MediationWorks Edition1 2012

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Mediation works is proudly sponsored by

Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme Newsletter

Auckland City for Peace ... in the hands of our youth Photo by Sigi Spath George Shirtcliff from One People One Planet, releases a ‘peace dove’ supported by students from Mt Roskill Grammar School at the Auckland City for Peace Celebration, Aotea Square, 9th June, 2012.

In this issue ...

Canterbury & East Auckland Peer Mediators Big Day Out 25 Years Nuclear Free New Zealand - Poster Competition Results Celebrating Auckland City for Peace Parenting Course Changing Lives Schools’ Peace Week 2012 NEW Resources & SPRING SPECIAL! Pilot Programmes x 2 SIFE AUT and more ...



Kia Ora Whanau Welcome ‘on board’ to all the new Cool Schools who have received training during Terms One and Two. I am delighted that there has been a substantial increase in secondary schools implementing our Peaceful Conflict Resolution & Peer Mediation Programme for Secondary School Students. I have had interest from LEADR members wishing to attend and support secondary school trainings in the Auckland region. LEADR NZ is an independent organization that provides mediation training and advice on conflict resolution to its members and the public, including business, government and legal sectors. Members who have attended our secondary school trainings to date have been most impressed with the content and delivery of the programme. “It was particularly interesting to hear the students talk of how invasive the issue of bullying was among their peers, how it was something that they wanted to help stop, and how The Peace Foundation training could empower them to help reduce the impact of bullying”. Karen Meikle (former lawyer and LEADR accredited mediator). LEADR NZ CEO, Gabrielle O’Brien, recently published a report titled ‘”Promoting Mediation in Schools” in their latest online newsletter Update. This newsletter is circulated to members throughout Australasia. The article supports The Peace Foundation and the great work we do in schools. Read it on: http://www. Simone Maus attended a recent training at St Mary’s College in Ponsonby, Auckland. Simone, an experienced adult trainer and facilitator, was impressed with the quality and effectiveness of the secondary training programme. “The Peace Foundation has developed a wonderful programme which teaches children life skills that transform not only the way they are with their peers at school but also in all areas of their life. I wish that more children and adults could learn these skills and be empowered to be the change they want to see in the world”

Other news … Welcome to Lisa Gibson, our latest addition to the Cool Schools National Trainers Team Lisa works part time for The Peace Foundation as our Parents Programme Coordinator and Trainer. She has spent time over the last two terms assisting me with trainings in both secondary and primary schools. I have valued her input to the content and delivery of the

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programmes. I am pleased to have another capable trainer to support me in the greater Auckland region. Canterbury Peer Mediators BIG DAY OUT This event was hosted by Darfield High School on the 3rd May. It was unique in its inclusion of students and staff from: 2 High Schools, 2 Intermediate Schools and 2 Primary Schools. Congratulations to Tracy Scott, our Canterbury Cool Schools Trainer, for her superb organization of a fun-filled day where valuable skills were learnt by all. (Refer to Page 8 for more details). East Auckland Peer Mediatior BIG DAY OUT This event was held on Thursday 31st May at Cockle Bay School. There were 6 schools represented with a total of 75 primary school peer mediators, 6 Cool Schools Coordinators, 2 parents and 4 guest speakers. Many student participants commented on how the guest speakers were inspiring because they showed how mediation skills can be used at secondary school and further on in their lives. Thus a key objective of the event was achieved: motivating primary school peer mediators to continue on with their service as peer mediators once they leave primary school. (Refer to Page 6 for more information). Manukau Cool Schools Network Meeting This took place on Friday 22nd June and was hosted by Wiri Central School. There were 8 Cool Schools represented. The meeting provided a valuable opportunity for Cool Schools Coordinators to discuss their successes and challenges. Great ideas and innovations were captured by Aly Roberts who volunteered her time to record, type up and circulate the meeting minutes to all those who attended. Thank you Aly! “Navigating and Building Positive Relationships” – Effective Communication & Peaceful Conflict Resolution Workshop for Year 9 Girls Lisa Gibson and I are working with the Leadership Programme Director and two Guidance Counsellers at Diocesan College for Girls to create a one day workshop for Year 9 students. We are designing new resources for this day. If this pilot goes well, The Peace Foundation will have another training we can offer to secondary schools for girls. The Peace Thing (Icelandic Boys and Girls Scouts 100 Years Celebration) This is being held on the 12th -14th October in Reykjavik, Iceland. I have been invited to do a Cool Schools workshop at this conference. I feel very privileged to join other invited guest speakers from around the world who share a passion for peace education. I will be facilitating a Cool Schools training for local primary school teachers before the weekend conference. What a wonderful opportunity to put Cool Schools on the world map!

Yvonne Duncan (Cool Schools founder) and Christina Barruel at the ‘Mediation Station’ on Aotea Square, Auckland City for Peace Celebration, 9th June 2012 National Schools’ Peace Week 2012 We have 30 schools so far who have registered and would like to see a lot more. This is a great opportunity to educate students about peace issues and to profile your peer mediators! Register online: Only schools who have registered are eligible to compete in the Song Quest Competition. Theme: Music4Peace: Music Heals the World. The SIFE AUT (Students in Free Enterprise at Auckland AUT) project team have been very helpful with Peace Week planning and organization. We meet regularly with the six team members who are also assisting us with the Auckland Secondary School Symposium. (Refer to Pages 11 and 12 for more details). Auckland is now a City for Peace! On 15th December 2011 the Auckland Council declared Auckland a City for Peace. There are 5000 other Cities for Peace around the world who are united in affirming the principals of peace based on justice, human rights, nonviolence, caring communities and the abolition of nuclear weapons. The Peace Foundation organized a celebration in Aotea Square on Saturday 9th June which also commemorated 25 years of being a nuclear free country. The highlight for me was hearing ‘the voice of youth’ speak about what a Peace City means for them. Thank you to the 16 peer mediators from Mt Roskill Grammar School who arrived in their smart school uniform and supported the various activities throughout the day. (Refer to Page 9 for more details and photos). MediationWorks serves a great purpose in connecting and updating the Cool Schools whanau from around New Zealand. A BIG THANKS to all those who contributed to this edition. Your articles are awesome and very much appreciated.

