The Empire Key | July/August 2019 | Issue 2

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E R I P M E KEY trict New York Dis b Key Clu

Issue 2 | July - August | 2019-2020

I want to thank Key Club for letting me make a difference in my community, inspire and encourage others, and meet so many amazing people! Margaret Ryan Lieutenant Governor Division 20


a note from the Hey NYDKC!

I'm Angelo Lontok, your 2019-2020 District Bulletin Editor, here with your JulyAugust District Newsletter! When you read this, it'll be time to go back to school. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors: it'll be okay. I've been there before. I know you'll do great at school, while still finding time to better your community, and maybe even serve your nation and world while you're at it! Seniors like me: let's make this last year in Key Club and in high school count. Let's do


more service and show everyone how great the Class of 2020 is! To those entering college: join Circle K! Finishing high school shouldn't mean being done with the K-Family, and more importantly, service! Now that it's a new school year, I encourage you and your clubs to set goals for yourselves, if you haven't already. They could be personal, like maintaining a good GPA or finding time to exercise, or related to your club, like raising a certain amount of money or completing the Youth Opportunities Fund

application. Seeing other Key Clubbers almost daily, I know just how passionate we can be. We'll reach those goals and make this year great!

Yours in service, Angelo Lontok 2019-20 District Editor

resources Governor's Bulletin

Social Media @nydkc @keyclubint @thebestsistrict @kci1920


New York District Key Club Key Club International

The New York Minute

@nykeyclub @keyclub

nydkc Key Club



in this issue


Hurricane Dorian Relief Governor Secretary Treasurer Executive Assistants Webmaster International President Vice President Trustee & Sistricts District Committees






International Convention Sandwich Preparation Chinatown Beautification Governor's Island Fundraiser Tie-Dye Fundraiser West End Walk for Alzheimer's Circle K Downstate Regional Training Conference K-Family Picnic

Getting Involved International Committees The K-Family Partners Service and Fundraising Progress Youth Opportunities Fund Featured Members Directory




Hurricane Dorian ripped through the islands of the Bahamas last weekend leaving many homeless and stranded. They are in desperate need of relief items in the affected islands such as Abaco and Grand Bahama.

Relief items can include, but are not limited to, non-perishable food items, canned goods, clothing items, feminine hygiene products, baby products, toiletries and medical items.


Please clearly label all items sent with “Key Club Hurricane Dorian Relief Items� and include our district name so all items will be sent in a timely manner. Here is the address to where you can send collected items:

13452 NW 38 CT Opa Locka FL 33054 Air Express Courier


s e t a d p u executive Hello New York District Key Clubbers! Happy Fall! I hope you all enjoyed your summer and had a chance to complete a few service projects. As school begins, so do Key Club meetings! Hopefully we use this time to get our name out there. Tell your classmates to join Key Club! They might say, “What’s Key Club?” and that’s the perfect opportunity to show them everything we have to offer at your first club meeting. Or you can set up an informational table at your school’s club fair! This will help underclassman when they’re deciding what clubs they would like to join. All in all, membership recruitment is crucial at this point in the year and I wish you the best of luck. Recently, I’ve been focused on making sure that all board members are set up for a smooth transition

into the school year. My main priority was to make sure board members did not feel overwhelmed with school and Key Club, so I encouraged them to crank out a lot of their work this summer. I’ve also been in communication with our new International Trustee Irin Shim! She is from the CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii District and we are so excited to have her with us for the remainder of the service year. She will be sending updates that contain information from things like the Youth Opportunities Fund or the Member Representative Application. Now that it’s September, you could plan some cool service projects with your club! Start thinking ahead to October with Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, or plan a school supplies drive so that kids in your school have access to the same supplies you do. The possibilities are endless! At the district level, we have some exciting events approaching! The September Board Meeting is practically here and Fall Rallies are shortly after that. It’s imperative that you and your clubs plan to attend Fall Rally so that you get a sense of what your Lieutenant Governor is working on at the division level, as well as what we’re working on at the district and international level! Don’t forget to reach out to your Lieutenant Governor to see when and where their Fall Rally is taking place. One last thing that I would like to reiterate going into the school year is that I am a resource for all. Club members, officers, advisors, or Kiwanians, reach out if you need! I have gotten the chance to talk with a few already, and I look forward to talking with many more in the future. Good luck throughout this school year, keep up the amazing service, and I look forward to seeing you all in a short six and a half months at the 72nd Annual Leadership Training Conference!

