ber 2013 du.sg • Novem
In This Issue: Principal’s Message 02 – 03 National Day Awards 04 Long Service Awards
05 – 10
Table of Achievements
11 – 13
14 – 16
第七届YMCA华语演讲比赛 17 小一双语“展示与讲述”决赛
19 – 23
24 – 26
Innovation At Its Best
27 – 28
Racial Harmony Celebrations
Career Fair 29 National Day Celebrations
30 – 32
Adventure Camp @ Jeram Besu, Malaysia
33 – 35
The Low Guat Tin Challenge
36 – 38
Restroom Ambassador Program
39 – 40
Interview with our school attendants
Teachers’ Day Celebrations
42 – 45
Teachers’ Day Dinner
46 – 48
Editor's Note Over time, many accolades have been heaped upon our school for our programs. "Holistic", "balanced", "value-added" and "enriching" Are these terms justified? As this issue will show, they are indeed aptly earned—read on and discover this truth for yourself!
The Principal’s Message
Principal's Message 脚步声声 南洋 小 学 钟蔚 芬 校 长 有句话 说得 好:“大 家一 条心,其力
方邻居的窗外乐曲?我 们 的日常 教 学
可 断 金。” 这一年来, 看 着家长
生 活又会不会对周围 环 境 造 成污染
们、副校 长 们、老师 们 和同学 们穿 梭
或破 坏 ?我 们 师生 又能有为周围 社
于 K R C 和 T TC之间,我 除了深 深 的 感
区及 居民做些 什么…这些,都 给 我 们
激,更真切 体会到这句话 震 慑心 魄 的
再度 重申那个 话 题 — — 品 德 教 育 !
力量。教 师 节 的 庆祝 活 动,小五的 学 长 们 跑去T TC;中秋 晚 会,小 一小二
品 德 教 育是 一 切 教 育的立 足 点和目
前 往 K R C 共同庆祝。一 幕 幕 情 景宛
的 地。我 们 致 力于 让 孩子 把在学 校
若 眼前,仿佛 一 幅 幅 和谐 的画卷。
及书本 所 学 的 知 识,转 化为技能与素 质,为回 报国 家与社 会奠 定基 础。我
“ 和谐 ”二字 简洁、生 动 而又朴 实无
们 非常 幸 福,因为我 们可以与孩子 们
华地反映了我们心灵 深 处 对人与人、
一 起 感 受生 活,聆 听 悦 耳的音乐、享
人与社 会以 及 人与自然最 深刻 的 理
受浓 厚的 亲 情、拥有纯 洁 的 友谊、体
解 。有人说,打开校门 就 是 社 会。我
验奋斗的 苦乐、绽 放 温馨 的 笑 容…
要说,学 校 本身就 是 一 个 社 会。这 一点 对 T TC的 师生 来 讲,感 受 尤其
岁末,让我 们 拥有一 颗 感 恩 之心,让
明显。对于我 们 这些“不 速 之客 ”,
生 活处 处有真情!
学 校 的 各项 运作 如 何能 避免 打 扰乡 邻 ?孩子 们 的 琅 琅书声如 何 变 作四 2
As we head towards the end of another school year, I would sincerely like to convey my gratitude to the NYPS family for bearing with the inconveniences during the construction of the new school building. The piling should be completed by end of 2013 and thus, we should be less affected by the noise from then on. I would like to thank the teachers, parents and children for their understanding and perseverance especially in Semester 2. We are working with the constraints of only 15 blackout dates which have been set aside especially during the PSLE period. The welfare of each and every pupil in NYPS is important to us and we have tried to minimise the noise level of the construction. We will continue to persevere for one more year before the completion of our new school building. With the focus on Character Development, I have introduced to
the pupils the 5 Hearts – Respectful Heart, Humble Heart, Big Heart, Caring Heart and Appreciative Heart. To reinforce the message, we have introduced the ‘We appreciate’ pledge which the pupils recite every morning. We want to teach our pupils to always seek understanding and purpose in all that they do. We want them to learn not to be selfcentred but to reach out to others in whatever way they are able to. For this year, my focus is on the ‘Big Heart’. We want the pupils to learn to accept others who may be better than themselves; we want the pupils to learn to forgive themselves when they make mistakes and understand that everyone makes mistakes. We want them to learn that only by accepting and learning from our mistakes and forgiving ourselves can we move forward and improve. It was in this spirit that we had reached out to the community. During the year, we had invited the residents living around NYPS to participate in various school events. We hope that involvement in such events will inculcate in our pupils a spirit of caring and sharing both within and outside the school community. 3
National Day Awards
Our Board Members, Mr Lau Ing-Woon, Mdm Ang Fung Fung and Mdm Amy Lee appreciating the staff for their dedication and years of service @ NYPS.
