The Empire Key | June 2022-2023 | Issue 2

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contents 4

Editor's Note


Trustee's Farewell


Wordle Results


District Board Updates


Service Spotlights


Treasurer of the Month


Editor's Choice Award


LTG Directory




Hey Key Clubbies! Welcome to the second issue of The Empire Key. Congratulations for making it to the end of the school year, we have all pushed through and made it. To the graduating seniors– I know you'll do great at whatever you put your mind to. Good luck in college, and be sure to join Circle K! Key Club will always serve as your home, so feel free to come and attend events. The long-awaited summer break is finally here, so please get the rest you guys deserve. But don’t get too relaxed because service runs in the summer! ;) The variety of events and fundraisers available makes sure that everyone can find something to enjoy. This is merely a reminder that one bad event does not indicate all events will be the same. Don't let a bad experience demotivate you! It has been a wonderful experience going to events around the city this past month and I am infinitely proud of all the work done. Already, I have met so many Key Clubbers and seen interclub events, which makes me so excited for what lies ahead. I am so thrilled to present to you this issue. This issue marks the start of the Editor’s Choice Award, an award granted to those that writes a quality article captivating an event and displaying their passion. If this is something you are interested in, be sure to check that out further in this issue! If your club would like to be featured, applying for Service Spotlights is also a great option. Anyone can apply! Contact your division’s lieutenant governor or email me for any questions. The work I have seen from the awardees is inspiring, and I hope it will motivate you as much as it does me.


From July 4th to July 10th, I will be attending the International Convention. I am delighted to have the opportunity to meet Key Clubbers from around the world and in the next newsletter, I will be sure to include photos and information I have collected! ICON will be taking place both online and in-person, so if any attendees are interested in having their experience featured in The Empire Key, feel free to reach out to me! I'd like to remind you about Covid once again. While I know that these reminders can be repetitive, I wish everyone the best during these times. Not only should you be wary of your physical health, but mental health is also extremely important! When you won’t be seeing many of your friends over the summer, it is especially important to keep in touch. Everyone needs additional assistance to combat these hardships we are facing. During these hard times, I hope everyone stays safe and asks that we be there for one another. Feel free to reach out to me at if you have any questions or concerns, or to chat about Key Club in general!

Yours in Care and Service, Cindy Zou NYDKC Bulletin Editor 2022-2023





Where do I even begin?? Just a short 12 months ago, I was assigned to your phenomenal District as International Trustee. Throughout my memorable term, I hosted sistrict webinars, attended committee and board meetings, chatted with many of you via email and Instagram, connected with your governors, planned with advisors, delivered speeches, crafted monthly newsletters, shared resources, ran our sistrict wide Instagram account, and my personal favorite: interacted with so many of you at your district convention! Being an International trustee gave me the unique opportunity to connect with an International Council, an International board, and my allocated District boards. Although at the beginning of my term, I was nervous as I transitioned from my home base District board, you all have made me feel so welcome and as if I was another member of your spirited and dedicated board. Just as I thought my love for Key Club could not expand any further, this past service year has defined pure adoration. Key Club for me started out as a method to make new friends while completing my High School service hours but somehow transformed into a way of life full of opportunity and a contagious love for servant leadership. Although I will begin the next chapter of my life in the coming months, you all are just beginning an amazing journey. I encourage you to dive into Key Club, make meaningful connections, find yourself, challenge your limits, take healthy risks, and enjoy it all at the moment. You will never have another opportunity quite like this one. Key Club helped me grasp and craft myself into the person I am proud to be today. By enabling me to discover my leadership style through trial and error, providing unique opportunities to lead, and giving me some of the best friends I have ever had, this club is truly unforgettable. To this day, my entire High School knows me as “the Key Club girl,” and I truly could not have wished for a more honorable title. To conclude, thank you PHENOMENAL NYDKCl. Serving alongside such an inclusive, spirited, diverse, and hilarious board is something that I will forever find gratitude in. You guys are the best! Sending so much love all the way from the Rocky Mountains, and do not hesitate to reach out!



Progress Update $68,732.14


towards our district fundraising goal of $185,000

raised towards Governor's Project Soles 4 Souls

$1,893.25 raised towards our district project Pencils of Promise

"We are committed to our goals."

