts and bathing suits every day, its time to do something about those ugly varicose veins. Did you know that if you apply ground coffee beans topically on your legs, it can help tighten blood vessels and make those veins less noticeable? The caffeine in the beans help redistribute fat cells and decrease the look of cellulite. Mix 1 cup of sugar, 1/4 cup of ground coffee and 3/4 cup of olive oil. Massage the mixture over your legs in the shower and you should notice a difference in about two weeks. A study done by the Mayo Clinic suggested that women who enjoy one glass of wine a day are 54% less likely to gain weight! It also said that people who consume seven alcoholic beverages in a week have a 29% lower risk of kidney troubles. To maximize the benefits, choose red wine as it contains resveratrol and cyanidin, antioxidants that inhibit fat storage.

Unlike other vitamin’s, vitamin D is actually a hormone. It is produced by your skin in response to exposure to ultraviolet radiation from natural sunlight. It is nearly impossible to get adequate amounts of vitamin D from your diet thus you need some type of direct sunlight. People with darker skin pigmentation need more sunlight exposure than those people with light skin. It is impossible to generate too much vitamin D as your body will self-regulate and only generate what it needs. Make sure you don’t overexpose yourself, as too much direct sun can cause skin cancer.


• June 2010

• Health / Fitness


If you use a retinol cream, make sure you apply it right before you go to bed. Retinol is sensitive to sunlight and works best when your body is at rest. Retinol is a form of Vitamin A and stimulates collagen production. It will help those tiny lines in your forehead, neck and chest disappear! I know that sodas taste great but a new Loyola University study suggests that people who drink two or more sodas per day have double the risk of kidney problems compared to people who don’t drink them at all. The high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is the culprit. Surveys show that HFCS often contain traces of mercury and that hinders kidney function. Darker sodas also contain phosphoric acid that also hurts kidney function. If you must drink sodas, try clear, diet soda which are free of both HFCS and phosphoric acids.

Do you like the taste of mushrooms? These little fungi are packed with amazing health benefits. White button mushrooms suppress an enzyme called aromatase that is linked to certain cancers. They also reduce excess estrogen and can help prevent breast cancer .... Shiitake mushrooms are full of kojic acid which reduces the buildup of melanin and prevents age spots. They also stimulate new stem cell growth .... Portobello mushrooms can help you lose weight and they are packed with potassium .... Oyster mushrooms are jammedpacked with ergothioneine an antioxidant that reduces plaque build-up in your arteries!




• June 2010

• Beauty


by Debi Cianci

Do you think your hair needs REHAB???? There are all types of hair and all ages of hair. You just can’t wear the same hair style as you did 10 years ago. The texture, fullness and quality of your hair changes as you grow older .... just like your skin and the rest of your body. Growing older is not a bad thing and it sure beats the alternative! We all need to change from time to time ... people change their clothing styles, get glasses or colored contacts and change their hair style and color! Sometimes you can make a very little change that will cause a big difference. Try bangs on your forehead for a new look or bring your length up a little bit. These are simple changes that can make you look and feel like a new person. If you want to do more, add texture into your hair or find a completely new style. Getting a couple of hi—lites will always make you look more youthful, even if you have very dark hair. Just make sure your stylist uses a toner that is maybe 3 or 4 shades lighter then your hair. As styles go from California to New York, fuller hair is in! Different colors are the number one thing. It doesn’t matter if you’re a blonde, brunette or redhead, mixing colors works for everybody! Hilow levels of blondes, hi-low levels of reds and even hi-low levels of browns can all be mixed together to create a young, fun, look. Having all different colors of the same tone in your hair will make it look fuller and add more drama in your style. But remember you can’t have great hair color without an up to date hair style, hence rehab for your hair!

Now let’s talk about the new type of hair extensions .... the look of hair extensions is amazing. Now they have the “clip-on” extensions from long to short hair. Also the pony tail is back in style and you can add extra hair on your pony tail from straight to curly types. Another great idea is using the clip-on to add length to your hair. It’s all fashion and fun! Just make sure you use 100% human hair. There are other mixes of hair that contain plastic and if you use a curling iron on it you can easily burn the plastic hair. Remember ... cheap hair looks like cheap hair. If you keep reinventing yourself you will look and think younger. If your hair looks good, you feel good and so different about yourself. Confidence is important and the right hair can help you feel great! Even men feel the same way. Everybody likes getting their hair cut and it is great to have that swing and bouncy feeling again. For the girls with curly, frizzy hair I feel for you .... our humid weather is here and controlling the frizz is a difficult thing to do. Please don’t blow dry or flat iron your hair to death. Try using a little more product on your hair and use your curls as a plus. Try taking some curls around your face and pin them up so your hair is not as full around your face and fuller at the length. But when you just can’t handle it any more put it up in a clip and let some small curls go wild around your face. I want to end this month’s column with this note .... don’t be afraid of trying something new, hair will grow back. Just don’t go extreme and do things a little at a time. Have a wonderful month and I hope to see you at the NuYou Expo on Sunday, June 13th at Ruth Eckerd Hall!

Debi Cianci is a licensed Hair Stylist with 25 plus years experience. She is a color specialist and currently works at California Beauty Studios in Clearwater, Florida. To learn more about Debi’s qualifications and abilties or for a free consultation about a new style or color call 727-224-4979 14­


• June 2010

• Beauty

ASK  Dear Mariah, I am a 23 year old college student and have some friends that are getting Botox. I thought that was for treated wrinkles when you are older, and I think it’s crazy to put that stuff in your face when you don’t need it. What are your thoughts? Botox Betty

