The Empire Key | October/November 2016-2017 | Issue 4

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The Empire Key New York District Key Club Governor Matt with our trustee, JoJo Saunders, at the Tri-K Board Meeting in November

Follow Us! @nykeyclub


What is Key Club? Key Club International is the high school organization sponsored by Kiwanis International. Key Club assists Kiwanis in carrying out its mission to serve the children of the world. High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, District, and International levels.

LTC 2017:

ICON 2017:

March 31April 2, 2017 Desmond Hotel, Albany, NY



San Antonio, TX

ICON 2018: TBD Chicago, IL 1

New York District Key Club



Table of Contents Meet Your District/International Board

Page 3-5

A Word from the Editor

Page 6

Executive Newsletter

Page 7-17

Co-Sponsors and Vision Partner

Page 18

Preferred Charities, District Project, & Governor’s Project

Page 19-21

Kiwanis District Charities

Page 22

International Convention 2017

Page 23

Service Spotlights

Page 24

Leadership Training Conference

Page 25


Meet Your District Board Executive Board District Governor Matt Garber

District Secretary Tanya Hao District Treasurer Cynthia Jiang District Executive Assistant Alexis Warren District Executive Assistant Kacie Luo District Webmaster Kevin Yin District Bulletin Editor Sofia Paulino sofiapaulino.editor@nydkc.or g


Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any point with questions, comments, or concerns!

Meet Your International Board! International Trustee JoJo Saunders New York, KIWINS’S, Nebraska-Iowa

International President Devin Sun

International Trustee Jeongseok Suh New England-Bermuda, Illinois-Eastern Iowa, Minnesota-Dakotas

International Vice President Mary Grace Lewis

International Trustee Jessica Bae Ohio, Rocky Mountain, Missouri-Arkansas

International Trustee Drew Valenti Wisconsin-Upper Michigan, Carolinas, Eastern Canada

International Trustee Audrey Dilgarde Capital, Montana, Michigan

International Trustee Clifford Young Florida, Georgia, and Caribbean-Atlantic

International Trustee Tiffany Hang Indiana, Pennsylvania, UtahIdaho

International Trustee William Zhang West Virginia, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii, and Jamaica

International Trustee Kino-Paul Hurlington Texas-Oklahoma, Bahamas, Southwest International Trustee Nicole Montana Kansas, LouisianaMississippi-West Tennessee, Pacific Northwest International Trustee Shinbee Park Alabama, KentuckyTennessee, New Jersey 4

Meet Your District Board! Lieutenant Governors 1- Cara Saccente

9- Raymond Liao

19- Julianna Behr

2- Messiah Reid

10- Emily Orengo

20- Joseph Ryan

3- Natalie D’Onofrio

11- Kalvin Chi

21- James Erdman

4N- Bella Harnick

12- Vacant

22- Vacant

4S- JP Iacona

13- Lovina John

23- Vacant

5- Max Perry

14- Silas Swanson

24- Noah Dorchester

6- Shermeen Khan

15- Amy Carolus

25- Doug Urban

7- Charles Freda

16- Chris Barra

26- Vacant

8- Gavin Li

17- Tyler Kearns

8A- Kristen Dougherty

18- Jordan Scott

International Trustees

Trustee to New York JoJo Saunders

Trustees from New York Clifford Young and Jeongseok (Daniel) Suh 5

A Word from Your Editor Greetings New York District! I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving! As you might may have heard, the second weekend of November was the Tri-K board meeting. I loved being able to interact with Kiwanians and Circle K’ers from around the state! Here, we also welcomed our international trustee JoJo Saunders from the PNW district. Also, if anyone has any service spotlights they’d like to send in or have a special Key Clubber in mind they’d like to see in the next edition, please email me! As editor, I am responsible for grading Lieutenant Governor Newsletters, keeping a newsletter log, and creating what you are currently reading, the Empire Key (distributed every two months)! I would love it if club editors contacted me with any questions they might have about graphic standards or anything at all. If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Yours in Service, Sofia Paulino District Editor

Contact me at:


