렛포인트 정크장 재개발 2단계 프 로젝트를 승인한 데 따른 것으로
NYCFC전용구장 신축공사와 함께 1,400유닛 이상의 서민주택, 650명 규모의 공립학교, 호텔 신축 등이 단계적으로 진행된다.
NYCFC는 그동안 전용 축구 장이 없어 홈경기를 브롱스에 있
는 양키 스타디움과 퀸즈에 있는
시티필드 구장 등 야구장을 빌려 치러왔다.
NYCFC는 2023년 창단 후 처
음으로 미 프로축구(MLS) 챔피
언전에서 우승을 차지하면서 명 문 구단으로 급부상했다. NYC FC는 퀸즈 전용구장 건립으로 퀸 즈 플러싱에 연고를 두게 됐다. NYCFC는 맨해튼 랜달스아
일랜드 소재‘아이칸 스타디움 (IcahnStadium)’을 제2의 전용
축구장으로 개조하는 작업도 시 작했다. 이 축구장은 5,000석 규모 로 NYCFCⅡ팀 전용구장으로 사용된다.
“수대에 걸친 여성들은 우리의 권
리를 위해 싸웠다. 우리의 투표권.
우리의 재정적 독립에 대한 권리. 그리고 출산과 낙태의 자유에 대 한 우리의 권리. 우리 어머니와 할
머니들은 우리를 위해 행진했다. 그들 덕분에 남편과 저는 가정을 꾸릴 것을 선택할 수 있었다. 우리
는 집에서 두 명의 활기찬 소년들 이 뛰어다니고 있다. 이제 우리 아 이들과 손주들을 위해 11월 대선 에서 횃불을 높이 들고 승리해야 한다. 이제 우리 차례다.“라고 외 쳤다. 맹의원은 이어 우리나라 전역 에서, 여성들은 생명을 구하는 건 강관리와 그들의 미래를 결정할 권리를 거부당하고 있다. 그리고 두 번째 트럼프 임기는 더 나빠질 것이다. 그는 낙태를 금지하는 것 에서 멈추지 않을 것이다. 그는
했다. [사진 제공=뉴욕한국국악원] 플러싱 출신 민주당 그레이스 맹 연방하원의원은 21일 오후 9시 시카고에서 열린 민주당 전당대 회에서 연사로 나서 해리스 후보 를 지지하는 연설을 했다. 연설 시 간은 약 3분.그레이스 맹의원은
빌 파스크렐 의원(민주·뉴저지)이
21일 지병으로 별세했다. 향년 87 세. 그는 뉴저지주 파라무스 일대 선거구에서 연방 하원의원 14선 을 지냈으며, 오는 11월 선거에 서 15선 도전을 앞두고 있었다. 파스크렐 의원의 지역구인 뉴저지 제9선거구는 지난 2022 년 선거구 재조정 전까지 팰리 세이즈 파크, 포트리, 레오니아, 테너플라이 등 한인이 밀집해 거주하는 지역들을 포함했다.
그는 동해·일본해 병기 이
슈와 일본군 위안부 피해자 문 제 등과 관련해 한국 측 입장을 지 지하는 대표적인 친한파 정치인 중 한 명으로 꼽혀왔다.
프의 계획은 잔인하고 위험 하다. 하지만 그것은 피할 수 없는 것은 아니다. 모두 나서 11월 대선 에서 카멀라 해리스를 꼭 당선시 킵시다. 11월 5일, 우리는 되돌아 가지 않을 것이다. 카멀라 해리스 와 함께 전진하자.“고 힘차게 외 쳤다.그레이스 맹 의원은 21일 전 당대회 연설에 앞서 ”우리나라에 영향을 미치는 중대한 문제에
(맨해튼), 린다 리 뉴욕시의원(퀸스), 김민선 전국대의원, 존 리우 뉴욕주 상원의원{퀸즈}, 그레이스 맹 연방하원의원, 맹의원의 남 편 웨인
뉴욕 출신 아시아계 미 국인들과 합류했다. 그들은 전당 대회에서 대통령 선거 민주당 후 보직을 사퇴한 바이든 대통령의
연설이 진행 되는 동안“Thank You Joe”팻말을 들고 바이든 대 통령의 앞날의 행운을 빌었다. 그레이스 맹 의원은“조 바이 든 대통령의 수십 년 공
TheForgottenWar(잊혀진 전쟁)
EricKwon[ScarsdaleHighSchool, NY]]
My 8th-grade social studies teacher looked around her classroom, staring down sweaty, uncomfortable middle schoolers just waiting for that sweet, sweet sound of the bell.
That whole month we had been studying the Cold War, the decades-long struggle for supremacy between the US and the Soviet Union.
“Class,” she began, “let’ s start our lesson. The first militarized action in the Cold War happened during the Korean War. Who can tell me more about the Korean War?” I looked around. Confused, even startled looks stamped every face in the room. —
According to the U.S. Department of Defense, the Korean War is often referred to as the “Forgotten War,” the little skirmish that was sandwiched between infamous WWII and the long and arduous Vietnamese War.