Yours in service,

Camille Brock

governor's update 8

Hello New York District Key Clubbers! School season has started and sadly that means waking up early and grinding out homework. However, that also means that it's member recruitment season! Make sure to advertise to your freshman about how cool and epic Key Club is. Show them your pictures of your club at past Leadership Training Conferences, your past fundraisers, and your past service events! Remember to record your members' information in the Membership Update Center (MUC). Speaking of the MUC, later this month, I will be releasing a graphic on how to work with the MUC. I have also released guides on paperwork and the first edition of Secretary's Secrets. If you haven't gotten a copy, ask your president, secretary, Lieutenant Governor or me. If you would like to receive updates from me, please email me and I will add you to the mailing list. Over the summer, I have received less paperwork than usual. Please remember that monthly report forms must be filled out by the 10th of each month. Anyway, that's all from me. Remember to stay happy, healthy and to continue volunteering!

Yours in service,

Linna Cheung

secretary's update Hello NYDKC!

We’ve raised $50,847.86 so far, which is 25% of our fundraising goal of $200,000. We’re only halfway through our service year, so I’m sure that we can reach, or even surpass our fundraising goal. Please keep on submitting Fundraising Report Forms so we can reach our goal. I know our district can host creative fundraisers! Remember to pay dues! The early bird deadline is November 1st, and only 11 dues have to be submitted to win the Early Bird Award. Regular deadline is December 1st, and I hope we can exceed our membership from last year. Dues allow clubs to attend LTC, which I hope you all can attend in March! The district is looking to find a group deal on club merchandise, so every club can have cheaper merch. Please fill out the Club Merchandise Information form when it comes out; it’ll help the district better understand what individual clubs want. The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) has been released. It’s a great way for clubs to receive extra help for their service projects. If you have any questions about filling our the YOF, please reach out to your LTG or me! There are so many opportunities that Key Club has to offer, and with the school year just starting, I know that everyone has a chance to benefit. I hope everyone has a great school year and service year! As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Yours in care and service,

Anthony Lim

treasurer's update


Hello NYDKC,

I am so excited now that school has started and Key Club events will be kicking in. I hope you all have already started planning events and getting ready for a very successful service year. Now for my update. LTG’s have been working very hard planning their Fall Rallies. If you don’t know, Fall Rally is where officers receive training and members can attend workshops. It is a great way to meet people from other divisions near you and get training to help make this a great service year. I recommend that all members attend their Fall Rally to meet others and learn new information. LTC planning will be kicking in very soon. We will be planning an amazing event this year and hope that you all can attend. So be sure to be on the lookout for the awards booklet and for registration. I hope to see so many new people there! I hope you all kick this year off really well, by having local service events and fundraisers. I hope you have a great year and I can’t wait to see you at LTC in March..

Yours in service and gratitude, Jaron Belmore

external executive assistant's update Greetings NYDKC!

This is an exciting time because it’s a new school year, and with it comes with new ideas and energy for our district!