Dear Botox Betty, Great question! This is something I have to face daily. I have been getting Botox routinely since I was 24. So many people say, ‘but you are so young you don’t need Botox!’ Well they are incorrectly informed. Botox does treat wrinkles; however it is intended for prevention of wrinkles. If you have a piece of paper and you fold it makes a crease right? Well what if you never fold the paper…would there ever be a crease? Botox should be used in a combination therapy with proper skin care to prevent wrinkles from ever coming. It is safe and affordable, but buyer beware. Botox is advertised all over in ways to get you sucked in. Botox should be sold per unit not per cc. It is mixed with a 2 to 1 ratio; 2cc of preservative free saline and 1 unit of Botox. The scam is that people charge you really low prices for 50 cc’s of Botox but you could in fact only be getting 2 to 5 units of actual Botox, so you’re getting taken advantage of. These fly by night dentists, mall kiosks, and random providers that are giving these “great deals” can also make a great mess of your face. The price for Botox should be $10 to $12 dollars per unit, and should only be done in an office by a licensed, trained professional. If you’re thinking of starting to get Botox for prevention, I would think 15 to 25 units is a good start, but always sit down and have this conversation with your physician before letting them bring the needle anywhere near your face. There may be other areas that may need to be treated but NEVER be forced into extra Botox that you do not need. I hope this helps and remember its prevention of wrinkles before it should be used for treatment of wrinkles. Mariah Fox Patient Advocate nuYou Magazine



• June 2010

• Beauty

10 Years, 10 Reasons

1-800 LaserHair 10 Year Success Story


5.The lasers being used in their facility are actual state of the art lasers-that are and well taken care of, and properly maintained. They are not using IPLs for hair removal and pretending to use a laser. “The best equipment contributes to the best results “ states Peritore 6.Their motto is “safety first”. Even after ten years of providing laser services, they have no record of injury. “We always perform a thorough medical exam before deciding if a patient is a laser candidate.” 7.They provide a comfortable atmosphere and have a friendly staff. There are no pushy sales people, or snooty attitudes. “We like to have fun here. What’s the point of a negative attitude?” Peritore remarks. 8.They offer a variety of payment options. They customize pricing according to the individual needs of each patient. Financing is available, and they offer discounts for laser packages that are pre-paid for. 9.They are conveniently located in the Clearwater-Countryside area which is easily accessible to the entire Tampa Bay area. “We tried to choose a very central location.” 10.They encourage their customers to share their laser success stories with friends and family. “Word of mouth is where most of our patients come from, which we feel says a lot about our clinic. Successful clinic equals successful results which provide happy customers. It’s a full circle” says Peritore.

6 7 8 9 10 There are several reasons for success in a business. 1800-Laser Hair is a business located in Clearwater that performs laser services including laser hair removal, laser tattoo removal, and laser skin resurfacing. They have been a successful business for over 10 years now. With all of the random laser clinics in the Tampa Bay area that have opened and then closed within a year or two, what is making this one different? What is contributing to the success of this clinic? Well, we asked and we have some answers. Ten answers… 1.They provide services on an individual basis. It is always a customized treatment in every aspect. Because everyone that walks into their clinic is different from the next, it is their belief to treat them as individuals. “We always cater to the needs of the customer” replies Nancy Peritore of 1-800-Laser Hair. 2.1-800-LaserHair is and always has been a laser clinic. There is not a huge amount of other services they provide. They are not a medi -spa or a dental office that just decided to get a laser. 3.They only have laser technicians that are well trained and very experienced. In fact the laser tech with the least amount of experience there has been working as a laser tech for over four years. 4.They believe in educating their patients about the services they are receiving. “Without proper knowledge, results may lack” states Peritore. There are several things to be aware of when getting laser treatments and if the consumer is unaware of these things, safety and results can come into question.


2 3 4 nuYou

• June 2010


“From the 17th century to the present, denim has been woven, used and discarded; made into upholstery, pants and awnings; found in museums, attics, antique stores and archaeological digs; worn as the fabric of hard honest work, and as the expression of angry rebellion; used for the sails of Columbus’ ships in legend; and worn by American cowboys in fact ... Today, LS&CO. employees wear Levi’s® jeans to work. Looking back, we see that the very first people to wear Levis® jeans worked with pick and shovel, and though our tools are computer keyboard, PDA and cell phone, we have both been moved to wear the same thing each and every work day: denim jeans. Born in Europe, denim’s function and adaptable form found a perfect home in untamed America with the invention of jeans; then, as now, denim makes our lives easier by making us comfortable; and gives us a little bit of history every time we put it on.” A SHORT HISTORY OF DENIM © -2007 Lynn Downey Levi Strauss & Co. Historian Whether you call them; blue jeans, dungarees or Levi’s everyone owns a pair of their favorite jeans. I call them wonderful. Other descriptive words used to describe favorite denim pants; skinny jeans, comfy jeans, boyfriend jeans, anytime jeans, faded jeans, the list is endless. This durable cotton fabric needs little or no ironing, forms to your body and gets softer with age and use. How can you go wrong? You get a stain? Call it lived in; a tear? Call it chic. The above quote educated me on the history of denim and how long it’s been a part of the American culture. From hand me downs to our first pair of new jeans, once we find our favorite pair we are hooked. Hooked for life, babies can wear elastic waist plain bottoms, juniors wear low rise embellished boot cut jeans and seniors can wear a more relaxed fit version making it ageless. If you are fortunate enough to work in an office environment that allows you to wear jeans every day, take advantage and wear the most comfortable favorite pair of jeans you own. Like Olga Konstantinova does (see her photos), speaking of her jeans, “My skinny jeans are my favorite pair ever! The material is very soft and has stretch, so the jeans fit me perfectly.” If you have a strict dress code at work, perhaps you can take advantage of casual Friday in the workplace. Most companies observe the professional dress code Monday through Thursday and on Friday relax their dress requirements. “It is more relaxed and puts you in that weekend kind of mood. I don’t have to go home and change to go out afterwards. Since I don’t have to take them to the cleaners it’s one less expense,” commented Sandra Hagstron who looks forward casual Friday’s. Professional clothing has its place such as in the courtroom or board room. However, you can incorporate a splash of denim by carrying your laptop in a denim bag as shown in the photo. For those who must wear that kind of clothing during the workweek that must be hand washed, pressed or dry cleaned; you can look forward to the end of the day or weekend to live in the most forgiving fabric on earth.


