The Empire Key | September/October 2015-2016 | Issue 3

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“Caring – Our way of life”

The Empire Key The Official Publication of the New York District


S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R

In this issue:

Executive Newsletter


Find us on Social Media @NYKeyClub

District Updates Fall Rally


Service Spotlights Youth Opportunities Fund


Partners in Service K-Family

New York District Key Club

#KEYCLUBWEEK November 2nd-6th


September/October FALL 2016 Meet Your District Board! Executive Board


Hanna Nichols


Zainab Nathani


Donna Yu


Tanya Hao

Executive Assistant

Matt Garber

Bulletin Editor

Angelica Mehta

Conference/Special Projects Chair

Ricardo Larios

Lieutenant Governors 1 – Yesha Dalal

13 – Daniel Suh

2 – Alexis Warren

14 – Chloe Peer

3 – Grace Zhao

15 – Cameryn Quinan

4N – Amanda Madenberg

16 – Sophia Casabonne

4S – Rohit Mathew

17 – Vacant

5 – Maxwell Perry

18 – Michaela Mueller

6 – Gisselle Rodriguez

19 – Nathaniel Moretz

7 – Kamran Vakil

20 – Vacant

8 – Kelly Song

21 – Grace Traino

8A – Diana Piktel

22 – Storm Mayer

9 – Ruoxin Lin

23 – Andrew Casper

10 – Rebecca Lopez

24 – Avery Sharlow

11 – Emily Li

25 – Rachael Ruhland



September/October FALL 2016 Meet Your International Board!

Rip Livingston

Amy Jiang

International President

International Trustee

Florida, Illinois-Eastern Iowa, Eastern Canada

Addison Clipfell

Ian MacDonald

International Vice President

International Trustee

Indiana, Texas-Oklahoma, Caribbean-Atlantic

Giselle Campbell

Aysha Moneer

International Trustee

International Trustee

Georgia, Minnesota-Dakotas, Utah-Idaho

Pennsylvania, West Virginia, LA-MS-West TN Anastasia Slepukhova

Bethany Downs

International Trustee

International Trustee Ohio, New England, Kansas

KIWIN’S, New York, Alabama

Heather Farley

Devin Sun

International Trustee

International Trustee

Rocky Mountain, Southwest, Michigan

Carolinas, Pacific NW, Missouri-Arkansas

Kacie Hines

Hojin Yoon

International Trustee

International Trustee

New Jersey, Wisconsin-Upper Michigan, Kentucky-Tennessee

California-Nevada-Hawaii, Bahamas, Nebriowa Clifford Young International Trustee Capital, Jamaica, Montana



September/October FALL 2016

Want to be featured in the next issue of The Empire Key? If you have participated in any interesting service events lately, email them to!

The November/December issue of the Empire Key will focus on Key Club during the holidays! If your club participates in any holiday related service events please submit them to the Empire Key!

If you have divisional news, creative writing, questions, or anything else that you would like to see in the next email please let me know! I am always open to new ideas and suggestions! Happy Key Clubbing!


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

A word from your Bulletin Editor Hello NYDKC! I hope the school year has been going well so far! It was so nice to meet many of you at Fall Rally this past month. I was able to attend Divisions 1-7, 8-13, and 14-18, and they were all thoroughly informative and entertaining! As many of you heard, we will be raising money for the Governor’s Project’s focus, The Giving Circle, through a district wide t-shirt fundraiser. Keep reading to find out how to order one! As for District Board updates, we will be convening in the Catskills for our Tri-K board meeting with Circle-K and Kiwanis. Our international trustee, Anastasia Slepukhova will also be in attendance! As the holiday season approaches, keep in mind that it is the perfect time of year for spreading that Key Club Spirit. Start by celebrating Key Club Week from November 2nd-6th! There are endless possibilities as to how you may serve your community. Start by supporting the Governor’s Project this Thanksgiving and organize a food drive! Or come December, your club may want to participate in a Toys for Tots drive. Make the most of the opportunities out there. If you have any specific service events in which your club participates, please submit them to the Empire Key and you could be featured in the next issue! Thank you all for reading! Yours in service, You can contact me at