While that means there’s new challenges, I hope that you realize that you aren’t alone. We have LTGs and club officers to help you. You may want to take a look at your LTG’s divisional newsletters, their weekly updates, and district resources such as the NYDKC website to guide you with useful information and documents. If you are interested in running for a higher position next year, I highly suggest you apply for the Key Club International’s Member Representative Committee. This application will due on September 30th at 11:59 PM. It’s open to EVERYONE except district executives. You will gain experience at the highest level of our organization, and let you network with the International Council and others! If you want to be an advocate for member’s voices and want to make a change in the organization, apply! District board members are working hard on planning for Fall Rally at your respective regions. They will be happening in October or November depending on your area. Stay tuned if you want to attend or even present a workshop, which I highly recommend! If you have any questions on the things I discussed or want to talk, feel free to reach out to me on social media or via email at

Yours in service,

Qian Ting (Tiffany) Chen


internal executive assistant's update

Hello New York District Key Club,

I hope everyone is excited for the start of a new school year! I just had an incredible summer with my fellow Key Clubbers and I hope you did as well. I attended ICON which was such an amazing opportunity to meet passionate Key Clubbers from all over! Although it's over, there’s another VERY important opportunity coming along: Fall Rally! Join your division as we celebrate all things Key Club with outstanding guest speakers, workshops, networking events, and tons of social opportunities. Check out for more information. As your webmaster, I will continue working to keep our district connected and updated. I always want to make sure my website is a valuable resource for all of our members, and as a way to publicize our district's great work. Currently, I have incorporated multiple resources that all officers and members can utilize to make the best out of their Key Club experience. Make sure to check it out under the membership or the resources tab. If you ever have any questions or suggestions for me, I’m always willing to hear it! Also, feel free to reach out to me if you want to share a memorable Key Club experience that you’ve had to get featured on our website’s official blog page!

Yours in service,

Ramisa Azad

webmaster's update

Check Check out out our our



s e t a d p u e committe


Endorsed Projects

Heads: Kiln Chen, AJ Zheng The District Awards Committee has been working extremely hard to bring you all the 20192020 Awards Booklet! The booklet will be released at the end of this month! To learn more about how to apply for awards, stay tuned for your Fall Rally or reach out to your Lieutenant Governor!

Head: Anthony Lim Endorsed Projects has been creating a really informative workshop to be held at Fall Rally. It has information on all the district charities and special ways that you can fundraise and donate to those charities. We hope that you keep on fundraising throughout the second half of the service year for these charities! Project Semicolon: $1,513.35 Special Olympics NY: $5,787.01 District Endorsed Projects: $1,111 Happy fundraising!

Events Engagement 12

Head: David DeRienzo The Events Engagement Committee has had three meetings so far, at which we focused on getting each committee member antiquated with each aspect of a fall rally. Each committee member has done work within their region and is the main driving force in the region. In our third meeting, each committee member gave reports on their respective Fall Rallies.

Head: Jaylene Noviello The committee of K-family and Key Club International Relations has been working on a number of things, such as a K-family booklet explaining all the branches of the Kiwanis Family and a Kiwanis Family Map to be posted on the NYDKC website, enabling everyone in NYDKC to see who their Kiwanis LTG is and where they are. We will be collaborating with one of our fellow Circle-Kers on this project, Chelsea Shuren. One other project our committee has been working on is a Google Slide presentation of “How to Hold a K-family Event”. We are very eager to portray all of the hard work that has been brought into these projects and are hopeful that they help each and every one of you!

Head: Julia Segal Our committee is currently working on a number of different projects! One of our top priorities is creating a Membership Recruitment Video for the district, featuring people from all different levels of our organization and even from Circle K. We are also compiling a list of schools without Key Clubs across New York, which will help LTGs charter clubs more efficiently. We are also refining the Membership Retention Tracker that the committee started in the previous service year, letting LTGs and club officers work more towards retention and expansion. In the next month or so, we will distribute resources that will encourage clubs to submit their dues on time, or even early, and assist treasurers with the Membership Update Center. We’re very happy with the progress that we have made thus far and are looking forward to doing even more!