$75,000 $50,000 $25,000

pr om is e

so ul s pe nc il s


4 so le s

fu nd ra is in g

go al






introduced the Global

Leadership Certificate program to all

members, which offers up to 20

courses (soon to be

39) on ranging topics to help you develop

your leadership skills!

Recently, I decided to sign up to earn the Global Leadership Certificate. This is a program run by Key Club, which offers up to 20 courses, ranging from topics such as how to build meaningful relationships, apply strategic vs. tactical leadership, and run effective meetings, to help develop your leadership skills. Over the course of the week, I decided to do just that. As I began to watch all the videos, read through the different articles, and take the mini assessments, I began to learn so much about being a leader, as well as the different components that make up one. Though this event may not be the typical Key Club volunteering event, it allows you to learn a lot of new things about yourself. Whether it be through advocacy or starting a non-profit, this certificate helps you to develop the skills needed to ultimately allow you to bring about a bigger change in your community. For instance, when I first started this certificate program, I would say I was pretty shy. I often had trouble with engaging in conversation, ultimately keeping to myself. Although going to Key Club service events has helped me tremendously with releasing myself from this bubble, reading through the public speaking course has allowed me to really attack this issue at the core. I know that being a good leader is something that you cannot just fix overnight, but having this certification has really allowed me to put my foot into the right direction and help grow my confidence. I cannot wait until the rest of the courses are released!



Though registration for in-person

International Convention has closed, you

can still make it to the online one! Join us

for a once-in-a-lifetime experience as you participate in workshops, meet your peers from across the country, and learn about Key Club!

*On the day this publication is released, it will be the FINAL day for virtual registration.

ICON will be taking place from July 4-July 10th.


International's newest partner is with

Schoolhouse, a free math peer-tutoring

platform over Zoom. Are you interested in becoming a tutor? Visit and create an

account to start tutoring today!

Be sure to select Key Club when creating an account!


PENCILS OF PROMISE DISTRICT PROJECT Pencils of Promise has the mission to ensure that every child has access to quality education. This organization builds classrooms, provides teachers with training and innovative resources, and provides children with access to clean water, private bathrooms, and good hygiene practices.

232,046 Students IMPACTED


Pencils of Promise creates a safe and healthy learning environment, filled with welltrained and supportive teachers, believing it is the key to help students reach their full potential. To continuously learn and iterate on their work, they rigorously monitor the effectiveness of all programs, projects, and pilots PoP implement.


THEIR WORK Soles 4 Souls collects new shoes and clothing to distribute to people in need across the U.S. and around the world. Instead of shoes and clothes going to waste, they are put to good use by providing relief, creating jobs, and empowering people to break the cycle of poverty. Soles 4 Souls focuses on providing relief, fighting poverty, protecting the planet, and empowering women. They distribute clothing and shoes to those in need around the world, help small businesses, repurpose waste, and provide opportunities to women.


How to get involved: - start a shoe drive -donate shoes -volunteer -fundraise

73,310,172 pairs of


pieces of



Janice Cao (treasurer)

Jackie Thraikill (d19 ltg)

Eliza Strum (d14 ltg)

Siri Waxenberg (bthskc editor)

Jena Kim (internal executive assistant)




























GOVERNOR'S UPDATE Hey NYDKC! The summertime calls for trips to the beach, ice cream, and (our favorite) service! That’s right: Volunteering and fundraising do NOT stop for the summer months. I encourage all clubs to take the extra free time as an opportunity to come together and serve. Summer is not the only thing on our minds this month; the International Convention is approaching! After two years, Key Club International is hosting ICON 2022 in Washington, D.C. from July 6th through July 10th. Attending the Convention is the perfect opportunity to build your leadership skills and see how “International” Key Club truly is. There are a variety of insightful workshops and featured speakers, and I hope you apply what you learned to your respective Key Clubs and personal lives. For those of you who registered, feel free to email me at and let me know which workshops you are most looking forward to; I cannot wait to hear your responses! The members of the District Board have recently been organized into committees. There are five District Committees this year: Public Relations, Club Engagement, Membership Growth and Development, District Affairs, and Awards. All of these committees will publish resources that benefit YOU as Key Clubbers; there will be new guides, videos, a three-year Strategic Plan, and so much more available for clubs to utilize. You can hear about what the committees have been working on in the future issues of The Empire Key. This month I would like for you to think about how you can grow the network of Key Clubbers. Let’s share our mutual love for service with our friends, classmates, and incoming students as we get back to school in September.


