ber 2013 du.sg • Septem
In This Issue: Principal’s Message 02 – 03 A Note From Our New Vice-Principal
04 – 05
Outstanding All Rounder Award Recipients
06 – 09
Hair For Hope 10 – 11 Floral Harmony 2013 12 – 14 National Spelling Competition 15 – 17 Reflections On The Plain English 18 Speaking Award Competition Walk For Nanyang
19 – 21
Nanyang's Journey Of Excellence
22 – 24
My Visit to Prague
25 – 29
Sandwich-Making Competition
30 – 31
P1 NE Trail to Little India
32 – 33
华文乐翻天 34 – 35 P5 Adventure Camp
36 – 39
40 – 41
Editor's Note A constantly changing world can cause uncertainty and anxiety. While we at NYPS embrace change bravely, we are also proud to hold onto some constants - our spirit, culture and traditions. They are anchors in the stormy seas of change. These values are embedded throughout the articles in this issue. Hope you enjoy reading about them!
Principal's Message
柳暗花明又一季 南洋 小 学 钟蔚 芬 校 长 我 们曾在年 头 迁校 的繁 忙中,浅
品 质,这何尝 不是品 德 教 育的 硕 果 所
浅 地 疲惫 过;我 们 又在 六月恼人 的 烟
在 ?南小开办 的《弟子 规 亲 子 课程》
霾 里,隐 隐 地 担心过……
得 到众 家长的高度 认可和 积极参与, 我 们 期 待 着,有 更多 家长加入 到这个
如 今,新 学 段 伊 始,我 们 又看 到
队伍中来,让我 们同心协力,言传身
了柳 暗花明 的 幸 福,因为,我 们 在 磨
教、以 身 作则,为孩子 们 的 明天尽 心
难中,感 受 到 新 的力量与希望。
竭 力!
犹 记得 年 头 那个T TC,灰 尘 处
更值得 欣喜的是,我 们 的 建 校 工
处、设备简陋、草 木仿佛也在 懒 懒 地
程已经 拉 开 帷 幕 。有满心的 期 待,可
憩 息,而 两个校区之间资 讯 的 传 递
也有 如 影如 随 的 苦 恼。低 沉 的 噪声、
的不便,也 给 我 们带来 很 大的 困 扰。
轻 扬 的灰 尘,给 K R C的 师生带来 无 法
但 是,我 们 顶 住了压 力,并 战 胜了困
避免的困 扰。但 我 竭 诚希望,大 家能
难。如 今的 T TC,已是 绿 草 茵 茵、书
以一 颗 宽容 的 心,为我 们 创 造 一 个“
声 琅 琅 的乐园,其间 离 不开 老师 们
有爱 ”的 建 设 环 境。
的辛勤 付出,更少不了家长的 通 力合 作。
让我 们 一 起努力吧!经 得 住 这 些“ 幸 福 的 考验 ”,展 现在我 们面 前
在与烟 霾 的斗 争之中,学 校、家 长 和 学生三方,更 显 示出不屈不 挠 的 2
的,不但会有“ 柳暗花明”的小快 乐, 更会有“ 九 九 艳 阳天”的大幸 福!
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank all the NYPS parents for enabling the smooth functioning of the school in two campuses for the past semester. It would not have been possible without your co-operation in keeping to the traffic guidelines and your kind understanding in having to put up with the inconvenience of shuttling between both campuses. The two courses on character development (di zi gui) conducted for parents in July have been met with very encouraging feedback. It is heartening to see many of you
endorse this personally in your own families by taking the first step of attending this course. I would like to continue to impress upon you that the development of good habits, values and character start from a tender age. To date, there is a slight delay in the School Building Project, but we are determined to ensure the completion in 2015. The immediate target is to have the refurbished basketball court ready for our current cohort of Primary 6 pupils to utilise for a few months. Beyond managing the day-to-day inconveniences of some level of noise and dust, we are setting our sights on the well-equipped school campus that will serve many future generations well. 3
A Note from Mrs Veron Nam-Wong Geok Mei, the New Vice-Principal of Nanyang Primary School
Hi M r s N a m!