• June 2010

By Ro Martinez

• Fashion


Young people are tough on their clothes and as a mother of an avid skate boarder; I have seen my fair share of scraped knees and torn bottoms. Trying to skate in anything other than jeans makes no sense. Denim is the most durable fabric I know. I have taken fabric from one pair of jeans to patch the knees of another pair. This is what a mother must do to extend the life of a favorite pair of skating jeans. And this does not apply only to young people. Adults want to hang on to their jeans for as long as possible. Adding patches to frayed areas and embellishments to stained areas adds to the life, beauty, and uniqueness of your jeans. SaveWhen times are good people will spend from $80 to $200 and more on a designer pair of jeans. Some of us do not have the money or choose not to spend it on one pair. I for one would rather spend less and buy 2 or 3! There are many ways to reduce your costs. Take advantage of after season sales, discontinued styles (I wear vintage, in my opinion it never goes out of style) and even damaged goods (broken zipper, missing button). Flea Markets, and online sales offer another opportunity to find great bargains. Make older jeans current by watching trends. Add a hip blazer with boots and a trendy bag to look modern. ReusePurchasing at thrift stores, consignment shops and yard sales means you save money by reusing and purchasing used clothing. Some of these jeans have been made soft from use and embellished for you by talented people. The worn faded look is in. Instead of spending a fortune on pants that look like they have had a long life, why not purchase them with genuine wear and tear. Swapping jeans with family and friends who may no longer wear their jeans is another way to find a treasure in someone else’s closet and it becomes a win-win situation when you both get a pair of jeans out of it. RecycleThis durable fabric that we have come to love so much has a second life as handbags, backpacks, pillows, pet beds, and upholstery fabric (several remnants sewn together) there are many possibilities if you are creative and you will reduce waste at the same time. It’s all about going green with blue. Because denim is made from cotton it is a sustainable resource. That should give us an added motivation to get the most use out of the denim we already have.


• Fashion



draw attention to areas you feel self-conscious about. Choose vertical stripes or patterns over horizontal ones, which may stretch across wider areas and look too wide. Vertical stripes elongate the body, drawing the eye from the shoulders down to the floor. Dark pinstripe suits are ideal, since they will slim the appearance of the body. Pair darker pants with monochromatic shirts to slim the appearance of the body. You may use this either with casual wear or suits. Dark casual pants such as jeans or corduroys provide structure to the lower body, and the Bruno Magli Bac Loafer dark palette minimizes trouble areas TALL $254.95 or excess bulk. Wear a belt with your Avoid finding clothes that make you Sierratracingpost Com pants to narrow in the waistline. appear taller, such as tight-fitting Avoid choosing jackets that are clothing. If you are tall and where double vented to avoid making the rear look too big or fitted garments, you may appear even taller. In addition, bulky. Double vented jackets have a slit up the bottom avoid vertical patterns, which will add to the illusion of of the jacket in the back, and they draw attention to height. Choose a horizontal pattern on a shirt, especially the backside. For men with a wide backside, a double around the shoulders to make them appear wider. vented jacket will add to the illusion of more width. Choose colored shirts to pair with dress slacks or jeans. Monochromatic colors from head to toe will make you look taller and slimmer. Pick out shirts that are fitted, but SHORT Avoid clothing with large prints. Large prints on shorts not too tight and not too baggy. Either of those styles or shirts will overwhelm the body, making it appear will make you look too thin, since the fabric will either shorter. Choose smaller graphic prints in black and hug or billow out on the torso. Balance out your height white to keep the design in garments but avoid by choosing a shoe that is square-toed. This toe may looking shorter. Choose shoes with a squarebe found with everyday and dress shoes, and will toe, which will add height to the leg without keep the leg from looking disproportionate making it look too short and bulky. Avoid from the foot. Pointed-toe shoes will make shoes that are too long and pointed, since the leg look even longer, while rounded-toe it will not go with the proportion of your shoes will not look proportionate with your legs and will appear too long and narrow long legs. Tailor your suit to fit your body with your shorter legs. Rounded shoes will proportions. Choose a heavier fabric like make your legs appear short as well, so wool or tweed, and request that the pants square-toed shoes elongate the foot to have a 1.5-inch cuff to add weight to the leg. add an illusion of longer legs. Look for slim Use accessories such as a pocket square or neckties when wearing a suit. The slimmer cuff links to add detail to your suit. tie offers you the use of an accessory without becoming overbearing on the HEAVY-SET body. For many shorter men, short Avoid wearing baggy clothes, which Ferrecci Men’s Dark Two-Button and skinny ties are most suitable can make you look even bulkier. Pinstripe Suit for the body shape since they are Choose clothes that are form fitting, $85.95 appropriately proportional. but not too tight. Clothing should skim over the body, so as not to Fitted clothing improves the appearance. No matter if you are a man or woman, dressing for your body type is important to look and feel your best. Finding clothes that fit well, no matter what size or shape you are, will increase your confidence and minimize trouble areas while still wearing garments you feel comfortable in. Whether you like to stay casual or dress up, there are various tips and tricks for learning how to dress your body. There are four general body shapes for men: tall, heavy-set, short and muscular.



• June 2010

• Fashion


first, wearing something different from your normal outfits can seem Choose suit jackets that have intimidating and cause you to minimal padding in the shoulder second guess, but if you feel good area. Since muscular men have wearing it in front of your mirror, a broad chest and shoulder you can wear it with confidence width, jackets that have padding out in public too. Only buy what will increase the size of the chest and make you really love. This sounds quite the waist and lower body look too narrow. simple and obvious, but you’d be Muscular men should also look for jackets surprised at how many people with a large lapel which will make the upper buy an item they ‘like’, but forget body look proportional to the all about it and never end lower body. Wear pleated pants. Rendezvous By Ballin Pants up wearing it. Your clothes Pleated pants offer more room $34.95 should be calling out to you, in the seat area which provides as if they were made just for more bulk to the hips and you to wear. If you feel like balances out the width of the you ‘think’ you might wear it, or it’s just ‘okay’, chest and shoulders. Tailor your pants if you have keep looking for something you have no doubts a muscular lower body and lean upper body. about. This way, you end up only with clothes Waistbands should be comfortable and not too you know you will wear, and you save money tight which will cause pockets to bulge at the you would have wasted on clothes you wouldn’t hip area. Choose fitted jackets that do not have a actually wear. vent in the lower portion of the jacket which can make the hips look even wider. Find out what cuts and styles go together. Two diff erent piece of clothing may look amazing on HOW TO CREATE AN AWESOME you, but maybe not when they are together. Play WARDROBE around with different outfit options to figure out Know your body type and what styles fit best which pieces look good with each other. Your on you. Aim for shapes that will enhance and outfits should have a good balance between show off your best features. Learn your real looseness/tightness, showing skin/covering up, clothing size! No matter how cute and stylish different lengths, and different textures and your outfit is, constant adjusting and discomfort colors. Accessorize! This is an essential step to are not cute. Squeezing yourself into smaller complete every look. Accessories can make or sizes may make you feel better as far as numbers break the outfit, so choose carefully. Don’t wear are concerned, but nobody else can tell what too many different pieces at the same time, size you are wearing, so concentrate on the FIT, or you will overwhelm the outfit. Location is rather than the SIZE. Figure out what colors look also important; think about what features you best on your skin tone. Depending on your skin want to draw attention to. Wear colors that will tone, a color too light, too dark, or too similar to complement the outfit; they can match the colors your own skin may cause you to look washed exactly, be a neutral base, or be different colors out. When trying on different colors, ask for a completely. Matching colors creates a uniform, second opinion until you learn your full range clean look, neutral colors make for a classier of potential color choices. Don’t be afraid to try appearance, or wear different colors for a more new colors, styles, or prints. If you’ve ever seen an fun and funky look. Own that outfit! Clothing is outfit you loved, but thought to yourself, “I could one of the first impressions people will have of never pull that off,” you’re not giving yourself you, so decide what you want your clothes to say enough credit; you can wear a lot more than about you. Fashion is an art and should be an you think, so experiment with new options. At expression of you.