Congratulations to Mr Tan Ying Kiat who has received the Commendation Medal for this year's National Day Awards.
Mdm Lai Mei Lin, 35 Years
Mrs Lee Lily, 35 Years
Mdm Seah Lee Hia, 35 Years
Mdm Ng Yeok Chu, 35 Years
Mdm Wee Bee Hoon acknowledging the contributions of Mr Tan Ying Kiat
Mrs Anne Kor, 25 Years
Ms Neo Mui Hwa, 25 Years
Mr Pang Kia Keng, 15 Years
Mdm Yow Seet Mui, 15 Years
Mr Jerome Wee, 20 Years
Mrs Rebecca Goh, 15 Years
Mdm Ng Ah Poh, 10 Years
Mdm Lau Pui San, 10 Years
Mrs Nancy Lum, 15 Years
Mdm Sivasamy Tirumani, 15 Years
Mdm Howe Gui Qing Charlotte, 5 Years
Mdm Loy Ann Yein Alison, 5 Years
Mdm Elaine Teo, 5 Years
Mr Wilson Kwa, 5 Years
Ms Lim Marie, 5 Years
Ms Zhang Jing, 5 Years
Mr Chiu Po Ping, 5 Years
Ms Chong Shing Yee, 5 Years
Mdm Patel Urvi, 5 Years
Mr Numayama Jyoji, 5 Years
Ms Ho Choy Fong, 5 Years
Mr Lim Hock Lai, 5 Years
Mr Olimpiu G.Urcan, 5 Years
Mdm Jessica Ong, 5 Years
Table of Achievements
Sports/ Games
Achievement for National Inter-Primary Schools Competitions Team Division
Mdm Zhou Jin, 5 Years
Mdm Ho Siew Min, 5 Years
Artistic Gymnastics
C Development C Elite B Optional
Girls – 4th Girls – 1st Girls – 1st
Zonal Junior Division
Boys – 1st Girls – 1st Boys – 2nd Boys – 3rd Girls – 2nd
Zonal Senior Division National Junior Division
Mdm Guo Xin Yi, Cindy, 5 Years
Zonal Senior Division
Open U11 Open U10 Open U8 Under 13 Category Under 11 Category Under 10 Category Under 9 Category Under 8 Category
U9 5-A-Side U10 7-A-Side
5th 1st
International Chess
Open Under 11
Girls – 3rd Boys –1st Girls – 1st Boys – 2nd Girls – 1st
Under 9 Mdm Kam Hui Bin, 5 Years
Ms Yee Yin Mei, 5 Years
National 'B' Division National 'C' Division National 'D' Division
Boys – 3rd
Mr Jonathan Goh Ming Kwang, 5 Years
2nd 1st & 2nd 3rd Girls – 2nd Girls – 3rd Girls – 1st Girls – 2nd Girls – 1st
Awarded Best Primary School Trophy
Girls –1st Girls – 2nd Boys – 4th Girls – 6th
Table of Achievements
Sports/ Games
Achievement for National Inter-Primary Schools Competitions Team Division
Table Tennis
Zonal Junior Division Zonal Senior Division National Junior Division National Senior Division
National Junior Division National Senior Division
Track & Field
National 'B' Division National 'C' Division National 'D' Division
National Senior
Boys – 3rd Girls –1st Boys – 2nd Girls – 1st Boys – Top 8 Girls – 1st Boys – Top 8 Girls –3rd Boys – 3rd Girls – 3rd Girls – 2nd Boys – 1st Girls – 1st Boys – 2nd Girls – 1st Boys – 1st Girls – 1st
Uniform Groups Boys' Brigade
