The Empire Key | July/August 2015-2016 | Issue 2

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The Empire Key “Caring – Our way of life”

The Official Publication of the New York District T H E

J U L Y / A U G U S T

In this issue: 4


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New York District Key Club

Did you know? The Eliminate Project recently reached US$100 million, which equivalates to more than 55 million lives saved! We are now only $10 million away from our goal! Congrats on all of your hard work!

lorem ipsum dolor The Empire Key

issue, date August/July

Meet Your District Board! Executive Board Governor

Hanna Nichols


Zainab Nathani


Donna Yu


Tanya Hao

Executive Assistant

Matt Garber

Bulletin Editor

Angelica Mehta

Conference/Special Projects Chair

Ricardo Larios

Lieutenant Governors 1 – Yesha Dalal

13 – Daniel Suh

2 – Alexis Warren

14 – Chloe Peer

3 – Grace Zhao

15 – Cameryn Quinan

4N – Amanda Madenberg

16 – Sophia Casabonne

4S – Rohit Mathew

17 – Jillian Vertucci

5 – Maxwell Perry

18 – Michaela Mueller

6 – Joseph Maltese

19 – Nathaniel Moretz

7 – Kamran Vakil

20 – Vacant

8 – Kelly Song

21 – Grace Traino

8A – Diana Piktel

22 – Storm Mayer

9 – Ruoxin Lin

23 – Andrew Casper

10 – Rebecca Lopez

24 – Avery Sharlow

11 – Emily Li

25 – Rachael Ruhland 2

lorem ipsum dolor The Empire Key

issue, date August/July

Meet Your International Board! Rip Livingston

Amy Jiang

International President

International Trustee

Florida, Illinois-Eastern Iowa, Eastern Canada

Addison Clipfell

Ian MacDonald

International Vice President

International Trustee

Indiana, Texas-Oklahoma, Caribbean-Atlantic

Giselle Campbell

Aysha Moneer

International Trustee

International Trustee

Georgia, Minnesota-Dakotas, Utah-Idaho

Pennsylvania, West Virginia, LA-MS-West TN Anastasia Slepukhova

Bethany Downs

International Trustee

International Trustee Ohio, New England, Kansas

KIWIN’S, New York, Alabama

Heather Farley

Devin Sun

International Trustee

International Trustee

Rocky Mountain, Southwest, Michigan

Carolinas, Pacific NW, Missouri-Arkansas

Kacie Hines

Hojin Yoon

International Trustee

International Trustee

New Jersey, Wisconsin-Upper Michigan, Kentucky-Tennessee

California-Nevada-Hawaii, Bahamas, Nebriowa Clifford Young International Trustee


Capital, Jamaica, Montana

lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

A word from your Bulletin Editor Hello NYDKC! I hope you have all been enjoying these last few weeks of summer, and are getting excited for the upcoming school year! Though it may seem dreadful to soon be waking up at 6:00 AM for a long and tedious school day, there are many things to be excited about as well! For example, Key Club starts getting exciting again. You will get to meet new members and begin to form fantastic friendships and create unforgettable memories. And we can’t forget about Fall Rally! Conference/Special Projects Chair, Ricardo Larios will speak more about this later on. We recently found out that our International Trustee will be Anastasia Slepukhova from the Capital District! She will act as our liaison for us. Anastasia will be visiting the New York District at the Tri-K board meeting in November, and will also be at LTC 2016. I hope you all have an amazing rest of your summer, and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions! Yours in service, Angelica Mehta District Bulletin Editor You can contact me at


lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

A word from your International President Greetings, Key Club members! Just a few weeks ago, our organization convened in Indianapolis for our annual International Convention alongside Circle K and Kiwanis International as we celebrated Kiwanis’ centennial birthday. It was an unforgettable experience for all, and that week, I was fortunate enough to be elected President of Key Club International. As International President, my job is to lead our organization for the next year; to set the vision of what Key Club is, should be, and will be; to supervise and work with your 11 International Trustees, ensuring that they serve and work with your district properly; to unite all 33 districts under our common mission, and to do everything in my power to leave this organization better than I found it when I leave office in 2016. Key Club has had an exciting year ahead of it! We’re entering the last decade of our first 100 years. We’re working everyday to make membership larger, stronger, and an experience that leaves all 270,000 satisfied. As a Key Club member, you’ve chosen to be a part of something greater than yourself. Greater than your home club, your division, or even your district; you’ve chosen to be one of the thousands of hands Key Club International unites for the greater good around the world. As the saying goes, “United we stand; Divided we fall”: Let’s unite, Key Club. We’re a global network of smart, inspired, capable servant leaders. Can you imagine what we can do when we come together? It’s an honor to be your leader this year. I wish you the very best in all of your endeavors this school year – Key Club and otherwise – and thank you sincerely for being a Key Clubber. Let’s have a Fantastic year! Best regards, Rip Livingston President, Key Club International


lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

A word from your International Vice President Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Addison Clipfell and I’m the 2015-2016 International Vice President. I’m so excited to serve alongside Rip and all of the trustees for the upcoming year. My role as Vice President is often one of ambiguity, but I hope to change that this year. This year I will be working on many things including: chairing the Committee for Service and YOF, being a liaison to the Western Canada district, writing a monthly blog, reading governor monthly reports, serving on the executive committee, and much more. If you have any questions about my role this year, please feel free to ask! Some fun facts about me are that I play the violin, I work at Old Navy, I love Sudoku, I have a dog named Roxy, and I absolutely love Key Club. Well, you knew that last one right? I truly hope I can inspire and aid all of you in sparking an enthusiasm for Key Club in your members. This is extremely important to create long lasting connections and it is key to keeping members in the K-family. Also, I hope all of your unique clubs continue to do amazing service in the upcoming year and share that with me along the way! Most importantly I want you to know that while I hold the office of I.V.P. I’m still a regular teenager. I think history is boring, stress about college applications, fan-girl over Fall Out Boy, have a job, and love to serve. I’m just like all of you! I want to be a supporter, a source of encouragement, and a Vice President all wrapped into one. So, with that once again feel free to contact me anytime. My contact info is below. I can’t wait to have an amazing year of service!

Addison Clipfell 2015-2016 International Vice President E-mail: FB: 6

lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

A word from your International Trustee Greetings New York Key Clubbers! My name is Anastasia Slepukhova, and I am humbled to introduce myself as your new International Trustee. My job as a Trustee in addition to voting on the International Board, voicing your opinions at Board Meetings and doing committee work is to support and be a liaison for my three assigned Districts. In conjunction to serving you this year, I am also very excited to be able to work with the CNH KIWIN’S and Alabama Key Clubbers! Simply put, my job is very similar to that of your Lt. Governor, but on the international level. However, as a past District officer, I can attest that the most important job is held by you – our club officers and members. You are the ones putting in countless of hours organizing fundraisers and service projects. You are the face of Key Club in your communities and that is why Key Club International is a household name across the world. And because there is so much work that you have to do in order to have thriving clubs, it is the job of everyone else on the District Board and Key Club International to do whatever it takes in order to make your job easier and provide you with all the necessary resources. So if you ever have any questions or if there is anything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask. A little about me is that I am from the Capital District; I live just outside of Washington DC where I spend much of my time geocaching and trying new cuisine. I was born in Kyrgystan, and upon winning a Green Card Lottery, I moved to the United States 10 years ago. I am now a senior at Lake Braddock Secondary School in Virginia, where I am very involved with my Class as an Executive Officer, Student Government and I shoot for the Varsity Air Rifle Team. I love staying active and being involved, but just like many of you, service is my calling. I am known as “That Key Club Girl” as I roll into school with my Key Club license plate, water bottle, backpack, and of course one of my countless Key Club tees.


lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

A word from your Intl. Trustee Cont’d My favorite service project is called “Fantasy Flight” which is an event organized by my local Dulles Airport. We decorate a plane and a whole terminal to look like the North Pole, we dress up as Santa’s helpers and we create a special weekend for kids that participate. On the day of the event, flight attendants are all dressed up as elves and we take kids with terminal illnesses on the plane to the North Pole, where they receive presents and meet Santa. This is one of the most heartwarming projects I annually participate in, the most rewarding part being when you see a child again the following year, knowing they survived and you did something to make their day a little brighter. I want to thank you all for the hard work you put into serving your communities. Your altruism is what motivates me to work hard each and every single day. If you have any feedback for me, or if there are any questions that you might have, please know that I am always here for you. You can add me on social media, or you can email me at Have a terrific year of service Key Clubbers! Hope to see you all at DCON! Yours in service, Anastasia Slepukhova International Trustee

You can contact me at


lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

Governor’s Update Hello New York District Key Clubbers! I hope that you are all getting ready for school to start! I commend all of you for staying active with your Key Clubs and participating in meaningful service projects throughout the summer! Whether you participated in The Elemonate Challenge, attended a Divisional for the first time, or had a planning meeting with your Club Officers I want to say thank you for all that you have done. As we move into the school year, it is extremely important that you use the time in the beginning of the year to recruit freshmen and new members. Print out flyers, set up a booth at Freshmen orientation, organize a club fair, show a promotional video on your morning announcements, or do anything to possibly attract a member that will fall in love with the organization just like we all did. Once you get these young members, encourage them as much as possible to go to events and get involved! I ended up really looking up to my Club President when I was a Freshman, and her encouragement was a major component as to why I stayed involved. These young members will be your future Officers, so it is important your club really strives to retain the members you gain in the beginning of the year! Beyond this, please be sure to be on the lookout for my Monthly Governor’s Videos! I wanted to do this to give you all the opportunity to put a face to a name, and to update you on the latest information from NYDKC! Be on the lookout for the Leadership Training Conference Promotional Video that will be released after the New York District Board gathers for our September Board Meeting on September 26th! Additionally, New York District Key Club has now started the Club of the Month Award! Since our Leadership Training Conference Theme is Red Carpet: Stars of Service, all of the clubs that receive this award will be honored at LTC! Keep up the hard work, and your Lieutenant Governor will be happy to recognize you! Lastly, I have so much to tell you all about my Governor’s Project, so be sure to check out the Governor’s Project Page in this Newsletter! As you all begin to try and juggle a new school year with Key Club, know that I am here to help you all with anything you need. Whether it is planning an event, figuring out the best membership recruitment tactic for your club, or if you need advice on time management, I would love to help you! I am so excited to see what amazing impacts your clubs with have on your homes, schools, and communities this year! Yours in Service, Hanna Nichols District Governor 9

lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

Governor’s Project Update Thank you for those of you who have supported the Governor’s Project thus far. As you may or may not know, my Governor’s Project is the broad initiative of Hunger. The reason that I chose this project was because I felt as though there could be service, fundraising, and advocacy that could be done for the project. For service, I encourage you to hold a pancake breakfast with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club, hold a can drive at your school, volunteer at your local food pantry, or make a meal at The Ronald McDonald House. As for the fundraising, New York District Key Club has found a new goal to focus on. We have discovered The Giving Circle, which is a non-profit organization based in Saratoga. The Giving Circle works locally, nationally, and internationally to seek out communities in need and connect them with the resources they need to thrive. One of The Giving Circle’s main projects is to build farms in Uganda. These farms cost $10,000 to build, and would feed all of the inhabitants of the town as well as the children the attend the school and the orphanage. Additionally, the food grown can be sold at the market which creates jobs for the members of the community. If every club raised $50, we could be able to achieve this goal and have the farm be named, “The New York District Key Club Farm.” I want you to take a moment and just really think about the impact that this could have. I spoke with the founder of The Giving Circle, and he said that this farm is a matter of life or death for these people. We are not only saving the lives of the people that currently live there, but we are impacting generations of individuals. Kids that used to have to stay home from school to work for food will now be able to gain an education and provide that for their families. I don’t know about you, but I feel incredibly excited and empowered that we have the opportunity to have this kind of impact. I hope that you will join the New York District in taking the opportunity to make a difference in the World. Yours in service, Hanna Nichols You can contact me at


District Governor

lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

Secretary’s Update Hello New York District Key Club! In my last issue of the Empire Key, I introduced you all to my goals, and to the very important Election Report Form and Monthly Report Form. For this update, I hope to inform you about the progress the District has made in regards to form submission and service hour performance, as well as discuss my progress as your District Secretary.

Report Form Submission: So far, 96 clubs have submitted their Election Report Forms. Submissions have understandably slowed over the past month due to summer vacation. Remember that the deadline for submissions is September 28th, 2015 at 11:59:59 PM. The ERF can be found here. The number of Monthly Report Form submissions has also steadily decreased since the beginning of the service year. To club secretaries– please remember to submit these forms by the 10th of every month, regardless of whether your club completed any service projects. The MRF can be found here. So far, the clubs in the District have completed 23,944.05 service hours! This is a great number considering the fact that many clubs are less active in June, July, and August. However, the goal for the District is 90,000 hours, so keep on working hard and informing us about your service!


lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

Secretary’s Update Cont’d What I have worked on, and what I will be working on: · Worked with EA Matt to add the Lieutenant Governor Evaluation to the back of the Monthly Report Form. This will make the process of monthly submission more efficient! I will be working on future small changes to the MRF for further efficiency. · I worked on resources for club secretaries that will be sent out at the beginning of the school year. · I worked on compiling the District Directory. · I began reaching out to club secretaries, mostly in regards to report form submission. I will continue doing so to a greater degree. · I will be working on resources for Fall Rally– be sure to attend if you are a club officer! I will continue working my hardest as your District Secretary! If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to reach out to me. Yours in service, Zainab Nathani District Secretary

You can contact me at


lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

Treasurer’s Update Hey Mighty New York District! I hope all of you had an amazing summer and are excited for the new school year! For those of you who don’t know, my name is Donna Yu and I have the privilege of serving as your District Treasurer for the 2015-2016 service year. The first thing I would like to touch upon is the FRF. As many of you know, the new FRF no longer requires a formal proof. Instead, a confirmation email will be sent to the Lieutenant Governor and Club Advisor. Our district fundraising goal for this year is $100,000 and s far we have raised $39,798.92. Submissions over the summer were low. If your club happened to hold a fundraiser over the summer and you didn’t submit an FRF, please do so as soon as possible. Your club can fundraise for any charity, but please remember that this year we do have our new District Project – The Thirst Project – and our Governor’s Project – Hunger. Additionally, we have our Kiwanis charities: The Eliminate Project, Kamp Kiwanis, Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation, and Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center. If you ever need a charity to raise money for, feel free to pick from one of these. The second thing I would like to talk about is the dues process. Although dues are not due until November 30th, it is best to start collecting dues as early as possible in order to get them all in on time. Dues are $13 this year - $6 for New York District and $7 for Key Club International. Dues must be paid annually and they are used to provide resources and support to our clubs. Clubs may start submitting dues on October 1st. If they submit a minimum of 15 dues by November 1st, they will be eligible for the Early Bird status. I will stay in contact with club treasurers once all of the ERFs are submitted. I will be sending out more in depth information on how to collect dues in early September. I look forward to working with you all this year. If any of you have any questions or concerns at any time, feel free to contact me at or 631-880-8087. I have served as a club treasurer in the past, so if you need guidance or help with anything, just ask. In addition, if your club is having any large events, tell me about them and hopefully I could come! Have a great rest of the summer! Yours in service, You can contact me at 13

