The Empire Key | January/February/March 2020 | Issue 5

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E R I P M E KEY trict New York Dis b Key Clu

Issue 5 | January - March | 2019-2020

Key Club has provided me with not only service opportunities, but lifelong lessons and forever friendships, and for that, I'm forever grateful. Camille Brock District Governor



a note from the

Happy end-ofservice-year, NYDKC!

Here it is: the final newsletter of the 2019-20 service year! It has been an absolute honor working with the district board to represent our awesome empire. And I don’t use that word lightly: this past year, you have all shown how New York high schoolers can make a big impact, with over 13,000 members achieving over 100,000 hours of service and raising over $170,000 to various charitable causes! I hope that you all, the readers, have enjoyed my newsletters. From Long Island, to the city, to upstate, I’ve done my best to make sure nearly every division has been represented— thank you to everyone who has sent in articles. Your achievements are surely


recognized throughout the district. See what your fellow New York Key Clubbers have accomplished—was your division featured? your club? even you? While I'm truly sad that I cannot meet you all at a would-be Leadership Training Conference, our health and safety come first. (And while I'm at it, a few reminders: Wash your hands, people! Don’t hoard perishables! Don't let this outbreak fuel hatred against others! Stay connected with friends virtually, but keep physical distance!)

I don’t want you to look back on this service year badly just because of no LTC. Don’t forget the awesome work that you all have achieved this past year, and don't stop the service. That's what’s more important, really: the experiences and growth you’ve had, not the final ceremony.

Signing off one last time, Angelo Lontok 2019-20 District Editor

Thankfully, though, we have worked hard in providing for all of you a virtual experience for you all, from virtual House of Delegates and workshops to videos from Governor Camille regarding awards, and even an end-of-service-year video!


Virtual LTC End-of-Year Recap



table of




Executive Board & Trus Core Values 2019-20 Statistics District Committees Virtual LTC 2020-21 Executive Offic International Conventi


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service tlights


Newburgh Free Academy Maine Endwell High School Albany High School Huntington High School Saranac High School


Featured Members International Partners District Partners Directory Gallery & Pledge

17 18 19 20


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Hello New York District Key Club! Can you believe that we’ve already reached the end of another service year?! This year has definitely flown by, but it’s been a phenomenal one. From traveling and meeting many of you to working with my board, I have loved every minute of it. We have made such amazing memories together and a huge impact on our homes, schools, and communities, so thank you for allowing me this experience. It has been such an honor to serve as your District Governor. This past month hasn’t been the most traditional end to our service year, but that doesn’t make it any less meaningful. We were still able to celebrate with “Virtual LTC!” I hope you all were able to check it out. If you haven’t, please visit nydkc/virtual-ltc/ to learn more.


Now, my time as District Governor has come to an end, so that means my time in Key Club is ending as well. It’s encouraged me to look back on my time in this organization and take away the biggest lessons I’ve learned. I wanted to share these with you today.

First, don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. I know so many people say this, but it’s true. If I had never stepped outside of my comfort zone, I wouldn’t be your District Governor. Taking on running for a position like this was super daunting to me and at first I didn’t trust myself. But, stepping outside of my comfort zone brought me to do so, and here we are. This decision was one of the best and most rewarding decisions I have ever made, and it all happened because I stepped outside of my comfort zone. Second, cherish every moment. This year flew by so fast, but it brought me so many great memories and I experienced some of my most defining moments as a leader and as an individual. Even though I may be moving on to the next chapter of my life, I will forever cherish these moments. Hold on to what you have while you have it. And lastly, you are never alone. This organization is so much more than just a high school club. There are hundreds of thousands of people of all

all different ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities here with us. No matter where we go in life, we’ll always be a member of the Kiwanis Family. They’ll always be here to catch us if we fall. They are some of the most dedicated and selfless individuals I have ever met, and are always willing to support us no matter what. I know that wherever I end up, the Kiwanis Family will always be behind me, and for that, I’m forever grateful. I will never be able to express how grateful I am for the experience Key Club has provided me. I have grown as a leader and an individual, met some of my best friends, and met some of the most inspiring individuals throughout my journey

and they’ve all taught me the same thing: no matter how young you are, you can change the world. Key Clubbers, keep changing the world. You are inspiring so many individuals while doing so. I am forever proud of you - thank you for such an incredible journey.