Greetings to all members of the Nanyang Family! Thank you for welcoming me into this big family. I am most appreciative of this opportunity to become a part of it. It has been two months since I joined the school and what impressed me most is the good behaviour of our Nanyang pupils which is a testament to the school’s continual efforts to inculate values and develop character in our pupils. During their foundational years of education, it is imperative that our pupils build strong fundamentals in values, knowledge and skills. To this end, I have witnessed how everyone in NYPS has played an important role. Our teachers are passionate educators who possess a strong mastery of both content and pedagogy and more importantly, they are involved in the holistic development of our pupils. In NYPS, we are also most fortunate to have forged strong partnership with all
our stakeholders such as the School Management Committee, Nanyang Schools Alumni Association, NYPS PTA and parents in providing quality primary education to our pupils. Through their active participation and involvement in NYPS, I know that the old adage “it takes a village to raise a child” still holds true. I am most appreciative of the presence of this sense of community, which is important to our pupils’ holistic development in NYPS. Every one of the members of NYPSfrom the teaching and non-teaching staff to all our stakeholders - is a valued member and I look forward to working alongside with all of you in enriching the learning journey of our pupils who will become useful members in their families and the nation. (This article was also featured in the August issue of the GenNY newsletter.)
Outstanding All Rounder Award Recipients
Reflections by Nathan Mar Teng Chou, OARS awardee (School level) I feel both honoured and humbled to have received the OARS award. I am honoured as it is a recognition that I am on the right track to a holistic development as a person. I am humbled as I feel that I have a lot more to learn from so many other outstanding individuals. Over my years at Nanyang Primary, I have been very lucky to have many good teachers and principals who have also given me a lot of opportunities to develop in other aspects besides academic, such as in my CCA, leadership and community services. Besides the academic excellence that the school is wellknown for, the continuous immersion in the character development program like “Di Zi Gui” has helped me in character- building. The fact that I received the OARS award is a 6
manifestation of the school’s success in providing a holistic education to pupils. The award has given me the extra impetus to continue to strive for excellence in all aspects and to continue to contribute to the community.
From left- Nathan Mar, OARS Award (school level), Lim Zinn-E, OARS Award(CDC level), Sharmaine Ang, OARS Award (school level)
Reflections by Sharmine Ang, OARS awardee (School level) I feel extremely honoured to have received this award. Receiving it has definitely affirmed that what I have been doing is right and it also served as a form of encouragement for me when I am faced with seemingly difficult tasks. I sincerely hope that receiving this award will not only benefit me as an individual, but also benefit and encourage others, whom I firmly believe can also shine too. I hope that such recognition in OARS will raise awareness amongst my peers that results is not always the end product.
我很 荣 幸能获 得 此奖 项,因为
此奖 项 不但 成了我一直以 来 所 做 的 一 切 的 一 种 肯定,也是 一 种 推 动 力,使 我 更 有信心面 对日常生 活中 的 种 种困难。我希望 通 过 获 得 这份 奖 项,鼓 励 我 的 学弟学 妹 们更 注 重 培育自己课 业 外 的 潜力,因为我 深 信,每 一 个孩子 都 有 潜能,每 一 个 孩子,只要 有了适当的土 壤,必定能 发 挥无限的光 芒。希望 我 们大 家能 在不同方面,甚至 是 所 有 方面上 尽 心尽力,天 天向上! 7
Congratulations to Lim Zinn-E, our Vice Head Prefect, recipient of the OARS Award at the CDC level. I am most honoured to be awarded the Outstanding All Rounder Award (CDC level) by the North West Community Development Council. Nanyang Primary School has many character-building programmes like the recitation of 弟子规, the threecharacter rhythmic poem and the giving of the 爱心红包 during the Chinese New Year period for us. These programmes have provided me with an all-rounded holistic development over the last four years. My teachers have taken great efforts to inculcate the correct values in me to be morally and socially responsible. These values will definitely serve as a moral compass, guiding me to be a civic-minded and righteous citizen.