K-Family & KCI Relations Membership Growth & Development 13

es t a d p u l a n internatio

a word from our

International President

Hey Key Clubbers! I’m K’lena Schnack from the Nebraska-Iowa District and your 2019-2020 International President (wow! I’m still getting the hang of saying that!). I am absolutely exhilarated to serve you! Last year I served as an International Trustee to the districts of Indiana, Illinois-Eastern Iowa, and Pennsylvania! It was quite a learning experience and a big reason why I am here today. I had so much fun meeting, talking to, and interacting with some of you in Baltimore, Maryland for International Convention. I especially loved hearing all the enthusiasm you, as servant leaders, have for this organization! The 2019-2020 International Board is focused on the new

decade, bringing new ideas and possibilities to the table to make Key Club better than it was yesterday. Together, we will work to advocate and establish a strong presence for all of our goals. Not only is this new decade a turning point for all of the newcoming projects, but also the year the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan comes to an end. This marks a new era in this organization as the incoming International Board will be implementing the new 5 Year Strategic Plan. This year will be one full of new ideas and new possibilities and

I’m so excited to share this journey with the rest of you. You can always learn more about what the International Board is up to by visiting! If you want to get more involved on the International entity, please feel free to reach out to me with the email provided below. There are a plethora of opportunities for any type of leader. I assure you that there is something for you in this organization. I hope you have a wonderful service year and cannot wait to connect with your clubs and districts throughout my term.

Yours in Service & Friendship, K’lena Schnack International President

a word from our

International Vice President Key Club International,

I am honored to be your International Vice President for the 2019-2020 service year. My name is Kaitlin Cirillo, and I am a rising senior at Parsippany Hills High School in New Jersey. In this position, I will do everything in my power to serve the organization and all of you to the best of my ability and to always be available to discuss any topics or answer any questions that may arise. I am fully committed to Key Club and my position. As I begin my new position and work with you, I want the members of Key Club to know me a little better. I have a twin sister and younger brother,


whom I absolutely adore. I love reading, watching movies, and spending time with family and friends. Other than being committed to school and being an active member of Key Club, I am also involved in other school related activities. I run Varsity Cross Country and I am a member of various clubs in my school, including Student Council, Spanish Honor Society, and the Future Physicians and Nurses Club. My goals for this service year can be summarized with the acronym SERVE because that is

the foundation of our organi-zation. I want to strengthen communication, help all members become more knowledgeable about all of the components of our organization, improve Kiwanis Family relations, enhance Truly International, and expand our organization with both membership growth and district formation. I am looking forward to the upcoming service year and working with all of you! Feel free to contact me whenever necessary so we can help Key Club reach new heights!

Yours in Caring and Service, Kaitlin Cirillo International Vice President 973-521-1734

a word from our

International Trustee Rise and shine, New York! The school bells are ringing! Welcome back everybody. Whether you're excited for this coming year or you’re dreading it, one thing is for sure... the fall season is here and it is THE perfect time to get knee-deep in all things Key! With Club Rush just around the corner and the schools teeming with fresh faces, expand your horizons! Be the leader who greets new students. Be the leader who sits with those who are sitting alone. Be the leader that gets their peers engages. Whatever leader you’ll be this fall, be the leader that you were born to be and put on that recruiting smile!

I highly recomment that you all get a head start on recruitment materials such as infographics, flyers, videos, posters, and personal campaigns, and plan out your general meetings for the semester. Try to alternate between one service oriented meeting, one informational meeting, and one social meeting—mixing it up and keeping it fresh keeps the club alive and your members coming back for more! As always, feel free to reach out to me if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns! I’m only a call away!

I’m so proud of all that you have achieved of yet and I am so excited to see what heights you reach in the next few months.

Now let’s go change the world.

Service IS Forever, Irin Shim

From left to right: Pacific Northwest Governor Justin Englund, International Trustee Irin Shim, New York Governor Camille Brock, and Caribbean Atlantic Governor Ariana Layne!