Competition & Awards By Respective Headquarters JM Fraser Award for Excellene (Junior Programme) BB Week Adventure Quest Boys' Brigade Character Quest Juniors' Gold Award
Gold Honours Roll Gold Honours Roll Gold Honours Roll 7 Gold Awardees
West Division Day Competition Chief Commissioner Badge
9 recipients
Girls' Brigade
GB Cheer Challenge Company Awards
Frank Cooper Sands Award Akela Award
Clubs & Societies Advanced Mathematics Enrichment Club
Boys – 2nd
Raffles Institution Primary Mathematics World Contest Singapore Mathematical Olympiad for Primary Schools
Visual Arts
Silver 5 recipients 2 recipents with Honours
Achievement for Competitions
River Valley High School Mathematics Challenge 2013
Gold Honours Roll
National Youth Championship Shoutan Cup National Weiqi Championship Photography
Junior Category Open Category
4 Distinctions 1 High Distinction 2 Distinctions 1 High Distinction 7 Platinum 16 Gold 16 Silver 14 Bronze Team 1 – 2nd Team 2 – 6th
Group B (Team) – 1st Group C (Team) – 1st Special Mention Award 13
第八届全国中小学生讲伟人故事比 赛得奖学生感言
2013年4月末5月初,我参加了由文礼 民众俱乐部,随笔南洋网,新加坡华 文教师朗诵艺术学会和大士文艺促进 会联办的第八届全国中小学生讲演伟 人故事比赛,并在决赛B组(小四至小 六)中获得了冠军的好成绩。 参加这次比赛,从预赛到决赛,我 差不多准备了四五个星期。从选择材 料、修改内容、背诵故事、拿捏语 气、动作设计我都认真反复练习。当 然,其间我也得到了很多老师的鼓励 和帮助,才会取得这样的好成绩。
快乐·罗杰斯 4H
预赛那天,参赛的同学都有些紧张。 登记签到后,我们都到各自组别的准 备教室去准备。那天30个参赛者,最 后只有6位同学通过预赛进入决赛,我 就是其中的一个。我当时很开心,也 有些惊讶,同时,也觉得责任重大。 因为在我的组别里,只有我一个人代 表南洋小学进入决赛,我得为学校争 光啊!
决赛那天,爸爸妈妈也亲自前往观 赛。途中,我紧张得有点想吐。到了 现场,所有参赛的组别和来观赛的家 人以及学生都在一间小礼堂里,周围 弥漫着紧张的气氛。轮到我上台的时 候,我的心怦怦直跳,但我尽量保持 镇定,“大家好,我是南洋小学的快 乐罗杰斯……”当第一句话说出口 后,我紧张的情绪似乎减轻了。接下 来,我一鼓作气,顺利地讲完了整个 故事。我给大家鞠了一躬,走下台的 时候觉得又兴奋又轻松。
比赛已经过去一段时间了,每当我回 想起这次比赛,除了获奖的成功外, 我感受更多的是我在准备过程中的艰 辛。那一字一句的修改,声调语气的 拿捏和每个肢体动作的设计都在我的 脑海中回荡…… 是啊,要想做成一件 事可不那么容易,就像我故事中的一 句话:天才是1%的灵感加上 99% 的 汗水。
当大赛组委会宣布最后我获得冠军 时,我兴奋地睁大了眼睛,捂住了嘴 巴,不能相信自己的耳朵,这太令人 高兴了!
去年参加了第六届YMCA华语演讲 比赛时,我还是个小一新生,拿到亚 军,我觉得很兴奋。今年,我上小二 了,想要挑战自我,取得更好的成 绩,但是亚军的成绩让我有一点点失 望,但当看到其他参赛选手的精彩演 讲时,我不得不承认自己的不足。这 次的比赛也让我获得了宝贵的经验。
傅琪颖 3C
记得在一年前,我被选为代表2B 班 参加校内讲故事比赛。当我站在台 上时,脑袋一片空白,双脚发软,心 跳得非常快。我战战兢兢地讲了一 分钟,便急急忙忙地下台了。我以为 我再也没有勇气独自上台表演或演讲 了。但是,当时我的华文老师, 梁玮 晏老师,不断地鼓励我,也给我在班 上表演的机会,比如:相声演说,讲 故事等等,让我能重拾信心。 今年,当南洋小剧场的老师们告诉 我有这么一个“全国中小学生讲伟人 故事比赛”时,我鼓起勇气,决定 参加。因为,我想克服上台演讲的恐 惧。 于是,妈妈和我一起到图书馆找资 料,一起拟稿。我决定讲创造新加坡 奇迹的创造者――李光耀先生的故 16
事。我一有空就背稿,不久,就把故 事背得滚瓜烂熟。南洋小剧场的林福 来老师也给了我一些宝贵的意见。 半决赛时,我非常侥幸的从二十三位 同学里脱颖而出,成为六位进入大决 赛的同学。我加紧练习。爸爸还把我 练习时的情形用手机录下来,然后和 我讨论,看看哪一方面可以再加强。
许宙荣 2D
记得比赛前夕,我突然发烧、鼻塞, 但是身体的不适并没有动摇我参赛的 决心,反而磨练了我的意志力。我要 感谢爸爸、妈妈和老师给我的支持、 指导与鼓励,让我在比赛中不断地进 步与成长,也让我深深地体会到要想 成功,就必须付出努力。我会和大家 一起继续努力,加油!
