January Divisional Agenda

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Place: E.R. Murrow High School. Time: 4:30 PM. January 14, 2010. Divisional 2010. Tony (Xin Lei) Wang Brooklyn Lt. Gov. Tiffany Kwong International Trustee for the New York District. (C)1.347.461.6454. (C)1.414.412.3358 (E)tiffanykwong.ltg@nydkc.org (E) xinlei.kci@gmail.com feel free to text. email. call. if you need anything!! His Website: www.keyclub.notlong.com

I. Call To Order. II. Pledges. III. Introduction of Guests. IV. Roll Call!

Lt. Gov. Tiffany Kwong. E. R. Murrow President Jazon Lew. Lt. Gov. Tiffany Kwong. Division Secretary Teresa Chen.

Old Bee’s Wax. V. Update on the Brooklyn Key Clubs. Lt. Gov. Tiffany Kwong. VI. Dues. VII. Projects Status. VIII. Save The Music Foundation- Battle of the Bands!! (Questions Rule: Every Club Board only has 2 questions. Members have unlimited.) New Buzz!! IX. Club Elections. (Please contact your club officers for positions.) X. Ice Skating Event in March 2010. Brooklyn Tech President Rodney. XI. International Trustee News. Lt. Gov. Tiffany Kwong. a. What he does he do? ******Food Break!!!****** XII. The next Lt. Governor 2010-2011 year. Mr. Gioia and Lt. Gov. Tiffany. XIII. Leadership Training Conference 2010. a. Where? When? How?: b. Why? (2 delegates per club per division!!) XIV. Special Announcement! Lt. Governor Tiffany Kwong. XV. International Convention 2010. a. When? Where? How? How much? b. Guest Stars!! XVI. Final Thoughts? Everyone!!

Club Officers, this time we really need to stay for a meeting. :] Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance, to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Key Club Pledge I pledge on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International. To serve my home, school and community. To serve my nation and god and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

E.R. Murrow HS.

January 14,2010

Divisional: January.

Executive Board’s Meeting 1. Student Teacher Assistantship Letters. a. Who wants them? 2. Paperwork Reminders a. MRF b. FRF c. Lt. Gov. Evaluation 3. Club Elections. Questions? Help? 4. Running for Higher Office Questions? a. Lt. Gov. 2010-2011 b. 2010-2011 District Secretary/ Treasurer. c. 2010-2011 Editor/Webmaster. 5. LTC Questions/ Concerns. a. I want at least two delegates per club. MANDATORY!!! >:[ 6. ICON Questions/ Concerns? 7. Awards Booklet Questions? a. Please get at least 5 members for the DKC award. 8. Service Spotlight. (Mandatory for every club) a. Submit a paragraph article to service@nydkc.org 9. Other things?

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