The Empire Key | Summer 2020-2021 | Issue 1

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"Key Club is made of leaders that will change the world." Freya Zhu Lt. Governor D11

Editor's Note Hi NYDKC!

My name is Rachel Joh and I will be serving as your 20202021 District Bulletin Editor. A bit about myself: I am a rising senior at Stuyvesant High School (Division 11!!) and I served as my club's Editor for the past two years. This year, I hope to live up to the standards the predecessor (Angelo!) set and work closely with the District Board to continue distributing newsletters even though the current situation limits our content.

I would like to thank our members for continuing to serve their communities and help contribute to this newsletter. Many events have gone virtual so I encourage all of you to stay committed and safe! If you are in need of service ideas, please reference page 10. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with everyone this year!


Governor's Bulletin June


New York Minute

Issue 1 ?v=ZDaNYy_hJo4

Yours in service, Rachel Joh 2020-21 District Bulletin Editor

Resources Follow us! @nydkc @nydkc @nydkc nydkc

Executive Updates

G o v e r n o r Hey NYDKC!

Governor Mariam here! I hope you all are well during these hard times. I want to thank all Key Clubbers for continuing to serve our communities virtually during these trying times. This is a very hard time for our K-Family and our service to our community is extremely important.

workers, start a GoFundMe page to fundraise for a charity, start charity miles, or participate in the together for teachers project! I have met so many amazing, dedicated members this year that have shaped the way I view community service. I want to make sure that our members are our main priority.

Here are a few things that the New York District Board has been working on: We have created an online elections guide as well as a zoom/google meet guide, we also have had our first district webinar on club engagement with the pacific northwest district. We held our first board meeting of the year in April virtually as well.

Let’s keep following our four key club core values of Key Club International: leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. You all have impacted our world in so many different ways. We all are a team, and can get through our challenges step by step. Let’s keep making Key Club great!

There are many ways to serve and support our communities during these hard times. You can make cards and/or thank you videos for our healthcare

Yours in service,

Mariam Maker 2020-21 District Governor

S e c r e t a r y

Hey New York District Key Club! My name is Jason Xiong and I have the biggest honor of serving as your District Secretary this year. I’m currently a senior at Stuyvesant High


School in Division 11. Previously, I have served as club secretary and president for my home club. This service year, we are unfortunately

treading in uncharted waters but I hope that together, we can make the most of this period of uncertainty. Even though a lot of us are Key Clubbing from home, there are still many ways you can remain active and help your community. For ideas, check out our list of at-home service projects under Club Resources on our District website. I encourage all Key Clubbers to continue participating in virtual service projects as well as attend meetings and divisionals. Since the service year started, I have worked on a couple of different things. I created a new system to help keep track of service projects, volunteer events, and fundraisers held by each club in our district. I hope the new system will help everyone to stay more organized this year and also allows me to better keep track of paperwork completion. Speaking of paperwork, shoutout to all of our club secretaries who have been turning in their Monthly Report Forms. Please continue to submit them and


don’t forget that this year, timeliness of paperwork will be taken into account. To our club presidents and secretaries, if your club hasn’t already, be sure to hold your elections soon and also fill out the Election Report Form. I have been sending out my update emails to secretaries and I’m working on some resources as well. The Election Report Form must be filled out so I can send those updates to them. So far, we were able to serve over 16,000 hours as a district, which is approximately 18% of our 90,000 hours goal. Let’s keep this up and I can’t wait to see where we are by the next newsletter. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Yours in service, Jason Xiong 2020-21 District Secretary

T r e a s u r e r

It’s been a minute since Virtual LTC and I have been ecstatic to serve as your District Treasurer for the 2020-2021 service year! I know that quarantine has stunted many service projects and fundraisers, but we are rebuilding and recuperating day by day. I cannot wait to

see what you guys have in store this summer! Our fundraising goal has been set to $120,000 and we have raised about $12,000! Keep filling out those FRFs... we can do this!


At the start of the service year, I created a Treasurer’s Guide that has just about any information a club treasurer would need to know. It should be accessible in your LTG’s weekly updates.

don’t hesitate to hit me up! That’s all for now!

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions! I’m on any and every social media platform there is so please

Winnie Huang 2020-21 District Treasurer

Yours in care and service,

External EA

Hello NYDKC!

I hope everyone had a great, and safe summer. This year, Fall Rally will be held virtually, and as a district together rather than individual sections based on geographic section-how it is held every year. LTGs will instead work in groups based on their geographical location to make each individual component of Fall Rally. Make sure to attend Fall Rally, and attend officer training and many special workshops. There are also many other activities during Fall Rally besides workshop. I hope to see you (virtually) there! Committees have been doing very good work too. Please check the committee head updates to read what they have been doing. There have been providing

many resources to the district and the board. Look out for a very fun event by the Club Engagement committee. This school year will definitely be a challenge for many students, and I hope you remember that Key Club is always a family you can depend on for support. If you have any questions, Key Club related or not, please feel free to reach out to me. Also remember, mask up!