Happy mediating … arohanui … Christina Barruel (Cool Schools National Trainer)




School Stories


Job Description for Peer Mediators A key focus at Churton Park School is to promote and develop leadership. To achieve this there needs to be opportunities for leadership. Peer Mediation not only offers students opportunities to be leaders but also involves them in the helping of others to become leaders in their own lives. For young students, leadership and specific roles within that, needs to be unpacked, hence the idea of creating a ‘Job Description’ for students to take home

Churton Park Primary School - Wellington

and discuss with their parents/caregivers before ‘signing’ up for the job. The idea is to promote the role modelling and encourage students to be proactive in reminding others of appropriate ways to behave therefore contributing to the building of a peaceful and caring school community.

By Di Patchett, Deputy Principal Coordinator Peer Mediation

Churton Park school Peer Mediators Danae AbolinsThompson and Finlay Sherlock Ludlow with Peer Mediation Coordinator Di Patchett


Role Model •

Demonstrate a hig level of behavio h ur

Lead initiatives across the sc ho

Peer Mediatio



Follow school rules Follow class ru les Treat teacher s, visitors and other No involvemen t in bullying, tea children with respect Look for ways sing etc. to help and se t an example Remind and en courage other s Be proactive and look for op to follow these rules portunities to When you se lead e others brea king rules, try stop, walk aw and tell them ay and if nece to ssary get help


Meet with Mrs. Patchett once a term. Report concer ns carrying out of and discuss issues affectin g the peer mediatio n Undertake Pe er Mediation tra ining with Mrs the Cool Scho Patchett and ols facilitator. Speak at asse mblies and cla sses about the climate. playground Wear Peer Me diation jackets at all times wh Ensure there is an en on duty. your place if yo other trained Peer Mediator u to take Turn up on du are sick or unable to do yo ur duty. ty on time and every time inc before school luding the duty. Work as a tea m with your pa rtner Use the corre ct “Mediation Process” to so issues. lve problems or Be impartial at all times (do no Support stude t take sides) nts who do no t have anyone Present to the to play with Board of Trus tee of the school wide Health an s when necessary as part d Safety revie Signed by Sc w. hool Peer Me diator:______ ____________ _______ Date:________ _ Signed by Pa rents:________ ____________ ____________ _ Date:________ _ Signed by Mr s Patchett:____ ____________ ____________ ____ Date:________ _ Be involved in making Churton Park School an even better place


Churton Park School’s Peer Mediation KEY TASKS are a good example of criteria for graduating a mediator when they are consistently accomplished over 2-3 terms.



MediationWORKS 3

School Stories UPPER HARBOUR PRIMARY SCHOOL North Shore, Auckland UHPS’s Peer Mediators have a very important job to make our cool school run smoothly. As Peer Mediators, our job is to help children to sort out their problems, but we cannot sort out problems which involve physical violence. Our peer mediation teacher asked us to write a letter saying why we thought we should be a Peer Mediator. A few weeks later, keen Peer Mediators met up for a meeting and we got to choose two people we would Olivia Milsom and Christopher Lee helping younger children to solve a problem.

WHENUAPAI SCHOOL West Auckland Whenuapai School IS located in Northwest Auckland and has a roll of 500 students from years 0 to 8. We are pleased to announce that we now have (after almost two years in the planning), 32 fully trained Cool Schools Peer Mediators supporting students in our playgrounds. These dedicated volunteers are highly motivated to participate in the programme. Our school community has always placed a high value on positive values, leadership opportunities and equity of access to quality education. We cater for a diverse and supportive community. It is a feature of our school that we enjoy high levels of parent involvement. Our community generously supports the numerous events and learning experiences offered at Whenuapai School. Both staff and students agree that positive ways of dealing with conflict are a great way to repair and build friendships, offer students a key role in the development of our school, develop valuable life skills, and ultimately maximise teaching and learning time. Students, Parents and Staff Feedback Students: I enjoy helping other children to solve their problems. I want to help my school and get involved. This is my last year at

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like to do peer mediation duty with. Next, we completed training for a term. In the training we had to get into groups of four. Two of us pretended to be Peer Mediators while the other two pretended to have a problem. We then shared these role plays with the school in a special assembly. We made posters about peer mediation to put up around the school. Some of us prepared presentations for our visit to classrooms. Finally the mediators and reserves were decided. Our teacher told us who we would be working with and on what day. For the first week our Cool Schools Coordinator teacher and deputy principal followed us around to help us with mediation. Now we do duty in pairs for half of the lunch break on our own. We then swap with another pair so that we have time to eat our lunch. We find most of the problems occur by the playground so this is where we usually base ourselves. When there is a problem we take the people with the problem to a quiet place to sort things out. We encourage children to come up with their own solutions for how to deal with their problems. However, if they are really struggling, we brainstorm

Whenuapai so I want to make the most of it. I reckon it’s great for meeting new people too. My little brothers argue a lot about random things. Mum and Dad asked me to teach them how to mediate like we do at school. It was cool because they came to the parent night and learnt all about it. I have learnt some good skills. I am more confident. Parents: This has made a difference to our son’s attitude. He seems more outgoing. He talks about his role as a Peer Mediator yet he hasn’t broken any confidentiality. I appreciated the parent evening. I didn’t realise the amount of work the whole staff have put into this initiative. The national statistics on bullying are alarming. Any school that promotes safety for students at school should get involved. Staff: Not so many issues to deal with as a Duty Teacher. Far less problems in the playground.

Jack Crichton and Mitchell White next to a classroom’s peer mediation display.

some ideas with them. Luckily, we don’t have too many problems at our school so on those days we walk around the school and hand out ‘appreciation notes’ to children who are following school values. Those children can then show their teachers what we have written and stick the notes on their class chart. Our role at school is very important because we help make our school an easier, friendlier school to come to. We feel it’s a good thing because peer mediation encourages children to think of ideas for how to stop conflict by themselves. This is a great life skill to have! By Olivia Milsom and Christopher Lee - Year 6 Peer Mediators

Great values and the programme is student driven. The children have responded very positively. Excellent initiative for younger students to learn self-responsibility. Coordinator Odessa Holmes: It’s a real privilege to work alongside this group of students. The commitment of the staff, including support and ancilliary staff is outstanding. Our BOT has welcomed this initiative. We look forward to further development opportunities for all students, present and future. Special thanks to Christina Barruel and her team from The Peace Foundation. Principal, Mr Warren Spanhake: The inclusion of pupils in the culture of the school as Peer Mediators is a giant step forward and I have been impressed by their commitment and energy in undertaking their specific duties.


