The Empire Key | Fall 2020-2021 | Issue 2

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All acts of service, no matter how small they may be, helps create a positive impact on our world. Alvin Ma Lt. Governor 8

Editor's Note Hi NYDKC!

It's Rachel and I am back with the Fall Edition of The Empire Key! Thank you to everyone that attended our first virtual Fall Conference last month. A lot of planning and preparation went into it so I hope everyone was able to learn something out of it. If you missed the Fall Conference, check out our website for the PowerPoints. Even though we are mainly virtual, the Key Club grind never stops!

hold in-person events. Please make sure to wear your masks at all times and practice appropriate social distancing. I encourage all of you to apply for awards! You deserve to get recognized for your efforts! Also, start considering if you would like to run for higher office. The applications are not out yet but time flies. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns at Till the Winter Edition!

Some clubs are starting to


Governor's Bulletin Sept


New York Minute

Issue 1 h?v=ZDaNYy_hJo4

Yours in service, Rachel Joh 2020-21 District Bulletin Editor


Follow us! @nydkc @nydkc @nydkc nydkc

Executive Updates

G o v e r n o r Hey Key Clubbers!

Throughout our service year, we were faced with unprecedented circumstances, but we did not let the pandemic define service for us. We have continued to serve our communities in a safe and beneficial way. I am proud of all that you guys have done to keep Key Club going and continuing to serve your communities during these hard times. Here is what I have been working on so far this service year! We have just ended an amazing district fall conference. Thank you to everyone that was there, I hope you all had a great time! We also have had a board meeting and are starting to plan LTC 2021! No matter if it's online or in-person we will make it the best it can possibly be! We also are coming up with more resources for all of you to use this

service year, as well as working on a strategic plan for the district! We are trying our best, to make this an exciting year for everyone no matter our circumstances. I am proud of every single one of you, for all that you do for your communities! There also is a list of service project ideas on our website! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please email me at and I will happily answer any questions that you might have!

Yours in service,

Mariam Maker 2020-21 District Governor

S e c r e t a r y

Hey New York District Key Club! Happy December! I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving break and is ready for the holiday season. With only about a quarter of the service year left, it’s crazy to see how fast time has flown by. Being the person that reads through


every single Monthly Report Form response, I mean it when I say that I’m incredibly proud of everything our district has accomplished thus far. As of early December, we have officially surpassed 45,000 service hours, hitting

the halfway point of our service hours goal. For a practically virtual service year, that is undeniably an incredible feat. Thank you to everyone who attended our District Fall Conference last month. We made NYDKC history as it was our first-ever virtual fall conference and how cool is it that you were a part of it. It was so nice to see so many Key Clubbers’ faces and hear from y’all after not having our LTC and months of virtual service. For those of you that attend the secretary training workshop (#SecretarySquad), I truly appreciated all of you for being there and I hope you were able to walk away with something new. If you were unable to attend, be sure to check out our district website where you can review the slideshow from different workshops and also hear from our amazing Keynote speakers. Since the last issue, I have published the District Directory and released a fivepart Secretary’s Guide, which I hope has been helpful to any current secretary and to those interested in running next

Hello NYDKC!

year. If anyone is interested in becoming a club secretary next year (or District Secretary, it is time to start thinking about higher office), feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Speaking of club secretaries, be sure to submit any missing Monthly Report Forms and for clubs that have recently elected their officers, don’t forget to submit your Election Report Form as well. Keep in mind that timeliness will count for paperwork this year! Now that it is December, dues season is officially in full swing. If any clubs are having trouble accessing the membership update center, I would be more than happy to be of assistance. That’s all I have for this issue but feel free to email me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Yours in service, Jason Xiong 2020-21 District Secretary

T r e a s u r e r

Even though this year has been tough, to say the least, we have raised $54987 of our district goal of $120,000 so far that's almost 46%! Only with a combined effort from our district would we be able to meet our fundraising goal. Keep filling

those Fundraising Report Forms! It's December Dues Season! We currently have over 1,000 dues-paying members in the New York District. I know that ways to collect dues are a bit different this year, but please try to pay


as many dues as possible! I will be sending out an email to all club treasurers regarding information you may need for the rest of the service year, including information about the Distinguished/Outstanding Treasurer Award. I hope you all apply this year! With the last three months of the service year left, I hope that all clubs can host at least one fundraiser. You got this!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am here to be a resource to you and would be more than happy to help. Take care!