Yours in care and service,

Anthony Lim 2020-21 District Executive Assistant

Internal EA


Wow, it’s been a crazy year! I hope everyone finished off the school year strong and that your summer is going great so far.


My name is Tatiana Solodova and I will be serving as the District Internal Executive Assistant for the 2020-2021

service year. I am an incoming senior at Brighton High School and I have been in Key Club since the start of my sophomore year. I enjoy meeting Key Clubbers from all over the district and going to fun service events hosted by all branches of Kiwanis. Last year, I had the honor of serving as the Lieutenant Governor of Division 23, which is located in the Rochester area. I enjoyed every part of that experience, and that is why I am even more motivated to put my best foot forward as Internal Executive Assistant. Over the past few months, I have been working closely with Governor Mariam on how best to adapt this board to the current circumstances. We’ve held a few board hangouts and implemented a board buddy system to help the LTGs get to know each other. Additionally, I’ve been working with the Lieutenant Governors and organizing their paperwork as it comes in. I’ve been reading over all their work and helping them in the best way possible. I will also try to attend as many virtual events as possible that are happening

across the district. Other than that, I will continue to assist LTGs with anything they need and look over their paperwork as it comes in. Lastly, although it is summer, Key Club does not stop! I encourage all officers to continue to hold club meetings and engage members as best as possible. This is a very difficult time for all clubs, so I applaud all of you who are finding great ways to serve virtually! Additionally, Lieutenant Governors are beginning to plan their fall rallies. I encourage you all to attend the Fall Rally for your region! It was a great experience for me last year and it’s even more important this year because of the cancelation of LTC 2020. Feel free to contact me for any reason. I am always open to provide help or to answer any questions you may have. Stay safe and have a great rest of your summer!

Yours in service,

Tatiana Solodova 2020-21 District Executive Assistant


Hi New York District Key Club! My name is Kristen Lew and I am so excited to be serving as your District Webmaster for this service year! I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy during these

times and that your school year ended in good terms.


I am a rising senior attending LaGuardia High School as an art major (got inspiration from Immediate Past Webmaster Ramisa <3) and would like to focus this year on communication and easier accessibility to the events and updates within our Key Club District. Though there’s much work to be done, I have updated any new information that has sprung up since the start of the service year. This includes our District Board, Governor’s Project, District Project, and District Goals that will be up for the entire year if you ever need a reference! Please also be on a lookout on our social media where we have been posting new events and resources beneficial for you and your clubs! Due to the unforeseeable circumstances,

going virtual is going to be an important part of this service year to ensure the safety and welfare of our members. Don’t let it stop from keeping your clubs active! I encourage you all to host virtual meetings, events, and/or fundraisers if not already. Hopefully, things will clear up soon and we will be able to meet in person again. Feel free to reach out on anything you’d like updated, shared, or if you just want someone to talk to! Make sure you’re getting some fresh air and staying hydrated.

Yours in service,

Kristen Lew 2020-21 District Webmaster

? l a u t r i ? s t c Gone v e j o r p e c i v r e s f o t Ou Check out Kristen's virtual service project ideas


Trustee's Farewell Message

Hey hey hey, New York!!! As my formal farewell to you all, I’d like to take this time to reflect on you.In this most unpredictable of times, I hope you have all been able to find peace. Since my last update, the world has turned upside down and over and the majority of 2020 thus far has been ridden by twists and turns, and, oftentimes, disappointing news.

hours, your next virtual event, and your academics. On that note, pursue your hobbies. Not your hobbies like Key Club and sports. No, I mean the ones that you do solely for you. It’s okay to pit yourself first; it’s not selfish. You must focus on yourself first so that you have the energy and spirit to serve others always (brb making that a tweet).

Now, bear with me, I’m turning on cliche mode. Let’s turn this lemon of a year into lemonade. The worst is inevitable and the best we can yet do is prepare for it, yet sometimes the greatest lessons, healings, and cleansing come from unplanned negative circumstances.

I hope you’ve baked like you were competing on The Great British Baking Show and gamed like you were Ninja(Tyler Blevins). Keep finding time for you. To the class of 2021, we almost made it! I encourage you to not be disheartened about senior year festivities. Let’s focus on the good in the world and how blessed we are to be able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. In the midst of all the turmoil, as we search for our new normals and the next school year starts, I wish you all the best in your academic and Key Club journeys. I will always be here for you. Key Club and NYDKC are family for life. Now, as I always say. Let’s go change the world. But this time, change the world, by changing you.

