The Empire Key | May/June 2015-2016 | Issue 1

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“Caring – Our Way of Life”


M A Y / J U N E


THE EMPIRE KEY “Hey NYDKC, how do you feel??”

Find us on Social Media! @NYKeyClub @nykeyclub NYDKC

“We feel good, oh we feel so good, oh!” – LTC 2015

New York District Key Club In this issue: 3

Executive Newsletter

21 LTC 25 ICON

16 District Updates

29 Service Spotlights 32 Partners in service


May/June SUMMER 2016

Meet your 2015-2016 District Board! Executive Board Governor

Hanna Nichols


Zainab Nathani


Donna Yu


Tanya Hao

Executive Assistant

Matt Garber

Bulletin Editor

Angelica Mehta

Conference/Special Projects Chair

Ricardo Larios

Lieutenant Governors 1 – Yesha Dalal 2 – Alexis Warren 3 – Grace Zhao 4N – Amanda Madenberg 4S – Rohit Mathew 5 – Maxwell Perry 6 – Joseph Maltese 7 – Kamran Vakil 8 – Kelly Song 8A – Diana Piktel 9 – Ruoxin Lin 10 – Rebecca Lopez 11 – Emily Li 12 – Jennifer MacGown

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


– Daniel Suh – Chloe Peer – Cameryn Quinan – Sophia Casabonne – Jillian Vertucci – Michaela Mueller – Nathaniel Moretz – Vacant – Grace Traino – Storm Mayer – Andrew Casper – Avery Sharlow – Rachael Ruhland - Vacant

Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

A word from your Bulletin Editor Hello NYDKC! My name is Angelica Mehta, and I could not be more excited to be serving as your Bulletin Editor for the 2015-2016 service year! Key Club has been a major part of my life since I joined in 9th grade. The joy of helping others is a feeling that we are all accustomed to, and is what brings us all together. As Bulletin Editor, my responsibility is to document any major events happening in our district in a bimonthly newsletter. This year, something new that will be happening is the addition of an Executive Newsletter. Instead of each executive board member sending out his or her individual newsletter, we have combined them into a section for the Empire Key! I cannot wait to get to know many of you throughout the district, and I know that this will be a fantastic service year! Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns! Yours in service, Angelica Mehta

You can contact me at


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

Governor’s Update Hello New York District Key Clubbers! My name is Hanna Nichols, and I currently serve as your New York District Key Club Governor. I first wanted to start off by telling you a little bit about myself! I currently am a junior at Shaker High School, and I have two brothers. Outside of Key Club, I run cross country, play the clarinet, and I am involved with other organizations within my school. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with such incredible, driven people throughout this year! You have all had a great start to the service year, and I encourage your Key Club to continue to be active with Key Club throughout the summer. The summer is a great opportunity to find time for your club to participate in bonding activities as well fun, outdoor service events. This could include having a car wash for one of the District Charities, or having an ice cream social with your club/division! In addition to this, I please continue to tune into my Monthly Videos! These are informative updates that give you the opportunity to hear from me face-toface! Something special that will be occurring for the June video is that I will be filming it at the International Convention with The Thirst Project! The Key Club International Convention, or ICON, will be taking place June 24th-June 28th, 2015 in Indianapolis, Indiana! This ICON will be in conjunction with Circle-K and Kiwanis to celebrate Kiwanis’s 100th Anniversary! Around 40 Key Clubbers from the New York District will be attending, and I encourage you to consider attending next year in Atlanta, Georgia! It has been such a pleasure to serve you all thus far, and I would sincerely love to continue to serve you in any capacity you need for the remainder of the service year. That being said, please do not hesitate to contact me at to ask me any questions or let me know of any ideas you may have. I would love to hear from you all! I hope you all have a great summer! Yours in service, Hanna Nichols District Governor

Contact me at


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

Secretary’s Update Hello New York District Key Club! My name is Zainab Nathani, and I am so excited to be serving as your District Secretary for the 2015-2016 service year. I have been a part of the K-Family since the fourth grade, and can honestly say that the experience has changed my life, and helped mold me into the person I am today. I am a strong believer in the fact that one’s experience in Key Club not only allows him/her to serve, but also gives him/ her the tools and opportunities to become a leader. As District Secretary, I aim to serve all of you individually, and help make the New York District of Key Club Inter- national stronger. To do this, I hope to reach out to especially the club secretaries, helping them fulfill their responsibilities and understand their leadership potential. Through this newsletter, I hope to highlight our progress so far, as well as the goals I hope to achieve this year with your support. Thank you for all your efforts so far! Feel free to reach out to me at any time at if you have any questions, suggestions, comments, or concerns! Yours in Service, Zainab Nathani, District Secretary

