The Peace Foundation Annual Report 2013-2014

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Changemakers for Peace, Peacemakers for Change

The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 1

The Peace Foundation PO Box 8055, Symonds Street, Auckland 1150 Level 2, 128 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton Auckland 1023 Aotearoa/New Zealand Phone +64 9 373 2379 Fax + 64 9 379 2668 Email: Follow us on Facebook Front Cover Image Credits - listed from left to right, starting at the top: Walter Lafleur (View Hill School) - Trent Alabaster (Rangiwaea School) - Deanna Li (Rutherford College) - Romina White-Macleod (Manukorihi Intermediate) - Juanita Eru-Kaitiana (Tairangi School) - Laie Vatuvei (Tairangi School) - Carmen Kong (Rutherford College) - Nika Yew (Rutherford College) - Tahana Hough (Manukorihi Intermediate) - Stephen Njoto (Mt Roskill Grammar) - Teniku Vailahi (Tairangi School) - Taam Pasiale (Manukorihi Intermediate).

2 The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014

CONTENTS Message from the President.........................................................................................................................................2 Message from Patron Pauline Tangiora ...............................................................................................................4 Message from Patron Richard Northey ...............................................................................................................4 Message from the Director............................................................................................................................................5 Disarmament and International Affairs ................................................................................................................7 International Representative Report ..................................................................................................................... 8 Cool Schools and LtPM Programmes ...................................................................................................................14 Kia Tau te Rangimarie Programme ........................................................................................................................17 Family Programme .......................................................................................................................................................... 18 Youth Peace and Disarmament Education ..................................................................................................... 20 Internship Programme ...................................................................................................................................................21 ProPeace Work ...................................................................................................................................................................22 Treasurer’s Report ...........................................................................................................................................................23 Audit Report ........................................................................................................................................................................32 Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................................................33 Council, Staff and Interns Directory ................................................................................................................... 34 Vision, Mission, Values and Objectives .............................................................................................................35

The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 1


I am delighted with the activities

nations such as Syria, Iraq, Egypt

of all our team members. I am sure

and Turkey support this movement

you will endorse my affirmation by

attempting to set up a fundamentalist

reading their reports. We stand in the

Moslem Empire, they will not oppose

shadow of their commitments and

it because it frees them from their own


disruptive rebels.

In this report, I propose to focus

The tragic consequences of the

on a profound concern challenging

travesties being committed insults

us perticularly at this time. Recently,

the concept of ‘civilisation’. The

I was discussing the sad state of our

indiscriminate killing of so many,

world with the Rt. Hon. Jim Bolger

including children, and the dastardly

Our purpose is to

who is a member of a group of former

destruction and randomised

discern and prescribe

political leaders committed to making

ruination of homes and even

a stand for peace. He threw out a

hospitals blight all with the power

provocative line that we are failing

to prevent the commencement and

commit, that might

in our quest. I mumbled my usual

continuation of these events of such

make a difference.

reply about not being optimistic

dastardly desolation. The increasing

but refusing to be pessimistic and

technological sophistication of

continuing to have hope.

weaponry enabling missiles and

actions, to which we

But it seems the grounds for hope

bullets to be fired from remote

are being diminished by conflict after

distances depersonalises the death

tragic conflict. It is difficult to recall at

and devastation inflicted. The

this time all the current situations of

perpetrators take comfort from being

disaster and despair.

safely removed from the deadly

Last month, my son returned to

destruction they inflict. The missile

Kabul that is still in turmoil. But the

that destroyed the Malaysian airliner

trauma of this unfortunate country

flies faster than sound and hits targets

fades, for the moment, in comparison

at more than 30,000 feet. It is not the

with the horrendous tragedies in

latest entry in the catalogue deadly

all-too-many places such as Gaza


and Israel, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia,

Robots, with minuturised

Ukraine and both Sudans. Incredibly,

weaponry that can be carried in a

Al Queda and the Taliban seem, for

suitcase, dangerous chemical and

the moment, almost benign alongside

bio-technological poisons and the

the brutalities of the ISIS movement.

increasing possession of nuclear

Although none of the leaders in

armaments mean our future is

2 The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014

challenged to an unbelievable

could happen more often, - as the

must be educational. We must


technology becomes more and more

take responsibility for publicising

sophisticated and beyond capability

destructive activities that harm

of even better trained operatives.

the futures of so many. We should

Accidents caused by inferior

also report on the devilish power

Promises of hope seem to be diminishing even more with the development of drones. This year, the US Government has designated

mechanical parts or human error

of those within the so-called

$4.1 billion to increase the military’s

are a worry. Close to where I was

military-industrial complex who

expansive and expensive arsenal

living in the USA, an American B54

make their fortunes from the

of drones. At present the various

bomber dropped a nuclear weapon

infliction of disaster on so many

versions are named Predators,

by accident near Goldsborough,

innocent people.

Reapers, and the Global Hawk, a

North Carolina. It was 1800 times

sophisticated $131 million machine

the capability of the disastrous

is insufficient for us to employ an

that can remain airborne for 35

Hiroshima bomb. 5 of the 6 safety

activist who can organise meaningful

hours. Drone manufacturing is

locks failed to hold. It made the

and appropriate responses. We

developing quickly and we can now

newspaper with a brief comment.

welcome any financial support to

purchase a basic “personal drone” for

Some would say we should not

Our Peace Foundation funding

actualise this responsibility.

$700. This, while thousands die daily

focus on such disasters because

from poverty.

it numbs us into inactivity. But, I

next year, an international

With modern and increasingly

believe we must not leave it in any

gathering. Our purpose is to discern

dangerous hi-tech warfare, it seems

closet. We must know what we are

and prescribe actions, to which

we are riding together, in a lunatic

up against. But, then, we should

we commit, that might make a

race, into a tragic future and perhaps

not leave it without some tangible

difference. We are planning this

to oblivion.

response. It hurts all of us who turn

occasion at the time chosen to


remember those who died in the

We are at the mercy of unreliable

We are attempting to organise,

states, an employee who might

A British scientist said to me: “I

suffers a mental meltdown, and

am doing research no-one should

World War. Volunteers to assist in

poorly trained and destructively

be allowed to do.” “Then why are

the team planning of this event

ignorant operatives. This was

you doing it?” I replied. “Because if

focusing on peace action will be

demonstrated by the inexperienced

someone where to develop it and we

most welcome.

and poorly prepared rebels who

were ignorant we could be in serious

were in control of, and fired the

trouble,” he said apologetically.

sophisticated missile that travelled

We know we do not know what we

about several thousand kilometres

should know. And we know there is

per hour or three times the speed

so much beyond our influence. But,

of sound to destroy the Malaysian

we must be diligent in learning to

plane at 33,000 feet between 10 and

know as much as we can.

30 seconds. Mishandling technology

meaningless and unnecessary First

Once again, many thanks for you important support and encouragement. John Hinchcliff, CNZM President

One role of our Foundation

The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 3


To all who have been a part of The Peace Foundation and those who have passed on to a greater life we offer to their families our aroha for their mamae.

Tena koe, The first twelve months has been busy. A Skype lecture to a group in the USA on an Indigenous way of how to bring about harmony in the community was very well received. I also attended a meeting in London on 'Emerging Women in an Emerging World' on how to find peace from a different perspective. In December it was an honour to host the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. In Turanganui we had previous members of the Foundation attended over the four days. They shared their stories of peaceful ways in which they have had to take to maintain their land and culture. I gave

some resources that were in my home for them to take back with them. The past few months have been a challenge to be part of the tribal negotiation with the government. Maybe they need to learn what we have to teach on the foundations networks. To all who have been a part of The Peace foundation and those who have passed on to a greater life we offer to their families our aroha for their mamae. Haere Atu ra Haere atu ra sleep the eternal peace. Wishing The Peace Foundation all the best for the coming year. In peace Pauline Tangiora, JP, QSO, QSM


The 2013 census shows Auckland is one of the world’s most ethnically diverse cities.

