December newsletter 2009

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The Brooklyn Express.

December 2009 Issue.

Lt. Governor’s Greeting!!

Hey Brooklyn! It’s Tiffany here. It’s only December and I am extremely worn out already!! I’d like to give a huge thanks to all those clubs and individuals that participated in this month’s events so far with Division 9!!! Especially with this crazy weather in the city, I know it is very hard sometimes to push yourself out of bed to attend the events in the freezing wind and rain. Just weeks ago on both

Saturday, Dec. 5th and Sunday, Dec. 6th, I was in the exact same situation. On Saturday, it was the Special Olympics Polar Plunge in Great Kills Beach in Staten Island. Not only did I have to be there at Murrow HS early in the morning, it was pouring horribly that day. It was the start of the December weather mood swing. However that didn’t stop the Key Clubbers from James Madison HS along with Mr. Gioia, the Kiwanians of Brooklyn, and I from running into the numbing water just an hour later. On Sunday it was a beautiful day but it was very cold and windy. That day I was joined with Midwood HS, Murrow HS, HSTAT, and Dewey HS at Prospect Park to help out and cheer the walkers and runners on at the Jingle Bell Walk for the Arthritis Foundation. On December 12,2009 the Brooklyn Division was at Fort Hamilton Military Base bright and early to help out.

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong 1

Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010 a Kiwanis-family member |

Doing what Key Clubbers do best, the month of December has been VERY successful and Production. There will be no further events for this busy busy month. I hope everyone has a happy and safe break!! Happy Holidays and a Happy New Years to all!! Please take a look on the District website for over 1000 resources for the Mighty New York District!! If anyone has any other questions feel free to contact me on my cell 1.347.461.6454 OR . Feel super free to Call .Text Email.

Yours in service, Lt. Gov. Tiffany

Governor’s Greetings – Governor Allen

In just a few weeks, most of us will be on holiday break. Has it already been three months since the start of the school year? What’s more amazing is…we’re already eight months into our Key Club year – that’s two-thirds of the way! Before we know it, we’re going to be celebrating our achievements at our annual Leadership Training Conference. But don’t get too excited yet – we still have four months left to go. It is crucial for all of us to work even harder so we’ll be able to reach our goals. In this holiday season, I challenge all my fellow Key Clubbers to do something for the Governor’s Project: Our World – Our Focus. One of the initiatives is feeding the hungry, and it’s especially important during this time of year. Help others receive a hot meal or double your efforts to get food

donations for your local food banks. I guarantee it will make a world of difference to those who need us. Don’t forget to sign up for the mailing list on our Web site (, and keep your eyes open for the next issue of the Governor’s Notebook. 2009 is about to come to a close. Until next time, have a spectacular holiday season and a smashing new year to come!

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong 1

Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010 a Kiwanis-family member |

Dues – Treasurer Teri

What to do if you have not yet paid your dues The deadline to turn in dues has come and gone. If your club has yet to mail in its dues, do not hesitate! It is extremely important that you submit them as soon as possible. Currently, if you have not turned in your dues, your club status is “inactive,” which means members of your club are ineligible to run for Lieutenant Governor, participate as a voting delegate in a Lieutenant Governor election, attend the Leadership Training Conference or send voting delegates to International Convention. But, fortunately it is not too late to submit your dues! Clubs which submit their dues before Feburary 1st, 2010 will be re-instated to “active” status. Remember, you only need to have 15 paid members to submit dues! Once you submit your initial 15, you can update your club membership at any point in time throughout the service year as you add more members. If you have any questions for Teri, email her at .

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010 1

a Kiwanis-family member |

Updates – Webmaster Victor Ma

RAH RAH go New York District! And go (to)! “So what’s new?” you ask. Well, have you visited it recently? The application for Distinguished Key Clubber is available, so why not get a head start? As always, keep getting all your friends on the New York District Key Club Electronic Mailing List and get updates straight from Governor Allen Yu. Tell them to subscribe at Let’s try to hit 1,000! Plus, there are always more resources on the site, including training packets for members and all officers in the Resources/Paperwork section. There are advocacy guides and UNICEF material as well. Check out the Service Spotlight page under projects to see the amazing projects your peers have being doing. You can submit yours to While you’re at it, visit our exclusive NYDKC TV. Make sure to stay connected through the net! What’s more? You can become a fan of New York District Key Club on Facebook at Easy to remember, eh? Now that you’ve had some updates, keep this date down: this year’s Leadership Training Conference will be April 16-18 at the newly renovated Kutcher’s Country Club in Monticello, NY. If there are any questions for Victor, email him at Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong 1

Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010 a Kiwanis-family member |

Food Drives, Food Banks & Food Pantries for the Holidays –Lt. Gov. Jillian, Chair

Fighting Hunger this Holiday Season As the weather gets colder and this year’s holiday festivities begin, many families simply don’t have the resources and opportunities available to fully enjoy their holiday season. In some households, families often skip meals just to make ends meet. As unfortunate as this is, there are many things we can do to help. This year, focus on fighting hunger by planning projects throughout your school and community. Try holding a food drive for your local food bank by placing decorated bins inside of each homeroom. At the end of the drive, reward the homeroom that donated the most food with Christmas cookies! To show your club’s presence in the community this winter, volunteer at your local food bank or food pantry! If you’re not sure where your local food bank is, check out, which shows many major food banks throughout the district. Remember that there are endless possibilities for your club to help make families’ holiday seasons brighter and more festive this year by lending a helping hand. Together, let’s make “Our World, Our Focus.” Contact Jillian by emailing her at

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong 1

Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010 a Kiwanis-family member |

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital – Lt. Gov. Jen, Chair

When you donate to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 84 cents of every dollar support research and treatment. Research conducted at St. Jude has made remarkable progress towards finding cures and saving children. St. Jude, founded in 1962 by Danny Thomas, is based on the idea that no child should be refused treatment because his or her family cannot pay, and more than 20,000 children from throughout the United States and 70 other countries have been treated at St. Jude. It is "unlike any other pediatric treatment and research facility" and has "changed how the world treats children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases." At St. Jude, "cutting-edge research and revolutionary discoveries happen every day." So the next time you’re planning a fundraiser, think of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and make a difference in children's lives. If you have any questions about our District Projects, I encourage you to learn more about them at or email me anytime at!

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong 1

Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010 a Kiwanis-family member |

March of Dimes Youth Awareness – Lt. Gov. Alex, Chair

March of Dimes Youth Awareness March of Dimes is always looking for new ways to spread awareness to youth and their community. The organization has made it super easy for Key Clubs and youth around the country to fundraise at their schools and events! Clubs can sell anything from March of Dimes wristbands to pens to bandanas. If you are buying these products specifically for a fundraiser, they are much cheaper. If you are interested, you can go to to place an order! These fundraisers can help spread awareness to other kids in your school. Who knows? One of those friends might just change the world! To contact Alex please email her at .

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong 1

Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010 a Kiwanis-family member |

Advocacy – Lt. Gov. Lauren, Chair

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Advocacy Check it out, Key Clubbers! Advocacy is now all over the New York District Web site! Have you seen the new Advocacy Packet yet? It includes everything you need to know to help your club successfully complete an advocacy project! If you are part of the mailing list, you should have already received the packet, but if you haven’t signed up yet, you can check it out under the Resources/Paperwork section at! The Advocacy Packet includes everything from an introduction to advocacy to a sample letter showing you how to write to your elected officials and starting advocacy projects in your club. Remember the three parts of advocacy: participation, promotion and report. These will help you on your path to having a successful year with advocacy. Advocacy points are simple. You receive one point for every signature on a letter or petition and five points for every hour of an advocacy project. So write a petition at your next Key Club meeting, and have all of your members sign it. Then have your secretary report it on your club’s next Monthly Report Form or send it to Secretary Steff Springer at! If you have any questions at all email me at Good luck!

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong 1

Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010 a Kiwanis-family member |

Distinguished Key Clubber – Lt. Governor Shellee

Sadly, the Key Club service year is already more than halfway over! Now’s the time to start reflecting on all the service you’ve performed this year and begin filling out your Distinguished Key Clubber application. The application has already been mailed out through the District Mailing List so if you have not received it yet, please check it out at! The Distinguished Key Clubber Award is given to all Key Clubbers whose service to the community exceeds our expectations. This year’s application was designed with every Key Club in mind so as to guarantee a minimum of one applicant from each club. Our committee has made it very easy to fill out and since it is based on a points system this year, you will know if you get the award before you even submit it. Please keep in mind that there are still three months remaining before the applications are due, so if there are any sections you are unable to fill out for now, you still have time to change that. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the application, feel free to contact me at or any of our committee members! P Please do not be shy about asking us to clear up anything that might seem confusing – we love hearing from Key Clubbers! We look forward to reviewing all of your applications in March and hopefully awarding you in April at the Leadership Training Conference! Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong 1

Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010 a Kiwanis-family member |

Division SpotLight!!- December Events.