Lastly, keep an eye out for my July Governor’s Greeting, as well as your Lieutenant Governor’s monthly newsletter for divisional and district updates. Continue the incredible work, New York District! Stay happy and healthy.

DIstrict Governor


EXTERNAL EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Hello NYDKC! I hope you are all having an amazing summer so far. I personally have loved having the chance to relax and spend time with family and friends. I am also extremely excited to meet up with fellow board members and representatives of the New York District at the 2022 Key Club International Convention. I know that ICON is going to be an absolutely incredible event and am especially looking forward to doing service, attending workshops, and listening to keynote speakers. Hopefully, I will get to see many of you in person and virtually! Now for just a few reminders: Please continue to read weekly updates sent by LTGs! They are extremely useful as they cover Division, District, and International events. If you are having trouble contacting your LTG (or if you do not know who they are) please feel free to reach out to me! Next, please remember that the application to be a member representative on a District Committee closes on July 1st. This is such an incredible opportunity because you will have the chance to have a direct impact on what happens in the District and you will also be able to work with some of our AMAZING board members! If you have not read about this already, the 5 committees that you can apply for are: Public Relations, District Affairs, Club Engagement, Membership Growth and Development, and Awards. I personally have been on the Club Engagement Committee for the past two years and have absolutely loved it and I know for a fact that every other committee is amazing as well. As a final reminder, please remember that service does not stop in the summer! Even if your club is not hosting meetings or events, you can always do service on your own. There are many useful platforms like Charity Miles, Free Rice, and BeanBeanBean that are so quick and easy. Just a tip: you can actually set the charity that you are raising money for (on Charity Miles) to Soles4Souls. If you didn’t know already, this is the Governor’s Project, so it would be incredible if you start raising money for the project on your own. You can also contact your LTG for ideas and see if there are opportunities within the Division that you aren’t aware of. Overall, my first few months as External EA have been amazing so far and I can’t wait to continue serving and acting as a resource for all of you. Please feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions at all, I am here for all of you! My email is

Yours in service,

Sophia Segal


INTERNAL EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Hi Hey NYDKC! It’s finally the end of school! Congratulations to everyone finishing their regents and other major assessments. By the time you’ll read this, it’s likely NYDKC will be at our first International Convention in over 2 years in DC! Isn’t that crazy? I hope everyone has lots of fun with both inperson and virtual attendees. Although summer has just started, remember that service doesn’t stop! There are many ways to get involved with your home club, your own and other divisions, and even districts! One example of this is to hold a school-house tutoring event with your club. To add, there are many opportunities to serve. Recently, the application for member representatives has just closed. While that was one opportunity to take part in a District Committee, there will be many more in the future as well! I’ll also be co-chair of the Awards Committee, which focuses on creating the Awards Packet and promoting the packet. There will also be an opportunity to apply for an International Committee in the future, so keep an eye out! In terms of my work as EA, I’ve been continuing grading BRFs as well as seeing your LTG’s weekly updates! It’s been great to see how many clubs are still active. In addition, I’m glad to have been able to read all of the Division’s newsletters!It’s so awesome to see how service is being held all across NYDKC, from Long Island to NYC to Upstate. With summer coming, we have our Fall Conference coming in mind! I hope you all get super excited about that because the NYDKC Board has a few ideas already! If you ever want to chat or discuss anything, feel free to contact me! Never be afraid to reach out at Thank you all for reading my update and till next time, NYDKC!

Serving You,

Jena Kim




I can't believe school is finally over and it’s summer break already! However, even though school has ended, service doesn’t take a break. We are currently at 35260.85 hours, which is over 20% of our service goal of 175,000 hours. Remember to continue filling our Monthly Report Forms so our district can reach its service hour goal; the June MRF will be due on July 10 so make sure to get that in! I’m looking forward to seeing all the service New York District Key Clubbers perform over the summer, and hope to participate in some service events myself this summer as well. You guys have done an amazing job filling out your MRFs so far, but remember, late MRFs are always welcome! Some other news! I just released my Secretary’s Guide for this service year, which you can find t It contains all the information needed to be a successful Secretary from the day-today roles of secretary and important paperwork. Make sure all club Secretaries read it fully at least once! Of course, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at And on that note, that’s it for my update for this issue!