Governor’s Update Hello New York District! Thank you for reading this edition of the Empire Key! In this busy time of year, it is always exciting to see members continue to carve out time in their day for Key Club. A lot is happening this Fall, and I am excited to share it with our District. Over the last two months, the New York District has been hard at work. In October, our primary focus was Fall Rallies. Over 500 Key Clubbers from around New York attended a Fall Rally this year. I sincerely hope that your local Rally was an engaging, informative, and exciting event. I know that those I had the opportunity to attend certainly were! In November, we kicked things off with Key Club Week. November is the official Kiwanis Family Month, so many Kiwanis Family events took place across the state. On the District level, we held the annual Tri-K Board Meeting in which the District leaders of Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis held board meetings together. I hope that many of you took advantage of Kiwanis Family Month as well.

We are also rolling out our Governor’s Project T-Shirt fundraiser. Please take a moment to check that out on our website, as well as the Icing Smiles merchandise fundraising opportunity we have set up as well. Both the Governor’s Project and District Project have been incredibly well received this year, and I am proud of our District for supporting such great causes. Looking to the future, LTC is of course on the horizon. Now is the time to start promoting within your clubs! LTC is a fantastic opportunity to engage with Key Club on a broader scale and grow as a leader as well. This year’s conference is set to be bigger and better than ever! With an updated schedule, two keynotes, more workshops, a service fair, and more, I can’t wait to share the conference with as many Key Clubbers as possible. Remember, this year’s conference is all about YOU!


…Governor’s Update cont. Please take the time to read through this edition of our newsletter to find out more about what the District is up to, but I would now like to take a quick moment to thank you for what you’ve been up to. The hard work of our clubs and members is an inspiration to communities across New York, and the impact that you make is incredible. Thank you for diligently serving your homes, schools, and communities, and I hope you take this holiday season as an opportunity to give back as well. Something tells me that you will. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at any point for the remainder of the service year! I always love to hear from you, and I hope that I can be a resource for you as well. Until next time, thank you, and happy Key Clubbing!

Yours in Service, Matt Garber District Governor

Contact me at:


Executive Assistant’s Update Hi New York District! Can you believe the holidays are right around the corner?! That means you can plan some awesome service projects! For November, you can work with your K-Family to do a food drive or visit the Veterans home. For December, you can adopt a family in your community or collect Toys for Tots. There are so many different projects and fundraisers to get involved with and now is the best time. Continuing, I would like to thank anyone who participated in Pen Pals. They were a success and I hope everyone enjoys meeting someone new; maybe you can even plan a Skype call into each other's club meetings. Happy Holidays! If you every need anything, please feel free to contact me at (717) 856-5417!

Yours in service and passion, Alexis Warren Executive Assistant

Contact me at:


Executive Assistant’s Update Hey Key Clubbers, I would like to start by thanking those who came out to your respective Fall Rallies. I heard very good feedback and I hope that everyone was able to learn a lot. There is only 4 months left until the Leadership Training Conference (LTC). We released our first promotional video this month which you can find on our LTC website. General and conference staff registration has also been released. Please ask your Lieutenant Governors for more information. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I always reply to any emails and if you add me on Facebook we are automatically best friends. Yours in service, Kacie Luo Executive Assistant Contact me at:


Secretary’s Update Hello New York District Key Club! I hope your club has been doing well and that you have been having a servicefilled school year so far. Remember to report any events your club holds on the Monthly Report Form! The MRF is due on the 10th of every month. Please refer to my previous newsletter insert for the general rules in filling out the form. For those of you who are secretaries this year, keep up the great work! This year, try your best to stay active in finding new events for your club because the activeness of your club is mostly reflective of your hard work! What you may think are the “small things” in your job- minutes, agenda-making, and maintaining the roster- are all extremely important to the wellbeing of your club as well. Remember to update your membership roster often and continue promoting recruitment in your school: you want to do as much as you can this service year. If you’ve been doing all of this so far, there’s one question I’d love for you to think about: what is something that can be improved this year in your club? Go above and beyond the bare minimum, because being secretary isn’t just a job: it’s also a position in which you have ability to change things for the better. Finally, please start compiling any materials necessary for the Distinguished or Outstanding Club Secretary Awards to be rewarded during LTC. Lastly, for those of you who are not seniors: have you thought about running for higher office? Has the thought of running for District Secretary ever passed your mind? Whether you’re set on running for District Secretary or not sure if this position is what you’re looking for, shoot me an email and I can give you some insight. Good luck!

