The Empire Key Summer 2010

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“Caring– Our Way of Life”


The Official Publication of the New York District Key Club

June 2010


“People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges” Joseph F. Newton

Letter from the Editor

Table of Contents

Greetings New York! As your District Bulletin Editor, it is my responsi-

Letter from the Editor .................................................2

bility to put together a

Governor’s Greeting ..................................................3

newsletter that serves

Message from International Trustee .........................3

not only as a update

Introduction and Message to Secretaries................4 Introduction and Message to Treasurers..................4

but also as a reference. This is the first edition of the Empire Key and

Introduction and Message on Technology..............5

it not only contains introductions but also

Message from Executive Assistant............................5

opportunities and useful information. I plan

Governor’s Project......................................................6

to create three more Empire Keys to serve

District Projects............................................................7 International Projects and Programs........................8

the same purpose with varying content depending on the time of publication.

Divisional Training Conferences and Rallies ...........9

Although the summer has begun, I hope

Advocacy Update....................................................10

that this Empire Key serves as a reminder to

Distinguished Key Clubber ......................................10

you that service never ends. Even when

Kiwanis-Family Relations..........................................10 UNICEF: Voices of Youth Project..............................11

school is not in session, Key Clubbers can gather and volunteer! In fact, the summer is one of the best times to volunteer since

Public Relations ........................................................12

there isn’t any homework, tests, or projects

Ideas for the Summer...............................................12

to worry about.

New Jersey District Callout......................................13 Service Spotlight- William C. Bryant High School..14 Service Spotlight– Stuyvesant High School............15

I hope that this first issue of the Empire Key has informed you and inspired you. This year is going to be great!

Resources .................................................................16 Reminders..................................................................16

Yours in the spirit of service

Committee List..........................................................17 Contacts....................................................................18

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District Bulletin Editor Jensen Cheong

The Empire Key - June 2010

Governor’s Greeting and Message from International Trustee

It’s summer vacation! Call me a dork but even though I am excited for summer vacation, I miss school. It gave me more things to do. Many of you took the Regents this year and I am sure you all did great. For the seniors who graduated this year…congratulations! High school is a time where you grow and learn more about yourself. Although the school year is unfortunately over, the people of Key Club International do not take a day off. Key Clubbers around the world continue to serve their community and take advantage of the great weather. Many organizations hold summer events so keep an eye out. I know sometimes the hot weather can be a little too much but it is actually the perfect chance to hold an event. Some clubs are taking the hot opportunity to hold a water fight fundraiser. They charge a few dollars that go to a charity, and have a massive water fight. New York is trying to really advertise exercise and use of parks by offering tons of programs/classes at no cost. Talk to the heads of these programs and see if you can hold something like a yoga class with one of their instructors. People can pay a small fee that will go to a charity. Summer is so great because it offers plenty of ways to help your community or the world at large. Go out, enjoy and serve! - District Governor Nadyli Nuñez

Greetings Fellow Key Club Members, It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to talk with you today. I serve as your International Trustee until International Convention in Memphis, Tennessee, which happens in 9 days! If you can’t make it to convention this year, do not worry, Key Club is got you covered. All the sessions this year will be broadcasted live over the internet. Visit at the following times: Opening Session: Thursday, July 8, 7 – 9 PM CDT Recognition Session: Friday, July 9, 6-8:30 PM CDT Farewell Session: Saturday, July 10, 7 – 9 PM CDT - International Trustee XinLei Wang

