Mediation works Spring 2013

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Mediation Works is proudly sponsored by

Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme Newsletter

Photo by Jacqui Walker

Peer Mediators meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama

On June 12, The Peace Foundation had the special privilege of a private audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama who signed the Auckland Peace City declaration. With His Holiness are peer mediators from Mt Roskill Grammar School, Upper Harbour Primary, Ranui Primary, children of One People, One Planet, Auckland Councillor Richard Northey and Vice President of The Peace Foundation Yvonne Duncan.

"The future of peace is in the education of our young people." Dalai Lama

In this issue ...

Recent Research Peace Week 2013 Wellbeing@School New Resources Available Strengthening Peace in Families Upcoming Primary Teacher Training Secondary Schools’ Peace Symposium Canterbury Peer Mediators Big Day Out Cool Schools - A Principal’s Perspective and more ...



Kia Ora Whanau

Wow! This has been an exciting six months for Cool Schools. You will notice on the front cover that during The Peace Foundation’s private audience with the Dalai Lama on 12 June, student peer mediators were present from three Cool Schools to represent the ‘voice of Christina Barruel youth for peace’. Two students prepared a few words to say to His Holiness. Now the Dalai Lama knows all about peer mediators in New Zealand schools! He was very touched by the student presentations. I couldn’t help but notice the beautiful smile on his face listening to the ‘voice of youth’. His Holiness responded with ‘words of wisdom’ concluding with his belief that, “the future for peace in our world is in the education of our young peopleâ€?. Our secondary school peer mediation programme now has a new name - LtPM – Leadership through Peer Mediation. I have been informed by secondary programme teacher coordinators that it hasn’t been so ‘cool’ for primary Cool Schools peer mediators moving on up into secondary school discovering that the peer mediation programme is still called Cool Schools. Even though the skills taught at the secondary level are more advanced than the primary level, students feel the programme name needs to reÉťHFW ZKDW LW LV WKDW PRWLYDWHV VWXGHQWV WR FRQWLQue on giving service as peer mediators. Through much discussion and debate with trainers, teachers and secondary students, we have concluded that LtPM is appropriate, highlighting the ‘leadership’ quality of the peer mediation service. Cool Schools and LtPM have been getting broadcast media attention. I was asked by Noel Cheer from FaceTV to appear on his chat show on 8 July to talk about our education programmes. The interview gives useful information about the history, purpose and content of our programmes. You can view this on our new The Peace Foundation website under ‘School Programmes’ or follow the link: Face Television on Sky Channel 083 "â€? During August, Donna Hourigan-Johnston, Del McFarlane-Scott (two outstanding programme coordinators), and I were interviewed by Tim Lynch from GreenPlanetFM104.6. The interview title is: “NZ's Innovative 'Cool Schools' Peer Mediation Programme – Facilitating ConÉťLFW 5HVROXWLRQâ€? and is a very good look at the keys to successful implemenation at a primary and secondary school. You can listen to this interview by following the link: "http://www. VIEW/00000001/00000260/NZs-InnovativeCool-Schools--Student-Peer-Mediation---FacilitatLQJ &RQÉťLFW 5HVROXWLRQ KWPO Âľ Other news: Welcome to Gillian Tasker I am pleased to welcome Gillian Tasker who replaces Lynn Scott as the programme trainer for the Wellington, Manawatu, Wanganui, Nelson, and Tasman Bay regions. Gillian has a wealth of experience as a facilitator and writer of curriculum for the Ministry of Health. I value her exper-

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tise and her willingness to share this. Lynn Scott has moved to Northland and will be our trainer for this region. Thanks Lynn for all the amazing work you have done in schools while residing in Wellington. Secondary School Resource Development We are well on the way to updating resources for LtPM. This includes; a revised programme coordinators manual, a student workbook, a coordinators kit full of useful resources on USB stick, a mediation process poster and a brochure suitable for promotion purposes. A big ‘thankyou’ to the team of national trainers who came together in April to explore secondary programme development. The suggestions and ideas captured at this hui have been useful in progressing forward with refreshing our secondary resources. Programme Research A big ‘thank you’ to Mohamad Walid Lotfy, a young researcher from Amsterdam, who came to 7KH 3HDFH )RXQGDWLRQ WR LQWHUYLHZ VWDĘƒ RQ RXU education programmes, liked the way they related to his research topic on “What constitutes a good New Zealand citizenâ€?, attended a few trainings and was hooked! Walid volunteered many hours work in schools, interviewing teachers and students to discover what is the Cool Schools ‘X factor’ - how do our programmes contribute positively to students attitudes, skills and motivation to be responsible, peaceful, proactive citizens in their communities? You will enjoy reading his ÉšQGLQJV RQ WKH SDJH RSSRVLWH Secondary Schools’ Peace Symposium 2013 Once again this event proved to be one of the annual highlights. In the spirit of Action4Peace: 0DNLQJ D 'LĘƒHUHQFH LQ 2XU &RPPXQLW\ WKH symposium theme), guest speakers and school presentations, ‘wowed’ the audience with projects for peace and how they had made a positive impact on their local communities. You can read more about the symposium on Page 7. Highlights of this event can be viewed on video by following the link: " watch?v=FptiwPDUl3k Peace Week 2013 – Action4Peace: Making a Difference in Our Community Peace Week was another great success this year with over 70 primary and secondary schools registering their activities on line. Congratulations to these six schools for receiving a GOLD SDUWLFLSDWLRQ FHUWLÉšFDWH KDYLQJ UHJLVWHUHG WKHLU $FWLRQ 3HDFH 3URMHFW DQG PHHWLQJ WKH VSHFLÉšF criteria; Coromandel Area School, Sunnynook Primary, Queenstown Primary, Baradene College, Mount Roskill Grammar and Macleans Primary. Read more about Peace Week on Page 8.

6WDĘƒ IURP 6RXWK %D\ -XQLRU $FDGHP\ Los Angeles, our most recent Cool School.

Cool Schools at South Bay Junior Academy, Torrance, California, USA Cool Schools is now in the USA! The three days spent at South Bay Junior Academy, south

of central city Los Angeles in August, were very busy. The Teacher Only Day was attended by 20 WHDFKLQJ DQG VXSSRUW VWDĘƒ 7KH IROORZLQJ GD\ a workshop was run for students interested in the role of ‘peer mediator’. Four teachers, repUHVHQWLQJ D GLĘƒHUHQW V\QGLFDWH ZLWKLQ WKH VFKRRO (including the kindergarten), attended a coordinators meeting to discuss resources and create a school wide action plan. Recent feedback from Diane Voigt, the head coordinator, indicates implementation is going well! “:H UH MXVW ÉšQLVKLQJ XS /HVVRQ WKLV ZHHN RQ FRQÉťLFW VW\OHV ÂŤ WKH Animals. The school, teachers, students, have loved it and embraced it. I’m looking forward to Lesson 3 next week!â€?