THE LOREM IPSUMS Executive Newsletter

FALL 2016 September/October

Governor’s Update Hello New York District Key Clubbers! I hope that you have all had a great start to the school year! Although I know how difficult it can be to balance school and Key Club, you have all stepped up to the plate to do all you can to serve your homes, schools, and communities. Having the opportunity to talk with many of you at the Fall Rallies I attended made me feel so humbled to have the opportunity to serve such dedicated group of people. As we move into November, it is important that your club takes advantage of the many service opportunities that come with the Holiday season. This will allow for your club to retain the members that you recruited at the beginning of the year. My very first event as a Key Clubber was on the night before Thanksgiving. My Key Club along with other volunteers from Albany gathered to make 9,000 boxes of Thanksgiving Dinner for the members of our community. This event is what got me hooked on Key Club and sparked a love for service in me. This shows the importance of reaching out to the younger members to encourage them to go to events. The impact that you could have on their life by pushing them to go to an event is huge, so I hope your club will take advantage of this opportunity! As for District news, as many of you may know, the Governor’s Project for this year is to build a farm in Uganda for $10,000. So far, we have raised nearly $1,000 for this initiative. To continue with our fundraising efforts, I encourage you to contact your Lieutenant Governor to get the link to the order form for your club to participate in the state-wide t-shirt fundraiser! These t-shirts are $10 and will be given out at the Leadership Training Conference March 18th-20th at The Desmond Hotel in Albany. For those of you who do not know, this is an event in which around 800 Key Clubbers from all over the state gather to celebrate this past service year’s achievements, attend informative workshops about different charities and officer positions, elect the 20162017 New York District Board, and to meet Key Clubbers from across the state. To find out more information, check out the LTC website at! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, or ideas at and thank you for all that you do!

Yours in Service, You can contact me at


Hanna Nichols District Governor

Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

Secretary’s Update Hello New York District Key Club! Since the last issue of the Empire Key was released, many of you had the chance to attend your local Fall Rally. I myself was able to attend two rallies, and had an amazing time with the Key Clubbers who attended. To all those secretaries who I did not have the opportunity to meet, please remember that I am always available if you have any questions, comments or suggestions! Report Form Submission I am happy to say that report form submission has continued to increase and there are many clubs that began submitting their ERFs and MRFs. As of now, 126 clubs have submitted their Election Report Forms. I am currently working on a District Directory for the District Board Members using the information from the ERFs. If your club has not already submitted this form, please do so as soon as possible. We also have 99 clubs that submitted the September MRFs. Our current service hour total is 34,316.6 hours. That is more than one third of our 90,000 hour goal! Keep up the amazing service, and make sure to report your activities so that we can reach and surpass our goal by LTC. Fall Rally & Resources I had the great pleasure of attending the Long Island and New York City Fall Rallies and present a Secretary Workshop. It was great meeting so many Key Clubbers, specifically club secretaries, from Divisions 1-13. At the workshop, I went over basic responsibilities of a secretary, suggestions for how to accomplish those responsibilities, and awards that a secretary can earn for themselves or their club. I also went over the Monthly Report Form step by step to clear any misunderstandings or confusion that anyone had in regards to any part of it. I will be sending out an email to all secretaries in the District (that I have contact information for) with the resources I used at Fall Rally so that they can be available to those who could not attend and can be referred back to. Minutes One of the resources I provided at Fall Rally was a template on taking minutes at club meetings. Minutes are very important for club secretaries to record and release to members so that those who were absent at meetings can know what they missed. Minutes also help board members remember any important comments, ideas, or questions that were brought up at a specific meeting. I urge all secretaries to use the template to their advantage and begin recording minutes if they do not do so already. Thank you for reading! Yours in service,

You can contact me at


Zainab Nathani District Secretary

THE LOREM IPSUMS Executive Newsletter

FALL 2016 September/October

Treasurer’s Update Hey Mighty New York District! It was so nice to see many of you at the Fall Rallies I attended! As your district treasurer, I will mention two important things in this update: FRFs and dues. Fundraising Report Forms should be filled out after every fundraiser, as many of you already know. While choosing a charity, please consider choosing one of our district-supported charities. Additionally, if your club needs a charity to support, please consider choosing one of the three Kiwanis charities: Kamp Kiwanis, Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center, and Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease. As of right now, all three of these charities have very low amounts raised. The next thing I am going to talk about is more important at this time. Many of you should have already started collecting dues and some of you have already even submitted them. Dues must be paid annually and they are used to provide resources and support to our clubs. Dues are #13 this year - $6 for New York District and $7 for Key Club International. The deadline for dues is November 30th. By that time, your club will have to have submitted dues for at least 15 members to be considered active. In order to submit dues, you have to work with your club secretary and advisor. Please note that club treasurers do not have access to Membership Update Center (MUC) so they will have to give the names of the people who have paid dues to the club secretary to enter into the club roster. The club secretary will therefore be the one that prints the invoice. The invoice and the check should be sent out to Key Club International, not to the district. If your club continues to receive more members after you have submitted dues, feel free to print out a new invoice and pay the amount your club owes for the new members. If you are one of the schools that sent out dues before November 1st, you will receive an early bird patch for your club banner. Recently, I sent out an updated guide on how to collect dues to club treasurers across the district. If you are a club treasurer and have not received emails from me, please email me and tell me so that I may add you onto my mailing list. Good luck to all the seniors applying to college. I wish you all a great school year! Yours in service, You can contact me at