The mission of the Peace Foundation remains as important as ever. In Auckland the 2013 census shows we are one of the world’s most ethnically diverse cities. Constant promotion of Auckland as a City of Peace using the Toolkit that we have helped to compile and carry out has been vital in ensuring that Auckland is peaceful, tolerant, livable and rejoicing in its diversity. Our School Programmes work help develop children and communities who seek peaceful and respectful mediation of disputes and conflicts in a constructive way. We are ensuring issues of peace and disarmament remain important

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in the election campaign by sending a questionnaire on these issues to candidates. We are organising a workshop next year to help ensure that the World War 1 centenary is used to ensure Lest We Forget means building lasting peace and justice world wide. I am grateful to The Peace Foundation chair John Hinchcliff, Council, staff, interns and volunteers for their dedicated, passionate, creative and skilled work in many spheres to give practical expression to the ideals and mission of The Peace Foundation. Richard Northey


My special appreciation goes to our collaborators, partners

Remarkable turn of events In May 2013, we co-organised the Pink Shirt Day (Anti-Bullying Day) with Mental Health Foundation and other organisations working with youth. The Peace Foundation has been part of the Steering Committee for four years now to help create awareness on how to prevent or stop bullying by celebrating people's differences and promoting positive relationships. The Foundation held a Pink Shirt Day Breakfast with Barbara McCulloch speaking on workplace bullying.

and networks for the support to our kaupapa and for the positive collective impact; and to our funders and donors for the financial assistance to our programmes, and confidence in the work that we do. With all your support, “Peace is Possible!”

The year 2013-2014 marks another productive, eventful and rewarding year for The Peace Foundation. I would like to thank our Council, staff, interns, volunteers and members for their enduring passion and commitment in promoting peaceful relationships in families, schools, communities and globally. My special appreciation goes to our collaborators, partners and networks for the support to our kaupapa and for the positive collective impact; and to our funders and donors for the financial assistance to our programmes, and confidence in the work that we do. With all your support, "Peace is Possible!"

In June, we had the privilege of having a private audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. As his support to peace, he signed the Auckland City for Peace Declaration with our Patron Richard Northey and gave an inspirational talk highlighting the importance of peace education and action especially among our young people. In August 2013, we had the

in the event, and REGISTER ONLINE culminated with a NOW! successful Secondary Schools’ Peace Symposium in Schools’ Auckland. Peace Week 5 9 August 2013 In November, we collaborated with the NZ-Japan Society in Auckland, the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Hall and AUT for the Peace Exhibit that featured paintings and photos of the damage caused by the atomic bombing in Japan during World War II. The highlight of the event was the talk given by the testimony of the survivor Reiko Hada. A mini peace exhibit was donated to the Foundation by the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Hall, Japan. Also in the same month, we participated in the White Ribbon Campaign in South Auckland with the message of ending men's violence toward women. The Foundation has also been an active part of the Steering Committee chaired by Safer Aotearoa Family Violence Prevention Network. Together with other government agencies and community organisations, we supported the organisation of community events including the White Ribbon Dinner. Still in November, we had the launch of the “Auckland City for Peace Toolkit: A practical guide for Local Boards and communities on being a city for peace” and the inaugural “Auckland City for Peace Youth Awards". Winners and finalists from two age categories: 13-18 years old, and 20-24 years old were recognised for their exemplary work on

Theme: Action4Peace: Making a Difference in Our Community th-


Disarmament Education UN Implementation Fund

13th Schools' Peace Week with the theme "Action4Peace: Making a difference in our community". With help from our interns, we were able to develop a Toolkit with practical, fun and learning peace activities in line with the theme for primary and secondary schools. Over 70 schools participated The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 5

peace service and leadership. A special award for “Service to the Community” was given to Fiona Anderson.

In December, we organised a presentation on "Humanitarian Imperative to Ban Nuclear Weapons" by Tim Wright and Tillman Ruff from the International Campaign for Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) in Australia. It was a good chance for us to develop our relationship with ICAN and an opportunity especially for our interns to learn more about the topic. The usual end-of-the-year celebration was our Christmas Party which was also our thanksgiving party to Yvonne Duncan, the then-Vice President and Jonnie Black, the then-Māori and Youth Programme Co-ordinator. Both of them have made outstanding contributions to the Foundation, and have been the pillars of our school programmes - the Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme and the Kia Tau te Rangimarie Programme. Yvonne also served as President in 2009-2010. She has retired from governance responsibilities, but will still be connected as active member. Jonnie is pursuing his teaching profession at Gladstone Primary School. We sincerely applaud the contributions of Yvonne and Jonnie and we wish them best for their future endeavours.

In March 2014, the Foundation staff engaged in a 'Survivor' team building event through Eden Event Management and TeamUp Events. It was a fun and

friendly experience getting to know each other and enduring the tests of sun and sea.

Celebrating excellence and success In August 2013, we received the NZ Diversity Award from the Human Rights Commission as a testament to our commitment to honour diversity in the workplace and to respond to the needs of diverse cultures in New Zealand through our programmes and services.

In October, I was awarded with the AUT Best Supervisor Award by AUT Social Sciences Department for successfully handling interns under their Co-operative Education placement. For the past four years, nine interns have spent their learning in the workplace with the Foundation. In February 2014, I also had

6 The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014

the opportunity of attending the International Leadership Conference on 'Toward a New Paradigm for Peace and Human Development" in Seoul, Korea to represent New Zealand as an 'Ambassador for Peace' awarded by the Universal Peace Federation. Looking forward The Foundation has gained stability over the year with multi-year funding for our core programmes. This has enabled us to strengthen our programmes with resource development, customise training for specific ages and cultures, workforce development and more innovation and collaboration. While we have been strong on peace education, our Council has mandated us to consider equally important peace development work. The Foundation is now considering a new structure to continue to be relevant to our vision, mission and values. For the next financial year, we will be transitioning to three departments, namely: Peace Education, General Management, and Peace Development. Each department will be supported by a 'Wakahirahira group' composed of Council members acting as advisors for each department. The Peace Development department aims to build the profile of the Foundation by lobbying to government, educating the public on peace issues through active media engagement, youth education on peace and disarmament, and leading community events such as Auckland City for Peace. This work is currently being subsumed under the general management function and volunteer work but needs a dedicated person to lead this initiative. We appeal to our friends, members, partners and supporters to help us leverage funds for this significant work. Tēnā rāwā atu koe.

DISARMAMENT & INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS DR RODERICK ALLEY This committee met regularly throughout the past year and thanks are recorded for the major contribution performed by its chair Richard Northey. Most of the work of the committee comprises three main functions: reporting; prior notification of activities, and, to the extent possible by conference call connection, joint planning of future programmes and events. During the year successful attempts were made to time calls so as to gain the added value of Alyn Ware's participation. Always vital, that participation has now added significance. As well as his responsibilities as Global Coordinator of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, Alyn has gained membership to the NGO working group on the UN Security Council. This activity is critical given the opportunity for this forum to gain direct access to UN Security Council members. In the bi-monthly meetings of the Disarmament and International

Affairs Committee, the agendas are quite long. This has the advantage of covering a good deal of useful ground, but the disadvantage of not spending more time in shaping agreed policy into the future. What has happened is that members take the initiative on particular issues and report accordingly. A good example is the excellent work done by Laurie Ross and colleagues on Auckland as a Peace City. Lyndon Burford has assisted with the Questionnaire sent to political parties on disarmament preparatory to the 2014 General Election. The signatory of this report has reported on activities regarding the Arms Trade Treaty and joined other committee colleagues in preparation and reporting of meetings convened around the international conferences on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear war. That includes the conference held in Nayarit, Mexico in February, and preparation for a third such meeting in Austria towards the end of this year. (A report on the Nayarit conference is appended).