Yours forever in service, Camille Brock 2019-20 District Governor


Hello New York District Key Club! The end of the ‘19-’20 service year is here. As sad as I am, this year, we have a total of 105,167 service hours! Although we didn’t reach our goals this year, it is still amazing! Thank you to everyone who went out of their time to volunteer to help us reach this number.

I hope everyone is staying safe. It has been devastating to all of us that the virus has made us cancel LTC. However, we have continued to celebrate the accomplishments of this year on our website so make sure to check it out.

With the end, I would like to say that I thoroughly enjoyed being your District Secretary this year. Thank you all for your support this year. Working with everyone on the board has been wonderful. Being secretary definitely wasn’t smooth sailing: I dealt with a lot of personal problems, but going to board meetings definitely lifted my mood. Thank you to the entire executive board, and the rest of the district board. Thank you for being my support.

Thank you again for the opportunity to serve you guys. Stay safe and happy!

Yours in service, Linna Cheung 2019-20 District Secretary


Hello NYDKC!

I hope everyone is doing safe and well. I’m sad that we weren’t able to host LTC this year, but that doesn’t definitely doesn’t define how our service year was, or how the next one will be. All your hard work fundraising won’t be forgotten, and I hope your clubs will be able to progress even further next year. Here are some goal updates:

We’ve raised $178,196 this past service year! This wouldn’t have been possible without you, and I hope that we raise even more next service year. Thank you to all the treasurers who worked tirelessly hosting fundraisers for their home club. We also have nearly 11,500 members and 230 clubs paid. Thank you to all the clubs who promoted Key Club within their school and were


able to expand their clubs. There were issues with Key Club international’s website this year, but I’m glad we were able to go through it together.

Key Club experience as I had, and remember to always dream big and shoot for the stars. I’ll leave you guys with this quote.

Thank you for everything, Key Club. It’s been an honor serving as your District Treasurer. I was able to learn so much from being District Treasurer, and meet so many new people. Stepping into Key Club, I would’ve never expected to be in such a position, and stepping into this position, I was apprehensive of how I’d do. But here we are, 12 months later, and I am so glad I took the jump. I cherish every moment I have with Key Club, from the midnight work to speaking to a room full of people at my region’s Fall Rally. I hope everyone had a phenomenal

“Hey, you never know!” –New York Lottery This is obviously not the end, but an opening for new things. I hope to see you soon.

Yours in care and service, Anthony Lim 2019-20 District Treasurer

external executive assistant

Hello NYDKC,

This is sadly my last time being in the Empire Key. I have been so grateful for being able to spend my senior year as your Executive Assistant! I am so glad that I have been able to do all the things I have through my four years in Key Club! Even though LTC was cancelled, I still am so grateful for all the memories I have made throughout the years. Key Club has been a very important thing in my life and to see the impact we made this year is awesome. Being your executive assistant was so much fun. I had the opportunity to serve with the best board ever and make some awesome memories. I am thankful for every member of the board for being

so awesome and always serving their home, school, and community to the best of their ability. Shout out to Governor Camille for always being there for me and being one of my best friends! Thank you, NYDKC, for all the things that you have accomplished this service year. To be able to serve on the district board two years in a row and see the tremendous growth is amazing! Once again thank you for everything NYDKC has done this service year and continue being great!!

Yours in service and gratitude,

Jaron Belmore 2019-20 Executive Assistant

internal executive assistant

Hello NYDKC,

This is my last update addressing you all. It has been a great service year with all of you. I want to start by thanking everyone that I've met for Key Club memorable and all the dedicated members for making this service year successful.


As we are transitioning from old to new boards from the district, divisional, to the club level, make sure that immediate past officers train their successors to be prepared for what is ahead of them. This can include having a training session via Google Hangout, showing examples of your work from last year, etc.