Donna Yu District Treasurer

Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

Executive Assistant’s Update Hello New York District Key Club!

November is here, and the Key Club year is halfway done. Since the last issue of the Empire Key, we have been working on a lot; from Fall Rallies to a great new district initiative, there has been plenty of work being done. I had the pleasure to attend two fantastic Fall Rallies during October. On October 10th, Divisions 8-13 met at New York University in Manhattan. LTGs Kelly, Diana, Ruoxin, Rebecca, Emily, Jenny, and Daniel for a great job. I also attended the Long Island Fall Rally, featuring Divisions 1-7 at LIU Post on October 25th. Congratulations to LTGs Yesha, Alexis, Grace, Amanda, Rohit, Max, Gisselle, and Kamran! Hopefully many of you attended your Fall Rallies and were able to meet a lot of new people and learn a lot of great information to take back to your clubs. The topic on which I want to spend most of this update is the new District Pen Pals program. Governor Hanna decided that she wanted to implement pen pals to create more district unity, and she has asked me to implement the system. Everyone is invited to participate and be paired with another Key Clubber from across the district. We will do our best to pair you with someone of a similar position (members included!) and club size so that you can share ideas with each other that will be helpful to both of your clubs. Obviously, we need you to sign up for a pen pal, so please consider doing so and advertise the opportunity to your members. Sign up by November 5th with the following link: Now, I would like to take a moment to thank you for all of your hard work in your communities. The work you do is what makes our organization’s impact on the world. Without your tireless efforts in the communities you serve, there would be a lot less good in the world today. Thank you for reading, feel free to reach out to me at any time, and happy Key Clubbing! Yours in Service,

You can contact me at


Matt Garber Executive Assistant New York District Key Club

Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

Webmaster’s Update Hello Mighty New York District Beavers!

I hope the busy start of the school year has brought with it great Key Club meetings, events, and spirit! Although we are still a couple of months away from the Leadership Training Conference, it is never too early to start talking about it with fellow Key Clubbers. Recently, I have been preparing for the technological aspects of LTC promotion, which includes a video and informative website. The video will be posted onto the website and promoted by your Lieutenant Governors during November. It is about 3 minutes long and features your LTGs as paparazzi and celebrities, since the theme of LTC this year is Red Carpet: Stars of Service. Most importantly, it includes crucial information about LTC registration on the website, awards, and more. The informative website, which will be released shortly after the video, will have further details about LTC and links to resources for awards, conference staff signups, event registration, etc. It will also include a Governor’s Message, detailed 3-day Schedule, and Bylaw Amendment Proposals, which will be released as more information becomes available. The website will be updated as we approach the date, so check the website often for more LTC news. The video would be a great addition to a club meeting, and please distribute the website link,, among club members. In addition to LTC promotions, I have been attending and giving workshops at the Fall Rallies at NYU and LIU Post. I have posted links to my Webmaster presentation and materials onto the website, and I greatly encourage you to check them out! Thanks for your hard work and service, and I’m looking forward to seeing all of you soon!

Yours in service, Tanya Hao District Webmaster

You can contact me at


Executive Newsletter THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

Conference/Special Projects Chair’s Update Hello NYDKC,

Now that everyone's fall rallies have passed, I would just like to say thank you to everyone who had a part in it, whether you held a workshop, or simply attended one! I hope that everyone, from officers to members, was able to take something away from the experience. Now that fall rally is over, please keep an eye out for LTC! Although it may not seem like it, LTC is quickly coming! Here are just a few reminders to keep your club on track: • Don't forget to register your clubs for the Leadership training conference from March 18th to the 20th, 2016! • Keep a look out for the Governor's Video for the month of October to find out a little more about LTC! • Watch out for the LTC website and upcoming awards booklet and begin applying for awards for your clubs as soon as possible in order to showcase all of your hard work! I hope to see you all at LTC!