Committee members have found helpful the information exchanges provided across a range of activities. They have included Mayors for Peace; Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament; youth representation in disarmament activities; membership and activities of PACDAC; reporting on significant visits, including that made in the past year by leading UN disarmament representative Angela Kane; ICAN activities; Nuclear Non-Proliferation issues and conferences; and liaison with NZ MFAT officials. The last named has been positive over the last twelve months, and the Committee acknowledges the professionalism of Disarmament Ambassador Dell Higgie. In discussing this report, the AGM needs to consider what more it believes the Foundation can achieve in the critical field of disarmament. Here a strong case exists to provide financial support to Alyn Ware as the Foundation's international representative on disarmament. ď Ž

The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 7

Peace Foundation International Representative Report September 2013 – August 2014 Alyn Ware

OSCE Forum anti-nuclear bike ride to the peace pole at the 3-countries corner, intersection of France, Germany and Switzerland Dear Peace Foundation It has been an honour and pleasure to serve as the Peace Foundation International Representative. Being based primarily in Europe since August 2012 has given me an opportunity to participate in a wide range of international projects and events of relevance to the Peace Foundation. I have been guided by regular contact with the Peace Foundation office, Council and Disarmament Committee. Hopefully my reports and participation in regular conference calls has assisted to keep the Peace Foundation informed and engaged in these international events and activities. I take this opportunity to report on a few of the activities in which I have been engaged. A full list of events is appended at the end.

1. Basel Peace Office

The Basel Peace Office has served as my main base in Europe. It was established by three Swiss and four international organisations at the invitation of the Basel Mayor Guy Morin, to bring together effective programs and key constituencies for the achievement of a nuclearweapon-free world. I was appointed as the Director. Despite low funding – insufficient for a full-time salary – we have managed to operate a full program of events and initiatives, engaging academics, legislators, youth/students, religious communities, diplomats, international organisations and general public. The proximity to Geneva enabled considerable engagement in UN initiatives and events. The proximity to European capitals enabled considerable engagement with governments and parliaments. See

8 The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014

Basel Peace Office logo. Seven strands are the seven cooperating organisations, which come together like the tributaries to the Rhine, which runs through Basel.

2. Nuclear Disarmament Resource Guide for Religious Communities

I was honoured to be invited by Religions for Peace to produce this guide which provides background information on nuclear weapons issues, reflections on the important role of religious communities to support nuclear abolition, relevant religious teachings, statements on nuclear disarmament from a variety of religions, special commemorative days for action, and contacts/resources to further assist educate and engage religious communities. The resource was released by Costa Rica President Laura Chinchilla and Religions for Peace at the UN on September 25 just before the High Level Meeting on Disarmament, and then launched fully at an international gathering of over 600 Religious leaders in Vienna in November. I also participated in the launch of the Japanese version in Tokyo in December. The Guide is currently being translated and published in Spanish, Arabic, French and German. Because of their large membership and principled positions, religious groups in particular have enormous potential to advance nuclear disarmament worldwide. Its new publication “Resource Guide on Nuclear Disarmament for Religious Leaders and Communities” is a welcome step forward on the road to a nuclear weapon–free world. Message by Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, for the UN launch of the Nuclear Disarmament Resource Guide for Religious Communities.


Parliamentary events and actions.

a. PNND Assembly, Washington. February 25-28. Parliamentarians, disarmament experts, government officials, representatives of international organizations (United Nations, ICRC…) and NGOs gathered in Washington DC for the PNND Assembly. The public event at the historic Kennedy Caucus Room of the US Senate was packed. Nuclear test victim Karipbek Kuyukov, honorary ambassador of the ATOM Project and renowned armless painter, spoke powerfully on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons, and displayed his art (the news report on this went to every US Congressional office).

2nd generation nuclear test victim Karipbek Kuyukov. His speech and art were a hit at the PNND event in the US Senate.

PNND Co-President Ed Markey used the occasion of the PNND Assembly to submit the SANE Act to senate, calling for a huge slash in nuclear weapons spending to fund instead social, economic and environmental needs.

Senator Markey at PNND event at the US Senate, announcing the SANE Act

PNND also released a joint parliamentary statement on the need to elevate nuclear disarmament to the same political level as was being done at the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in relation to preventing nuclear terrorism. New Zealand subsequently endorsed a statement of a group of countries at the NSS making the same point. See

The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 9

b. OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

PNND succeeded in moving the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe to adopt language in its Istanbul Declaration (adopted by consensus) supporting the UN Open Ended Working Group on Taking Forward Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament Negotiations (OEWG), and the Inter Parliamentary Union program on the Role of Parliaments in establishing a nuclear-weapon-free world. The significance of this is that PNND convinced the parliaments of France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the USA to support, even though their own governments had boycotted the UN OEWG.

c. Inter Parliamentary Union

Alyn Ware and Uta Zapf (Vice-President of the

After years of careful and intense advocacy, PNND succeeded in OSCE Parliamentary Assembly) celebrating the moving the member parliaments of the Inter Parliamentary Union adoption of nuclear disarmament text in the Istanbul Declaration. (IPU) to adopt by consensus a resolution calling on parliaments to work with governments to eliminate the role of nuclear weapons in security doctrines, commence negotiations on a nuclear weapons convention or package of agreements, and support the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.

PNND South Africa Coordinator Greg Schneeman MP and PNND Co-President Saber Chowdhury MP cochairing the IPU Standing Committee on Peace and International Security.

The significance of this is that the IPU has 164 member parliaments, including those of most of the nuclear armed States and the allies under extended nuclear deterrence doctrines. PNND followed up the adoption of the resolution with a roundtable (in Arabic, English, French and Spanish) on parliamentary actions to implement the resolution. See

4. Nuclear Zero court cases

On 24 April, the Republic of the Marshall Islands filed lawsuits in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the nine nuclear-armed states holding them accountable for flagrant violations of international law with respect to their nuclear disarmament obligations. Of the nine, only India, Pakistan and the UK accept compulsory jurisdiction of the ICJ. The others are thus likely to drop out of the case. I am an adviser to the legal team for the cases. In New York we briefed NGOs and governments on the claims and met privately with a number of governments including New Zealand to encourage them to join the case as additional applicants or later as interveners. I also spent a couple of weeks in London meeting with disarmament organisations and parliamentarians to discuss the case and its relevance to UK nuclear weapons policy, including on the issue of replacement of the Trident nuclear weapons system. See

5. Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

a. Abolition 2000 Assembly We held the Abolition 2000 Annual Assembly in New York on Sunday May 4 – during the NPT prep com. The assembly brought together nuclear abolition activists from around the world to update each other on campaign initiatives and actions, and plan for the future including for the 2015 NPT Review Conference. b. Abolition 2000 website and facebook I am one of the managers of the Abolition 2000 website and facebook pages. We regularly post articles, reports, announcements and event information on the site. Peace Foundation members are encouraged to visit the website, ‘like’ the facebook page and circulate key announcements to your social media. See and 10 The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014


