The Empire Key | Summer 2018-2019 | Issue 1

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Learning more about what clubs have been up to this summer through service spotlights!

Get to know our District and Governor's Project, One Tree Panted and Comfort Cases!





INTRODUCING YOUR NEW DISTRICT EXEC BOARD! Introducing our District Executive Board for the 2018-19 Service Year! Included are updates from our District Administrator as well!


YOUR 2018-19 INTERNATIONAL BOARD Learn more about our International Board for the 2018-19 service year & NY's International Trustee!


ICON 2018: CHICAGO EDITION! Couldn't make it? Learn more about this past year's International Convention from fellow members!


A LOOK INTO THE PAST: RECAPPING LTC Check out how the 2017-18 Leadership Training Conference went for our members!

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SERVICE SPOTLIGHTS From Midwood HS to Sanford Calhoun HS, check out service spotlights from clubs all over NY!




Read up on a Key Club member's experience at his first Key Leader, a weekend retreat for Key Clubbers to build upon their leadership skills.


KEY CLUB'S PREFERRED CHARITIES A look into our partnerships with various charities including UNICEF, Children's Miracle Network, and more!


GOVERNOR'S & DISTRICT PROJECT Learn more about our Governor's Project, Comfort Cases and our District Project, One Tree Planted!


YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES FUND Is your Key Club in need of a grant? If so, be sure to apply for the YOF!



CONTACT INFORMATION Ever need any help or advice? Don't be afraid to reach out to anyone on the District Board!


"Key Club has taught me how a simple hello can be the key to lifelong friendships" THOMAS CHENG DIVISION 8


Editor's Note Hi! My name is Fahad Nabi and I will be serving as your 2018-19 District Bulletin Editor! Just a little bit about myself - I’m a junior at the Bronx High School of Science (Shoutout to Division 11 Pandas!) and have served as my club's Bulletin Editor and Webmaster for the 2017-18 service year. This year, I hope to work with the rest of the District Board to make sure that NYDKC continues to foster an environment of caring, inclusiveness, and characterbuilding. More specifically, I’ll be publishing and releasing four thematic editions of The Empire Key - changing gears from previous years - and placing a greater focus on service and active citizenship.

As we progress through this new service year, I encourage all of you to make the most of your Key Club experience. Don’t be afraid to meet new Key Clubbers, attend new service events, or even start new service projects in your community! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me! Looking forward to an amazing year full of impactful service experiences, successful fundraising, and powerful relationships!

Fahad Nabi NY District Editor

NYDKC at ICON 2018!


An Update From GOVERNOR ERICA SWIRSKY Hey New York District Key Club! My name is Erica Swirsky and I have the honor of serving as your 2018-2019 District Governor! I am from Division 14 and my home club is Saranac Lake! When I’m not doing Key Club, you will either find me studying for my next Model United Nations conference or out on the ski hill! The start to this service year has been amazing and I can’t wait to see where the rest of the year takes us. Each month, I put out a Governor’s Bulletin, which contains a quick note from me, an update of what I’ve been doing, a theme of the month, and a club highlight! Make sure to be on the lookout for these each month and be sure to share them with everyone in your club. If you want your club to be featured, make sure to send a photo or two to your Lieutenant Governor of a recent service project as well as a few short sentences about the event. In addition, our new International Trustee Alice will be sending updates as well. These updates will contain important news from Key Club International and will also include cool opportunities for your club to take part in, such as the Youth Opportunities Fund! The Youth Opportunities Fund, or YOF, is a grant that awards

As we enter the new school year, I want to reiterate

clubs anywhere between $100 and $2000! The

that through the rest of the service year, I want to be

application is now open, so at your next club

an open resource for officers, members, and advisors

meeting talk about applying! There is so much

alike. It has been wonderful getting to talk to some

happening in the next few months: The District

of you already, and I hope that as the year progresses

Board will have their third board meeting from

I will get to know more of you and be more

September 14th-16th, Election Report Forms are

acquainted with your clubs.

due on September 30th, Fall Rallys will be held in October and November, Early Bird Dues are due on

I wish everyone a successful school year and I can’t

November 1st, and then the District Board will

wait to see you all at the Desmond Hotel from March

attend the Tri-K Board Meeting with the Kiwanis

29th-31st for the Leadership Training Conference!

and Circle-K branches of the K-Family. If you ever


have any questions about what we are up to on

Yours in service,

the District Board, don’t be afraid to reach out to

Erica Swirsky

your Lieutenant Governor, an Executive Board

District Governor

member, or me!

