New York Trend - May7-2012 Issue

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May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012

Political Commentary

Will$President$ Obama’s$Gay$ Marriage$Stance$ Help$or$Hurt$ His$Reelection? By)Justin)A.)Williams President) Barack) Obama) is) now) fully) supporting) gay) marriage.) After) initially) supporting) civil)unions)when) he) was) a) candidate) in) 2008,) he) says) his) position) has) “evolved”)to)a)point)where)he) could) not)in) good) conscience) disagree) with) gays) and) lesbians) having) the) right) to) marry.) Obama) was) under) intense) political) pressure) to) come) forward) with) this) equally) politically) risky) decision.) Before) Obama) announced) his) new) stance,) members) of) his)staff) such) as) Vice) President) Biden) had) already) endorsed) “same) sex) marriage”.) Obama) explained) his)position)by)telling)how)he) felt) strongly) after) years) of) dialogue)with)friends,)family,)

President Obama making historic announcement

…..recent$polls$reveal$that$support$for$same$sex$ marriage$has$steadily$climbed$to$50%$from$39%$for$ African$Americans$and$to$57%$for$people$ages$18L34,$a$ good$40%$of$the$country$in$total$is$opposed$to$same$sex$ marriage.

the) Mrs.) Obama) and) his) two) daughters) that) if) American) citizens) were) to) be) equal) to) each)other)in) the) eyes)of) the) president,) the) law) and) each) other,)that)gays)and) lesbians) had) the) right) to) share) in) the) marriage)experience.) President) Obama’s) support) of) gay) marriage) could) potentially) blow) a) g a p i n g) h o l e) i n t o) t h e) reelection) campaign.) His) opponents) in)the) Republican) Party) have) held) the) more) t r a d i t i o n a l) s t a n c e) o n) marriage,) maintaining) that)it) be) respected) as) a) union) b e t w e e n) a) m a n) a n d) a) woman.) ) With) this) preL) election) season)being) critical) to) the) president’s) legacy,) he) may) have) shot) his) silver) bullet)too)soon. ) Polls) are) often) the) best) source) for) assessing) ideological) change) in) a) country.) However,) recent) polls) reveal) that) support) for) same) sex) marriage) has) steadily) climbed) to) 50%) f r o m) 3 9 %) f o r) A f r i c a n) Americans) and) to) 57%) for) people) ages) 18L34,) a) good) 40%)of)the)country)in)total)is) o p p o s e d) t o) s a m e) s e x) Continued To Page 6

NYABJ Hosts 24Th Annual Scholarship and Awards Banquet The$ New$ York$ Association$ of$ Black$ Journalists$ will$ recognized$ the$ work$ of$ more$ than$ 40$ journalists,$ including$ a$ special$ honor$ to$ former$ diversity$ advocate$ Robert$ Naylor,$and$ payed$ tribute$ to$ the$ late$ Gil$ Noble$ at$ its$ 24th$ Annual$ Scholarship$ and$ Awards$Banquet. $$ The$ event$ was$ held$ $ at$ the$ historic$ Audubon$ Ballroom,$ now$ known$ as$ the$ Malcolm$ X$ &$ Dr.$ Betty$ Shabazz$ Memorial$ and$ Educational$ Center$ in$ the$ Washington$ Heights$ section$ of$ Manhattan.$ The$ evening,$ which$ was$ hosted$ by$ WNBC's$ Pat$ Battle$ and$ Black$ Enterprise's$ Shannon$

Lanier,$ $ raised$ funds$ for$ NYABJ's$ college$ scholarship$fund. $$ Among$the$winners$included$CNN,$The$ Grio,$ the$ New$ York$ Amsterdam$ News,$ Bloomberg$News,$the$Wall$ Street$ Journal,$BET,$ Essence$ Magazine,$ News$ 12$ (Long$ Island/ Westchester),$ CBS,$ Verizon$ FiOS$ 1$ News,$ the$ New$York$Post$and$WGBO. $$ "NYABJ$ is$ thrilled$ to$ present$ well] deserved$ awards$to$ all$of$our$ winners$and$also$ recognize$two$ luminaries$in$our$ field$—$Robert$ Naylor$ and$ the$ late$ Gil$ Noble,"$ said$ NYABJ$ President$ Michael$ J.$ Feeney.$ "From$ News$ 12$ Westchester's$ coverage$ of$ the$ Danroy$ Henry$ killing$ to$ CNN's$ coverage$ of$ the$ Dr.$ Martin$ Luther$ King$ Jr.$ monument$ dedication$ to$ recording$ artist$ Beyonce$ Knowles'$ Essence$ magazine$ article$ about$ how$ a$ nine]month$ break$ changed$ her$ life,$ we$ congratulate$ everyone."

$$ Robert$ Naylor,$who$ spent$ more$ than$ 30$ years$ as$ a$ reporter,$ editor,$ and$ news$ executive$ for$ newspapers,$ television$ stations$ —$and$most$recently$The$Associated$Press$—$is$ the$recipient$of$the$2012$Lifetime$Achievement$ Award$ for$ his$ tireless$ efforts$ as$ a$ diversity$ advocate$to$helping$other$minorities$break$into$ the$ news$ industry.$ Naylor$ spent$ most$ of$ his$ career$ at$ the$ Associated$ Press$ where$ he$ became$ the$ second$ black$ bureau$ chief$ and$ later$Chair$of$the$AP$Diversity$Council. $$ NYABJ$ will$ also$ payed$ tribute$ to$ Gil$ Noble,$legendary$television$journalist$and$long] time$host$of$WABC]TV$New$York's$public$affairs$ program$Like$It$Is,$who$passed$away$in$April$at$ the$age$of$80.$Noble,$a$four]time$Emmy$Award$ winner,$was$born$in$Harlem$and$ joined$WABC] TV$in$1967$as$a$reporter$ and$ later$became$an$ anchor$ of$ its$ weekend$ newscasts.$ A$ few$ months$later,$Noble$became$ host$of$ Like$ It$ Is,$ which$ featured$ interviews$ and$ commentary$ Continued To Page 13

Cheryl Wills, NYABJ Dinner Chair and Michael J. Feeney, President, NYABJ. photo- Alonzo Boldin .


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New York Trend NYC


Serving: New York, Nassau, Suffolk Counties

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012


Publisher’s Statement

Fourth & Forgotten………. The Tragic End of Professional Athletes By Justin Williams

Tragedy.) Whether) rich) or) poor,) b l a c k) o r) w h i t e ,) a t h e i s t) o r) religious,) it) would) be) hard) to) find) a) person) who) would) not) be) able) to) give) personal) testimony) to) the) ubiquitous) nature) of) tragedy.) Tragedy) can) begin) in) the) smallest) of) places) and) erupt) into) such) a) large) magnitude) that) it) shatters) lives,) separates) us) from) ourselves) and) makes) us) question) whether) we) can) ever) recover) from) it.) Tragedies) affect) us) all) and) when) they) do) they) tend) to) resemble) our) worst) fears) and) the) ugliest) side) of) life.) But) let) me) ask,) if) tragedy) had) a) name) would) it) be) the) name) of) men) people) revere,) respect) and) r o o t) f o r .) I f) t r a g e d y) h a d) a) character,) would) it) be) the) very) pinnacle) of) sacrifice,) teamwork) and) athletic) success.) If) tragedy) had) a) face,) would) it) reflect) the) voracious) attempt) at) immortality) or) would) it) show) the) blood,) sweat) and) grime) of) years) of) athletic) tribulation) and) victory.) If) tragedy) were) a) former)NFL)player,) tragedy) would) appear) to) be) all) those) things) wrapped) in) a) degenerative) enigma) that) is) life) after) the) NFL) career) is) over) for) many) former) professional)football)players. ) R e t i r e m e n t) f o r) m a n y) Americans) is) a) goal) they) want) to) accomplish.) From) ages) 50) and) over) men) and) woman) in) this) country) start) to) retire) in) order) to) spend) the) rest) of) their) lives) in) relative) ease.) While) many)feel) lost) without) a) job) to) do,) many) replace) that) job) with) travel,) family) or) a) second)career.) If) they’ve) done) well) enough) in) their) first) career,) the) rest) of) their) lives) will) most) likely) be) paid) for) and) run) smoothly.) But) for) an) NFL) player,) retirement) is) a) l o t) m o r e) f r i g h t e n i n g) a n d) revealing.) Every) player,) whether) they) were) a) backup) or) a) star,) eventually)retires.) Players) who) have) enjoyed) the) fame) and) money) pro) football) can) deliver) try) to) hold) on) to) their) careers) as) long) as) they) can) to) maintain) that) feeling) of) public) glory,) financial) stability) and) team) camaraderie.) Some,) if) talented) enough) and) given) the) opportunity) work) as) sports) casters) or) own) businesses,) some) even) become) executives) in) the) front) offices) of)


