The Empire Key 2008

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August 2008


Official Publication of the New York District of Key Club International

Summer Edition

Governor's Greetings Fabulous Empire Key Readers, Thank you for taking the time to read this informative district publication! I assure you that Editor Adam and the entire board have worked tirelessly to produce it at such a high standard of quality. If you’re a contributing writer, thank you, your efforts are appreciated. I hope you enjoy this edition and look forward to the remaining ones this year! So far, I am four months into my term as Governor of the mightiest district in the world (New York, of course!) and have loved every second of it. It has been my pride and honor to whiteness such an amazing start to the year. Our project totals are high and we are well on track to meet all of our goals. I hope you’re utilizing all the resources available to you at, reading every edition of NYD Governor Amy Lorenc my club newsletter The Member’s Memo and staying in contact with your Lt. Governor. AIM- NYDGovAmy If you need anything from me throughout the year just let me know! I am here to serve you as you selflessly serve others. Please share any suggestions you may have with me, I’m always eager to hear innovative ideas. Afterall, 2008-2009 is shaking things up! In the spirit of service,

Governor Amy Lorenc

NYD Editor Adam Lawyer adamlawyer.editor@ aim- Silverslugger00

Note from the Editor

Hey, New York District! Welcome to the first edition of our district magazine, the Empire Key, for the 2008-2009 season of service! I hope that in reading this, you are able to gain valuable information on how to be a better Key Clubber. Along with myself, the entire District Board is very grateful that you are taking the time to read our publication; all of us have worked hard to produce this magazine. I would also like to thank contributors from clubs around the district, who have also proved a valuable asset to this edition, and we all hope you continue to contribute! More information on how you can contribute to the Empire Key is available later on in this edition. Feel free to contact me at anytime during the year for help with anything, and I'm always open to suggestions for improving the magazine, or anything that can help me to serve you in the best way possible. Enjoy the rest of your summer,

Editor Adam

Table of Contents:

Congratulations to our New I-Board Members 2 *Message from Kia 2 Exec Board 08-09 3-4 LTG's 08-09 4-6 Committee Articles 7-8 *Committee Info 9 ICON 2008 Review 10 Workshop World 10-11 Fun Project Ideas 11 ICON Crossword 11 New Major Emphasis Program“Live to Learn” 12 Youth Opportunities Fund 12 Culture Corner 13 Service Spotlight 14-16 Administrator's 16 Column

CONGRATULATIONS!!! This year, two dedicated past New York District Board Members were elected to positions on the International Board at this year's International Convention in Denver, Colorado. Congratulations to Kia-Albertson Rogers, the newly elected Key Club International President, and Jessica Morris, elected trustee to and from the New York District. Kia Albertson-Rogers

Jessica Morris

2008-2009 Key Club International

2008-2009 Key Club International


Trustee to and From the NYD

~ President's Message ~ Hey there Ladies and Gentlemen! I am so excited to be your new International President! I am a brown haired, 17 year old male who attends Spencer-Van Etten High School in upstate New York. Some of my hobbies include rockin' out on the saxophone, eating out, eating in general, working out, hugging, smiling, and livin', lovin', and laughin'. There are a ton of new things to look forward to this year that I'm very excited to share with you! First and foremost, the new Major Emphasis Program Service Initiative "Live to Learn". Live 2 Learn is a two year initiative that utilizes the three G's, of Grades, Giving, and Growth, as its focal points. Another new thing this year is the new Key Club International Board's committee structure. In past years we have had four committees: Executive, Communication and Marketing, Service Programming, and Member Services. However just starting this year, we are aligning more with Kiwanis by adapting their committee structure with just two larger committees: Leadership and Voice. The Leadership Committee focuses on more intraorganizational stuff like training manuals and officer resources. The Voice Committee on the other hand, is more of an outreach and public relations committee. Speaking of new, last but not least, the new website. A huge upgrade from our last website, offers much more, is user friendly, and is more intuitive. There are almost no password protected areas, leaving the website open for more navigation and easier use. Check it out! This next year is going to be awesome, I can't wait to see the impact we can make!

Service with a Smile, ~Kia~

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Meet the 2008-2009 Executive Board!

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Secretary's Shorthand Treasurer Time by VincentDubay

You all maybe wondering who the record keeper of the New York District is, the brains behind the totals, and the guy that keeps your success up to par; well that would be me! I receive all MRFs and ERFs which eventually are taken down in a spreadsheet system that your respected LTG receives, and then from there I total up those MRFs and send those th totals for progress out on the 7 of every month. As for ERFs those are compiled into the Board Directory which is given to board members only this year, but no worries members will be able to see the online directory on the districts site sometime soon! But as for the rest of the year I plan to use the skills I learned at International Convention to produce an efficient, information packed, and well rounded directory to remember a successful year of service. Plus, I recently uncovered a map of New York District divisions from an old directory, so Executive Assistant Zach Goldstein will so remap and make some revisions to be posted on the site. Look for it soon! Another one of my goals this year is to find a way to teach at all Rallies, but due to the rising gas prices and time shortage some Long Island rallies will have the Executive Assistant teaching the secretary workshop instead. I will however assist in the making of the workshop materials and anything else to make the member’s job easier this 2008-2009 year of service! Can’t wait to keep getting those waves of paperwork, bring `em on!