2018-2019 New York District Board

An Update From EA PETER ALEGRE Hello NYDKC! My name is Peter Alegre and I serve as an Executive Assistant this service year. I’m a senior and have been in Key Club for 4 years as a member of Bronx Science Key Club, which is part of Division 11 and a part of New York City! While I cannot physically go to every region and division, I hope that my work will make a difference to every member. I’m excited to work with every Lieutenant Governor this service year, so that their divisions can be the best that they can be. Currently, I’m in the process of working with every Lieutenant Governor to help plan and organize their Fall Rally. If you ever have any questions, concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'd be glad to help you with anything you need so don't be afraid to reach out! Yours in service, Peter Alegre District Executive Assistant 2018-2019 New York District Board

Fall Rally is an annual convention held in each region where attendees learn leadership skills and meet other Key Clubbers in their region. It’s an incredible experience, and your Lieutenant Governors work hard to put it together! Senior year may be stressful, but I can always be contacted at anytime for any issue you have. Thank you for your service NYDKC, I’d love to hear from you soon.


An Update From EA ANTHONY GUAN Hey New York District Key Clubbers! My name is Anthony Guan, and I am honored to say that I will be serving as the next 2018-2019 District Executive Assistant of the Mighty New York District! Prior to being appointed as the District Executive Assistant, I served as my home club’s Bulletin Editor for the 2017-2018 service year. I am currently a junior attending Midwood High School in Division 9. I started my Key Club journey during my freshmen year and throughout my journey I’ve attended 3 LTCs and 2 ICONs, so if any of you guys have any questions about my experiences or questions about the conventions themselves, feel free to ask me! For this service year, some of my goals as the District Executive Assistant include

playing games and playing music! If you

improving both LTC and Fall Rally for

have any questions, comments or

the members to enjoy more and give

concerns, please don’t hesitate to email

them an ever lasting experience, form a

or contact me!

stronger bond with the District Board and the members of NYDKC, and

Phone number: (917)-669-0076

motivate more members to be active


within Key Club!

I'm looking forward to meeting all of you guys soon!

As a student attending high school,


some of my hobbies include being a

Yours in care and service,

photographer, going on food adventures

Anthony Guan

in the city, hanging with friends,

District Executive Assistant ‘18-‘19

An Update From SECRETARY TRISHA MELTON Hello, NYDKC! I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer so far. I hope it was full of fun and laughter! Sometimes during the summer, it can be harder for clubs to organize events so a huge bravo to clubs who were still able to get those hours this summer. Additionally, a huge thank you to the clubs that have been filling out their MRFs throughout the summer. A shoutout to Divisions 2, 8, 9, 11 and 19 for outstanding submissions. We currently have approximately 35% of our 130,000-hour fundraising goal which equates to 42,000 hours. While this is great, imagine how much this number could improve if clubs can get in their MRFs report forms. are a great way to help spread this information. I hope everyone else is ready to start this school year on a great foot like me. Yours in care and service, Trisha Melton District Secretary 2018-19

The beginning of the school year is an amazing time to get in hours and host events with lots of volunteers. For example, perhaps your clubs like to host a welcoming back bake sale at lunch or a club fair after school. This would be a great way to connect with other Key Clubbers and raise any necessary funds for your club! Make sure to promote your club to your school so people know where and how to join. Posters and announcements