大决赛终于到了。我从容镇定地把我 的故事说完。当成绩公布时,我兴奋 地跳了起来。我得了第三名!我太开 心了。 虽然我没有得第一名,但对我而言, 我已克服了上台的恐惧,同时也得到 一个宝贵的经验。在这里,我想鼓励 同学们:只要我们肯努力,勇敢面 对,任何困难都是可以克服的。 17
南方月圆齐团聚, 洋洋喜气庆中秋
9月24号,南洋小学中文部举办了小 一双语“展示与讲述”的决赛。五名 学生从十三位初赛选手中脱颖而出, 在决赛中以英语和华文进行了精彩的 演讲比赛。这次活动,学生反应积 极,老师热烈支持,相信对推动双语 教学能起到很好的示范作用。
一年一度洁明皓月的佳节又来临了, 南洋小学除了和以往一样准备了许多 精彩绝伦的表演与无比丰富的活动 外,今年更与乌鲁班丹民众俱乐部携 手合作,一起策划不少新颖的庆祝方 式。中秋节的开幕典礼在刚顺利建成 的篮球场举行,可谓“ 喜上加喜”。 国会议员迪舒沙先生的莅临为整个庆 典生色不少。 我校荣誉主席黄美云女士、校长钟蔚 芬女士和国会议员迪舒沙先生在致辞 后,一起在透明风筝上写上祝福语, 祝愿所有参与者“中秋节快乐”。接 着,我校的华乐团依照惯例为大家带 来悦耳动听的乐曲。伴随着美妙的音 乐,大家也挽着家人一同品尝甜滋滋 的柚子与月饼,真是人间一大享受。 晚会的节目相当紧凑,歌舞表演者载 歌载舞,武术表演者施展拳脚,变脸 表演者使出浑身解数,为大家带来超 水准的演出。
除了有精心策划与排练的表演之外, 大家也能到舞台附近参加一系列与中 秋有关的活动。《趣味猜谜》让大家 动动脑筋,赢取奖品;《亲子才艺表
演比赛》让家长与孩子齐齐发挥自己 所长,培养默契;《亲子彩图比赛》 和《亲子制作灯笼比赛》让家长与孩 子展示自己独特的艺术细胞,发挥无 限的创意。种种活动不仅让大家体验 了博大精深的华族传统活动,更让一 家老少共享天伦之乐,体现“月圆人 团圆”的意义。 所谓“独乐乐,不如众乐乐”,今年 本校也将让整个庆祝活动迈出校园。 本校老师带领一些学生到左邻右舍分 派月饼,盛情邀请附近的街坊一同参 与我校的游行活动。通身闪亮的舞龙 伴随着激昂的鼓声,兴奋的小朋友提 着各式各样的灯笼,一起环着路线“ 出走”了。这项压轴活动将大家的情 绪推向最高潮,人人脸上都带着灿 烂、满意的笑脸。 “天无不散之宴席”,随着最后一个 活动的结束,今年的中秋晚会也接近 尾声。依依不舍的心情,连声载道的 赞叹,让我们期待下一个中秋节晚会 吧!
参加《亲子制作灯笼比赛》的两父子其乐融融, 他们一定是彼此的最好搭档!
Racial Harmony Celebrations by Mrs Manjula Menon
NYPS commemorated Racial Harmony Day at the Toh Tuck Campus on 23 rd July 2013. Many of the students put in much effort in dressing up to showcase the wide variety of cultures in Singapore. They came to school decked in dazzling saris, resplendent baju kurungs, stunning cheongsams and other ethnic costumes, creating an eclectic mix of style and culture.
The students also enjoyed playing traditional games and tasting local food. Some activities that were built into the day's program included henna painting and kolam colouring which the students enthusiastically participated in. Indeed, it was a wonderful experience for the P1 & P2 students.