On Thursday May 7, UNFOLD ZERO, a new platform for United Nations (UN) focused initiatives and actions for the achievement of a nuclear weapons free world, was launched at the United Nations in New York by the Basel Peace Office, PragueVision, Mayors for Peace 2020 Vision Campaign, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND) and Aotearoa Lawyers for Peace, in conjunction with the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs. I am one of the co-founders and team leaders for the project. UNFOLD ZERO aims to unfold the path to zero nuclear weapons through effective steps and measures facilitated by the UN General Assembly, UN Security Council, UN Secretary-General and other UN bodies. (See ). The first major action of UNFOLD ZERO was an action alert on the UN Open Ended Working Group encouraging governments to respond to the invitation of the UN to submit their views on how to take forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations, and what role could be played by the OEWG. The second action of UNFOLD ZERO has been to promote the inaugural International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons which will take place on Sep 26. UNFOLD ZERO has distributed an action alert with ideas on how to commemorate the day, and is organising a UN commemoration event in conjunction with the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs. The New Zealand Mission to the UN in Geneva has agreed to cosponsor the event.

7. Conference of States Parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

From April 28-May 9, 2014 the States Parties to the NPT met at the UN in New York to discuss implementation of the NPT. I helped draft the statement of the NGO Experts from New Agenda Coalition countries, which was presented to the main plenary. I chaired a session of the Model negotiations on a nuclear weapons convention (German university students). I also helped organise a number of events and spoke at others including Nuclear Weapon Free Zones in North East Asia and the Middle East, and on the role of parliamentarians.

UN-folding zero at the NPT Prep Com, United Nations

PNND, World Future Council and the IPU used the occasion to launch a global initiative of parliamentary events to follow-up the IPU resolution. The first such event was held in the Czech Senate featuring Angela Kane (UN High Rep for Disarmament) and myself as keynote speakers.

8. Basel OSCE Forum – cooperative security and a nuclear weapon free world

Leading thinkers and policy makers from 24 countries gathered in to Basel from July 3-5 to discuss current armed conflicts and other security threats, and to explore the capacity of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to resolve such conflicts, prevent war and eliminate the reliance on nuclear weapons both in Europe and globally. Organised by the Basel Peace Office, the forum included mayors, parliamentarians, academics, government officials and representatives of the OSCE, United Nations, Inter Parliamentary Union, International Federation of Red Cross Societies and non-governmental organisations involved in conflict resolution, disarmament and security.

Basel mayor Guy Morin opening the Basel OSCE Forum

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The forum, which was featured on Telebasel – the main TV station for the North Switzerland region - included discussion on a range of conflicts such as Ukraine, Syria and Israel/Palestine, as well as the geo-strategic politics currently preventing progress on nuclear abolition. The Forum was the first in a series of events during the term of Switzerland as Chair of the OSCE.

9. World Humanitarian Day – Making Peace exhibition

Basel Peace Office commemorated World Humanitarian Day by organizing a free outdoor youth concert with Play for Rights on the Im Fluss stage on the Rhine river on August 17. We distributed information about World Humanitarian Day to public attending the concert.

Alyn, Loten (Tibet Music Festival) and Ashley (exhibtion curator) at the opening of the Making Peace Exhibition

We also organized a reception on the guest stage overlooking the performance for Basel parliamentarians and key Swiss peace organisations including swisspeace, Women for Peace, Physicians for Social Responsibility and Basel Peace Office.

Concert on the Im Fluss stage on the Rhine river

We also supported the outdoor Making Peace Exhibition – which was opened the day after the concert on the same stretch of the Rhine river.

Schedule of activities and events: September 2013 – August 2014 

Sep 1-2. Youth Future Project/Right Livelihood Award conference, Bonn Keynote speaker and workshop facilitator

Sep 4-5. Prague Agenda Conference, Czech Republic, Speaker at the conference The Prague Agenda – Prospects and Challenges (implementing Obama’s vision for a nuclear-weapon-free world) organized by the Prague Institute of International Relations and the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Sep 16-19, Global Peace Alliance summit. Geneva Resource person for the workshop on building support for Ministries and Departments for Peace at the United Nations.

Sep 25. Launch of Religions for Peace Nuclear Disarmament Resource, UN New York. I was the principal author. Costa Rica President Laura Chinchilla launched the Resource. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon wrote the introduction

Sep 26. UN High Level Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament, United Nations, New York

Sep 26 – October 6. Lobbying on UN resolutions, New York

Oct 8. Inter Parliamentary Union Assembly, Geneva, Oct 8 Keynote speaker at the session on Toward a Nuclear Weapon Free World: The Contribution of Parliaments.

Oct 18-19. Nuclear Exits conference, Finland. Speaker on the Nuclear Exit Experience of New Zealand

Oct 21-25, Future Policy Award on Disarmament and the UN General Assembly, New York. Co-organiser of the event.

Nov 2-4. Global Citizens Assembly for a Nuclear Weapons Free World, Nagasaki Speaker and member of the drafting committee for the declaration.

12 The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014

Nov 6-8. Peace and Sport Assembly, Monaco Meetings with the Champions for Peace leaders to plan cooperation

Nov 20-22. Religions for Peace Assembly, Vienna Plenary speaker. Promoting the Resource Guide on Nuclear Disarmament

Nov 26-27. Foundation for Strategic Research, Paris Guest speaker for a dinner meeting and a breakfast meeting of French officials (mostly from the Ministry of Defence) plus academics and policy analysts.

December 2-3: Right Livelihood ceremony, Stockholm Building cooperative relationships with other Right Livelihood Laureates.

December 10: PNND Switzerland event, Bern. Organising a parliamentary roundtable

December 13/16: Japan PNND meeting and Launch of Japanese version of Religions for Peace Guide

January 24. Security in a Nuclear Weapon Free World book launch, Geneva Centre for Security Studies. Representing Rob Green who has a chapter in the book.

 

February 25-28, PNND Assembly, Washington. Organiser of this international conference of parliamentarians. March 18-21, Inter Parliamentary Union, Geneva. Adoption of resolution on parliamentary role to achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world.

April 1-4, Nuclear Disarmament and the Role of India conference, Delhi. Conference organized by Pugwash India and the Institute for Defence Analyses. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was the opening speaker. I was the closing speaker.

April 6, International Day for Sport, Peace and Development, Basel. Organised a Peace Run to the 3-countries corner Peace Pole – meeting place of France, Germany and Switzerland.

April 10-13. International Convention of Environmental Laureates, Freiburg. Liaising with other environmental laureates. Drafted a joint declaration on importance of funding environment action to prevent climate collapse.

April 14. International Day on Military Spending conference, International Peace Bureau, Geneva. I spoke on nuclear weapons spending and actions to curtail this.

April 20. Ostermarch rally and march at US nuclear weapons base, Büchel. Keynote speaker (and performer) on lessons from New Zealand for German anti-nuclear campaign.

April 24. Inter-faith conference on nuclear disarmament, Washington DC

April 28-May 9. Conference of States Parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT prep com) and related side events, New York

May 15, Prague Vision conference, Czech Senate, Prague. Speaker on parliamentary actions for a nuclear-weapon-free world, and possibilities for progress during the Obama administration.

June 10-13. Summit on Ending Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Participant in the summit.

June 14-20. London. Meetings with key disarmament groups on the Marshall Islands case in the International Court of Justice against the nuclear armed States - and other key developments.