During my final year in Nanyang, I am thankful and most privileged to have been given the opportunity to serve Nanyang as the Vice Head Prefect. It has given me a chance not only to hone my leadership skills, but more importantly, it has given me a chance to give back to Nanyang, the school that has believed in me and empowered me in so many invaluable ways. I am extremely grateful to Nanyang Primary School for nurturing me into a mature 12 year-old. My teachers have cared for me wholeheartedly and unconditionally. There is no greater way of passing this torch of care and service both in my school and in the society. I am thankful and most privileged to have the support of my fellow schoolmates and my teachers’ belief in me, without which, I would not have been able to attain the Outstanding All Rounder Award (CDC level) in 2013.
Hall Of Fame
Hair for Hope A Family’s Participation in the event “Hair For Hope”
Marcus Low I wanted to be a part of the event, “Hair for Hope” as I hoped to help children who are suffering from cancer. Before the haircut, I felt a little nervous but I was glad that my whole family was shaving together with me. I experienced a little pain as I felt a cut on my scalp. After the haircut, my head felt really cool! However, I felt nervous going to school with my bald head, as I expected my classmates to ask me, “Why are you bald?”
Mabel Low-Wong I wanted my two boys to learn the importance of gratitude and compassion from this experience – be grateful for having a healthy body and be compassionate towards others who are ill. Whilst waiting for my turn, I felt a bit reluctant to let go of the long hair that had grown over the years. However after seeing my hair falling slowly onto the ground, I felt very humble as I knew my hair could grow again, but for some cancer patients, I realized this might not even be possible for them. I felt very proud of my family for helping these cancer patients.
Photos of my family before the haircut:
Photos of my family after the haircut:
Web link (from 4.30 minutes): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y7ZEZHIfsI 11
11th Floral Harmony @ Nanyang by Mrs Sabrina Tan
It was exciting to have our 11th Floral Harmony @ Nanyang at VivoCity in collaboration with parent volunteers. With 196 participants from 27 schools, we conducted the Intraschool and International Youth Floral Art Competition with the theme of “Reaching Out�. The prize-giving ceremony was graced by the director of our SMC, Mdm Lim Lay Ngor,
who was the Guest-of-Honour. PRINCE Creative School brought pupils from Jakarta to visit and participate in our Floral Harmony. 500 P4 pupils had an enriching time appreciating the art sculptures at Vivo City and understanding the history of the vicinity. They were given prizes during pop quizzes and viewed floral demonstrations
School team members putting the finishing touches to their floral arrangement. 12
Our NYPS school team members with their floral creation
Our Guest Of Honour, Mdm Lim Lay Ngor , Mrs Lee Hui Feng, judges and our Prize Winners 13
by parent volunteers. As part of their Community Outreach, our pupils had a meaningful time reaching out to the Canossa School pupils by facilitating in the floral art workshop. The girls were beaming with joy as they carried home their own creations. We are encouraged by the positive reviews from visitors including shoppers.
Community Outreach to girls from Canossian School
Our Exhibition @ Vivo City 14
P4 Learning Journey @ VivoCity
National Spelling Competition by Ms Chong Wan’er
Our finalists (L-R): Christopher Andrew Chang, Jed Goh and Denise Lee
This year, eleven pupils from Nanyang Primary School participated in the National Spelling Competition jointly organised by The Straits Times and RHB Bank. The competition comprised three rigorous rounds of competition, including the Preliminary Round, Zonal Round and Grand Finals. During the Preliminary Round, our pupils had to spell a number of
challenging words on a piece of paper along with close to 1400 hopeful participants. Despite the number of competitors, our pupils were undaunted and nine of them did well enough to be selected for the Zonal Round. This was no easy feat, considering the fact that only 134 participants were selected for the next round. 15
Pupils at the Zonal Competition (L-R): Denise Lee, Aidan Ong, Edison Shi, Chong Ming Sim, Charles Windle, Matthew Lim, Jed Goh, Nicole Chan and Christopher Andrew Chang
During the Grand Finals, our finalists had to pit their skills against the best spellers in the nation. Although they tried their best to stay in the competition, some of the words proved to be too challenging for them. They were honoured to have had the opportunity to participate in the Grand Finals and enjoyed every minute of it.