by Jeff Panosian Hey New York District,

For those of you who do not already know me, my name is Jeff Panosian, and I am the Treasurer of the New York District of Key Club International. I collect dues and Fundraising Report Forms from the district to keep track of its finances. My major goal is to receive all clubs' dues by December 1st so that they do not become a lingering problem for everyone. To all club treasurers, please visit the district website at, and fillout a Fundraising Report Form after every fundraising event. Also, please e-mail or mail me proof of your fundraising at or to my home address . I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and staying active in their service during the summer months. Feel free to contact me with any problems or concerns you may have.

Excerpt from the EA by Zack Goldstein How are you doing NEW YORK DISTRICT, I am Zack Goldstein, the New York District Executive Assistant. We are in the middle of summer and while that is good, let’s not forget about Key Club. The Key Club year runs from March to March so I hope you have not forgotten about it as you relax in the sun, or have fun with your friends and family. Whether you are doing a walk for a district project, a clean up for the governor’s project, severing breakfast at a Ronald McDonald house, or just doing work for your community, every bit helps! But how can I help you? When you have a problem with the monthly report forms, you naturally e-mail or call Secretary Vincent, when you have a problem with the fundraising report form-- you turn to Treasurer Jeff; so where does the EA fit in to this picture? I fit in when you can’t contact Jeff or Vincent or Governor Amy. Feel free to give me an e-mail, phone call, or drop me an IM at anytime if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to hearing from you!

Webmaster's Wisdom by Allen Yu

Exec Pictures and contact information on the next page!

Greetings Mighty New York Key Clubbers! J. K. Rowling once said, “Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain.” Well, I am most certainly not a brain, but if you were ever wondering about the person behind the computer screen, my name is Allen Yu, and I am delighted and honored to serve as your District Webmaster and Technology Chair this year. My responsibilities range from managing the mailing list and creating/overlooking online report forms to developing and maintaining the district website (if that wasn’t obvious before =] ) and helping clubs utilize technology and the web. Technology is definitely the easiest, fastest, and most effective way of communication, and the newlyinstated District mailing list has done wonders to deliver newsletters and resources for Key Clubbers and advisors. In fact, this issue of the Empire Key will be electronically delivered through our mailing list. The website has been completely redesigned as well, and I am happy to say that it has served as a great tool for over 700 unique visitors across Districts internationally. With the introduction of online report forms, I anticipate a great soar in form submissions because clubs no longer need to waste paper and money for postage. In the months to come, I hope to add a forum for advisors and Kiwanis Committee Representatives and another similar tool for members so people can exchange brilliant ideas to better serve our community and our world. Soon, the “Service Spotlight” section will distinguish special service projects performed by clubs each month. As we are speaking, technology is becoming a bigger part of our world, and as Key Clubbers, we will use technology and the web to the greatest extent so we can better serve our community and be the leaders of tomorrow’s world!

Meet Your 2008-2009 Lieutenant Governors! Division 1 Name Lili McWhirter

Exec Board Contact Information and Photos:

Home Club Random Fact: Runs crosscountry Division 2 Name Stephanie Springer

NYD Secretary Vince Dubay AIM- more4me123456

Home Club Patchogue-Medford High School Random Fact: Is a Latin and Ballroom dancer. NYD Treasurer Jeff Panosian

Division 3 Name Tommy Monks

AIM- nydkctreas0809

Home Club: Huntington High School Random Fact: NYD EA Zack Goldstein

Name Jessie Lurie

Division 4

Home Club: Wheatley High School AIM- MagnoGZ

Random Fact: Division 5 Name Breanna Romaine Home Club: Farmingdale High School Random Fact: Is a palm-reader.

NYD Webmaster Allen Yu AIM-lil2short2see

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2008-2009 LTG's Page II Division 6

Division 11

Name Robin Kornstein

Name Nancy Zhang

Home Club- Island Trees High School

Home Club Hunter High School Random Fact: Loves dancing in the rain

Random Fact: Is a pescatarian Division 7

Division 12 Name Ronnie Instrella

Name Juliette Collazo

Home Club- Oceanside Senior High School

Home Club Spring Valley High School Random Fact: Travels to Spain yearly to visit her family.

Random Fact: Division 8

Division 13

Name Amy Kong

Name Jessica Manning

Home Club Bayside High School Random Fact: Has an obsession with Ginger Ale

Home Club Minisink Valley High School Random Fact: Division 14

Division 9 Name Lidiya Kurin

Name Louis Racette

Home Club Brooklyn Technical High School Random Fact: Loves Spongebob Squarepants

Home Club

Division 10

Random Fact: Division 15

Name Minjung Koo

Name Carissa France

Home Club Tottenville High School Random Fact:

Home Club South Glens Falls Senior High School Random Fact: Favorite animal is the zebra

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2008-2009 LTG's Page III

Division 22

Division 16 Name Bing Zhang

Name Grace Goodhew

Home Club Guilderland High School Random Fact: Loves ice skating.