An Update From TREASURER AMIT NARANG Hi NYDKC! Treasurer Amit here. After what feels like just a couple days, the summer is already over. There are some positives, though: back to school means back to the Key Club grind! I have a couple of updates for you guys. The District Fundraising Goal this year is $155,000: the highest it has ever been. We’re already at $52,426.89, so we can definitely hit this number if we continue to submit FRFs! Dues season is almost upon us! Once school starts in the fall, clubs should start collecting dues. They can begin submitting them on October 1st, and if they submit their dues by November 1st (the Early Bird Dues Deadline), the club will receive an award at LTC! Clubs must submit dues by December 1st (the Regular Deadline) because they will be labelled as delinquent otherwise, and consequently unable to have delegates at ICON or at LTC. I am also establishing a program to generate individual fundraising goals for every club that has submitted an ERF by October 1st! More information will be released on this later, but I will be in contact with each treasurer to help work towards these goals and


hopefully win your club an extra award at LTC! Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns about anything, whether it be dues, FRFs, running for higher office, or whatever else you think of. Yours in care and service, Amit Narang District Treasurer New York District Board 2018-19

An Update From WEBMASTER UNICE COLON Hi NYDKC! My name is Unice Colon and I’ll be serving as your District Webmaster for this service year. Prior to this position, I served as my home club’s (Calhoun High School Division 5) webmaster, and attending the Leadership Training Conference (LTC) last year is what really inspired me to run for this position. I know we’re going to accomplish great things this year and I can’t wait! As your District Webmaster, I will be here to update the NYDKC website and keep the public informed on new things that are happening within our district! I will also help you with any technological issues you might have regarding emails or presentations. I will also be working closely with the award committee to ensure the Distinguished Key Clubber (DKC) 2) The new NYDKC district map is also up on the website be sure to check it out! 3) LTC is not that far away, I hope to see you all there! If you have any questions at all or just want to talk, reach put to me! I’m here as a resource for you whenever you need! I hope to meet all of you soon! Yours In Service, Unice Colon NYDKC District Webmaster

application and all other awards presented at LTC are up to date. I’m also always open to hear feedback on the NYDKC website, and if you have any suggestions don’t hesitate to reach out to me! As the service year progresses I cannot wait to see what we accomplish! Below are a few things to keep in mind: 1) The new MRFs, ERFs and FRFs forms have all been updated on the NYDKC website and can be accessed from there.




Hannah Nivar Vice President

Western Canada, Taiwan & Philippines

International Trustees Cindy Shou

Jennifer Harned

Foster Hillis

CNH KIWIN’S West Virginia & Carolinas

Georgia, Florida & Kansas

Nebraska-Iowa Alabama & Southwest

Leslie Truong

Lamiya Kudrati

Alice Geng

Texas-Oklahoma Missouri-Arkansas & Bahamas

Pacific Northwest, NJ & WisconsinUpper Michigan

Louisiana-Mississippi -West Tennessee NY & Utah-Idaho

Krysta Couzi

K'Lena Schnack

Grace Ison

Eastern Canada Michigan & Capital

Illinois-Eastern Iowa Pennsylvania & Indiana

Kentucky-Tennessee Minnesota-Dakotas New England & Bermuda District

Braeden Dorchester

Me'Shale Sherwood

Jamaica, Ohio, Montana

Caribbean-Atlantic, Rocky Mountain & CNH

A Message From Our International Trustee

In the months leading up to ICON 2018, I felt that time

to focus on communication all year as the foundation

could not move fast enough to bring me to Chicago,

to other goals. My primary role is to be your resource;

but now ICON officially came and flew by in what felt

to make sure that I fit each district's individual needs, I

like a day. I met Key Clubbers around the country

will send out monthly feedback forms in order for

and the world, learned through workshops, and

district board members to evaluate my work that

received the honor of being your newly-elected

month. A survey on inclusiveness and barriers will

International Trustee. I am beyond excited to work

also be shared on a quarterly basis, so we can continue

with all of you this upcoming Key Club year to better

to make Key Club as welcoming as possible. In addition

serve our communities.

to regular technology-based communication, I will also visit your district two times in the upcoming year.