Yours in service, Ricardo Larios Conference/Special Projects Chair You can contact me at


District Updates THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016


District Updates THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

ICON 2016 July 6-10 in Atlanta, Georgia Why go to the convention? Because it’s the biggest event of the Key Club year! Imagine celebrating the amazing things Key Club does with more than 1,600 Key Clubbers from all across the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.

You’ll be able to: •

• • • • • •


Bond with your people. Travel to and from International Convention with your district. Share innovative service project and fundraising ideas. Listen to amazing speakers. Learn about servant leadership. Train for your 2016-17 leadership position. Elect next year’s Key Club International Board. Hear about our success so far with The Eliminate Project—and how you can help eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Discover new charities and organizations you and your club can team up with. Have fun and make memories and friendships that last a lifetime.

District Updates THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

Governor’s Project: Hunger The Giving Circle Participate in our District-wide T-shirt fundraiser! Buy a Giving Circle T-shirt for only $10 to help fund our farm in Uganda! Club officers may use this form to order T-shirts: E7I6FTo_NHrdsoi9Uo/viewform?edit_requested=true If you are interested in purchasing a shirt, talk to your club officers!

As Governor Hanna mentioned in her update, the New York District would like to concentrate its efforts towards the Governor’s Project in an organization called the Giving Circle. Of course you may still support any type of hunger related organization, but this is the organization Hanna would like us to really focus on. If the New York District can raise $10,000 for the Giving circle, we will be able to purchase a farm in Uganda and have it named the “New York District Key Club Farm”. This roughly equates to each club raising $50, an easily manageable goal! 14

District Updates THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

THE THIRST PROJECT “Women and children spend on average six to eight hours each day walking to fetch water. The average distance that women and children in developing communities walk to fetch water is 3.75 miles. The time children spend collecting water keeps them from going to school and getting and education.”

For more information visit

“Our mission is simple: Build a socially-conscious generation of young people who END the global water crisis. We do this by educating students about it and activating them to rock the clean water cause & build real water projects all over the world. Why Water? Health and Sanitation: Waterborne diseases kill more children every single year than AIDS, Malaria, and all world violence combined. Small children typically do not have strong enough immune systems to fight diseases like cholera, dysentery, or

Why Students? We believe that students are THE most powerful agents for social change in the world! No other group activates like students do. Since we began educating our peers about the global water crisis in 2008, the response and initiative of students to take action on this issue has been AMAZING! We know that STUDENTS will change the world! Students are not afraid to dream, and we are only limited by what society tells us. Over half of the United States is enrolled in some type of schooling. Imagine if every single student responded and activated around the global water crisis. When a student gains perspective on an issue as big as the global water crisis, amazing things happen! In just six years we have spoken to over 300,000 students, and STUDENTS have been the driving force in helping us raise over 8 million dollars, giving clean water to 13 different countries and over 280,000 people! 15

District Updates THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

The Eliminate Project Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces with The Eliminate Project in order to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. 60,000 infants, and many women as well, lose their lives to this disease every year. For only $1.80, a mother can receive three doses of immunization to protect herself and her future children from this deadly disease. Together, our goal is to raise $110 million for the Eliminate Project by the newly extended deadline of 2016. As of June 11th, 2015 Kiwanisfamily SLP have raised $4,604,749, which has saved over 3,350 lives. The New York District has raised $1978.79 thus far in our 2015-2016 service year! Internationally, through Trick or Treat for UNICEF, we have broken our record for the most money raised through this event, with an amazing sum of $635k. Congratulations on all of your hard work thus far! Visit for more information.

Kamp Kiwanis “Kamp Kiwanis is a program located in Taberg, New York, which provides children aged 8 to 14 (including those with special needs) with a unique camping experience. Kamp Kiwanis allows children to just be themselves, no matter what their situation, and encourages them to participate in team building exercises and activities, including boating, sports, and campfires. Kamp Kiwanis costs nothing for the children that attend. Through donations, the Kamp sponsors adults and children, allowing them to experience the program regardless of their financial position.� Visit for more information!


District Updates THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

District Charities cont. Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center “The Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center is designed to help treat and protect children. It is a Kiwanis-Hospital association that was created in order to provide the funds and staff necessary to create a trauma center with extensive medical assistance and safety. Kiwanis helps to provide treatment as to meet the needs of families with children suffering from trauma (e.g., transportation). Trauma takes the lives of 25,000 children each year and leaves another 120,000 children permanently disabled. An estimated 25% of these deaths and disabilities could be prevented with proper and prompt care. Kiwanis needs Key Club’s help to reduce the number of lives cut short!”