The district has yet to install a full board. The application for appointed positions on the district executive board are still open as of this moment. This includes Internal Executive Assistant, External Executive Assistant, Bulletin Editor, and Webmaster. If you are interested, the application is posted on the district Instagram account. You are also welcomed to contact me for questions about the application (or anything else).

I am looking forward to seeing another successful service year for New York District Key Club! Best wishes to all of you!!

Yours in service,

Qianting (Tiffany) Chen 2019-20 Executive Assistant


Hello NYDKC!

I’m Ramisa Azad, which you probably know by now. I hope you all had a great service year as we’ve finally approached an end! I’m a senior at LaGuardia high school in NYC and have served as your 2019-2020 District Webmaster, designing and keeping the current official website updated for the year. Wow! I really cannot believe this is really the end. I have had the best service year this year and I wish the same for you all as well! We’ve completed a lot as a district so far and I am honored to have served alongside you guys in our best year yet. Our district board executives and committees have achieved a lot and have been working really hard to achieve the district goals and to prepare for all the big events, which sadly was short of LTC this year (which would’ve had the highest turnout of members in a long time!). However, I have met some amazing people and made the best memories in the process and cannot fathom how much serving in Key Club has

impacted my life. I gained so much more than what I could’ve imagined during my 3 years at Key Club. Underclassmen, please stay active within your clubs and positions. Trust me, you will regret it if you don’t! Believe in the process and take every opportunity you have even if you think you may not be qualified. I learned this by taking a leap and it worked out greatly! I encourage you all to also build meaningful relationships within your communities and savor this precious moment. Go to events (as soon as the epidemic comes to a halt of course) and apply for that role you never thought you could achieve! Seniors, good luck with whatever the future holds and everyone else, I hope you have another amazing service year ahead! I will deeply miss you all.

Yours in service and gratitude, Ramisa Azad 2019-20 District Webmaster

international trustee to NY

Hey New York!

This is my last time Camilly-Brockin with y'all and, quite frankly, it’s extremely bittersweet. To the board and to those to follow in your footsteps, you did it. You’ve made a whole year as some of the busiest, most dedicated, most pro-active people out there… and to that, I congratulate you and am proud of you!

And as much as I’d love to hang on- onto some of the most awesome presidents I’ve had the pleasure to meet and speak to, the funniest and most kind-hearted members, the most aspirational board, the littest execs a.k.a homies, and one of my dearest friends, Madame Governor Camille Brock- a wise stranger I met on my flight to New York Tri-K once read a book with a back cover I happened to catch a glance of


that said: “if you’re brave enough to say goodbye you’ll be welcomed with a new hello.” Cheesy… I know.

other up these last few moments of the term continue to give back to those who have taught us that caring truly is our way of life.

Cheese aside, I hope that what this board has accomplished together and the Kiwanis Family members and service that surround you inspire you to seek higher office and be the Key Clubber you want to be. With a new term upon our hands, this is your chance to say hello to a term full of new opportunities, new friends, and new lessons. Aspire to be like the Key Clubber that inspires you. Aspire to be the person that catapults someone else’s Key Club career. Let’s build each

I’ll see you at International Convention this July in San Francisco for some even cheesier stand-up comedy. See you around New York, and when you get the chance, reach out to your retiring officers and say thank you.

Service IS forever,

Irin Shim 2019-20 International Trustee to NY

our core values














12,000 11

S E T A UPD committee


Heads: AJ Zheng / Div. 8 LTG, Kiln Chen / Div. 11 LTG

Hey Key Clubbers! Thank you to all that applied for awards. While awards were originally planned to be presented at this year's Leadership Training Conference, awards recipients can be viewed through our “Virtual LTC." Be sure to check out the videos and the program here:


k-family relations

Head: Jaylene Noviello / Div. 22 LTG NYDKC, as our final chapter closes for the 2019-2020 service year, I want to direct your club's attention to our district website and under the “About Us" section, you will find a tab called “Kiwanis Family" where all of our resources are listed. I hope you find these helpful in the future. Thank you and I hope you all stay healthy and safe during times like this.