New York Trend NYC

teams) or) coaches) based) on) their) experience) with) the) game) of) football.) But) that) d o e s n ’ t) a c c o u n t) f o r) everyone.) Remember) the) j o b) m a r k e t) f o r) e x L N F L) p l a y e rs) i s) l i k e) a n y) j o b) market;) there) simply) are) n o t) e n o u g h) j o b s) f o r) everyone.) Because) of) this,) many) players) fall) into) the) depths) of) anonymity) and) with) that) usually) comes) d e p r e s s i o n) a n d) a) revelation:) that) life) after) football) will) never) amount) to) life) while) playing) the) game)they)loved.) ) The) inability) to) let) go) causes) many) players) to) play) through) injuries) that) o f t e n) e n d) u p) s e r i o u s l y) injuring) or) killing) them.) The) names) Junior) Seau,) Andre) Waters) and) Mike) Webster) are) precautionary) examples) of) the) toll) the) m o s t) d a n g e r o u s) a n d) p h y s i c a l) g a m e) i n) t h e) country) takes) on) the) body) and) mind) of) players.) All) three) retired) with) fame) and) accolade,) all) three) dealt) w i t h) h e a d) i n j u r i e s) throughout) there) career) and) all) three) diminished) mentally) after) football) to) the) point) of) early) death,) early) onset) of) dementia) or) suicide. ) Football) is) not) a) game) for)those) who)want) to) remain) healthy,) and) the) average) career) only) lasts) four) to) five) years.) The) longer) a) person) plays) the) more) at) risk) they) are) to) ending)up) with)severe) brain) damage) or) CTE) (Chronic) T r a u m a t i c) Encephalopathy),) which) is)a) degenerative) brain) disease) caused) by) continual) blows) to) the) head.) While) the) NFL) has) taken) steps) to) alleviate) t h e) p o s s i b i l i t y) o f) concussions,) CTE) reveals) t h a t) a n y) t y p e) o f) h e a d) trauma) over) time,) even) if) it) is) mild,) can) cause) serious) brain)defects.)

Players) who) suffer) from) CTE) loose) sense) of) the) world) around) them,) become) lesser) and) imp) men) to) their) families,) and) enter) a) pattern) of) behavior) that) robs) them) of) the) stoic) dignity) and) gritty) c l e v e r n e s s) t h a t) d e f i n e d) t h e i r) playing) careers.) They) become) the)

Players$after$tasting$the$ fame$and$money$pro$ football$can$deliver$try$ to$hold$on$to$their$ careers$as$long$as$they$ can$to$maintain$that$ feeling$of$public$glory,$ Oinancial$stability$and$ team$camaraderie. walking) disconnected,) zombified) m a s s e s) o f) f o r m e r) c e l e b r a t e d) sportsman) doomed) to) depreciate) more) and) more) as) the) years) go) by) until) it) seems) to) those) who) are) bystanders) to) their) tragic)state) that) perhaps) playing) the) game) wasn’t) worth) it) after) all.) The) money) eventually) fades) to) debt) and) over) spending,) the) fame) disappears) and) the) game) that) provided) so) many)

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012

with) an) outlet) for)human) aggression) and) ferocity) in) its) most) appreciated) form) transforms) a) person) into) a) beleaguered) shell) of) who) they) used) to)be. ) T h i s) i s) a) t r a g e d y .) A n d) Tragedy)plays) on) Sundays) from) 1) to) 9) o) clock) for) our) amusement.) Tragedy)is) drafted) with) all) the) hope) in) the) world) and) retires) locked) in) a) prison) of) the) mind,) body) and) bank) account.) At) such) a) young) age) these) former) heroes) retire) and) at) such) a) young) age) they) need) to) be) taken) care) of.) The) NFL) needs) to) assist) their) athletic) employees) with) life) after) football.) Set) up) programs) that) educate) them) on) going) back) to) finish) school,) starting) companies,) investing) their) dollars) so) that) they) can) have) revenue) after) they) finish) scoring) touchdowns) or) tackling) quarterbacks. ) If) this) doesn’t) happen,) if) player) safety) doesn’t) come) to) the) forefront) of) the) mind) of) the) 22) year) old) before) he) decides) he) wants) to) jeopardize) his) well) being) for) the) sake) of) dollars) he) will) have) no) idea) how) to) keep,) then) the) only) team) that) these) players) will) ever) suit) up) for,) the) only) owner) who) will) pay) their) salaries,) the) only) teammate) they) can) ever) truly) say) they) played) with,)is)tragedy.



Nicholas Halden

COMMUNITY NEWS Girls Scouts of New York Annual Gala, Raises more than $1 million


The Centennial Gala hosted by the Girl Scouts of Greater New York raised more than $1 Million, which will be used to grow and enhance the programs that serve more than 25,000 girls in New York City,twothirds of whom come from lowincome homes and whose participation is subsidized by the Girl Scouts. Barbara Murphy-Warrington, CEO of the Girl Scouts of Greater New York,said, “I am deeply moved by the support and enthusiasm generated by the gala. It will help us meet the growing demands for our programs and ultimately help more girls achieve their full and amazing potential. Thank you to all who contributed to the event’s success.” Journalist and Girl Scout Alumna Deborah Norville, anchor of Inside Edition, emceed the event, which honored community and business leaders who have supported the Banking & Investment Group. The Girl Scouts and inspired girls to gala also highlighted one of the Girl reach their full leadership potential. Scouts most loyal partners, Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Honorees included Deanna M. Mulligan, President and Chief The Girl Scouts’ Annual Gala, Executive Officer of The Guardian which is held each Spring, is the Life Insurance Company of organization’s largest annual America, Patricia fundraising event, providing critical Stensrud, retiring Board President funds for programs that instill selfof the Girl Scouts of Greater New confidence and strong values. York and John W. Thiel, Head of P r o g r a m s i n c l u d e c a r e e r M e r r i l l L y n c h U . S . W e a l t h exploration with live executive role Management and the Private models and workplace visits,

financial literacy, the STEM program (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), camping and environmental programs and the nation’s largest business training program for girls— the Girl Scout Cookie Program. This year’s gala marked the Centennial anniversary of the national Girl Scouts’ founding. Next year, the New York City Girl Scouts will celebrate its own 100th anniversary

Occupy Wall Street Protestors of Occupy Wall Street demonstrate in Union Square Park as part of massive protests throughout Manhattan today.


New York Trend NYC

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012

The Fashion Reporter, online magazine for all things fashion, and parent company, Fashion and Football, produced an unforgettable fashion show during NFL Draft Week. Professional as well as college football players including Justin Tryon (NY Giants), Ramses Barden (NY Giants), Aaron Maybin (NY Jets), Matthew Rice (NFL vet), Josh Norman (Top 10 NFL Draft candidate), Kashif Moore (UCONN Draft Candidate), Evan Rodriguez ( Temple NFL Draft Candidate), fashion socialite Karim Ramos and notable fashion editors, all modeled suits by Eredi Pisano, an Italian clothing company specializing in fine garments as well as made to measure suits. “We are excited about our partnership with Fashion and Football and look forward to this highly anticipated annual event”, says Kenny Frimpong, Brand and Lifestyle Consultant at Eredi Pisano. The Grammy Award winning stylist, Eric Santiago along with The Glam Squad who outfitted participating players in some of the most impressive pieces from Pisano's collection including wool suits done with suede elbow patches to tomato red oxford style shoes along with an array of vivid roped belts done in Italian leather finished off with silk pocket squares and must-have ties. In addition, Monster Cable unveiled their all-new, Diamond Tear Headphones during the runway portion of the event. Professional NFL players and college athletes paired the very stunning diamond headphones with which provides for the ideal finishing touch for a luxurious look. The world class headphones offering the sound of clarity with diamonds, will officially be announced this July. The event took place on Tuesday, April 24th, 2012 from 7pm-10pm at Audi Forum New York City located at 250 Park Avenue at 47th Street. The space itself is a multi-function showroom designed to educate customers on Audi products . During this highly anticipated gala, the 6,400 square foot space was transformed into a sports and fashion mecca filled with professional athletes who modeled suits from Eredi Pisano’s Spring Summer 2012 collection which is now available at their store located at 520 Madison Avenue, in the heart of retail luxury. “It is such a pleasure to work with such exclusive, top tier brands such as Pisano who is a member of the Italian Trade Commission as well as Audi of America and via this relationship, we hope to spread brand awareness and capture the attention of ballplayers who are required to wear suits after their games and be seen in the hottest cars.......and since we have a new team and staff of professionals, this year's event promises to be more exclusive than ever” says Priscilla Monteiro, producer for Fashion and Football and founder of The Fashion Reporter.