Contact me at


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

… Secretary’s Update cont. When I ran for District Secretary at LTC 2015, I promoted a platform that I believed I could implement as Secretary to aid the growth and passion of New York District . My platform was “Bridging the Gap”– Creating a closer relationship between the District and Club Secretaries. To do this I had three goals: Personal Connection– Reach out to club secretaries and establish a direct relationship with them. This will allow club secretaries to become more comfortable reaching out to the District Board as a whole, and will greater connect the District and club levels. Purpose– Remind club secretaries of their importance in the success of their clubs, and ensure they are aware of all their responsibilities. Also, present club secretaries with all the tools and guidance so that they can easily fulfill their responsibilities. Model– In order to encourage the efforts of club secretaries, I need to remain an effective model to club secretaries by fulfilling all of my responsibilities in a timely manner. I fully intend to follow through on fulfilling these goals. I am currently working on a step- by-step guide for club secretaries that will include an overview of all the responsibilities of a secretary as well as tips and tools that I believe will greatly help them be the best secretaries possible!! I hope to start communicating with secretaries through phone calls and video chat as soon as this guide is completed!


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

… Secretary’s Update cont. Election Report Form The Election Report Form (ERF) is extremely important for each club to fill out as soon as they hold their elections for the 2015-2016 board. Submission of this form allows the District officers, particularly the division Lieutenant Governors, to receive the contact information for the new board. Submitting this contact information ensures that the new board is receiving important updates from their Lieutenant Governor. Submission of this form will also aid me as I try to establish contact with the club secretaries. Although the form is due officially on September 27th, 2015 at 11:59:59, please do not wait until then to submit it. This deadline is in September only because some clubs do not have the opportunity to have elections until the beginning of the school year. If your elections have already taken place, please submit the ERF in the next week or two using the Google Form found at Monthly Report Form The Monthly Report Form (MRF) is to be submitted by the secretary of the club by the tenth of every month. This form reports the events and service activities the club participated in during the previous month. Please be aware that your Lieutenant Governors may have a slightly earlier deadline for the MRF submissions in your division. If this is the case, please submit your MRFs based on your LTG’s deadline. The MRF not only allows the District officers to know what your club has been doing, but it also allows for the recording of total service hours performed by the clubs in the District. The service hour goal that we aim to reach this service year is 90,000 hours. As of 6/15/15, 18,021.17 have been recorded. I believe we can reach and surpass our goal, but only if all the clubs in the District submit their MRFs. The Monthly Report Form can be submitted with the Google Form found at 4sCX6I/viewform. Also needed in conjunction with the MRF is the Lieutenant Governor Evaluation Form, found at Aqr0L0A/viewform. 7

Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

Treasurer’s Update Hello New York District Key Clubbers! I hope all of you are enjoying the end of the school year! My name is Donna Yu and I am honored to be your district treasurer for the 2015-2016 service year. This year, there is a change in the format of the FRF. The new FRF no longer requires a formal proof. Instead, a confirmation email will be sent to the Lieutenant Governor and club advisor. Club treasurers will also receive a confirmation. This was done to make submissions easier and hopefully, increase submissions. Please make sure, however, that all three email addresses submitted are accurate. Our district fundraising goal for this year is $100,000 and so far we have raised $20,204.26. Great job so far and please remember to submit FRFs right after any fundraiser. If you can’t remember if an FRF was submit, please just ask me and I will check. Another thing clubs should be aware of is dues submissions. As school starts in the Fall, clubs should start working on collecting dues. Dues are $13 and must be paid by each member annually. Clubs may start submitting dues on October 1st. Early Bird Dues deadline––minimum of 15 members––is November 1st and the Regular deadline is November 30th. If dues are not paid by December 1st, the club is considered delinquent. This means the club cannot have delegates at LTC or ICON and cannot have members run for District or International office. Both delinquent clubs and suspended clubs can become active clubs again simply with the payment of dues as normal. If a club has not paid dues by the end of September, it becomes inactive. Inactive clubs must pay a $100 reactivation fee with their dues to become active again. In order to submit dues, first collect the money from members. Then deposit this money into the club account. Work with the club secretary to update Membership Update Center. After, send one check out to Key Club International. A copy of the check should be sent to the district administrator and I. Please note that dues are not sent to the district. All dues should go to Key Club International.