Head: Julia Segal / Div. 3 LTG

We've compiled a “Membership Legacy Drive” to document everything that we have done in order to assist next year’s committee. We also finished up our Membership Retention Tracker and now have a record of our district’s membership over the past 5 service years. We are now completing the list of prospective clubs that we started at the beginning of the service year with more accurate information and are aiming to finish up a Membership Survey that we started a few weeks back as well. We are hoping for a strong end to our service year and are very proud of everything we accomplished!

endorsed projects

Head: Anthony Lim / Treasurer

Thank you so much for a great service year. We’ve made significant progress in fundraising for our Endorsed Projects over the service year. Shout out to Stuyvesant Key Club (Division 11) for raising the most for Special Olympics New York, Project Semicolon, Kamp Kiwanis, and Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center. Shout out to Bronx Science Key Club (Division 11) for raising the most for Kiwanis Lyme Disease Foundation. Nearly $21,000 was raised for all of our endorsed projects.

events engagement

Head: David DeRienzo / Div. 6 LTG Overall, the Events Engagement Committee is very happy about the successful year we had. As a district, we saw eight different Fall Rallies, which all enjoyed a number of members coming together to have a great time. As a committee, we also set a lot of resources for next year's committee to hopefully function even better and achieve even more. For now, that seems like all. Thank you all!




The New York District's 72nd annual Leadership Training Conference was scheduled to be held from March 27th–29th. Due to the spread of COVID-19, it was not held—but the district worked hard to bring to the members a virtual experience! Go on the link below to view messages from the governor, information about prerecorded workshops, and to see the list of awards recipients.

2020-21 Executive Officers Elections for governor, secretary, treasurer, and endorsement for international positions were all held online on Sunday, March 29 over Zoom. Congratulations to the winners:

Jason Xiong 2020-21 Secretary Stuyvesant HS Division 11

Mariam Makar 2020-21 Governor Tottenville HS Division 10

Winnie Huang 2020-21 Treasurer Stuyvesant HS Division 11

Want to serve on the district board, too? We are accepting applications for bulletin editor, webmaster, and executive assistant, due by 5 PM on April 10th!

Executive Assistant(s): prb62TmQYfBAZOGcxT0dLNn6N/view 14

Bulletin Editor: 8cFP0tE96CzNIA7IZOnsx2xwF4/view

Webmaster: VTlT3OyHfLVMsJqm8EsRF2g1hC/view

l a n o i l t a a n n o r i e t t a n n I r 0 e t 2 n 0 I 2 2020 n o i t n n e o v i n t o n C e v Con

Join us at the biggest event of the Key Club year! We’ll celebrate the amazing things Key Club members do with students from all around the world. Travel to and from International Convention with your district. Share innovative service project and fundraising ideas. Listen to amazing speakers and learn about service leadership. Train for your leadership position. Elect next year’s Key Club International Board. Discover new organizations you and your club can team up with. Have fun and make memories that last a lifetime. See the sites in San Francisco.

service by the bay: July 1–5, 2020


Madison and Murrow Fight Hunger

Rowan Almuntaser Division 9 In the event, we were able to package 5,0 Every bag provided 10 meals for a family o person. We were also able to learn more a and the meaning behind the services that daily lives.

The packaging for the Muslims Against H allows for those who don't know when the next mean to have access to food that the This program has been around 2000 wor ending the fight of human hunger.

Even though we were here for two hours, we could feel the g impact we had on other famil

Bayside & the Lunar New Year Parade

Asia Lin Division 8 The Better Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade was held on February 9th, 2020 at Chinatown’s Sara D. Roosevelt Park. From various communities, thousands of people gathered together to spend a day filled with vibrant lanterns, beautifully-colored confetti, and joy. To commemorate a new beginning and a fresh start, Key Clubbers played a major part by volunteering to set up, assist the stage, man-power the dragons, and break down the parade. By attending the parade, I was able to see the Kiwanis float, and be one of the many supporters towards Chinatown’s Kiwanis along with Circle K members and Key Clubbers. As a result, the Lunar New Year Parade helped to bring the Asian-American community together, all while educating individuals about the Chinese culture.