While quarantined and social-distancing for months, I hope you had time to rekindle memories with your loved ones and found solace in those closest to your heart. I hope you have finally been able to wind down and take a break from all the pressures of Key Club, high school, life, and growing up. Take a deep breath, release your shoulders from your ears, unclench your jaw, and remove your tongue from the roof of your mouth. Our bodies hold onto stress in less noticeable ways. It’s okay, you have time. Just relax. I hope you too are finding time for yourself. Living in a world with COVID-19 is stressful, so it is crucial to give your mind and body as much care as you put in for your club’s service

Signing off one last time, Irin Shim 2019-20 International Trustee




President Alex Drahos Nebraska-Iowa District

Vice President Caroline Bushnell Rocky Mountain District

International Trustees

Emma Brainard Indiana District

Emma Chang California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN’S

Marissa Ding Minnesota-Dakotas District

Salma Eldeeb Florida District

Glory Kalu New Jersey District

Melanie Kim Georgia District

Lena Oswald Illinois-Eastern Iowa District

River Pease Michigan District

Jordan Reichhardt Rocky Mountain District

Andrew West Southwest District

Eddie Wei Nebraska-Iowa District




Charity Miles

th, we and Brain Awareness mon Since June is Alzheimer’s r the A steps and raise money fo r ou ck tra to s ile M ity ar Ch which a non-profit organization Alzheimer’s Association is Miles e with the disease. Charity os th to re ca ide ov pr d an sponsor the walkers, this to r de or in s et dg bu ia their med ng ad return for the app providi in e oic ch of ion at niz ga or they raise for their org ey on m e or m e th lk, wa more they

Grace Dono Division 1

to get outside during y nit rtu po op is th ing us I have been a 4. Every morning we go on om m y m th wi e tim ty ali qu joyin the beach. We’ve been en neighborhood and along ing a rience nature all while be pe ex d an up tch ca to e tim e app which I found to th of e ur at fe r he ot An e. great caus wh eated a Division One team cr ve ha e W s. am te te ea cr ng o see how everyone is getti are participating and can O many members of Division w ho e se to ing sh fre re is It ’s As money for the Alzheimer their day in order to raise wh n me that even in times ow sh s ha n io at in rm te de ea ill work together to mak physically, we can all st

Positive Message Madison Matice, Division 18

Keeping a good mindset and having positive encouragement is the key to staying strong during difficult times. To do that, Averill Park High School Key Club made a positive message to show our appreciation for essential workers through these tough times. The sacrifices essential workers make are truly commendable, their hard work and diligence does not go unnoticed. It’s vital for everyone to stick together and to create a positive community to look forward to being a part of.



p e have been using the ap The Alzheimer’s Association. search ch works to accelerate re nies use s works by having compa walkers’ s money then goes to the nies. The dvertising for the compa ganization.

some g quarantine and spend -5 mile walk around our gives us ng this new routine as it ch a able to raise money for su we can to be interesting was that y people here we can see how man ing active. out of their homes and be e out of One have been taking tim rs’ Association. The membe gether where we can not be to a change in the world.

There is so much as a community or even individually that you can do to spread positivity during these tough times, and even the simplest acts of kindness goes a long way.

Sewing Masks for COVID-19 Charlotte Allen, Division 23

Members of the Harley Key Club had been feeling a little sad that they haven't been able to participate in their typical service projects. So, some of their members decided to get to work. They pulled out their dusty old sewing machines and got sewing! Members used fabric, thread, and elastic to sew non-surgical face masks. It is so important that we all stay safe during this uncertain time. Wearing masks is an easy and quick way to help to stay safe. Everyone should be socially distancing, but in case you need to go to Wegmans or decide to go on a walk, these face masks are an easy way to stay safe and healthy. Masks help prevent bacteria and germs from spreading. By sewing these masks, members feel thrilled to find a way to give back to the community that they love serving so much!



Project Giving Thanks Tina Zheng, Division 8 I recently attended a virtual event by Division 8 called Project Giving Thanks. This project was started by a group of high schoolers aiming to spread positivity to essential workers during this pandemic. As a Key Clubber, I realize how important it is to help those in your community. I have attended numerous Key Club events where I help others set up or regulate the event. Though I love helping and volunteering, I admit I do get tired from these events.

I cannot imagine what it’s like to be an essential worker, putting yourself on the front line to make sure that everyone else is safe. I am able to live safely and comfortably in my house because of the essential workers. I wanted to write a simple note to essential workers, encouraging them to continue helping the community and showing how I am grateful for their contribution. I wrote my message on a white post-it note and I tried to make it look pretty by writing a big thank you in pink highlighter on the top. I remember trying to write in my neatest handwriting, and if it wasn’t neat enough, I would crumple up the post-it and restart. I really wanted to show my appreciation and hopefully give essential workers a warm feeling in their hearts, knowing that the people they help really appreciate them. Though I did not meet other key clubbers through this event, I felt very proud of the community I live in and I hope to continue spreading positivity despite the situations we’re in. 17

internationa Partners Thirst Project The Thirst Project seeks to provide clean drinking water to communities around the world focusing on bringing water to the entirely of Eswatini by 2022.