TRENDING POLITICS City Council Forges New Stop Street Harassment Plan Kings County District Attorney Charles J.Hynes, Richmond County District Attorney Daniel M. Donovan Jr., Queens County District Attorney Richard A. Brown, New York State Director of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, Meredith Wiley, and crime survivors announced a new report showing the extent of child abuse and neglect across New Yo r k S t a t e . They also emphasized the benefits of voluntary home visiting services, which can reduce child abuse and neglect by as much as 50 percent. On behalf of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, the three District Attorneys released a report indicating that at least 77,000 children in New York State suffered abuse and neglect in 2010 – more than 200 every day. 114 of those children died as a result of the abuse. District Attorney Hynes said, “We are concerned about child abuse and neglect as a reality for far too many children, not just statistics on a sheet of

paper. Nationally, there were almost 700,000 confirmed cases of child abuse and neglect that claimed the lives of 1,560 in 2010, and 114 of those kids were from New York. That number should shock the conscience of every one of us.” “One of the most difficult aspects of my job is dealing with the victims of crime and their families. There’s no punishment that can undo their anguish. If we continue to allow thousands of children each year to be berated, beaten, brutalized and neglected, we will pay dearly not only in taxpayers’ dollars, but in crime, violence and shattered lives.” Abuse and neglect often contributes to future crime, and in some cases, actually constitutes a crime. Research shows that while most survivors of child abuse never become violent criminals, they are 30 percent more likely to become violent criminals than those without a history of abuse. Queens County District Attorney Richard A. Brown said,

“As prosecutors, we are able to apprehend and prosecute many of the people who hurt children. But by the time they come to our attention, far too many children have already been battered, bruised, left unfed, sexually assaulted—and, sadly, killed. Investing in home visitation programs that can help prevent child abuse and neglect now will hopefully lead to fewer children being harmed in the future and lessen the human and economic costs associated with child abuse.” The report details research on programs proven to prevent early abuse and neglect. A study of one program model, the Nurse-Family Partnership program, compared atrisk children whose mothers received visits with similar children whose families were not served. Children who did not participate had twice as many incidents of abuse and neglect as children in participating families. By age 15, youth whose families did not participate in the program had more than twice as many arrests. One site of the quality nurse home visitation program found significantly fewer cases of childhood injury and child

Farmworker Albany Day exclude far mworkers from basic worker rights and protections. The Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act would: * Require employers of farm laborers to allow at least 24 consecutive hours of rest each week * Provide for an 8-hour work day for far m laborers, requiring an overtime rate at one and one-half times the normal rate * Grant collective bargaining protections to farm laborers * Ensure that the sanitary codes apply to all farm and food processing labor camps intended to house migrant workers, regardless of the Sostenes Uribe, one of New York number of occupants, and State's thousands of migrant * Re q u i r e t h a t o n - t h e - j o b workers injuries be reported and that owners provide far mworkers New York State farmworkers with claim forms for worker's and their supporters urge other compensation. people of conscience to join them in Albany on May 21 as Versions of this bill have they keep the pressure on the been introduced in the state legislature to change the state's l e g i s l a t u r e s i n c e 2 0 0 6 . I t s labor laws that categorically


New York Trend NYC

passage is already assured in the assembly; however, it remains stalled in the senate, where it l a n g u i s h e s i n t h e Ru l e s Committee, controlled by Re p u b l i c a n S e n a t o r D e a n S k e l o s. T h e b i l l n e e d s 3 8 sponsors to force it to be brought to the senate floor for a vote, where it would require a simple majority vote to pass. The May 21 plan of action is as follows: Registration will take place at Westminster Presbyterian Church at 262 State St. in Albany at 10 am. Lunch will be served at 11 am as legislative team meetings are held. At 12 noon, participants will march to the capital. At 1 pm there will be a press conference, followed by legislative visits, a prayer vigil and street theater. The action is expected to x around 3:30 pm. For further information, p l e a s e c o n t a c t Ju s t i c e f o r Fa r m wo rk e r s C a m p a i g n coordinator Gerardo Gutierrez at (845) 485-8627.

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012

Meredith Wiley mortality among families who participated. In the 2011 fiscal year, New York spent less than $50 million from combined local, state and federal sources for two voluntary homevisiting programs that have strong evidence they reduce child abuse and neglect. The Nurse Family Partnership Program and Healthy Families combined currently serve less than 10 percent of families of newborns who would otherwise qualify and benefit from these services.

Legislator Kevan Abrahams Receives Humanitarian Award Nassau County Legislator Kevan Abrahams (D-Freeport) received the Humanitarian Award from the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Iota Theta Zeta Chapter, at the 29th Annual Finer Womanhood Scholarship Brunch at the Garden City Hotel on Sunday, March 25, 2012. The Nassau County chapter of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority hosted the event, at which Legis. Abrahams was awarded with the 2012 Humanitarian Award for his dedicated service to the community, especially his concern for the youth and senior citizens. Awards were also presented to others for their accomplishments, including academic scholarships, service and philanthropy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Bernice L. McFadden – recipient of the 2012 Zora Neale Hurston Literary Award Ms. LaCheall Williams – 2011 Community Woman of the Year Scholarship Ms. Robin Brazley – 2011 Community Woman of the Year for Service Reverend Shaun Lee – 2012 Keynote Speaker Dr. Marsha Tyson Darling – 2011 Community Woman of the Year for Finer Womanhood Portia Harvey – President, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Town of Hempstead Councilwoman Dorothy Goosby Nassau County Legislator Kevan Abrahams – Honoree, 2012 Humanitarian Award Whitney Alexander – Brunch Chairperson and 2nd Vice President Iota Theta Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Ms. Terenna Williams – 2011 Community Woman of the Year for Sisterly Love


F U BU c o - f o u n d e r s D a y m o n d John, Keith Perrin (seated), J. Alexander Martin and Carl Brown.

New York City College of Technology (City Tech) will honor ten “community builders” at the 2012 Best of New York Award Dinner on Monday, May 14, in the Hilton New York’s Trianon Ballroom, Avenue of the Americans at 53rd Street in Manhattan. The evening will begin with a Guest of Honor Reception at 6 p.m., followed by dinner and the awards presentation at 7:15 p.m. This year’s honorees are Daymond John, J. Alexander Martin, Carl Brown and Keith Pe r r i n o f F U BU / T h e Collection; Steve Hindy, cof o u n d e r, c h a i r m a n a n d president, The Brooklyn B r e w e r y ; a c t r e s s Jo y c e Randolph, “The Honeymooner s;” Yvonne R i l e y - Te p i e ’ 9 2 , v i c e president, U.S. field marketing, T D B a n k ; Te r r y Ta n g, founder & CEO, TMI Food Group; Jesus I. Coombs ’05, deputy director of construction services, New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services; and Angela Hines, Esq. ’98, Legal Aid Society Juvenile Rights Practice and founder and executive director of "Project Window." This year’s Honorary Dinner Chair s are Alan Aviles, president and CEO, NYC 6

New York Trend NYC

Honoree, Angela Hines

Health and Hospitals Corporation, and Peter M. Meyer, president, New York City Market, TD Bank. City Tech graduate Michael Lomonaco ’84, celebrity chef and managing partner, Porter House New York at Time Warner Center, again will serve as Master of Ceremonies. Established in 1982, the Best of New York Award Dinner is h o s t e d by t h e C i t y Te c h Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation chartered in 1981 to raise funds for the College. Proceeds from the annual dinner help fund foundation-sponsored scholarships and other student fi n a n c i a l a s s i s t a n c e a n d professional development programs. For tickets and additional infor mation, please call 718.260.5025. New York City College of Technology (City Tech) of The City University of New York (CUNY) is the largest public college of technology in New York State. Located at 300 Jay Street in Downtown Brooklyn, the College enrolls more than 16,000 students in 62 baccalaureate, associate and specialized certificate programs.

U.S. Paying Needlessly High Costs for Crime States are spending $52 billion a year on corrections, with one U.S. adult in 31 either incarcerated, on probation, or on parole, according to the Pew Foundation. The U.S. incarceration rate is by far the highest in the world. Spending on corrections is now the second fastestgrowing item in state budgets after Medicaid. It has quadrupled in the past two decades, many say because of a “get tough on crime” approach. A steady stream of recidivists – returning offenders – is one major drain. As shrinking state budgets demand legislatures to do more with less, scrutiny of the judicial system is increasing. “It’s high time we start attacking this costly problem at its root, rather than issuing petty punitive sentences for small-time, non-violent crimes,” says advocate Adam Young, founder of His organization partners with charities to help people fulfill community service

sentences by taking classes instead of picking up litter. “Here is the question: Do we want to punish small-time crimes, or should we offer rehabilitation for people who are caught in this costly cycle?” In the mid-1970s there was more emphasis on rehabilitation, he says. Less than a decade before that, California introduced the concept of community service to the United States. It has since been widely accepted throughout the nation as a space-saving, cost-cutting solution. It’s time to make community service sentencing more effective, Young says. “If states really want to save money, they should address recidivism through programs that include education,” he says. “It is better for all of us, for both economic and public safety reasons, to help educate people so they can get and maintain jobs.” 'It’s time to make community service sentencing more effective," Young says.