Serving With Care,

Laura Fan




It’s been so great seeing all the amazing service being performed throughout the state, and even attending some of the events and fundraisers within the city. Seeing so many members’ dedication to these events is always motivating me to continue serving you as Treasurer. Our District has raised $68,732 so far in the service year, meaning we are about 37% of our way to our District fundraising goal of $185,000! Shout out to all the members devoting their time to attending fundraisers, and of course, a special shout out to the Presidents, Executives, and Treasurers who facilitate the fundraisers. While fundraising is important, service does not stop over the summer! Continue to serve under the upcoming sun, and make sure to wear sunscreen if you’re volunteering outside!! Stay safe and happy key clubbing, New York District! :)

serving with care,

Janice Cao


DISTRICT WEBMASTER Heyy New York District Key Club! Hello everyone, it’s David again! I really hope everyone aced their AP exams and Regents. It’s finally time for a much-deserved break from school. But remember that service does not stop in the summer! For me, I look forward to attending upcoming fundraisers and events and my home club’s induction ceremony. As your webmaster, I am dedicated to making your online experience the best that it can be and I will always be looking for ways to promote the awesome work that we do. During the past month, I have taken further steps to update the website to reflect the latest resources for members and clubs. The new FRFs, ERFs, Editor’s Choice Awards, Service Spotlights, and various other forms for the new service year have all been updated on the website. Some subpages on the website have also undergone renovations and design adjustments to conform to standards. Our efforts in publicizing our district and governor’s project, Key Club International’s newest partners, and District Member Representatives have gone pretty well. For seniors who are reading this, be sure to look into continuing your K-Family journey by joining Circle K! I am sure the Circle K experience will be absolutely fabulous. The New York District of CKI will be helping graduating seniors in joining their college’s Circle K club. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me through any means if you have the slightest concerns or questions. Let’s keep our work going strong and blaze through the 2022-2023 service year! Thanks again for reading through my update.


CHECK OUT OUR INSTAGRAM! One of our social media platforms is Instagram. We create posts updating our audience on opportunities, events, and display awardees of numerous accolades we give out. Be sure to take a look at it and drop a follow!



k c i l C ! e her e

Let the New York District's Service Spotlights shine a light on your club's service initiatives, and show your dedication! Share stories, photos, or screenshots from events you've attended or hosted, along with an article. Articles are usually paragraph-long recaps of a specific event, highlighting the author's own experience. Members can still write about virtual events as they are still events!



In collaboration with Harley Key Club, Brighton High School students collected rocks and painted motivational sayings on them. Their purpose was to motivate those around them to participate in community service!





The North Shore key Club is always on hand to support their Kiwanis Club of North Shore. Pictured are members making 200 peanut & jelly sandwiches for the annual Kiwanis Bicycle Challenge on Sunday, June 26th. Pictured is the key club members in action with the sandwich-making task: Nia & Niko Stavrianos(brother & sister team) and Veronica Frank. A special thank you to mom Paula Stavrianos who joined her family with the sandwich making. Adviser Julia Salat coordinated the event.



STUDENT OF THE MONTH PROGRAM The Kiwanis Club of North Shore honors seniors for each of the10 months during the school year. The last three students of the Month were honored on Wednesday, June 8th at Nassau Country Club. Their parents also attend the awards ceremony. Student of the Month for April Alana Golden has an outstanding community service profile, she was the executive assistant and board member for Key Club. Alana participated in numerous food & coat drives as well as independently collected prom dresses for Madonna Heights School for women. To finish her high school career, she was tapped at NSHS Moving Up Ceremony, a very prestigious selection at the high school.

For May senior Paige Shane was honored and nominated by various teachers; Tyler Bianco shared accolades of her being a warm-hearted student who always puts her friends, family, and community first, and is always the first person to volunteer in his class. Teacher Martin Abrams noted she is a thoughtful student and always willing to support any student to strive to improve the class as a whole. Lastly, senior Krista Eder was honored for June. Her teachers Allison Roth and Nicole Haddican noted she is a sweet young lady with the biggest heart and always willing to help others. Adviser Julia Salat noted she is a dedicated member of the Key Club with 181 hours of service to the community. Some of Krista’s favorite volunteer events are St Rocco’s toy wrapping event, St Christopher’s Easter Basket donation, ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, & Operation Christmas Child, sending gifts to children in need worldwide. Pictured are the three honorees: L to R: Krista Eder, Paige Shane, & Alana Golden.