Christina, Donna, and Del with Tim Lynch from PlanetFM104.6 NEW Programme Assistant I am pleased to say that our education programmes now have a part time person workLQJ LQ WKH RÉ˝FH WR DVVLVW ZLWK DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ Congratulations to Paige Wells who was the successful applicant. Paige has a double major in Psychology and Maori Studies, conjoint with Law. She is a ‘whiz’ with technology and will be a valuable asset in helping to update the programme database in particular! I would like to take this opportunity to thank Neil Cameron for his awesome contribution to Cool Schools during his six months as Administration Assistant. I enjoyed and appreciated Neil’s creative suggestions for improvements and his neat and tidy way of operating. Neil leaves us to pursue a new life in Dunedin with family and friends. As this will be the last edition for 2013, I would like to acknowledge the team for all their support throughout the year. Fellow trainers; Carolyne Smith, Tracy Scott, Gillian Tasker, Andrea O’Hagan, Lynn Scott, Lisa Gibson and JonQLH %ODFN +DUG ZRUNLQJ FROOHDJXHV DW WKH RÉ˝FH Caroline Ongleo, Marcus Zhao, Virin Gomber, Alexis Cato, Paige Wells, Rowell Cabedo, Eloisa San Mateo and our wonderful volunteers and interns: Marielle Morit, Ari Kingi, Margot Arnaud and Jospin Uwaci. When I think of you all , DP UHPLQGHG RI WKH VLJQ RQ RXU RÉ˝FH GRRU ÂŤ “3($&( LV D JURXS HĘƒRUW â€? Lastly, to all the wonderful schools out there which make up the grand Cool Schools/LtMP ZKDQDXÂŤ WKDQN \RX IRU \RXU VXSSRUW GXULQJ 2013. You are the reason I continue to be pasVLRQDWH DQG HQWKXVLDVWLF DERXW P\ ZRUN ÂŤ HYHQ on rainy days! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe, peaceful, well deserved summer holiday. Seasons greetings from Christina Barruel (Cool Schools/LtPM Programme Manager and Trainer)



Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme: more than just skills for life E\ 0RKDPHG :DOLG /RWI\ 5HVHDUFKHU IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $PVWHUGDP

CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND CITIZENand constitute key features of the New menting the Programme and those that ship education are two big concepts to Zealand egalitarian citizenship. On that, were using other programmes, whether come to terms with at any one time, yet I echo again what the 2007 New Zealand school-based or external. The purpose WKH EHQHÉšW RI FRPSUHKHQGLQJ KRZ ERWK Curriculum Framework aspires to attain, of this research design was to provide a can enrich school culture and empower ZKLFK LV VWXGHQWV WR EH ´FRQÉšGHQW FRQsound comparison that could unravel the VWXGHQWV ZLWK VHOI FRQÉšGHQFH DQG DFWLYH nected, actively involved etc.â€? The study extent to which the Cool Schools Peer entitlement, is worth our attention. The IRXQG WKDW DQ HĘƒHFWLYH &RRO 6FKRROV 3URMediation Programme might have an 2007 New Zealand Curriculum Framegramme which successfully implements LQÉťXHQFH RQ WKH ZKROH VFKRRO FXOWXUH LQ work speaks exactly of the same when D SHDFHIXO FRQÉťLFW UHVROXWLRQ SHHU PHGLthe various contexts. it narrates that the goal of education is ation service, incorporates values of citiWith some logic, the assumption WR GHYHORS VWXGHQWV DV ´FRQÉšGHQW FRQzenship, under which a set of robust uniusually is that, disregarding what type nected, actively involved etc.â€? But this YHUVDOO\ DSSHDOLQJ FRQÉťLFW PDQDJHPHQW of programme is being implemented, is more easily said than done. Is there skills function. Therefore, if high decile schools would a programme that has the ability to enscore higher in terms of the ´*LYH PH D ÉšVK D VFKRRO LV VHHNLQJ D FRQÉťLFW FRPSDVV VNLOOV RI FRQÉťLFW UHVROXWLRQ ZLWK resolution programme, look above-mentioned citizenship and I eat for a for one that has a citizenvalues of citizenship education? attributes than lower decile I took up the challenge to monitor the schools with higher Maori or day. Teach me to ship pillar which advocates HĘƒHFWLYHQHVV RI RQH RI 1HZ =HDODQG¡V UHfor participation, indepen3DFLÉšFD SRSXODWLRQ 5HVXOWV nowned programmes – that is the Cool were staggeringly opposite. ÉšVK DQG , HDW IRU dence of students and teachSchools Peer Mediation Programme. er-student relationship caThe analysis showed with high a lifetimeâ€? The research questions that I attemptpacity-building. Only then, VLJQLÉšFDQFH WKDW &RRO 6FKRROV ed to answer were; how does the Cool will a school culture empower students is a ‘game changer’ programme in schools Schools Programme: link to the notion of with values and skills through which UHJDUGOHVV RI DQ\ LQÉťXHQFH IURP IDFWRUV New Zealand citizenship for the upcomthey will be able to encounter future of ethnicity or decile rating. I discovered ing generation in primary and secondchallenges. that not only did the Cool Schools Peer ary schools; and, what impact does this N.B. Mohamed holds a master degree Mediation Programme enhance good Programme have on attriin International and European Security citizenship values, but also, butes of citizenship educa“Cool Schools is schools with good citizenship from the University of Geneva, a master tion: participation in school in International Development Studies educational culture were dedecision-making activities, a Game Changer pendent to a large extent on from the University of Amsterdam and independency of students’ in an Executive master in International Nethe presence of Cool Schools Programmeâ€? UHVROYLQJ WKHLU FRQÉťLFWV DQG gotiations and Policy Making from Instiin their curricula. In other teacher-student relationship capacitytut de hautes ĂŠtudes internationales et words, the removal of Cool Schools from building. I measured those three characdu dĂŠvelopement partner with Harvard WKH VFKRRO FXUULFXOD ZRXOG VLJQLÉšFDQWO\ teristics against the backdrop of both low University. downgrade the school’s overall citizenand high decile schools in the context Mohamed recently spent two months ship educational performance. of multi-diversity. Schools were divided with The Peace Foundation as a PrinciIn summary, the three variables I into two groups, those that were implepal Research Consultant. EULHÉť\ H[HPSOLÉšHG DUH DOO LQWHUZRYHQ

Figure 1 Frequency of Participation of VWXGHQWV LQ VFKRRO DĘƒDLUV


Figure 2 Level of independency students have in dealing with their own disagreements.

Figure 3 Level and Frequency of Teacher-Student deliberations.

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School News

Waterloo Primary Cool Schools Programme E\ 1LFN\ /DZVRQ &RRO 6FKRROV 7HDFKHU &RRUGLQDWRU

WATERLOO SCHOOL’S COOL SCHOOLS Peer Mediation programme was launched in 2012 after Nicky Lawson, a relatively new teacher in the school, saw a real need in the playground for a positive way for the children to be able to solve their problems. Children would often rely on the teacher on duty to solve all of their problems and the playground did not appear to be a positive place to be for some individuals. Having been a Cool Schools teacher coordinator in her previous school, Nicky felt that the programme would help Waterloo School to become a positive, caring and safe place to be. A survey of all the pupils in WKH VFKRRO FRQÉšUPHG 1LFN\¡V REVHUYDWLRQV ZLWK a large number of children reporting that they had been victims of, or had witnessed, bullying and exclusion in the playground. The children reported that the playground was sometimes Waterloo School’s 2013 Peer Mediators. not a positive

place to be. The Cool Schools programme has been in place for just over a year now and has already seen the rates of bullying drop to almost zero. The teachers have reported that they are solving very few minor problems as the children are choosing to use mediation instead. At Waterloo School, the Peer Mediators consist of Year 5 children who are both hand-picked and volunteers. After an intensive two day training camp, the mediators are introduced to the school in the form of a series of Road Shows. The Road Show highlights what peer mediation is and allows all the children in the school to begin to get to know the mediators. Nicky likes to involve a small number of target children in the Cool Schools Programme ZKR KDYH LGHQWLÉšHG VRFLDO DQG RU EHKDYLRXUDO needs. This does two things: (1) the target children do not become problems for the mediators as they are part of the programme, (2) it allows Nicky to work individually with these children, helping to develop their VHOI FRQÉšGHQFH DQG FRPPXQLFDWLRQ VNLOOV DV well as helping them to come up with strategies that they can use when things get too much for them. This has been very successful with the target children developing into kind, caring children who participate in the wider life of

the school. The Waterloo Cool Schools mediators work in pairs in the playground to help the children to solve their problems. Part Mediators in action. of the mediators’ role is to teach the children how to use the skills of FRQÉťLFW UHVROXWLRQ WR VROYH WKHLU RZQ SUREOHPV This has resulted in fewer problems for the mediators as the children have become more FRQÉšGHQW ZLWK LQGHSHQGHQWO\ XVLQJ WKH VNLOOV The teachers have also reported less problems coming back into the classrooms. 2013 has seen the introduction of the ‘Mediation Station’. The mediators had seen a need in the playground for a peaceful place for children to go when they are feeling lonely, ‘down in the dumps’ or if they simply need a quiet place to hang out during break times.