This past month, the whole Brooklyn Division took part in the Fort Hamilton Military Base Holiday Party sponsored by the wonderful Kiwanis of Brooklyn. HSTAT, Midwood HS, Murrow HS, Dewey HS, and A. Lincoln HS all took part in helping to set up for the family with children from the ages of 0-10. We blew up balloons with helium and sat at tables to help the little kids with the arts & craft. Some Key Clubbers stood by Santa’s chair acting as the helpers to bring the children up as they each received a present depending on their age. Later that evening after our meal at the Base’s Burger King, we watched as the beautiful Christmas tree lit up the beautiful winter night.

Good Job Brooklyn!! Keep up the good work!! :D <3

In the picture above, the whole group of Brooklyn Key Clubbers are releasing their balloon full of their wishes for good luck.

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong 1

Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010 a Kiwanis-family member |

Paperwork Update- December (MRFs) .

Division 9, Here is the most updated MRF report. Our division is doing fairly well on handing in the forms. Please look at your club and send in those missing forms, if any as soon as possible to Secretary Steff using the online submission forms on Thank you! Keep up the good work! :] Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong.

Name A.Lincoln. Bklyn.Tech. E.R.Murrow. Fort.Hamilton. HSTAT. J.Dewey. Midwood.

ERF x x x x x x x

Mar x x x x x x

Apr x x x x x x x

May x x x x x x x

Jun x x x x x x

Jul x x x x x x

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010

a Kiwanis-family member

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Aug x x x x x x

Sep x x x x x x x

Oct x x x x x x

Nov x x

Upcoming Events –the new 2010 year.

Hey everyone!! The month of December is over now. Time to plan for the future year before the end of April!! January 2010. • My divisional will be towards the middle of the month before Regents Week. • The Save the Music Foundation Concert Committee will begin to contact their assigned clubs. There the club will ask their school principal as well as music teachers to participate in this concert/competition. If there are any questions please email, call and text me!! Yours in service, Lt. Gov. Tiffany Kwong. (E) (C)1.347.461.6454.

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010

a Kiwanis-family member

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Contact Information. 2009-2010 Board.

Name: Allen Yu Position: NY District Key Club Governor Email:

Name: Stephanie Springer Position: District Secretary Laws and Regulations Committee Chair Email:

Name: Alex Ladas Position: Executive Assistant Email:

Name: Terri Bunce Position: NY District Treasurer Email:

Name: Victor Ma Position: NY District Webmaster Email:

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010

a Kiwanis-family member

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Contact Information. 2009-2010 Board. Cont…

Name: Lt. Gov. Tiffany Kwong Div. 9 Email: Cell phone: (347) 461-6454 Mailing Address: 2461 e 19 st 1/ FL Brooklyn, NY 11235.

Name: Lt. Gov. Jillian Harmon, Div. 22 Position: Governor’s Project committee chair. Email:

Name: Lt. Gov. Jen Kramer Div. 4 Position: District Projects Committee Chair Email:

Name: Lt. Gov. Alex Farrington Div. 16 Position: International Projects Committee Chair Email:

Name: Lt. Gov. Josh Barmen Div. 17 Position: KPTC Committee Chair Email:

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010

a Kiwanis-family member

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Contact Information. 2009-2010 Board. Cont… Name: Lt. Gov. Shellee Wong Div. 7 Position: Distinguished Key Clubber Committee Chair Email:

Name: Lt. Gov. Danielle Ver Hague Div. 26 Position: New Club Building and Reactivation Chair Email:

Name: Lt. Gov. Billy Fletcher Div. 16 Position: K-Family Relations Committee Co-Chair Email:

Name: Lt. Gov. Devan Farrell Div. 1 Position: K-Family Relations Committee Co-Chair Email:

Name: Lt. Gov. Nadyli Nunez Div. 11 Position: Public Relations Committee Chair Email:

Name: Lt. Gov. Lauren Surowiec Div. 25 Position: Advocacy Committee Chair Email: Lauren

Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong 1

Governor Allen Yu 2009-2010 a Kiwanis-family member |

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