Visit for more information!

Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation “Lyme Disease was brought to Kiwanis’ attention during 2000-01 New York District Kiwanis Governor John Gridley vowed to do something to help children afflicted with this terrible disease. The Lyme Disease Project was quickly set up to help pay for medical treatment for children with this disease. Unfortunately most insurance companies do not pay for its treatment, which is very expensive. Lyme Disease is caused by bacteria, which are usually transmitted by the deer tick. Lyme Disease may affect the brain in many ways. The most common is a disturbance in thinking. Other symptoms that occur frequently include headache, mood swings, irritability, depression, and marked fatigue. The spirochete which causes Lyme Disease can invade the central nervous system within days to a week of initial skin infection. The majority of people who are treated early with antibiotics do well and incur no long-term problems. People who are not treated until late may have a more complicated outcome”


District Updates THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

Major Emphasis March of Dimes: “The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. March of Dimes was founded by our 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in the fight against polio. After the discovery of the polio vaccine, March of Dimes focused their efforts to improve the health of babies and has been successful with the help and enthusiasm of many grassroots volunteers. For decades, Key Club has partnered with the March of Dimers to give every baby a healthy start. Key Club members raise thousands of dollars annually through various programs, including collecting change, holding dances, and taking part in March of Dimes’ signature event, March for Babies.” So far, NYDKC has raised $923.90 for March of Dimes! Visit for more

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals: “Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids while increasing awareness of its member hospitals. All CMN Hospitals contributions directly benefit hospitals, helping to purchase up-todate equipment, train staff, conduct life-saving research, implement outreach programs and provide health care for children whose parents can’t afford to pay. Key Club participates with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals by sponsoring fundraising events. Key Club members also participate in service project at their local children’s hospital.” Visit



September/October FALL 2016

Fall Rally was an experience that I will probably never forget; from the different workshops to the motivational speakers it was simply one of the most energizing atmospheres with which I have ever been involved. One of the few things that really appealed to me was the location; New York University’s Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life was one of the best locations one could ask for. With the large amount of classrooms to the extremely big hall it fulfilled all of the requirements of a Fall Rally. The next thing that I really liked about the Fall Rally was the workshops. The workshops were extremely detailed and relevant. They presented information in a clear, concise, and entertaining fashion. The first workshop I went to was the Thirst Project workshop – one of our district projects. Evan Wesley is simply one of the most influential, motivational speakers I have ever met. He makes you want to go out and actually do something with your life – in this case support the Thirst Project. Evan was able to get everyone hyped up with the game “rollercoaster” – we were pretending to be on a rollercoaster with the people sitting around us. My favorite part of Fall Rally was K-Fair. K-Fair was a large icebreaker comparable to LTC’s Playfair. Just imagine two groups of enthusiastic Key Clubbers screaming at each other, with only their volume as a method of competition. It was the most exhilarating thing that happened to me this year. I can’t wait until the next Fall Rally!

Kenry Li Division 8


Service Spotlights THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

Lights the Night this year was an amazing experience and definitely just as memorable as last year’s! When I first joined Key Club last year, Light the Night was one of the first events I attended and definitely one of my favorites. Seeing how well organized Key Club was, along with the friendly members, got me really engaged in the club. This year I was one of those friendly members, and it is amazing to know that I am now one of the super cool Key Clubbers I saw last year! Anyways, back to the event itself. Although Hurricane Joaquin was making the event dangerous to attend, many people still showed up, which was awesome! We all had an amazing time attending this walk, and the harsh weather did not faze us at all. During the walk, I was reunited with a ton of familiar faces, and even got introduced to a few new ones. It was very exciting to see how much our division had grown. Light the Night this year was amazing – we were able to meet so many people affected by Leukemia. Knowing the hardships that they faced, I was inspired to strive to improve our community. Overall, the event was a great success and we were able to donate $200! On a more sentimental thought, attending Light the Night this year really showed me a lot. It helped me realize how much I grew as both a person and a leader from Key Club. As I walked down the same road I did last year (not the EXACT road, but you get the idea), I could not help but notice all the opportunities that Key Club has given me along with a seat in the Key Club family. Light the Night reminded me to continue to be grateful for being in such an amazing non-profit organization and also encouraged me to work harder than ever. In conclusion, I guess you can say Light the Night was pretty lit, huh? Happy Key Clubbing, Beavers! Gavin Li Division 8