Friends (L-R): Matthew Lim and Aidan Ong
Participants of the National Spelling Competition • • • • • •
Christopher Chang (6L) Edison Shi (6L) Denise Lee (6L) Matthew Lim (6L) Nicole Chan (6M) Jed Goh (6M)
• • • • •
Aidan Ong (6N) Charles Windle (5K) Chong Ming Sim (5M) Grace Elizabeth Ho (4L) Lauren Lim (4M)
Reflections On The Plain English Speaking Award Competition
I think the competition was a meaningful event. It gave us a chance to speak in front of an audience and it definitely boosted our confidence. We can also learn from the judges' comments on our strengths and how we can improve. Most of the participants not only spoke loudly and clearly, but they also had interesting views and experiences to share. I think more events like this should be organised so that more students can participate. This type of event also trains us for our oral exams. Nasreen Khalid (5J)
Walk For Nanyang 心连心,步步行 21 by Mdm Tang Lee Ping
As part of the fund-raising efforts for our new school building project, each Nanyang pupil received a walkathon card. On 13 April 2013, Mdm Wee Bee Hoon, Chairlady of SMC , together with our Principal, Vice-Principals, members of Alumni and PTA, staff, parents and pupils participated in the Walk For Nanyang 心连心,步步行.
They walked from our campus at King’s Road to Singapore Botanic Gardens and back to King’s Road. After the walk, they joined in the various fringe activities at the courtyard and zumba sessions in the school hall. It was a great time of bonding and exercise for members of the Nanyang Family.
Walking to Singapore Botanic Gardens 19
Finally, we reached Singapore Botanic Gardens!
Start of our walk
Having fun at the bouncy castle
( The Chinese version of this article was featured in the August issue of the GenNY newsletter.)
follow me!
Mrs Lee addressing the school before the walk
A time of family bonding 21
Nanyang's Journey of Excellence by Mr Amos Lum
“Truly great companies understand the difference between what should never change and what should be open for change, between what is genuinely sacred and what is not.” James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras
(Top) Mrs Lee sharing on the changing educational landscape (Bottom) SMC Chairlady Mdm Wee giving her comments on the school vision and mission
2013 is not only a year of renewal but also heralds a new chapter in Nanyang’s journey of excellence. In March, the school completed the School Appraisal Branch External Validation, and received the muchcoveted awards - Best Practice in Teaching and Learning, Best Practice in Staff Well-being and Best Practice in Student All-round Development (new award).
Teachers envisioning the desired workplace culture for NYPS during our review session.
We are also nominated for the School Excellence Award, which is the apex of MOE awards for schools. In addition, our principal, Mrs Lee Hui Feng, initiated the renewal of the school’s directions and vision by engaging the School Management Committee, the Alumni Board Members, the ParentTeacher-Association, the School Leaders, Key Personnel and all staff in a series of conversations to review
in the changing educational landscape, expectations and the emergence of new technologies. Therefore, 2013 is indeed a year of affirmation of efforts and charting of new directions and strategies for the school. (This article was also featured in the August issue of the GenNY newsletter.)
the school vision, mission and culture. These conversations helped the school identify opportunities and challenges 23
School Management Committee members commenting on our current school vision and mission
Staff getting ready for the review session on our school culture
School Key Personnel reviewing the present strategic directions
My Visit to Prague by Dan Yuet Ian (1J)
On 18 March 2013, two performing groups from Nanyang Primary School: the Strings Ensemble and the Choir, headed to Prague in the Czech Republic, to perform at the Young Prague Music Festival. We were accompanied by five teachers, five instructors and Mrs Lee, our Principal who took care of all of us. It was a long journey to Prague as we took two flights with a seven-hour layover in Frankfurt. As the layover was very long, we decided to busk in the Frankfurt airport. It was fun but scary to perform in front of so many strangers! When we finally landed at the Vaclav Havel Airport in Prague, I looked out of the window and what greeted my eyes was a snowy landscape! Excitedly, we took a bus to the hotel and on the
At Changi Airport before our departure
way there, the tour guide gave us some interesting information about Prague. When we arrived at the hotel, our teachers issued keys to our hotel rooms. The boys in the group had wanted to stay together. When the teachers called out my name and my mum’s name, all the boys yelled “Noooooo!” because they knew I preferred to stay with them and not my mum! (I was allowed to stay with my mum because I am still in Primary 1 and am the youngest member in the group).