President$ Obama’s$Gay$ Marriage$ Stance Continued$from$Page$1

By Justin Williams

marriage.) Obama’s) popularity) among) young) voters) has) waned) during) his) presidency,) which) was) to) be) expected.) Young) Americans) want) fast,) liberal) change) for) the) most) part,) yet) they) are) easily) frustrated) by) the) reality) of) Washington’s)characteristic)congressional) and)senatorial) gridlock.) Bills,) social) reforms)and)agendas)take)time,)and)while)Obama’s)bailouts)for)the)car)industry) and)healthcare)plan)have)passed)successfully,)many)of)his)promises)are)still)in)a) holding)pattern)until)Obama)is)comfortably)reelected.) Once) reelected,) President)Obama)will)likely)pursue) more) liberal)policy.)) With)Obama)securely)in)his)second)term,)his)agenda)and)policies)will)certainly) decine) his) presidency)more) than) the) cirst) rocky)term.) However,)Obama) needs) the)youth)vote) now)as)much)as)he)needed)it)in)2008,)but)according) to)the)polls) his)support)for)same) sex)marriage)should)galvanize) young) people) to)his)cause.) Since) Obama) is) not) going) to) pursue) changing) laws) to) supporting) same) sex) marriage)since)he)sees)it)as)a)state)issue,)this)could)be)seen)as)a)blazing)political) maneuver.) Why) would) he) do) this?) That’s) a) good) question.) This) announcement) could) restore) the) shine) and) luster) he) had) with) America’s) youth,) or) it) could) infuriate) so)much)more)vitriol)from) the) right)that)the) republicans)could)churn) out)record) numbers) of) voters)to) oppose) the) cirst) president) to)ever)publically) support)same)sex)marriage,)which)has)been)one)of)the)most)polarizing)issues)of) the)past)two)decades.) Obama’s)announcement)could) give)a) stiff)and)unexciting) Romney) campaign) the) rural) areas)of) swing) states) such) as)Wisconsin,) Illinois,) Ohio) and)North) Carolina) and) Virginia) and) a) decinitive) issue) to) further)wedge) the) differences)between) the) two)candidates,)bolstering) Romney’s)identity)as)a) conservative.) Not) to) mention) Obama’s) new) opinion) only) aids) the) Romney) campaign)in)marketing)Obama)as)a)potential)leftist)who)is)waiting)reelection)to) force)America)into)a)much)more)radical)and)untraditional)modus)operandi.)) President) Obama) admittedly) is) treading) lightly) on) the) issue) and) if) he) truly) believes)what)he)is)saying)of)his)support,)then)the)voters,)especially)moderates,) could)support)him) for)showing) daring)and) conviction) which)are) two) essential) presidential) traits) that) are) notoriously) said) to) be) lacking) from) his) opponent) Mitt)Romney.

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012



Centers for Disease Control's New National Campaign Raises Eyebrows

The New York City Health Department today announced that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will air the Health Department’s “Man Eating Sugar” spot – originally created for YouTube as part of the “Pouring on the Pounds” campaign – as a televised ad as part of a national obesity prevention media initiative. The ad will air in New York City as well as media markets across the country, from Hawaii to Maine. The 30-second spot shows a young man guzzling whole packets of sugar while seated at a diner counter. Other diners look on with disgust, failing to realize that they’re consuming just as much from the sugary drinks they’re sipping. “Few of us would knowingly eat the 16 spoons full of sugar found in a typical 20-ounce sugary drink,” said Dr. Thomas Farley, New York City Health Commissioner. “This ad shows people are doing just that without recognizing it.Sugary drinks, with huge portion sizes and heavy advertising, are powering the obesity epidemic.” The Health Department’s campaign to reduce consumption of sugary drinks may be beginning to have an effect in New York City. Between 2007 and 2010, the percentage of New Yorkers who drink one or more sugary drinks a day fell from 36 percent to 30 percent, according to the Health Department’s annual telephone survey. Nearly half of the estimated 1.5 million New Yorkers who have seen the “Pouring on the Pounds” ad campaign said they consequently scaled back on soda consumption. Nonetheless, consumption of sugary drinks is still high enough that health officials are concerned. Sugary drinks have been linked in studies to weight gain or obesity, that can lead to diabetes and heart disease. To avoid these risks, drink water, seltzer, or low-fat milk, or look for drinks with fewer than 25 calories in every 8oz. serving. Coffee and tea are naturally low in calories, even when you add small amounts of milk and sugar. If you crave a sweet drink, choose a small size and make it an occasional treat – or choose a sugar-free variety.

Black Men’s Holistic Health Expo New York 2012 Conference Theme: Keys to Health and Longevity On Saturday June 30th, Taui Network will host its annual Black Men’s Holistic Health Expo New York, at 626 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. Saturday’s Men’s Health Expo will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 5:30 p.m. Black men experience significant and disproportionately higher mortality rates in the leading causes of death than other ethnic groups. The Black Men’s Holistic Health Expo New York 2012 workshops address the spiritual and health concerns of Black men. Conference Fee: $75.00 (includes vegan breakfast and lunch) Individual Workshop Fee: $15.00 PRESENTATION OF THE BLACK MEN’S HOLISTIC HEALTH EXPO C O M M U N I T Y AWA R D . N a n a Imhotep Gary Byrd the legendary

radio/TV personality host on WLIB/WBLS/ WBAI and founder of The Global Black Experience, will receive the 2012 BOOK SIGNING. Dr. Ra Un Nefer Amen 1, author of 20 Plus Books will be signing his recently released Bazi Success Strategies DRUMMING PERFORMANCE SPOKEN WORD MARTIAL ARTS DEMONSTRATION Medical Consultation Services by licensed physicians (Dr Lance Webb and Dr. Uaskhem) Electro Meridian Imaging (EMI) Free High Blood Pressure Screening. Delicious vegetarian food will be on sale on Tchefa Health Food Restaurant.

Clinton Makes Campaign Plea For Obama I've been in President Obama's shoes before -- less than six months to go before an election to let you finish what you started. It was tough enough back then, but this election is going to be tougher. We're facing a tidal wave of anonymous, unlimited spending. The other side has pledged to throw more than 1 billion dollars into tearing down our president. It's unprecedented. Fortunately, so is the grassroots organization you're building. Pitch in what you can today to strengthen the campaign -- and you'll be automatically entered to join me and President Obama in New York City, with the campaign covering transportation and accommodations. If our opponent succeeds, so much of what we've fought so hard for will be rolled back. Health care reform -- which many presidents, including me, tried to pass and couldn't -- will be gone. Same goes for the opportunity for millions more Americans to afford to go to college, and a growing economy that works for middle-class families. Our opponent is actually advertising a more extreme version of the policies that got us in trouble in the first place: policies that will leave us with more debt, weaker regulations on risky investments, and fewer jobs. All of that's at stake between now and November, but here's why I'm feeling good about our chances: I know people like you have the President's back. And I can't wait to meet you. I hope you'll give it a shot: Thanks, and good luck, Bill Clinton Plea for Obama

The 2012 BLACK GIRLS ROCK! QUEENS CAMP FOR LEADERSHIP & EXCELLENCE In the summer of 2011, Beverly Bond, theFounder and Executive Director of BLACK GIRLS ROCK! Inc., launched theinaugural BLACK GIRLS ROCK! QUEENS CAMP FOR LEADERSHIP & EXCELLENCE inresponse to the overwhelming demand to expand the BLACK GIRLS ROCK! mentoring programs across the country. As a result, 30 exceptionalgirls from various socioeconomic and geographical backgrounds receivedfull scholarships to engage in an enriching and life-changingexperience. They bonded and triumphed over new physical and personalchallenges, engaged in community service tasks, and cultivatedmemorable lasting friendships. This year the two-week intensiveleadership program will be held at a beautiful fully-equipped campfacility located in Rhinebeck, NY from July 21, 2012 to August 4, 2012.This overnight camp is designed for exemplary teenage girls of color who will come to BLACK GIRLS ROCK! from across the world. Through ahighly selective application process, BLACK GIRLS ROCK! will acceptfemale applicants who exhibit strong leadership qualities, high moralcharacter, and excellent academic standing. This year, we are proud toannounce that we will provide scholarships for 50 participants! Through a series of dynamic programs our camp will emphasize theimportance of team work, striving for excellence, community service,and critical thinking in order to promoteselfconfidence, social development and active leadership. Ourgoal is to foster the participants' intentional pursuit ofexcellence, integrity, self-discipline, and collective accountabilityso that they may be prepared to be sound leaders in academics, publicservice, and civic engagement. For more information and program applications please visit our website at Application MUST be postmarked by May 15, 2012.


New York Trend NYC

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012

COMMUNITY ERASE Racism's New Study Dispels Myths About Segregation on Long Island

ERASE Racism's new survey of black Long Islanders, Housing and Neighborhood Preferences of African Americans on Long Island, dispels many myths about why African Americans live in segregated communities. Despite the popular notion that blacks “self-segregate”, the study found that blacks prefer racially integrated communities. Given a choice, 99% of respondents would choose a racially mixed neighborhood, with a l a r g e m a j o r i t y, 6 9 % , choosing an even mix of 50% white and 50% black. Only 1% of respondents said they would like to live in a neighborhood that is all black. This is in contrast to the high level of segregation that most blacks experience on Long Island, regardless of their income. Housing discrimination has created barriers that prevent blacks from moving into majority white communities. ERASE Racism’s past housing reports have revealed various forms of structural racism that perpetuate segregation and reinforce resource disparities between white communities and black communities on Long Island. One-third of survey respondents reported having experienced housing discrimination first-hand or within their immediate family.


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ERASE Racism’s President, Elaine Gross points out, “Housing discrimination promotes and preserves residential segregation, which correlates directly with school segregation and disparities in resources between majority white schools and majority black and Latino schools.” The study found that 80% of black Long Islanders identified high quality public schools as one of the most important neighborhood characteristics, but only 16% rated their local public school as excellent. Significant evidence backs the perception that blacks on Long Island have limited access to high quality public schools. According to the U.S. Dept. of Education, in 2008-2009 only 9% of black students on Long Island had access to a high-performing public school, compared to 14% of Hispanic and 30% of white students. “Proactive, aggressive enforcement of fair housing laws by the Nassau and Suffolk human rights commissions is one way to ensure that African Americans have equal access to housing in all communities on Long Island. Also critically important is the creation and placement of new affordable housing in majority white communities and affirmatively marketing this housing to communities of color,” says Ms. Gross.