Parents Programme

Parenting Course Changing Lives Whether you are the parent of asked her how he could become a trainer a toddler or a teenager, you know that and teach these skills to others in his parenting can be challenging-even church and local community. overwhelming at times. Unfortunately, The course is based on the internachildren don’t come with an instruction tional work of Dr Richard Bolstad and manual and being a parent doesn’t always offers proven communication skills that mean that you automatically or instincreally work. When they use these skills, tively know what to do. Raising children parents are amazed with the dramatic in the 21st Century is completely different improvement both in their families and to 50 years ago. Physical punishment of in all their relationships. children is illegal in many countries and parents are raising their children without How You and Your Family Will Benefit resorting to the violent methods that • Your children will feel free to discuss their own parents and grandparents used their problems and concerns with you routinely. Parents are now re-inventing instead of withdrawing. “… I highly recommend the course to all what it means to ‘parent’ without any • They will learn self-discipline, self parents and wish it were compulsory for guidance from their own memories or control and an inner sense of personal all parents to do. The course has caused from their family. responsibility. me to completely re-evaluate the relaLisa Gibson, Parent Programme Manager • You will learn how to work with each tionships I have with my children (and Familyother Communication and Trainer at The Peaceful Peace Foundation instead of against each other. A FREE skills course my partner and other children) and has believes that thecommunications 15 hour FREE • You’ll experience fewerfor angryParents, Caregivers and Educators had a profound impact on the way our Peaceful Family Communication Skills outbursts and more problem solving. Delivered by The Peace Foundation and Funded by the of Social family communicates.” Lisa Gibson programme (fundedMinistry by the Ministry • You Development will have fewer power struggles, of Social Development) is helping many less tension, less resentment, more We are now takingfun, bookings for 2012 families in NZ and around the world. more peace and love. To find out when and where the Infact one of her recent success stories next course is, please contact Lisa This 15 hour programme is designed to give parents, teachers and caregivers a setaofdad skills be used immediately family who and work was of that fourcan children who had been in their Parents take the time to understand Gibson: environments. TheCYFS courseand focuses on on simple, ways forput adults to they learn into practice involved with was theproven and then what increase their effectiveness with children, teenagers and their own partners. course to “learn how to use his words not are richly rewarded, usually far beyond his fists”. By theeffective end of the course he was their hopes Participants learn communication skills including how to:and expectations. Communicate withhe’d assertiveness so •inspired by what learnt that he

• • • •

Skilfully respond to unwanted behaviours Deal resourcefully with conflict and successfully solve it Communicate more effectively as a family

Peaceful Family Communication Peaceful Family Communication

A FREE communications skills course for Parents, Fee d bac k exa mp le s: Caregivers and Educators • A really clear, effective and well delivered approach to understanding how to communicate effectively. Delivered by The Peace Foundation and Funded by the • Well-paced, good variety, playful and profound, encouraging and empowering! Ministry of Social Development • A fantastic course that should be offered to more parents. Great information and tools for everyday life. • Thank you so much for running this course. It has had a huge impact on our lives. • Very worthwhile! A course every adult would gain something from. We are now taking bookings for 2012

A FREE communications skills course for Parents, Caregivers and Educators Delivered by The Peace Foundation and Funded by the Ministry of Social Development

We are now taking bookings for 2013

This 15since hour its programme is designed to give teachers and caregivers This program has been highly recommended inception early 2010, and hasparents, been hosted by various a set of skills that in can be used immediately their family and work schools Auckland area. Ifisyour school is interested hosting a program for yourinparents and/or This in 15the hour programme designed to give parents, teachers and caregivers a set of skills that can be The course focuses on simple, proven ways for adults to teachers, please contact Rae Hollowayenvironments. at

used immediately in their familyincrease and work environments. Thechildren, course focuses on and simple, ways their effectiveness with teenagers theirproven own partners. for adults to increase their effectiveness with children, teenagers and their own partners.

Participants learn effective communication skills including how to: • Communicate with assertiveness • Skilfully respond to unwanted behaviours Participants learn effective communication Feedback examples: • Deal resourcefully with conflict and successfully solve it skills including to: • A really clear, effective and well delivered approach to understanding how to • how Communicate more effectively as a family • • Communicate with assertiveness communicate effectively.

d bac kto exa mp le s: behaviours • Well-paced, good variety, playful and profound, encouraging and empowering! • SkilfullyFee respond unwanted • A really clear, effective and well delivered to understanding how to communicate effectively. • A approach fantasticencouraging course that should be offered to more parents. Great information and • Deal resourcefully with conflict andplayful and profound, • Well-paced, good variety, and empowering! for everyday life.Great information and tools for everyday life. • A fantastic course that should be offered tools to more parents. successfully solve it • Thank you so much for running this course. It you hassohad a huge impact ourItlives. • Thank much for running this on course. has had a huge impact on our lives. • Very worthwhile! A course gain something from. • Communicate more effectively as a every familyadult would • Very worthwhile! A course every adult would gain something from.