These are some of the comments from students who had participated in the event. “At the Basketball Court, there were parent volunteers who helped the pupils to tie the saris and sarongs. They drew henna designs on the pupils’ hands. They also played traditional games with the pupils.” —Samuel Chern A parent volunteer wrapping a sarong around a pupil’s waist!
“Many varieties of food from the 4 races were sold at the canteen. It was really yummy! I wished I had money to buy more food.” —Yui Hasegawa A parent volunteer teaching a pupil how to tie a sari.
“There was a vendor selling traditional toys outside the canteen. I bought a pack of five stones and my friend bought a top. We love the toys!” —Giorgia Tan
Innovation at its best by Charles Windle (5K)
We can start a henna business! A parent volunteer drawing henna designs on a child’s hand.
We’ve all seen the presentation during our assembly by 3M Kinetics, so you might have an idea of what innovation is. I am one of the 24 lucky students who have been selected for the Innovation Programme (IvP) and I am here to tell you what it is all about.
It is so exciting to colour the kolam designs.
Many of you are creative, which means that you are imaginative and have many original ideas. When you take these ideas and make them come true, innovation happens! A good starting point would be to observe the surroundings for existing problems and try to come up with new solutions for them. A good example is the Parss 360° magic mop. When the inventors of this mop saw that the housewives were having difficulties drying the
mop, they came up with the magic mop which helped these housewives to clean the house easier. You might ask, “How do ideas for innovation come about?” There are many strategies. One of these is force-fitting, which involves combining two existing objects together to make something new. For example, chocolate and ham sausages can be force-fitted together to make this special chocolate product. (See picture below)
Career Fair by Haylee Lindner 1A
Career Fair @ Toh Tuck Campus
The technique of SCAMPER can also be used. This is a clever acronym for “Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to other use, Eliminate, and Rearrange”. Take the humble one-seater sofa. We want to sit on it and read at night, but it is too dark. Using the first element of SCAMPER, which is Combine, we can combine the desk lamp, another humble everyday object, with the one-seater sofa. Reading is now made easier. There you go—innovation. Of course, innovation doesn’t end with coming up of ideas. The innovation process also involves creating a prototype, which is a draft form of the final product. By the time all this is done, your product is almost ready to see the light! Well, be patient. You still have to talk to your target 28
audience (people whom you want to sell your product to) and gather information from them on how to improve your product even further. Many revisions to the prototype are usually required in order to refine it. After this, you can finally show off your product!
Hi! My name is Haylee Lindner. My father took part in the Career Fair on 7th August 2013 that was organised by the school. I was very proud of him. He explained to the children about his occupation using items that were related to the job. He also brought a book with beautiful illustrations to show them what his company does. He gave out prizes to pupils who could answer his questions. I was happy that most of my friends liked his prizes. It was such a fun and interesting activity. Besides that, I also visited the other stations to learn about the different occupations. My favourite station was the one where the parents offered free snacks to us. I had such an enjoyable day.
National Day Celebrations By Claire Li (6M/Respect) Edited by Mdm Serene Leong & Mrs Rebecca Goh
My Reflection as a Flag Bearer For five years, I had been staring at the stage, observing my seniors marching up the stage, holding one corner of the Singapore flag in their hands. I loved the observance ceremony, and when the time came for me to do it this time round, I gladly took up the role as the flagbearer. Due to the on-going renovation of the basketball court as well as the P1 and P2 pupils being at Toh Tuck Campus, a greater number of students had to be involved. We, the flag-bearers and flag raisers were all assigned to different areas (Toh Tuck campus, Courtyard and the Hall @ King’s Road Campus) for the observance ceremony. Despite the differences in our audience, we all knew that we had to put in our best and that any mistake would be a huge embarrassment, not only to 30
Sing-along session for our P3 and P4 pupils
ourselves, but also to the uniform groups we were representing. The rehearsals were tough at first when we were all struggling to get used to the marching sequence and learning to work with members of the contingent from different uniform groups. As a result, there was a lot of confusion and error. Thankfully, with the guidance from the teachers and having gotten to know one another better after a few rounds of practice, it was near perfect. I was amazed at the huge sense of accomplishment I experienced when our contingent was able to execute to the whole marching system without error.