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NFA's t h g i N l a n o i t a n r e t n I Briana Hutchinson Division 13 On February 28th, the Newburgh Free Academy Key Club held their third annual International Night. Held at the NFA North Campus cafe, the event consisted of al large dinner with donated foods from a diverse array of cultures and nations. The event also included various musical acts, crafts, and dance performances. Guests were able to explore different parts of the world and sample a variety of the ethnic foods.

It was so heartwarming to see everyone's support.

This year, $750 was collected to help another one of Newburgh's annual service projects: the annual St. Luke's Baby Shower. In years past, the NFA Key Club and Newburgh Kiwanis Cub collected and donated items such as car seats, clothes, toys, and books to the local NICU and maternal wing at St. Luke's Hospital, actively ensuring that no baby goes home without meeting their basic needs. The International Night was well received by numerous Key Clubbers and other participants.


Maine Endwell Writes Cards

Abigail Wheeler Division 20 In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, our members have been making supportive cards from home to support medical personnel and nursing home residents during this difficult time. So far we have sent out nearly 50 letters!

The RED Bookshelf is an orga based in Albany, NY that aim ensure that each child in Alb own books to equips them w tools for better literacy.

& S H y n a b l A d e R e th f l e h s Book 18

Jenna Vinoya Division 16 LTG The Bright Red Bookshelf Program came February 2009 as a neighborhood literac the Center Square Association. Through word got out, bookshelves were added, a neighbors and friends supported the pro the Bright Red Bookshelf Program of Alb incorporated as The RED Bookshelf, an i nonprofit.

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Huntington's K-Factor Julia Segal Division 3 LTG On February 28th, I was lucky enough to help out with my school’s K-Factor talent show for the fourth year in a row.

K-Factor started in honor of a student at my school who passed away after a battle with cancer nine years ago to help her family pay for treatment, and it has been a yearly tradition at Huntington High School since.

This year, the show was held in honor of Rachel Antorino, the daughter of a teacher at our school who passed away due to cancer. All funds raised at the event were donated to Rachel’s Dance for The Cure, an organization started in her honor. This KFactor talent show featured over twenty amazing acts, and over fifty prize baskets were raffled off thanks to donations from local businesses. I absolutely loved planning K-Factor this year. The event is always such a powerful reminder of the impact that community involvement can have, and this this year‘s was one of the more successful ones, raising over $10,000, so I feel very fortunate to have been a part of it. I hope that even after I go off to college, I will be able to come back for this amazing event!


Saranac's Big Buddies

Rosemary Crowley Division 14 Periodically, a group of around 20-30 underprivileged elementary school kids is brought over to the high school. A high school student “buddies up” with an elementary student. Then, we have a snack and do an activity. In the past we have gone bowling, had a St. Patrick's Day scavenger hunt, decorated Christmas cookies, made Valentines, and had a turkey relay race. My all-time favorite Big Buddies was our Halloween Party, when we played games in the gym with the little buddies and had a toilet paper mummy contest. The little buddies were timed to see who could turn their big buddy into the most mummified mummy during the time frame. Big Buddies can be stressful at times, but I have to remind myself that it's just a bunch of elementary school kids who aren't concerned with details and just want to have fun. This event has built relationships between older and younger kids. Sometimes I will see one of my little buddies around town and say hi. It's also a fun experience for everyone, and both the older and younger kids look forward to it. I highly recommend other schools to start a Big Buddies program in their school too!





Vincent Huang Stuyvesant High School Division 11

Alice Petriovsky New Dorp High School Division 10

Caroline Stenard Albany High School Division 16




Thirst Project

The Thirst Project seeks to provide clean drinking water to communities around the world, focusing on bringing water to the entirety of Eswatini by 2022.

Landscape Structures

Landscape Structures works to bring high-quality playground equipment to children worldwide.


Nickelodeon encourages kids to be more active and have a positive impact on the world, with their Worldwide Day of Play and Get Dirty campaigns.

U.S. Army

The U.S. Army enables people to receive advanced education debt-free and become empowered leaders, through programs such as the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC).

Up With People

Up With People seeks to inspire youth worldwide to make a difference through volunteering and musical performances in various communities worldwide.