The Cool Schools Peer Mediaton Programme at Ebbett Park School, Hastings, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand by Hamish Dufty, Deputy Principal, Ebbett Park School, Hastings. EBBETT PARK SCHOOL STARTED TO HYDOXDWH UHÉťHFW RQ DQG UHIRFXV LWV EHKDYLRXU management plan in 2012. Prior to our refocus SRRU EHKDYLRXU ZDV GHDOW ZLWK E\ VWDĘƒ RQO\ and I saw the need for students to take some responsibility for their behaviour. We saw a need to look at how we develop positive social interaction between students and develop an HĘƒHFWLYH EHKDYLRXU PDQDJHPHQW SURJUDPPH that was being used consistently throughout the school. 7KH ÉšUVW FKDQJH LQ PLQG VHW IRU VWDĘƒ ZDV WKH QHHG WR ZRUN RQ ZKDW ZH FDQ control; therefore the position that student behaviour being a UHÉťHFWLRQ RI KRPH ZDV no longer accepted as an excuse for poor behaviour. It was LPSRUWDQW IRU VWDĘƒ WR acknowledge that all of our students are a UHÉťHFWLRQ RI ZKDW ZH do, our expectations and our values. It Caleb and Caitlyn was important for our two head Peer our students to realise Mediators. Both that when they put on students help with our our school uniform duty roster and data that they are Ebbett collection.

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Park School kids and to acknowledge what their school and community expect. Our schools values of Excellence, Pride and Spirit also needed a refocus and Cool Schools was a great vehicle to address this; especially the value of Spirit and what we believe it entails. As a small school with a strong whanau belief V\VWHP ZH QHHGHG WR ORRN KRZ ZH DUH GLĘƒHUHQW We started to think about what are the things that happen in the playground which could be uniquely ours and what would we like to see in our playgrounds? :KDW ZH LGHQWLÉšHG ZDV WKH QHJDWLYH way students talk to each other and how they couldn’t recognise the impact of their actions or get help. Often these were small FRQÉťLFWV DQG VWXGHQWV ZHUH FKRRVLQJ WR WDNH WKHLU FRQFHUQV KRPH QRW WDONLQJ WR VWDĘƒ DQG therefore management were dealing with upset parents. We would also see these behaviours ÉšOWHULQJ LQWR FODVVURRPV DIWHU EUHDNV $V , KDG been involved with Cool School at a previous school I knew of the positive message and skills this programme provides. I knew that through the Cool School messages and Peer Mediators in the playground we could help VWXGHQWV GHYHORS SRVLWLYH FRQÉťLFW UHVROXWLRQV Since the student peer mediation sevice has been in operation, we have noticed a dramatic

GURS RĘƒ RI SDUHQWV coming in to discuss behaviour incidents from the playground DQG FRQÉťLFW HQWHULQJ the classroom after breaks. We are also being more proactive Peer Mediation in in recording data from action. Our students are all mediations so we becoming more willing can identify problem to ask for help. areas or students who need support. We now have a wonderful SWIS worker supporting our students and we have also introduced Kiwican, a Hawkes Bay initiative, which supports and adds to the Cool School philosophy. These programmes support the work teachers and students have done in our classrooms. It also supplements our school wide focus on developing positive social skills. As we are at the beginning of our journey, it has been very positive seeing how our peer mediators have taken on their role with ease and commitment. The role of ‘mediator’ has given our school another positive position of leadership and role modelling. Now it is important to sustain development and programme resilence over time.


School News A Principal’s Perspective:

The Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme E\ *UDHPH 6XOOLYDQ 3ULQFLSDO :DWHUORR 3ULPDU\ 6FKRRO

THE COOL SCHOOLS PROGRAMME IS more than a peer mediation programme. It is an opportunity for children and teachers WR GHYHORS VNLOOV LQ FRQÉťLFW UHVROXWLRQ DQG problem solving particularly lower level social and behavioural needs. After an 18 month period of implementing the programme I am starting to notice changes in our playground with behaviour. There are fewer children going to duty teachers and hardly any in our supervised timeout. The mediators are well trained and FRQÉšGHQW LQ FDUU\LQJ RXW WKHLU UROH 7KHUH

are fewer children going to teachers with PLQRU LVVXHV DQG WKH FRQɚGHQFH OHYHO RI the mediators is amazing, they love being involved! The success of the programme has depended on two key factors in my opinion. They are: (1) having a co-ordinator/teacher who drives the programme and makes sure the mediators are well trained and supported and, (2) that teachers are kept informed and involved. It hasn’t all been plain sailing. We KDYH KDG RXU WHHWKLQJ SUREOHPV ɚWWLQJ

everything in. Lots of our mediators are active in sport and cultural activities DW VFKRRO DQG VWDĘƒ have had to compromise time to make WKLV SURJUDPPH KDSSHQ 2QFH VWDĘƒ DUH FRQYLQFHG RI WKH EHQHÉšWV WKH\ JHW LQ behind the programme and, when they GR WKH\ ÉšQG WKH\ KDYH OHVV FRQÉťLFW WR deal with themselves. Long term we think the investment of WLPH DQG HĘƒRUW LQ WKH SURJUDPPH ZLOO really make our school a better place.

Canterbury Peer Mediators Big Day Out 2013 &$17(5%85< 6&+22/6 ŕŠ…&$0(ŕŠ… 72gether on the 26th June, 2013 for the annual Mediators Big Day Out. Hosted with wonderful skill by Opawa School Peer Mediators, there were 39 students and 8 adults in attendance from the following schools, Opawa Primary, 'DUÉšHOG +LJK )HUQVLGH 3ULPDU\ 6W -Rsephs Primary, Oaklands Primary, Kaiapoi Borough, Lincoln Primary and RedFOLĘƒV 3ULPDU\ All schools did a presentation on their Cool Schools programme and/or Peace


Mascot. The guest speaker of the day was Glynn Taylor from the Our Voice anti-bullying initiative and Camille &DUWPDQ IURP 'DUÉšHOG +LJK 6FKRRO lead a presentation and discussion on engaging parents. The winner of the mascot award went to Kaiapoi Borough School for their Peace Plant decorated with all the photos of their mediators which will be planted as part of their Peace Week activities. Representatives from Opawa School,

'DUÉšHOG +LJK 6FKRRO DQG WKH &RRO Schools trainer, Tracy Scott, answered questions from the group. Feedback from students about what they enjoyed most about the day out included: “I really liked listening to all the school presentations because it was inspiring hearing about what other peer mediators in schools do.â€? “I learnt about WKH EDG DĘƒHFWV RI F\EHU EXOO\LQJ DQG information about the 0800 Our Voice Project.â€? “I really enjoyed the games. I think they brought us together as people.â€?

