Nyasha-Victoria Myrick Resume

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N yasha -V ictoria M yrick N VM


7 years of architectural related experience and strong technical proficiency. An additional 2 years of professional experience in administrative support and customer service. Experienced in variety of typologies including educational, commercial and public space. Diligently pursues the creation of spaces where “form follows function” and the finer details articulate well-rounded design.


DESIGN PROFESSIONAL reztark design stUdio, CinCinnati, oH / marCH 2023 - c urr E nt

• Spearheaded improvements to Prototype Implementation Construction Documentation that resulted in fewer redundant RFIs and CA.

• Integrated into large scale prototype implementation team to produce renovation documentation sets.

• Primary staff designer on large scale Mixed-Use project, focusing exclusively on meeting client goals, aesthetics and constructibility.


nelson WorldWide, CinCinnati, oH / oCtoBer 2021 - marCH 2023

• Lead, managed and collaborated on Schematic Design through Construction Administration phases of Commercial Roll out projects.


arCHiteCtUre, inC., reston, va / JUne 2017 – JUly 2019

• Collaborated on Schematic Design through Construction Administration phases of Commercial Amenities, Workspaces, Educational Facilities, and Pro-Bono Public Art projects. Prepared Bid and Permit Documents for AHJ approval.

• Documented conditions of existing sites and buildings and built accurate detailed 3D models in Revit from field notes and photographs.

• Performed building code analysis for new and existing constructions. Outlined and revised applicable code deficiencies to provide cost saving remedies.


arCHiteCtUre, inC., reston, va / fall 2015, sUmmer 2016

• Autonomously progressed design documents and Architectural Drawings produced in Revit, Sketchup and Adobe CC


rookWood pottery Co., CinCinnati, oH / JanUary – aUgUst 2015

• Worked with clients to design residential and commercial luxury tile installations

• Produced renderings communicating client design specifications


familiesforWard, CinCinnati, oH / aUgUst 2012– aUgUst 2013

• Office, Filing, Staffing and Payroll Management


email: nvictoriawmyrick@gmail com

pHone: 513 652 1750

address: 36 E 13th StrEEt, 310 cincinnati, oh 45202





Revit 2015-24





Schematic Design

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Strong Work Ethic

Team Player

Critical Thinking

Attention to Detail

Project/Production Coordination


ameriCan institUte of arCHiteCts

Associate Member

arCHiteCtUral experienCe program (nCarB)



University of CinCinnati, CinCinnati, oH / 2017


N yasha -V ictoria M yrick N VM


rEztark dESigN StudiO

• t h E b lu E ( mix ED - u SE multi - F amily ), F aca DE DES ign an D D ocum E ntation

• r ivian S E rvic E h ub S (P rototy PE i m P l E m E ntation ) (6)

• t i D al w av E a uto S P a S (P rototy PE i m P l E m E ntation ) (22+)


• F at F ac E - u S location S (2)

• F ini S hl in E @ m acy ’ S - u S location S (52)

• g o P u FF D i S tribution h ub S - n E w J E r SE y an D n E w y ork location S (9)

arCHitECturE, iNC., rEStON, Va

• b uoyant F orc E (P ublic a rt i n S tallation )

r ES ton t own S quar E , r ES ton , va

• w a S hington m E tro P olitan a r E a t ran S it a uthority

r ES troom r E novation S , D c m E tro a r E a

• v alo P ark , w hit E b ox SP ac ES , a m E nity r E novation P ro P o S al , c ommon

c orri D or r E novation S , l owE r l E v E l S PE c S uit E , m c l E an , v irginia , u S a

• u rg E nt . ly , t E nant S uit E , D c m E tro a r E a

• q ua D ium - w ork P lac E D ES ign , D c m E tro a r E a

• P r ES i D io - w ork P lac E D ES ign , D c m E tro a r E a

• F air F ax c hri S tian S chool - F air F ax , v irginia , u S a

• maryval E S an D burg E l E m E ntary S chool , m ontgomE ry c ounty P ublic S chool S , m arylan D, u S a

• F ulk S r un E l E m E ntary S chool - r E novation , r ockingham c ounty P ublic S chool S , v irgina , u S a

• J ohn c m y E r S E l E m E ntary S chool - r E novation , r ockingham c ounty P ublic S chool S , v irgina , u S a

• J ohn w aylan D E l E m E ntary S chool - r E novation , r ockingham c ounty P ublic S chool S , v irgina , u S a

• P l E a S ant v all E y E l E m E ntary S chool - r E novation , r ockingham c ounty P ublic S chool S , v irgina , u S a

• l ak E r i D g E E l E m E ntary S chool - r E novation , Princ E w illiam c ounty P ublic S chool S , v irgina , u S a

• S aun DE r S E l E m E ntary S chool - r E novation , Princ E w illiam c ounty P ublic S chool S , v irgina , u S a

• D ominion h igh S chool - r E novation , l ou D on c ounty P ublic S chool S , v irgina , u S a

• F r EED om h igh S chool - m o D ular c la SS room S , l ou D on c ountry P ublic S chool S , u S a

• lc PS t ran SP ortation D EPartm E nt - o FF ic E r E novation , l ou D on c ountry P ublic S chool S , u S a

rOOkWOOd POttEry CO., CiNCiNNati, OH

• r ookwoo D P ott E ry - r E tail S tor E , l ib E rty t own c E nt E r , oh

• P rivat E r ES i DE ntial t il E D ES ign an D D ocum E

email: nvictoriawmyrick@gmail com

pHone: 513 652 1750

address: 36 E 13th StrEEt, 310 cincinnati, oh 45202


in issuu.com/nyasha-victoriamyrick


Victoria Myrick is dedicated to Human-Centered Architecture and Urban Design drives her to carefully craft spaces that balance aesthetic appeal with practical functionality. With a strong foundation in Architecture, Building Codes, and Constructibility, she supports efficient design and construction processes through her comprehensive Revit skills, prioritizing efficiency, time management, and organizational effectiveness. Victoria has a proven track record of adaptability, successfully navigating complex challenges and consistently delivering exceptional outcomes. She collaborates effectively within diverse teams, offering a fresh perspective and proactive problemsolving approach. Her portfolio spans various sectors including educational, workplace, retail, and prototype implementation projects, each reflecting her commitment to human-centered design principles.

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