Donna Yu District Treasurer

lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

Executive Assistant’s Update Hi NYDKC, As you may know, my name is Matt Garber, and I am the New York District Executive Assistant. In the last edition of the Empire Key, I told you about some of my plans for the year. I wrote about working with our Lieutenant Governors and our District Committees, and I told you about my role as the Laws and Regulations Chair. Now, I want to update everyone on each of these topics. Since ICON, we have worked with Lt. Governors to plan out their work for the upcoming school year. It is their goal to get their clubs planning and excited for September, when the Key Clubbing picks up steam. I have also worked with District Governor Hanna Nichols to develop a Lieutenant Governor Evaluation system that we use to give our LTGS an idea of what they are doing well, and of what they may need to improve upon. We distribute these at every board meeting, so there will be a total of five throughout the year. We have also worked with the District Committees to help advance them towards reaching their goals. I recently spent a week on phone calls with each committee chair to discuss their plans and progress, which were very productive and encouraging. Over the next few months, expect to see a lot of new resources and projects coming from your district committees! As the Laws and Regulations Chair, I have worked on the District Board Policies, and will be updating them over the next few months to allow the board to work more efficiently and successfully in helping you. Now, there is one more big note that I have for you. As you know, one of the forms that you fill out every month is the Lieutenant Governor Evaluation Form. Well, Secretary Zainab and I have decided to combine that and the Monthly Report Form. This means that you now need only fill out one form monthly, and what’s more, the LTG Eval. Portion of it is simplified and streamlined from what it used to be. We are still dealing with some technology issues involving the confirmation emails, but the form is up and running for you to fill out. You will still receive a confirmation; it just, as of yet, will not include the LTG Evaluation portion. Your Lt. Governors will still not see your responses on the Evaluation portion, so you can still be completely honest in your responses. 14

lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

EA’s Update cont’d I would like to take a quick moment to congratulate Heather Farley and Clifford Young on their election as Key Club International Trustees at ICON this year. That’s right, two Trustees from New York! I would also like to express my excitement to be working with Anastasia Slepukhova from the Capital District, as she has been assigned as our International Trustee for this Service Year. Before I end, I would like to take a moment to thank you for all of the work you do serving your communities. It is you, our membership that makes our organization impactful. Without you, we could not serve millions of hours across the world or raise the millions of dollars for worthy causes that we do each and every year. It is important to me that we recognize and appreciate the impact that you make before anything else, so, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. With that, I’ll say thank you for reading, and happy Key Clubbing!

Yours in service, Matt Garber District Executive Assistant

You can contact me at


lorem ipsum dolor Executive Newsletter

issue, date July/August

Webmaster’s Update Dear Mighty New York District Beavers, Summer is just about over, and the start of the school year excitingly means much more Key Club activity. Speaking of new starts, as many of you know, I have also redesigned the district website; it now also features galleries and district committee pages. My aim in changing the design was to create a brighter, yet clean and simple design that would be a bit more colorful, while remaining professional and efficient. I wanted to bring attention to our district’s liveliness through photo albums and updates on all of the hard work we have done as a district. You can submit any suggestions, comments, or criticism in the form found at the bottom of the website, or directly email me at At the moment, I have been cleaning up the website, making presentations for Fall Rally (I’ll be able to attend some and see some new faces!), and updating a lot of outdated forms/information. A section for Fall Rally information has also been designated on the website, so regularly check it for any new information! On a topic that may seem far, but is actually very near; I have been working on this year’s Leadership Training Conference, so definitely look forward to it when it is made public! Until LTC, I greatly encourage you to invest time in writing about service projects for many reasons, one being that we are all inspired by your hard work and love to hear about them! You will be able to submit service articles (through the form named “Blog Post Submission” under the Resources tab in the website; it will be made available at a later date), which I will be posting in a blogging section that I’m planning to reactivate in the website. I think it’ll be a great way to show how active we are as volunteers. Including photos in the submission is highly recommended. Although it’s been a quiet two months of no school, the next two will be boisterous, with loads of new members and event. Here’s looking towards a school year filled with service! You can contact me at


Yours in service, Tanya Hao District Webmaster

Executive Newsletter lorem ipsum dolor

July/August issue, date

Conference/Special Projects Chair’s Update Hello NYDKC! There are less than two months until our Fall Rallies! Be sure to mark your calendars for your respective rally, because this is something you won’t want to miss! Since Fall Rally is the closest thing to a Leadership Training Conference, besides the actual event, you’ll have a great idea of what LTC will be like. Workshops, food, and fun will be provided. Just make sure you show up! If you have any questions about Fall Rally, or about LTC, feel free to email me!

Your Fall Rally Date: v For Divisions 1-2 and 4-7, Fall Rally will be held at LIU Post on October 25th, from 10 AM to 4 PM v For Divisions 8-13, Fall Rally will be held at NYU Kimmel Center on October 10th from 9 AM to 4 PM v For Divisions 14-18, Fall Rally will be held at Shaker High School on October 17th from 9 AM to 12 PM v For Divisions 22, 23, and 25, Fall Rally will be held at Webster Thomas High School on October 17th from 12 PM to 3 PM For those in Divisions not listed above, please contact your Lieutenant Governor for more information! Yours in service, Ricardo Larios Conference/Special Projects Chair You can contact me at


lorem ipsum dolor District Updates

issue, date July/August


lorem ipsum dolor District Updates

issue, date July/August

ICON 2016 July 6-10 in Atlanta, Georgia You’ll be able to:

Why go to the convention? Because it’s the biggest event of the Key Club year! Imagine celebrating the amazing things Key Club does with more than 1,600 Key Clubbers from all across the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.