It was freezing cold in Prague and on some days, the temperature was three degrees Celsius! It even snowed one morning when I woke up. The temperature dipped to minus nine degrees Celsius and I saw a man skipping outside the window to keep warm! I felt really cold but my cello friends and I continued to play our best even though our fingers were frozen most of the time! The teachers were very caring and always reminded us to dress warmly and to drink a lot of water so that Getting ready for the Parade
Snow ! 26
we would not fall sick. We even had attire checks before we stepped outdoors each day to make sure we had our thermal wear, gloves, hat and the correct number of layers of winter clothes! We practised hard for the concerts each day so that we would put up a good performance. We also had to walk a lot on foot to get to the places we wanted to visit. It was quite tiring for me and I was sometimes almost asleep when
we had rehearsals in the evenings because of jet-lag! However, I tried my best to stay alert and focussed because all my friends, teachers and instructors were also putting in their best effort. I felt proud to be in the group and the best part of the day is was the breaks in between rehearsals because I could play with my friends.
My cello mates and I 27
When we went sightseeing as a group, we normally headed to this place called Old Town Square to buy Czech souvenirs like puppets, clocks, wooden swords and rag dolls. The warm sugar-coated churros were a real treat in the blistering cold! Strings Ensemble outside the Hall
We visited a number of tourist spots and historic sites like Charles Bridge, Astronomical Clock, Prague Castle, the Jewish Ghetto and many churches. We also performed in two old churches. I made a lot of friends performing and playing together with members of the Strings Ensemble and they were like older brothers and sisters to me.
Strings Ensemble Performance
Busking at the Frankfurt Airport 28
I really want to thank Mrs Lee and the teachers and instructors for taking care of us during the week in Prague (and for making sure I eat up all the vegetables). It was a very memorable trip for all of us and till this day, my sister and I, as well as all of our friends in the Strings Ensemble, still talk about our experiences when we meet. I really miss Prague. I look forward to going there again and I hope it still snows!
Marching Parade
Break time at Old Town Square
Young Prague 2013 NYPS contingent 29
Healthy Sandwich Making Competition by Mdm Tang Lee Ping
The PE Department organised a Healthy Sandwich Making Competition in January. A total of 80 pairs of pupils (P3 to P5) participated in the competition and a total of 10 teams entered the finals held on 14 Jan 2013. The pupils were creative in their presentation and they were enthusiastic during the competition.It was an enriching experience for them. Annjeanette Woo &Â Anya Ng from 3B
Look! More yummy sandwiches. 30
Charis Loo & Gwen Tan (4C)
Shana Lee Oh & Tammi Tan (3I)Â
Winners and judges of the Sandwich Making Competition 2013 31
My NE Trail to Little India by Hannah Nathan (1L)
On 30 April 2013, my classmates and I went to Little India for an NE trail. It was our first trip for the year and we were buzzing with excitement as we left our Toh Tuck Campus. First, we visited a Hindu temple and our guide told us an interesting story of a boy with the head of an elephant. We also enjoyed looking at the different statues of Indian deities placed in the temple. I have learnt how to tie a sari!
Look at those beautiful flower garlands! 32
During the trip, we learnt many other things about the Indian culture like the clothes and accessories that the Indians wear and the food that they eat. We also learnt about the history of Little India. My classmates and I were very surprised to find out that a long time ago, Little India was home to many cows and buffaloes, which is why there is a road called Buffalo Road in the area now. It was a very enjoyable and educational trip for our class. We were tired but happy. I hope to go to Little India again!