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Introduction and Message to Secretaries and Treasurers Hello Mighty New York District! My name is Grace Na and I am rising junior at Shaker High School. I have been in Key Club since my freshman year and I have been a dedicated member ever since. This year at the Leadership Training Conference I was elected your 2010-2011 District Secretary. My responsibility as the District Secretary is compiling all the Election Report Forms into one large directory that is sent out to clubs. Clubs should take advantage of the directory to keep in contact with other Key Clubs in their region. Also, I keep track of the totals hours and money fundraised by clubs and the monthly report forms that club secretaries submit. When I get the monthly report forms I compile them into a chart where the District Board can see the progress of our Key Club year. I am very excited and motivated to help lead New York District Key Club to a strong and prosperous year. I will be working closely with secretaries all over New York, to make communication stronger. Through the NYDKC Secretaries Google Group secretaries will be able to share their problems and ideas. I will be posting up important files (monthly report forms) and updates on urgent information. -District Secretary Grace Na For Secretaries:

For Treasurers:

For those of you who may not know me, I was elected to be your District Treasurer for this service year. The job I have is an important one. For the next ten months or so, I’ll be filing incoming Fundraising Report Forms and proofs submitted by club treasurers. Through this, I’ve already been given the chance to see the extraordinary work the mighty New York District does, cent by cent raising hundreds to thousands of dollars. As your District Treasurer, I’ll also be keeping track of membership dues paid by every member. Your membership dues aren’t due until late fall, but make sure you get them in time so we have an accurate membership count! If you’re a club treasurer, you’ll be contacting me regularly, most likely through the Google Group. Request to join if you aren’t already in it! It’s the treasurer’s responsibility to make sure clubs get credit for the money they raise and to make sure every club member gets counted. Remember, Key Club doesn’t stop in the summer! Keep fundraising while you enjoy your vacation and don’t hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions or concerns. - District Treasurer Safanah Siddiqui

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The Empire Key - June 2010

Message on Technology and Introduction to Executive Assistant As technology is continuing to advance our society rapidly, we find more ways to access what we need and use it more easily. As your District Webmaster, it is my job to use the new technologies to make it easier and faster to manage Key Club affairs. I am sure the during the past years, the District has been using some of these, such as online forms rather than mass emails, web chat rather than a 3 hour meet-up spot, and online resources in a list rather than on paper. These are all on the New York District Key Club website, which is accessible to all. Also, a useful way to communicate is the “Contact Us page”, which you may feel free to submit an email to ask a question at all times, either to the Executive Board or Lieutenant Governors. I personally never subscribed to the Mailing List on the site before I became Webmaster, but then I realized how much I was missing! It's a faster way to keep up, and you don't even have to do anything! It will just be on the way as you check the rest of your emails! This year, a common priority is communication, so with the many things already given for your use, please consider the possibility of using them to make your Key Club work easier! - District Webmaster Emily Lew

Hi! My name is Jillian Harmon and this year, I’m excited to serve you as the NYD Executive Assistant. “What exactly does this entail?” you may ask. In short, my position as Executive Assistant functions much like your home club’s Vice President. It’s my duty to help Governor Nadyli support a well-organized and properly operating Key Club District, as well as support the remaining officers of the district, such as your Lt. Governor. Throughout the year, it’s my goal to help bridge the gap between upstate and downstate Key Club’s, as these clubs oftentimes vary in the way they operate based on geographic location. Through this, the New York District can become a more cohesive and communicative district with interaction between clubs from every corner of the state! So, much like your home club’s Vice President who aids the President in a clubs success, it’s my duty to help increase communication, inclusiveness, caring, leadership, and the quality of service our mighty Key Club produces side-by-side with Governor Nadyli! This year, I hope to meet each one of you as you experience the epic amounts of fun this service year is bound to bring! Have an amazing and service-filled summer! - Executive Assistant Jillian Harmon

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Governor’s Project

The Governor's Project for the 20102011 Service Year is titled "Keys To Education" and focuses on the reading and the learning aspects of education. This project is not limited to one age level, instead, it branches out to include all ages and all types of people including the elderly and disabled. The Committee is headed by myself, Lt. Governor Nicole Murray, under the direction of Governor Nadyli Nunez. We have been working together with the four other committee members to compile a packet of information describing what the project is all about as well as ideas to help each club contribute. As a Key Clubber, you

Fundraising Ideas

must decide with your club how you will do your part in

S is for Summer!

your own. Our goal this year is currently undecided but

Sports Tournaments!

making this project a success. Take ideas such as book drives, tutoring, and reading buddies and make them will be voted upon soon. So, start deciding on projects

Spend your summer hosting an athletic competi-

and good luck! The packet will be emailed out

tion whether it is outdoor basketball to indoor ping

soon! Look for it!