Meet our 2019-20 sistrict:

Pacific New Atlantic.



l a n o i t a Intern n o i t n e v Con


how were you



at ICO

Tatiana Solodova Division 23 LTG


This year was my first year attending the International Convention. ICON was one of the most amazing experiences and I am so thankful that I was able to attend the convention with the best district out there. The mighty New York District began their Convention a few days early in Washington D.C. While in the capital, we took a dinner cruise with our own personal DJ, went to the Holocaust and Spy Museums, got a nighttime monument tour, and got tours at the Capitol. One of the most memorable experiences was when there was big storm in the middle of

the monument tour and we were stuck together in the Lincoln Memorial for about an hour! After the tour, we traveled to Baltimore to begin ICON. Pin trading was by far my favorite part. Each district had their own pins and at the meet and greet we were able to trade them with each other. I ended the convention with twice the amount of pins I started out with! I attended six different workshops where I got to learn so many new things from past and present governors and board members. One workshop was led by Laura Marano! I even got to meet her and take a

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In addition, several ments were made at the of Delegates and the new tional Board was elected.

ion to Key Club activities, we owed to leave the hotel for nd dinner which is when we experience the beautiful city more. We got to watch the ks on the 4th of July and I ome time at the pool where I d with many Key Clubbers ur district along with other s. I’m very happy to have had portunity to attend ICON this was so cool to meet Key rs from all over the world!


North Shore Sandwiches Galore Julia Salat Advisor North Shore Key Club members gathered on June 28th at North Shore High School to create their annual peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

This event is to support their sponsoring Kiwanis Club of North Shore and the annual Nassau to Suffolk Bike Challenge, which fundraises for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center.

In one hour the members made over 200 sandwiches that were wrapped and packed for the Kiwanis event. Pictured are the members in action at the event: Gianna Albanese, Chrystal Coleman, Christina Forsander, Isabella Fuentas, Julia McLellan, Bela Perez, Claudia & Keith Scala, Christina Vasilakis, and special guest volunteer Sascha Salat, who was visiting from her home in California and is the granddaughter of advisor Julia Salat.


Chinatown Beautification Day, hosted by the Chinatown Youth Initiatives, took place on a hot day in NYC’s Lower East Side on Sunday, August 11th. The day started off with many students touring the Museum of Chinese in America, or MOCA for short. After exploring the museum, a large portion of the morning involved participating in different workshops. These workshops were eyeopening, and helped shed light on the hardships of Asian Americans and other underrepresented communities. The workshop leaders were inclusive and brought up interesting points on the media representation, gentrification, and immigration. These group discussions certainly inspired many

to create change in their own communities. After the workshops, we headed outside to clean. There were plastic packaging, straws, and cigarette butts scattered all over the sidewalks and roads. We all grabbed our brooms, dustpans, and garbage bags, and got to work. It was hot that day, but seeing the streets becoming cleaner was a gratifying experience. The hour spent cleaning was productive, and also allowed many of us to see the different sides and places of Chinatown. The day ended off with a delicious lunch and an inspiring panel discussion with five Asian Americans answering various questions regarding what they do, their stance on current issues, and what it is like to be a person of color in the city. An amazing way to end off a memorable day!

Brooklyn Tech Beautifies Chinatown

Mariya Meleganich, Doris Hong Division 9


Adventures at Governor's Island Fundraiser Brooklyn Tech, Stuyvesant We raised $879. All proceeds went towards the International Partner Children's Miracle Network Hospital, a nonprofit organization that raises funds for children's hospitals, medical research, and community awareness of children's health issues.


On Saturday July 27th, Brooklyn Tech and Stuyvesant held a joint fundraiser at Governor's Island. At the BBQ, we took turns serving snacks and beverages and cooking the meat. There was some time after brownies, burgers, and ice tea lemonades so many of us spent it chatting away or playing games with our friends. When we moved on to the Adventures site, it started to drizzle but that did not stop any of us from running through the outdoor maze, trying to complete the task in record time. Then, we moved onto—what was personally my favorite activity of the day—rock climbing. The course was separated into three different walls with different levels of difficulty. Even though many of us couldn't reach the top, it was definitely an enjoyable experience. Rachel Joh Stuyvesant Division 11 Adventures at the Governors Island was, as the name suggests, an adventure. The process of preparing the event and the end result was super fulfilling. Aside from the maze and rock climbing activities offered on the island, members brought volleyballs, footballs, and badminton rackets, which made it easy to play and start conversations with other Key Clubbers. It was an amazing experience to collaborate with so many dedicated members who all contributed in their own ways, and I made so many new friends from the Stuy executive board, as well as members that I met during the event. For me, this fundraiser was a fun change where I saw members relaxing and enjoying themselves while still supporting an amazing cause. Aurora Hom Brooklyn Tech Division 9