Before I get to meet you in person, I want to

I look forward to a wonderful year of working with

introduce myself. My name is Alice Geng, and I am

service-minded, passionate, and creative leaders.

from the Minnesota-Dakotas District! I am a rising

Together, we can impact Key Club and ultimately the

senior at Mayo High School in Rochester, MN and

world. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me! Let's

going into my fourth year as a key Clubber. In my

make our year unforgettably great!

free time, I enjoy being outdoors with my dog, following professional basketball, and trying out new

Yours in service and friendship,

foods. As your International Trustee, I want

Alice Geng


Review: Icon 2018 Article by Phillip Batov Divison 10 “Nothing can compare to what a lifetime experience ICON is.” The Key Club International Convention is the epitome of the ideal Key Club celebration. Hosted in varying locations from year to year, ICON not only commemorates the closing of a service year, but it cements the foundation for the future of Key Club. Members have the opportunity to enact change through an election of a new international board, a vote for new bylaws or amendments, and a discussion of ways to improve individual divisions and districts based on peer-advice. ICON breeds collaboration. Members with officers. Key Clubbers with Circle K. Kiwanis with Key Clubbers.


Whatever the combination is, both parties undoubtedly benefit. ICON hosts countless amounts of these collaborative sessions, from pin exchanges to dances. It is during these sessions that a Key Clubber can realize the value their work has on the global community; how they can improve their local clubs or how their efforts can help improve the clubs of others. It is important to note that collaboration requires observing the differences between the collaborators and finding a way to synthesize everyone’s contributions into a solution that is mutually agreeable. In the case of Key Club, disputing the addition of an amendment is a proving ground. During the 2018 ICON, an amendment regarding nomination was brought to the floor for delegates to discuss. After diligent arguments from both sides echoed through the room, it was ultimately decided that the amendment be tabled. The outcome represents a principle of individuality Key Club strives to uphold: every voice must be heard, and every voice must have an impact.

Sure, collaboration is fundamentally uncontentious– but it is why delegates are chosen, why I was thrilled to attend ICON, why I became a Lieutenant Governor, and why Key Club continues to flourish. So is ICON worth the trip? Did I learn something that helped my own division? Will I be attending next year? Yes, yes, and absolutely. Fall Rally, DTC, and Divisionals are crucial for all key clubbers, but they lack the luster of ICON. Is that a

bad thing? Of course not! It makes ICON the incredible event it is and the reason thousand fill up the hotel auditorium each year. I chose one element that stood out above all at ICON– collaboration– but each member eventually finds their own. So should I attend ICON next year? I say go for it. But ultimately it is up to you to decide what Key Club means to you and how far you want to go.


Icon 2018 July 4 - 8 Baltimore, MD, usa Join us at the biggest event of the Key Club year! We’ll celebrate the amazing things Key Club members do with more than 1,500 students from all across the world. You’ll also have the opportunity to: Bond with your friends, travel to and from International Convention with your district, share innovative service project and fundraising ideas, listen to amazing speakers, learn about service leadership, train for your leadership position, elect next year’s Key Club International Board., discover new charities and organizations you and your club can team up with., and have fun and make memories and friendships that last a lifetime! Save the date!



A couple of weeks ago, Key Clubbers from all over the world gathered in Chicago for our annual International Convention, commonly known as ICON, and for the first time in my 3 years in Key Club, I was one of those Key Clubbers as well. I had heard from some of my friends that it would be fun, but it always seemed like an trip I would never attend. However, as the new LTG for our division, I finally found my reason to go! So, I signed up, met with the others who were attending, and together we landed in Chicago, began our week of non-stop activities, and came out of it smiling and having enjoyed every single second of it. At the beginning of the trip, I was a little nervous about meeting other Key Clubbers. I wasn’t sure what they’d be like. However, since we were one of the first districts