Yours in Service, Contact me at:

Tanya Hao, District Secretary


Treasurer’s Update Hello Mighty New York District! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Time is ticking and I cannot believe that we are almost three quarters through the service year! With that said, I would like to talk about dues and fundraisers! Many of you have submitted Fundraising Report Forms but we are only four months away from LTC! With only four months left, we only are a little over 50% in reaching our fundraising goal of $125,000. Right now, our fundraising total is around $70,000, leaving us about $55,000 more to go! If there were any fundraisers hosted since LTC (March 2015), please submit them as soon as you can! Keep in mind that the updated Fundraising Report Form no longer requires proof to be sent in! Your Lieutenant Governor and advisor will receive a copy of the submitted form after it is filled out. All that is needed is for them to confirm the information on the form and you are done! When donating the money raised, feel free to consider one of the district charities we have this year! You can reach out to me or your Lieutenant Governor and we will gladly tell you which charities could use a little more support. I am so proud of everyone for hosting fundraisers these past few months. Big or small, each fundraiser has made a huge difference! In addition to Fundraising Report Forms, many of you have already submitted your dues for the Early Bird deadline which was November 1st. The regular dues deadline is December 1st. Key Club dues are to be paid annually and are $13 this year - $6 for the New York District and $7 for Key Club International. Please encourage your club members to pay their dues as soon as possible. Dues must be received by February 1st or else your club will be suspended!


…Treasurer’s Update cont. With the service year coming to an end very soon, I hope that everyone can give it their all in the remaining four months! Don’t forget that it is not too late to make a difference! Every club started strong so let’s end strong as well! If any of you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me at any time! Good luck to all of you whether it is school work or college acceptances! Wishing all of you the best!

Yours in Service, Cynthia Jiang District Treasurer

Contact me at:


Webmaster’s Update Hello New York District Key Clubbers! It’s almost the end of the year and there are so many things to get done! First, before I start with my update, I hope everyone had a great time with their family for Thanksgiving. Second, to all those seniors out there, best of luck on college admissions and college essays. Lastly, I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming holidays :)! Let’s get started with my update! I have finished the LTC website, so please go check it out at; the website should consist of important information regarding LTC and awards. For NYDKC app, I have been working on it. The progress of the app has been going well; however, there is a lot of things to get done. I predict that the app should be released to the apple store in mid to late January due to the development of the app and have the app approved by apple. For the DKC application, I have recently got in contact with Danny Qiu, past District Webmaster, to receive access from deploy the source code for the DKC application. Right now, the DKC application is updated and ready to be used. You can apply for the Distinguished Key Clubber award at For the district website, I will be updating it soon! Also, for the district website, I haven’t been receiving any service spotlights for the :(. If you have any service spotlights that you would like to be featured on the district website, feel free to send me an email with a picture and a small blurb of the service spotlight at Again, I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming holidays. Also, keep up with the great work. There are only four months left of the service year! Can’t wait to see everyone at the upcoming 69th annual LTC!

Yours in Service,

Contact me at:

Kevin Yin District Webmaster


Liaison’s Update Hello fellow Beavers,

My name is Gisselle Rodriguez Benitez and I am excited to serve as Division Liaison and Elections Chair for the service year. This my fourth year in Key Club and my second as part of the District Board. Last year, I served as Lieutenant Governor of Division 6. As Division Liaison, my responsibility is to provide information from the board to the clubs of vacant division and to encourage members within those divisions to run for Lieutenant Governor. I am currently working with division 12 (Lower Hudson Valley), 22 (South Central), 23 (Southwest) and 26 (Genesee Valley). My goal for this service year is to find a Lieutenant Governor for each of the divisions. At LTC this year, I will be serving as Elections Chair. Essentially, I help Governor Matt and the district administrators run a smooth and fair election. If you’re interested in running for a district position, please look into it! Being part of the District Board is amazing opportunity to grow, learn, and to meet potential best friends. Not to mention, you’re able to interact with Kiwanians and Circle K counterparts, at events like our recent Tri-K Board Meeting in November. Its a great way to meet people from different backgrounds who all work towards providing service to our communities. “That sounds great, but aren’t elections hard, and what if I lose?” Elections are difficult in that they require you to learn about Key Club, about what you would like to do for our district, etc., but it is doable! After your first speech, you’ll feel an immense wait fall off your shoulders. And let's say you do lose. You get to have experienced something many students have not. Last year, I ran for endorsement for International Trustee (and received it, shout out to last year’s delegates) and it was of the most interesting experiences I have had as Key Clubber. Unfortunately, I lost at International Convention, but I don’t regret taking the chance! I was able to meet amazing Key Clubbers (some who I can call friends) and I was able to develop skills in public speaking by giving speeches.