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Family Programme

Strengthening Peace in Families by Virin Gomber, Family Programme Manager MANY YEARS AGO, JIMI HEMDRIX, the musician, singer and songwriter, said: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.â€? The Peace Foundation’s Family Programme aims to achieve that goal of strengthening the power of love through HPSRZHULQJ LQGLYLGXDOV ZLWK HĘƒHFWLYH communication skills to help them build peaceful families and communities. It’s hugely rewarding for us to see positive transformations in people’s lives as they UHSRUW WKH LPPHQVH EHQHÉšWV RI WKHVH OLIH changing skills. It has been a remarkable year for the Family Programme (previously called ‘Parent Programme’) with our ‘Peaceful Family Communication’ course spreading its wings in various parts of Auckland and receiving an overwhelmingly warm response. We have successfully delivered these courses in various parts of Auckland including Takapuna, Devonport, Pakuranga, Otara, St Heliers, East Tamaki and as far as the Waiheke Island. The conceptualisation for the Te Punanga Haumaru Fund Project, which aims to build peaceful families through preventing and addressing bullying, especially in high-risk and vulnerable com-

munities, came to fruition with successful compleWLRQ RI WKH ÉšUVW FRXUVHV at KAAT Trust in East Tamaki. The pilot courses under this programme were delivered in August 2013, with two separate trainings: Peaceful Family Communication (for adults) and Peaceful Teen Communication (PTC), WKH ÉšUVW RI LWV NLQG VSHFLÉš6DWLVÉšHG SDUWLFLSDQWV DW 7DNDSXQD 3)& FRXUVH VKRZ WKHLU FHUWLÉšFDWHV cally targeting teenagers. The Facebook closedJURXS SDJH ZKLFK RĘƒHUV follow-up support and ongoing advice for attending this course. Communication is a participants on the newly learned skills, key in our life and people need to learn how is increasingly becoming popular with WR FRPPXQLFDWH HĘƒHFWLYHO\ Âľ With increasing demand for the Family regular addition of new members. Programme from various communities, Some feedback from participants: we look forward to further strengthening “Great course to learn a more ‘peaceful’ RXU RĘƒHULQJ LQ WKH FRPLQJ PRQWKV DQG way of communicating, learning ability to contributing toward more peaceful and have calm conversations even in times of loving families. FRQÉťLFW Âľ Any community organisations, schools “The PFC course is fun, interactive, engagRU HDUO\ FKLOGKRRG FHQWUHV ORRNLQJ WR RĘƒHU ing - you will be able to improve very much your communication skills, get things sorted the Peaceful Family Communication course to their client network can contact Virin in life, relationships, work, etc.â€? “Amazing course and everyone should be Gomber at

Peaceful Family Communication

A FREE communications skills course for Parents, Caregivers and Educators Delivered by The Peace Foundation and Funded by the Ministry of Social Development

We are now taking bookings! This 15 hour programme is designed to give parents, teachers and caregivers a set of skills that can be used immediately in their family and work environments. The course focuses on simple, proven ways for adults to increase their effectiveness with children, teenagers and their own partners. Participants learn effective communication skills including how to: t Communicate with assertiveness t Skilfully respond to unwanted behaviours t Deal resourcefully with conflict and successfully solve it t Communicate more effectively as a family


This programme has been highly recommended since its inception in early 2010, and has been hosted by various schools in the Auckland area. If your school is interested in hosting a programme for your parents and/or teachers, please contact Virin Gomber ph 09 373-2379 or

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Secondary Schools’ Peace Symposium 2013 – Theme: Action4Peace: Making a Difference in Our Community THIS EVENT WAS HELD ON FRIDAY 16TH August at the Western Springs Garden Community Hall, Auckland. There were nine secondary schools who attended: Waitakere College, Otahuhu College, Western Springs College, Mount Roskill Grammar, Edgewater College, St Dominics, De la Salle College, Sancta Maria College and Baradene College, the last 6 schools presenting their awesome action4peace projects during the morning programme. Inspiration from the ‘voice of youth’ began by an original song, “The Call�, composed and sung for the event by Mohamed Walid Lotfy, a young Egyptian research consultant doing volunteer work for The Peace Foundation. In his introduction, Walid called upon KLV DXGLHQFH WR IHHO FRQɚGHQW DQG WDNH DFtion for peace. “We must be great citizens of the world realising that when working for peace there is no such thing as a small action. Any action for peace has a true impact on the world�. Mohamed returned back home to Amsterdam a week before the symposium so his presentation was shown on video. You can view “The Call� by following the link: watch?v=XmJ9_vLjaa8

Engaged symposium participants

Throughout the morning programme participants were ‘wowed’ by the awesome school presentations and also by the personal stories of action4peace shared by the guest speakers; Chikita Kodikal, Erin Jackson, Peter McGlashan and Giantkilla who performed his new rap “Roc Solidâ€? at our symposium. The spontaneous “Open the Door 2013â€? lunchtime demonstration initiated by Alyn Ware and Laurie Ross (to produce a video clip in recognition of a nuclear weapons free world), was also well received and enjoyed by symposium participants. Feedback from the evaluation forms indicated strongly that students appreciated the opportunity to mix and mingle together and therefore the drumming workshop, led by Fraser Bruce, to unite the symposium group as one big action for peace, at the end of the day, was very popular. $ VXSHUE 0& DOZD\V DGGV WR WKH ÉťDYRXU ambience and overall success of the day. Lua Maynard did a fabulous job in this role, giving introductions, messages of peace, tying up loose ends, etc. Thanks Lua! You are awesome!!! THANK YOU to our fantastic volunteers and interns whose support, both before and

Edgewater College presentation

Erin Jackson, Student Army, Christchurch

Our awesome MC - Lua Maynard

on the day, was invaluable: Tiphaine Mathieu, Constance Gilbert, Merran Spath, Rowell Cabedo, Marielle Morit, Ari Kingi and Jospin Uwaci. The Peace Foundation would also like to acknowledge the continued support of our sponsors Starbucks and Domino’s Pizza. Thank you to Jackson Teoh from FilmStationz who kindly volunteered his time WR ɚOP WKH HYHQW DW ODWH QRWLFH $V D UHVXOW you can view highlights from the symposium by following the link: watch?v=FptiwPDUl3k

Giantkilla raps ´5RF 6ROLG¾

United in drumming WKH EHDW

The Secondary Schools’ Peace Symposium - Reflections by newcomers Western Springs College

A SMALL TEAM OF YEAR 10 STUDENTS from Western Springs College attended WKH V\PSRVLXP IRU WKH ɚUVW WLPH WKLV \HDU Although we were probably the youngest group there, we were soon made to feel welcome and really enjoyed the programme. We have just started Peer Mediation training this year, so it was inspiring to be with so many students who have been active in their schools for a long time. Here are some of our reactions to the day: ‘Man it was awesome – the talks, the preVHQWDWLRQV ZKHQ ZH ɚUVW DUULYHG , ZDV OLNH 2013SPRINGedition

‘Whoa there are a lot of older guys here’, it felt a bit overwhelming. But straight away people were friendly and there was a great atmosphere. It was very cool to be part of it all, and inspiring to see so many senior students involved in making their school a better SODFH , ZRXOG GHÉšQLWHO\ JR EDFN QH[W \HDU ¡ - Marcellus ‘I really liked the personal stories told by people because they were interesting, and although they were about things that haven’t happened to me, I could still learn from them. It made me realise the importance of peace

and helping others.’ - Rhona ‘My favourite act was Giantkilla. There were heaps of totally awesome presentations from other schools - I especially liked De La Salle College. It was good to hear what other schools had done to promote peace in their school. There were lots of senior students there, but everyone was friendly so I met heaps of new people.’ - Rebekah ‘I loved the drumming at the end. It really XQLɚHG XV WR EH GUXPPLQJ WRJHWKHU WR WKH same beat. Thank you to the awesome team who put it all together.’ - Linda

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Peace Week

National Schools’ Peace Week 2013, (Monday 5th August – Friday 9th August)