This program has been highly recommended since its inception early 2010, and has been hosted by various schools in the Auckland area. If your school is interested in hosting a program for your parents and/or teachers, please contact Rae at early This program has been highly recommended since itsHolloway inception 2010, and has been hosted by various schools in

the Auckland area. If your school is interested in hosting a program for your parents and/or teachers, please contact Lisa Gibson at


MediationWORKS 5


EAST AUCKLAND - Peer Mediators Big Day Out

Our Cool Day Out On Thursday 31st May, the first East Auckland Cool Schools Primary Peer Mediators’ Big Day Out was held at Cockle Bay Primary School. Eight to ten Peer Mediators were chosen to attend this special event from each of the six primary schools; Macleans, Cockle Bay, Elm Park, Stanhope Road, Willowbank and Botany Downs. The event itself was held in the Cockle Bay School hall, organised by Christina Barruel, the National Cool Schools Trainer. Each school spent loads of time preparing their Peace Banner (with Music4Peace as their theme). These were proudly displayed across the wall behind the stage on the day. All of them looked great in different ways, and it was obvious that a lot of work was put into the making of them. As well as the banners, there was other preparation work that the attending Peer Mediators had to do. They worked together to create a presentation about Peer Mediation in their Cool School. Six presentations were presented proudly by each school. The standard was excellent! The morning block was completed with a yummy morning tea: a snack pack of delicious food and drink kindly provided by The Peace Foundation. After interval break, students were sent off in mixed school groups along with a

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teacher coordinator to design Auckland City For Peace posters. First they chose a representative icon (that represented their topic - Auckland City For Peace) to go in the centre of the poster. Then they presented their posters to the rest of the students explaining why they had chosen their representative icon and how their words and symbols related to Auckland City For Peace. There were also inspiring guest speakers. Ashreya and Ajay, previous senior Peer Mediators from Mt Roskill Grammar School, talked about their special role when they were at school and how the Peer Mediators helped to keep their school ʻcoolʼ. They also performed some neat songs that everyone enjoyed listening to. Priyankha and Ravi were two senior peer mediators from Edgewater College who were invited to speak to us. Their presentation made me realize that peer mediators really do make a difference in helping to ‘stamp out’ bullying and assisting in keeping the school environment safe. Lastly, everyone filled in an Evaluation Form, and, on completion of the form, received wonderful Goodie Bags, including the newly released Peer Mediator’s uniform badge. The teacher coordinators also received thank-you gifts. Everybody enjoyed the first East Auckland Peer Mediators’ Big Day Out. It was a huge success. A big thank-you must

go to Christina for organising the event, and also to the parents and coordinators from each school whose effort made this special day possible for us.

By Angela Zhang (Year 6 Peer Mediator from Macleans Primary School).

The Big Day Out The Big Day Out was really interesting for us. It was also a lot of fun. We liked watching the older kids and hearing about their experiences. It was cool meeting new people and working with different schools. The games were hilarious especially ‘Body Link.’ The banners looked nice and colourful and the presentations were informative. It was good to see how other schools organise their Peer Mediators and solve problems. We really enjoyed creating the Auckland City for Peace posters. They were all individual and meaningful. It was good to see the funny mascots some schools have adopted. We would go again because we learnt so much and it was amazingly organised. It was a very, very COOL experience.

By Miyako, Kishan, Yuan, Abigail, Josh (Year 6 Peer Mediators from Botany Downs Primary School).



Auckland City for Peace - what does this mean to you?

Peer Mediators from six East Auckland primary schools create their Auckland City for Peace posters as they think about the question above during a mixed group workshop at their Big Day Out on Thursday 31st May


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CANTERBURY - Peer Mediators Big Day Out On 3rd May Canterbury held it’s first ever Peer Mediators Big Day Out. The day was hosted by Darfield High School and Camille Cartman and her team of Peer Mediators excelled in their hosting, planning and presentation of the event at their school. Special mention goes to April Gardner, Josh Cook, Henry Oliver, James Cider and Sara Baker, for all the hard work they did in coordinating the events and activities. Jayne Mallinder-Scott was a wonderful guest speaker and a big thank you to the principal of Darfield High, James Morris, who opened our day and was our special guest judge for the mascot competition. Darfield High, Linwood Intermediate, Chisnallwood Intermediate and Opawa School all presented information about their school, their programmes and their mascots. They all did an incredibly impressive job with Opawa School’s ‘Opawa Lion’ taking out the best mascot. I was very proud of how well the Peer Mediators represented themselves, their schools and the Cools Schools Programme. The day was supported by 46 staff and students from 2 High Schools (Ellesmere College, Darfield High), 2 Intermediate Schools (Linwood Intermediate and Chisnallwood Intermediate) and 1 Primary School (Opawa Primary). Despite being a small group it was an enthusiastic and passionate environment with loads of laughter and learning. Some of the highlights of the day were the group discussion and planning for Schools’ Peace Week 2012. The schools were divided into mixed teams and came up with a variety of ideas to engage not only their school in Peace Week activities but also their local communities. While the students were working in these groups, the staff from the schools held a sharing meeting, hosted by Camille Cartman, focusing on how best to engage teachers in the Cool Schools Programme. While in mixed groups the students also came up with questions for the ‘panel question and answer’ activity. We had Camille Cartman as a Cool

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Schools Coordinator, Tracy Scott as a Cool Schools Trainer, Isabella as a Primary School Peer Mediator and April as an Intermediate/High School Peer Mediator on the panel answering questions that the teams came up with. This was another wonderful opportunity for learning. Feedback from the day … “The day was very useful to get my students thinking about what they could do at school.” “They now appreciate the bigger picture of making Linwood Intermediate a peaceful school and how that can contribute to a more peaceful world.” “They understood the message that for a more peaceful world, e.g. less wars, they need to start with themselves and those around them.” “A special thanks to Camille for sharing Darfield High School’s resources. We will look closely as to how we can put them into action.” “Yes indeed what a great day. My students thoroughly enjoyed the activities and the opportunities to mingle and share experiences with other mediators.” Lee Walker (Principal, Linwood Intermediate)

We did lots of fun activities which ranged from challenging games to eating a shared morning tea. We also learnt some valuable skills which will help with problem solving at our school. I wish we could have another day like this. Thanks Tracy for organising the event. Isabella (Opawa Primary School)

by Tracy Scott Cool Schools Trainer and Event Organiser

“Well done Darfield High, you were awesome! The students were fantastic and were great role models for the younger students that attended the event. Camille thanks for sharing your experiences, resources and good ideas. The adult sharing meeting was very worthwhile. Thanks Tracy for ringing and encouraging us to attend.” Iva Hamilton, DP (Chisnallwood Intermediate)

Canterbury Peer Mediators’ Big Day Out … A Student’s Perspective

On Thursday 3rd May a group of Peer Mediators from two high schools, two intermediates and one primary school attended the Canterbury Peer Mediators’ Big Day Out at Darfield High School. The day was really cool. We had to give a presentation about the Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme at our school.