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Bond with your people. Travel to and from International Convention with your district. Share innovative service project and fundraising ideas. Listen to amazing speakers. Learn about servant leadership. Train for your 2016-17 leadership position. Elect next year’s Key Club International Board. Hear about our success so far with The Eliminate Project—and how you can help eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Discover new charities and organizations you and your club can team up with. Have fun and make memories and friendships that last a lifetime. See the sites in Atlanta.

District Updates


Governor’s Project HUNGER Hi there, I am the Lieutenant Governor of Division 2. As you may know, the Governor's Project this year is hunger. I am also a big fighter for the cause of hunger! Hunger affects more people around you than you might know. Hunger is not only in "third world countries" or "the projects". It is happening right now right in your own backyard. We complain when we don't get food for an hour or two, but can you imagine only getting one meal a day if you are lucky?! It is hard to think about, especially when you can go to the fridge or cabinet whenever you want. The positive side to this is that there are so many ways that you can make a difference in the hunger epidemic! To begin, I urge you to volunteer at your local food bank. This is a very rewarding experience and it really puts you in touch with a different side of your community. There are also different non-profits such as No Kid Hungry or Feeding America. These non-profits can benefit the fight against hunger on a global scale and you can get involved by going to their websites. Again, hunger is a big issue and YOU ARE THE SOLUTION! Now get out there and make a change! Yours in passion and in service, Alexis Warren

The Giving Circle As Governor Hanna mentioned in her update, the New York District would like to concentrate its efforts towards the Governor’s Project in an organization called the Giving Circle. Of course you may still support any type of hunger related organization, but this is the organization Hanna would like us to really focus on. If the New York District can raise $10,000 for the Giving circle, we will be able to purchase a farm in Uganda and have it named the “New York District Key Club Farm”. This roughly equates to each club raising $50, an easily manageable goal! Let’s work together to make a change!


District Updates



For more information visit

“Women and children spend on average six to eight hours each day walking to fetch water. The average distance that women and children in developing communities walk to fetch water is 3.75 miles. The time children spend collecting water keeps them from going to school and getting and education.”

“Our mission is simple: Build a socially-conscious generation of young people who END the global water crisis. We do this by educating students about it and activating them to rock the clean water cause & build real water projects all over the world. Why Water? Health and Sanitation: Waterborne diseases kill more children every single year than AIDS, Malaria, and all world violence combined. Small children typically do not have strong enough immune systems to fight diseases like cholera, dysentery, or schistosomiasis.”

Why Students? We believe that students are THE most powerful agents for social change in the world! No other group activates like students do. Since we began educating our peers about the global water crisis in 2008, the response and initiative of students to take action on this issue has been AMAZING! We know that STUDENTS will change the world! Students are not afraid to dream, and we are only limited by what society tells us. Over half of the United States is enrolled in some type of schooling. Imagine if every single student responded and activated around the global water crisis. When a student gains perspective on an issue as big as the global water crisis, amazing things happen! In just six years we have spoken to over 300,000 students, and STUDENTS have been the driving force in helping us raise over 8 million dollars, giving clean water to 13 different countries and over 280,000 21

District Updates


The Eliminate Project Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces with The Eliminate Project in order to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. 60,000 infants, and many women as well, lose their lives to this disease every year. For only $1.80, a mother can receive three doses of immunization to protect herself and her future children from this deadly disease. Together, our goal is to raise $110 million for the Eliminate Project by the newly extended deadline of 2016. As of June 11th, 2015 Kiwanisfamily SLP have raised $4,604,749, which has saved over 3,350 lives. The New York District has raised $1978.79 thus far in our 2015-2016 service year! Internationally, through Trick or Treat for UNICEF, we have broken our record for the most money raised through this event, with an amazing sum of $635k. Congratulations on all of your hard work thus far! Visit for more information.

Kamp Kiwanis “Kamp Kiwanis is a program located in Taberg, New York, which provides children aged 8 to 14 (including those with special needs) with a unique camping experience. Kamp Kiwanis allows children to just be themselves, no matter what their situation, and encourages them to participate in team building exercises and activities, including boating, sports, and campfires. Kamp Kiwanis costs nothing for the children that attend. Through donations, the Kamp sponsors adults and children, allowing them to experience the program regardless of their financial position.� Visit for more information!


District Updates


District Charities cont. Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center “The Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center is designed to help treat and protect children. It is a Kiwanis-Hospital association that was created in order to provide the funds and staff necessary to create a trauma center with extensive medical assistance and safety. Kiwanis helps to provide treatment as to meet the needs of families with children suffering from trauma (e.g., transportation). Trauma takes the lives of 25,000 children each year and leaves another 120,000 children permanently disabled. An estimated 25% of these deaths and disabilities could be prevented with proper and prompt care. Kiwanis needs Key Club’s help to reduce the number of lives cut short!”

Visit for more information!

Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation “Lyme Disease was brought to Kiwanis’ attention during 2000-01 New York District Kiwanis Governor John Gridley vowed to do something to help children afflicted with this terrible disease. The Lyme Disease Project was quickly set up to help pay for medical treatment for children with this disease. Unfortunately most insurance companies do not pay for its treatment, which is very expensive. Lyme Disease is caused by bacteria, which are usually transmitted by the deer tick. Lyme Disease may affect the brain in many ways. The most common is a disturbance in thinking. Other symptoms that occur frequently include headache, mood swings, irritability, depression, and marked fatigue. The spirochete which causes Lyme Disease can invade the central nervous system within days to a week of initial skin infection. The majority of people who are treated early with antibiotics do well and incur no long-term problems. People who are not treated until late may have a more complicated outcome”


District Updates


Major Emphasis March of Dimes: “The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. March of Dimes was founded by our 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in the fight against polio. After the discovery of the polio vaccine, March of Dimes focused their efforts to improve the health of babies and has been successful with the help and enthusiasm of many grassroots volunteers. For decades, Key Club has partnered with the March of Dimers to give every baby a healthy start. Key Club members raise thousands of dollars annually through various programs, including collecting change, holding dances, and taking part in March of Dimes’ signature event, March for Babies.” So far, NYDKC has raised $923.90 for March of Dimes! Visit for more

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals: “Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids while increasing awareness of its member hospitals. All CMN Hospitals contributions directly benefit hospitals, helping to purchase up-todate equipment, train staff, conduct life-saving research, implement outreach programs and provide health care for children whose parents can’t afford to pay. Key Club participates with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals by sponsoring fundraising events. Key Club members also participate in service project at their local children’s hospital.” Visit


Divisional Updates

July/August DIVISION 2

Division 2 has been picking up momentum as the summer has come to an end. Clubs have been participating in car washes, joining their Kiwanians for Steak Fries, and overall getting ready for the great school year to come. I have created various social media outlets for updates on events, and fun things to keep you motivated. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @NYDKCD2 and like our Facebook Page! I am hoping to get more participation at my monthly divisionals or service projects. I am so excited for the school year to begin so I can meet more Key Clubbers and experience the change we make!

DIVISION 4N Division 4N will be starting a year-long service project this September by collecting arts and crafts supplies for Kamp Kiwanis. The camp is an amazing community for underprivileged children, and focuses on providing fun, physical exercise, and adventure. It strives to offer opportunities to participate in a creative outdoor group experience in a comfortable setting, where children can develop leadership and friendship all at once. Our division will donate needed supplies--although the camp has plenty of resources, it can always use more supplies for a very popular activity on camp.

DIVISION 11 Division 11 has had a fantastic summer of service! We have participated in numerous service projects and fundraisers, from the Amazing Race to Chinatown Beautification Day. At the Amazing Race on July 11th, we raised $576 for the Eliminate Project. Moreover, everyone had a blast at the Inter-divisional BBQ as well as the K-family picnic. The Division 11 pandas are excited about service and stoked for the upcoming school year, which will be filled with welcoming new members, Fall Rally, and more opportunities to give back to the community!

DIVISION 13 Division 13 is currently mainly getting prepped for the school year. I've asked each club to make a list of events that they want to have during the summer and to begin planning them, if they had time. This is going to help us to really get moving once September hits and we'll be able to hit the ground running! I am also planning to have a divisional event called Mile of Dimes. Each club will collect money for two months and then we will all meet in one place. The clubs will receive sheets of dimes according to the amount of money they raised, and will line the sheets up with each club going a different direction. The club with the most dimes at the end of the event will win a prize!

DIVISION 16 Division 16 is working hard to prepare for the upcoming school year! Each club will hold at least one officer meeting to plan out their service year before school begins. We are working hard to promote this year’s Governor’s Project, and are currently brainstorming ideas for a division-wide fundraiser to occur this winter. Our division is also very excited to hold a joint divisional with the Capital Division of Kiwanis in October. We will be touring the Pediatric Trauma Care Center and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Albany Medical Center with our local Kiwanis clubs! Follow us on Twitter @nydkcdivision16 to keep up with all things Division 16! 25

Service Spotlights


This July, I was blessed with the opportunity to spend ten days volunteering in Guatemala! Working with a group of twenty-two people through the Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady, we served as a Support Team for a program called Safe Passage. This outstanding organization is centered in the neighborhood surrounding the Guatemala City dump, one of the poorest regions in the country. Serving as an educational reinforcement program for children from kindergarten to high school, Safe Passage aims to provide a healthy, supportive environment that assists in giving the children of the community greater opportunities in life. Safe Passage was established to not only offer the children of this region nourishment and a better education, but also to combat all the barriers put in their way of getting higher paying jobs and safer living conditions. The public education in Guatemala is quite different from what we are familiar with in America. Unfortunately, some of the differences are actually issues that result in additional hardships for the students and their families, which is why Safe Passage is such an essential organization for this community. It is actually quite easy to basically list the biggest problems: the Guatemalan government only pays teachers half the day to teach, “free� public education requires a uniform which is too expensive for most families(often leading to prostitution), and many students finish 8th grade illiterate because of the use of root memorization. Safe Passage is attempting to help families overcome these flaws in the education system and provide alternatives to improve their situation. They challenge kids to develop critical thinking skills, learn English as most high paying jobs require it, be creative, and read books. Many of the adults in the region surrounding the dump spend their days picking through the trash in search of recyclables to sell. Not only are these people sifting through typical garbage with bare hands, but there is also human waste, medical waste, and animal waste in the same piles. Additional concerns that these people have to be aware of are avalanches of garbage, becoming trapped under trucks that unload the collections all day, and even methane fires like the one that occurred in 2005. It was overwhelming to see the dump and realize the environment these pickers work in, including thinking about the enormous health risks they are exposed to every single day. However, when discussing the situation in Guatemala surrounding the city dump, it is important to mention and relay the pride and self-respect these people have in their work. Instead of begging on the streets or stealing from tourists and others, these individuals physically earn their living every day through hard work and sacrifice. At first glance, through our privileged American perspective, it may seem like a repulsive occupation. However, these workers deserve respect for how they provide for their family and complete strenuous, life threatening work in order to survive.