to arrive at the hotel, we got to see as each district slowly began to arrive for the conference. I was pleased to find that everyone was super nice, and I even made friends that I still talk to now. Since we didn’t eat in organized sessions, we were able to go out into Chicago and eat and bond with the new people we met. Even though most of the week was jam packed with Key Club things, we were still able to do a little sightseeing around the city. We went to the Field Museum, Navy Pier, an escape room, and even the famous Bean! At every location we took a ton of pictures, thanks to our resident photographers, Anthony and Thomas! While all those places were amazing, I think the most memorable was when we went on our 4th of July cruise in Lake Michigan.

The night began really nicely, but once we were on the water and it began to get dark, we started to see lighting. Not a very good sign when you’re on the top deck of a boat! Soon it began to storm, and, to stay out of the rain, most of us huddled along the edge of the boat, which was slightly covered by the top deck, but still not completely dry. Let’s just say we all got super soaked, but had fun nonetheless! Once the actual conference began, I was absolutely amazed. The first day was spirit wars, in which every district got to show off their spirit. Many brought costumes, fun shirts, hats, and the Capital district even gave out stickers. While New York did not have the most

spirit at the conference, I certainly enjoyed seeing everyone else, learning their mascots, and most of all, trading pins! In the weeks leading up to ICON, I had heard about this tradition of trading pins at ICON. I never really thought much of it, but when we arrived and I saw it in action, I totally understood why everyone loves it. While trading, I was able to meet so many more people. All you had to do was go up to someone, and introduce yourself and go, “Hey! Want to trade pins?!” and most people responded with a yes and a smile. I even ended up walking around with some people from the WisconsinUpper Michigan District and Kentucky-Tennessee District!

Looking back, I had so much fun, and I can’t believe it all happened in just one week! There were some similarities to LTC, like sessions, keynotes, and awards, but there was so much more. I would definitely recommend that any Key Clubber should go to ICON, even if only just to look at your Snap Maps and see the entire country covered with Bitmojis!



70TH ANNUAL LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE. BY PETER ALEGRE EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT For so many Key Clubbers, LTC is where they find their “moment”. The moment where they realize exactly why it's worth waking up at 6 am for a service project, the moment they feel their passion is validated. It’s a moment of reflection. A moment of pride, that by being in Key Club - you can change lives. Every year, I never expect what can happen. Every year, I’m moved to tears. Every year, I reflect exactly how much I love Key Club. The weekend is truly oriented to ensuring every single attendee enjoys a quality experience. Insightful workshops led by Lieutenant Governors teach you valuable lessons you can bring to your own Key Club’s.


The memories I made at LTC are the ones I’ll always cherish. Within your community, you’re usually not aware of Key Club’s beyond your own or your division at all. At LTC, I met people who had the same passion from Long Island, Upstate, and Western NY only because of Key Club. Our experiences shape who we are, and are essential to Key Club’s success. As different as we are, we are still united by one purpose - a dedication to serving our home, school, and community. LTC revitalizes that drive for service in your home clubs and yourself. It’s hard for me to describe exactly how much it means to me, and I can never feel I do it justice. Every member regardless of who or where they are, should come to LTC to celebrate service. Give it a chance - you don’t know how one weekend can change your life.

NEW FRIENDSHIPS BY JUSTIN WIMBUSH DIVISION 12 The 2017-18 New York Leadership Training Conference was the most exciting Key Club event I’ve been to this year. Becoming Lieutenant Governor was an obvious highlight, however meeting key clubbers from all over New York and hearing their service project ideas during Playfair inspired me to become a better Key Clubber. After this experience, I became much more social and am able to now communicate effectively with my fellow key clubbers. One of my most memorable experiences at LTC would have to be the Awards Ceremony, where Key Clubbers were recognized for all their hard work. Seeing Key Clubbers burst into tears inspired me to motivate Key Clubbers


