HAITI Fundraiser.

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Help for Haiti. Dear Teachers: Much of the time we think about donating money to charities, but we do not have the time to see one out. We see people collecting money in the street for the homeless and hear about fundraisers that we don’t necessarily have time to go to in our busy lives. Of course we would do more if we could. The Key Club endeavors to do this every month. Our student members get together and plan events, research charities and complete paperwork. These are the kids that are in your classes right now. For a suggested donation of $10, a Key Clubber will help you for up to two hours any day on the week of __________to__________, 20__. In exchange for your donation, the Key Club would be delighted to be help you get organized and finish up the semester more easily. This student can do any of the following things that would make your life easier. Possible Activities:  Wash whiteboards and/or blackboards.  Clean desks (organize teacher’s desk and remove student graffiti)  Organize papers. | Grade papers. | Alphabetize.  Stapling and collating of papers and handouts.  Running Building errands. (i.e. putting notices into staff mailboxes)  Bulletin Board design or completion.  General Organization. To sign up, simply write your name and the day you wish to have Key Club assistance on the bottom of this paper. Please return this to________________________. All donations will go directly from the Key Club account to the charity of DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS for those in Haiti that are suffering the aftermath of the recent January 12, 2010 earthquake. Please contact the Key Club advisor if there are any questions. Thank you for your participation. Yours in service, Key Club of __________________. ************************************************************************ I would like to have a student assistant help me on___________________ for 2 hours. The time will be from ___: ___ till ___: ___. I will provide the Key Club with a check or cash donation when asked. ___________________________ (Staff’s Signature Required.)

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