Legislator Abrahams Sponsors Health Fair at Roosevelt Middle School Nassau County Legislator Kevan Abrahams (D-Freeport) helped sponsor a very successful health fair at Roosevelt Middle School on Wednesday, April 4, 2012. In addition, the Nassau lawmaker signed up the middle school for the “Let’s Move” campaign, a program developed by First Lady Michelle Obama to solve the epidemic of childhood obesity within a generation. Teachers escorted their classes throughout the day to take a 40-minute tour of booths put on display by faculty members, vendors, nutritionists, athletes and advocates of well-being. This event is held annually at the school and educates both students and staff about the importance of physical activity and making healthier food choices. The health fair was made possible by the middle school in collaboration with NuHealth, Hofstra University and Legis. Abraham’s office.

Cecil Taylor: A Celebration of the Maestro, May 8-22 Legendary pianist and poet Cecil Taylor is one of the greatest improvisers in the history of modern jazz. Since the first performances of his quartet at the Five Spot Café in 1956, he has unflinchingly and tirelessly worked to define a sound that is still light years ahead of its time. His playing has been called fi e r c e , c o n s t r u c t i v i s t , percussive, and atonal. We call it a thing of beauty, an expression of pure genius.

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012

Shown here with Legis. Abrahams are (from L-R) Deidra Parrish-Williams (Executive Director, NuHealth Foundation), Robert Suarez (Bethpage Federal Credit Union), Robert-Wayne Harris (Superintendent, RUFSD), Shauna DelPrete (R.D. Nutritionist, ShopRite) and Dr. Marc Jacobson (NuHealth).

Shown here with Legis. Abrahams are Shauna DelPrete and Christine Quinn of ShopRite.

H a rl e m S t a g e a n d t h e ISSUE Project Room, in association with Columbia University and the Anthology Film Archives, are proud to present this unique celebration of the great m a e s t ro, C e c i l Ta y l o r, featuring a range of perfor mances, readings, conversations and screenings as well as two extremely rare p e r f o r m a n c e s by C e c i l Taylor himself.

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© 2012 Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Ad: UniWorld Group, Inc. Photos: Anthony Barboza

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May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012 3/27/12 10:02 AM

TRENDING DESTINATIONS Quebec City: A Little Bit of Paris in Nearby Canada By Jim Weaver

No place in Canada (or North America) is more like Europe than Quebec City, Quebec. While French is the official language, nearly everyone is bilingual and American English is widely spoken. Both languages are taught in the schools. But its more than just language, its the culture -- the architecture, the gardens and fountains, the public art, the hospitality, the charm, and the food (especially the food). Like Paris, there are small cafes and bistros that offer tasty croissants and other fine pastries. Virtually every one has tables on the sidewalks where you can sit and enjoy your espresso while you observe the passing scene. Very Parisian. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to dine at one of the city’s leading French bistro restaurants l’Echaude <>;. Our opening course was a wild mushroom soup followed by entrees of calves liver and duck confit. The food and service were both suburb. It was raining when we left, but fortunately our hotel the Auberge St. Pierre <>; was only steps away. A fine establishment in the European tradition with a great location, we enjoyed our stay. The business center of the Old City is a very walkable area and has numerous art galleries, antique shops, fashion boutiques, book stores, jewelers, chocolatiers, and other welcoming shops. Near the center is a impressive bronze statue of Samuel de Champlain (1567-1635), "The Father of New France", a French navigator, cartographer, soldier, and explorer. He founded New France and Quebec City on July 3, 1608 (12 years before the Plymouth Colony and a year after the first Jamestown Settlement). Nearby, there’s a colorful three story high mural on the exterior wall of a building that depicts the history of Quebec from its founding to modern times. The city is built on two levels. The Old City, the place most visited by tourists, is below a high cliff and closest to the river. There are seven stairways to the Upper City and an annual contest where runners race 10

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up and down all seven. Fortunately, there is also a tramway connecting the two sections of the city and several streets. The British tried to oust the French from Quebec in 1690 but failed. When the envoys delivered the terms of surrender, the Governor General famously rebuffed the British declaring "I have no reply to make to your general other than from the mouth of my cannons and muskets." However, the British return in 1759, and following a three month sedge, defeated the French in 15 minutes in surprise attack at the famous Battle of the Plains of Abraham. It lead to the creation of Canada. You can visit the battlefield, now a beautiful park. In 1775, American colonial troops (under the command of Benedict Arnold) tried to drive the British out, but they too were defeated. Quebec City is the Provincial Capital, the seat of government for Quebec. The impressive Parliament Building was completed in 1886. Its Second Empire architectural style was popular for prestigious buildings at the time both in Europe and America. It resembles Philadelphia City Hall somewhat, another Second Empire building. In front of the building is a beautiful fountain, reminiscent of Paris, donated to the city by a local department store owner a decade ago. Across the front of the building are a number of bronze statures of prominent Quebec leaders from the past. Throughout the city there are many fine examples of public art (think Paris). The Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac is a luxury hotel in the Upper City that dominates the skyline. It was one of a series of "chateau" style hotels built for the Canadian Pacific Railway to encourage luxury tourism and attract wealthy travelers to its trains. The hotel is near the Dufferin Terrace, a walkway along the edge of the cliff, offering extraordinary views of the Saint Lawrence River. A major attraction, just east of the city, are the Monmorency Falls. The falls are 275 feet high (98 feet higher than Niagara Falls) and 150 feet wide. They are located at the mouth of the Montmorency River where it

drops over a cliff and enters the Saint Lawrence River opposite Orleans Island. The falls were named for Henri Montmorency, who served as viceroy (governor) of New France from 1620 until 1625. There are staircases that allow visitors to view the falls from several different vantage points. A suspension bridge over the crest of falls provides access to both sides as well as a spectacular view. There is also an aerial tram that carries passengers between the base and the top of the falls. Each summer an international fireworks competition is held here with the falls as a backdrop. In the winter, mist from the falls freezes creating spectacular piles of ice that a few adventurous people scale for sport. Orleans Island, located between two channels of the Saint Lawrence River east of the city was the site of the first settlements. The island retained its traditional rural way of life until 1935, when construction was completed on the two lane bridge connecting it to

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012

the mainland. In spite of this, the island has maintained its pastoral image and historic character, with more than 600 buildings classified or recognized as heritage properties. In 1970, the entire island was designated a National Historic District. Today the island is a mix of year-round and vacation homes and farms. It is a popular destination for day trippers and bicyclists. Orleans Island, known as the "Garden of Quebec", is still an essentially rural place famous locally for its produce, especially strawberries, apples, potatoes and wine. Sugar maple outlets offer maple syrup and other sweet products. We visited the Bilodeau Apple Orchard and enjoy its delicious sparking “ice cider” made from apples frozen before they are picked. The island attracts more than 600,000 visitors each year to its numerous bed-and-breakfast inns, regional cuisine restaurants, roadside fruit stands, art galleries and craft shops.


There’s Lots To Do in Southern Delaware, Rain or Shine by Jim Weaver

A gun barrel from the U.S.S. Missouri (the battleship where the peace treaty was signed ending the war with Japan) has been acquired recently. The Missouri was the last American battleship ever to be built and went into service in early 1945 just months before the treaty signing. The gun barrel is 66 feet long and has a 16 inch bore. It will be placed on a (yet to be built) outdoor mount for public display at Fort Miles.

Best known for its great beaches, Southern Delaware has a great history as well. So when its not a “beach day” there is a wealth of great things to explore here. Located where Delaware Bay meets the Atlantic, it has a long and illustrious maritime history. Captain John Smith of the Jamestown Colony in Virginia explored and mapped the rivers Southern Delaware in 1608-09. Surveyors Mason and Dixon established the southern boundary of Delaware in 1764, the line that separated North from South during the Civil War. At the small stone marker you can stand with one foot in Maryland and the other in Delaware. You can also visit a marker in Lewes, where the Dutch first landed in Delaware in 1629. The first state in the United States (by virtue of being the first to sign the U.S. Constitution in 1783) Delaware might never have been a separate state. Pennsylvania and Maryland both wanted the land, but in the end because it had been first settled by the Dutch it was granted separate statehood.

Overfalls Lightship is open to public in Lewes.

In Bethany Beach, you can tour the Indian River Lifesaving Station built in 1876. When ships ran a ground on coastal sand bars during storms and were sinking, the exceptionally brave men of the Lifesaving Service came to their aid. Its a fascinating story that is little known. Nearby in Fenwick Island you’ll find the Discover Sea Shipwreck Museum. This free museum is

located on the upper floor of a souvenir shop, but don’t be fooled. Its an excellent museum filled with millions of dollars worth of treasure and artifacts reclaimed from dozens of sunken ships off the Atlantic coast and in the Caribbean. Many of the ancient sunken ships were Spanish vessels loaded with treasure from the “new world” headed back to Europe.