INTERCLUBBING: because two is better than one. Tie-Dye & Picnic Fundraiser

Bronx Science, HS for Math, Science, and Engineering On September 1st, I went to Rachel's house and helped her carry materials to Corona Park. We set up under some trees, and filled up bottles of dye and laid out plastic sheets. As people showed up, I started to worry if this event and the tie-dyeing process would be disorganized—there was a little bit of wind, and the plastic bags were flying around. However, we set up different stations at different trees. We mostly dyed shirts, but Terry even came and had his Yeezys dyed! Although there was a little bit of spilling and some mess to clean up, overall, it was a lot of fun! We dyed shirts, ate food, listened to music, and played games. It was nice to see everyone’s faces after the long summer. I was also pleasantly surprised that a friend I recently made, Rhea, showed up with her friends.

Even though I was worried at first, I learned that with a little bit of planning and some help from friends, we could overcome any difficulty. I came home with a smile on my face. Akaneh Wang

Bronx Science Division 11

Our Tie Dye Fundraiser was on September 1, in collaboration with fellow Division 11 members from Bronx Science. It was days before school started, so this fundraiser a good way for students to reconnect with their friends and hang out one last time before we'd be busy with school work. It took place in Corona Park, a beautiful place for a beautiful and colorful fundraiser. Both clubs set up the tie dye equipment and food for participants of the fundraiser. They also were stationed at different stations so participants could carry out the tie dying process smoothly. People were able to express their creativity while making themselves a cool new shirt to wear and show off. Food and drinks were also available so students sat down and had a nice, beautiful picnic, relaxing and socializing while also donating for a good cause. Tahoor Arif HSMSE Division 11

Overall, the fundraiser was a success for both the organizers and the attendees. We raised $339 for UNICEF, an organization within the United Nations and a partner of Key Club International, that seeks to improve the quality of live for children worldwide.


W.T. Clarke Walks for Alzheimer's Matthew Michaelis Division 6

On Saturday September 7th, 2019 at Marjorie Post Park, Massapequa, the ADRC 17th Annual West End Walk for Alzheimer's took place. Kiwanis has been a long standing supporter for this walk. I’ve participated in this walk since I was in third grade in K-Kids, along with other members of Division 6—I’m glad that I can attend every year. This year’s theme was celebrating Woodstock's 50th anniversary. It was a beautiful day and families got to enjoy the weather, food, music and activities. Many families were in attendance to honor the memory of their loved ones.

Emma Passariello Division 6


It was wonderful to see the turnout at the ADRC 17th Annual West End Walk for Alzheimer’s at Marjorie Post Park in Massapequa on September 7. It was a beautiful day and to see the amount of people there to support Alzheimer’s research was incredible. W. T. Clarke’s Key Club and Builders Club were both represented there, and we helped out at the craft table and hand out water bottles to participants. Senior citizens from many local assisted living homes came to enjoy the music and food, catered by Zona, and to cheer on the walkers. We’ve helped out at this event for many years and many more to come, and we hope to see even more K-Family members volunteering there in the future.

W a n t to be f e t h e n e x t E m a t u r e d in p ir e K e y ? I encourage clu b

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Builder's Club beyo

d e v l o v In at Every Level: Volunteer! Show the world how we embody service. And reMEMBER this: everyone in Key Club is a member first and foremost. No matter your position, service should be the top priority.


Run for a position: president, vice president(s), secretary, treasurer, editor, and webmaster. Some clubs also have committees which you can join or lead.


Each division is different. Some have divisional boards and committees, others are run completely by the LTG. Reach out to your LTG and see what you can do for your division!


You can get involved with the district in three ways: run for LTG at a divisional (in the winter), run for governor, secretary, or treasurer at LTC (in March), or apply for executive assistant, editor, or webmaster (in April).