Events A few words from ...

CLAIRE SPEEDY - Interim Director for The Peace Foundation

It’s a privilege for me to be part of The Peace Foundation team, while Caroline Ongleo is on maternity leave. For those of you who haven’t heard, Caroline gave birth in May to a lovely little boy called Geoff, and both are doing very well. My background has been in international education with a passion for human rights and diversity, so I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to engage with the peace education work of The Peace Foundation first-hand. It’s been a hectic start with the official launch and community event to celebrate Auckland becoming a City for Peace in early June. Thanks to all the schools and peer mediators who joined us for the celebration! The finale with the youth speaking about their vision for the future

before releasing the peace doves struck a chord for many and was a definite highlight. There are some great photos online at This is a significant step for the city of Auckland and I’m excited about the role The Peace Foundation can play in working with the Auckland Council and the Auckland Peace City Committee to develop a Peace City toolkit which will help our local boards to implement peacerelated initiatives at community level. We also want to hear what the children in our communities think about a ‘peace city’ and what this means to them so we can make sure all perspectives are represented in the toolkit. Christina did a great workshop on this with some primary school mediators at the East Auckland Peer Mediator’s Big Day Out. We were all impressed at the depth, breadth and vision that these children brought to the concept of a city for peace (Refer to Page 7 for more details). On 8 June we also celebrated the 25th anniversary of New Zealand being nuclear-free. Not only is this a significant achievement from a global perspective, but recognizes the important role that peace and our nuclear-free stance play at the

core of our identity as New Zealanders. If you’re interested in exploring this further, you might be interested in checking out the upcoming peace mapping project being run by The Depot in Devonport to acknowledge the 25th anniversary. To encourage youth to understand this important part of our kiwi heritage, and to share their vision of a nuclearfree world, we ran a poster design competition in May. We received some fabulous entries from secondary schools around the country, which made judging very difficult. Top entries were displayed at the City for Peace Celebration in Aotea Square on 9 June. Congratulations to everyone who entered, and especially to our three winning entries (Refer to Page 11 for more details). Next on the agenda is Schools’ Peace Week with the theme ‘Music Heals the World’. I look forward to hearing about the peace initiatives your school has planned to celebrate peace week this year! I look forward to working more with you during my time as Interim Director. Feel free to give me a call (09 373 2379) or drop me a line anytime:

Celebrating Auckland City for Peace and 25 Years Nuclear Free New Zealand


MediationWORKS 9

Hata Maria - Pawarenga

Pilot Programmes

Rawhitiroa - Whangarei

Kia Tau te Rangimarie Kaupapa Maori Conflict Resolution Programme

Tauira from Te Kura Hata Maria chatting about constructive verses destructive ways of dealing with conflict.

by Hone Pango (Jonnie Black) Two out of three pilot trainings have been completed so far. The first was held on 29th February at Te Kura Hata Maria in Pawarenga with 12 participants ranging from 12 – 72 years old. Feedback from participants:

“Kia ora kia koe Jonnie. A really informative and interactive day! I learnt a few of my own traits with the ‘me too’ session and the differences between the three listening strategies. Thank you and we welcome you back to Pawarenga anytime.” - Maraea Herbert (KTR Kaiwhakahaere and Tumuaki) “Thanks for explaining things so that all ages can understand and for giving me

more confidence in handling situations, and expressing feelings.” - Mona Pirini Kaiako The second training JONNIE completed was at Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Rāwhitiroa. This is a composite full immersion Māori School with 205 students, 21 staff, and 4 support staff. On the 29th of March, 15 students completed a full days training, which went very well. On the 30th of March the staff, BOT, and whanau members had their training. It was enjoyed by all who attended and Jonnie is looking forward to the revisit in Term 3.

it” - Deborah, Tauira “Third time with Cool Schools and this has been the most enjoyable out of all three. Tino Pai Hone! Also, KTR needs to have a ‘carrot’ to maintain the needs of OUR KURA. E.g. overnight visit to TeHana” - Alex Nathan, Kaiako “Kua kite kē ahau I tēnei āhuatanga e whakamahingia ana, hara mai te pai” - Kaiako “This is what we need here! Now the adults; teachers, Board of Trustee members, and management can support our mediators” - Kaiako

Jonnie is now taking bookings for Terms 3 and 4. Be quick as spots are filling quickly. If you are interested in the programme, please email

Feedback from staff and tauira:

“We have a lot of conflict at our kura and this will be good to help us solve

The whanau from Te Kura Hata Maria in role play

REACT – Responding to Armed Conflict by Vincent and Jonnie We are pleased to announce the launch of REACT – Responding to Armed Conflict. REACT has been developed as a workshop for secondary school students which includes an interactive presentation on armed conflict and disarmament. It empowers youth to have a voice at both the local and global levels. The content of the REACT workshop has been strategically developed to link in to the current New Zealand Social Studies Curriculum, dealing with two key areas of focus: how communities and nations meet their responsibilities and exercise their rights in local, national and global contexts; and

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how conflicts can arise from different beliefs and ideas. To date we have currently completed three successful trainings at Mount Roskill Grammar, Lynfield College, and Sancta Maria College. Students who have participated in the workshops have come from various ethnic backgrounds. This programme enforces and enhances secondary school students’ awareness of current issues around nuclear weapons and disarmament. Furthermore, the workshop provides students with an opportunity to engage with these themes in a proactive manner and to generate discussion. We wish to continue our work promot-

ing nuclear disarmament within secondary schools by delivering REACT to four new schools in the Auckland region and four schools in the Northland region during 2013. If you are interested please email the REACT team: or phone The Peace Foundation: (09) 373 2379. REACT would like to thank the Disarmament Education UN Implementation Fund, for supporting the pilot programme over the last financial year. With continued funding, schools will be able to partake in REACT workshops giving students more awareness so they can become the generation which ensures a sustainable, nuclear free nation.