On the actual day itself, my contingent was dealt a huge blow as it rained in the wee hours of the morning, making it impossible for us to march at the courtyard, to display what we had practised for the past weeks. Instead, we were to march behind the main contingent at the hall, singing the national anthem with pride up on the stage. Despite the major reduction in our roles in this observance ceremony, we were just as nervous as everyone else and as we waited for the cue to march onto the stage, the anxiety on everyone’s faces was evident.
Without much time to worry, the ceremony started. Our hard work did pay off in the end as the contingents marched on with no error. Donning my Scout uniform and singing the national anthem up on stage was an experience I would never forget. It made me proud to think that I was representing my uniform group, and playing a part in this National Day Celebration as a flag bearer. It certainly was, as what the teachers said, an experience of a lifetime.
Adventure Camp @ Jeram Besu, Pahang, Malaysia By Miss Faith Lim The Boy’s Brigade, Girls’ Brigade & Sports Leaders’ Overseas Adventure Trip 2013
Mrs Lee, Mrs Nam and our Head Prefect, Nathan Mar, getting to cut a “Birthday cake” for Singapore.
From 1st to 4th of June, the BB, GB & Sports Leaders embarked on their adventure at Jeram Besu, Pahang, Malaysia. From night confidence walk to flying fox to water confidence to rubber boat paddling to caving to abseiling to the fourwheel drive to Berembum Waterfall, you name it, we have done it! Here’s what some of the girls from GB have to say:
Our teachers leading the “Sing-along” session 32
In the camp, I learnt how to be independent and more patient. The flying fox was the best! All in all, the whole camp was memorable as it was my first time going for an overseas camp. —Rachel Saly, 5C
During the camp, I overcame my fear of heights and completed the abseiling activity. I have learnt to step out of my comfort zone. It was a memorable trip for me as I got to learn lots of things that I had never seen or do. —Clarisse Tan, 5D
I have learnt to help people around me and respect people’s feeling during the camp. Two of the most memorable moments of the trip were the 4-wheel drive to the waterfall and of course, the 4 wheels drive itself. —Jess Siah, 33
Enjoying our Four-wheel Drive!
Building water confidence in our pupils
Flying Fox across the river
Exploring the beautiful caves in Jeram Besu
Having fun at the waterfall in Pahang
creative in our approach, daring yet gentle, so as to ensure the structure would not collapse!
The Low Guat Tin Challenge by Serena Lee Oh (5C)
A scene of children climbing up a steep mountain just to go to school
Our masterpiece- a structure made of only ice-cream sticks, cardboard, paper and tape We found the GB crest!
On 1st June 2013, 10 girls from our Girls Brigade Company represented Nanyang Primary School and participated in the LGT challenge which comprised a series of activities that had to be completed within a certain stipulated time-frame. It was organised for all the GB companies in Singapore.
As team leader of the Nanyang team, I had to guide our girls in all the activities. An example of one of the challenges we faced was to build a structure using only a thin cardboard, some ice cream sticks, a piece of paper and some tape. Our girls had fun making the structure and decorating it. We had to be
There were many other activities we participated in. For example, we also watched videos depicting the lives of children in different parts of the world. In one video, we were shown scenes of children climbing a very steep mountain just to go to school! They had to take many risks. It made me realise that we were indeed very fortunate to be students in Singapore and should not take everything for granted. Overall, the LGT challenge was fun and meaningful. It was an enriching experience for all of us. The LGT challenge provided me with an opportunity to hone my leadership skills and I was proud of the way my team had cooperated and rose to the various challenges. It also impressed upon me the importance to have compassion and do more for the less fortunate. I am also mindful of the fact that we should always be thankful for what we have. I hope there will be more of such activities in the future. :)
Restroom Ambassador Program by Eugene Ng
In Term 3 of 2013, all the Primary 3 classes in Nanyang Primary embarked on a school wide service learning project. Each class was assigned two restrooms at the King’s Road Campus. Pupils had to take turns to be Restroom Ambassadors to help in taking care of these facilities. Playing games at one of the stations
The pupils came together to design posters and scheduled duties. While on duty, Restroom Ambassadors would remind visitors to the restrooms to flush the toilets, wash their hands and keep the area clean and dry. The pupils had a meaningful and fun time working together as Restroom Ambassadors. They also realised that everyone has a part to play to keep the restrooms clean.
Work in progress!
Interview with our school attendants by Eugene Ng
This way, please!
Welcome to our clean toilet!
Our pupils, Guo Ling Yu and Chong Yu Xuan with our school attendants, Auntie Ah Pao, Auntie Ah Lan and Auntie Zhu Jie
Please dry your hands properly after washing them!