At ICON, you can run for International Trustee, International Vice President, or International President! You can also sign up to be a part of an International Committee here:


elementary schoolers

middle schoolers

Key Club high schoolers

Circle K

college students

Kiwanis adults

aktion Club

adults with disabilities


FAMILY HIGHLIGHTS CIRCLE K DOWNSTATE RTC On July 20th, Circle K’s downstate Regional Training Conference offered a day of workshops, service projects, and bonding. I love attending K-Family events because they show the scope of Kiwanis, let each branch come together, and teach us that service will be a part of our lives after high school. It’s not every day that Key Clubbers can experience Circle K events, so I hope hearing about this will inspire others to look into Circle K and be involved in their local KFamily events! Julia Segal

Division 3 LTG

It was great to experience a Circle-K event as a Key Clubber, as I got to see what's next after Key Club, and I’m already excited. I also got to learn valuable lessons from Circle-Kers and get advice and even just hang out with them. One person I talked to specifically was the co-chair of the committee that deals with planning their DCON, NY Speaking and DLSSP, which helped me as I am the Committee Chair for Events Engagement. I had a great time and I would love to attend more Circle-K events in the future! David DeRienzo

Division 6 LTG

K-FAMILY PICNIC On August 10, I went to the K-Family Picnic in Prospect Park. I don’t normally see my fellow Key Clubbers, especially outside of Long Island, so I was happy to see my friends again and interact with other branches in a casual setting. At the picnic, we played many team-building games, such as Pictionary and a Deserted Island Scenario, where teams were supposed to pick the ten most crucial items from a list of twenty. With a raffle and a “Pie-in-the-face” fundraiser, the event raised $1,860 for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center, one of our District Endorsed Projects. Katie Ferrugia

Division 5 LTG

The heat was awful, but going out was worth it. This event's goal was to bring everyone together to make a change in our community, while also having fun. We got to know each other through various activities, including an auction to pie friends in the face! I enjoyed meeting so many passionate members of the K-Family, especially those that lived hours away. This event showed me that we have the power to do so much, and that we're more ready than ever to utilize the K-Family to change the world. Ayan Rahman

Brooklyn Tech Division 9


L A N O I T A N R E INT S R E N T PAR Partners

Thirst Project The Thirst Project seeks to provide clean drinking water to communities around the world, focusing on bringing water to the entirety of Eswatini by 2022.

Landscape Structures

Landscape Structures works to bring high-quality playground equipment to children worldwide.

Nickelodeon Nickelodeon encourages kids to be more active and have a positive impact on the world, with their Worldwide Day of Play and Get Dirty campaigns.

U.S. Army The U.S. Army enables people to receive advanced education debt-free and become empowered leaders, through programs such as the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC).

Up With People Up With People seeks to inspire youth worldwide to make a difference, through volunteer service and musical performances in various communities across different continents.


Squads Abroad Squads Abroad enables teenagers to volunteer abroad and make a positive impact on the health and education of developing communities.

Kiwanis Gives Online Kiwanis Gives Online is a crowdfunding platform designed for Key Club, helping to manage campaigns and rewarding those who donate.

Preferred Charities

Children's Miracle Network Children's Miracle Network Hospitals raises money to support children's hospitals, research, and to raise awareness of children's health issues.

March of Dimes

March of Dimes addresses health threats to both mothers and children by educating both medical professionals and the public, supporting research, and providing comfort and support to families.

UNICEF UNICEF is an organization within the United Nations dedicated to children. The organization works in developing countries to provide healthcare, education, and safe water and sanitation.

Collaborative Partners

K Corps K Corps is a youth exchange program for Key Clubbers organized with Kiwanis International, working with Japanese host families.

Project Happiness Project Happiness is committed to promoting mental wellness through resources based on neuroscience, psychology, and mindfulness.