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

‌ Treasurer’s Update cont. This year, I am working on building a new mobile application that some of you who attended LTC might remember. My goal is to create an iPhone app that would allow club treasurers to more easily fill out FRFs and connect with other clubs around the district to share fundraising ideas and service projects. It is projected to be up and running by the start of school in the fall. I want to be able to keep all the clubs in New York District connected this year, and will hopefully accomplish this through my app. If any of you have any questions or concerns at any time, feel free to contact me at or 631-880-8087. If you choose to text me, please state your name. I would absolutely love to help! I look forward to working with all of you this year. Have a great summer!

Yours in service, Donna Yu

Contact me at


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

Executive Assistant’s Update Hello New York District Key Clubbers! My name is Matt Garber. I am a rising Junior at Calhoun High School in Nassau County, Long Island, and I am proud to be serving as your District Executive Assistant this Service Year! My job basically has three parts; I oversee the Lieutenant Governors in our District, I oversee all of the District Committees, and I help our awesome Governor, Hanna Nichols, with anything that she needs. After serving as a Lieutenant Governor last year (Division Five), I look forward to being able to help all of our LTGs reach their full potential and help all of the clubs in their Divisions succeed. We started this by going through each one’s goals for the Service Year, and I had to say that I was really truly impressed. Now, we are working to bring those goals to fruition. I am also looking to revitalize our District Committees. District Committees can be an incredible asset to our District, and we want this year to be the year in which they step up and make truly positive change in our District. This year, you will surely see a lot more information and resources coming out from each of our Committees. I am also serving as the chair of the Laws and Regulations Committee, a position in which I am hoping to make our Bylaws and Board Policies easier to understand and to update them to improve our District. Overall, I would really like to use my position to make the year easier and more productive for everyone in any way I can. I am going to be working on creating resources for Lieutenant Governors that will hopefully allow them to more easily help all of you. I am also going to be working closely with all of our Committee Chairs to help them reach the directives which we have given them this year so that they can all help you improve the Service that you provide, because that is always what I feel makes all of the hard work worth it. I also have a few ideas up my sleeve to work on creating resources for clubs in general that can help you all out with your projects, fundraisers, meetings, etc.


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

... Exec. Assistant’s Update cont. I also quickly wanted to thank all of you for all of the hard work that you do to build your homes, schools, and communities through your service, fundraising, and advocacy efforts. It is an inspiration to me every day, and it truly makes a huge impact on our world. Without you all, this incredible service wouldn’t happen, and it is because of you that our organization is great. You remind me every day that, as Mark Twain said, “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” Thank you for living out that message in your everyday lives. Just because my job is mainly on the District level, though, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to hear from you, the members! It is incredibly refreshing to hear anything that you have to say, so feel free to email me at any time with any ideas, questions, comments, or concerns with which you think I may be able to help you. Please don’t be shy, because I want to hear anything and everything that you have to say. My email is, and I am looking forward to hearing from you this year! Go New York District Key Club Beavers! Yours in Service, Matt Garber District Executive Assistant

Contact me at


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

Webmaster’s Update Hello Mighty New York District! My name is Tanya Hao (currently a sophomore in Hunter College High School), and I am elated to serve as your New York District Webmaster for the 2015-2016 service year! As District Webmaster, my job is to make Key Club-related technology user-friendly and more effective. Through the district website, I hope to provide the district's resources in the most efficient way possible. I believe it's also important that every club and division has its own constant, working website. For the webmasters out there, I am planning to release an updated resource on how to create and maintain a good Key Club website soon; please look forward to it! Of course, my duty isn't limited to helping webmasters only. I hope to reach out to Key Clubbers and non-Key Clubbers alike about how great Key Club is! I will be doing this through various social media platforms daily. I plan to relay more information from district committees to the rest of district through, and to work closely with LTGs to help publicize big events like DTC in their divisions. So far this service year, besides updating the website frequently and assisting other district board members in technological issues, I have been working on a new layout for the district website. I hope to widen the scope of information while maintaining the efficiency of the current website, and to hopefully make the new layout visible to the public by the end of August. Until then, of course, the current website will still function and be updated regularly.