• June 2010


IT’S HERE! It’s Expo time! The NuYou “Summer Health, Fitness, Beauty and Fashion Experience” will take place on Sunday June 13th at Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, Florida. The Expo will include vendors ranging from massage therapists, to food professionals, to cosmetic doctors, to hairdressers to service companies and more. There will also be a fashion show featuring designers Punk Rock Betty and Zakai. The Expo will also have private seminars featuring Dr. Eleanor Barone (cosmetic procedures), Dr. Mark Carlo (holistic weight loss) and Debi Cianci (hairdresser), to name a few. There will also be multiple door prizes, raffle drawing every hour on the hour and music. The cost is only $5.00 per person and the Expo is open from noon till 6:00 pm. Make plans to join NuYou for the Summer Health, Fitness, Beauty and Fashion Experience on Sunday June 13th at Ruth Eckerd Hall!

Fashion Shows by: Punk Rock Betty & Zakai Clothing Seminars by: nuYou Columnist & Stylist Debi Cianci

Dr. Lisa Barone

and Dr. Carlos from



• June 2010

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• Food & Nutrition

It doesn’t get any easier!


I know it might be hard to believe, but I’ve found a recipe that’s even easier than last month’s veggie spaghetti! I made a trip to the Natural Food Store in Clearwater (on Curlew & US 19) and found a handy little kiosk that was available to browse natural, healthy and easy recipes. Jay, the General Manager was very helpful and showed me the fresh produce area, the meat department and aisle after aisle of healthy foods; from organic, to vegan they had exactly what I was looking for. This recipe calls for Cod fish, however you can substitute any white, flaky, fish you want. Try Haddock, Lingcod or Orange Roughy fillets. Next time I’m going to try it with Tilapia. A big Thank you to Natural Foods for helping in my quest for fresh, healthy and easy recipes to share with our readers!


Prep: 5 Mins

Cook Time: 15-20 minutes INGREDIENTS 1/2 lb.

Cod Filet


Plum Tomatoes (Cored and sliced thin lengthwise)

DIRECTIONS: Drain and pat fillets dry then cut into 2 pieces. Combine oil and lemon juice in a small baking dish. Add fish and turn to coat both sides Sprinkle with basil, salt and pepper.

1 tsp

Olive Oil

1 tsp

Fresh Lemon Juice

1/4 tsp Dried Basil Pinch

Sea Salt


Freshly Ground Pepper


Shredded Parmesan Cheese

Overlap the tomato slices evenly on the fish and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Cover with foil and bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork.

quick TIP During the last five minutes of cooking time in the oven, try adding some cooked spinach on top of the tomatoes, then re-sprinkle with a little more Parmesan cheese.

SWITCH IT UP Tower more veggies on top! Mushrooms, broccoli or even some asparagus shoots will accompany this light white fish dish. Try this at a dinner party and your friends will think you are a gourmet chef. Have fun!



• June 2010


NuYou is proud to introduce you to Chef Alfie who has been a chef in the Tampa Bay area for numerous years. His monthly column will be interesting, informative and full of cooking ideas, shopping tips, food tid-bits and other culinary advice.

Grilled Vegetables for Summertime Not only is your grill a great place to cook steaks, chops, chicken and ribs, it is also the best place to cook vegetables during the summer. With just a little seasoning, your vegetables will become the hit of your meal. Let me give you some examples. Be sure to wash all vegetables before cooking or eating!!! Take some zucchini squash and yellow squash. Slice into pieces about the thickness of your fore finger. Do not peel. Season with salt, pepper, granulated garlic. Spray each piece with cooking spray on both sides and place on a hot grill. Cook until tender. WOW!!! You may use this same technique with eggplant, onions, any kind of pepper, even a tomato. You can use these vegetables as a side dish, or you may cool them down and use them in a salad or mix them with rice or cous cous. They will make be a great compliment to any meal. How about some grilled corn on the cob. Take your corn and place in water for about one hour. Do not peel of the husks. Make sure the water covers the corn completely. After one hour, place the corn on a hot grill and rotate about every 5-10 min. Be sure that corn is cooked on all sides. We complete, place in a container and peel each piece as you eat them. Great with any meal. How about a grilled baked potato Wash potato,


wrapped in foil and cook at low heat for about 45 min. rotating three or four times during that period. You can utilize your grill in many ways. Here is a great variation. Marinate your vegetables with Italian dressing, then grill!!!! E-mail me at and I will be happy to assist you and your family to find the perfect fit for you. There are no wrong choices. Remember, I am here to help you with any questions you have about food. If you would like some guidance on how to start simple and make some good meals for your family, e-mail me at: Include your phone number and I will walk you through your questions and get you on the correct path to simple tasty meals. There are no stupid questions, only stupid reasons not to ask!! Creating Cooking Chefin’ Resourcefully, Chef Alfie