Home Club Ithica High School Random Fact: Has been playing the piano for 13 years

Division 17

Division 23

Name Hannah Bellinger

Name Beth Malley

Home Club Fonda-Fultonville High School

Home Club Webster Thomas Random Fact: Is a first degree blackbelt

Random Fact: Can touch her tongue to her nose Division 18

Division 24 Name Liz Derderian

Name Amanda Cutler

Home Club Averill Park High School

Home Club Norwood-Norfolk Central School Random Fact: Loves clothes

Random Fact: Loves drama club Division 19 Division 25 Name Alexandra Ladas

Name Thao Pham

Home Club West Seneca West Senior High School Random Fact:

Home Club Thomas R. Proctor Senior High School Random Fact:

Division 21

Division 26 Name Ryan Hetz

Name Zandra Smith

Home Club JamesvilleDewitt High School

Home Club Random Fact:

Random Fact: Loves theme park teacups

2008-2009 District Committees

K-Fam, DKC, Advocacy, Laws and Regs, District Projects, IPP, KPTC, Public Relations This section includes articles providing information about each of the district committees; each committee article is written by its respective committee chair.

K-Family Relations by LTG Beth Malley Mighty New York District, Hey! I can’t believe its August already! Time is going by fast, which means your time for Kiwanis Family relations hours is going by. So start planning! Contact your sponsoring Kiwanis Club now and set up plans for an event. You still have time to plan for a summer barbeque. Or you can start planning a Kiwanis Family sports tournament. You can hold soccer, volleyball, basketball, or another sport tournament. If there is Circle K club at a local college, invite them as well and have mixed teams. If you don’t like any of these suggestions plan something else! There are many things you can do with the Kiwanis Family. If you want to go even bigger, help your Lt. Governor plan a division wide Kiwanis Family Relations event! Then you meet other Key Clubbers, Kiwanians, and Circle K’ers. Whatever you do remember to put it down on your monthly report form that you fill out every month so you can get the credit for the hours! Also please check out the bi-weekly tips that your Lt. Governor should be passing along to you. They contain useful information that will help you improve you relations with the Kiwanis Family. The tips will be on the website soon! If you have any questions please contact me!

Advocacy by LTG Stephanie Springer Hi! My name is Stephanie Springer and I proud to be serving as

Distinguished Key Clubber by Nancy Zhang Hello Mighty New York District! My name is Nancy Zhang and I will be serving as your Distinguished Key Clubber Chair for the 2008-2009 Key Club year. The Distinguished Key Clubber Committee creates the criteria and reviews the applicants for the DKC award, among many other awards the New York District offers. A distinguished Key clubber is one who shows their dedication to serving others but also goes beyond the active roles of a Key clubber, taking effective leadership roles and thereby furthering their contribution to Key Club. As the Distinguished Key Clubber Committee recognizes that there are a mass of Key Clubbers who work extremely hard and demonstrate the qualities of being distinguished, we strongly encourage all of you to apply in the hopes of reaching our 250 applicant minimum. We know that there are plenty of you who selflessly give your time and care to help your home, school, and community. This year’s Distinguished Key Clubber application has been edited to make it easier to complete. Each section will clearly and simply state what should be filled in. The award is a great way for you to be recognized of your accomplishments. You will also receive a certificate, a specially designed Distinguished Key Clubber pin, and be recognized at District Convention! Other individual or club awards criteria will be made available in the New York District Awards booklet in the months to come. To find out what awards to apply for, contact your Lieutenant Governor. To reach our goal of 250 applicants, the Distinguished Key Clubber Committee has sent out flyers to publicize the award and distributed “The Lieutenant Governor’s Guide to the Distinguished Key Clubber Award,” to further their knowledge about the award and its revised application, thereby helping all of you to apply. The application should be worked on continuously, so don’t wait till the last minute! Let’s get those applications in! Good luck to all of you!

the New York District Advocacy chair for the 2008-2009 service year! Our committee will be dedicating the next year of our key club careers to informing our districts key clubbers about advocacy, as well as helping the

Laws and Regulations

district to advocate in any way possible. Our main goal is to make

by EA Zack Goldstein

all involvement in advocacy. This year, our committee has set our districts

Mighty New York District,

written and mailed out by District Convention next year. Although this

Have you ever wondered about the inner workings of the NYD? Have you wondered about the rules we abide by in Key Club? Well wonder no longer, the New York District By-Laws are now online. You can go online to, read them, and then leave your comments about what you want to see added, withdrawn, or altered. Then at District Convention 2009 during the House of Delegates, vote on the changes. Start reading and get ready to leave your mark on the NYD By-Laws. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

advocacy as easy as possible to every key clubber, and to increase our over goal for advocacy incredibly high. We hope to see 5,000 advocacy letters goal is really high, it is also really attainable! As the MIGHTY New York District, we can accomplish anything we set our sights on, right? So why not participate in something as simple as advocacy? It can be accomplished in the form of a letter, petition, and even email! For your convenience, our committee has been working hard to have pre-written letters uploaded onto our district websites. The addresses are even included! How could it get easier? Well, let me tell you, throughout the service year our committee will be sending out letters as often as possible, just print them, sign them and send them! Now THAT’S easy. So that settles it- lets start advocating! Be sure to save a copy of ever letter to attach to