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

… Webmaster’s Update cont. On the subject of working with other district board members, I will be working with Hanna a lot throughout the year to promote and spread information about her governor’s project (which is preventing “Hunger” this year). There will soon be a page on the website dedicated to “Hunger”. It is also part of my job to keep the district updated on the district projects (through the website). I will be posting fundraising goals, milestones, etc. throughout our journey supporting our chosen projects. In addition to my job as District Webmaster, I have also been appointed as the head of the District Public Relations Committee. This year, as committee head, my main goal is to promote the New York District Key Club using the best methods possible. I’d like to make use of social media outlets more; my committee and I will ensure that each outlet is updated every other day. Also, we will be creating graphics and videos for divisions and the district to use throughout the year. If you have any suggestions for the district website or questions about Key Club events, duties, etc., please contact me at! Happy Key Clubbing, let’s make this the best service year yet! Yours in Service, Tanya Hao District Webmaster Contact me at


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

Conference/Special Projects Chair’s Update Hello New York District Key Clubbers! I am Rikki Larios, you're Conference and Special Projects Chair. As Conference and Special Projects chair, I am responsible for the District convention at the end of the service year as well as other "special projects" that may occur. Currently I am coordinating fall rallies with all of the LTGs. As more projects come around, I will be aiding that too. As for the LTC aspect, as the convention comes closer, I will be working even more to make sure that everyone has a wonderful experience, whether it is his or her first time or his or her last time! As aforementioned, one of my current jobs is to help organize the Fall Rallies. As you may or may not know, Fall Rally is usually described as a "Mini Leadership Training Conference�. However, in order to promote larger and more productive Fall Rallies, we are organizing them earlier! Your respective Lieutenant Governors should have already told you about your particular Fall Rally date and location. There are some that are still working on it, though, and that is perfectly fine! This year, Fall Rally should be more productive, interactive and fun than ever before! I will be going to as many rallies as I'm able to, so I hope to meet you all there! I'm excited to see you all! Another part of my job as Conference and special projects chair is to help organize the Leadership Training Conference at the end of the service year! This year's LTC theme is Red Carpet: Stars of Service, and we will be incorporating this theme all throughout the conference. However, if you have any suggestions on how to improve or if you would like to propose an idea, please email me! I will gladly take any and all ideas into consideration. I hope to see you all at this year's LTC! Have a great summer, New York district! Yours in service, Ricardo Larios Conference and Special Projects Chair


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

… Conf. and Special Project Chair’s update cont. What is Fall Rally? Fall Rally is a fun event held every year that usually differs from division to division. This year, however, we’re making Fall Rally an even larger event than it has been in previous years! It will almost be like a Mini-LTC! What is LTC? LTC stands for Leadership Training Conference, which is a district wide even we hold each year. It is full of workshops, a ball, and other fun events! The Leadership Training Conference takes places at the end of each service year, meaning that the conference usually occurs in late March each year. For the 2015-2016 service year, it will be hosted March 18-20th. We have a theme that changes each year, and you have the chance to meet Key Clubbers from all over New York State!

Contact me at


District Updates THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

This year’s Governor’s Project is Hunger! Hello New York District Key Clubbers! As you may or may not be aware, I have announced my Governor’s Project for the 2015-2016 service year. This year, the project is Hunger! I chose this broad initiative because I felt that it was something that could be effectively implemented in your clubs as an advocacy, fundraising, or service event. Some service events could include holding can drives within your school, volunteering at your local Food Bank, making a meal at The Ronald McDonald House, or having a Pancake Breakfast with your Sponsoring Kiwanis. Additionally, your Key Club could also hold advocacy/fundraisers for organizations like Feeding America( ), Generation No Kid Hungry ( ), and International organizations like the United Nations World Food Programme ( ). There is even an organization unique to New York City called City Harvest! You can find out more information at: You can all expect to hear more information and ways to get involved in supporting this initiative in the future! Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions regarding the Governor’s Project at Yours in service, Hanna Nichols


District Updates THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

This year’s District Project is the Thirst Project! Hello NYDKC! Thank you to all of you who filled out the District Projects survey! The New York District has chosen the Thirst Project as our District Project for the 2015-2016 service year! As many of you may remember, our keynote speaker at LTC was Evan Wesley, from the Thirst Project. We have decided to continue to support him and the rest of the organization in their efforts to end the water crisis by raising money to build wells in suffering communities. One well costs $12,000 to build, but will last a community for life. As of now, 748 million people lack access to clean drinking water; this is a statistic we hope to change for the better by the end of this service year. Women and children have to carry 44 pound jerrycans, filled with water, for a distance of 3.75 miles on average. Because of this responsibility, the women are unable to find work to support their families, and the children are unable to attain an education. Clean water is something that everyone should have access to, and hopefully we can help to make this happen! Visit for more information on how you can help! Yours in service, Angelica Mehta