Liaison’s Update I encourage you to have fun at LTC and, if you are interested in running for office, step out of your comfort zone and go for it! Email me if you have any questions on the process. Thanks for reading and Happy Key Clubbin’. Yours in Service, Gisselle Rodriguez-Benitez District Liason

Contact me at:


A Word from Your Int’l Trustee Hello, New York District Key Clubbers! I hope November has been treating you all well! The international board has been getting to work these past few months, and I want to let you guys know what we have been working on! We recently met up in Indiana for our November Board meeting. Here, we worked in our prospective committees: Service & Education, Growth & Communication, Executive, and an ad hoc Youth Opportunities Fund committee. To start, the committee on Service and Education has been working on documenting resources that Key Club provides and currently is focusing on refining the current resources so that they're up to date and ready for the newly updated website, aiming to be released next year! The Committee on Growth and Communication is currently sending out surveys to international districts so we may better serve them and provide them with the assistance they need. CGC is also working on creating a new webinar! This webinar will be focusing on explaining the branches of the Kiwanis Family and how we are able to reach out to them and better connect the K-Family together! We'll have more information on the webinar soon, so look out for more info from the Key Club International social media accounts! Lastly, at the international board meeting, the Committee on Youth Opportunities fund finished the screening and granting procedures for all of the YOF applicants. Thank you to all of the clubs and members who applied for the Youth Opportunity Fund grant, the results will be released in January if you club received a grant for a service project!

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the year, and if you have any questions about anything, I'm always a message away! Happy Holidays Key Clubbers! In love and service,

Contact me at:

JoJo Saunders International Trustee 17

Co-Sponsors and Vision Partner Rustic Pathways At Rustic Pathways, we work at the intersection of travel, education, and philanthropy. Through our programs, we facilitate life-changing educational experiences for students and use travel and philanthropy as a means to achieve sustainable development in the places we visit. We believe that by maintaining clear focus on each of these goals we are not only able to provide the most transformative experience for our students, but are also able to make a positive impact on the communities in which we work.

Hershey The Hershey Company focuses on engaging Key Club members with Hershey’s Track and Field Games. Now in its 36th year, HTFG serves children ages 9-14 by helping them get active and develop healthy lifestyles. More than 10 million kids in the Unites States and Canada have participated in HTFG.

Nickelodeon Vision Partner Nickelodeon inspires kids to take action and make a difference in the world. Through the Big Help and Worldwide Day of Play initiatives, kids and adults work together to plan events and activities in the following areas: health & wellness, education, service and the environment.


Preferred Charities Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Since 1983, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has raised more than $5 billion— most of it $1 at a time—for 170 children’s hospitals across the United States and Canada, which, in turn, use the money where it’s needed the most. These donations have gone to support research and training, purchase equipment, and pay for uncompensated care, all to save and improve the lives of as many children as possible. Our mission: We increase funds and awareness for local children’s hospitals. Our vision: Together we save kids’ lives. Right now there’s a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital working to save the lives of kids in your community. In fact, 62 children enter a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital for treatment every minute — that's one child every second. Some are battling cancer. Some are suffering from a traumatic injury. Others require constant care because they were born too early, or with a genetic disease. Regardless of why the kids are there, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals always have their doors open.