Look at the beautiful patterns on the walls and doors!
Do access the following video link for our pupils’ thoughts on the project. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fA2kUpE2mE&feature=youtu.be
In Term 4, Guo Ling Yun and Chong Yu Xuan from Primary 3K had the rare opportunity to interview 3 of our school attendants. Ah Pao, Ah Lan and Zhu Jie are our hardworking aunties who can often be spotted cleaning and moving items, ensuring that the environment is conducive for learning. In the interview, the pupils aimed to understand more about the roles and responsibilities which these
hardworking aunties played in our school. The interview allowed them to empathise and appreciate what the school attendants do daily for the pupils. In return, we hope the pupils can play their part to help these aunties in keeping the school clean and tidy. Do access the following link for our pupils’ interview with our dedicated school aunties. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQNT77atks&feature=youtu.be
Teachers’ Day Celebrations By Nathan Mar
Captivating. Spell-Binding. Enthralling. The Teacher’s Day Celebration 2013 was a glorious occasion. In the air-conditioned comfort of the hall, the celebration kicked off with the recital of the Teacher’s Pledge. All the NYPS teachers gathered on the stage to recite the pledge, and were led by none other than our vice principal, Mrs Nam. In the pledge, they expressed their dedication to teach and nurture the students and determination to educate the next generation to the best of their ability. Following this solemn event was a talent show consisting of an impressive line-up of performances by NYPS pupils. It began with a piano piece entitled “Kavaleriiskaya”—an exciting piece of music full of ups and downs which really set the
mood for the concert. Many more enthralling performances came one after another, giving the judges a hard time in deciding on the winner. Most importantly, however, the rousing performances represented the students’ deep appreciation for the teachers. After the concert, prefects filed into the hall, presenting paper flowers to the teachers as a Teachers’ Day gift from the Prefectorial Board. A week before the concert, the prefects got together to fold the paper flowers. Though they were simple, they represented the heartfelt appreciation and gifts coming from the bottom of our hearts.
were not disappointed as well as they walked away with a minimum of $10. It was a fitting end to a wonderful concert and I am sure that all the teachers left the hall with a warm glow in their hearts.
The Teachers’ Day Celebration 2013 ended with a prize giving ceremony for all the performers. The winner of the concert received a $40 voucher while other performers
Teachers reciting the Teacher’s Pledge on the stage
Prefects giving hand-made flowers to the teachers on behalf of the Prefectorial Board!
Students watching the concert!
A group photo of the contestants with our vice-principal, Mrs Nam.
Teachers’ Day Dinner By Cindy Guo
Our Highly Entertaining Hosts for the night, Mr Eugene Ng and Miss Shanice Chong
Mrs Lee Hui Feng, Miss Magdalene Ang and Mdm Heng Boey Hong, Principals of NYPS, NYK and NYGH leadingThe Teachers' Pledge Our Very Own Mafia with our principal, Mrs Lee
Teachers' Day Dinner was joyously celebrated by the three Nanyang schools this year at Orchard Hotel on the 30th August. It was a much anticipated event with discussions abuzzed about dressing to the theme of "Shanghai Tang". The event was graced by our
Chairperson and members of the board who made the entrance to the ballroom with much fanfare, escorted by our very own “mafia triad gang”! The night then proceeded on along with the recitation of the Teachers' creed led by our Principal, Mrs Lee Hui Feng, who declared the opening of the night. To recognise the contributions to the Nanyang
Family of Schools, a number of teachers were presented with awards for their years of service. As food was being served, the audience was entertained by performance items put up by teachers of NYK, NYPS and NYGH. The boisterous laughter from the crowd that accompanied the skits and songs was a far cry from the usual perceived stern faces from the teaching fraternity.
The night ended off with our traditional lucky draw with gifts generously sponsored by the board of members and parents of the school. One beaming teacher went off with our top prize of a LED television set! Till the next dinner, this night is definitely a night to remember!
Write about some interesting things you remembered of our school events in 2013. Send your reflections to the following email address: wong_ching_min@nyps.edu.sg by 31 January 2014 and stand to win a prize if it is published in the next issue.
Our Beautiful Vice-Principals, Mdm Ong Hwee Yen, Mrs Veron Nam & Mrs Ong Hui Khim dressing up for Shanghai Night
Teachers rededicating themselves to the teaching profession