Evan Wesley and NYDKC at LTC 2015

Thirst Project selfie at ICON 2015


District Updates THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

District Charities The Eliminate Project Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces with The Eliminate Project in order to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. 60,000 infants, and many women as well, lose their lives to this disease every year. For only $1.80, a mother can receive three doses of immunization to protect herself and her future children from this deadly disease. Together, our goal is to raise $110 million for the Eliminate Project by the newly extended deadline of 2016. As of June 11th, 2015 Kiwanisfamily SLP have raised $4,604,749, which has saved over 3,350 lives. The New York District has raised $1978.79 thus far in our 2015-2016 service year! Internationally, through Trick or Treat for UNICEF, we have broken our record for the most money raised through this event, with an amazing sum of $635k. Congratulations on all of your hard work thus far! Visit for more information.

Kamp Kiwanis “Kamp Kiwanis is a program located in Taberg, New York, which provides children aged 8 to 14 (including those with special needs) with a unique camping experience. Kamp Kiwanis allows children to just be themselves, no matter what their situation, and encourages them to participate in team building exercises and activities, including boating, sports, and campfires. Kamp Kiwanis costs nothing for the children that attend. Through donations, the Kamp sponsors adults and children, allowing them to experience the program regardless of their financial position.� Visit for more information!


District Updates THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

District Charities cont. Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center “The Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center is designed to help treat and protect children. It is a Kiwanis-Hospital association that was created in order to provide the funds and staff necessary to create a trauma center with extensive medical assistance and safety. Kiwanis helps to provide treatment as to meet the needs of families with children suffering from trauma (e.g., transportation). Trauma takes the lives of 25,000 children each year and leaves another 120,000 children permanently disabled. An estimated 25% of these deaths and disabilities could be prevented with proper and prompt care. Kiwanis needs Key Club’s help to reduce the number of lives cut short!” Visit for more information!

Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation “Lyme Disease was brought to Kiwanis’ attention during 2000-01 New York District Kiwanis Governor John Gridley vowed to do something to help children afflicted with this terrible disease. The Lyme Disease Project was quickly set up to help pay for medical treatment for children with this disease. Unfortunately most insurance companies do not pay for its treatment, which is very expensive. Lyme Disease is caused by bacteria, which are usually transmitted by the deer tick. Lyme Disease may affect the brain in many ways. The most common is a disturbance in thinking. Other symptoms that occur frequently include headache, mood swings, irritability, depression, and marked fatigue. The spirochete which causes Lyme Disease can invade the central nervous system within days to a week of initial skin infection. The majority of people who are treated early with antibiotics do well and incur no long-term problems. People who are not treated until late may have a more complicated outcome” Visit for more information!


District Updates THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

Major Emphasis March of Dimes: “The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. March of Dimes was founded by our 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in the fight against polio. After the discovery of the polio vaccine, March of Dimes focused their efforts to improve the health of babies and has been successful with the help and enthusiasm of many grassroots volunteers. For decades, Key Club has partnered with the March of Dimers to give every baby a healthy start. Key Club members raise thousands of dollars annually through various programs, including collecting change, holding dances, and taking part in March of Dimes’ signature event, March for Babies.” So far, NYDKC has raised $923.90 for March of Dimes! Visit for more information!

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals: “Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids while increasing awareness of its member hospitals. All CMN Hospitals contributions directly benefit hospitals, helping to purchase up-todate equipment, train staff, conduct life-saving research, implement outreach programs and provide health care for children whose parents can’t afford to pay. Key Club participates with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals by sponsoring fundraising events. Key Club members also participate in service project at their local children’s hospital.” Visit for more information!