Learning all about Indian jewellery
I want to buy some traditional Indian sweets and cakes. 33
7月12日,南洋 小 学举 行了一
子 规 条 文。活 动 持 续两个小时,学
年一度的 华文“乐翻天”活 动。本
生们 都 玩得 特别开心,也实现了举
次 活 动意在让学生们 在 游 戏中快 乐
办本次 活 动 的目的。同时也 衷心 感
学习华文。我 们为 一年 级和二 年 级
谢前往帮忙的将近5 0 位家长义 工,
各 十三个 班 的 学生 准备了五个 精 彩
正 是 有了他们,活 动才 得以 更 加 顺
又 好 玩 的 游 戏:哑子 传 情、文字 接
利及 成 功。
龙、转 转 轮 盘、左 右跳 跳 跳 和 猜弟
哑子传情 34
翻 天 转转轮盘
左右跳跳跳 35
P5 Annual Camp 2013 by Mdm Serene Leong
This year, our P5 camp was held in Term 2 from 2nd to 4th April 2013. Primary 5 pupils were divided into 2 cohorts in 2 different venues at the Pasir Ris Hometeam Campsite and the Bukit Batok Hometeam Campsite. This camp served to expose pupils to a variety of outdoor camp activities like tent-pitching, low and highelement tasks. It was a platform that
We love kayaking! 36
Look! I have conquered my fear of heights.
Sweet victory for 5C
Getting ready for rock-climbing
Mrs Lee Hui Feng & Mrs Ong Hui Khim delighting the audience with their dance moves
allowed pupils and teachers to bond through these activities. The pupils learnt to pitch tents and build a giantsized catapult. They also had fun doing rockclimbing, abseiling from a twostorey high building, walking on ropes and kayaking. Such teambuilding opportunities with outdoor experiences are rare in a school setting. The pupils had tough moments, conquering their fear of heights and water but they had fun too. Although the teachers had to stay overnight for 2 days, it was a good time for teachers and pupils to strengthen their bond. 37
The highlight of the P5 camp was the abseiling. Fear coursed through me as I was afraid of heights. I descended down a rock face using a rope tied around my waist. My friends cheered. Spurred on by their cheers, I finally made it down. From the activity, I overcame my fear of heights and realised that I was able to accomplish anything if I set my heart on it. Joy Tan 5F
I had a memorable time at the P5 Adventure Camp. Some of the activities were aimed at getting us to work as a team. My favourite activity was building the catapult. Although my group members and I had disagreements among ourselves, we learnt how to compromise and were the first to make a catapult. I learnt that team work is very important. Elizabeth Ortega 5B 38
It was one of the most exciting and memorable camps I've ever attended. I tried kayaking and abseiling for the first time which were simply awesome. We had many fun activities, good food, and scary stories to share ... I also broke my personal record for the shortest shower! I would definitely like to attend such a camp again! Gabriel Chai Lit Yang 5 Care/J