Theme: Action4Peace: Making a Difference in Our Community by Jonnie Black, Event Manager THIS YEAR’S NATIONAL SCHOOLS’ PEACE WEEK was one of the most engaging we have had to date with 70 schools right across the country (and a few from France and USA) registering. Firstly, I would like to acknowledge our two dedicated interns, Tiphaine Mathieu and Constance Gilbert, for putting in all the hard work involved with Peace Week this year. We received some amazing feedback from schools about the range of activities they got involved in. Here is an example from Queenstown Primary School: Junior classes chose to make drawings or posters about Peace Week. They did craft activities such as paper cranes and dove making. Students also designed peace cards RU SHDFH ɝDJV DV V\PEROV RI 3HDFH :HHN

The Senior School (Years 5– 8) got involved in Peace Hero research presentations. This was an opportunity for students to research DQG ɚQG RXW DERXW SHRSOH ZKR DUH ZHOO known for peace keeping. Students carried RXW UHVHDUFK DQG SUHVHQWHG WKH ɚQGLQJV WR their class. We thank all the schools that registered for Peace Week. Your enthusiastic support helped to make Peace Week 2013 a very memorable, worthwhile event. Action4Peace Project – Gold Certificate Recipients 7KLV \HDU ZH KDG D QHZ LQLWLDWLYH  encouraging schools to create a peace project involving their community. The projects submitted have been outstanding. Some

projects have been on-going. If you would still like to submit your project, please do so on: Congratulations to the following six VFKRROV ZKR PHW WKH VSHFLɚF FULWHULD DQG UHFHLYHG D *2/' FHUWLɚFDWH IURP 7KH 3HDFH )RXQGDWLRQ 7KH\ DUH Coromandel Area School, Sunnynook Primary, Queenstown Primary, Baradene College Mount Roskill Grammar and Macleans Primary. We would appreciate any feedback on how National Schools’ Peace week was for your school. Send us a description with a few photos to peaceweek@, We’ll post these on our website and Facebook page. 7KDQN \RX

Macleans Primary School - Peace Week 2013 - ACTIVITIES TIMETABLE Monday



9-9.30 am


Assembly. Peer Mediation explain peace week. Performances by Kapa Haka, Jump Jam, Choir.

Mediators Give Back Day! Whole school jump Jam.

Peace walk into the community/visit old people’s home. Kapa Haka, Jump Jam, choir to perform.

9.3010.25 am

Teachers to brainstorm with class what peace in the community means. Design own peace posters - best one to be used on.... own class square of fabric to join as a whole school to make a friendship blanket/muriel.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.�

10.25 am Morning Tea

Thursday Teachers to swap classes and read to children something that relates to our school values.

Friday Wear White Day. Whole school jump Jam.

“Every time you smile at someone, “If you want to make peace it is an action of love, a gift to that with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy.� person, a beautiful thing.�

Peer Mediators to read out a peace quote each day.

Peer Mediators to read out a peace quote each day.

Peer mediators to give out white ribbons for acts of caring/peace/kindness. Competition to see which individual/syndicate can get the most by the end of the week.

Lunch Eating

“Peace is its own reward.�

Lunch Library 1-1.30 pm

Making friendship bracelets. Decorating peace quotes to stick on peace tree.

Library stories to be read by parents/members of the community. Read in first language?

Peace face painting. Colouring in competition.

Lunch Outdoor 1-1.30 pm

Peace chalk art.

Peace Treasure Hunt.

Cricket/netball match between parents/teachers and children. Juniors - sport trolly/skipping.

Invite parents to come and share their skills - origami making/paper planes/cake decorating/drawing or playing board games etc.

LEFT: Macleans Primary School Peer Mediators 2013.

Origami dove making.

Peer mediators to organise tabloid sports Whole school to make human peace sign and release balloons with peace quotes inserted.

1.302.15 pm 2.15-3 pm

“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.�

Invite parents to come and share lunch with children. (Provide tea/coffee).

Friday Assembly. Each class to present peace quote/activity. Announce competition winners.

Buddy classes to work together on a peace project.

Don’t forget to check out the web site for ideas and resources if your struggling for ideas with your buddy class. Hope you all have an awesome week and enjoy the ‘peace’ (unfortunately probably not the peace and quiet!!) Try to really support and encourage the peer mediators as they will be working really hard to get organised and prepared. Thank you in anticipation of a great week. L.Ely

Peace Week at Baradene College E\ 5HEHFFD 6LPPV <HDU

PEACE WEEK 2013 AT BARADENE College was a huge success. Following on from our main theme of sisterhood, our ZHHN KDG ÉšYH GLĘƒHUHQW WKHPH GD\V 0RQday was ‘pay it forward’ where hundreds of kind messages were placed around the school, to be passed on in a cycle throughout the whole day. Tuesday was ‘random acts of kindQHVV¡ ZKHUH HYHU\RQH PDGH DQ HĘƒRUW WR perform a kind act for another and not

8 MediationWORKS

expect anything in return. Random acts of kindness could be written onto a leaf and placed on a tree in our main seating area for everyone to look at. Wednesday was ‘love your body’ where inspirational pictures were placed around the school. These helped people to see and be thankful for the beautiful body God gifted them with. 7KXUVGD\ ZDV ÂśIUHH KXJV GD\¡ GHÉšnitely our most widely enjoyed day, this

day consisted of our leaders in the school wearing free hug signs. Armed at the front gates, we were there to greet everyone good morning. Lastly Friday was ‘unite day’ where everyone was encouraged to come and sign our huge annual peace week banner. A bake sale was also held, with all donations going to the worthy cause of Caritas NZ. Overall, this week helped the students to strengthen the sisterhood we all share. 2013SPRINGedition

Peace Week


The Peace March

IN JUNE THIS YEAR ROSKILL GRAMMAR SCHOOL’S Mrs Jan Pace, Donna Hourigan-Johnston and a lucky select few of our student mediators (Selina Choudhury, Diana Qiu, Joseph Kaufusi and Karan Banker) were invited to become part of a private audience for His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, during his visit to Auckland at the Pullman Hotel. During this precious 15-minute meeting, His Holiness spoke about violence – the human trait – and how it is not the way to go about solving the issues and problems that surround each and every one of us. He went on to H[SODLQ KRZ YLROHQW XUJHV FRXOG EH HĘƒHFWLYHO\ ÂśVQXĘƒHG RXW¡ E\ ÉšQGLQJ RXU LQQHU SHDFH DQG WKDW ÉšQGLQJ WKLV ‘inner peace’ would require a little bit of willpower, a little bit of action, and a little bit of change. And the result? First and foremost; peace within ourselves; and the second, peace within our community. One of our mediators, Karan Banker had the chance to speak directly to the Dalai Lama, his short speech was quoted in a news article. “We have at Mt Roskill Grammar school more than 200 mediators who help make the school a better and safer place. As young people we do understand that we are the next generation and that we need to develop peace, not within ourselves only, but within the community, within the country and throughout the globe, and to strive to be a peaceful nation.â€? Which led on all very nicely to this year’s theme for RXU DQQXDO 3HDFH :HHNÂŤ Âś$FWLRQ IRU 3HDFH ¡ 7KH ZHHN VWDUWHG RĘƒ ZLWK D IHZ ODXJKV DV VRPH of our mediators took it to the stage at Assembly, performing two short skits that inspired students to take even the smallest action to promote peace in RXU VFKRRO FRPPXQLW\ 7KH ÉšUVW VNLW KDYLQJ EHHQ hugely enthused by the philosophical teachings of His