June 26-27: Cross-party conference in the French Parliament, Paris. Speaker

July 4-5: OSCE Forum on Cooperative Security and Nuclear Disarmament, Basel. Organiser of this forum which attracted UN officials, OSCE officials, legislators, academics, government officials and disarmament experts from 24 countries.

Aug 1-3: International Fellowship of Reconciliation 100th Anniversary Conference, Konstanz. Speaker and co-leader (with Nobel Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire) of the non-violent direct action at the Commerz bank to protest their investments in nuclear weapons.

August 17: Youth Concert, Basel. Co-organiser of an outdoor concert (on a floating stage on the Rhine) and reception to commemorate World Humanitarian Day.

The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 13

COOL SCHOOLS & LtPM PROGRAMMES Christina Barruel, Schools Programmes Manager “Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek but a means by which we arrive at that goal.” Martin Luther King.

schools. His gentle response was, “The future for peace in our world is in the education of our young people”.

PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS Peer Mediators Meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama On 12 June 2013, peer mediators from Mt Roskill Grammar School, Ranui Primary School and Upper Harbour Primary School had the special privilege of a private audience with the Dalai Lama with other guests invited by The Peace Foundation. Two of the student mediators prepared a few words to say to His Holiness, who now knows all about peer mediation in New Zealand

Cool Schools Secondary: New Name and Logo Peer mediators and teacher coordinators requested a new name for the secondary programme which reflects the importance of the leadership role at this level. LtPM (Leadership through Peer Mediation) was a favourite choice and the name is proving to be attractive for new schools looking at implementation. LtPM Resource Development The Lottery Grants Board provided funding to update the following resources: 1. A student workbook. 2. A coordinators kit full of useful resources on a USB stick. 3. A secondary mediation process poster and 4. A brochure suitable for promotion purposes. These resources are provided free to schools who have received LtPM training. MediationWorks is proudly sponsored by

MediationWorks is proudly sponsored by

Peace Education Programmes Newsletter

Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme Newsletter


Peer Mediators meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Photo by Jacqui Walker

The Cool Schools (primary) and LtPM (secondary) programmes where successfully delivered to 88 schools during the report period. There were 1256 teachers and 1373 students trained in peaceful conflict resolution and peer mediation skills within schools throughout New Zealand. Non-contract training brought in a total of $29,600 revenue for The Peace Foundation. Partnership Schools (those that pay an annual subscription of $150) brought in a total amount of $17,215 during the last financial year.

On June 12, The Peace Foundation had the special privilege of a private audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama who signed the Auckland Peace City declaration. With His Holiness are peer mediators from Mt Roskill Grammar School, Upper Harbour Primary, Ranui Primary, children of One People, One Planet, Auckland Councillor Richard Northey and Vice President of The Peace Foundation Yvonne Duncan.

"The future of peace is in the education of our young people." Dalai Lama

In this issue ...

Recent Research Peace Week 2013 Wellbeing@School New Resources Available Strengthening Peace in Families Upcoming Primary Teacher Training Secondary Schools’ Peace Symposium Canterbury Peer Mediators Big Day Out Cool Schools - A Principal’s Perspective and more ...

Teona and India, Year 6 peer mediators from Birchwood School, Nelson, prepare for their lunchtime duty. Photo taken by Melanie Savill

In this issue ...


AKL Youth Awards REACT: Ready for 2014 New Resources Available “The Evolution of Bullying” Cool Schools – A Principal’s Perspective Update: Maori Conflict Resolution Programme “Peace Education – The Weapon to Change the World” Be prepared – Beginning the Year Tips for Programme Coordinators

Responding to Armed Conflicts

Photo credits: Peace Pals - One People One Planet 2012

MediationWorks Two editions of MediationWorks, the school programmes newsletter, were

14 The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014

published and distributed to schools nationwide via email during September 2013 and March 2014. All Partnership Schools received a hard copy. Programme Research and Evaluation The Peace Foundation has forged an enthusiastic and constructive partnership with Synergia over the last 12 months. Synergia is an Australasian research, consulting and evaluation group specialising in health, social services and the public sector. They have been invaluable in providing evaluation capacity, building support and mentoring for the following: a. Exploring changes in behaviour, skills and knowledge as a result of the programmes’ work in schools. b. Advice in developing case studies and providing peer review support. c. Supporting the self-evaluation capacity to critically review the programmes and communicate achievements and learnings to funders and other interested stakeholders. d. Developing an overarching evaluation framework for the school programmes. e. Refining and developing data collection tools to better capture outcomes of programme activity. There has been very positive feedback on the revised surveys developed by Synergia and The Peace Foundation. The approach we are developing will strengthen the outcomes reporting from the programmes. We are determined to set in place robust monitoring tools that can enable reflection on development and delivery, inform programme improvement and achieve genuine outcomes. Mohamad Walid Lotfy, a young researcher from Amsterdam, came

to The Peace Foundation during June 2013, liked the way our school programmes related to his research topic on “What constitutes a good New Zealand citizen” and volunteered many hours work in schools. He interviewed teachers and students to discover how our programmes contribute positively to students’ attitudes, skills and motivation to be responsible, peaceful, proactive citizens in their communities. His results were shared in a presentation to The Peace Foundation staff and in an article he wrote for the 2013 Spring Edition of MediationWorks.

com/members/greenradio/blog/ VIEW/00000001/00000260/NZs-Innovative-Cool-Schools--Student-Peer-Mediation---Facilitating-Conflict-Resolution. html#00000260 Peace Week 2013: Action4Peace: Making a Difference in Our Community National Schools’ Peace Week was another great success this year with over 70 primary and secondary schools registering their activities online. Six schools from around New Zealand received gold Participation Certificates for meeting the specific criteria for their Action4Peace Project. REGISTER ONLINE NOW!

Schools’ Peace Week

Theme: Action4Peace: Making a Difference in Our Community

5th-9th August 2013

Broadcast Media Attention Christina Barruel was asked by Noel Cheer from FaceTV to appear on his chat show on 8 July 2013 to talk about our education programmes. The interview gives useful information about the history, purpose and content of our programmes. You can view this on our new Peace Foundation website under ‘School Programmes’ or follow the link: Face Television on Sky Channel 083 watch?v=Zcb8cV0UUbg During August, Donna Hourigan -Johnston, Del McFarlane-Scott (two outstanding programme coordinators), and Christina Barruel were interviewed by Tim Lynch from GreenPlanetFM104.6. The interview title is: “NZ's Innovative 'Cool Schools' Peer Mediation Programme – Facilitating Conflict Resolution” and is a very good look at the keys to successful implementation at a primary and secondary school. You can listen to this interview by following the link: www.greenplanetfm.

Secondary Schools’ Peace Symposium 2013 Once again this event proved to be one of the annual highlights of the year. In the spirit of Action4Peace: Making a Difference in Our Community (the symposium theme), guest speakers and school presentations, ‘wowed’ the audience with projects for peace and how they had made a positive impact on their local communities. Highlights of this event can be viewed on www.