Yours in care and service,

Winnie Huang 2020-21 District Treasurer

External EA

Hello NYDKC!


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and are staying warm. It’s crazy how fast this year has gone by, as January 1st just felt like yesterday, but I guess time flies when you’re not stressed. But, there isn’t much time in 2020 to reminisce about this year, so let’s get onto my update.

soon, and I hope everyone can join us. Things have changed due to COVID-19, but you can still expect the same energy as any normal LTC. Your Lieutenant Governors will start talking about it within the next few days, so feel free to reach out to them if you have any questions.

First off, I’d like to thank the district board for hosting a wonderful District Fall Conference, and an even bigger thank you for the 350 people who showed up. Quick shoutout to Freya Zhu, Division 11 LTG, for leading the preparation that happened for Virtual Playfair. I hope everyone was able to learn something.

I hope everyone has an amazing holiday season! Be sure to stay safe and warm, and have a great start to the new year. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at

There’s still one last event to end off our service year, and we are moving quickly towards it. Yes, our annual Leadership Training Conference (LTC) is coming

Anthony Lim 2020-21 District Executive Assistant

Yours in care and service,

Internal EA


I hope everyone enjoyed the Fall District Conference! The District Board put a lot of time toward putting it together, and we are happy that so many people got the chance to attend. Over the past several months, the majority of my time has gone toward planning the District Fall Conference (FDC). The Executive Board assembled FDC committees, and I have been continuously checking in with each committee to see how they are doing. Additionally, I helped assign workshops to Lieutenant Governors, assisted them as they put their workshops together, and reviewed their presentations when


they were done. Overall, the process was very successful. Other than that, not much has changed. I continued to review and sort Lieutenant Governor paperwork as it came in. I also assisted the Lieutenant Governors if they had any questions so they can do the best in their positions. That’s it for now! I hope you have a safe holiday season. See you in 2021!

Yours in service,

Tatiana Solodova 2020-21 District Executive Assistant


Winter is coming… I hope you all have a safe and warm winter break this year, and to seniors, good luck with college apps! We have accomplished so much since the beginning of the service year, and even more since school began. We had our first-ever Fall District Conference and it was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who attended and made the weekend such a memorable one. We hope you enjoyed our sessions and workshops just as

much as our usual Fall Rallies! Didn’t have a chance to attend? No worries! Our website has an updated section with all the workshops hosted by our District Board, Kiwanians, and advisors. It also includes our inspiring keynote sessions and pictures of our memorable weekend. Check it out under the events tab. If you have any images you would like to see, feel free to email me them! As usual, I’ve been updating the website in terms of our District Goals and adding


your blog submissions! Feel free to email an article and some media of an event your club has done to be featured. I love being able to update our district goals, seeing that our clubs are doing such a good job keeping up with service, even if it is different than past years. Let’s keep up the good work!

those around you, and most importantly, yourself. Check out our Youtube channel as well for video updates from your District Board.