from my own Division to not only work hard to make an impact, but also to set an example for other Key Clubbers in the District. Another highlight from LTC was how Kiwanians communicated with Key Clubbers. I have always felt disconnected to Kiwanis however Kiwanians at LTC make sure to share their stories involving service and stories from their adolescent days as key clubbers. It was also inspiring to see their smile while talking about their service. Being able to see how many people find joy in serving others makes me never want to stop in serving my community. LTC is a time where Key Clubbers can share stories, experiences and even make new friends. I never expected to make friends from Upstate New York and Long Island being a New York City native myself. It opens your eyes to the diversity of key club and the joy of servitude. It was a humbling experience and I would not trade it for anything in the world.


8 1 0 2 C T L


When? March 29th - 31st, 2019 Be sure to mark the date on your calendar!


Why? To connect with Key Clubbers from all over New York District! LTC will be a weekend full of recognition, workshops, and fun! You'll also be able to elect next year's District Executive Board!

Where? The Desmond Hotel in Albany, New York!

Service is having the courage to put others before yourself. I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.


Fun Night Norwood - Norfolk Key Club Division 24 By: Jaron Belmore


In June, Norwood - Norfolk Key Club held their end of the year Fun Night. A Fun Night is when our school invites all the middle school kids to the cafeteria where we have food, games, and contests. We hold these about 4 times a year, however our biggest one is The End Of The Year Fun Night. We have this in the cafeteria and outside. While planning for Fun Night, our Club Committee responsible for planning has to plan for many things. We have concession, water slides, and a variety of games like balloon pop, plinko, and many more. Fun Nights are our biggest events because we have around 75 - 100 kids every Fun Night. Key Clubbers can buy tickets for games and tickets for food. Each game costs a few tickets each and if they win that particular game,

they receive a free baked good, or a free drink. But most of the kids just like to hang out with their friends and dance. Every kid that I have ever talked to about the Fun Night has always really enjoyed them, especially the end of the year Fun Night. The kids come down to the cafeteria right after school and they can go on the water slides and try and dunk Key Clubbers in the dunk tank. This year we had the honor to have the Governor join us for the event. Erica got dunked a couple times and got to experience what the event is like. At the very end the Key Clubbers get to have a little fun themselves. We always order the water slides for an extra half hour and all of the Key Clubbers get to go down them. At Fun Night,Â

"Key Clubbers get to celebrate all the great things they have done the past service year" Overall, we have an awesome time together and it's always great to see everyone come out each year.Â

NFA Key Club (pictured left)

NFA Key Clubbers creating arts & crafts (pictured below)

21ST ANNUAL NICU BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Newburgh Free Academy Key Club Division 13 At the 21st Annual NICU Birthday Celebration, I

The director of the event, Natassia Donohue

met a little girl named Olivia. Olivia came to Key

messaged me saying, “To see you and your

Club’s arts and crafts station and stood right

friends be so conscious of the community

next to me. As she played with beads, she asked

and wanting to give back is inspiring to

curiously, “Were you born in the NICU?” I looked

everyone. It means a lot to us to have your

down at her and replied, “No, I wasn’t.” She

support, after all, your generation is the

hummed. “I was. I almost died.” Hearing that

future! Keep doing good!”

stunned me. Olivia was so nonchalant about it too. I could only think to reply with, “It’s good

I hope Key Clubbers around the world

that you’re alive.” The 21st Annual NICU Birthday

continue to impact their community. As the

Celebration celebrated the lives of the babies

saying goes, a little help goes a long way.

born in the NICU of St. Luke’s Cornwall Hospital since the year of 1997. NFA Key Club was present

Article by Jacqueline Aquino

with an arts & crafts station as well as an indoor

NFA Key Club’s Secretary

basketball game, which was a success.


