E F F L U E N T M A N AG E M E N T S O L U T I O N S 2 0 2 0
MANY FARMERS WILL NEED TO INSTALL A NEW effluent system or upgrade the existing one to achieve compliance. A few key considerations include: • Simplicity – it is important that the equipment is easy to operate, saving on time, labour and frustration. • Capital cost - effluent systems are not a low-cost infrastructure. You only want to install it once and do it right, and pay for what you need. • Environmental compliance and footprint - your system needs to comply with your local council requirements. • Reliability – it is important to have equipment that does the job well and does not break when you need it most. • Maintenance cost – with so many things to be maintained on a farm, you do not want high maintenance bills for your effluent system every year. • Suitability – a system that will work well in the future. Whether it is pumps, stirrers, hydrants, filters, reticulation lines or irrigation systems, Numedic products provide options suitable for a wide range of applications and budgets. These products are designed based on farmer feedback and the way the equipment is used on farms to address the most common issues they have with effluent equipment.
KLIPTANK PRODUCED THE ANSWER TO EFFLUENT storage for dairy farmer Hugh Chisholm, who runs a highly productive 1200 cow farm near Putaruru, Waikato. After years of upgrading his feed pads, covered housing and silage bunkers, the farm had massive concreted catchment areas which put his original effluent system under pressure during heavy rain events. Kliptank constructed a new 4,000,000L effluent storage facility on the highest hill 1.2km away, 40m above the milking parlour. The Kliptank is 45m in diameter and 3m high. Effluent is transferred to the tank through a 180mm pipe. To do this Hugh dug the trench himself and hired a helicopter for the day to shift all the lengths of pipe while a contractor fusion welded it all together. With his new tank Hugh has been able to extend his irrigation system to the entire back end of the farm and can now spread effluent over almost all of his 360ha. The Kliptank was installed on a dished sand foundation with a Centre Base Drain to provide a low point to suck the solids out of. He also installed Kliptank’s patented Klipjet and Crust Buster stirring system – a hydraulic stirring system powered by his 130hp diesel pump which not only blasts the sludge up off the bottom it gets all the solids into suspension before irrigating. At the same time, it also provides much needed aeration to assist the aerobic microbes in breaking down the solids.
Looking to upgrade or install a new effluent system? Do it once and do it right with an effluent system designer from an accredited company Companies have been assessed for their competency and skills in: regulation and legislation soils and climate considerations effluent block allocation estimating pond storage volume integrated management systems hydraulic design of irrigation systems.
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NZ Dairy Exporter | Effluent Management Solutions | November 2020