Youth Wing

AUT Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) working with The Peace Foundation Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) is an international, not-for-profit, studentrun organisation that operates across 40 countries worldwide. All SIFE teams across the globe work on developing community outreach projects that look to improve the quality of life and standard of living of people in their community. SIFE stimulates university students to make a difference in their communities, while at the same time developing their skills to become socially responsible business leaders. SIFE AUT is one of five SIFE organisations operating in New Zealand. At

Pos ry of ter a Nuclear Fr Mak ing C ee New Zealand ontest

Jiahuan Li, Sepi Moala, Nicollette Newport, Erica Tilley, Michelle Tan and Noah Ghebremichael. Business students at Auckland University of Technology/ Sife Peace Foundation Project Team.

mō ariki a

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university has come to an end for members of PFTP, we are all hoping to continue to work with The Peace Foundation and see them through to the completion of their 2012 Peace Week and the Secondary School Symposium. Song Competition We are looking forward to seeing students’ entries come in for the Song Competition for Peace Week, as students express themselves through music. We will also be attending the Secondary School Symposium to see the direct impact The Peace Foundation’s message has on high school students. As university students it has been extremely rewarding to see our work benefit a real-life client and to be able to transfer our knowledge and skills to members of The Peace Foundation.

25th Anniversary of a Nuclear Free New Zealand Poster Making Contest Th em e

Fre e

Congratulations to all the entries for the Nuclear Free New Zealand Poster Competition.



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chance to

wi n $ 3 0 0 for 1st place register NOW!

ndation 1023 Auckland 1150 reet Auckland 8 266 : (09) 379 www.enac undatio

h Enabling


the beginning of this year, The Peace Foundation approached SIFE AUT for assistance in key areas of the business for which the skills of SIFE AUT’s students were a perfect fit. A group of students formed The Peace Foundation Project Team (PFPT), with the aim of assisting The Peace Foundation throughout the course of the semester. Our project focused on two main areas: marketing and communication as well as fundraising and sponsorship. Members within the PFPT had particular design experience and were able to help design the logo and brochure for this year’s Schools’ Peace Week, with Erica Tilley designing the final logo displayed here. We were also successful in securing sponsorship for The Peace Foundation. By utilising his networks, Noah Ghebremichael was able to connect The Peace Foundation with Race Relations. The two organisations have now developed a relationship and are looking to help each other in future years. This was an amazing accomplishment for our team and we wish both organisations the very best. Even though the first semester of

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Here are our winners:

1st place: Sharmin Shiraz, Mount Roskill Grammar School 2nd place: Lucas Payne, Christchurch Boys High School 3rd place: Destiny McFarland, Waitakere College A BIG THANK YOU to the other participants who entered the competition. We hope you will continue to participate in future competitions and events organized by The Peace Foundation. All other entries are available to view online at: - check them out.

1st place: Sharmin Shiraz

3rd place: Destiny McFarland 2nd place: Lucas Payne


MediationWORKS 11



Upcoming Events


West Auckland Network Meeting 2013 Date, time and venue to be confirmed

North Auckland Network Meeting 2013 Date, time and venue to be confirmed

k 2012 Schools’ Peace Wee e: Theme: Music4Peac ld or Music Heals the W

Friday 3rd August (Week 3, Term 3, 2012) WHERE: Boardroom, Level 1, Problem Gambling Foundation Building, 128 Khyber Pass Road, Newmarket, Auckland INTERESTED: Look on The Peace Foundation website for more details: WHEN:

Auckland Primary Teachers’ Cool Schools Training Workshops - Term 1, 2013 Friday 22nd February (Week 4, Term 1, 2013) Friday 8th March (Week 6, Term 1, 2013) Friday 22nd March (Week 8, Term 1, 2013) WHERE: Seminar Room, Level 1, National Library, 8 Stanley St Parnell INTERESTED: Look on The Peace Foundation website for more details: WHEN:

MediationWorks (Cool Schools Newsletter) Please can all articles, reports, letters, poems, photos, profiles etc., be emailed to: Due Dates: EDITION 2: EDITION 1:

Friday 9th November (Week 4, Term 4, 2012) Friday 14th June (Week 6 Term 2, 2013) is ion works red by Mediat y sponso proudl

Two Term 2011


Mediation ols Peer letter e News Cool Scho amm Progr

ation Medi ls Peer Schoo Newsletter Cool e amm Progr

ation Medi ls Peer Schoo Newsletter Cool e amm Progr

land Auck ace for Pe City ds of our youth ... in the

o Gregory


Friday 17th August (Week 5, Term 3, 2012) Western Springs Garden Community Hall, Great North Road, Pt Chevalier, Auckland Music4Peace: Music Heals the World

by Fernand


Cool Schools Training Workshops No 4


2012 Auckland/Northland Secondary Schools Symposium

In this ... issue

!!! ResultsOut tition Compe rs Big Dayium 2011 2011Week d Peer Mediato Sympos Peace ary School West Aucklan Dossier nd Second Auckla ng our Digital Managi a Cat Ion?mean to you? Are you does PEACE Story more ... What o and Eve Cahill’s Portfoli Māori


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In this issue…

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In this ... issue

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Auckland Primary Teachers’ CONGRATULATIONS to Parua Bay School (Northland) who won the $150 cash prize draw for getting their Peace Week registration in to The Peace Foundation by Wednesday 27th June

Has your school registered for Peace Week 2012? Hurry! Hurry! Last few days! Get online and register at

N.B. Only schools who have registered are eligible to compete for the Peace SongQuest Competition cash prizes.

Get creating those peace songs! GOOD LUCK!

Trainer Contact Details Name





Christina Barruel CS National Trainer

Auckland, Northland, Waikato, Hawkes Bay, Taranaki

09 373 2379 027 272 9331

09 379 2668

Jonnie Black Māori Programme Coordinator

Auckland, Northland, Chatham Is.

09 373 2379 021 058 1700

09 379 2668

Andrea O’Hagan Pri/Sec/PP Trainer

Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, Waikato

07 307 9085 027 711 2072

Lynn Scott Pri/Sec

Taranaki, Wellington, Manawatu/ Wanganui, Tasman/Nelson

04 384 6613 027 542 3665

Carolyn Smith Pri

Otago, Southland

03 454 6966 027 222 8887

Tracy Scott Pri/Sec

Canterbury, West Coast, Marlborough

021 055 9575

Lisa Gibson Pri/Sec Parents Programme Coordinator & Trainer


09 528 4706 021 464 910

12 MediationWORKS



The Resource Cupboard

Give your Cool Schools Peer Mediator Programme a boost with our fantastic NEW resources! New Resources!