Divisional Service Project: Dog Toys Divisions 5 and 6 Article By Caroline Casella On August 23, Divisions Five & Six held a joint divisional at the North Merrick Public Library. During this divisional, we had a service project, which was making dog toys to donate to a local animal shelter. After collecting many old t-shirts, we cut up strips of all different colors to twist and braid together. These were then tied at both ends and put into a bag. I had such an amazing time making the dog toys because not only were they going to make a dog very happy, it was also extremely fun to make. While we were making the toys, I was able to talk to Key Clubbers from both Division Five and Division Six, and made a bunch of new friends. This was such a fun service experience and I look forward to bringing it back to my home club, so that they can both help the animal shelter and have as much fun doing it as I did.

Backpack Frenzy! Midwood HS Key Club Division 9


On August 22nd, Midwood students took on the wary streets of 77th Street and New Utrecht Avenue. Bordering the high school, New Utrecht, and right beneath the busy train station of the 79th Street Stop, we gave away 500 backpacks, full of school supplies. For middle schoolers they received a larger backpack filled with color pencils, packs of pencils, spiral notebooks, folders, and pencil cases whilst elementary kids took the joy of

taking packs of crayons, composition notebooks, cute Elisa scissors or Transformers erasers. Students stood beneath the covering of two tents, four tables, dancing away to old music from 11 am all the way to 3 pm. Attendees came with pre-registered tickets with colors to designate what group they can pick up supplies in, orange for elementary kids and green for middle school kids. It was a joy to let kids pick their favorite colored folders, help them pick certain designs on their scissors, and interacting with the community.

"KEY LEADER: AN EMPOWERING, INSPIRING, AND INFLUENTIAL EXPERIENCE." Key Leader is a Kiwanis-Sponsored weekend that builds leadership, character, and service in today's youth, specifically Key Clubbers! Selected Key Clubbers who attend the program will learn the most important lesson of leadership—it comes from helping others succeed.

Key Leader was an extraordinary experience from my point of view. Many of my peers who attended knew that we would be sleeping in sleeping bags and would be showering in shared bathrooms and were not very fond of this fact. But when we got to the camp, the Moshulu Day camp, we were surprised to see it was worse then our initial expectations. The rooms were like separate tiny houses which looked like no one had lived in them for the past 100 years and were covered in spiderwebs. We were all afraid that the weekend would be a challenging one. On the first day, we started to socialize with many people from other divisions. This was my first time with exposure to people of different divisions.

Through the leadership classes, eating good food, exploring the camp, and at the very end enjoying a beautiful campfire, we found a new family in just 2 nights, these people who we never met and wouldn’t meet if it weren’t for Key Leader became some of my closest friends. This was also the point I started to take Key Club very seriously and decided to run for my divisions Lieutenant Governor. Key Leader was honestly a life changing experience that transformed me not only as a Key Clubber, but as a leader. Article by Nafis Noor Division 8A



CHILDREN'S MIRACLE NETWORK "More than 10 million kids enter a children’s hospital like your local children's hospital every year. To provide the best care, children’s hospitals rely on donations and community support, as Medicaid & insurance programs do not fully cover care. Since 1983, CMN Hospitals have helped fill those funding gaps by raising more than $5 billion, most of it $1 at a time through Miracle Balloon icon campaigns. Its fundraising partners and programs support the nonprofit’s mission to save and improve the lives of as many children as possible." Key Club members work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals

IHOP NATIONAL PANCAKE DAY Every dollar raised benefits Children's Miracle Network Hospitals! In partnership with Kiwanis International, IHOP National Pancake Day raises awareness and funding for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals everywhere. Key Clubbers are encouraged to go out, volunteer at their local IHOP, and raise donations to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children and families everywhere! All of the money raised on IHOP's National Pancake day goes towards helping children battling critical illness in CMN Hospitals.


UNICEF "UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. Working with other United Nations bodies, governments and non-governmental organizations, UNICEF helps to provide for children’s needs in more than 150 developing countries through community-based services in primary health care, basic education and safe water and sanitation." Key Clubbers support UNICEF's goals by trickor-treating during October. Key Clubbers are encouraged to take part in Trick-Or-Treating to help raise funds for UNICEF!