Committee Articles continued on the next page!

your Monthly Report Form. If you do the work, you want the credit! If you have any questions feel free to contact myself, of any of the other member of the committee! Don’t forget to check out the advocacy committee section on our district website! (

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Committees Page II

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District Projects

International Projects and Programs

by LTG Amy Kong

by LTG Bing Zhang

Dearest New York District,

New York District Key Clubbers!

Your 2008-2009 District Board has decided that the following ten causes, called our District Projects, are most worthy of our focus for the next year: 1. Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center 2. Kamp Kiwanis 3. Local Causes 4. Pediatric Lyme's Disease Foundation 5. Alzheimer's Association

6. Foundation Fighting Blindness 7. American Cancer Society 8. Operation Smile 9. U.S. Africa Children's Fellowship 10. Multiple Sclerosis Society

Keep in mind that our goal for the 2008-2009 March to March Key Club year is $125,000. As of right now, we are 35% of the way towards our goal. This is great- keep it up, New York! If we can raise an extra $18,750 by early September, we can hit our 50% mark, which means we are staying on track! So the next time you’re planning a fundraiser … think District Project! I know that we canthrough this fundraising link- bring the New York District to a new peak. For more information, visit the District’s website at If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or your respective Lieutenant Governor! Yours in Caring and Service, Amy Kong Lt. Governor – Division 8 District Projects Chair

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center by LTG Robin Kornstein Hey Key Clubbers,

I hope you’re all having a great summer filled with Key Club fun! KPTC (Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center), supports pediatric trauma efforts to protect the safety of children and to improve the ability of local emergency officials to respond when needed. In other words; KPTC saves lives! Currently, the regional KPTC Committee has been subdivided into three local committees. They are in the process of being formed, so if you’re interested contact the Chair of your local committee! ~North Shore-LIJ (Division’s 1-12): Lt. Governor Robin Kornstein – ~Albany (Division’s 13-20 & 24):

Lt. Governor Hannah Bellinger –

~Buffalo (Division’s 21-23 & 25, 26):

Lt. Governor Alexandra Ladas –

The committee would be involved in various projects depending on location. Generally, committee members would be responsible for creating projects and ways that Key Club’s within the area could contribute to KPTC. This is the first time KPTC had these committees, so it would be an amazing opportunity to be apart of the first ever committee! So if you’re interested in taking advantage of this great opportunity, get in touch with your local committee KPTC Chair! Yours in Service, Robin Kornstein Regional KPTC Chair Lt. Governor – Division 6

I hope that you guys are all having a super awesome summer so far! It’s surprising that we’re about a third of our way through this Key Club year! Are we a third of our way through our International Projects and Program goals? Sadly, no. You know what this means. It means that we need to work extra hard to pick up the slack! I have no doubt that we will reach our goals, but we should try to avoid the last minute rush. Keep in mind that there are no more Seasons of Service, but we are official partners with Children’s Miracle Network, UNICEF, and March of Dimes. In February, the International Board decided that we would no longer be official partners with Read and Lead. This past July, they also launched a new Major Emphasis Program Service Initiative, Live 2 Learn. This focuses on decreasing the rising illiteracy rate in the world. All of the previous hours from Read and Lead are now going to Live 2 Learn. The New York District website is a great resource and brochures about all the organizations can be found there! Brochures describing creative project ideas for each individual organization will also be found there shortly. Keep looking under the International Projects and Programs section to keep yourself updated about what is happening on the International level. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email any of the committee members!

Public Relations by LTG Carissa France Hello Mighty New York District, I hope everyone is having a great summer! As you are soaking up the sun and lying by the pool just keep in mind of some fun summer service projects you can do. Also try and keep your members involved over summer, that way you won’t lose membership come fall. Most clubs think that just because its summer key club comes to a halt, and that’s where most of the membership is lost. Public Relations committee is trying very hard to make it easier for clubs to publicize events, and meetings. I hope that everyone has had a chance to check out the new, New York District Website, we are in the process of putting the Public Relations Packet on the website as well. This packet has fun project ideas, ways to publicize for events, and how to help in making Key Club a household name. Keep looking at the website for that packet it will become very handy in the fall for membership drives and increasing numbers and meetings and events. The main goal of Public Relations this year is to make it easier for each club to have the best success in numbers not only at meetings and events but in the amount of supporters in the community as well. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and keep up the great work everyone!

INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION 2008 Denver '08- Reflection

New York District at ICON in Denver, CO

by LTG Jessie Lurie Hey Key Clubbers! A few weeks ago, I traveled with the New York District to Denver, Colorado, which was the site of this year’s Key Club International Convention! Everyone had a lot of fun, and it was a busy week to say the least. Before the official start of the convention, the New York District had a two-day district tour, which included white water rafting, a gold mine, a dinner theatre, an amusement park, and a water park! Once convention started, we were busy going to workshops, service fairs, and dances! In our free time we were able to walk around Denver; needless to say, there was never a dull moment. Another important event at International Convention was the election of new International officers. I’m thrilled to congratulate our two candidates from the Mighty New York District, who will be serving on the International Board for the 2008-2009 year: Jessica Morris, as an International Trustee, and Kia Albertson-Rogers, as International President! I’d also like to applaud New Hyde Park Memorial High School, North Shore High School, Ogdensburg Free Academy, and Spring Valley High School, for being recognized by Key Club International as Diamond Level Distinguished Clubs! “Service with altitude” proved to be a great success, resulting in a great week for everyone. I look forward to seeing you all in Dallas for International Convention `09! WORKSHOP WORLD by Lidiya Kurin Hello everyone, I am Lieutenant Governor Lidiya, here to give you a quick overview of the workshops that were available at this year’s Key Club International Convention, in Denver, Colorado. The workshop frenzy began the very first day of Convention. The first few workshops focused on the different club officers. These are prefect for those who want to learn more about the position they are currently in or would someday like to have. There was a workshop dedicated to each specific office and another workshop made for all the leaders out there. Two other workshops were offered that day, one on how to get your audience into action and another on how to get past the tough times of service, with lack of participation or actual emotional blues. The second round of workshops focused mainly of District officers and tips to help them succeed. Day two and three had a little something for everyone. Workshops ranged from how to improve your public speaking abilities to how to “Dress For Success.” The next two days had a grand total of 29 different, unique and innovative workshops offered. There is no way for everyone to be interested in at least one of them. Some workshops were directed directly at Key Club, including workshops to help you get more people involved and come up with service project ideas, as well as a workshop describing this year’s Major Emphasis Program, Learn to Live. It would have been a sin to not take advantage of all the different workshops that were offered. Even having attended one of the workshops, I guarantee, you would go hope a better Key Clubber. I myself had the chance to visit two workshops. I attended the Lieutenant Governor Workshop and the Key to College Workshop, both were worthwhile. The Lieutenant Governor Workshop was led by Trustee Sydney Jiang and a former Lieutenant Governor. The analogy of the workshop was how to keep your ship from sinking. They used candy to keep the audience interested and interactive. Page 10

Workshop World (con't) They used candy to keep the audience interested and interactive. Sure some may have been injured in the time during which the candy was thrown, but in the end I am sure they didn’t mind. They went over the basics of being a Lieutenant Governor and offered suggestions to frequent bumps in the LTG road. I also got the chance to visit the workshop run by the Circle-K International President, Amanda Badali. She spoke about what college life is like for her and gave tips on the different choices you are forced to make. She offered her contact information and asked us for contact information and the colleges we are looking into. She also offered to help in joining Circle-K once we reach college. She was very relaxed and gave a lot of insight. It was interesting getting to know a little about her. I am sure that all those who were also present had a blast. That’s all for now folks, hope this has inspired you to visit workshops in the future!

20 Fun and Easy Project Ideas by LTG Grace Goodhew 1. SPCA Help and Clean Up

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11. Pass out treats at local homeless shelters on holidays

2. Park Pickup 12. Collect school items for USCAF (district project!) or a local organization

3. Clean up a highway 4. Read and Lead at a local elementary school

13. Car wash for charity 14. Host a blood drive

5. Loaves and Fishes Help 6. Create community basketball tournaments 7. Dance-a-thon for Charity

15. Sell Valentine's day cards at a local grocery store 16. Read and Lead at a local public library

8. Play music for a local retirement 17. Set up a team for the MS Walk/Bike, home Relay for Life, Walk for Babies, or any other event that benefits an organization 9. Make holiday cards for local (especially a district project!) homeless shelters, retirement facilities, any wing in the hospital, 18. Make and sell baked goods at a local or our troops! festival/in school 19. Help children with exercise 10. Make childrens' coloring books for after-school programs 20. Volunteer at a day care center

ICon Crossword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




Across 2. Our 2008-2009 International Trustee to and from the New York District 4. Our very own New York District Governor 5. City where the next International Convention will be held. 7. People vote for the new International Board at the House of _____________ 9. The last word of the Key Club Pledge 10. Convention that was held this July

Down 1. Rogers/our newly elected International President 3. New York District Key Club Mascot 6. Name of our New York District Newsletter 8. City where this year's International Convention was held.