We have also been active on social media! If you haven’t already, make sure to follow us on Instagram at @nydkc to participate in our Key Club events. Key Club Week and Week of Positivity are ways to promote your love for service,

Yours in service,

Contact me if you’d like to offer any feedback, have any questions, or if you just want to talk! Treat yourself with kindness! <3

Kristen Lew 2020-21 District Webmaster

W r u e b o s t ite i s i V


Introducing the Trustee

Hello, New York!!! My name is Glory Kalu and I have the great pleasure of serving as your International Trustee for the 2020-2021 service year! I am originally from New Jersey and currently live in Bloomfield, where I also attend Bloomfield High School (Go Bloomfield Bengals!). As a trustee, I serve as a liaison between the district and international levels, to ensure that your voices are heard and represented in the organization. In addition to serving the amazing New York District, I also serve as the trustee for the Pacific Northwest and Southwest Districts. Together, my three districts make up the Spacifiny Sistrict (don’t forget to follow @spacifiny on Instagram). If you would like to learn more about the members of our sistrict, never hesitate to reach out to the other members of the sistrict.

vast opportunities and programs available to you. I cannot wait to see where these next couple of months leads us to, but I am ready to learn from the experiences ahead with you all. If you ever have any questions or simply want to talk, feel free to reach out to me! I am here to serve you and I look forward to hearing from and connecting with some of you in the future!

Forever in love and service, Glory Kalu Instagram: @naijaqueen_glory Sistrict Instagram: @spacifiny

Since elementary school, I have been a part of the Kiwanis family so service has always been a major part of my life. I have always been fascinated with helping others and providing my services to the people of my home, school, and community. As a trustee, I hope to be able to help you in any way I can and provide transparency between the District and International so that you may all gain some information about the



Gone vir tual? Out of s ervice p rojects ? Check out Kristen's virtual service project ideas 13

Progress 50%

Service Hours




45,287 / 90,000

54,988 / 120,000

Check for updates

Member of the Month November

Know someone going above and beyond? Nominate them for Member of the Month!


William Chen Division 8A

Eliza Strum Division 14





l l e c a a n u u t t e r e v viirr f n o C l l R Fa

Rebecca Blumenthal Division 3 Ward Melville HS Key Club Vice President

New York District Key Club’s first-ever Virtual Fall Conference was a weekend jam-packed with w hosted by D8’s LTG Alvin Ma, and D3’s very own LTG, Sophia Segal! I learned a lot from them ab “How to Become a Better You Everyday,” where D10’s LTG Marina Nasef helped us build confid first day, was incredibly engaging. His story hit home for many of us, and it was truly inspiration couldn’t agree more. I wasn’t able to attend the keynote session the second day, but I heard it w

To me, though, the best part of a virtual conference is the opportunity for interactions. What I l over, and this was only made easier by the chat features on Zoom and all of the interactive, eng Conference, and I can’t wait for Key Club’s virtual programming in the future.

Rebecca Blumenthal Division 3 Ward Melville HS Key Club Vice President

In the month of November, during the weekend of the 21st to the 22nd, I attended the New Yo amazing opportunity to meet new people all over the district who shared the same goals as me everything was virtual. To adhere to the current situation of the world, the conference was onli smoothly. I especially loved how by email, we received our personalized schedule for the day, a but also practical workshops like learning about the college application system. There were eve

Aside from the workshops, it was great to learn more about Key Club and hear from our Distric importantly, as it is a leadership conference, we definitely learned how to be a leader and to gu guests we had over the weekend were extremely inspiring and motivational, prompting us to fo rise to, we most certainly can do it, and that is a favorable mindset to have, and I’m glad I was a conference this year, and even though things were different, I’m elated to have still connected w Key Club.


Fall Rally is a fundamental part of the Key Club experience! Fall Rallies are usually held within the first few months of school starting and are vital in training new officers in their positions. Lieutenant governors from various divisions along with the executive board members will work together in order to run their rallies.

e p a c e R

workshops, service projects, keynotes, and more. One of my favorite workshops was cobout staying engaged and connected even in this new virtual world. I also LOVED the workshop ence and become the best version of ourselves. Sergio Argueta, the Keynote Speaker for the nal to hear him speak. Many of the comments were asking for him to do a TED Talk, and I was amazing as well.