The Bellmoor Inn & Spa offers upscale lodging in Rehoboth Beach, with a variety of luxury hotel features and special amenities. Its elegant, beachside accommodations are the ideal lodging option for family vacations or romantic weekend getaways. Its centrally located near the best attractions, beaches, museums, entertainment, shopping, and dining. The Bellmoor the ideal hotel choice in Rehoboth Beach. TOrder your free Visitor's Guide at <> and begin enjoying Southern Delaware


Chattanooga Honors A Musical Icon At The Bessie Smith Cultural Center by Jim Weaver In the early years of the 20th century, Chattanooga, Tennessee, was a industrial giant and major railroad center. There was plenty of wealth here and some poverty too, particularly in the segregated black neighborhood along 9th Street where Bessie Smith was born and spent her childhood. Despite the extreme poverty of her early years (or maybe because of it) Smith would go on to become one of the iconic blues singers of all time. In 1982 a group of community leaders founded the city’s African American Cultural Center. Located in an area once dubbed as the city’s black enterprise zone, (the famed 9th Street District) now known as Martin Luther King Boulevard, the museum’s original goal was to present the many contributions African Americans made to the development of Chattanooga. Four years later, a newly renovated building became the home of the


New York Trend NYC

Chattanooga African American Museum and the Bessie Smith Performance Hall. The facility, established to pay homage to the late “Empress of the Blues”, Bessie Smith, has become well known in the Chattanooga community as an educational center and outstanding venue for performances and other events. In 2009, the institution was renamed the Bessie Smith Cultural Center. It’s affectionally called “The Bessie.”

Signed by Columbia Records in 1923, Bessie Smith’s first recording “Down Hearted Blues” was a big success. Her rich, powerful, and clear voice, made her a successful recording artist and she toured extensively for the rest of her life. Smith had a great rapport with her audiences. As a blues artist, Bessie Smith deliver her songs with great emotion. She knew firsthand about struggle and heartbreak.

Born in Chattanooga in 1894, Bessie Smith was a popular singer during the 1920s and 30s. Raised in poverty, she ran away as a teenager to join a traveling show as a dancer. In 1912, Smith began performing in the same show as blues vocalist Ma Rainey “Mother of the Blues”. Rainey became Smith’s close friend and mentor. Smith continued to perform at theaters around the country on the black vaudeville circuit, but her career took off once she started recording.

During her recording career, Bessie Smith worked with many important jazz performers, such as saxophonist Sidney Bechet and pianists Fletcher Henderson and James P. Johnson. With Johnson, she recorded one of her most famous songs, “Back Water Blues.” Smith also collaborated with the legendary jazz artist Louis Armstrong on several tunes, including “Cold in Hand Blues” and “I Ain’t Gonna Play No Second Fiddle.” Tragically, Bessie Smith was killed in an automobile accident in 1937. Since her

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012

Bessie Smith death, her music has continued to win new fans and collections of her songs have sold well over the years. Smith influnced many later singers like Billie Holiday, Dinah Washington, Sarah Vaughan, Aretha Franklin and Janis Joplin. Joplin purchased a headstone for Smith’s grave in 1972. You can enjoy Bessie Smith performing many of her songs on YouTube.

“Mom, I miss you so much…” Type 2 diabetes steals the lives we cherish most. Nearly a quarter million a year. But it can be prevented. Nearly 80 million Americans have prediabetes. But because prediabetes doesn’t always have symptoms, nine out of ten people who have it don’t even know it. Know your risk before it’s too late. Especially if you’re over 45 or overweight. More importantly, do something about it. Eat better, stay active and lose weight.

You have a lot to live for. Stop Diabetes®. For yourself, and the people you love.

Learn how you can help Stop Diabetes. Visit or call 1-800-DIABETES (342-2383).


New York Trend NYC

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012


Groundbreaking Book Cites Inventions By People Of Color Japan, Nigeria, South Africa and South Korea.

Black Inventors, Crafting Over 200 Years of Success, clearly highlights the work of Black inventors from over seventy countries. The author, Keith C. Holmes, has spent more than twenty years researching information on inventions by Black people from Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Botswana, Canada, Cuba, France, G e r m a n y, G h a n a , D o m i n i c a n Republic, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, St. Vincent, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom and the United States just to name a few. Without innovations, inventions, plans, financial resources, labor saving devices, materials and muscle, no civilization can exist and flourish. The book documents a number of the inventions, patents and labor saving devices conceived by black inventors. Africans, before the period of their enslavement, developed: agricultural tools, building materials, medicinal herbs, cloth and weapons, among many other inventions. Though millions of black people were brought to Canada, the Caribbean, Central and South America and the United States in chains and under the yoke of slavery, it is relatively unknown that thousands of Africans and their descendants developed numerous labor- saving devices and inventions that spawned companies

Black inventors, from the very beginning of their involvement in the invention and patenting process, have had an important and earthshattering impact on the world. This book highlights the work of early black inventors from almost all fifty states in the United States. It gives details about the first Black inventor who obtained a patent in both the Caribbean and the United States. In the United States, to date, seventeen African American men have been inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Two of these inventors, Jan E, Matzeliger, (Suriname) and Elijah McCoy, (Colchester, Canada) were born outside the United States.

which generated money and jobs, worldwide. The focus of this book is to introduce readers to the fact that inventions created by black people, both past and present, were developed and patented

on a global scale. This also means that there are inventors in every culture, although in the past the focus has been primarily on American and European inventors. Today, the new giants in the patenting process are Brazil, China, India,

,This is one of the first books that address the diversity of black inventors and their inventions from a global perspective. The material available in this book is an introduction to the world of black inventors. Effectively, it gives the r e a d e r, r e s e a r c h e r, l i b r a r i a n , student, and teacher the materials they needed to understand that the Black inventor is not only a national phenomenon, but also a global giant.


NYABJ Hosts Scholarship and Awards Banquet Continued from front cover from$ some$ of$ the$ most$ prominent$ and$ influential$ Black$Americans$of$the$ 20th$century$including$Adam$ Clayton$ Powell,$ Jr.,$ Stokley$ Carmichael$ (Kwame$ Toure),$ Dr.$Martin$ Luther$ King,$ $ Fannie$ Lou$ Hamer,$ Muhammad$Ali,$Lena$Horne$and$Bill$Cosby. $$ "Gil$ Noble$was$a$giant$in$ broadcasting$who$ reminded$ generations$ of$ newscasters$ who$ followed$ in$his$footsteps$that$we$have$a$responsibility$to$ tell$it$ 'like$it$is.'$We$are$proud$to$honor$him$and$his$family,"$ said$ NYABJ$ Vice]President$ of$ Broadcast$ and$ Awards$ Committee$Chairperson,$Cheryl$Wills.

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Cheryl Wills, NY1, Terrie Williams, Terrie Williams Agency and NBC-TV Anchor Pat Battles at the 24th Annual NABJ Dinner. photo -Alonzo Boldin

June May 10, 7, 2012 2011- -May June 27, 16, 2012 2011

ARTS & THEATER NYPL'&'Souleo'Enterprises 'Present'Innova#ve'Summer'Adult' Programming The$ New$ York$ Public$ Library$ (NYPL)$ and$ Souleo$ Enterprises$ L L C ,$ a n$ e v e n t / m e d i a$ producBon$ company,$ have$ formed$ a$ partnership$ to$ provide$ adult$ library$ patrons$ with$ an$ exciBng$ lineFup$ of$ arBsBc/cultural,$ LGBT$ and$ financial$ literacy$ summer$ programming,$ beginning$ June$ 2 0 1 2 .$ H i g h l i g h B n g$ t h e$ evolving$ role$ of$ libraries$ as$ educaBonal$ culture$ hubs,$ programming$ includes$ improv$ performances$ by$ the$Na#onal' Comedy' Theater;$ makeFup$ makeovers$ by$ NYC’s$ top$ drag$ q u e e n s$ s u c h$ a s$ H e d d a' Le3uce;$ a$ panel$ on$ LGBT$ hipF hop;$ celebrity$ impersonators$

discussing$ diva$ worship;$ music$ industry$ veterans$ Meli’sa' M o r g a n ,$ F u l l' F o r c e$ a n d$ Christopher' “Play”' Mar#n$ discussing$overcoming$financial$ struggles;$ a$ master$ class$ in$ career$ reinvenBon$ by$ George' C .' F r a s e r ;$ i n t e r a c B v e$ workshops$ featuring$the$ iconic$ d r a g$ e n t e r t a i n e r$ J o h n' Epperson' (Lypsinka’s' Maid);$ a$ fashion$ reinvenBon$ design$ workshop$ with$ Beau' McCall;$ and$much$more.$ “This$ season$of$ adult$programs$ aim$ to$ present$ a$ diverse,$ entertaining$and$enriching$lineF u p$ o f$ p r o g r a m m i n g$ t h a t$ represents$ a$ range$ of$ cultures$

Coalition of Theatres of Color Holds Town Hall Meeting The Coalition of Theatres of Color (CTC), an historical assemblage of 12 of the oldest ethnically specific, multicultural theatrical and cultural institutions in New York, invites the public to a Town Hall Meeting to discuss “Can NYC's Theatres of Color Survive in the New Economy?” on June 4 at 6PM at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, 515 Malcolm X Boulevard (135th St. & Lenox Avenue) in Harlem. The Town Hall Meeting will focus on suggested remedies elected officials, public and private grantors and arts patrons can do to ensure that New York’s Theatres of Color 14

New York Trend NYC

receive equitable funding. CTC was founded in 2004 at the urging of Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee to address inequitable funding for theatrical institutions of color. CTC members continue to advocate, through these town hall meetings, for parity in funding and resource allocation between its members. Historically, the productions and presentations by CTC members reflects the best of the artistry and culture of New York City’s people of color; yet, according to various reports, CTC members receive less than one-tenth of one percent of the total funds earmarked for arts and culture from city, state and private funding.