Kiwanis Club of North Shore Honors Graduating Seniors The Kiwanis Club of North Shore is proud to announce the students of the month who are graduating seniors at North Shore High School, Chrystal Coleman, and Amanda Ayres. This dynamic duo took the lead in their senior year and are the Co-Presidents of the North Shore Key Club. Amanda will attend Providence College in the fall and will be a Psychology Major. She was on the high honor roll all four years at North Shore and was a very gifted athlete. Amanda received the senior of distinction award at the high school for her 505 hours of service to our community. This young lady has proven to be a star both on and off the playing field. Chrystal will attend Tufts University in September majoring in History and Child Study & Human Development. She is also on the high honor roll and has been involved in community service since she was in 6th grade as a member of the Builders Club. Chrystal was very involved in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and participated in the Student of the Year Campaign Fundraiser that raised over 14,000 for LLS. On behalf of the Kiwanis Club, we wish these two young ladies good luck and success with all their future endeavors. Pictured L to R: Proud parents Cindy & Dave Ayres, honoree Amanda; Kiwanis President John Kle; Honoree Chrystal Coleman, and proud mom Hilda.


“From planning, playing, and leading the divisional volleyball tournament, I was able to interact with the entire division on a scale otherwise impossible from a computer screen. The memories we made, the laughs we shared, and the thrill of it all made it a night to remember, as we welcomed in the new board all the while celebrating the work of the outgoing officers. Personally, the most valuable aspect of this fundrasier was its spotlight on the strength and unity of the Division 7 family. Whoever we face, whenever we face, and wherever we face, the other divisions better be ready!” ~Steven Huang (Lieutenant Governor of Division 7)


From uniting the division and sharing laughs to teamwork and beyond, the Division 7 family makes history once again with a successful volleyball tournament. With clubs across Southwest Long Island coming together at Lynbrook High School for the event, the D7 Volleyball Tournament marked an official start to a service year filled with laughs, memories, and unity. After a grueling round-robin and playoff round, the top 4 teams faced off in the semi-finals to secure their spot in the inter-divisional volleyball tournament set for later on in the service year. Together, with the help of the Presidential Council, Lynbrook Key Club’s Advisor, Dr. T, and, of course, the members, Division 7 raised a total of $225.50 for Kamp Kiwanis!

“I thought that the volleyball fundraiser was amazing! It was great to interact with key club members from other schools and communities. It goes to show you just how large and supportive the key club community is. It was so much fun to do an active event, with everyone running around. In the future, I think physical fundraisers and events will be even more successful because they involve the members’ specific interests.” ~ Hailey Kshonz (President of Hewlett Key Club)

“The D7 volleyball tournament was over an amazing experience for everyone involved. LTG Steven made the experience light and easy for everyone who attended. It was an amazing atmosphere as everyone was enjoying their time playing and getting to know one another. I would be glad to participate and attend another tournament in the near future!” ~Dea Pulatani (Co-President of Lynbrook Key Club


Field day! One of the largest key club collaborations we have ever done before! Benjamin N Cardozo, Bayside, Townsend Harris, Stuyvesant, Queen Highschool of Science, East-West, and Francis Lewis Key Club hosted a field day fundraiser where all funds were donated to Soles for Souls! Members were allowed to play multiple field day games and enjoy our photo booth and face painting area. There was even a special concert at the end provided by Hiroshi and his band plus Cardozo Trim! The singers were lovely as well as super talented! Board members were brutally pied by members 🥲 Overall Field day was such a joyful event! Sherry Lin (Cardozo Key Club President) One of the events I attended in June was Field Day. As a committee head for Townsend Harris High School Key Club, I aided in the face painting station. From face painting and tattoos, members were able to choose designs of their pleasing. My favorite design I painted was this ombre butterfly! After a while, my shift ended and I was allowed to enjoy the event. I got pied 10 times, and remember Dr. Salwa, a club advisor laughing at the sight of my pied face. It was definitely a oncein-a-lifetime experience. The thing that made this event so enjoyable for me, however, was how stress-relieving it was. From regents to grading newsletters, I had so much built-up stress. After this event, it was like all the stress just escaped from my body, making it the perfect start to my summer vacation. I look forward to more events like this this summer, and I am so proud of the work I saw that day. Cindy Zou (New York District Editor)