The New MEP and the Youth Opportunities Fund New Major Emphasis Program by LTG Hannah Bellinger

Youth Opportunities Fund and You

Every two years, a new Major Emphasis Program is chosen and introduced at International Convention. Through the Major Emphasis Program, Key Clubbers are united by working hard toward a goal that will make an impact not only in their home, school, and community, but internationally as well. The Major Emphasis for 2008-2010 is “Live 2 Learn”. This program focuses on the development of children, especially in the 5 to 9-year-old age group. Though one of the main motivations for implementing this program was to promote education and improve literary skills, it does not stop there. Live 2 Learn is meant to encourage the development of children in many ways, socially, academically, and creatively. This creates many options when Key Clubbers want to serve under the Major Emphasis Program such as mentoring, reading to children, doing art projects, and many others. In simple terms, if it involves children, it is highly probable that it is encompassed by the new Major Emphasis Program. Now that you know about the new Major Emphasis Program, feel free to get out there and serve our youth. So, get your hands dirty (with finger paints, of course), read a story, or even help them to build something (a kite perhaps?). With our new Major Emphasis Program, the possibilities are endless, just like the future of a young child. Anticipate more information to come in your back-toschool packages which should be arriving at schools starting in August.

by LTG Elizabeth Derderian Many Key Clubbers have seen, or heard about the Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF), either through a zealous Lieutenant Governor, an up to date Advisor, or at District Convention. But, most do not understand it, nor how they can make use of it. Let’s break it down. The title is mostly self-explanatory. It has to do with helping young people, and with money. But this isn’t the whole story. The money is actually from your dues and from the G. Harold Martin Fellowships. Though, I’m sure that’s not why you’re reading this. What you’re wondering is: What is this, and how do I get money from it? Well, I’ll tell you. You and your club can use the money from a grant to jump start your projects. For example, if you are helping to build a playground, like Brockton High School, you can use the money to help get supplies and builders. It is only limited by your imagination. You can get between $200 and $2,000 for your projects. You and your club cannot apply for it for more than three (3) years consecutively. The form for it is on the website, or in the guide book. Please submit your applications to the Key Club International Board before October 15th. The money will be available for one (1) year for your project. And remember, the project must conform to the Objects of Key Club. Please see for a full listing of these. This is a very important resource, and sadly, a much underused one. Help your homes, schools, and communities in bigger and better ways with the Youth Opportunities Fund. Your imagination and creativity are the tools that help you get ideas. The Youth Opportunities Fund can help make it a reality.

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Culture Corner-

Sure, we're all from the same state, but did you ever wonder what it's like in different parts of New York? Then check this out!

Division 1: Lili McWhirter Hey there Key Clubbers! My name is Lili McWhirter and I am the Lieutenant Governor for Division 1. Division 1 is the 2 legs of long island. Living in Division 1 is a lot of fun, because there are beaches everywhere, and if you live in Division 1 the ocean is pretty much about 10-15 minutes away from you! And if it’s rainy out? Well than you can just go to one of the many malls located in Division 1! And during the nice nights in the summer, you can have bonfires on the beach or head over to the Hamptons where there is usually some sort of concert going on! And another positive thing about Long Island is that all the key clubs are within 15-20 minutes of each other so that makes it easy to get together and have fun! If you ever decide to come visit Long Island, I would definitely recommend Division 1 because there are endless activities to do here!

Div 25

Division 25 Hey Key Clubbers! Welcome to the ’08-’09 Service Year! My name’s Alexandra Ladas, and I’m the LTG for Division 25. My division is pretty much all of Western New York; Niagara County and Erie County. I live in West Seneca, which is a suburb of the city of Buffalo. Most of you probably recognize us as the hometown of the late Tim Russert, Buffalo Chicken Wings, and of course, the Buffalo Bills. There’s a ton of stuff to do throughout the year in Western New York. In the fall and winter, football and hockey are pretty much what everyone talks about. Teens are out with their friends, whether it be at a big game, the movies, the mall, or at a party at someone’s house. Skiing and snowboarding are really big here in the winter, too. In December, everyone is either at Holiday Valley or Kissing Bridge, two major ski and snowboarding resorts. In the spring and summer, people love to get outside and enjoy warm weather. One game that is unique to Western New York because it was invented here is called Kan-Jam. It’s like playing Frisbee, but instead of just throwing the Frisbee back and forth, you have to try and throw the Frisbee to your teammate and they have to hit it into the bucket in front of them to get points. I know it sounds a little different, but we have so much fun playing it here! Teens are always out of the house, enjoying the weather, playing Kan-Jam at Sunset Beach, or in their backyards by the pool, sometimes even going to Niagara Falls for the day with their friends. At my school, there are always service projects going on, thanks to Key Club! We have a haunted house in the fall, a project called the Giving Tree around Christmas time, a CharityFest in the spring, and not to mention all of the bakes sales and canned food drives we have all year round! Not many people know too much about life in Western New York, but I am so thankful to live here, and that we have a club as amazing as Key Club to help us serve our school and community!

Div 1


This is the section of the EK where you, the members, can contribute! Here are a few successful service projects/other stories submitted by clubs around the district!