Landscape Structures Landscape Structures works to bring high-quality playground equipment to children worldwide.

Nickelodeon Nickelodeon encourages kids to be more active and have a positive impact on the world, with their Worldwide Day of Play and Get Dirty campaigns.

U.S. Army The U.S. Army enables people to received advanced education debt-free and become empowered leaders, through programs such as the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC).

Up With People Up With People seeks to inspire youth worldwide to make a difference through volunteering and musical performances in various communities worldwide.

Squads Abroad Squads Abroad enables teenagers to volunteer abroad and make a positive impact on the health and education of developing communities.

Kiwanis Gives Online Kiwanis Gives Online is a crowdfunding platform designed for Key Club, helping to manage campaigns and rewarding those who donate.


al partners President's Project The Eliminate Project The Eliminate Project is a joint effort between Kiwanis and UNICEF to protect and provide women with vaccines, syringes, safe transport and storage, education of communities, training of health workers and more. This global campaign strives to protect millions of mothers and their future newborns.

Preferred Charities Children's Miracle Network Children's Miracle Network Hospitals raises money to support children's hospital research and to raise awareness of children's health issues.

March of Dimes March of Dimes addresses health threats to both mothers and children by educating both medical professionals and the public, supporting research, and providing comfort and support to families.

UNICEF UNICEF is an organization within the United Nations dedicated to children. The organization works in developing countries to provide healthcare, education, and safe water and sanitation.

Collaborative Partners K Corps

K Corps is a youth exchange program for Key Clubbers organized with Kiwanis International, working with Japanese host families.


district proje cts Endorsed Projects Kamp Kiwanis This is a wilderness camp that seeks to provide children, including those with special needs, with a unique camping experience filled with team-building exercises.

Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation Kiwanis is committed to improving the health of children. This organization helps pay for medical treatment for children with Lyme Disease, a brain disease caused by bacteria often from a deer ticl.

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center These centers in North Shore, Brooklyn, Albany, and Buffalo provide emergency treatment for children, preventing deaths and disabilities with proper care.

District Project Project HOPE Project HOPE works with local healthcare workers to transform the health, wellbeing, and lives of people around the world.

Governor's Project Canine for Disabled Kids This organization pairs children with disabilities with service dogs to increase independence, understanding, and awareness.


Youth Opportunities Fund The YOF provides grants to Key Club and Key Club members for scholarships and service opportunities.

info & how to qualify: YOF grants are only given to Key Clubs. Grants are not given to divisions or districts. Grant amounts between US$250 to US$2,000 may be requested. Applications must be submitted online by October 15 at 11:59 PM, EST. Grant applicants are emailed of outcomes the first week of January. A list of grant recipients is posted online the third week of January. The previous year’s dues must be paid before YOF grant checks can be issued. A YOF Final Grant Report is due at the end of the grant cycle (January 1).

Fall Rally

Nov 21st & 22nd at 1-5PM more into TBA


New York District Board Directory Executive Board


Mariam Makar



External EA

Internal EA

Bulletin Editor


Jason Xiong

Anthony Lim

Rachel Joh


Winnie Huang

Tatiana Solodova tatianasolodova.ea

Kristen Lew

New York District Board Directory Lieutenant Governors

Division 1

Orangielee Wilkinson

Division 4S

Nicholas Pascarella

Division 8

Alvin Ma

Division 11

Freya Zhu

Division 2

Joseph Gabel

Division 3

Sophia Segal

Division 4N

Shifa Ali

Division 5

Division 5

Emma Bhansingh Tarangini Arunachalam

Matthew Friedman

Division 8A

Division 9

Division 10

Bryan Perez

Division 12

Simrun Kothari

Division 13

Diyala Al-Hashemi Lila Amer

Division 7

Marina Nasef

Division 14

Chloe Baker


New York District Board Directory Lieutenant Governors

Division 15

Kevin Milza

Division 20

Kaela Howard

Division 24

Katie Huff

Division 16

Division 18

Division 21

Division 22

Division 25

Division 26

Haley Peckham Madison Matice

Kate Barclay Nasya Best

Kasia Kalinski Amanda Roth

Division 19

Rachael DeRocco

Division 23

Charlotte Allen

Division 27

Yeshayah Allis


John Goldstein

Jason Steiner (Assistant)


Michael Berthel (Assistant)




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