To complement this new manual we also have the revised Coordinator’s Kit available. This consists of additional information, forms, templates, power point presentations etc on a USB stick. All designed to make a Coordinator’s job much easier. $35

The Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme is a proactive programme that teaches essential life skills for peaceful conflict resolution. The skills taught in this programme empower individuals to build positive, caring relationships with others especially in times of conflict.

‘Cool Schools provides a sound framework for teachers and students to resolve their differences in a positive way’ PrinciPal

‘I have learnt to be more understanding and patient by being a peer mediator’. Student

‘Cool Schools eases up the pressure on teachers. They can refer minor conflicts to the peer mediators on duty who assist their peers to come up with solutions to their problems.’ teacher

CS_Primary_Manual_COVER.indd 1

17/05/11 10:43 AM

Conflict does not have to be like this, there are other choices we can make when dealing with conflict. 2. Brainstorm or list: Constructive Ways of Dealing with Conflict and the Benefits. 3. Compare the Costs and Benefits lists — what is a statement you can make in one sentence that summarises what you are observing?

Learning Intentions


Students will:

ÝÛ Whiteboard or large pieces of paper and pens.

ÝÛ Define what conflict means. ÝÛ Explore destructive and constructive ways of dealing with conflict.

ÝÛ Destructive destroys relationships. Constructive builds relationships. 4. Write these statements underneath the ‘Costs verses Benefits’ lists and place this on the wall in the Cool Schools Corner.

teaching the mediation skills and process

WArM up Select a warm up activity from the Warm Ups, Energisers and Cooperative Games selection. A sharing circle exploring things students appreciate or that make them happy would be a positive way to start this topic. Alternatively a ‘getting to know one another’ activity if it is a newly formed group of students.



What is conflict?


1. As a class or small group discuss and define the term conflict.


ways of dealing with conflict

ways of dealing with conflict

Anger Win/Lose attitude Maintain fixed positions Blame Violence Accusations ‘You’ statements

empathetic listening Win/Win attitude Consider needs of both parties Understanding other’s viewpoints Problem solving approach options ‘I’ statements

Conflict ÝÛ A disagreement between two or more people. ÝÛ Conflict is a normal part of life. ÝÛ Conflict happens when your needs are different from the needs of somebody else. ÝÛ Conflict can be positive or negative — it depends on how you handle it. ÝÛ Conflict can be a positive force for personal growth and helping things work better. 2. Brainstorm ‘When I get into an argument I tend to…’ Think of when you might argue with your brother, sister, parent or friend. Record the ideas on the whiteboard.


ÝÛ What do you notice about many of the words?

of dealing with conflict destructively

ÝÛ Underline the negative contributions. ÝÛ Why are many of the words negative? Often due to our experiences of conflict in the past — negative experiences often relate to destructive ways of dealing with conflict.


of dealing with conflict destructively

Damages relationships.

enhances relationships

Physical, emotional and mental damage.

Creates an environment for self-growth and achievement

Prevents individual and group goals being achieved.

DESTruCTivE AND CONSTruCTivE WAyS OF DEALiNG WiTh CONFLiCT 1. Either brainstorm or list: Destructive Ways of Dealing with Conflict and the Costs (see summary chart for ideas)

Wastes time and money.

enables individual and group achievement of goals

Damages self esteem.

enables peaceful resolution of problems

Limits personal potential.

enhances self-esteem

Possible discussion questions: ÝÛ Can we relate to this list? ÝÛ Is it similar to some of the words we have brainstormed under ‘When I get into an argument I tend to…’ brainstorm?


cool schools primary manual

cool schools manual.indb 40

Active listening

Active listening helps create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable speaking.

Can you help me understand what you mean when you say...

Use eye contact where possible.

Can you give me an example of…

16/06/11 11:37 AM

New 40 page (A5) handbook for primary and intermediate Peer Mediators. This resource is designed to complement your Peer Mediators training. It is full of information and activities to help your mediators become effective, peaceful and wise owls. This handbook covers all the learning areas within the Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme including: Understanding conflict The mediation process The role of the mediator Active listening & paraphrasing Effective questioning Helping disputants to generate solutions Handling difficult situations

What I am hearing you say is that you feel upset when…

Keys to Good Listening:


The Essential Student Peer Mediator Handbook

Here are some examples. Write some more of your own…

A mediator needs to be a very good listener.

cool schools primary manual

16/06/11 11:37 AM cool schools manual.indb 41

Useful phrases to show you are actively listening

Active listening is essential to the mediation process.


ÝÛ The benefits of dealing with conflict in a constructive way far out way the costs of dealing with a conflict in a destructive way.

Teaching Process

Pack of 10 for $50 (50% discount) Pack of 20 for $100 (45% discount)


with conflict.

For example:

ÝÛ Key messages handout (optional).

teaching the mediation skills and process

Section 2


Note: Violence — When you force yourself over another person and cause harm to get your way. A violent act can be physical, verbal or emotional. Violence is Not tHe SAMe as conflict. Violence is a negative way to deal

Section 2




Peer Mediation Programme

A project of The Peace Foundation


tia l Esseenr Mediator

Cool Schools

Coordinator’s Kit (USB Stick)

Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme | Primary Manual

Give your Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme a boost with our fantastic NEW resources! Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme - Primary manual We are pleased to release the new Cool Schools Primary Manual. This manual is an essential resource for Cool School Coordinators and classroom teachers at the primary and intermediate school level. It is now double in size and full of new and interesting information, tips and activities for implementing and maintaining a successful peer mediation programme. This 156 page manual comprises of the following three sections: Section one provides an overview of the programme, benefits of peer mediation and the relevant links to the New Zealand education curriculum. Section two is jammed full of lesson plans and activities designed to teach the mediation skills and process. This section covers the 10 key learning areas within this programme and is user friendly for all classroom teachers. Section three is of particular relevance to the Cool Schools Coordinator who will be implementing the whole school programme. It is full of all the practical information and ideas for implementing and maintaining a successful peer mediation programme in your school. Available now! $75.00

Primary Manual

It sounds like both of you are concerned about …

Available in packs of 10 $100 NOW $50 Packs of 20 $180 NOW $100 PM 18/06/11 12:04


Cool Schools peer mediator Resource.indd 20


Cool SChoolS Peer Mediator’s Handbook

Cool SChoolS Peer Mediator’s Handbook

18/06/11 12:03 PM Cool Schools peer mediator Resource.indd 21


18/06/11 12:03 PM

MediationWORKS 13


New Cool Schools Posters $6 each or purchase all 3 posters for $15

Cool Schools Poster A2_Resolution.pdf Cool Schools Poster A2_Mediation.pdf






10:08 AM

12:55 PM

Cool Schools Poster A2_Listener.pdf




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Buy 5 sets get 1 set FREE!

