NYDKC Webinar | [1] Style and Standards: Creating the Key Club Newsletter

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Style and Standards: Creating the Key Club Newsletter Sharon Lin NYDKC Bulletin Editor sharonlin.editor@nydkc.org NYDKC Webinar #1 www.nydkc.org

Why Style? • Editors, Public Relations, Historian – Unfortunately, often last on club hierarchy – Job seemingly requires least “direct leadership” – Skill sets are more specific than other jobs

• Newsletters are engaging! – Encourage members to be more active – Project direct communication – Inspire members to join in service events and projects

Basics Club Newsletters • Cover Page • Table of Contents • Member of the Month • President’s Letter • Service Spotlights • Upcoming Events • Fundraising Updates • Club Contacts • Back Cover

LTG Newsletters

Cover Page Table of Contents Key Club 101 LTG’s Greeting Service Spotlights Upcoming Events District Projects International Projects Club Spotlight Divisional and District Contacts • Back Cover • • • • • • • • • •

Programs • Examples: – – – – – – –

MS Publisher MS Word MS Powerpoint Scribus Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop PagePlus

• General rule: You only need three functions! – Text boxes – Picture boxes – Layering capabilities – more stylistic features

Page Design • Margins – 0.5 to 1 inch all around

– Usually automatic for most publications – Pictures can bleed to the ends of pages

• Backgrounds – be simple!

– Use a picture and set transparency to about 20-40% – Use solid color and play around with color palette – Don’t have a stark white background!

• If you pair the elements on the page well, then white backgrounds can be okay • For the most part, use at least minimalist designs on pages

• Text/picture boxes

– Use different shapes! – Don’t go over the top with weird shapes, though!

Page Design

Courtesy of PNW Key Club

• Organize pages into boxes

Publication •


Number your pages!

• •

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– Club or Division, Month, Service Year, Volume # (if applicable), Issue # – Helpful for table of contents – Evens on left, odds on right!

– – – –

Easier to access for members Available on smartphones and mobile devices Easier to find URL than file Combines pages like a real magazine


Send and Share!

– “The official publication of Division __ of NYDKC” – Possible add some featured articles in your newsletter – KCR, Club Advisors, Kiwanis Advisors, Club Presidents, Governor Jacob, Editor Sharon, Mr. Goldstein

Graphic Standards • Guidelines to follow for: – Flyers, newsletters, training

• Give a sense of professionalism and legitimacy – Allow easy identification of Key Club – For more information, visit: http://www.keyclub.org/fad/cm/brand.aspx

Fonts • Heading fonts

– Century Gothic: ~14pt and 44pt, sans-serif font – Myriad Pro: ~16pt and 48pt, sans-serif font

• Body fonts

– Goudy Old Style: 11-14pt, serif font – Myriad Pro: 10-13pt, san-serif font

• Arial for websites • Other choices: Verdana, Walk Around the Block, Garamond Premier Pro, Myriad Pro


Colors • Pick 1 dark color, 1-2 main colors, and 1 accent color per page

Logos and Seals • Must be placed on a neutral background color. – 0.5 inch isolation all around. – On anything smaller than a banner, do not exceed 1.5in and 5in respectively

Logos and Seals

Pencil • Used on the front of all Key Club publications – <0.5 inches in height.

• Solid and scribble pencil – Can put words and descriptions within solid pencils

• Be creative!

Pictures • Vibrant, include people – Volunteering, cheering

• High-quality photos

– DSLR recommended – Encourage members to submit content!

• Club Presidents may award points • Assign photographers and reporters for events

• Fill your pages with pictures

– Most members read for Service Spotlights and Upcoming Events – Make sure newsletter is full of interesting photos!

Pictures • Photo cut-outs

– Photoshop magnetic lasso tool • Look up tutorials online

– www.pixlr.com/editor

• Free photo-editing software online

• Use graphics sparingly!

– Gluttony is a sin! – 1-2 stickers per page at most

• Keep it simple and professional!

– Make sure the most important items on the page are the first ones to catch the eye


Cut-out done using Adobe Photoshop

Newsletter Tips • Upcoming Events

– Date, time, location, contact information, name of event – Let members know the 5Ws for these events

• Appoint editor or historian

– Easier to worry about job, let editor do designing and editing work

• LTGs and clubs have more lenient graphic standards • Set deadlines for article and photo submissions!


NYDKC Contacts • Governor Jacob Spencer

– jacobspencer.gov@nydkc.org

• Secretary Heather Farley

– heatherfarley.sec@nydkc.org

• Treasurer Anusha Syed

– anushasyed.treas@nydkc.org

• Bulletin Editor Sharon Lin

– sharonlin.editor@nydkc.org

• Executive Assistants Theresa Lin and Kiera Solomon – theresalin.ea@nydkc.org – kierasolomon.ea@nydkc.org

• Webmaster Danny Qiu

– dannyqiu.tech@nydkc.org

• Administrator John Goldstein – nydkca@frontier.com

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