-pong! Remember to stay well hydrated! -Lieutenant Governor Nicole Murray •

Scavenger Hunt!

...only it’s Key Club styled! Make the participants find interesting things that relate to Key Club! Some examples are keys, locks, Kiwanis logos on the highways... •

Selling Lemonade!

Lemonade stands are another way to easily fundraise! When it is really hot outside just set up your stand in a area where people will get thirsty quickly! With fair prices and a good sense of spirit, you can fundraise a lot this summer!

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The Empire Key - June 2010

District Projects

In May the District Board voted upon ten charities to provide financial support over the next Key Club year. The charities are the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center, Kamp Kiwanis, Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Doctors Without Borders, The American Cancer Society, Make-A-Wish Foundation, The National Down Syndrome Society, The Fisher House, and Local Causes. Each of these charities is a worthy cause, whether they are large and well known, or small and unfamiliar. Together they cover a large array of interests so it is likely that a District Project is perfect for your fundraising efforts. The District Projects Committee is made up of five lieutenant governors dedicated to make fundraising for these charities simple and fun. Throughout the year we will be working with you to be as successful in your fundraising as possible. In the coming week your respective lieutenant governor will be getting a packet of promotional materials to hand out to each club in the division and they will be receiving a contact list of each charity and it’s branches which will be passed down to all club presidents. Look out for that, for it will be imperative to successful and productive fundraising. So far, we have raised about $24,000 from our goal of $175,000, which is just about 14%. Summer is upon us now and it is the perfect time for fundraising. In the upcoming months I suggest that you fundraise for St.Jude’s, Make-A-Wish Foundation and The American Cancer Society because September is Leukemia Awareness Month as well as National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Your club can carry these events into September and begin your Key Clubbing almost immediately. Not only will it be beneficial to the District Projects but it may jumpstart your membership! Your club can hold bake sales, car washes, a back-to-school concert where you charge admission. Summer provides limitless opportunities, utilize all of them! For more information on the charities, head on down to, the District’s official website and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me or your respective Lieutenant Governor! Remember, the next time you think fundraising, think District Projects! - Lieutenant Governor Rhea Singh

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International Project s and Programs The International Projects and Programs Committee works to raise awareness and increase Key Clubber involvement in fundraising and providing services for them. Our International Projects and Programs are UNICEF, March of Dimes and the Children’s Miracle Network. These charities are truly amazing and have a huge positive impact on the people they help. Choosing to take part in these projects means that you are making the decision to save millions of children from death, sickness, and suffering that can easily be prevented. Throughout the year, we will be searching their websites and speaking to representatives to discover fun and effective service projects that Key Clubbers can take part in to help needy children of the world. I will be informing my fellow lieutenant governors of these projects and their benefits to the people they are helping. Then they can choose to present them to their divisions or turn them into divisional projects where even more people can get involved. These charities all make a tremendous difference in the lives of children worldwide. They are able to do so much with so little. UNICEF for example is able to immunize 550 children from measles with only $200. That means for the same price as a pack of gum, two children can receive life long protection from a deadly disease. The expansion of these charities has the ability to give help to more people than you can ever imagine. Every dollar or cent can have a substantial impact on a child who needs you, so get involved and save lives. - Lieutenant Governor Susanna Novick

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The Empire Key - June 2010

Divisional Training Conferences and Rallies Divisional Training


Conferences (DTC)

A Rally is an all day event with service projects and workshops for Key Clubbers. It is generally done with neighboring divisions and K-Family