I thoroughly enjoyed the camp. During the rock-climbing activity, I was initially out of strength, but with the facilitator’s encouragement, I eventually managed to climb much higher than I thought that I could. At night, I slept in a room with more than fifty other boys, without the air conditioning. From that experience, I have learnt to appreciate the comforts of my home. Loo Weng Yee, Caleb 5B
I made many new discoveries during the P5 Adventure Camp. My most memorable experience was probably sleeping in my sleeping bag. I thought it would be very soft and comfortable, but I was wrong! It was like sleeping on rocks! The best experience was kayaking in the sea. Let you in on a little secret, the driver of a speedboat allowed us to hold onto his boat when he stepped on the accelerator. Sshh. It was a very exciting experience. I hope I can do it all over again. Kelly Lau 5I/Respect
I enjoyed myself throughout the camp. It has really toughened me up. Rock-climbing increased my physical strength. Tent pitching taught me teamwork and abseiling boasted my confidence. Eron Tan 5C
敬业乐业的郑婉菁老师 黄慧芬
相 信许多同行 都 有同感,如 今
郑 老师也善于 使 用幽 默 的 语
执 教已经 是 今时不同往日了。如 今
言来 进行 课 室管 理,制 造 轻 松 愉 快
教 师 的工作 范 畴 扩大;除了课堂 的
的 学习氛围。在 她 的 课堂,很 少 听
教 学外,教 师还 得 参加 进 修 课程,
到她 教 训 学生,她 总是用幽 默 的 语
得 经 常与家长 沟 通,负 责 课 外活
言调 侃 顽 皮的 学生,让他们 在笑声
动,更得应付 繁 重 的 行政 工作 等。
中认识 到自己的 错 误。
因 此要当一名称 职 的 教 员 是需 要靠 天 分 的。
婉菁 老师 不只 是“ 教书能手”
,她 还 是 我 们 学 校的双语人 才。一
我 们 的高级教 师 — — 郑 婉菁
些教 学改 革需 时 刻与时并进。年
就 是 一 位“天生 ”的 教 师。她 执 教
前,校 长、副校 长 认 为以南洋 小 学
数年,教书的天 分可谓与生俱 来,
的 校 情 — — 特 选 学 校,我 们有必
说她是“ 教书能手”一点也不为过。 要 在 校内推 展 双语 课程,为学生 设 怎么说 呢 ?她 教书时,有一 种 独 特
计 一 套属于南洋 小 学 的双语 课程。
的 魅 力,学生 上 她 的 课 时 都会 全 神
郑 婉菁 老师欣然 接受 这个重 大的
贯注,所 有的注意 力都 集 聚 到她 的
任 务。在 她 的带 领 下,去年双语 课
身上。不 管是 语文课 又 或是“ 说 教
程 顺 利在一、二 年 级 推 展 开 来。今
式 的 ”公民与道 德 课,她 都 有办法
年,双语 课程将 推 展 至 三年 级。
让学生全 情 投 入,让 整 个 课堂 顿 时 热闹(指:热 烈讨 论)非凡。有时 候
郑 老师永 远 充 满着 年 轻 人 的
甚至下课了,学生们都舍不得下课, 活力。她 的身上 永 远 都 散发着 快 乐 吵 着要 她 继 续 她 的“ 讲 古 ”。
的 气 息。不论在什么样 的 情况下,
对于晚 辈,这位 高级教 师毫不
她 身 边的 老师 都能 够从她 身上 汲
吝 于 分享她 的 教 学 经 验。很多新 进
取 到 积极 乐 观 的能 量,充 满 朝 气 地
老师 在 观 摩了婉菁 老师的 教 学之
走在自己的 教 学路上。2 010 年,我
后,对 她 的 教 学 手法和 对 教 学 的 积
们带 领 将近4 0 名学生 到南 京体 验
极 态 度 无不表 示赞叹。在教 学多年
农村生 活。那里的 住宿、饮 食、交
后,我 们 都会累 积许多“ 宝 藏 ”(教
通和 环 境 都 不大 理 想,完全无 法和
一 般 的 浸 濡 活 动 相比,更 不 要说 新
她 把 这些年自己累 积下来 的“ 宝
加 坡优 越 的生 活 条 件了。在 这 陌生
藏 ”毫不 犹豫 地“传授 ”给同事们,
的 农村 环 境 里,郑 婉菁 老师用她 阳
让 新 进 老师少 走些 冤枉 路,也让其
光 般 灿 烂 的 笑 容、慈母 般 体 贴关心
他同事受 益非浅。
的爱意 温 暖着 学生和同行的 老师。 看 着她谆谆诱导 着那些叫苦 连 天
郑 婉菁 老师为人 乐 观、直率,
的 学生、安 抚着 痛哭 流 涕 的 想 家女
个 性 踏 实、坚 毅。她 这种 不向 环
生、每天不 辞 劳苦 地 微 笑着照 顾着
境、困难低头的 个 性,敬 业 乐业的
一 个、两个、三个甚至四个头 痛、肚
精 神,深 深 感 染了周边的人与事。
子 痛、喉 咙 痛外加 发 烧 咳 嗽 流 鼻涕 的小瓜们。她让我 们 深 深 地 体会到 了,原 来,一 个真 正 对 学生有心的 老师是 这 样 的。
My Favourite Moments in Nanyang
What are your most memorable moments in school? Write or sketch them out below!