March of Dimes President Franklin Roosevelt's personal struggle with polio led him to create the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis at a time when polio was on the rise. Better known as the March of Dimes, the foundation established a polio patient aid program and funded research for vaccines developed by Jonas Salk, MD and Albert Sabin, MD. These vaccines effectively ended epidemic polio in the United States. Its original mission accomplished, the foundation turned its focus to preventing birth defects and infant mortality. The March of Dimes has led the way to discover the genetic causes of birth defects, to promote newborn screening, and to educate medical professionals and the public about best practices for healthy pregnancy. We have supported research for surfactant therapy to treat respiratory distress and helped initiate the system of regional neonatal intensive care for premature and sick babies. Our recent Folic Acid Campaign achieved a dramatic reduction in the incidence of neural tube defects, birth defects of the brain and spine.

UNICEF For 15 years, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were a guiding force on many issues affecting the lives of children, young people and their families. Over this time, tremendous progress was made in reducing preventable child deaths, getting more children into schools (including both girls and boys), reducing extreme poverty and in ensuring more people have access to safe water and nutritious food. However, progress has been uneven and many of the most pressing issues for the world - including addressing inequalities, promoting inclusive economic growth, protecting children from violence and combating climate change -- were not adequately covered in the MDGs. 19

District Project Icing Smiles Icing Smiles is a nonprofit organization that provides custom celebration cakes and other treats to families impacted by the critical illness of a child. We understand that the simple things, like a birthday cake, are luxuries to a family battling illness. Our goal is to create a custom cake for the ill child, or their sibling, that provides a temporary escape from worry and creates a positive memory during a difficult time.

Memories have magical powers. Long after the cake is gone, the memories linger – memories of the kindness of a stranger, of the art of the design, of the sweet smells of a special treat, of the smiles and laughs, of a normal childhood experience so often stolen from these children. These memories are why we say, “It is so much more than a cake.” Website:

Governor’s Project Voices for the Blind Voices for the Blind is all about empowering blind and visually impaired children. It is meant to promote education, leadership, and confidence, with the goal of allowing more and more blind children to take an active and integrated role in society. Camp Abilities are summer camps for blind children that focus on adapted sports, interaction, and confidence building. Started in Brockport, NY, the number of individually run camps has expanded to four camps in New York and 26 camps in six different nations in total. 20

Eliminate Project UNICEF and its partners have combated maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) across the globe through education, outreach, and mass immunization drives. In addition to delivering tetanus vaccines to even the remotest areas by any means necessary — including on horseback and even on foot — UNICEF has trained traditional midwives and birth attendants in safe birthing practices and distributed safe birthing kits. To help stem the tide of MNT, UNICEF has also supported prenatal care and a wide range of other maternal and newborn health services. Since 1999, UNICEF and its partners have immunized nearly 100 million women with two or more doses of the vaccine and eliminated the disease in 39 countries. Countries that have recently validated the elimination of MNT include Sierra Leone, Gabon, Laos and Madagascar. MNT still remains a deadly threat in 20 countries.

Thirst Project

We are the Key Club International Service Partner. Our mission is simple: Build a socially-conscious generation of young people who END the global water crisis. We do this by educating students about it and activating them to rock the clean water cause & build real water projects all over the world. Why Water? Health and Sanitation: Waterborne diseases kill more children every single year than AIDS, Malaria, and all world violence combined. Small children typically do not have strong enough immune systems to fight diseases like cholera, dysentery, or schistosomiasis. By providing a community with safe drinking water, disease rates can drop by up to 88% virtually overnight! Child mortality rates can drop up to 90%- overnight! Clean water also plays an incredibly critical role in effectively treating and managing HIV/AIDS in rural communities. Swaziland, for example, has the single-highest-density population of HIV/AIDS in the world. For a person with HIV/AIDS, even if you have access to medical treatment or antiretroviral medication, but are still forced to drink dirty water from contaminated sources, the diseases in the water you drink will actually kill you faster than AIDS itself. 21

Kiwanis District Charities Kamp Kiwanis Kamp Kiwanis is aimed at providing fun, physical exercise and adventure. It strives to afford opportunities to participate in a creative outdoor group experience in a democratic setting and develop characteristics of leadership and fair play. The program at Kamp Kiwanis is designed to mainstream all children, including up to 20 each session with special needs. It is non-competitive with emphasis on group and team building. No activity is forced, but all are encouraged. 102 acres of woodlands with a pond for fishing and boating and an inground swimming pool. The coed camp accepts children ages 8 through 14; younger and older ages are considered with special approval. The camp has a capacity of 130 campers with 20 special needs campers per week. The staff/camper ratio is one to eight. Lower ratios are provided when needed. The camp is basically handicapped accessible.