Homeless for a Night Submitted by Editor Aaron Kanofsky Glens Falls High School

th On April 26 , 2008, the Glens Falls High School Key Club worked in association with the Homeless Youth Coalition and the South High Key Club to hold an event called Homeless for a Night. This event was an all night event that occurred in the middle school gymnasium in Glens Falls, New York. Instead of sleeping in comfortable beds for that night, we slept on sleeping bags on the floor. Some of us also slept on top of cardboard as well. In addition to the sleeping aspect of Homeless for a Night, there also was a representative from the Wait House (a homeless youth shelter) in Glens Falls, who talked to us about homeless youth. He told us what we could do to assist the Wait House and how we can help homeless youth around the country. Along with the discussion, he showed us a very emotional video that interviewed real homeless children around the country, and how they lived their daily lives. In addition, there were many fun games that were played during the night such as kickball, and wall ball. All together everyone had a lot of fun! One of the most unique things that happened at Homeless for a Night was when everyone ate dinner. The participants were divided into group of four or five and each group was given a bag filled with canned and jarred items such as crackers, peanut butter, canned peas, and canned chicken. That was what each group got to eat for dinner that night. There also was the option of trading your food with other groups so you could get something that you wanted to eat. It was very amusing watching everyone barter and trade his or her food. It also showed how little luxury the homeless have in their lives. All together, the amount of money raised by Homeless for a Night was about $900 dollars. Each participant had to raise at least $25, and some went above and beyond that by raising up to a $100. We had more than fifty people participate in the event. Half of the money raised will go towards the Homeless Youth Coalition. The Homeless for a Night was a very easy and fun way to raise money for a really good cause. I would recommend it to other key clubs in the New York District. All in all, the Homeless for a Night event was a very fun filled and emotional experience that will last in the hearts of all who participated.

Do YOU want to feature your club in the next Empire Key?

If you want to see your article in the next edition of the EK, check out the flyer and submission form posted at for more information. Some clubs submitted multiple articles; however, I was only able to include one for each club, but a few of these articles may appear in the upcoming editions. If you have any questions at all, contact me at

More club articles on the next page!!!!!! Page 14

Page 15


“Key Club’s rebirth”

March of Dimes: March for Babies by Jing W. Xiao Stuyvesant High School Key Club It was an excellent way to end Spring Break – to wake up at 6:15 a.m. (which is an hour earlier than the time I wake up on a typical school day) just to volunteer at the March of Dimes walk. It was depressing to feel the raindrops softly pat my head as I went in and then out of the subway. But at the sight of balloons being blown up at the corner of 23rd Street and Madison Avenue (checkpoint 4), my mood lightened and expanded just like the balloons. After standing around and laughing at the automatic toilet stall in front of Madison Square Park, we set off together as a group to drop four Key Clubbers off at each corner of the route walkers took to get to checkpoint 4.

Because we

were curious (or perhaps lazy), most of us were hesitant to volunteer at each corner.

We wanted to know what would happen to those who do not get

assigned to a station point since there were more volunteers than tasks. Being one of those people who did not get assigned to a station point, I returned to checkpoint 4 along with the others only to discover that observing other people made the next twenty minutes pass by rather quickly.

Some people

were eating under their umbrellas while others were talking. Gavin then showed up with pom-poms.

Eager to play some kind of a

role in the cause for saving babies, I snatched the pack from him.

My friends

and I then went around the corner and stopped in-between two station points. We practiced cheering and doing the wave with our colorful pom-poms there. For the next three hours, a huge diverse crowd walked past us. even ran.

A few

There were adults walking with their dogs, mothers pushing their baby

carriages, members of different organizations including Citibank, FedEx, Bank of America, and even Key Club, along with the regular walkers. screamed “Let’s go walkers, let’s go! *clap* *clap*,” “Hey! Ho!

Saving babies is the way to go!” and “Go walkers!

The five of us Hey!

Go walkers!

Ho! Go!”

while waving our colorful pom-poms at them. However, not every bit of it was enjoyable.

Our voices gradually died,

our jaws and mouths slowly became fixed at our smile-and-scream position (it hurt to break away from that position) and we kept attracting walkers who wanted to take our pom-poms.

One even tried to snatch it out of our hands!

As my friends and I walked back to checkpoint 4 after the last of the walkers had passed, I realized that the sun still had not made an appearance on such a beautiful day, a day when people of various backgrounds came together to save premature babies.

But that’s alright because at the entrance to checkpoint

4, the two gigantic “sticks” of balloons (made of many diagonals of alternating colorful balloons with one big white balloon on top) looked like candles. brightened the day.


Or was the day brightened by our willingness to spend our

entire Sunday morning marshalling a section of the March of Dimes route? Either way, “Hey!