However, the Korean War should not be overlooked as just some blip in the timeline, nor the troops and civilians killed and millions of families torn apart be seen as just statistics in the history books. The actual story of the Korean War stems deeper, and the tension, the struggle for supreme ideologies, and the fear driving the Cold War all led up to the war that never truly ended.
Following the end of WWII, at the Potsdam Conference, the 38th parallel was drawn, roughly dividing the Korean peninsula into the North and the South.
The US Department of State tells us that this division was meant to be temporary, only
serving so that the US and Soviet Union could oversee the removal of Japanese forces from Korea. We all know what happened to that “temporary” part.
After America withdrew from South Korea in the late 1940s, North Korea, assuming America did not find South Korea of vital importance, struck. On June 25, 1950, the Northern Korean People’ s Army invaded South Korea, their aim being to unify the Korean peninsula under Communist rule to further spread its influence, a goal that had fed the Cold War, and nearly succeeded.
However, President Truman of North America would not let South Korea fall. America had been trying to contain the spread of Communism during the Cold War, and yet another country falling to it would continue the domino effect.
According to the Truman Library, the USA appealed to the United Nations Security Council, and 16 nations went to the aid of South Korea, led by
General MacArthur of WWII. The foreign intervention proved to be invaluable. On September 15, 1950, UN forces landed at the port city of Incheon and not only pushed North Korea back to the 38th parallel but also kept advancing, all the way up to the Chinese border. This provoked China, whose intervention saved North Korea and allowed them
previous talks of peace, an armistice, an end to arms, was signed on July 27, 1953. The DMZ, or demilitarized zone, was set up across the 38th parallel. This armistice was never actually an official end to the war, and the demilitarized zone still stands today as ironically one of the most militarized borders on Earth. To this day the Korean Peninsula is split, and North Korea continues to radiate the tension that had fueled the Cold War and spread fear of potential nuclear war across the US and the world.
According to the History Channel, though the Korean
changing front lines and the numerous bombings and massacres. My grandfather (bless his soul) had to flee to the southeast corner of South Korea, Busan, to escape the air bombings when he was around my age.
Moreover, according to the Korean Red Cross, nearly 10 million families were displaced, scattered, and separated, many never seeing each other again, and some still searching.
Imagine that. A so-called forgotten war not even worth mentioning in history books tore apart ten million of the most sacred bonds in life. Children separated from mothers.
“…TheKoreanWar, theForgottenWar, whateveryouwanttocallit, shouldnotbeoverlooked, andnowarshouldbeforgotten. Theloss andpainthatanywarcausesshouldnotbetakenlightly. WeshouldnotforgetKorea’ssacrifice, apawntornapartinthetensionbetween biggernationsinalargerwaritwantednopartof. Weshouldnotforgethowdivision, andseparation, createariftinunity- astimewenton NorthandSouthKoreaandtheircitizenshavebecomecompletelyalientoeachother. IvowtoalwaysremembertheKoreathatoncewas, toseepastthebordersandthehatred, andtorememberthelivesofthecitizens, thesoldiers, thefamilies, thepeoplethatdefineKorea.”The photoshowsKoreancitizensfleeing.
to push back. Continued foreign aid on both sides ended up with a stalemate at the 38th parallel, which was accomplishing nothing. Both sides were growing weary and sought an end to the war, and finally, after
War lasted only 3 years, during that time around 5 million people on all sides were killed. Of those deaths, around 2 million of them were innocent Korean civilians who were killed because of constantly
Husbands searching for their wives. Siblings yearning for their parents. So much loss and grief. So much pain.
I learned from the Korean War a valuable lesson - Don’ t just think of the numbers.
It's easy to see the deaths and the families ripped apart as just statistics on paper, especially since the Korean War was just a“small skirmish.” However, I learned to realize that’ s never the case, and I try to imagine the loss, the fear that any war brings, even during my research. There were children my age and younger forced to flee their homes, children who were separated from their parents and lived out their lives searching. This is happening even now, namely, the wars that are currently happening in Israel and Ukraine. It’ s easy to take a look at Apple News and see the recent headlinehundreds dead, thousands forced to flee. It’ s easy to look at it in a “good side, bad side” kind of way. But that’ s not how it is at all, and everyone: children, parents, soldiers, civilians, deserve a chance at the peace and security that I’m so blessed to have. It all seems so far away, but now I realize how resilient these people truly are, struggling against something I couldn’ t even imagine.
The Korean War, the Forgotten War, whatever you want to call it, should not be overlooked, and no war should be forgotten. The loss and pain that any war causes should not be taken lightly. We should not forget Korea’ s sacrifice, a pawn torn apart in the tension between bigger nations in a larger war it wanted no part of. We should not forget how division, and separation, create a rift in unity - as time went on North and South Korea and their citizens have become completely alien to each other. I vow to always remember the Korea that once was, to see past the borders and the hatred, and to remember the lives of the citizens, the soldiers, the families, the people that define Korea. Thank you.