NZIPP Accreditation
Shar Devine, Ann Worthy-Stephenson, Craig Turner-Bullock Accredited Professional Photographers NZIPP Accreditation Team Words from Shar Devine Even with all the disruption that 2020 has thrown our way we have been really encouraged by the number of members taking the important step as business owners and photographers in applying for Accreditation. We consider every application as a success whether is it a pass or not. The reason being it takes courage to put your work to a panel of your peers and it may seem daunting at first but what you soon realise that education that comes from the feedback from your Advisor and the Accreditation panel will be invaluable. The credibility that comes with being an Accredited photographer has the potential to open doors for you and your business that before you might not have dreamed possible. So dream big people, keep challenging yourselves, work hard at your craft and see the potential in every opportunity that comes your way. This year the NZIPP Board have introduced new ways of adding value to your membership to assist you in raising our profile in the business community. We hope you are taking advantage of new accredited member benefits. Have you got your new Accredited member merchandise yet? How is your profile looking on the new Accredited Member website? Have you got your Accredited Photographer logo on your marketing, social media and website? On a personal note, as I have stepped down from Accreditation team, it has been amazing seeing the growth and the success of members I have seen come through Accreditation. I would like to say a big thanks to Ann Worthy-Stephenson and Craig Turner Bullock for being awesome and welcome Jo Frances Moore, who will also be awesome. To all our Advisors and Panelists, thank you too for your time, expertise and knowledge I am incredibly grateful for your support. So the Team will look forward to seeing your applications for March 2021 and if you are wanting to enter the Iris Awards next year for Honours Distinctions remember you need to be Accredited before the Call for Entries are released. Have a safe and very Merry Christmas. Shar.
PRO Report / Magazine of the NZIPP