ove about being a part of an international organization is that we can meet people from all gaging workshops. I really feel like I got to know New York District Key Club through this Fall

rk District Key Club’s Fall Leadership Conference. The Fall Leadership Conference was an e - being a caring member of the community. I believe it was even more amazing because ne, which was different from how things usually would have been, but everything still went nd what was more appealing was how the different workshops were not all Key Club related, en self-help workshops like being a better you every day, which I enjoyed.

ct Governor and all the Lieutenant Governors, who we would not run into every day. Most uide those around who we can help, which I think essentially comes from the Keynotes. Both ollow our dreams and what we believe in. If there is a cause or idea that we want to give to ble to take that away from the conference. Overall, I enjoyed the experience at the with so many people virtually and have learned so many new useful things as a member of


KEY CLUB WEEK November 2-6, 2020

Show your K!

Show people what Key Club is all about! Spread the word by wearing Key Club gear and publicizing Key Club Week in local stores, on your school website, in community newspapers — even on a door.

Kudos to the key players!

Personally thank all the Key Club supporters you know — teachers, advisors and other key players. Write thank-you notes, host an appreciation dinner or do something uniquely your own style to recognize the contributions of these special people.

Dare to Share!

Celebrate diversity and equity with the Key Club family. UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children's Miracle Network: these are Key Club's preferred charities, and their goal is to help out kids!

Random acts of Kindness!

A smile goes a long way. Spread happiness throughout your school by implementing little random acts of kindness, such as leaving cards with inspirational messages on every student’s locker or just simply holding the door for someone else.

Connect the Ks!

Key Club is the largest high school service organization in the world and is a member of the Kiwanis family. Connect with local Kiwanis, Circle K International, Builders, K-Kids or Aktion clubs and team up for a joint service project or virtual event.



New York State of Mind Halloween Event Deja Crawford Division 9 Executive Assistant

On Halloween, we got to enjoy our first outdoor event of the school year. We worked with New York State of Mind to allow a fun Halloween experience for a lot of kids that don't get to experience it the way they used to because of the pandemic. I enjoyed the event a lot since it did feel really youthful to see the kids dressed in their costumes with masks that matched. Even parents join in dressing up. I got to handle 2 different stations, one of which was the photo booth area and the candy station. Since we arrived an hour before the kids, we helped to make little candy bags with Candy Corn and sour patch. I know it's a weird combo, but a lot of kids enjoyed walking up and saying "Trick or Treat" to receive it. Prior to receiving the candy, the small groups that came through the little maze that was made and got to experience scares from costumed individuals and little activities. After the event ended, we had gotten some candy bags for our help and a great time. We also went trick or treating ourselves and some of our members had gotten Goldfish from the Pet store. I hope we can experience more in person events, with the correct precautions taken or fun events in the safety of our homes.

Harley Key Club Car Wash

Maggie Syrett Division 23 Harley Key Club President

Due to the pandemic, Harley Key Club was ner fundraisers would work. However, we just had fundraiser event of the school year! We organi and raised over $900! With the work of our clu members, we were able to keep everyone safe The money we raised will go towards club due plan to have the rest of the year. Such as partn Cha Cha to give birthday presents to inner-city Rochester area and Thanksgiving Baskets for f have a Thanksgiving meal.

Harley Key Club is looking forward year and is very excited that our fir school year was a success! 20

Ocean Breeze Clean Up Maggie Reznik Division 10

For this event we went to a NYC Park and helped clean up so they could plant there. We made sure everyone wore their mask and practiced social distancing. We put on our gloves and got to work! I participated by pulling invasive weeds from the ground. Others took tools to cut the branches off the invasive trees.

NYC Park Department also welcomed other schools to this event, so as a club we met some new people! Once we were done with our goal area, we all went for a walk together. We saw the future outdoor track grounds and some new flowers which were planted. Overall, we filled seventeen full trash bags of invasive weeds.