A Divisional Training Conference (DTC) is a sin-


gle session workshop where newly elected and/or current club officers get trained. In some cases, there is also a workshop for members as well. Each DTC is made to fit the needs and traditions of the division so not all Divisional Training Conferences are run the same. The advantage of a DTC is that it is a much smaller setting which allows the trainees to get a more center attention. They can ask

Most rallies have workshops for all club officers and workshops regarding resources and Key Club essentials such as graphic standards usage. There is always a members workshop! In some cases, there are workshops for running for high office! At some rallies, they even have K-Family projects that not only fulfills the Governor’s of District Projects but also earns your club a patch!

more questions pertaining to their job and also develop bonds with other fellow trainees.

A rally is a great way to learn more about Key Club. It is also a great time to practice and

Attendance at a DTC is sometimes mandatory but if not, officers should definitely go! It is a very helpful event!

learn new skills related to Key Club and may also motivate you to go for higher participation in Key Club! As always, you WILL meet new people and make new friends!

Editor’s Note: In the next edition of the Empire Key, a complete list of Divisional Training Conferences and Rallies will be listed for everyone to view! All dates, times, and locations will be posted. Some divisions may have one or the other or both!

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K-Family, Advocacy, and Distinguished Key Clubber We all have our families. There’s

By definition, Advocacy is

the parent, the aunt/uncle the

public support and a rec-

older sibling and the younger

ommendation of a particu-

siblings. There is one just like that

lar cause or policy. The Ad-

for Key Club! The Kiwanis Family

vocacy Committee is run

Relations Committee is responsi-

and chaired by Lieutenant

ble for the interactions between

Governors. I, Katie Cieplicki,

the different branches of the K-

will serve as chair for this

Family. These branches are Ki-

year with fellow Lieutenant

wanis, Aktion Club, Circle K, Key

Governors David More-

Club¸ Builders Club and K-Kids. Together, we provide

house, Greg Barron, Emily Gicewicz, and Christina

service to the community, and with that grow a bond

An. Our goal is to earn 5,000 advocacy points

like a regular family. By this fall, you will be seeing a

and your club can help us reach that goal! This is

resource that will help Key Clubbers just like you inter-

the way the point system works: for every signature

act with the other branches of the K-Family. Staying in

on an advocacy letter, the district earns 1 point.

touch with your Kiwanis is a huge part of being a Key

For every advocacy event that is held, the district

Clubber. In order to keep a good connection with

earns 5 points. Your club’s advocacy points are to

them this summer, invite them to your meetings and

be recorded on Monthly Report Forms and there-

projects! A weekly phone call is possibly one of the

fore reported to the district. We have a whole year

best ways to keep in touch with Kiwanians.

to meet our goal and more importantly, to spread awareness on pressing issues in our communities.

-Lieutenant Governor Dylan Gross -Lieutenant Governor Katie Cieplicki The Distinguished Key Clubber Award is awarded annually to Key Clubbers who have gone above and beyond what is expected of them. It helps recognize all those who have served their homes, schools, and communities to the best of their abilities. The Distinguished Key Clubber (DKC) Committee makes the application and all the criteria required to receive this award. We are committed to simplifying the application process, while still making it an impressive and respectable award. This summer, the DKC Committee will release a checklist with criteria that will be required to receive the award. You will be able to keep tabs on projects you have participated in, and if you are qualified for the award. You’ll want to be active in your club, and help projects that help us reach our District goals – this includes participating in events that fall under the Governor’s project and District Projects. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us! - Lieutenant Governor Sharif Mahfouz

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The Empire Key - June 2010

UNICEF: Voices of Youth Project

Contribute to the 2011 UNICEF State of the World’s Children! That one of UNICEF’s publications! UNICEF is currently seeking quotes and essays from children ranging from ten to nineteen years of age! That includes all Tweens and Teens! Please read the section on the UNICEF website regarding this publication!