On June 10, 2022, Tottenville High School key clubbers stayed after the general meeting to participate in our Letters for Retiring School Faculty Members event! So many different faculty members play different roles in helping create a safe learning environment, and we wanted to take time to specifically thank those who are retiring for all their amazing work. In attempts to personalize the letters, we gathered about 10 specific names that were announced by the office, and also turned to create general letters (non-specified) for those who were not publicized. It was an exciting event for the key clubbers, especially with the school year coming close to an end, and the care and effort they put into the cards were stunning. We collectively hope that this will serve as a great memory for the retiring school faculty members and that they will know how much they are appreciated through these cards. If given the chance, this event is something that I personally (Jaeeun Shin) wish to be made an annual event at the school. :)


Letters for Retiring School Faculty Members


On June 29th, Stuyvesant Key Club held our largest Stuy-only fundraiser of the year at Dave and Busters! Beginning at 1:30 pm, our board members and fundraising directors began checking in the long line of attendees from schools across the city. From there, attendees had 70 credits and three hours of unlimited video games, ranging from Hungry, Hungry Hippos to Dance, Dance Revolution. “I really liked the Kung Fu Panda game. My friend and I slayed so hard and almost won,” our Visual Media Director, Tammy Zhao, said. Some attendees even hit the jackpot! “The spin pulley thing [Spin and Win] my friend got the jackpot on her first try” says Key Clubber Jennifer Ye. Afterward, they redeemed their tickets at the prize room where District Treasurer, Janice Cao, was seen winning a Minecraft Uno set!

We also hosted a basketball and ice hockey tournament. The winners were awarded a $10 Target gift card, and of course, renowned Key Club fame. “My friends doubted me cuz i shot the ball over the machine before we started, but hey i won,” says basketball tournament winner Allen Lin. Our incredible Visual Media team also created beautiful arcade game themed posters for the participants to take pictures with. Our beloved John Fang comments, “The posters were really pretty. Perfect for photo ops!” Initially, we were terrified that this fundraiser would not get much traction since we only allotted one week for advertising. But with over 200 attendees, we raised $1,853 for the National Network of Abortion Funds! This cause is extremely important to us and we are super thankful to everyone that attended the event. Also, a big shout out to the best faculty advisor, Mr. Wan!



k c i l C ! e her e

If you’ve noticed a Treasurer with an unmatched work ethic and passion towards their Key Club duties, consider showing your appreciation and admiration for them by nominating them for Treasurer of the Month! Any Key Clubber can nominate a Treasurer, no matter the position held! Make sure you nominate your Treasurer before the 20th of the month for them to be considered within that same month! After the 20th, three of the best nominations will offer three club Treasurers the chance to explain further on their own experiences as club Treasurer and why they should be Treasurer of the Month! At the end of the month, one Treasurer will be crowned Treasurer of the Month and will be featured on The Empire Key and NYDKC’s social media platform. Good luck, Treasurers!




k c i l C ! e her e

If you would like to apply, simply submit a short article (200-400 words) along with highresolution photos. It is open to all key club members, and we encourage club editors to apply. Awardees receive certificates and a personal note from the Bulletin Editor. Our social platforms will publish their article and photo(s). Editor's Choice Awards will be given to one outstanding nominee per issue. Please scan the QR codes above for more information.


Key Club exemplifies the traits of a supportive community, showing up even when it’s least expected! With a call to action, key club members from all the city came to attend the scavenger hunt at Central Park. During the pandemic, having a community and supportive friends made all the difference when we were isolated from each other. On June 26th, people from schools such as Nest +M, HSMSE, LAG, Millennium, etc came to attend the scavenger hunt to explore the landmarks of Central Park. In groups of three, each team competed to find the answer to clues such as “In this fantasyland, be careful not to fall down the rabbit hole! Stay your normal size and this clue will arise.”, with only their phones and a word bank. Each team sent pictures of themselves in a unique landmark of Central Park, such as the Alice in Wonderland Statue. The winning team who were able to meet us at the final landmark will each get a $10 Amazon gift card, as well as first choice of foods and drinks!