• June 2010


nuYou RESTAURANT GUIDE NuYou is proud to list the top restaurants in the Tampa Bay area. We have separated restaurants into food types and our information key will let you know individual information. We welcome all additions and comments. AMERICAN CUISINE Bascom’s Chop House 3665 Ulmerton Rd, Clearwater 727-573-3363 Excellent food and service at reasonable prices. Bascom’s signature steak weighs 14 ounces and their entrees from the sea are delicious. The Belgian Triple Chocolate Torte dessert is wonderful. $$, RS, ALL Belleair Grill & Wine Bar 1575 South Ft.Harrison Ave, Clearwater 727-449-2988 The Belleair features creative cuisine and fabulous desserts. You are greeted with a complimentary stuffed mushroom and a delicious chocolate-dipped strawberry is served with your check. Tableside cooking and a fine wine selection. $$$, RS, ALL Bern’s Steakhouse 1208 S. Howard Ave, Tampa 813-251-2421 One of the top restaurants in the State of Florida. Award winning menu features aged steaks, fresh garden vegetables and a dessert room that is second to none! $$$, RS, ALL Bon Appetit 150 Marina Plaza, Dunedin 727-733-2151 Dunedin’s landmark restaurant provides elegant dining and the finest gourmet cuisine. A spectacular intercoastal view, outside dining area and banquet facilities available. $$-$$$, RS, ALL

Cafe at the Safety Harbor Resort & Spa 105 N. Bayshore Dr, Safety Harbor • 727-726-1161 Healthy spa cuisine focuses on fresh and grilled seafood, chicken and vegetables with a few beef dishes for good measure. $$, ALL Capital Grille 2223 N. Westshore Blvd, Tampa • 813-830-9433 Located at International Plaza and features Zagat Survey lauded dry-aged steaks, hand-carved chops and fresh seafood. The menu is extravagant! $$$, RS, ALL Charley’s Steakhouse 4444 West Cypress St, Tampa, 813-353-9706 Famous for ages steaks and market fresh fish along with a fantastic wine list. Private dining available for parties up to sixty. $$$, ALL Council Oak Steakhouse 1-4 at North Orient Rd, Tamp 813-627-7628 Located in the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. Enjoy the finest cuisine in the area from USDA Prime dry-aged beef to fresh Alaskan King Crab. Decorated three tier dining room complete with show kitchen. $$$, RS, ALL

East Lake Cafe

3340 East Lake Rd. Oldsmar 727-772-0707 Healthy menu items, serving breakfast, luch and dinner. Outdoor seating available.

$-$$ ALL

E&E Stakeout Grill 100 N. Indian Rocks Rd, Belleair Bluffs 727-585-6399 Some of the best tasting black Angus beef in Tampa Bay is found at E&E’s. Fresh seafood and house specialty tequila ribs. $$, RS, ALL Flamestone 4009 Tampa Rd, Oldsmar 813-814-7778 Fresh seafood, table side guacomole, stone oven flat breads and fire-grilled steaks that fit most budgets. Flamestone also features a huge 1,000 bottle wine cellar and exceptional service. $-$$, ALL Fleming’s Steakhouse 4322 Boy Scout Road, Tampa 813-874-9463 Their a la carte menu items are sure to awaken your taste buds, allowing you to choose from great steaks, white meat or seafood. Over 100 wines by the glass available. $$$, RS, ALL Floyd’s 1-4 at North Orient Rd, Tampa 813-627-7628 Located in the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. Enjoy Filet Mignon, lobster ravioli, crab cakes or one of the ever-changing Mediterranean influenced offerings. Diner is served from 5pm-10pm nightly. $$-$$$, RS, ALL Green Quizine 1484 Alt. 19 North, Palm Harbor 727-773-0419 Healthy, tasty, toxin-free, organic, all natural lunches and dinners. Try the organic pizza! $-$$, ALL


ALL RS $ $$ $$$

NuYou Top Choice American Express Discover Master Card VISA

Heilman’s Beachcomber 447 Mandalay Ave, Clearwater 727-442-4144 Offering the best in fine dining on Clearwater Beach. Seasonal menu items and excellent wine list. Banquet facilities available. $$, RS, ALL J. Alexanders 913 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 813-354-9006 Excellent food with a wonder atmosphere. J Alexanders has a huge menu with many delicious choices. $-$$, ALL Jackson’s Bistro Bar 601 S. Harbour Island Blvd, Tampa 813-277-0112 A breathtaking waterfront setting and multiple, tantalizing, main course selections makes Jackson’s one of the top restaurants in downtown Tampa. Nightly specials, indoor/outdoor dining and fabulous Sunday brunch. $-$$, RS, ALL Malios Steakhouse 400 N. Ashley Dr, Tampa 813-223-7746 A four star restaurant that has been in Tampa for over 30 years. Great romantic atmosphere and some of the best food the area has to offer. Priced right and delicious. $$, RS, ALL Maritana Grill / Don CeSar Beach Resort 3400 Gulf Blvd, St.Petersburg Beach 727-360-1881 Floribbean cuisines creatively prepared. Entrees

All Major Cards Reservations Suggested Inexpensive (entrees $10 & under) Moderate (entrees up to $25) Expensive (entrees over $25)

include pan-roasted scallops with lump crab and citrus butter, eggplant, chardonnay poached grouper and veal. Chef prepares meal at tableside. $$$, RS, ALL Mimi’s Cafe 11702 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 813-265-4460 Lively New Orleans inspired cafe that offers a wide selection of traditional foods with a fun twist. Make sure to try their famous pot pie and/or meatloaf. $-$$, AX, D, V. Roy’s 4342 West Boy Scout Rd, Tampa 813-873-7697 Sophisticated food in a relaxed atmosphere with a Hawaiian flair. Great seafood, sauces and desserts. $$$, RS, ALL Rusty Pelican 2425 Rocky Point Dr, Tampa 813-281-1943 Just off the Courtney Campbell Causeway this unique restaurant features fresh fish, fabulous steaks and great ribs. Off the beaten path with a great view of Tampa Bay. $$, RS, ALL Ruth Chris Steakhouse 1700 N. Westshore Blvd, Tampa 813-282-1118 Possibly one of the best chain restaurants in America, Ruth Chris features exceptional steaks that arrive on heated plates and melt in your mouth. $$$, RS, ALL