“The State of the World’s Children (SOWC) has been UNICEF’s flagship publication for 30 years, and every year it closely examines a key issue affecting children. The report is translated into several languages and read by thousands of people in governments, the United Nations, media and the general public. This year the report will focus on adolescents – like you! The report will include statistics and information about the challenges and opportunities facing adolescents around the world. “ Quotes can be up to 50 words in length and essays can have a maximum of 800 words. This year a team of young people like ourselves will review and assemble a companion report based on the submissions! The deadline is July 30th! Please visit the website for more information!

What Clubs Can Do •

This is a perfect opportunity for clubs to show their members what UNICEF is. Using an activity like this to educate people about UNICEF is one of the best methods! Perhaps you can collect submissions from your club members and publish them into your own newsletter! Although you may not use this project, stay in touch with UNICEF and participate in future advocacy projects!

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Public Relations and Ideas for the Summer

A well developed system of public relations is essential to a clubs success. The Public Relations Committee is dedicated into assisting clubs develop a system where they can communicate and advertise to any audience and age group. We say develop because there is no fixed method for better public relations. This year, we expect to release a packet filled with sample PR material that can be used along with tips and resources. In addition to the packet, we plan to create a series of PDFs containing suggestions and sample writing in certain situations. We also plan to make videos demonstrating some of the material we present to Key Clubbers. Some people learn better from paper and some people learn better through visual methods. The members of the committee, Webmaster Emily Lew and Lieutenant Governors Zachary Baum, Tyler Geurds, and Emily Gicewicz along with myself are planning to run workshops at upcoming rallies. We encourage all club officers to attend as well as all interested members. The topics and ideas discussed will address all Key Clubbers alike. Public Relations can bring a club a lot of success but if it is faulty can also bring a clubs demise. We want to make sure Key Clubbers are aware of PR and use it well. IF you have any questions, feel free to contact me or anyone on the committee. -District Editor Jensen Cheong

Want to continue community service during the summer? Most clubs wrap up at the end of June but Key Club is year-round, so serving your “Home, School, and Community” never stops. Although your club may not have meetings, YOU as an individual member of Key Club can participate in the Governor’s Project and District Projects. Try getting a group of friends together to clean up a beach, or go to the local hospital and read to sick children. Maybe you want to host some sort of summer oriented fundraiser for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital or the Fisher House. Some fundraisers include outdoor movie nights, volleyball tournaments, or an Ice Cream sale. Many of your Lieutenant Governors will host divisionals and division-wide projects, so remember to get involved with those activities. But remember to always have a good time when performing community service, after all it is summer break. - Lieutenant Governor Zachary Baum

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The Empire Key - June 2010

Callout from the New Jersey District

A Little Message from our Neighbors, NEW JERSEY The New Jersey District of Key Club’s District Project for the fifth year in a row is Children’s Specialized Hospital. Children’s Specialized Hospital, also known as CSH, has been the top provider of rehabilitation with special needs for over 119 years. CSH is the largest free standing pediatric treatment hospital in the United States and serves children affected by brain injury, spinal cord dysfunction and injury, premature birth, autism, developmental delays, and lifechanging illnesses. Over the course of five years, the New Jersey District has raised over $326,585 for our beloved hospitals! For the 2010-2011 service year, the District’s fundraising goal is $75,401.65: the 7 represents the NJ District's 7 days a week dedication to CSH, the 5 stands for our fifth year of service to CSH, the 401 signifies the thousands of dollars the NJ District will have raised over the 5 years, and the 65 commends the 65th anniversary of the New Jersey District of Key Club International. Key Clubs all over New Jersey are dedicated to Children’s Specialized because the kids there are more than just hospital patients to us, they’re our friends.