LTC Reflections “For the past few years, all I have heard was how life-changing LTC was, but you never really understand what that means until you go and experience it for yourself. Until you sing throwback songs with your advisors and 25 other loud, crazy teenagers on a 3 hour bus ride. Until you are running around the hotel room desperately trying to put on clothes as fast as you can because you’re late to a workshop. Until you sit in a room amongst hundreds of strangers, with whom you share something special, despite having never met these individuals. Until you stand and clap and cheer and cry because your club just won most service hours per member. There are so many incredible memories from the weekend – the speakers, the workshops, Playfair, the award ceremonies, the oratorical contest. Listening to Evan talk about the Thirst Project only strengthened my already existing love for the organization and my desire to contribute to alleviating the global water crisis. Attending Danny’s webmaster/editor workshop only made me more excited for the new service year and eager to get started on my first newsletter. I have never laughed, cried, clapped and shouted (sometimes all at the same time) more than I did during this weekend, as I watched Key Clubbers go up again and again for awards, as I watched my crying president and her board huddled together in their own world in the hallways, and as I watched Governor Jacob deliver his farewell speech. I met so many amazing people from all over New York during this weekend, but more importantly, I learned just how amazing my Key Club family is. The bonds we formed at LTC and after are overwhelmingly immeasurable. I honestly didn’t think it was possible to love Key Club more than I already did, but after LTC I realized just how wrong I was. There are some life-changing experiences and incredible bonds formed with people that you just can’t describe with words, and LTC is one of them. We always laugh at how hard it is to rank family, school, and Key Club in order of importance, but for me, the choice is easy – LTC has showed me that family will always come first because Key Club is my family.” Mona Miao Bronx Science Key Club



May/June SUMMER 2016

LTC Reflections cont. “The 67th annual Leadership Training Conference was my first time interacting with other Key Clubs on a district level. Upon getting on the bus, I wasn’t sure of what to expect from the following three days. However, it definitely did not disappoint. There were countless things to do; from the early morning to midnight, we shuffled through conferences, workshops, caucuses, and social gatherings. It was both overwhelming and exhilarating to see such a massive, diverse scope of people from all over New York State, but we quickly got to know one another and united over our club achievements and services. I learned about large-scale projects and events, such as the Thirst Project and ICON, in an in-depth level. The talent show and awards ceremony stood out to me the most because every school’s creative and service-related achievements were celebrated, from “Most Service Hours” to “Perfect Paperwork”. I left the conference with a reinvigorated interest in contributing to Key Club, and a stronger connection with people outside of my school and district. I met a lot of cool and talented people, and look forward to seeing them again next year.” Stephanie Yu LaGuardia Key Club



May/June SUMMER 2016

LTC Reflections cont. “Throughout my high school career, I’ve been to the Desmond more times than I could count. Between numerous Leadership Training Conferences, as well as for events for other clubs, every March approaches me with an oncoming wave of excitement. However, as my junior year expires more and more each day, the stark reality hits that next year may be my last time at this wonderful hotel for a very, very long time. Key Club has always been the one thing to keep my grounded amongst the hardships that school has brought upon my fragile mind, and while I myself, was never able to serve this organization on a leadership level, I had the opportunity to help three of my closest friends run for executive positions and international endorsement. In between the plastering of posters on glass surfaces and the chaos of never knowing where anyone was, I had the wondrous opportunity to make friends. Now, this may seem like an obvious thing to do during LTC, but in all of my previous experiences in Albany, not once did I feel that I had truly become more than one’s acquaintance – I was just a girl from Long Island. When you become isolated from the friends you have come to Albany with, you will make great memories with those you meet. But that’s not to say you won’t have a great time with the people in your club. For me, some of the most memorable moments at LTC were those with my club as a whole, not just my particularly close friends. Whether we were pumped for Penny Wars or off trying to find Desmond pens, our adventures were ones that all of us will remember for the years to come. I had many lasting moments with my senior friends, and it made me realize just how much I should relish this last service year to come. I continuously think back to something one senior had told me at my first Leadership Training Conference: “Be careful with your LTCs. You still have three more to go, but they will fly by before your eyes.” Now that I am at my last one, I hope that all of the Key Clubbers to come will be able to experience something as life changing over their four years, just as I have.” Vittoria Vitucci William Floyd Key Club