GOALS Service

120,000 hours

Fundraising $200,000

Endorsed Projects Kamp Kiwanis Goal: $3500

Created by the New York District Kiwanis Foundation, this is a wilderness camp that seeks to provide children, including those with special needs, with a unique camping experience filled with team-building exercises.

Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation Goal: $3500

Kiwanis is committed to improving the health of children. This organization helps pay for medical treatment for children with Lyme Disease, a brain disease caused by bacteria often from a deer tick.

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Goal: $3500

As part of the Kiwanis-Hospital Association, this organization provides treatment for children suffering from trauma, helping to prevent deaths and disabilities with proper care.


Governor's Project New York Chapter of the Special Olympics Goal: $15,000 If you’re a fan of unity, acceptance, empowerment, dignity, pride and fun, you’re a fan of Special Olympics New York. You’re one of us. The Special Olympics is an international sports organization for people with intellectual and physical disabilities of all ages, promoting inclusion and health.

District Project Project Semicolon Goal: $15,000 Through raising public awareness, educating communities, and equipping every person with the right tools, we know we can save lives. Project Semicolon is an organization focusing on mental health. Their goal is to prevent suicide through increased education and awareness of this public issue.








AS OF 8AM, 9/15/19

24,808.17 / 120,000

$50,847.86 / $200,000

SPECIAL OLYMPICS NY 39% $5,787.01 / $15,000









$1,216.35 / $15,000

$830.00 / $3,500

$0 / $3,500

$0 / $3,500

leadership characterbuilding caring inclusiveness our core values


h t u o Y unities

t r o p p O

d n u f

Have a service idea? Need financial aid? The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) provides grants to Key Clubs for service opportunities. Find the application on the official Key Club website:

Who makes Key Club

so great?

Well, without all of you working tirelessly, volunteering and hosting fundraisers, there would be no Key Club. To give members the recognition they deserve, we feature members every other Monday who go above and beyond on our official Instagram: @nydkc. Either LTGs can nominate a member, or anyone can fill out this form:

Great work, everyone!


Featu Me

You may request from $100 to $2,000. The deadline is on October 15th, at 11:59 PM. Grants are only given to clubs for service projects, to clubs that have experienced natural disasters, and to individuals in need of assistance to attend ICON. Submitting the Letter of Agreement and the Release Form should be done as soon as possible, preferably alongside the YOF submission. Applicants are notified by the first week of January. Dues must be paid before YOF grant checks can be issued. A YOF Final Grant Report is due at the end of the grant cycle. If you have any questions, please contact Treasurer Anthony at!

ured embers Erica Swirsky

Immediate Past Distinguished District Governor Division 14

Peter Alegre

Noelle Dutch

Dominic Bossey

Cathy Huang

Immediate Past Distinguished District Secretary Division 11

Immediate Past Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor Division 1

Ogdensburg Free Academy Division 24

Francis Lewis High School Division 8




Anthony Lim

Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant

Jaron Belmore

Qian Ting Chen

Bulletin Editor


Angelo Lontok


Camille Brock


Linna Cheung

Ramisa Azad

Lieutenant Governors 1 Bianca Bossey

4S Jessica Koo

2 Sarah Varghese

3 Julia Segal

4N Christiana Claus

5 Katie Ferrugia



6 David DeRienzo

7 Max Coppola

8 AJ Zheng



Kiara Polanco

Jaden Thomas




Mariam Makar

Kiln Chen


Holden Lee


Chloe Baker

Brayan Guerrero


Maddie Breen


Jenna Vinoya



Collin Bolebruch Hannah Williams




Zoe Van Savage Margaret Ryan Jordan Jackowski



Jaylene Noviello Tatiana Solodova

24 Hailey Weber

25 Avery Blank

26 Kohl Ambuske

27 Eian Smith

Admins District Administrator John Goldstein

Assistant Administrator Michael Berthel

Assistant Administrator Jason Steiner

KCI International President

K'lena Schnack

International Vice President Kaitlin Cirillo

International Trustee to NY Irin Shim


I pledge... on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club international; to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.



Caring Our Way of Life

Issue 2 | July - August | 2019-2020

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