INTERNATIONAL Cool Schools at South Bay Junior Academy, Torrance, California, USA Since August 2013, Cool Schools is now in the USA! The Teacher Only Day

at South Bay Junior Academy, south of central Los Angeles was facilitated by Christina Barruel and attended by 20 teaching and support staff. The following day a workshop was run for 56 students interested in the role of ‘peer mediator’. Feedback from Diane Voigt, the head coordinator, indicates implementation is going well. Diane’s sister is the Principal of Balmoral Seventh Day Adventist School here in Auckland, a long standing Cool School. Cool Schools in Colombia During December 2013 a proposal for the implementation of Cool Schools in Colombia was prepared by Mohamed Walid Lotfy, Andres Del Rio and The Peace Foundation. This proposal and a prezie presentation was prepared in both English and Spanish. During her trip back home to Colombia in January, Lina Gonzalez (Council member) approached a number of institutions to introduce the proposal. Since returning she has continued her promotion of Cool Schools via Skype, phone calls and email. To date, we have interest but no further steps towards implementation of the programme in Colombian schools. A big ‘gracias’ Lina for all the time and effort you have put into supporting this proposal in your home country. The effort will be worthwhile in the end. Network Meetings During 2013 three Cool Schools network meetings were facilitated in the regions of North Auckland, West Auckland and the Waikato. All three meetings were well attended and were valuable opportunities for Cool Schools Coordinators to come together and share ideas of what is working in their schools and what is not. Programme innovations are celebrated and challenges problem solved at these gatherings.

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Thank you to Paige Wells who was employed part time from September 2013 to February 2014 as Cool Schools Programme Assistant. Her valuable support towards the school programmes during this time was very much appreciated.

Welcome to Gillian Tasker A big welcome to Gillian Tasker, who replaces Lynn Scott as the programme trainer for the Wellington, Manawatu, and Wanganui regions. Gillian has a wealth of experience as a teacher and principal writer of the New Zealand Health Education Curriculum. Lynn Scott, our previous trainer for these regions, has moved to the Whangarei district and is now our Northland trainer. Peace Education Programmes Administrator: New Role A new, part-time position was created by The Peace Foundation which would support administration for the education programmes. Annalie Sieberhagen was the successful applicant and began her role as Peace Education Programmes Administrator in March this year. Annalie is a qualified primary school teacher and has a wide range of skills and experience with administrative and secretarial roles. She is a mature, capable person who is very suitable for this new position.

Thank you A big thank you to the awesome team of colleagues, trainers, interns and volunteers who have given hours of work throughout the financial year to keep our school programmes resilient. Tracy Scott, Andrea O’Hagan, Gillian Tasker, Lynn Scott, Tania Te Whenua, Lisa Gibson and Caroline Ongleo. Finally, I would like to thank all our funders and partners: The Ministry of Health, Lottery Grants Board, JN Williams Memorial Trust and HB Williams Turanga, Rotary Clubs Newmarket and Papakura, Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS), Partnership Schools, Mental Health Foundation, Health Promoting Schools, LEADR, and TalkingWorks. Your wonderful support enables our school programmes to remain resilient within local communities.

Teachers and students trained from April 2013 to March 2014 USA

New Zealand 1148 712 661


108 20 ADULT








16 The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014

a selection of testimonials “The LtPM training is highly valued and important to Waitakere College. We find it strengthens the leadership capabilities of our senior students, flowing onto improved relationships with our junior students, making our school a better place. The students have really benefited from this resource.” Mark Shanahan (Principal) “The entire staff from Rotokauri School completed an in service day with Christina Barruel. In my 30 years of attending educational courses I have rarely come across one that is so useful. As we went through the sequence of lessons I could see our staff’s eyes light up as they could see the significance of getting our students involved in this amazing programme. I can see this will really empower students to make changes in their thinking and subsequent actions.” Mark Goodson (Principal) “The benefits of LtPM training are multi-layered for Mount Roskill Grammar School. It is a major anti-violence programme that teaches young people positive conflict resolution skills as well as providing opportunities for feeling a sense of belonging and connection to one another.” Donna Hourigan-Johnston (Guidance Counsellor and Programme Coordinator) “I have grown into a much more thoughtful person and can now relate and cope with everyday situations better. I believe I look out for other students more and can use my skills to help others. I can resolve my conflicts in a much more mature way. I have skills to use in the future to create better relationships with others in my life.” Student mediator from Mt Roskill Grammar School

KIA TAU TE RANGIMARIE PROGRAMME (KTR) Tania Te Whenua, KTR Co-ordinator and Trainer Kotahi ma te patu, kotahi ma te kupu. Kia mate ururoa. Heio, ko te kai o te rangatira he korero. It is a brave warrior who fights for the vitality of his people. It is a great leader who negotiates. Kia Tau te Rangimarie

The current financial year has been a year of great development for the Kia Tau Te Rangimarie programme (KTR). Former KTR co-ordinator and trainer Jonnie Black accepted a new position as a teacher at Gladstone Primary School and was succeeded to by myself, Tania Te Whenua (Tuhoe, Te Whakatohea) in January 2014. Jonnie worked diligently with The Peace Foundation to pilot the programme from 2012 to 2013, na reira kei te mihi atu ki a ia. Traditional Māori cultural beliefs acknowledge that the balance between war and peace can be a tentative one, and my hometown Opotiki is a testament to this principle. Within Opotiki, conflict and violence are the inescapable result of long-term socio-economic suffering with some instances of conflict even ending in violent death. At the other end of the spectrum, Opotiki schools do their very best by their students and are assisted by the sense of whanaungatanga that prevails in the close-knit community. Therefore, it was particularly moving for me to return to my former secondary school, Opotiki College as both a solicitor and educator, to deliver peaceful conflict resolution training to a class full of inspirational young Māori leaders. I was even further

elated to later see Opotiki College identified by the Education Review Office as one of New Zealand’s top ten highest performing low decile schools with a decile rating of just 1 and a demographic of almost 100 percent Māori. On the otherhand, I was also very moved to deliver peaceful conflict resolution training to a behavioural unit within a Lakes District secondary school, whose demographic was again 99.9 percent Māori and whose students’s experiences included witnessing domestic violence ending in death. As is often said, to make a difference to just one person in education can make it all worthwhile, and in our work not only can is it worthwhile, it can have a dramatically life changing effect. This year, KTR is undergoing resource development to ensure that the programme is as effective and useful as it can possibly be to the young Māori students it aims to assist. An evaluation by key stakeholders has been completed and the drafting and production stage of the material is underway. We at The Peace Foundation are motivated to produce an educational programme that helps to reduce incidents of violence and violent conflict amongst Māori communities. In addition, I have personally extended an invitation to The Peace Foundation staff and volunteers to attend my AwaWhenua professional development courses on the Treaty of Waitangi and Cultural Competency which many have taken up with very positive feedback. As a organisation we hope to increase the relevance of both our mainstream

Kia Tau te Rangimarie

and Māori specific programmes to Māori audiences. My personal hope is to inspire the next generation to seek enlightenment, education and the skills necessary to voice their feelings, views and grievances in order to settle dispute so that we may all aspire to the whakatauki as an essential life principle, “It is a brave individual who fights, and a great leader who communicates”. To find out more about Kia Tau Te Rangimarie, a free educational workshop for Māori in schools, please contact

This year, KTR is undergoing resource development to ensure that the programme is as effective and useful as it can possibly be to the young Māori students it aims to assist .... We at The Peace Foundation are motivated to produce an educational programme that helps to reduce incidents of violence and violent conflict amongst Māori communities.

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FAMILY PROGRAMME Virin Gomber, Family Programme Manager “Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

The Family Programme takes that thought further as it delves deep into the human psyche and offers easy-to-use and powerful communication skills to help build stronger relationships and establish peaceful families.