Service Spotlights


As a Safe Passage Support Team member, I worked in a variety of settings that included different age groups. Most of our time was spent working in English classrooms at the first, fifth and sixth grade levels. We also hosted a Quinceñera for eighteen girls, which is an important coming of age tradition for women in their culture. One of my favorite activities was actually playing with the younger kids at the Escuela during their recess. I had kids climbing all over me, asking to play tag, trading bracelets, and giving me huge smiles. Probably two of the most rewarding parts of my experience in Guatemala were improving their condition and abolishing some of the hardships they face. While it might not seem like I made a huge amount of physical changes in Guatemala, the long term impacts of our work down there is incredibly valuable. What we did was so important; telling these kids that they were loved, smart, and could succeed if they only kept trying. Often in Guatemala, the huge percentage of the population that lives under the poverty line is treated as if they don’t exist by the government. With that in mind, our support validates their existence, treating them like equals and encouraging them in a way to relate that there is hope to improve their condition and abolish some of the hardships they face. If you are at all interest in helping out with this program, whether it be by learning more about the work that they do, maybe sponsoring a child, or even going with a group to volunteer yourself(!) check out their website Also, feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments-I’d love to talk about my trip in further detail if you are interested! Thank you! Eliza Jobin-Davis Clayton A. Bouton Vice President Division 16


Service Spotlights

July/August Weekend of Service with Kiwanis

This is my third year in Key Club and there are still events that give me butterflies, events that give you “first date feelings.” On the weekend of the 18th, there were two events in which Division 8 volunteered with Kiwanis at the St. Alban’s Community Living Center and The Ronald McDonald House of Long Island. Let’s start off with the St. Alban’s Picnic. Veterans are considered to be one of the most respectable people and the fact that we were able to interact with them and plan a picnic for them was a volunteer experience that I will never forget. This was my second year at the Veteran’s Picnic at St. Albans. Volunteer tasks included: wheeling them from downstairs to the picnic area, taking orders and serving them food, and best of all interacting with and getting to know them! This was such a lovely experience. We were able to give back to a group of individuals that gave so much to the whole country. My favorite part of the event was: “Sir, do you want a hotdog? What is a hijack?” Ronald McDonald Adventures are always popular events within our division. Division 8 cooked and served brunch with Queens East Kiwanis for the patients living at The Ronald McDonald House of Long Island. They say that one small act of kindness can make a big difference. Hopefully this small brunch can give hope and strength of all those living at RMH. Overall, this was a magical weekend. No matter how many times a volunteer a year, I still feel anxious and excited for these events. I would also like to thank Kiwanis for everything they have done to make these events happen. Without them we would not have been able to experience such heartwarming and rewarding volunteer events. Three years later… after hundreds of “first dates” I can’t help but say again: Key Club, you gave me butterflies… again. Kelly Song Lieutenant Governor Division 8


Service Spotlights


Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Sophia Casabonne, and I am the Lieutenant Governor of Division 16. I was lucky enough to attend the New York Kiwanis District Convention at the Desmond Hotel in Albany from August 14th-16th. Governor Hanna, Editor Angelica, and several members of New York Circle K were also at the convention. We had an amazing weekend filled with lots of learning and memories. On Friday, Hanna, Angelica, and I ran a Key Club booth at the convention. We got to speak to many Kiwanians about the incredible work Key Clubbers do every day. I was really impressed by all of the great things the Kiwanians had to say about Key Clubbers. Many of them even said that their favorite part of Kiwanis is working with Key Clubs. Governor Hanna and District Administrator Mr. Goldstein ran a Key Club workshop on Saturday morning. We had the opportunity to teach Kiwanians more about Key Club and its goals and values. The Kiwanians who attended said that the workshop was very helpful and informative. One of the best parts of the convention happened on Saturday afternoon. New York District Kiwanis held its House of Delegates, and this year, two candidates ran for Governor-Elect. The candidates were Candace Corsaro and Stephen Sirgiovanni. Both had excellent platforms that supported the growth and development of both Kiwanis and Key Club. Stephen Sirgiovanni won the election, and he will serve as the Governor for the 20162017 Kiwanis service year. My favorite part of the convention took place on Friday evening. We attended the Service Leadership Program dinner on Friday night, which was held to honor Key Club and Circle K. Governor Hanna and Circle K Governor Walaa Ahmed both gave great speeches, and it was amazing to see such a strong support for Key Club. The most important lesson I learned at the convention was that our Kiwanis counterparts will always be there to support us no matter what. Though our time as Key Clubbers sadly comes to an end after graduation, we will have the Kiwanis family at our side for the rest of our lives. Sophia Casabonne Lieutenant Governor Division 16


Back To School


BACK TO SCHOOL Tips to a successful school year: ✔ Start collecting dues early! They are not officially due until November 30th, but if 15 members submit them by October 30th, your club will be eligible for the Early Bird Dues Award at LTC

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Key ✔ Show off your hether it Club apparel! W tshirt, or be a t-shirt, swea ke for onesie, they ma n great conversatio people starters, and get t our interested abou organization!