As with any event, there are always some mishaps and casualties but as the key club has always done, we band together and have fun. Personally, as a volunteer who helped set up the event and received/sent clues to different teams, I witnessed some difficulties such as some people getting to the wrong location, but in the end we all managed to get to the final location! We all had so much fun at the final location, eating different snacks and indulging in different drinks and candies. We had some great food, but most importantly we made new friends! Key clubbers who I have only seen during events on Zoom were able to gather and reminisce together. All the proceeds for the scavenger hunt went to a great cause as well! The proceeds went to the Trevor Project in the honor of Pride Month as well as helping buy new books for our library! During the summer, we plan to order new books based on our school’s recommendations to bring in on the first day of school to revamp our library! With the help of my fellow key club members, I was able to meet new friends, explore the city, and help my community! - Sharna Saha


Sayville Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast BY KEVIN CHUNG

A recent event our club was involved in was the Sayville Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast which was held in the West Sayville Fire Department on Sunday, May 1st from 8 to 11. It was led by the Sayville Kiwanis Family and our Kiwanis Representative, Mr. Lowenberg. The main goal for our club was to have volunteers that would dress up in kid-friendly disney character costumes and send love and positivity to the many children, adults, and senior citizens that are enjoying a good pancake breakfast on a Sunday Morning. The proceeds/funds that were earned from the Pancake Breakfast went in for Scholarships in the future. As we went into dress up, we got to meet Key Clubbers from the Sayville Key Club and collaborated on the event together.

We and the Sayville Key Clubbers took turns going around to dress up and do the shifts as each shift lasted about 20 to 30 minutes. We also dressed up into different characters each time so that the people wouldn’t be able to tell that it was the same person doing the same character. As Disney Characters, my impression of this task felt great as a lot of kids came up to take pictures with us, and it was pleasing to see the smile on their faces. I feel that this event was a significant opportunity for the community to get together, enjoy a warming breakfast, relax, chat, and meet with new people. There were many hilarious moments that existed throughout this event. One thing that happened to me was that when I was putting on the Mickey Mouse Costume, the Head part was too big and it caused me to walk around weirdly as we couldn’t see around well. One of the board members from our Key Club told me I was lurking and that one word still remains memorable today. Also, all of us with the Disney character costumes went outside on the streets and promoted the Sayville Pancake Breakfast by waving hands at cars going around and holding up signs. It was surprising that in fact, many cars that went around honked their horns and waved at us in reply. Volunteering to be a Disney Character at the Sayville Pancake Breakfast will be one of the lasting memorable events I did as a new board member.



2 0 2 2



EVENT IDEAS EVENTS Baking for Elderly Center Clothing Donation Helping at Middle Schools

FUNDRAISERS Chess Tournament Ted Talk Show Movie Night




on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and World; and combat all forces that tend to undermine these institutions. 43

COVID DISCLAIMER Make sure you are frequently cleansing your hands! Make sure your hands are clean before you touch your face, and especially when you are around your peers!

Get tested consistently! Symptoms might not show even if you have Covid, so please get tested, especially if you are unvaccinated.


Gabriella Slootsky

Janice Cao

Laura Fan

Jena Kim

Sophia Segal

David Chen

Cindy Zou

New York District Board Directory Lieutenant Governors

Division 1

Connor Moos

Division 2

Ohm Patel

Division 5

Sophia Cadolino


Ivy Lian

Division 8

Division 3

Division 8A

Melody Song

Division 7 Steven Huang

Division 9

Yifei Wang

Ariba Azad

Amy Wu

Division 11

Division 12

Division 13

Abigail Choi

Division 4

Andrew Hines Tiffany Ortiz

Division 10

Guseyn Zarbaliyev

Division 14

Eliza Strum

New York District Board Directory Lieutenant Governors


Division 19

Jackie Thrailkill

Division 23

Yanisa Chaisomboonpan

Division 16



Division 21

Kelly Nhan

Division 24

Ava Eastman

James Fudesco

Division 25

Auggie Kempf Kyle Earle


Division 18






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