Volunteering is the way to go!”

by Albert Kurian Elmont Memorial High School Key Club “I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all these forces which tend to undermine these institutions.” This is the Key Club pledge. th Recently, the 50 annual Key Club Induction Ceremony was held in the High School auditorium where 70 “new members” pledged aloud to serve and respect the Key Club values. Elmont Memorial is looking forward to a fresh start this year with new officers and new recruits that have a desire and passion to help and serve. With new ideas as they return from the Annual NY District Key Club Convention the club is looking to make this the best year ever. We plan to reach our goals through our new “communities”, clubs within the club: the Green Team, Reach Out Elmont, Teachers of Tomorrow, Kindness Crew and Charity Community. These new communities separate our Key Clubbers into different aspects where they can each contribute and voice their opinions. These communities all have special characteristics that make them unique. The Green Team will spread information to students, teachers and faculty on how to become “green.” The Green Team will focus on making Elmont Memorial High School a more green school through education of and proposals to the administration on how all members of Elmont Memorial High School can help the environment. One way the Green Team is helping create a safer environment is a paperless Key Club through the use of a website and email which would reduce tree consumption and less waste. The club has already begun completing service projects for the Key Club New York State Governor’s project, “Going Green”. Reach out Elmont’s objective is to bring attention to local, state, national and international causes. Students will work at the INN in Hempstead and bring attention to any cause brought up in the community and agreed upon by the E-board. Reach out Elmont is a great community and has lot of potential to make a great and lasting benefit for Elmont. Kindness is a wonderful virtue. And why not have a separate community for kindness? This community creates ways in which the Elmont Key Club can participate in “Pay it forward” type service activities and create a kinder Elmont High School. One proposal is the concept of Morning Greeters. These greeters are students that welcome the teachers and administrators in the morning. They hand them a card, give them a donut/muffin or candy, and wish them a nice day. This helps the teachers feel warm and therefore have a great day where they can truly do what they love – teach. Here is my favorite community. The Teachers of Tomorrow help younger students in all facets of life and education. One of our goals is to th th help 7 and 8 graders in their team centers. This is great because Key Clubbers in this community can choose rooms to go to and help out in Math, S.S., Science and English. Last year we read to students at the Dutch Broadway Elementary School during Black History Month, reading biographies and poetry to kindergartners and first grade. This new Key Club year we hope to have a read and lead program at Dutch Broadway. We are also planning to promote good health in these students’ lives through the High Five for Health Service Initiative. The last community is Charity creating ways to raise funds for the required Key Club charities; UNICEF, March for Babies, Children’s Miracle Network, and other charities close to our heart. This community also raises funds for many of the other activities such as the annual Senior Citizens Prom. They are also planning to organize several charity walks this fall. The Elmont Key Club communities have set the bar high for this year. We desire to reach those expectations and soar even higher. We hope to continue to help people as well as providing our own members with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership. Caring, is our way of life.

Service Spotlight Forest High School Key Club The Key Club at Forest Hills High School rd hosted their first ever Carwash on May 23 2008: Over sixty cars/SUVs’ and vans were washed, scrubbed, hosed then dried by our own Key Clubbers! Our nonprofit organization successfully raised over $300 for a Rwanda Charity. While Students from the school were having fun at the FHHS Carnival (which was also held that day) the members of the Key Club Organization were hard at work trying to elutriate those grimy vehicles. To our surprise washing cars proved to be quite an enjoyable experience that some members stayed over their shifts without realization. Our members worked in an organized fashion, ensuring the safety for each other. We divided ourselves into four teams and had a few members at the entrance of the carwash to collect the money. Cars were $5 and SUVs/Vans were $7. Our layout was efficient as well; the vehicle would go through the entrance and pay then move to the first Rinse crew and next the Wash/Sponge Crew. There, members did an amazing job in scrubbing every little detail and the vehicle would go through the second Rinse Crew who hosed the soap off. It was the job of the Drying Crew to make the car spotless and shiny. I am sure that I can speak for everyone who took part in this that it was a very rewarding experience seeing drivers impressed with the quality of work and appreciating our cause. Some even tipped us for our hard work which we counted as donations. It was also an inspiring experience as we felt the thrill working voluntarily in helping our community.

Administrator's Column by Administrator Andrew Lowenberg I hope everyone is having a very enjoyable summer. As most of you know, the New York District is proud to be the home district of the Key Club International President, Kia Albertson-Rogers from the Spencer-VanEtten Key Club. We are also proud to have Jessica Morris from the JamesvilleDeWitt Key Club serving as an International Trustee. Other honors awarded at the International Convention include the New Hyde Park Key Club [3rd Place Major Emphasis and Scrapbook], the Bayside High School Key CLub [most money raised for UNICEF], and the Eastport-South Manor Key Club [1st Place Single Service, Silver Division] The 61st Service Leadership Training Conference [District Convention] will be held at the Nevele, April 3-5, 2009. Governor Amy promises new and better workshops and events, so make your plan to attend now. Your District Board is planning to hold rallies with forums, fun, and food within the next two months. Please participate in these events as it will help you to serve your club and community in a more informed way. Please check the Administrators Page on the website for current information regarding the Conference. I hope everyone has a successful 2008-2009.

Throughout the day we were treated to free Ice Cream and Pizza for our job well done and with conjunction with the FHHS G.O workers at the wash were given free admission to the carnival. We developed better skills in working with each other and further understood the importance of teamwork and what we can achieve if we all worked together!

Thanks for reading this edition of the Empire Key! Get ready for the upcoming Fall Edition, November 2008! Page 16

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