MARCH OF DIMES "For 80 years, March of Dimes has helped millions of babies survive and thrive. Now we’re building on that legacy to level the playing field for all moms and babies, no matter their age, socio-economic background or demographics. We support moms throughout their pregnancy, even when everything doesn’t go according to plan. We advocate for policies that prioritize their health. We support radical improvements to the care they receive. " Since the 1940s, Key Clubs have worked with March of Dimes to make a positive impact in the lives of babies everywhere. This culture of service is continuous through support for the March of Dimes all year long by hosting service projects, raising funds and educating communities about the crisis of preterm birth.


District Project ONE TREE PLANTED

For every dollar donated, One Tree Planted pledges to plant one tree. One Tree Planted is a non-profit organization that aims to tackle deforestation and environmental destruction by planting trees, one at a time. This organization plants trees in North America, South America, Asia, and Africa. Many of the regions where they plant trees are places that have suffered forest fires and floods. In the process, One Tree Planted has a greater impact as well; they're able to create jobs, build communities, and protect habitats all over the world.

Fundraising Goal: $6,000.00

Governor's Project COMFORT CASES Comfort Cases is an organization that strives to provide backpacks with daily essentials to children in the foster care system. Their inspiration comes from the belief that every child deserves to feel a sense of dignity - which comes from the fact that a foster child is able to call a special bag his own. With this in mind, the charity provides daily essentials such as lotion, books, pencils, pajamas, toothpaste, soap, stuffed animals, and more to foster youth around the United States.

Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00 30

Youth Opportunities Fund 1. WHAT IS IT? The Youth Opportunities Fund is an endowed fund for Key Club International, given by Kiwanis International. The fund helps Key Clubbers serve their communities by providing grants for service opportunities.

Norwood - Norfolk's Fun-Night HSMSE X LaGuardia's Volleyball Tournament & Picnic

2. WHY APPLY? Have a service project idea? Need funding? YOF grants can help you take action! Look around and identify service that needs to be done in your school, community or the world. Then apply for a grant. 3. WHO CAN APPLY? YOF grants are only given to Key Clubs and/or individual club members. Grants are not given to divisions or districts. 4. IS THERE A LIMIT TO THE AMOUNT OF MONEY I CAN REQUEST? Grant amounts between $100 to $2,000 may be requested. 5. HOW DO I APPLY? Key Club members can apply for the YOF grant here: 6. WHEN IS THE DEADLINE TO APPLY? WHEN SHOULD I EXPECT TO HEAR BACK? The deadline to apply is October 15 at 11:59 PM, EST. Grant applicants are emailed of outcomes the first week of January.


NY District Board Directory 2018-19 Executive Board

Governor Erica Swirsky

Executive Assistant Anthony Guan


Amit Narang


Fahad Nabi


Executive Assistant Peter Alegre


Trisha Melton


Unice Colon

NY District Board Directory 2018-19 Lieutenant Governors

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

Division 4N

Dominic Bossey

Anson Zhou

Anna Brun

Hannah Kareff

Division 5

Division 6

Division 8

Division 8A

Caroline Casella

Andrew Jean-Paul

Asia Lin

Nafis Noor

Division 9

Division 10

Division 11

Division 12

Flora Tsui

Phillip Batov

Mara Yella

Justin Wimbush

Division 13 Deeya Modhwadiya

Division 14 Jackson Small


NY District Board Directory 2018-19 Lieutenant Governors

Division 15

Division 16

Division 17

Division 18

Sawyer Cantz

Vicki Rosenburg

Morgan Hotaling

Luz Febrillet

Division 19

Division 20

Division 21

Division 23

Geo Silverstri

Camille Brock

Macy Missigman

Natalie Vinton

Division 24

Division 25

Division 26

Division 27

Jaron Belmore

Andrew Beehler

Nyles Panus

Katherine Terryberry

District Liaison


Divisions 4S, 7, 22 Hugh-Jay Yu

ISSUE 1 • SUMMER 2018 • 2018-19

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