May/June SUMMER 2016



May/June SUMMER 2016



May/June SUMMER 2016

ICON 2015 was a crazy whirlwind of activity. It feels like 5 minutes ago that I was running off of my plane to find the hopscotch and meet up with the rest of our board. The meet and greet started off the week with a bang, complete with human bowling, bounce houses, photo booths, a dance floor and so much more! It was an incredible to be able to experience convention with all branches of the K-Family. Being able to attend the Kiwanis sessions was so valuable; we listened to amazing speeches from Aktion Club member, Tim Harris, Kiwanis International President, John Button, and our very own, IP International President, Maria Palazzolo. They were inspiring and uplifting, and made everyone proud to be a part of the K-Family. The entire week was a fantastic experience; from getting caught in the pouring rain, to listening to amendments to the amendments to the amendments during House of Delegates, to attending countless workshops, to the baseball game and Hellogoodbye concert, this was a trip that I will never forget. However, the highlight of the week was hearing our very own Clifford Young and Heather Farley elected as 2015-2016 International Trustees! Along with that we also elected Rip Livingston as our International President, and Addison Clipfell as our International Vice President! Our New York District board became so close that we can now call ourselves a family; we even created a family tree. I could go on and on and on about how wonderful this convention was, but you won’t truly understand until you experience it for yourself. Please consider joining us from July 6th-10th in Atlanta, Georgia for ICON 2016! Angelica Mehta District Bulletin Editor



May/June SUMMER 2016

How I got married at my first International Convention…… I guess you can say I had an iconic experience at this year’s International Convention in Indianapolis. Not many 16 year olds can say that they got married at a Key Club Convention with other 16 year olds. But, I can say that. It all happened during lunch hour at Chipotle. I was happily enjoying my Chipotle Bowl. This didn’t last very long… I was then interrupted by a super enthusiastic Lieutenant Governor from the Florida District with the name of Kim. Day after day, I continuously bumped into her session after session. Over the next few days, “the marriage happened.” You know the proposal, the building friendship, and of course the ring.. pop! We would always joke that it was because of “fate” that brought us together. Does fate really exist? I believe so. I have met so many amazing and passionate Key Clubbers from all over the States this past weekend. Meeting these “key” individuals for me was the highlight of the conference. Seeing the enthusiasm of CNH (shout-out to Matt) and the passion of KIWINS to the genuineness of both the Alabama and Ohio District made me so grateful to be a part of Key Club International. However, there was one Key Clubber who truly inspired me to become a better Lieutenant Governor for my Division or even a better person in general. This Key Clubber told us that we are here to serve not to be served and that humility is the best character trait to possess as a leader. Being Lieutenant Governor, having this fancy title may make you seem like a “celebrity” at times. But in reality – the REAL KEY CLUB CELEBRITIES – are the members. Without the hard work and dedication from the 270,000 members internationally, would we be here today eliminating Maternal Neonatal Tetanus from the world? Definitely not! So who is this Key Clubber exactly? You might have heard of her…… Maria Palazzolo, the Immediate Past International President. Speaking of International Board, I would just like to congratulate Clifford Young and Heather Farley for becoming our next International Trustees. I am incredibly proud of them both and I am certain that without a doubt they will continue to make New York District proud. Oh! There’s one more thing I believe in. As quoted from the HelloGoodbye Band, “Oh, It is love. From the first time I set my eyes upon yours thinking of is it love?” Yes, it is love! After just 5 days, I fell in love with Key Club International all over again. Kelly Song LTG Division 8



May/June SUMMER 2016

Hi! My name is Jeongseok Suh (just call me Daniel), and I’m the Lieutenant Governor of Division 13. I recently went on a trip to Indianapolis for the International Convention of Key Club with a group of very intimidating, successful people otherwise known as the other LTG’s of New York District. We had met before at a previous board meeting, but the encounter had been pretty awkward as everybody was still in their own little shells. We left that board meeting as simple acquaintances, where people were still struggling to remember each other’s names. We met at LaGuardia Airport at 8 AM and boarded the plane at 10:05. The ride to Indianapolis was long and harsh, and we had to wait in the plane for 33 other planes to take off. The amount of complaining going on was incredible and hilarious. However, this gave us something that we could all talk about, and sparked communication between all of us. We bonded greatly over the course of the conference, through the countless hours of sitting through caucus sessions, as well as dancing in the nightly parties that were planned by the International board. We started to open up to each other and began to truly break free of those shells around us, realizing that we were all just a part of the same great organization. There are no other words to describe ICON other than amazing, inspiring, and eye-opening. Amazing, in that it was an incredibly fun time with incredibly great people (and incredibly good restaurants around the convention center). It was an extremely useful asset to me, and I know I will use the lessons I’ve been taught at ICON throughout my time as LTG as well as throughout the remainder of my life. Inspiring, in that many fantastic speakers came up to speak about their lives, and the hardships they went through. It showed me the true potential of ALL people, and how far they can go, as long as he or she has the will to just keep walking. Lastly, eye-opening, in that it showed us all the true roll of the individual, to the power of the society. Each and every member is no greater than another, nor are they any lesser. There is no such thing as a “regular” member. We are all changing the world together, and you are a part of the change. ICON will be forever remembered by me as one of the most memorable and influential experiences of my life. I will carry the lessons I’ve learned there with me and remember the amazing fun times that we’ve had there for as long as I live. The people who went to ICON came as simple acquaintances. Five days later, we left as family. Daniel Suh LTG Division 13