The Peace March


Holiness, the Dalai Lama, encouraged that talking, hence breaking a situation down into its component bits, was the best way to solve an argument. The second skit placed particular emphasis on looking after Roskill – keeping it clean and tidy, by simply minding where one placed their litter after they were done with it. The performance ended with singing Michael Jackson’s classic, ‘Man in the Mirror,’ which VSRNH WR XV DOO ,I ZH ZDQW WR VHH D GLĘƒHUHQFH EHLQJ made, then WE have to be that change. Wednesday became “Diversity and Anti-Violence Dayâ€?, which would feature a joint project organised by a coalition of Roskill mediators and prefects. At lunchtime, various stalls promoting diversity of every creed and race were set up in the hall – Body Image, 'LVDELOLW\ $ZDUHQHVV ÂŤ HYHQ 2ULJDPL \XSS \RX name it. We also had stalls from The Human Rights Commission, Rainbow Youth, It’s Not OK campaign, SHINE and the “ Working for Changeâ€? student group. We also had awesome music bands playing. The primary aim of this project was to promote diversity and anti- violence messages in our school community, and, judging by the massive turnout of students in the hall that lunchtime, one could probably say that LW ZRUNHG ZDV WKH ÉšUVW \HDU WKDW 5RVNLOO KDV had a ‘Diversity and Anti Violence Wednesday,’ and it has been a great success. This year’s Peace Week ended with the highly anticipated Peace March around Roskill, carried out by a precession of our mediators and students VHUYLFHV VWDĘƒ (DFK SHUVRQ ZDV HTXLSSHG ZLWK WKHLU custom-design printed peace T-shirt, peace ribbons DQG ZKLWH KHOLXP ÉšOOHG EDOORRQV $W WKH EDFN RI WKLV SDUW\ VWRRG WZR JUDQG DQG PDJQLÉšFHQWO\ SDLQWHG peace banners, attesting our theme: ‘ACTION 4 PEACE.’ The last afternoon of this year’s Peace Week passed MRYLDOO\ $V RXU PHGLDWRU VWXGHQWV DQG VWDĘƒ VZHSW back into the school only one task remained. This ZDV WKH ÉšQDO GHFODUDWLRQ IRU SHDFH WKH UHOHDVH RI the white balloons. As boy and girl, youth and adult RI PXOWLSOH GLĘƒHUHQW HWKQLFLWLHV DQG EDFNJURXQGV VWRRG RQ WKH VFKRRO ÉšHOG WKDW GD\ DQG DV HDFK RI their white balloons – a symbol for peace - slowly untangled from their grasps a promise was made. This was Roskill taking a stand for what it believed in, and standing to make that change. And so Peace Week for 2013 was concluded.

Peace Banner

Action4Peace t-shirts designed by the peer mediators.

Peace week face painting.

The releasing of the white balloons after the Peace March


Peace Week Assembly

MediationWORKS 9


The Peace Foundation Shines at the 2013 International Cultural Festival ´,) &,9,/,=$7,21 ,6 72 6859,9( we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.â€? - Franklin D. Roosevelt. Promoting peaceful relationships among people of all ages and cultures from personal to global is in The Peace Foundation’s mission statement and this year we truly shone through by being part of a cultural extravaganza at the International Cultural Festival hosted by the Auckland Council during April. This was The Peace Foundation’s

10 MediationWORKS

second attendance at the festival with our stall next to other like-minded organizations such as the United Nations. While we were able to build awareness on our Auckland City for Peace initiatives at the event, the ‘Peace Flag Painting’ activity at our stall tables attracted a lot of kids who enjoyed ZDYLQJ WKH ÉťDJ RI SHDFH DURXQG WKH venue. The day presented great networking opportunities, especially with early childhood education centres, playcentres, community organisations working with

refugee and migrant communities, and QRW IRU SURÉšW RUJDQLVDWLRQV ZRUNLQJ with families and parents. We were able to really promote our Peaceful Family Communication programme. More than 300 visitors to our stall were introduced to our programmes which cater to people of all ages and cultures. The Peace Foundation would like to thank all our volunteers, interns and VWDĘƒ ZKR ZRUNHG KDUG WR PDNH RXU participation in the festival such a great success.


Kia Tau te Rangimarie

Kia Tau te Rangimarie Moves from Strength to Strength E\ -RQQLH %ODFN 3URJUDPPH &RRUGLQDWRU

ON 31 JANUARY, A FULL TRAINING at Te Kura .DXSDSD 0ĂžRUL R 1JĂž 0RNRSXQD NLFNHG RĘƒ WKH \HDU IRU .LD 7DX WH 5DQJLPDULH :LWK DOO WKH VWDĘƒ WUDLQLQJ LW ZDV D IDEXORXV GD\ ÉšOOHG ZLWK lots of korero, laughter and excitement to begin programme implementation. It was great to observe the commitment from teachers to ensure their whanau and tamariki are looked after in a safe learning environment. Some feedback from the day included: ´'HÉšQLWHO\ , VDZ D ORW RI IDPLOLDU VFHnarios that I realised could have been dealt with a little better. Awesome day. A lot learnt and great tikanga Maori knowledge.â€? Kaiako, TKKM o Nga Mokopuna A revisit was also facilitated for the tauira at that kura where Jonnie trained all wharekura (secondary) students in the local chapel. The tauira responded well to the training and really got into the mediators’ role-plays. They created a short 3-4 minute scenario and acted it out. What better way to learn the mediation process other than by way of role play and really getting into the role of being a mediator. Tino rawa atu

ki a koutou nga tauira o te kura o nga mokpuna. Here is what the tauira had to say: “Absolutely loved the shared discussions and hearing others experiences. Love to VHH PRUH 7H 5HR 0DRUL XVHG LQ UHVRXUFHV DQG PRUH PDRUL VSHFLÉšF YLVXDO DLGV ([FHOOHQW :DV ZRUWK LW DQG ZRXOG KLJKO\ UHFRPPHQG WKLV WUDLQLQJ WR RWKHUV Âľ

Students, TKKM o Nga Mokopuna. Nga mihi nunui kia koutou te whanau o nga mokopuna. Karawhiua te hikoi nei I runga I te kaupapa kia tau te rangimarie. Kai kaha kia maia kia Manawa nui. We are now taking bookings for 2014. Please email Jonnie Black:

Schools Valuing REACT - Responding to Armed Conflict E\ -RQQLH %ODFN 3URJUDPPH &RRUGLQDWRU

THIS YEAR WE HAVE BEEN FORTUnate to have Devon DeZwaan Lemke on board as an intern from the United States to help deliver our Responding to $UPHG &RQɝLFW 5($&7 3URMHFW :KDW an amazing job she has done! Devon has rejuvenated the presentation with some new, updated and relevant information. Another acknowledgement and appreciation must go to the Disarmament Education United Nations Implementation Fund for funding this initiative so schools can take up the project free of charge. Without their invaluable support we would not have been able to deliver the presentation to date. This year we have had more schools involved in the student presentations. Thank \RX WR /\QɚHOG &ROOHJH %LUNHQKHDG &ROlege, Auckland Girls Grammar and St Mary’s College for inviting us to deliver our presen2013SPRINGedition

tation. We presented to approximately 500 students overall and are very pleased with the feedback. We currently have two new interns, Margot Arnaud and Jospin Uwaci, who have further updated the presentation including the current situation we see in Syria. There is a stronger need to broaden students’ thinking around the eradication of weapons for mass destruction and to look at how we FDQ FUHDWH D PRUH SHDFHIXO VRFLHW\ ÂŤ EULQJing it back to New Zealand to reinforce why we need to maintain a nuclear free nation. 5($&7 LV D SUHVHQWDWLRQ RĘƒHUHG E\ 7KH Peace Foundation to NZ secondary schools in Auckland/Northland. It aims to: 1) raise DZDUHQHVV DERXW DUPHG FRQÉťLFW IRFXson nuclear abolution and disarmament; and 3) engaage youth in responding to DUPHG FRQÉťLFWV

Calling for bookings now!