✔ Adv ocate Key Clu incom b to ing Fre s hmen Sopho a nd mo involve res. Foster th eir m the tim ent so that b y e we g r a du a t our clu e , bs good h will be left in a nds!

KEY CLUB WEEK 2015: November 2nd -6th Monday: SHOW YOUR K IN EVERY WAY




Wednesday: DARE TO CARE 30

Back To School


Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Every eleven minutes, a baby dies from tetanus. Many mothers will die too. This disease is preventable, but we need to act now. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is the perfect opportunity for your Key Club members to make a difference. Just US$1.80—less than a bag of Halloween candy—provides a series of three vaccine doses to protect a woman and her future newborns. Together, we can end this needless disease.

Halloween will be here before you know it. Now is a great time to start planning your fundraising activity or event to raise money for The Eliminate Project. New this year, you can pre-order one package of Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF collection boxes! Sign up today to be among the first to receive 25 collection boxes in mid-September. Note: you will be able to order additional boxes in September.

Scare up some funds and fun this Halloween by participating in Trick-orTreat for UNICEF. It’s a great opportunity to collect donations instead of candy or to bring club members together for a fabulous event or party. All money collected by Kiwanis-family members through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF will once again support The Eliminate Project and help save moms and babies from maternal and neonatal tetanus. rUNICEF.aspx 31

Youth Opportunities Fund


Youth Opportunities Fund What is it? The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. The Youth Opportunities Fund is established through gifts to the G. Harold Martin Fellowships. YOF grants can help you take action. Look around and identify the things that need to get done in your school, community or world.

How do I apply? v YOF grants are given only to Key Clubs and/or club members. v There is only one funding cycle for the Youth Opportunities Fund. The application must be received by October 15 at 11:59PM EST. v Clubs may request funding assistance ranging anywhere from US$100 to US$2,000. The committee typically funds those clubs who are asking for a portion of the total cost of the project, and clubs who are working with other organizations to fund and complete the project. There is one funding cycle for YOF grants per year. Applications received by October 15 at 11:59 PM EST are reviewed by the Key Club International YOF committee at their November meeting. Funding notifications are mailed no later than January first each year. v Applicants must use the current YOF grant application. Previous years' applications will not be accepted. Download the current application. v Guidelines for filing the application are also listed in the Key Club Guidebook under Board Policies. v Need project ideas? See what kinds of projects Key Clubs have won grants for in the past.


Partners In Service


Vision Partners: Nickelodeon: Nickelodeon joined the Kiwanis Family as a 2013 Vision Partner of Kiwanis International with a focus on its Big Help initiative, which addresses issues in service, education, the environment and health. Learn more about Nickelodeon’s Big Help efforts, the Halo Awards program and Day of Play and or

Co-Sponsors Hershey: Key Club International welcomes The Hershey Company as a Key Club co-sponsor – with a focus on engaging Key Club members with Hershey’s Track and Field Games. Now in its 35th year, HTFG serves children age 9-14 by helping them get active and develop healthy lifestyles. More than 10 million kids in the United States and Canada have participated in HTFG.

Rustic Pathways: Key Club Co-Sponsor Rustic Pathways has 30 years of experience leading exceptional international education and service programs for students. With over 130 programs in 20 countries, Rustic Pathways is the global leader in its field. Recognizing our shared values, Rustic Pathways has partnered with Key Club to provide its members with the opportunity to broaden their global perspective while performing meaningful service projects in communities around the world. 33



K-Kids is a student-led community service club for elementary students that teaches members the value of helping others through participation in community service projects and club activities.

Nearly 40, 000 middle and junior high students in 1,300 clubs in 18 nations contribute service to school and community while developing leadership and people skills. Builders Club members implement practical service-learning principals as they focus on supporting organizations that focus on the needs of children.

Aktion Club members in more than 200 clubs in seven nations allow adults living with disabilities to develop initiative and leadership skills through hands-on service. These adults return to the community the benefits, help, and caring they have received.

Circle K International (CKI) is the premiere university service organization in the world sponsored by Kiwanis International. With clubs on more than 550 campuses globally, programming is based upon the tenets of service, leadership, and fellowship.

Kiwanis members around the globe have one common goal: To serve the children of the world. Kiwanis advocates this vision every day by providing opportunities to serve for every member of a community through Service Leadership Programs. Through these opportunities, youth and young adults around the world become competent, capable and compassionate leaders. 34

Contact us! Hanna Nichols

District Governor Zainab Nathani

District Secretary Donna Yu

District Treasurer Matt Garber

District Executive Assistant Angelica Mehta

District Bulletin Editor Tanya Hao

District Webmaster

Ricardo Larios

District Conference/Special Projects Chair

Visit us at 35

Key Club Pledge

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to 36

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