New Mediator Uniform Badges now available for purchase! Uniform badges are visual icons for peer mediators to wear when on duty

Secondary Uniform Badge $2.50 each

14 MediationWORKS

Primary Uniform Badge $2.50 each

They are ideal to use once mediators have trained and have received their ‘trained mediator’ certificates. When a mediator has met the school criteria for graduation (refer to Page 3), they can be issued their presentation or graduation badge, with their ‘graduated mediator’ certificate. The graduation badge is ideally a badge presented to mediators at a Graduation Assembly and is ‘for keeps’. Uniform badges are often kept by the Cool Schools Coordinator and are issued with the mediators duty uniform each year. (Refer to Order Form on Page 15 for more details).


Cool Schools Resource Order Form Name:


Address: Email:


Order number:

Cool Schools Trainer:


Order Form also available on the Cool School section of The Peace Foundation website:

Resource Items

Price (incl GST)

Primary and Intermediate

Cool Schools Resource Order Form

Cool Schools Primary Manual



Total $



The Essential Peer Mediator Handbook

1 copy $15.00 10 copies $100.00 20 copies $180.00

Address: Email:


Co-ordinator’s Kit (USB stick) NEW



Cool Schools trainer:

Order number:


Poster: The Mediation Process NEW

Order Form also available on the Cool Schools section of The Peace Foundation website:


Poster: The Problem Solving Owl NEW Poster: A Good Listener NEW

Resource Items

Price (Inc. GST)

Primary & Intermediate

Poster set: (3 posters - one of each) BUY 5Primary SETS Manual GET 1 nEw SET FREE Cool Schools


Training DVD

1 copy $40.00

Poster: The Mediation Process nEw Small (93cm around chest) Lime green colour Medium (102cm) Poster: The Problem Solving Owl nEw Large (113cm)



Sm$6.00 $6.00





Poster set (3 posters – one of each) Buy 5 SEtS and GEt 1 SEt FREE

Sign (weatherproof 60x40cm) Training DVD


Badges: Presentation/Graduation Uniform Coordinator

Cool Schools Secondary Manual


Training DVD Mt Roskill Grammar Training DVD Takapuna Grammar

Small (93cm around chest) Medium (102cm) Large (113cm)

$24.00 Lime green colour


$40.00 $4.00 $2.50 $2.50 $30.00

Sign (weatherproof 60x40cm)


Secondary Cool Schools Secondary Manual

Sign (weatherproof 60x40cm) Training DVD Mt Roskill Grammar

Lge $40.00





Training DVD Takapuna Grammar

Sm Med


Badges: Presentation/Graduation Uniform



Poster: A Good Listener nEw


total $

$12.00 10 copies $100.00 20 copies $180.00 $4.00

The Essential Peer Mediator Handbook nEw

Badges: Presentation/Graduation Uniform Coordinator’s Kit (USB stick) nEw Vests:





Badge: Presentation/Uniform


Postage and Packaging

Sign (weatherproof 60x40cm)


Old stock of vests/sashes available at discounted prices - please phone for details.


TOTAL SuB tOtaL Postage & Packaging

Old stock of vests/sashes available at discounted prices – please phone for details. The Peace Foundation, PO Box 8055, The Peace Foundation, PO Box 8055, Symonds Street, Symonds St, Grafton, Auckland 1150 Grafton, Auckland 1150 Phone: 09 373 2 79 Fax: 09 379- Uniform 2668 Secondary - Uniform Primary Email: Phone (09) 373 2379 Fax (09) 379 2668 Email


Secondary tOtaL Presentation/Graduation EDITIONONE2012 termtwo2011

Primary Presentation/Graduation

Vest front view

Vest back view

MediationWORKS 15 Mediationworks 15

In Focus

Cool Schools in Partnership with The Peace Foundation During October last year we initiated the Cool Schools Primary Agreement. This agreement sets out a framework to support active Cool Schools and encourages increased interaction from schools by financially supporting The Peace Foundation’s essential work. The response has been very positive with over 130 schools subscribing as members of The Peace Foundation through the Cool Schools Primary Agreement. This pleasing result supports improved services in both data and communication provided by The Peace Foundation and strengthens the relationship with each of these schools.

An example of an improved service for Cool Schools in Partnership is that The Peace Foundation will soon be providing an online facility whereby essential Cool Schools resources, such as the primary manual and student workbook, will be available online to schools who have signed the Cool Schools Primary Agreement. Partnership schools will be advised when this service is available. The Peace Foundation would like to take this opportunity to thank every school who has supported the Primary Agreement in 2012. So that we may continue to provide the best service for

our partnership schools, we would appreciate receiving feedback from principals and coordinators. Please email us with your encouragement or concerns on: coolschools@ The Peace Foundation strongly recommends that all schools implementing the Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme sign the Agreement so that we can offer you a better service. If you wish to receive an Agreement please email We are currently working on a Secondary School Agreement to be introduced to secondary schools later this year.

Peace Quotes

What does PEACE mean to you?

Opinions captured and collated from the people of Auckland during the Celebrating Auckland City for Peace and 25 Years Nuclear Free New Zealand event at Aotea Square on Saturday 9th June.

To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. - Confucius

Follow us on Facebook


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead

PO Box 8055, Symonds Street, Grafton, Auckland 1150, Aotearoa/New Zealand Ph (09) 373 2379 Fax (09) 379 2668 Email Website This newsletter is printed using environmentally friendly soy-based inks on FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Certified paper from responsibly managed forests.

We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world. - Howard Zinn

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