Our communication with ourselves and with others is responsible for the results we get with each and every single conversation, big or small. The Family Programme takes that thought further as it delves deep into the human psyche and offers easy-to-use and powerful communication skills to help build stronger relationships and establish peaceful families. Through this programme, we successfully delivered the ‘Peaceful Family Communication’ and ‘Peaceful Teen Communication’ workshops, in the last contract period, throughout Auckland. More than 108 new clients, from varying cultural and ethnic backgrounds, benefitted from these workshops as part of the mainstream

programme, while more than 128 participants- adults and teenagers from Māori and Pacific families in South Auckland- were delivered empowering communication skills as part of the TPH (Te Punanga Haumaru Fund) project that focused on preventing and addressing bullying in communities. We also successfully completed the Lottery Grants Board-funded ‘Refugee Programme’ with a couple of workshops delivered to 21 refugee leaders, in association with refugee organisations, such as RYAN, RASNZ and ARCC. Key Trends Here’s a snapshot of some of the key trends identified last year from the delivery of these workshops:

PFC - Participant ethnicity 2013-2014

 Pakeha  Indian  Pacific Islanders  Māori  Asian  African and other

257 adults and teenagers trained

18 The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014

Participants in our 2013-2014 workshops represented a range of ethnic groups, reflecting Auckland's diverse ethnic make-up, including New Zealanders of European origin (approx 40%); Indian (approx 5%); Pacific Island (approx 10%); Maori (approx 10%); Asian, African and other ethnicity (approx 35%).

• One of the most common feedbacks from participants at the completion of workshops is their desire to increase the duration of the workshop (currently 15 hours). • Majority of the workshops last year resulted in an expression of interest from the host organisations to have this training as an annual event for their community, which reinforced the benefits of this programme. • While it has been a regular trend for these workshops to have more women participants than men, in the past year this trend further strengthened with only 12% of the participants being males and the rest females. • Participants in our 2013-2014 workshops represented a range of ethnic groups, reflecting Auckland's diverse ethnic make-up, including New Zealanders of European origin (approx 40%); Indian (approx 5%); Pacific Island (approx 10%), Māori (approx 10%); Asian, African and other ethnicities (approx 35%). • Some new partnerships and association with organisations who are involved with families, children and youth were established in this reporting year as a way of promoting our programme as well as benefitting the networks of communities that these organisations serve. These included: Violence Free Waitakere, Relationships Aotearoa, St Heliers Community Centre, Te Atatu Village

Kindergarten, Family Works, Family Support, SWIS and Te Puke Otara Community Centre, to name a few. • Ongoing efforts continued to further strengthen our association with current partner organisations, including: Skills Update, KAAT Trust, SAFVPN, Waiheke Primary School and Pakuranga-Rahihi Playcentre, to name a few. Participant testimonials from workshops in 2013-2014: • "This is a very useful course, even for people who don’t have children. It can be used at work, with friends and family.” • “This course not only teach us how to solve the conflict in the family, it also teach us how to communicate with friends, stranger in the society, which will make our society a better, peaceful place to live.” • “It’s much more than a family communication course, it helps to improve relationships and communication with everybody in everyday life. I heard that it was life-changing and I have to say now that it’s true.” The ongoing marketing and promotion of the programme via our networks and other community networks, use of social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), email campaigns, broadcast media and networking resulted in widespread awareness around the benefits of our

workshops and an increasing demand for them. As a result of the growing awareness and demand, MSD has kindly renewed the funding for the programme for the next 3 years through to June 2017, which is a huge boost to the confidence of The Peace Foundation team working diligently on this programme. I would like to express my sincere thanks to our trainers Andrea O’Hagan, Mike O’Hagan and Yelena Kostyugova for their undying passion and commitment for the Family Programme and to affect a positive change in communities. We look forward to the further expansion of the Family programme next year, and transforming relationships in families to contribute towards more peaceful communities.

transforming relationships in families

The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 19

YOUTH PEACE AND DISARMAMENT EDUCATION Caroline Ongleo-Calub It was clear many pupils found it a deeply enjoyable and worthwhile experience; with some even saying they would gladly attend the team’s session again.

The Responding to Armed Conflict (REACT) workshop was offered to two schools to raise awareness about armed conflict focusing on nuclear abolition and disarmament. Eight of our young and vibrant interns from Germany, France, The Netherlands, and New Zealand researched on the topic, and delivered the workshops to Baradene College and to Sancta Maria College benefitting 328 students and adults. The presentation particularly gave updates on Middle East conflicts, and encouraged students to express their views during the open forum, and participate in workshops such as peace banner painting, human peace symbol and peace messages which was produced into a video clip and posted in You Tube. The students found the presentations and workshops very useful and enjoyable. In March 2014, Sancta Maria published about REACT in their school website and had the following comments on it: "During the team’s tremendously inspiring 60-minute presentation, our students were engaged on pressing international issues such as armed conflict, nuclear weaponry, the

20 The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014

impact of war on combatants and civilians, worldwide defence expenditure, and most prominently, the importance of global disarmament in today’s society. Students were also challenged through interactive activities such as banner designs and peace quotations to respond critically on building peace within their own communities. It was clear many pupils found it a deeply enjoyable and worthwhile experience; with some even saying they would gladly attend the team’s session again." Auckland secondary school students also did a video clip as their contribution to the campaign on 'Open the Door to a Nuclear Weapons Free World' which is a United Nations global action to support the UN Open Ended Working Group. The video clipped focused on 9 students representing the 9 nuclear states who are blocking the door. Eventually, students representing the nuclear free states were able to open the door and the nuclear states followed. The ending was a glorious unity among nations. The video clip is available at

INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME Caroline Ongleo-Calub The Peace Foundation offers quality and unique unpaid Internship Programme to students and professionals looking for New Zealand work-related experience to further enhance their skills and study or career related knowledge. What is truly unique here is that their interests and talents shape the project they undertake. The Foundation offers practical experience on effective communication, peaceful conflict resolution, mediation, and general peace and disarmament education from personal to global levels. For the past two years, the Foundation's Internship Programme has achieved big strides in attracting international interns from Europe. During 2013-2014, the Foundation had 13 domestic and international interns who individually and collectively accomplished not only their learning aims, but also their personal aims of experiencing life in a different environment, and intercultural communication among others. Interns take on leadership roles, and opportunities to work in a team to enhance their marketing and communication, training and facilitation, research, and general management and administration skills through our different projects and events, namely: Auckland International Cultural Festival, Schools' Peace Week, White Ribbon Campaign, Auckland City

for Peace Awards, and Responding to Armed Conflict workshops. Both our domestic and international interns join our Youth Peace Ambassador's Network. The network aims to create further awareness on peace issues and to take peaceful actions by working together. Most of them are still very much in touch with the Foundation helping promote peaceful relationships at all levels in their own countries.

"My internship at The Peace Foundation was a great and valuable experience, where I learned a lot both at a personal and professional level. First I discovered different aspects of an NGO and the way it works in general. There I enjoyed working in a good atmosphere with a real team spirit, which helped me to feel like a member of the team, doing a useful job. Then, my internship taught me how to organise some events and to communicate on it, but I especially learned a lot on peace issues, conflict resolution and mediation skills. Thanks to The Peace Foundation, I also met a lot of interesting people and attended some important events, and that was a huge benefit, as my whole experience in this organisation." - Constance Gilbert, Bachelor of Political Science, Institute of Sciences Po Tolouse, France "I sought after an internship with The Peace Foundation as their principles align with my own and being able to work with an organisation who educates schools

and communities about the importance of peace and conflict resolution allows me to gain knowledge and experience in a field I hope to work in one day. My future aspiration is to one-day work with the UN, as I see their organisation as the foundation of peace. During my time as an intern at The Peace Foundation I had the opportunity to experience the vast programmes and events that are organised and from those experiences I had gained a lot of respect and admiration for the work and dedication that goes on behind the scenes by this organisation and its' staff. Being in a positive and helpful environment not only made my time as an intern enjoyable, it also gave me the chance to see how important conflict resolution skills are in society. Thank you for the opportunity to be an intern at your wonderful organisation." - Ariana Kingi, Bachelors in Criminology and Conflict Resolution, AUT University.