The presentation is 35-40 minutes. Our trainers are young, vibrant, and passionate about their topic. The presentation is interactive and allows for questions from the students. We also have a Facebook page so if students leave still wanting to ask more questions, they can post these on our page and a response will be given. We are now taking bookings for 2014. If you want a thought provoking, interacWLYH LQIRUPDWLYH IUHH 5($&7 SUHVHQWDtion, please email to make a booking. We will happily present to a classroom, or to a VSHFLÉšF DJH EDQG RU WR D ZKROH VFKRRO assembly. We will cater to your schools SUHIHUHQFHV $W WKLV VWDJH 5($&7 ZRUNshops are available FREE for schools in the Auckland and Northland regions. We look forward to hearing from you.

MediationWORKS 11

Youth Wing

Jospin Uwaci

Najilaa Al-Abayechi

Margot Arnaud

Constance Gilbert

Tiphaine Mathieu

Devon DeZwaan Lemke

Interns Giving Service to The Peace Foundation Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi Engari, he toa takitini Success is not the work of one, but the work of many THE PEACE FOUNDATION IS FORTUnate to have some fantastic interns ZRUNLQJ LQ RXU RÉ˝FH WKLV \HDU XQGHU the guidance of Jonnie Black and Caroline Ongleo. Not only do we have interns from New Zealand but individuals all the way from France, United States of America and even the Netherlands. They join The Peace Foundation in an ‘unpaid’ capacity and have travelled to New Zealand to also experience our beautiful country and culture. Here is a EULHI SURÉšOH RI WKH LQWHUQV IRU Tiphaine Mathieu is a third year student at the Institute of Political Studies in Toulouse, France. She was with us for six months at the beginning of this year and worked on the National Schools’ Peace Week and Secondary Schools’ Peace Symposium. Constance Gilbert is also a third year student at the Institute of Political Studies in Toulouse, France. She was here for six months at the beginning of the year and worked alongside Tiphaine on the National Schools’ Peace Week 2013, and the Secondary Schools Peace Symposium. Without these two wonderfully energetic interns from France, National Schools’ Peace Week 2013 would not have been such a success, with all the amazing toolkits, promotional material and media releases. On behalf of everyone at The Peace Foundation, we say MERCI BEAUCOUP!

12 MediationWORKS

Devon DeZwaan Lemke is from Nashville, Tennessee. She is studying Business Marketing, and worked on and presented the Responding to $UPHG &RQɝLFW 3UHVHQWDWLRQ 5($&7 to students in three secondary schools. She did a fabulous job while she was with The Peace Foundation for three months. Margot Arnaud is currently achieving her third year of Bachelor in Political Studies at the school of Sciences Toulouse, South of France. She is doing her Masters degree in International Relations, especially in international security issues. She is working with ReVSRQGLQJ WR $UPHG &RQɝLFW 5($&7 updating and presenting this to secondary schools. Jospin Uwaci is originally from Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). He is a third year student at AUT University doing a double major LQ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6WXGLHV DQG &RQɝLFW Resolution. He will be co-presenting the REACT presentation with Margot. Ariana Kingi is a third year student at Auckland University of Technology. 6KH LV LQ WKH ɚQDO VHPHVWHU RI KHU %DFKelor’s degree doing a double major in &ULPLQRORJ\ DQG &RQɝLFW 5HVROXWLRQ She hopes to do a Master’s degree in &RQɝLFW 5HVROXWLRQ +HU IXWXUH DVSLUDtion is to work with the UN as she believes their organisation is the foundation of peace. She is working with the

Peaceful Family Communication programme and Cool Schools. Najilaa Al-AbayechiÂŹ LV FXUUHQWO\ in her third year of study in Management and Economics at the University of Auckland. She brings great administrative experience to the team. She is working alongside Caroline Ongleo (Director) on social enterprise, marketing and promotion. Emilie Laarhoven is in her second year of study at University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam. She will be joining The Peace Foundation in November and will be here until April 2014. She will be working on our Youth Peace Ambassador project DQG RĘƒHULQJ KHU VNLOOV DQG H[SHUWLVH LQ coaching and facilitating. Griffin Leonard is a student currently studying a Postgraduate diploPD LQ 3HDFH DQG &RQÉťLFW 6WXGLHV ZLWK the National Centre for Peace and ConÉťLFW 6WXGLHV DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 2WDJR He will be with us from mid-October. His interest and passion is Nuclear Disarmament and he will focus on a project we have surrounding such an important issue. We are fortunate enough to have this young, dynamic team of fantastic interns with a variety of skills, experWLVH DQG H[SHULHQFH MRLQ WKH VWDĘƒ DW The Peace Foundation for this year. Nau mai whakatau mai! Welcome on board! 2013SPRINGedition


Reminder to Partnership Schools: An invoice will be sent to your school at the beginning of January for the renewal of your subscription of $150 + GST. Please pay this as soon as possible. Much appreciated.


Upcoming Events Auckland Primary Teachers' Cool Schools Training Workshops 2014 WHERE:



Due Dates: 2014 SUMMER EDITION

Friday 13th December (Week 9, Term 4, 2013)

Seminar Room, Level 1, National Library, 8 Stanley Street, Parnell.


Friday 19th September (Week 9, Term 3, 2014)

$150 + GST per person which includes training fee, handouts, morning tea and lunch.


%RRN D VWDʃ PHHWLQJ RU ZRUNVKRS WR provide awareness and skills on how WR RYHUFRPH FRQɻLFW DQG PDLQWDLQ peaceful relationships in the work place environment. Happy teachers ... happy students! Refer to the back page for more details.

Friday 21st February (Week 4, Term 1, 2014) 7KXUVGD\ WK 0DUFK (Week 8, Term 1, 2014) Friday 23rd May (Week 3, Term 2, 2014) 7KXUVGD\ WK $XJXVW (Week 3, Term 3, 2014) Friday 5th December (Week 9, Term 4, 2014) Email: christina@ to register


7KDW·V ULJKW« 7KH 3HDFH )RXQGDWLRQ and Cool Schools is on Facebook. To check it out go to www.facebook. com/coolschoolsNZ and click ‘LIKE’ to be kept up to date about events, network meetings, available trainings or to just say ‘hello’. We’ll see you in the Social Media Sphere.

Use your smart phone and scan the QR Code to go directly to our site ... no typing involved. is ion works red by Mediat y sponso proudl

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Please can all article contributions be emailed to: christina@





6DPH ZHEVLWH « QHZ ORRN 7KH Peace Foundation has recently launched a new, rejuvenated, revitalized website with lots of useful information. It looks amazing! Check it out on:

Trainer Contact Details Name





Christina Barruel CS Manager and Trainer Pri/Sec

Auckland, Waikato, Hawkes Bay

09 373 2379 027 272 9331

09 379 2668

Paige Wells CS Programme Assistant

All regional programme inquiries

09 373 2379

09 379 2668

Jonnie Black Kia Tau te Rangimarie Programme Coordinator

Auckland, Northland

09 373 2379 021 058 1700

09 379 2668


Taranaki, Wellington, Manawatu/ Wanganui, Tasman

04 475 9770 021 023 32765

Andrea O’Hagan Pri/Sec/PP/PTCP

Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, Waikato

07 307 9085 027 711 2072

Lynn Scott Pri/Sec

Northland, Far North

09 434 0135 027 542 3665

7UDF\ 6FRWW Pri/Sec

Canterbury, West Coast, Marlborough, Otago, Southland

021 055 9575

Virin Gomber Family Programme Manager


09 373 2379 021 188 4969


MediationWORKS 13

Resources Resources/Books

Adolescent Volcanoes By Éliane Whitehouse and Warwick Pudney. Suitable for parents of children aged 12-18. Divided into two sections, one each for adults and adolescents, this book helps identify and deal with anger and abusive behaviour. It includes activities to teach a range of skills. $15

constructive way. It looks at the causes of anger such as hurt, loss and fear. It helps parents and other caregivers to help children under 5 to deal more positively with their angry thoughts and feelings. $12 Happier Parenting Happier Children Why You Parent the Way You Do and How You Could Change It. By Éliane Whitehouse. Why do we parent the way we do? Based on countless parenting courses run by the author, this book is full of practical, easily understood suggestions, exercises and approaches for parents to enable them to: Better understand their parenting VW\OH DQG ZKDW IDFWRUV LQÉťXHQFH LW Get clearer insights into the needs of their children at various stages. Learn to “re-parentâ€? themselves whilst still parenting their children. %H SRVLWLYH HĘƒHFWLYH DQG KDSSLHU LQ WKLV DOO LPSRUWDQW role. $8