and$ experiences$ as$ reflected$ in$ our$collecBons,”$said$New$York$ P u b l i c$ L i b r a r y$ A d u l t$ Programming$ Specialist$ Kelly$ Yim.$“These$ programs$ allow$ us$ t o$ d e m o n s t r a t e$ t o$ t h e$ community$ how$ libraries$ are$ transforming$ into$ educaBonal$ culture$hubs.” $$ $$ The$ ambiBous$ series$ of$ 28$ events$ includes$ “A$ Moment$ o f … L O U D , ”$ p o p F u p$ performances$ and$ workshops$ in$ the$ normally$ quiet$ library,$ ranging$from$a$lipFsyncing$class$ to$ a$ gong$ concert.$ LGBT$ programming$ will$ consist$ of$ a$ series$ of$ fun$ workshops$ and$

provocaBve$ panels$ celebraBng$ the$ spirit$ of$ the$ community$ and$ analyzing$ some$ of$ its$ current$ challenges.$ Financial$ literacy$presentaBons$will$work$ to$ empower$ individuals$ and$ communiBes$ with$ key$ tools$ and$ resources,$ while$ life$ stories$ from$ celebriBes$ of$ triumphing$ over$ financial$ obstacles$ will$ aim$ to$ inspire.$ Events$ will$ take$ place$ in$ Manha`an,$ the$ Bronx$ and$ Staten$ Island$ from$ June$ 2$ through$August$25.

The CTC institutions have a tradition of addressing the needs of the community and preserving and promoting its cultural heritage. The CTC believes that multicultural institutions are an indispensible tool for creativity and survival. Some of America’s most high profile actors from Denzel Wa s h i n g t o n , S a m u e l L . Jackson, Morgan Freeman, Laurence Fishburne, Phylicia Rashad and Lucy Liu to Alimi Ballard (“Numb3rs,” “Fast Five”), Daniel Dae Kim (“Lost,”“Hawaii Five-O”) and Donald Faison (“Scrubs,” “Clueless”) got their acting careers started on the stages of CTC’s historically multicultural New York City theatres. While there has been a growth in Broadway shows featuring Black stories, the talented actors, writers, producers, technicians, designers, directors, dancers

and choreographers are still sharpening their craft at historically Black and multicultural theatres. Collectively CTC members brings over 350 years of artistic achievement with critically acclaimed and award-winning presentations. New York City members are AUDELCO, (Manhattan) Black Spectrum Theatre (Queens), Billie Holiday Theatre (Brooklyn), H.A.D.L.E.Y Players (Manhattan), Mind-Builders Creative Arts Center (Bronx), National Black Theatre (Manhattan), Negro Ensemble Company (Manhattan), New Federal Theatre (Manhattan), New Heritage Theatre Group (Manhattan), Pan Asian Repertory Theatre (Manhattan), Paul Robeson Theater (Brooklyn), and The Afrikan Poetry Theatre (Queens).

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012

For$details$ on$ the$events,$visit:$ w w w . n y p l . o r g$ o r$

EVENTS Jessica Reedy and More to Perform at SummerStage Presented by AT&T

Jessica Reedy

City Parks Foundation proudly announces the 2012 season of SummerStage presented by AT&T, New York's largest free performing arts festival, bringing over 110 free performances to eighteen parks throughout the five boroughs. With performances ranging from American pop, Latin and world music to dance, comedy and theater, SummerStage fills a vital niche in New York City's summer arts festival landscape. Cutting edge artists from over 15 countries will perform at SummerStage, presenting the best of what is happening globally in the arts world as well as in the heart of the city. Since its inception twenty-seven years ago, more than six million people from New York City and around the world have enjoyed SummerStage. The festival runs from June 6th until August 30th. "AT&T* is proud to be the first city-wide sponsor of SummerStage, a quintessential New York City event," said Tom DeVito, AT&T's vice president and general manager for New York and New Jersey. "We plan to be on-site at performances in Central Park and every borough to provide New Yorkers with a more interactive experience than ever before including the opportunity to check out the latest technologies on the market and access to charging stations for concert-goers."

The Paramount Huntington, Long Island Event Listing Thu., June 14 @ 8 pm Flogging Molly Ticket Prices: $32.50, $47.50 & $65 TICKETS ON SALE - May 4th @ 10am! Fri., June 22 @ 7 pm Volbeat with Hellyeah & Iced Earth Ticket Prices: $35 & $45 TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Sun., June 24 @ 8 pm The Wailers Ticket Prices: $22 & $45 TICKETS ON SALE - May 2nd @ 10am! Thu., July 26 @ 8 pm Aaron Lewis Ticket Prices: $30.50, $40.50, $50.50 & $60.50 TICKETS ON SALE - May 4th @ 10am! Sat., Aug. 18 @ 8 pm Jamey Johnson Ticket Prices: $36.50, $46.50 & $75

TICKETS ON SALE - May 4th @ 10am! 16

New York Trend NYC

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012


Arthur Ashe Sports Ball

New York 1 anchor Cheryl Wills and Mrs. Mandeville, Wife of Dr. Edgar Mandeville

Former Mayor David Dinkins with Patrick McEnroe

NTAC's$5th$Annual$Gala Coming! $$Wednesday,$June$27,$2012 The$Neighborhood$Technical$Assistance$Clinic$which serves$ the$needs$of$philanthropic$individuals$and$organizaBons$in$ their$efforts$to$develop$support$and$maintain$effecBve$ communityFbased$and$faithFbased$programs will hold its 5th Annual Gala on Wednesday, June 27th. NTAC$serves$nonFprofits$wishing$to$improve$programs$and$ organizaBonal$capacity$for$addressing$the$needs$of$lowF income$and$serviceFstarved$neighborhoods.$NTAC$provides$ consultaBon,$strategic$direcBon$and$management,$technical$ assistance$and$forums$for$increasing$substanBve$outcomes$in$ all$these$areas$of$human$and$financial$investment. Past honorees of the event include Dr. Marco Mason, Hal and Debi Jackson and Jennifer Jones Austin. 17

New York Trend NYC

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012


‘The Avengers’ Smash Their Way To The Number One Movie In U.S. History “The Avengers” rocked the box office over the weekend, shattering all domestic opening weekends with an estimated $200 million kickoff. That take is significantly higher than the previous recordholder, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2," which collected $169.2 million when it opened last year.

bought Marvel for $4 billion back in August 2009. As for the other movies in theaters over the weekend, "Think Like a Man" (which was #1 for the previous two weekends) was #2 with $8 million. Based on comedian Steve Harvey's self-help book, "Think Like a Man" was produced for just $12 million and has made $73 million domestically already.

Marvel's landmark comic book flick — which unites Captain America (Chris Evans), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) against an otherworldly threat — became the fastest movie ever to reach $100 million, $150 million and $200 million at the box office. "The Avengers" also enjoyed the highest per-theater average ever for a nationwide release with $46,057 per theater. Each Avenger has existed within the same Marvel movie universe since Samuel L. Jackson's first post-credits appearance as Nick Fury in 2008's "Iron Man." With the start of its own studio, Marvel was able to circumvent the multiple licensing issues that prevented their heroes from crossing over in films like "Spider-Man" (made by Sony) and "Fantastic Four" (Fox). "The Avengers" made more in three days than the entire runs of "Captain America: The First Avenger" ($176.6 million), "Thor" ($181 million) and "The Incredible Hulk" ($134.8 million). By this weekend, it should surpass "Iron Man" ($318.4 million) and "Iron Man 2" ($312.4 million) as well. "Marvel's The Avengers" (the official title, presumably to avoid confusion with a spy flick based on a British TV series) is the best reviewed of the recent crop, boasting a 93 percent positive critic's average on Rotten Tomatoes at press time. 17 New York Trend NYC

"The Hunger Games," which is now #4 on the all-time weekend openings list, was #3 with $5.7 million giving it a seven-week domestic total of $380.7 million. Zac Efron's "The Lucky One" was just behind with $5.5 million for a three-week total of $47.9 million. "The Pirates! Band of Misfits" rounded out the top five with $5.4 million. The latest from Oscar-winning British animation house Aardman Animations has made $185 million domestically thus far. In a bit of counter-programming, Fox Searchlight's smart dramatic comedy "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" opened in 27 theaters, taking in $750,000. Thanks to "Avengers," this past weekend brought in the overall fifth-highest box office of all time. The flick's 82.7 percent of the weekend's $242 million put it right behind "Spider-Man 3" for biggest weekend market share, according to Box Office Mojo. According to reports, 40 percent of audiences saw it in 3-D, and IMAX theaters simply didn't have enough seats to accommodate demand. "Avengers" has made $441.5 million abroad, where it opened a week before. That makes the movie's overall two-week gross more than $641 million, easily placing it at #1 as the biggest movie of 2012 thus far.

No stranger to balancing an ensemble and mixing comic relief with supernaturally driven dramatic tension, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" mastermind Joss Whedon (who co-wrote and directed) isn't officially signed on for "The Avengers 2," but there are, of course, already several "Avengers"-related movies in production. Marvel already has "Iron Man 3" as well as sequels to "Thor" and "Captain America" on the docket, plus filmmaker Edgar Wright's long-discussed "AntMan."