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PRO PEACEWORK PROGRAMME Christina Barruel POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP OPTIONS FOR PEACE AT WORK The ProPeaceWork programme was developed using components of The Peace Foundation’s Cool Schools, LtPM (Leadership through Peer Mediation) and Peaceful Family Communication Parents Programme to provide awareness and skills on how to overcome conflict and maintain positive, peaceful relationships in the workplace environment. ProPeaceWork provides either a half or full day training to individuals so that when they are faced with conflict within the workplace environment, they have the awareness and skills to constructively resolve issues therefore preventing these from escalating into destructive, costly disputes. The training also provides life skills for individuals looking for work, making them more employable and, once employed,

helping them with what is needed to build and maintain positive, working relationships. During May, June and August 2013, The Peace Foundation ran three successful ProPeaceWork pilot programme workshops with RYAN (Refugee Youth Action Network), RAS (Refugees as Survivors New Zealand) and ARMS (Auckland Regional Migrant Services). Participant feedback from the three workshops indicated that the programme was suitable for these three adult groups. The interactive learning techniques were well received and everyone went away having learnt and reflected on something new to do with peaceful conflict resolution. Feedback also indicated that the skills learnt were useful and that further practice would

be beneficial. The three co-facilitators of these two workshops, (Christina Barruel, Simone Maus and Aly Roberts), commented that it was important to focus on workplace situations, being aware that many of the workshop participants were seeking to gain skills for work placements. The Peace Foundation can be proud that its ProPeaceWork Programme is supporting local communities to increase the confidence, communication skills and employability of those refugees and migrants who are rebuilding their lives in Auckland, New Zealand. When funding is available we will be able to promote and deliver this programme into a wider network of workplace communities.

ProPeaceWork participants from RYAN (Refugee Youth Action Network)

ProPeace Work stands for Positive Relationship Options for Peace at Work and is a suitable workshop for teaching staff.

22 The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014

ď Ž


The Foundation has been able to follow up last year’s good financial performance with another modest operating surplus.

It is my pleasure to report on the financial results for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2014. The Peace Foundation funded projects have grown from 13 to 15 during this fiscal year and are likely to increase to 21 by the end of the 2015 fiscal year. Also on the rise is total gross income, which has increased by nearly 25%, from $436,496 to $544,348. The Foundation has been able to follow up last year’s good financial performance with another modest operating surplus of $4,002 (previous year: $2,280). It is pleasing that the Ministry of Social Development has awarded the Foundation a three years’ contract of service for the Peaceful Family Communications Programme. This is worth about $160,000 in total. You may recall that last year we secured a three years’ contract of service on similar terms for the Ministry of Health’s Cool Schools Programme. This is worth $555,000. In addition, the income we are generating from non-funded training, where schools pay for the full costs, has doubled over the past year, from $14,566 to $34,876. We expect to spend $12,000 reconfiguring and enhancing the website to maximise its benefits for the

Foundation. This is an on-going project and funding is currently being sought from a number of sources. It is important to acknowledge the financial support that we received from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Development, Lottery Grants Board, Department of Internal Affairs, Auckland Council, Auckland Local Boards, HB Williams Trust, and the Rotary Club. This support is crucial to the on going success of The Peace Foundation. On behalf of the Foundation, I would like to acknowledge the generosity of Ann Tod from KPMG, our newly appointed auditor, who has kindly agreed to provide free audit services for the Foundation over the next three years. The savings of around $18,000 over three years is significant and much appreciated. I would also like to express my appreciation and thanks to the dedicated and professional Peace Foundation staff led by Caroline and Christina; to our Finance Manager Marcus Zhao for his excellent work; and the many volunteers and interns who selflessly “donate” their time to The Peace Foundation.

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The Peace Foundation is grateful for the generous support of the following organisations: Albert-Eden Local Board Auckland Council Community Organisation Grants Scheme Disarmament Education United Nations Implementation Fund JN Williams Memorial Trust/HB Williams Turanga Trust Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Lottery Grants Board Ministry of Health Ministry of Social Development Peace and Disarmament Education Trust Rotary Club Newmarket Rotary Club Papakura Te Punanga Haumaru Fund Ara Taoihi Trust Waitemata Local Board

We acknowledge former staff contributions from: Jonnie Black Neil Cameron Alexis Cato Paige Wells

We also acknowledge our interns and volunteers who have contributed their time, talent and energy: Adrian Villanueva Alyona Maksimenko Ariana Kingi Constance Gilbert Devon Dezwaan-Lemke Emilie Laarhoven Griffin Leonard Jan Baptise Rufach Jospin Uwaci Juliane Fiegler Lauren Monteil Lisette Venema Nicholas Dynon Rowell Cabedo Tiphaine Mathieu Eloisa San Mateo Laurie Ross Margot Arnaud


JN Williams Memorial Trust


HB Williams Turanga Trust

The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 33


PATRONS Prof Noam Chomsky Dame Barbara Goodman Dr John Hinchcliff Sir Jerry Mateparae Lady Janine Mateparae Richard Northey Lady Beverley Reeves Dame Laurie Salas Jack Shallcrass Pauline Tangiora Dr Marilyn Waring Cardinal Thomas Williams COUNCIL John Hinchcliff, President Claire Speedy, Vice President (from January 2014) Yvonne Duncan, Vice President (until December 2013) Dale Hunter, Treasurer Roderic Alley Steven Arnold Raewyn Bhana Sir Toby Curtis Lisa Er Lina Gonzalez Barbara McCulloch (until June 2014) Belinda Nash

34 The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014

INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Alyn Ware CURRENT STAFF Caroline Ongleo-Calub, Director Marcus Zhao, Finance Manager Christina Barruel, School Programmes Manager Annalie Sieberhagen, Peace Education Administrator Tania Te Whenua, Kia Tau te Rangimarie Co-ordinator and Trainer Virin Gomber, Family Programme Manager Joanna Nua, Office Administrator CURRENT TRAINERS Lisa Gibson, School Programmes Andrea O’Hagan, School Programmes and Family Programme Lynn Scott, School Programmes Mike O'Hagan, Family Programme Gillian Tasker, School Programmes Tracy Scott, School Programmes Yelena Kostyugova, Family Programme

Peaceful local, national and global communities.

To build peaceful relationships among people of all ages and cultures - from personal to global - through education , research and action.

In pursuing this mission we are committed to honour Te Teriti O Waitangi, human rights and the peaceful resolution of conflict and to modeling peace-making values within the Foundation and beyond.

• Provide a strong platform, based on research and sound infrastructure, for educational, community and international activities. • Harness commitment and expertise, including the experience of our elders and the vitality of our youth. • Liaise and partner with others working for peace. • Provide practical tools for peaceful living including skills and methods for conflict resolution and violence prevention.

• To honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi in our work. • To assist in the development of a more peaceful, less violent society through education of children and adults. • To promote the development of interpersonal skills for handling relationships and conflict constructively. • To work for peace, disarmament and social justice. • To network nationally and internationally. • To play a monitoring role regarding issues and policies relating to the objectives of the Foundation for Peace Studies. • To promote peace issues and initiatives actively through the media/event. • To encourage the media to promote peaceful and positive community values. • To model peace-making values within the Foundation and outside.

The Peace Foundation / ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 35

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