717 South 717 South Howard Ave, Tampa 813-250-1661 Located in the SoHo district, 717 South is an upscale, casual restaurant that also offers 80 wines by the glass. $$$, ALL Shephard’s Waterfront Restaurant 601 S. Gulfview Blvd, Clearwater Beach 727-441-6875 Fun atmosphere with a great view of the Gulf of Mexico. Enjoy steaks and seafood on the covered deck or inside. Buffets served nightly. Live entertainment on the waterside patio. $$, RS, ALL Side Bern’s 2208 W. Morrison Ave, Tampa 813-258-2233 Not your father’s Bern’s Steakhouse .... this spinoff features a big menu with multiple selections featuring pork, prawns, ribs and more along with a great wine list. $$$, RS, ALL Viaggio 2675 Ulmerton Rd, St.Petersburg 727-571-2222 Located in The Venue in the Feather Sound area, this award winning restaurant features steaks, fresh local seafood, pork chops and other contemporary dishes. Viaggio has an extensive wine list and fantastic desserts. $$-$$$, RS, ALL The Vine 17667 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 813-964-VINE The Vine specializes in fresh seafood and naturally


• June 2010

raised beef, pork and lamb. The decor is straight from the Napa Valley featuring statues and wine barrels. Be sure to check out their huge wine assortment. $-$$, ALL

ASIAN Arigato 3600 - 66th St North, St.Petersburg 727-343-5200 26508 US Hwy 19 North, Clearwater 727-799-0202 13755 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 813-960-5050 Arigato features an unique dining experience where your meal is hibachi-grilled at your table. The steak and shrimp dinner is wonderful and the ambience is wonderful. $$, RS, ALL BD’s Mongolian Grill 3140 B Tampa Rd, Palm Harbor • 727-785-0300 You pick your ingrediants and the “Master Grillers” do the rest! Choices include: steak, shrimp, scallops, vegetables and dozens of spices. Fun dining and great food! $-$$, ALL Crazy Buffet 2702 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa • 813-998-9228 Huge selection at a good price. Crazy Buffet offers a wide variety of food and sushi with a nice atmosphere. $-$$, ALL Kiku Japanese Fine Dining 483 Mandalay Ave, Clearwater Beach 727-461-2633 This exotic and traditional restaurant features dishes like like sansei, seasoned squid salad, gyoza, cucumber and seaweed salad, crab and octopus. Excellent sushi bar also available. $$, RS, ALL Kobe Japanese Steakhouse 14401 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa • 813-908-8909


28775 US Hwy 19 N., Clearwater •727-791-1888 Bring your own group or make new friends at your table. Hibachi style cooking while you watch! Steak, chicken, shrimp, rice, noodles and vegetables. An enjoyable dining experience. $$, RS, ALL P.F. Chang’s China Bistro 19 Westshore Blvd, Tampa 813-289-8400 Chicken lettuce wraps and Mongolian beef highlight a traditional and modern Southeast Asian/ Chinese menu with a great atmosphere. This national chain restaurant does it right! $-$$, ALL Suro Restaraunt and Sushi Bar 3687 Tampa Rd., Oldsmar 813-475-6932 Specializing in custom sushi rolls. They offer a full liquor bar, outdoor patio, steaks, sea food & salads. $-$$, ALL CUBAN / SPANISH Cafe Don Jose 11009 North 56th St, Temple Terrace 813-985-2392 Wonderful Spanish and Mediterranean cooking featuring shrimp scampi and red snapper papillote. Nice menu big selections. $$, RS, ALL Columbia Restaurant 2117 East 7th Ave, Tampa 813-248-4961 The jewel of Ybor City founded in 1905, features Spanish cuisine including paella, chicken and seafood. Unique decor and impeccable service. $$-$$, RS, ALL Pepin Restaurant 4125 Fourth St North, St.Petersburg 727-821-3773 Serving the Tampa Bay area for more than 30 years with excellent house salads, paella valencia, tapas and fresh seafood. Try an espresso or cappuccino after dinner along with a caramel flan or chocolate torte. $$-$$$, RS, ALL

Tio Pepe 2930 Gulf-To-Bay Blvd, Clearwater 727-799-3082 Since 1976, Tio Pepe, a icon for Spanish and Latin American cuisine in the Bay area. An In-house butcher cuts the best beef the fresh seafood comes from local waters. Desserts and breads are baked in their own bakery. $$, RS, ALL

Donatello’s 232 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 813-875-6660 Since 1985, Donatello’s has been one of the top Italian restaurants in Tampa Bay. Specialities include cannelloni, linguine and various veal dishes. Private booking available. $$$, RS, ALL

Greek Town Grille 1230 Cleveland St, Clearwater 727-447-7800 Authentic Greek favorites ITALIAN / GREEK that feature big servings / MEDITERRANEAN at affordable prices. Fresh local seafood and other Armani’s contemporary dishes. Greek 2900 Baypoint Dr, Tampa Town has an extensive wine 813-207-6800 selection and delicious Armani’s features a classic desserts. Italian menus and a $-$$, ALL fabulous water and sunset view. The spectacular Maggiano’s Little antipasto bar, homemade Italy pastas and decadent 203 Westshore Plaza Dr, desserts make this one of Tampa the top restaurants in the 813-288-0066 Bay area. Authentic southern Italian $$$, RS, ALL dishes are served with huge portions ... nobody Bellini Restaurant leaves hungry! Family-style 487 Main St, Dunedin menu has a choice of two 727-733-5449 appetizers, two salads, Bellini features 100% two pastas, two meat/fish authentic Italian food. entrees and two desserts. Along with Italian dishes $-$$, ALL you can also enjoy a delicious surf ‘n turf or a Mazzaro Italian blackened filet mignon. Market Private parties available. 2909 - 22nd Avenue N., $$, RS, ALL St.Petersburg 727-321-2400 Benedetto’s Handmade pasta, beef, Italiano Ristorante pork, chicken, duck and 21529 Village Lakes Shpg local seafoods. Mazzaro’s Cntr, Land O’ Lakes boasts the largest Italian 813-909-9694 wine selection in Florida. From bruschetta to pasta Breads baked daily on the fagioli to lasagna to veal premises, 30 varieties of to linguine to steaks .... Italian cookies and a coffee Benedetto’s has it all. bar. Reasonably price fine Italian $-$$, ALL cuisine. Catering and take out also available. Spaghetti $-$$, RS, ALL Warehouse 1911 - 13th Street, Ybor Bernini Square, Tampa 1702 East Seventh Ave, 813-248-1720 Tampa A chain restaurant that fits 813-248-0099 perfectly into the Ybor City Located in historic Ybor decor. Pastas, seafood and a City and features a well unique atmosphere makes rounded Italian menu. Open the Spaghetti Warehouse a for lunch and dinner and nice dining choice. available for private parties. $-$$, RS, ALL $$$, RS, ALL