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center The New York District of Kiwanis’s Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center program provides lifesaving training, equipment, and education to prevent pediatric trauma. Every year, more children die from unintentional injuries than all childhood diseases combined. Trauma claims the lives of 25,000 children each year. Another 120,000 youngsters are permanently disabled. It doesn't have to be that way. With proper, prompt care, about 25 percent of the deaths and disabilities could be prevented or reduced. Saving children's lives requires equipment and training as is provided by Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Centers. KPTC works with, and trains, prehospital care providers such as paramedics and emergency medical technicians for pediatric emergency care. Additionally, KPTC offers safety programs to prevent accidents before they happen. It has centers on Long Island, in Albany, and in Buffalo.

Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease The Lyme disease problem was brought to Kiwanis' attention during 2000-01 when New York District Gov. John Gridley vowed to do something to help children afflicted with this terrible disease. The Lyme Disease Project was quickly set up to help pay for medical treatment for children with this disease. Unfortunately, many insurance companies don’t pay for the treatment, which is extremely expensive. Our support is funded through donations from Kiwanis Clubs and individuals and channeled into the Pediatric Lyme Disease Fund. Just this winter, KPLD provided a grant of over $20,000 to one young New Yorker afflicted by the disease. Lyme disease is caused by bacteria usually transmitted by the deer tick. It is a scary possibility to consider for New York State residents who enjoy spending time outside during the summer months. Lyme disease may affect the brain in many ways. The most common is a disturbance in thinking. Other symptoms that occur frequently include headache, mood swings, irritability, depression and marked fatigue.


International Convention 2017 July 5th-9th in San Antonio, Texas Why go to Key Club International Convention? Because it’s the biggest event of the Key Club year! Imagine celebrating the amazing things Key Club does with more than 1,600 Key Clubbers from all across the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.

You’ll also be able to:          

Bond with your people. Travel to and from International Convention with your district. Share innovative service project and fundraising ideas. Listen to amazing speakers. Learn about servant leadership. Train for your 2017-18 leadership position. Elect next year’s Key Club International Board. Hear about our success so far with The Eliminate Project—and how you can help eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Discover new charities and organizations you and your club can team up with. Have fun and make memories and friendships that last a lifetime. See the sites in San Antonio and save money while doing it.


Service Spotlights "The Week Without Violence is an annual event put on by Mayfield HS Key Club. This event raises awareness for domestic violence and the dangers that come along with it. On Monday of that week, 9th graders went through a program that brought them through the day of the life of someone being abused. Throughout the week, stop signs were sold to raise money for domestic violence awareness as well. As a conclusion of the week, on Friday, students join in the front courtyard and form a peace circle, to show they will stand up and say no more to domestic violence." Tyler Kearns Division 17 Lieutenant Governor

“The North Shore Key Club is working with the Operation Christmas Child Program (OCC) for their Major Emphasis Project in 2016-2017. Many hours of service have been completed and time and effort working with the entire K family to be included with this event. Pictured are NS Key Club members with their hats on and smiles galore as they completed numerous shoe boxes filled with goodies for children in need. To date with many people working on this project… over 550 shoeboxes have been organized and will arrived for the holidays to many countries worldwide. Since 1993 OCC shoeboxes have delighted over 135 million children. Many thanks to Bonnie Watkins from OCC, assisting and guiding the North Shore Key Club with this very successful endeavor.” Julia Salat North Shore High School Advisor 24

Leadership Training Conference Looking for an unforgettable experience? What: 69th Leadership Training Conference

When: March 31 - April 2, 2017

Where: The Desmond Hotel in Albany, NY

Why: Make tons of new friends, learn new leadership skills, and go back to your home club with a renewed sense of giving and compassion!

Unmask The Service


Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions. 26

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