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Service Spotlight: William C. Bryant High School

The Asthma Walk is an event held by the American Lung Association and this year it was held on Saturday, May 22, 2010, at Battery Park. This annual event held by ALA raises money to help the people with lung diseases and fight for cleaner air. Thousands of walkers participate in this event and with their help the ALA has been able to move a step closer towards their goal. As much as the walkers are expected, organizations with large number of volunteers are expected as well. Bryant Key Club, one of the most active clubs in Bryant High School volunteered at this event. When it comes to helping, Bryant Key Clubbers are ready to go anytime, anywhere even if it means waking up at three in the morning. During this event, we did something that we have never done before. We received a job as a Marshall, which basically means that we guide the walkers towards the direction that they are supposed to walk. Although challenged by the hot sunny day Bryant Key Clubbers walked almost 2 miles to reach each of our volunteering spots. President Hina and I walked back and forth to every station that our Key Clubbers had been assigned to, to make sure that they were all doing fine. After standing in the same spot for almost two and half hours, we were completely worn out, but that still didn’t keep us from having a nice volleyball game between the boys and the girls. Although, as awkward as it sounds, we received out volunteering T-shirts after we finished our volunteering. It’s funny because we usually get it before we start volunteering. We had a new experience at the Asthma walk, and that of course was working as a Marshall. I encourage every member to attend every walk possible because it is just too good to miss it.

-William C. Bryant Key Club Editor Carla Pacheco

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The Empire Key - June 2010

Service Spotlight: Stuyvesant High School

Dumpling eating contest, scavenger hunt, tug-of-war, and band performances; what’s not to love about Relay for Life in Columbus Park? Each year, the American Cancer Society hosts this signature fundraising event in an effort to raise awareness about cancer and to support those who are suffering. The event focuses on three objectives: celebrating the victories already achieved over cancer, remembering those who have been affected by this disease, and fighting back against cancer by making a personal commitment. Each year, Stuyvesant Key Club has participated in this event and this year was no different. Last year, we won a number of contests and were able to have a huge donation in our name to the American Cancer Society. This year, our club registered to participate as a team again along with Bronx Science Key Club. Before activities started, cancer survivors were invited to circle the field together in the Survivors Lap which represents how Relay for Life can help save more lives each year through their efforts to raise money to support a cure for cancer. It was also a chance for survivors to give thanks to friends and family for helping them through the fight against cancer. Our team competed against Bronx Science in first round of the tug-of-war contest and although neither team ended up in first place, it was a great inter-club opportunity. The dumpling eating contest separates this Relay for Life from other events held throughout the city. To participate, three team members needed to consume as many dumplings as possible in a total of 3 minutes. Our team ended up with a total of 30 dumplings and many members agreed that it was one of the most entertaining parts of the event. The event ended with a touching luminaria ceremony at night where glowsticks were placed inside paper bags spread throughout the park to represent the lives lost in the battle against cancer and give people time to remember loved ones or people who have been affected by this disease. One of the coordinators of the event gave a speech on how the fight against cancer would be passed down to future generations. One of the most inspiring events of the year, Relay for Life is definitely a can’t-miss event. - Stuyvesant Key Club President Fannie Law

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Resources and Reminders


This section will contain links to website that you may find helpful! - The New York District Key Club Website. There are resources as well as online report forms. The contact information and LTC information is here as well. - The Key Club International Website now has a new look! It is a well organized website that includes all resources from starting a club to running for high office! - The New York District of Circle K! Key Club at a college level. - Kamp Kiwanis - Google Group for Secretaries - Google Group for Treasurers

Reminders •

Please submit all forms on time! That includes MRF’s, Lieutenant Governor Evaluations, and Club status Reports!

Submit a FRF after each fundraising event!

Stay in touch with your sponsoring Kiwanis.

Write Service Spotlight articles after each successful event you club participates in!

Use the summer to plan new member recruitments in the beginning of the school year.

Enjoy the summer!

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Our Mascot! The beaver!