Service Spotlights THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

“The two Great Neck High School Key Clubs joined forces at the Atria Cuttermill—a lovely home for elderly people in the village of Great Neck. Typically, the Atria entertains its residents with movie nights and bingo games. This night, though, was something different. This was “Senior Prom” night—that is, a prom for the senior citizens. The week prior to the event, Great Neck South Key Club made corsages for the prom out of tissue paper and pipe cleaners. When each resident arrived, we wrapped the flowers around the wrists (for the ladies) and pinned the flowers on the shirts (for the men). About 40 residents and 15 Key Clubbers were there, along with a few South chorus members. We had a huge sing-a-long and also a performance for the residents, and the singers received tremendous applause and encores. At the end of the night, the residents were given an opportunity to take photos against a ‘photo booth’ background screen, complete with props such as boas and crazy glasses and hats. They begged us to come back and they hugged and kissed us goodbye. Although many of them came in tired and feeling defeated, they left that night content and feeling connected as a community. It was an amazing night.” Amanda Madenberg LTG Division 4N


Service Spotlights THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

“On Wednesday, May 20th, the William Floyd High School Key Club worked with the Tangier Elementary School Garden Club to help charm up the bird garden and entranceways of the primary school. The Key Clubbers helped second and third graders to create new colorful bird feeders, as well as place mulch onto the newly weeded flowerbeds. As it was the last meeting for the Garden Club, the fun atmosphere was the perfect way for the young students to say goodbye as the school year came to a close.” Vittoria Vitucci William Floyd Key Club

* * * “Recently the Norwood Norfolk Key Club volunteered at the 2nd annual Sandy’s Steps to Edge Out ALS walk. Members helped to set up and take down decorations. Members also helped during the walk by selling bracelets and water bottles, assisting with registration, handing out t-shirts and helping the children in the craft section. Along with volunteering, our club made a $100 donation. This event is very important to us as a club.” Gretchen Dunkelberg Norwood-Norfolk Key Club


Service Spotlights THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

“On June 14th, the Lindenhurst High School Key Club adopted a beach. It ran from 9am-12pm. Every key clubber was working until every ounce of trash was cleaned up. The local beach was still open to the public during their event and a few residents were very impressed, saying “Thank you!” and “You are doing a fantastic job.” The key clubbers didn’t expect to find that much trash and it was a mind opener. Every year, around the same time, they will host a similar event. This event was a huge success!” Alexis Warren LTG Division 2


Partners in Service THE LOREM IPSUMS

May/June SUMMER 2016

Vision Partners: Nickelodeon: Nickelodeon joined the Kiwanis Family as a 2013 Vision Partner of Kiwanis International with a focus on its Big Help initiative, which addresses issues in service, education, the environment and health. Learn more about Nickelodeon’s Big Help efforts, the Halo Awards program and Day of Play and or

Co-Sponsors Hershey: Key Club International welcomes The Hershey Company as a Key Club co-sponsor – with a focus on engaging Key Club members with Hershey’s Track and Field Games. Now in its 35th year, HTFG serves children age 9-14 by helping them get active and develop healthy lifestyles. More than 10 million kids in the United States and Canada have participated in HTFG. Rustic Pathways: Key Club Co-Sponsor Rustic Pathways has 30 years of experience leading exceptional international education and service programs for students. With over 130 programs in 20 countries, Rustic Pathways is the global leader in its field. Recognizing our shared values, Rustic Pathways has partnered with Key Club to provide its members with the opportunity to broaden their global perspective while performing meaningful service projects in communities around the world.



Contact us! Hanna Nichols District Governor Zainab Nathani District Secretary Donna Yu District Treasurer Matt Garber District Executive Assistant Angelica Mehta District Bulletin Editor Tanya Hao District Webmaster Ricardo Larios District Conference/Special Projects Chair

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Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.


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