Squads Abroad

Squads Abroad enables teenagers to volunteer abroad and make a positive impact on the health and education of developing communities.

Kiwanis Gives Online 22

Kiwanis Gives Online is a crowdfunding platform designed for Key Club, helping to manage campaigns and rewarding those who donate.

President's Project

The Eliminate Project Goal: $360,000 The Eliminate Project is a joint effort between Kiwanis and UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus worldwide. In 2015, the International Board pledged $3 million to fundraise.

Four years later, we have about $800K remaining before we reach that goal. Last year, Key Clubbers worldwide raised $340K, and we hope to top that by raising another $360K.

Preferred Charities

Children's Miracle Network

Children's Miracle Network Hospitals raises money to support children's hospitals, research, and to raise awareness of children's health issues.

March of Dimes

March of Dimes addresses health threats to both mothers and children by educating both medical professionals and the public, supporting research, and providing comfort and support to families.


UNICEF is an organization within the United Nations dedicated to children. The organization works in developing countries to provide healthcare, education, and safe water and sanitation.

Collaborative Partners

K Corps

K Corps is a youth exchange program for Key Clubbers organized with Kiwanis International, working with Japanese host families.

Project Happiness

Project Happiness is committed to promoting mental wellness through resources based on neuroscience, psychology, and mindfulness.


T C I R T DIS S T C E J PRO Endorsed Projects Submitting funds for endorsed projects: Make the check payable to "New York Key Club Foundation" and write the club’s name, division, and which charity the funds are for in the memo box


Kamp Kiwanis

This is a wilderness camp that seeks to provide children, including those with special needs, with a unique camping experience filled with team-building exercises.

Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation

Kiwanis is committed to improving the health of children. This organization helps pay for medical treatment for children with Lyme Disease, a brain disease caused by bacteria often from a deer tick.

Mail the check to either Mr. John Goldstein at 590 Mullock Road, Port Jervis, NY, 12771 or Mr. Jason Steiner at 68-36 108th Street Apt. B-41, Forest Hills, NY, 11375.

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center

Submit the Fundraising Report Form!

Goal: $3500 each

These centers in North Shore, Brooklyn, Albany, and Buffalo provide emergency treatment for children, preventing deaths and disabilities with proper care.

Governor's Project New York Chapter of the Special Olympics Goal: $15,000

If you’re a fan of unity, acceptance, empowerment, dignity, pride and fun, you’re a fan of Special Olympics New York. You’re one of us.

The Special Olympics is an international sports organization for people with intellectual and physical disabilities of all ages, promoting inclusion and health.

District Project Project Semicolon Goal: $15,000

Through raising public awareness, educating communities, and equipping every person with the right tools, we know we can save lives. Project Semicolon is an organization focusing on mental health. Their goal is to prevent suicide through increased education and awareness of this public issue.


Executives Treasurer

Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant

Qian Ting Chen

Bulletin Editor


Jaron Belmore

Angelo Lontok


Camille Brock


Linna Cheung



Anthony Lim Ramisa Azad

Lieutenant Governors 1 Bianca Bossey



Sarah Varghese

Christiana Claus


Katie Ferrugia

David DeRienzo



Julia Segal




Max Coppola

8 AJ Zheng


Mariam Makar

8A Sanjeev Pal


Kiln Chen


Holden Lee


Chloe Baker


Jenna Vinoya


Zoe Van Savage



20 23

Jaylene Noviello Tatiana Solodova


Avery Blank

Aurora Hom


Brayan Guerrero


Maddie Breen




Clarissa Mbera Jordan Jackowski




Kohl Ambuske


Hailey Weber


Eian Smith

Admins District Administrator John Goldstein Assistant Administrator Michael Berthel Assistant Administrator Jason Steiner

KCI International President

K'lena Schnack International Vice President Kaitlin Cirillo International Trustee to NY Irin Shim 27

. . . E G D E L P I on my honor,

to uphold the objects of Key Club international;

to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.


Car i Our Way o ng f Life 29

Issue 5 | January - March | 2019-2020

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