The Empire Key - June 2010

Committee List

Governor’s Project Chair: Lieutenant Governor Nicole Murray Members: Lieutenant Governor James Passarelli Lieutenant Governor David P. Morehouse II Lieutenant Governor Stephanie Salinas Lieutenant Governor Greg Barron

Public Relations Chair: District Bulletin Editor Jensen Cheong Members: District Webmaster Emily Lew Lieutenant Governor Tyler Geurds Lieutenant Governor Zachary Baum Lieutenant Governor Emily Gicewicz

District Projects Chair: Lieutenant Governor Rhea Singh Members: Lieutenant Governor Sarah Hand Lieutenant Governor Morgan Murray Lieutenant Governor Zachary Baum Lieutenant Governor Katie Toomey

Kiwanis-Family Relations Chair: Lieutenant Governor Dylan Gross Members: Lieutenant Governor James Passarelli Lieutenant Governor Anna Glessner Lieutenant Governor Roberto Cantos Lieutenant Governor Raven Zaidi

International Projects and Programs Chair: Lieutenant Governor Susanna Novick Members: Lieutenant Governor Anna Glessner Lieutenant Governor Christina An Lieutenant Governor Lexii Dellapenna

Distinguished Key Clubber Chair: Lieutenant Governor Sharif Mahfouz Members: Lieutenant Governor Roberto Cantos Lieutenant Governor Katie Toomey Lieutenant Governor Stephanie Salinas

New Club Building and Reactivation Chair: Lieutenant Governor James Florakis Members: District Secretary Grace Na District Treasurer Safanah T. Siddiqui Lieutenant Governor Raven Zaidi Lieutenant Governor Domenick Pesce

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Chair: Lieutenant Governor Yasmin Soliman Members: Lieutenant Governor Morgan Murray Lieutenant Governor Sarah Hand Lieutenant Governor Lexii Dellapenna Lieutenant Governor Domenick Pesce

Advocacy Chair: Lieutenant Governor Katie Cieplicki Members: Lieutenant Governor Emily Gicewicz Lieutenant Governor Christina An Lieutenant Governor David P. Morehouse II Lieutenant Governor Greg Barron

Laws and Regulations Chair: Executive Assistant Jillian Harmon

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Nadyli Nu単ez

District Governor

Grace Na

District Secretary

Safanah T. Siddiqui

District Treasurer

Jillian Harmon

Executive Assistant

Jensen Cheong

District Bulletin Editor

Emily Lew

District Webmaster

Lexii Dellapenna

Lieutenant Governor Division 1

Stephanie Salinas

Lieutenant Governor Division 2

Zachary Baum

Lieutenant Governor Division 3

James Passarelli

Lieutenant Governor Division 4

Roberto Cantos

Lieutenant Governor Division 5

Domenick Pesce

Lieutenant Governor Division 6

Dylan Gross

Lieutenant Governor Division 7

Christina An

Lieutenant Governor Division 8

Susanna Novick

Lieutenant Governor Division 9

Yasmin Soliman

Lieutenant Governor Division 10

Sharif Mahfouz

Lieutenant Governor Division 11

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The Empire Key - June 2010





James Florakis

Lieutenant Governor Division 12

Rhea Singh

Lieutenant Governor Division 13


Lieutenant Governor Division 14


Katie Toomey

Lieutenant Governor Division 15

Tyler Geurds

Lieutenant Governor Division 16


Lieutenant Governor Division 17


Emily Gicewicz

Lieutenant Governor Division 18

David P. Morehouse II

Lieutenant Governor Division 19


Lieutenant Governor Division 20


Katie Cieplicki

Lieutenant Governor Division 21


Lieutenant Governor Division 22


Anna Glessner

Lieutenant Governor Division 23

Morgan Murray

Lieutenant Governor Division 24

Nicole Murray

Lieutenant Governor Division 25

Raven Zaidi

Lieutenant Governor Division 26

Sarah Hand

Lieutenant Governor Division 27

Andy Lowenberg

District Administrator

Volume 1 Issue 1

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