SEAFOOD Bonefish Grill (multiple Tampa Bay area locations) 3665 S. Henderson Blvd., Tampa 813-876-3535 1640 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Tampa 813-970-8202 1015 Providence R, Brandon 813-571-5553 13262 Dale Mabry Hwy. North, Tampa 813-969-1619 4919 McMullen Booth Rd, Clearwater 727-726-1315 This local chain restaurant features white tablecloths, elegant granite, local artwork and a fantastic menu with sea bass, mahimahi, grouper and trout. Not in the mood for fish? You can also order steaks, chops and chicken. $$, RS, ALL Catch TwentyThree 10103 Montague St, Tampa 813-920-0045 Located in West Park Village, Catch Twenty-Three features fresh seafood, delicious steaks, chicken, salads and more. Excellent appetizers and a wonderful dessert selection. $$, RS, AX, MC, V City Fish 4022 Tampa Rd, Oldsmar 813-814-5800 Featuring delectable, fresh oak-grilled seafood featuring Chilean sea bass and certified aged Angus beef. Make sure you save room for the fantastic bananas foster that is prepared tableside. $$-$$$, ALL Guppy’s On The Beach 1701 Gulf Blvd., Indian Rocks Beach 727-593-2032 Excellent seafood with a excellent view of the sunset. Inside and outside dining available featuring the freshest seafood in Tampa Bay. $$, RS, ALL

Island Way Grill 20 Island Way, Clearwater Beach 727-461-6617 A Pan-Asian menu specializes in fresh seafood. Other favorites include Vietnamese king crab rolls, spicy pepper tuna and macadamia nut-crusted mahi-mahi along with steaks, pork and lamb. $$$, RS, ALL Lobster Pot 17814 Gulf Blvd., Redington Shores 727-391-8592 Fresh Florida grouper prepared seven different ways. Delicious conch chowder, caviar and prime sirloin steaks. Extensive wine list also available. $$$, RS, ALL Mystic Fish Seafood Grille & Bar 3252 Tampa Rd, Palm Harbor 727-771-1800 Mystic Fish specializes in the preparation of fresh Maine lobster, served escargot style with garlic-spinach. In addition to a huge fresh seafood selection, you can also order Angus beef or lamb and choose from an extensive wine list. $$, RS, ALL Oystercatchers 6200 Courtney Campbell Cswy, Tampa 813-207-6715 Fabulous contemporary seafood served with a picture-window view of Tampa Bay. Open kitchen that specializes in fresh fish, tropical garnishes and great salads. $$$, RS, ALL Saltrock Grill 19325 Gulf Blvd., Indian Rocks Beach 727-593-7625 Saltrock offers fantastic fresh seafood or your choice of beef, chicken and pastas. Beautiful large dining room overlooks the intercoastal waterway with outdoor seating also available. Boat docking is also available. $$-$$$, RS, ALL

• June 2010


• Food & Nutrition

Restaurant Review:


Restaurant & Sushi Bar One of the newest restaurants in the Tampa Bay area is located at 3687 Tampa Road in Oldsmar. Suro Restaurant & Sushi Bar is a beautiful place that includes a full liquor bar, an outdoor covered patio, great steak and seafood entrees, tasty appetizers and fresh innovative sushi. Suro (short for Sushi Rock) is based on California cuisine’ that features dinners that include: pan seared salmon, prawn pasta, seafood paella, roasted chicken breast and surf n’ turf. Suro also offers house, Asian Caesar and orange fennel salads. Suro specializes in custom sushi rolls and dishes that change with the season. Two of the most popular rolls include the seafood sunomono that is made up of assorted shell fish (white fish) and amozu vinaigrette dressing. The Manhattan roll includes king crab, shrimp tempura, asparagus, spicy tuna, crispy flakes, masago, scallions and eel sauce. All rolls are freshly made and simply delicious! Entrees start at $15 and a visit to Suro is an unique and exciting experience. Stop in and tell them you read about Suro in NuYou Magazine. by Paul Allen



• June 2010

• Harmony

RECLAIM REFRAME By Rev Col AnneMarie Dyer

A goal should be specific, attainable, realistic, timely and measurable. The process of thinking about an ideal future should motivate you to turn your vision into a reality. One needs to choose where they want to go in life. By creating a big picture first and then break it down into smaller targets, so that you can take one step at a time. I think the greatest enemy of action is the lack of a plan. Include in your plans the 6 W’s, who, what, where, when, why and which. I have noticed over the years that I learned some new thoughts like: what if? They could say no? Should I? I can’t do that? What if I fail? Not having this thought process in my mind in my growing up years I was a very successful person because I had the law of attraction or the law of mind action. It was ask and you shall receive and this is where we all need to turn our thoughts and attention to. My earlier goals brought me heartache, stress and no happiness. Money is the root of all evil; I now have goals that only bring peace, love, healing, happiness and freedom in my life. Only by getting to the top and looking back can one understand what one knows. Learning to see ordinary things in an inspired way. We all need to open up our minds to new ideas, new challenges and new solutions. Think differently and be creative, like thinking outside the box. This positive approach will help you become clearer about your own identity - your life vision- and how to consciously transform your life for the better. When we connect with our visions we release our passion and have a better understanding of who we are and where we are going. Learn how