Thanks Not Spanks Practical ways you can make child raising easier and parenting more rewarding. By Mary Cornford. Suitable for parents of children aged 0-15. A suggestion-packed guide on how to raise children using positive methods. Teaches skills to deal with anger and stress and provides 50 alternatives to physical punishment for addressing behavioural problems. $8

Learning Peaceful Relationships Edited by the Peace Foundation and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. Suitable for ages 5-12. A popular book featuring a progression of activities for primary aged students, promoting communication, co-operation, respect and a peaceful classroom. This was the book that inspired the founding of the Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme! $4

Little Volcanoes Young Children’s Anger and Happiness. By Éliane Whitehouse and Warwick Pudney. Suitable for parents of children aged 0-5. A practical book that helps teach children to handle their anger in a

Order Form

Name: Address: Phone: Book

Email: Price (inc. GST)

Quantity Required


Price (inc. GST)

Adolescent Volcanoes


Little Volcanoes


Thanks not Spanks


Happier Parenting, Happier Children


Learning Peaceful Relationships


Please send this slip along with payment (cheque) to: The Peace Foundation, PO Box 8055, Symonds St, Auckland 1150. Alternatively send or fax this order form and payment can be deposited into bank account #06-0158-0010006-00 (Please use your name and “book order� as reference).

Quantity Required

SUB TOTAL Postage & Packaging



Phone 09 373 2379 Fax 09 379 2668 Email:

14 MediationWORKS


Cool Schools Resource Order Form

Order Form also available on the Cool School section of The Peace Foundation website:



Address: Email:


Order number:

Cool Schools Trainer:

Resource Items


Price (incl GST)


Total $

Primary and Intermediate Cool Schools Primary Manual


The Essential Peer Mediator Handbook

1 copy $15.00 10 copies $100.00 20 copies $180.00

Co-ordinator’s Kit (USB stick)


Poster: The Mediation Process


Poster: The Problem Solving Owl


Poster: A Good Listener


Poster set: (3 posters - one of each) BUY 3 SETS GET 1 SET FREE


Training DVD


Badges: Presentation/Graduation Uniform Vests:

$4.00 $2.50 $35.00

Small (93cm around chest) Lime green colour Medium (102cm) Large (113cm)

Sm Med Lge

Peace Bands: comes in child and adult sizes

Bulk order Retail Price $2 50 bands $95 special price: 100 bands $180

Sign (weatherproof 60x40cm) Secondary


Child Adult



Cool Schools Secondary Manual


Training DVD Mt Roskill Grammar

$30.00 $25.00

Training DVD Takapuna Grammar

$20.00 $15.00 Reduced Price!! Reduced Price!!

Badges: Presentation/Graduation Uniform Sign (weatherproof 60x40cm)

$4.00 $2.50 $40.00

Peace Bands: comes in child and adult sizes

Bulk order special price:

Retail Price $2 50 bands $95 100 bands $180

Child Adult SUB TOTAL

Postage and Packaging Old stock of vests/sashes available at discounted prices - please phone for details.

The Peace Foundation, PO Box 8055, Symonds Street, Grafton, Auckland 1150 Secondary - Uniform Phone (09) 373 2379 Fax (09) 379 2668 Email



Secondary Presentation/ Graduation

Peace Band

Primary - Uniform


Primary Presentation/Graduation

Vest front view

Vest back view

MediationWORKS 15

In Focus

Positive Behaviour for Learning THE PEACE FOUNDATION HAS SEEN THE growing commitment of schools to adhere to the Ministry of Education’s Positive Behaviour for Learning which provides programmes and initiatives for schools, teachers and parents across the country to promote positive behaviour in children and young people. Further, the Ministry of Education’s National Administration Guidelines for schools require each school board of trustees to provide a safe physical and emotional environment for students. There is evidence to show that positive school climate is associated with higher levels of academic motivation, acheivement and success at school, increased pro-social attitudes and behaviours, feelings of enjoyment, safety and connectedness, and lower risk of aggressive behaviour. The Ministry of Education has developed the Wellbeing@School as a support framework to engage the whole school community in a self-review process. There are two kits that H[SORUH WKH H[WHQW WR ZKLFK GLĘƒHUHQW VFKRRO practices promote safe and caring school climate (Wellbeing@School); and 2) extent to which school practices are inclusive of all students (Inclusive Practices Tools). The states: "The :HOOEHLQJ#6FKRROÂŹ WRROV DUH GHVLJQHG WR VXSSRUW primary, intermediate and secondary schools to HQJDJH LQ D UHYLHZ SURFHVV ÂŹ 7KH :HOOEHLQJ# 6FKRRO VHOI UHYLHZ WRROV H[SORUH KRZ GLĘƒHUHQW layers of school life contribute to creating a safe DQG FDULQJ FOLPDWH WKDW GHWHUV EXOO\LQJ ÂŹ7KH DLP of the review process is to support schools to engage in an ongoing journey towards building inclusive practices for all learners." Some Cool Schools have used the Wellbeing@ School and Inclusive Practices tools as part of a self-review cycle. This continuous cycle takes VFKRROV WKURXJK ÉšYH VWHSV WKDW DLP WR VXSSRUW ongoing improvement. These steps are developed

from action research and health promotion SURFHVVHV ÂŹ Ranui Primary School, who hosted the West Auckland Cool Schools Network Meeting on 21 June, presented their self-review assessment using the Wellbeing@School online survey and linked this to the aims of the Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme. The synergy of Cool Schools and the Wellbeing approach has been working well at Ranui School with the support of the wider school community including Health Promoting School Advisors in the area. This is a great model of sustainability for Cool Schools as there is acceptance from the whole school on helping to create pro social behaviour and positive wellbeing. We encourage all schools to learn more about the Wellbeing@School tools, and the Positive Behaviour for Learning approach, and to look at how you can make use of the Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme to meet your school needs in creating a safe and caring environment.

Farewell to Carolyne Smith 17 dedicated years to Cool Schools The Peace Foundation would like to acknowledge Carolyne Smith who retired from her role as the Southland and Otago Cool Schools trainer after 17 years of committed service. THANK YOU for all \RXU GHGLFDWHG HĘƒRUW DQG valuable expertise. Your friendly, bubbly, amiable personality will be missed by the national team.


ProPeace Work stands for Positive Relationship Options for Peace at Work and is a suitable workshop for teaching staff.

:H RĘƒHU ZRUNVKRSV IURP KRXUV XS WR D IXOO GD\ WDLORUHG WR VXLW WKH QHHGV RI VFKRRO VWDĘƒ 5HPHPEHUÂŤZKHQ LW FRPHV WR FRQÉťLFW UHVROXWLRQ if you have happy teachers who get on well together and know how to constructively resolve their issues then you are going to have happy VWXGHQWV ÂŤ WKH ULSSOH HĘƒHFW The workshop can include a selection or all of the following content: 8QGHUVWDQGLQJ FRQÉťLFW &RQVWUXFWLYH YHUVXV GHVWUXFWLYH ZD\V RI GHDOLQJ ZLWK FRQÉťLFW - Understanding perception

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