Service Spotlights THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

The members of the Ogdensburg Free Academy Key Club spent Saturday staining Kids Kingdom Playground in Ogdensburg’s Morissette Park in cooperation with the city’s Parks and Recreation Department. Members of the OFA Key Club helped build the Kids Kingdom Playground more than 20 years ago. Over the past two decades, the members of the high school service club has donated its time each year helping to preserve the wooden playground by painting sections with a special preservative stain. James Reagen Division 24

* * * On Friday, October 2nd, Shaker Key Club held its second annual Rockin’ to Eliminate Benefit Concert. Tickets were sold during lunches and at the door for $5. The concert featured many of our school’s own talented musicians and spanned a wide genre of music. We also had a Starbucks raffle and a concession stand. The concession stand raised over $300, and over $800 was raised in total for The Eliminate Project. Overall, it was an extremely successful event!

Demos Efstathiou Division 16


Youth Opportunities THE LOREM IPSUMS Fund

September/October FALL 2016

Youth Opportunities Fund What is it? The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. The Youth Opportunities Fund is established through gifts to the G. Harold Martin Fellowships. YOF grants can help you take action. Look around and identify the things that need to get done in your school, community or world.

How do I apply? v YOF grants are given only to Key Clubs and/or club members. v There is only one funding cycle for the Youth Opportunities Fund. The application must be received by October 15 at 11:59PM EST. v Clubs may request funding assistance ranging anywhere from US$100 to US$2,000. The committee typically funds those clubs who are asking for a portion of the total cost of the project, and clubs who are working with other organizations to fund and complete the project. There is one funding cycle for YOF grants per year. Applications received by October 15 at 11:59 PM EST are reviewed by the Key Club International YOF committee at their November meeting. Funding notifications are mailed no later than January first each year. v Applicants must use the current YOF grant application. Previous years' applications will not be accepted. Download the current application. v Guidelines for filing the application are also listed in the Key Club Guidebook under Board Policies. v Need project ideas? See what kinds of projects Key Clubs have won grants for in the past.


Partners in Service THE LOREM IPSUMS

September/October FALL 2016

Vision Partners: Nickelodeon: Nickelodeon joined the Kiwanis Family as a 2013 Vision Partner of Kiwanis International with a focus on its Big Help initiative, which addresses issues in service, education, the environment and health. Learn more about Nickelodeon’s Big Help efforts, the Halo Awards program and Day of Play and or

Co-Sponsors Hershey: Key Club International welcomes The Hershey Company as a Key Club co-sponsor – with a focus on engaging Key Club members with Hershey’s Track and Field Games. Now in its 35th year, HTFG serves children age 9-14 by helping them get active and develop healthy lifestyles. More than 10 million kids in the United States and Canada have participated in HTFG.

Rustic Pathways: Key Club Co-Sponsor Rustic Pathways has 30 years of experience leading exceptional international education and service programs for students. With over 130 programs in 20 countries, Rustic Pathways is the global leader in its field. Recognizing our shared values, Rustic Pathways has partnered with Key Club to provide its members with the opportunity to broaden their global perspective while performing meaningful service projects in communities around the world.




FALL 2016

K-Kids is a student-led community service club for elementary students that teaches members the value of helping others through participation in community service projects and club activities.

Nearly 40, 000 middle and junior high students in 1,300 clubs in 18 nations contribute service to school and community while developing leadership and people skills. Builders Club members implement practical service-learning principals as they focus on supporting organizations that focus on the needs of children.

Aktion Club members in more than 200 clubs in seven nations allow adults living with disabilities to develop initiative and leadership skills through hands-on service. These adults return to the community the benefits, help, and caring they have received.

Circle K International (CKI) is the premiere university service organization in the world sponsored by Kiwanis International. With clubs on more than 550 campuses globally, programming is based upon the tenets of service, leadership, and fellowship.

Kiwanis members around the globe have one common goal: To serve the children of the world. Kiwanis advocates this vision every day by providing opportunities to serve for every member of a community through Service Leadership Programs. Through these opportunities, youth and young adults around the world become competent, capable and compassionate leaders. 24


Contact us! Hanna Nichols

District Governor Zainab Nathani

District Secretary Donna Yu

District Treasurer Matt Garber

District Executive Assistant Angelica Mehta

District Bulletin Editor Tanya Hao

District Webmaster

Ricardo Larios

District Conference/Special Projects Chair

Visit us at 25

FALL 2016


FALL 2016

Key Club Pledge

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions. 26

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