Who will be brave enough to challenge Earth's Mightiest Heroes this weekend? Tim Burton's campy adaptation of classic British vampire soap opera "Dark Shadows," with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter (naturally) in the leads, will make its debut, as will smaller pictures like "God Bless America" (written and directed by comedian Bobcat Goldthwait) and Eva Mendes' "Girl in Progress."

The biggest challengers for "The Avengers" will be other heroes: "The Amazing SpiderMan" (July 3) and "The Dark Knight Rises" (July 20). "The "Avengers" was the first Dark Knight" holds the #3 Marvel movie to be marketed b i g g e s t o p e n i n g - w e e k e n d and released by Disney, who record, while "Spider-Man 3" ranks at #5.

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012


Gloria Gaynor Appearing at Lehman Center By Deardra Shuler

! Treat Yourself to the ‘Red Door Spa’ CAESARS ATLANTIC CITY

Gloria Gaynor

Lehman Center for the Performing Arts will be experiencing the ultimate dance party on Saturday, April 21st at 8:00p.m., when singer Gloria Gaynor performs at the venue before a full orchestra. She will also be sharing the stage with the Hitman and Colonel Abrams.

albums Experience Gloria Gaynor, and I've Got You (Under My Skin) followed.

I recorded “I Will Survive,” while wearing a back brace. While performing at the Beacon Theatre I fell backwards over a monitor while doing a skit with my background Part of the disco dance era, Gloria was singers. I jumped up, finished the born in Newark, NJ, and only 19 when show, went out to breakfast, went she was signed to Columbia Records home and went to bed and when I by Clive Davis. She recorded the woke up, I was paralyzed from the I ended up getting single “Honey Bee” for Columbia waist down. Records in 1975. Later she recorded surgery on my back. That was scary. her hit song, “I Will Survive” in 1978. The surgery was in March and I came Gloria has proven she has the stuff to out of the hospital in July. I then survive in an industry that can be recorded “I Will Survive” in October, pretty tough sometimes. Little did she but I was wearing a back brace when I realize when she initially recorded “I did” said the enduring singer. “When I Will Survive,” she would garner a first read the lyrics to “I Will Grammy, the song would become the Survive,” I saw it as timeless lyrics. greatest disco anthem of all time and The song is now over 35 years old. It be inducted in the Grammy Hall of contains the type of lyrics that Fame. “I Will Survive” has sold over everyone can relate to. The song was 14 million copies and has been about unrequited love. However, I translated into over 20 languages. saw it as something related to survival. Then she recorded the first disco I thought I would never survive my record to be played on AM radio, her mother’s death, being in a back brace hit “Never Can Say Good-bye” for and getting surgery on my spine. Yet, I MGM. The album went gold. Hit survived,” said Gloria.

18 New York Trend NYC

This$Mother’s$Day$Caesars!Entertainment$is$ focusing$on$Mom,$and$you$should$too.$Each$Atlangc$ City$property$will$have$its$own$outstanding$ celebragon$of$mom$with$luxurious$spa$treatments$ and$just$for$the$holiday$and$brunches$worthy$of$the$ women$who$put$up$with$us. $ Harrah’s! Resort$ is$ offering$ three$ unique$ spa$ packages$ at$ the$ renowned$ Red! Door! Spa! by! Elizabeth! Arden.$ Choose$ between$ Beaugful$ Mom,$ with$ a$ facial$ or$ massage,$ manicure,$ pedicure,$ and$ makeup$ refresher;$ A$ Day$ She$ Deserves,$ with$ a$ facial,$ massage,$ manicure,$ pedicure,$ collagen$ eye$ add]on,$and$makeup$refresher;$or$the$ over]the]top$ Ulgmate$ Gragtude,$ with$ an$ ulgmate$ facial,$ massage,$ manicure,$ pedicure,$ shampoo,$ blow$ dry,$ spa$lunch,$and$makeup$refresher. $ Not$ to$ be$ outdone,$ the$ restaurants$ at$ Harrah’s$ Resort$ are$ also$ offering$ Mother’s$ Day$ treats.$ Sammy! D’s$ is$ serving$ up$ special$ strawberries$ and$ cream$ Belgian$ waffles.$ A$ special$ Mothers’$ Day$ Three$ Course$ Tasgng$ Menu$ is$ offered$ at$ The! Steakhouse! with$ choices$ like$ a$ spring$ green$ and$ goat$ cheese$ salad,$ Jersey$ flounder$ with$ a$ chardonnay$bumer$sauce$and$strawberry$shortcake.

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012


Project Canvas Showcases Celebrity Creativity Project Canvas held a shoe auction gala featuring P r o j e c t C A N VA S s h o e s customized by renowned celebrities, artists and lifestyle brands at the Opera Gallery in downtown New York last night. Designs by Mariah! Carey! w/Crystal! Icing,! CeeLo! w/ Mikael! Colombu,! jeffstaple,! Mr.! Brainwash,! Audemars! Piguet,! Mariah!and!Nick!show!off!another!arQsQc!side! Kris! Markovich,! Lee! Quinones,! in!proudly!displaying!their!creaQons. Swizz! Beatz,! Pepsi,! Stevie! Williams/DGK,! Ellen! DeGeneres,! SpongeBob,! Kevin! Leong! as$ well$ as$ select$ student$ designers$ from$ New! Design! High! School$ were$ unveiled$ at$ the$ gala.$ In$ addigon$ to$ the$ argsts,$ event$ amendees$ also$ included$ designer/director! VashQ! Koala,$ rapper$ BIG! KRIT,$ B E T! C h a i r m a n$ D e b r a! L e e ,$ Nickelodeon! President$ Cyma! Zarghami,$ producer$ Brian! Cox$ and$others. Some$ of$the$shoes$arts$on$display$ were$ only$available$for$bidding$by$ the$event$amendees,$including$the$ Audemars! Pieguet$ for$ Project! Canvas! shoe$ paired$ with$ their$ luxury$ Diver! watch$ model$ which$ sold$ for$ $21,000$ to$ its $ highest$ bidder$ Nick! Cannon.$ The$ Mariah! Carey! w/Crystal! Icing$ design$ was$ one$ of$ the$ highest$ stand$ alone$ shoes$ to$ be$ bid$ on,$ selling$ for$ $2,000. Shoes$by$ designers$such$as$Swizz! Beatz,$ Ceelo! w/Mikael! Columbu,$ Ellen! DeGeneres! and$ others$ will$ be$ available$ to$the$ general$public$ for$ a$ week$ long$ aucgon$ online.$ 100%$ of$ the$ proceeds$raised$ will$ be$ donated$ to$ Urban! Arts! P a r t n e r s h i p .$ U r b a n$ A r t s$ Partnership$ is$ a$ non]profit$ organizagon$ that$ serves$difficult] to]reach$ youth$ amending$ Title$ I$ schools$ in$ the$ New$ York$ City$ Department$ of$ Educagon$ public$ school$ system$ through$ art$ p r o g r a m s .$ S e e$$ for$ more$ info$ on$ the$ mission$ of$ the$ brand$and$to$find$out$more$about$ the$aucgon.$Horner


Designer!Kevin!Leong!shows!off!his!“Pepsi!Canvas”. Photos$by$KENTHEPHOTOGRAPHER

19 New York Trend NYC

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012

May 7, 2012 - May 27, 2012

The sports and corporate worlds came together for a good cause re ce n t l y a s t h e C h r i s Ca n t y Fo u n d a t i o n h os te d i t ’s f i rs t annual “Champion’s Golf Classic” at the majestic Manhattan Woods Golf Club, in West Nyack, NY. In spite of intermittent showers twenty-two groups of golfers completed their round. Among the celebrities who supported the e v e n t w e re h e a d c o a c h To m Coughlin, Rodney Hampton, Howard Cross, John Starks, Cliff Robinson, Simeon Rice, Perry Fewell, as well as current Giants, Ramses Barden, Terrell Thomas, Michael Boley, Chas Blackburn, Hakeem Nicks and of course Chris Canty. Joe Canty Jr. Along with his brother Chris, have always given b a c k t o t h e c o m m u n i t y. In November of 2010 they formed the Chris Canty Foundation. One of Chris’s mantras is “to whom much is given, much is required”. When there is a foundation event Chris comes early and stays until the end. Joe Canty Jr. Is the engine that drives the foundation. His passion for helping youth is evident from the tireless hours he spends in making CCF a relevant p l a ye r i n t h e b u s i n e s s o f providing inner city youth a positive influence in the shaping of their lives.

The Chris Canty Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the total development of youth in our communities. Our goal is to utilize the platform of sports to affect positive change in the lives of children through mentoring, e d u c a t i o n a l p ro g r a m s , a n d physical activities thus promoting health and well being. We seek to inspire our youth to be in service to our communities and our communities to be in service to our youth by providing support to these initiatives.

The Chris Canty Foundation Golf Event at Manhattan Woods Story by Ken Harris Photos by KENTHEPHOTOGRAPHER

(above) Joe Canty Sr., Manhattanwood’s golf pro Jack Smith Jr., Chris and Joe Canty Jr. (right) Chris Canty and head coach Tom Coughlin

(above left) CEO and cofounder of the Chris Canty Foundation Joe Canty Jr. with Adidas rep Reva Freshman. (above right) NBA baller Cliff Robinson and Joe Canty Jr. (right) Joe Rubeck, Terrell Thomas and Hakeem Nicks

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