your beliefs shape your life experience and become aware of exactly how you are creating your reality. Positive affirmations are a great way to put your subconscious mind on the right track. We all need to open up our minds to new ideas, new challenges and new solutions. Think differently and be creative. We could all do with some help in this direction. I can introduce you to some thoughts available for personal development methods for transformation of body, mind and spirit. Free yourself from the shackles of the past by reawakening our true identity in the present. This positive approach will help you become clearer about your own identity - your life vision- and how to consciously transform your life for the better. When we connect with our visions we release our passion and have a better understanding of who we are and where we are going. Learn how your beliefs shape your life experience and become aware of exactly how you are creating your reality. Apply some of these ideas during the week, so your life can genuinely start to improve and you can make real progress toward manifesting your vision. Want to live your life without worry and frustration, with clarity and insight? Find the tools to turn your life around and learn to look at the world with a more aware and open mind. Begin a new life of enhanced achievement and happiness. I think we all have had enough bad news. It is time for some positive thinking. It’s time to look at this beautiful world and see past the evil and the disasters. I went to a lecture at a church and which renewed my philosophy of life. The belief that we should celebrate what’s right with the world. This teaches

us what a powerful force having a vision of possibilities can be for you. “Ask if you have a vision for your organization, or more importantly do you have one for yourself? Such a vision gets you excited every morning and keeps you open to possibilities.” *Believe it and you’ll see it (keep your vision focused and you will find the purpose) *Recognize abundance (stop, look and listen, slow down and understand what is happening) *Look for possibilities (hold on to only the best and trust your intuition) *Unleash your energy to fix what’s wrong (it’s not trespassing to go beyond your own boundaries, make sure that vision is big enough) *Ride the challenges *Take yourself to the edge *Be your best for the world (not the best in the world) Everyday creativity teaches us to look at the ordinary and see the extraordinary. Our ability to search for new ideas can mean the difference between success and failure. Inspiration will encourage what one feels when they apply these simple yet powerful creativity techniques to all of our everyday challenges. Creativity is a matter of perspective; there is always more than one right answer. Frame problems into opportunities; reclaim and reframe. Whether your work endures is up to others, not yourself. It is not the value of your goal it is all part of a much larger creation—your life; that’s ultimately what we’re all here to create. If I had a wish, I would want to just put out the very best I have everyday simply for the joy of it. We can then produce a work of enduring value.



• June 2010

• Harmony nuYou

• June 2010


Horoscopes GEMINI - May 21-June 21 You are a born worrier and are prone to stress and tension. The hectic pace this year means that more than ever you must take time out to unwind. During June, July and September your energy resources are stretched to the limit. Why not take up a part-time sport such as swimming? It can be a gentle way to keep fit and relieve those aches and pains. CANCER - June 22-July 22 Long term health problems are finally dealt with during the coming year. You are likely to take more control of your own health and may start cutting out the junk food and start munching fresh fruit and vegetables with lots of wholemeal bread. You may also lose some weight as well! Your natural sensitivity makes you prone to tension, usually because you get too involved with everyone else’s problems, so make sure you take some time out that’s just for you. LEO - July 23-Aug. 22 You are liable to neglect your health because you are so involved in sorting out so many things during the coming year. Please pay attention to health worries and see the doctor if you’re unsure about a complaint. This would be a good year to make positive improvements in your lifestyle. Eat better, take some walks, calm down, give up smoking and soon you’ll be glowing with health. VIRGO - Aug. 23-Sept. 22 You’re still on the mend from a difficult health period from just before Christmas last year and were still a little prone to illness in the first part of the year. Be sure to wrap up warm because you may be prone to colds. And take plenty of vitamins and minerals. Virgoans seem to have a natural affinity with natural healing techniques so look into this for a further boost. By the end of spring you’ll be well on the mend and by September you’ll feel fitter than ever.

LIBRA - Sept. 23-Oct. 23 With a positive and cheery influence of Jupiter in your sign you’ll be feeling full of vitality throughout the coming year. You may even enjoy a sport of some kind and will brim over with energy. Discipline yourself and keep away from too many sweets and keep the lid on the secret sherry or you’ll pile on the pounds. So long as you’re strong willed you’ll sail through the year healthy. Be especially careful in early September. SCORPIO - Oct. 24-Nov. 21 A persistent health problem, particularly those connected with bones and joints, will be eased this year. The planets point to recovery from illness and healing powers are at work within your life. Your energy reserves were low during the last two months. A particularly positive month is shown for December when you or somebody close sees a great health improvement. SAGITTARIUS - Nov. 22-Dec. 21 The planets and stars still hold you in check making you feel restless and sometimes moody. You may be prone to illnesses connected with movement such as muscular aches and pains, arthritis and rheumatism. Also bones and teeth may give trouble. So take extra care and keep yourself as supple as you can. Walks and light exercise will bring benefits and drink plenty of calcium rich milk to keep your teeth and bones it peak condition. CAPRICORN - Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Your vitality has been low when the Sun recently formed an adverse angle with Saturn and a similar negative trend with Pluto comes in June. So next time take it easy and recharge your batteries. Your general physical health is good this year but you may be prone to stress. The important guideline for the year ahead is to rest properly whenever you can so that you don’t burn yourself out from over-work.

AQUARIUS - Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Hurry, worry and curry are your biggest health threats this year. You’ll be dashing around and bolting your food so don’t be surprised if you suffer from stomach upsets and indigestion. Try to avoid the junk food and rich sauces. Horrible as it sounds you’d be better off with a high fiber diet with lots of fruit and vegetables. But my warnings fall on deaf ears for within a week you’d have forgotten what I’ve told you and be gulping your food, drink, sweets and indigestion tablets. PISCES - Feb.19-Mar. 20 Luck is on your side this year and good omens are to be found on the health area of your chart. It is as if the planets protect you and keep you from harm. There is little more I can say except that you must be careful of minor accidents in September. But this is of little consequence, the trends suggest that you’ll be healthy this year and, in the unlikely event that you do get ill, will make a speedy recovery. ARIES - Mar. 21 – Apr. 19 Your health should be good, but you may need to make a deliberate decision to unwind. You’ve a busy year ahead so make sure there’s some space for yourself particularly around mid October. You’ll be generally healthy and will have some good news about someone else’s health in September. TAURUS - Apr. 20-May 20 You have a busy year ahead and must take a break and recharge yourself now ready for the period ahead. Last month your energy was very low, but overall the coming year is a year when you feel very active. The first part of the year was so busy that you may have been so stressed-out that you indulged in overeating. You’ll continue to pile on the pounds, but will diet in June and with powerful Saturn as your taskmaster you’ll keep to it. Some Taureans may suffer aches and pains in their joints and be particularly careful of strains in November.

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