I enjoyed this event since we were able to help the NYC Park by cleaning the area. Now, they are able to use this spot for the plants. It was a great event!

rvous of how service events and d our first very successful ized a three-hour long car wash ub officers, advisors, and e and masked the entire event. s and other future projects we nering with Happy Birthday Cha y children in the Greater families at the Demetri House to

to another great service rst service event of the


internationa Partners Thirst Project The Thirst Project seeks to provide clean drinking water to communities around the world focusing on bringing water to the entirely of Eswatini by 2022.

Landscape Structures Landscape Structures works to bring high-quality playground equipment to children worldwide.

Nickelodeon Nickelodeon encourages kids to be more active and have a positive impact on the world, with their Worldwide Day of Play and Get Dirty campaigns.

U.S. Army The U.S. Army enables people to received advanced education debt-free and become empowered leaders, through programs such as the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC).

Up With People Up With People seeks to inspire youth worldwide to make a difference through volunteering and musical performances in various communities worldwide.

Squads Abroad Squads Abroad enables teenagers to volunteer abroad and make a positive impact on the health and education of developing communities.

Kiwanis Gives Online Kiwanis Gives Online is a crowdfunding platform designed for Key Club, helping to manage campaigns and rewarding those who donate.


al partners President's Project The Eliminate Project The Eliminate Project is a joint effort between Kiwanis and UNICEF to protect and provide women with vaccines, syringes, safe transport and storage, education of communities, training of health workers and more. This global campaign strives to protect millions of mothers and their future newborns.

Preferred Charities Children's Miracle Network Children's Miracle Network Hospitals raises money to support children's hospital research and to raise awareness of children's health issues.

March of Dimes March of Dimes addresses health threats to both mothers and children by educating both medical professionals and the public, supporting research, and providing comfort and support to families.

UNICEF UNICEF is an organization within the United Nations dedicated to children. The organization works in developing countries to provide healthcare, education, and safe water and sanitation.

Collaborative Partners K Corps

K Corps is a youth exchange program for Key Clubbers organized with Kiwanis International, working with Japanese host families.


Di st ri ct Pro jec ts Endorsed Projects Kamp Kiwanis This is a wilderness camp that seeks to provide children, including those with special needs, with a unique camping experience filled with team-building exercises.

Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation Kiwanis is committed to improving the health of children. This organization helps pay for medical treatment for children with Lyme Disease, a brain disease caused by bacteria often from a deer ticl.

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center These centers in North Shore, Brooklyn, Albany, and Buffalo provide emergency treatment for children, preventing deaths and disabilities with proper care.

District Project Project HOPE Project HOPE works with local healthcare workers to transform the health, wellbeing, and lives of people around the world.

Governor's Project Canine for Disabled Kids This organization pairs children with disabilities with service dogs to increase independence, understanding, and awareness.


New York District Board Directory Executive Board


Mariam Makar



External EA

Internal EA

Bulletin Editor


Jason Xiong

Anthony Lim

Rachel Joh

Winnie Huang

Tatiana Solodova tatianasolodova.ea

Kristen Lew


New York District Board Directory Lieutenant Governors

Division 1

Orangielee Wilkinson

Division 4S

Samar Saleem

Division 8

Alvin Ma

Division 11

Freya Zhu


Division 2

Joseph Gabel

Division 3

Sophia Segal

Division 4N

Shifa Ali

Division 5

Division 6

Emma Bhansingh Tarangini Arunachalam

Matthew Friedman

Division 8A

Division 9

Division 10

Bryan Perez


Simrun Kothari

Division 13

Lila Amer

Division 7

Marina Nasef

Division 14

Chloe Baker

New York District Board Directory Lieutenant Governors

Division 15

Kevin Milza

Division 20

Kaela Howard

Division 24

Katie Huff

Division 16

Division 18

Division 21

Division 22

Division 25

Division 26

Haley Peckham Madison Matice

Kate Barclay Nasya Best

Kasia Kalinski Amanda Roth

Division 19

Rachael DeRocco

Division 23

Charlotte Allen

Division 27

Yeshayah Allis


John Goldstein

Jason Steiner (Assistant)

Michael Berthel (Assistant)





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