MediationWorks 2016 winter edition

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Peace Education Programmes Newsletter

Changemakers for Peace Peacemakers for Change

2016 Peer Mediators Upper Harbour Primary School

The Peace Education School Programmes:

In this issue ...        

The magic of rapport (Pg 6) Schools' Peace Week 2016 - register now! (Pg 8) Nadeem Ghazi - peace educator in Pakistan (Pg 11) Give-a-little to support peer mediation in schools (Pg 2) Cool Schools and LtPM surveys show exceptional results (Pg 3) Kimberley Alford - lawyer, accredited mediator, LtPM coach, speaks (Pg 5) School News - Emma shares her awesome mediators reward system (Pg 4) Acknowledgements, notices, research work, Youth Talk and more ...

Editorial Kia Ora Koutou,

This is another awesome edition. Thanks to all those who have willingly contributed their articles. I am sharing this editorial page with my Christina Barruel two colleagues, Christopher and Annie, who have both been hard at work engaged in important projects to progress The Peace Foundation onwards and upwards. Please support our Give-a-Little campaign. Christopher has mentioned more about this below. Grandparents, parents, teachers and students from our school communities around New Zealand can make a huge difference in ‘giving-a-little’ towards raising money to support more schools in New Zealand to have the tools for peaceful conflict resolution through the skills of peer mediation. Imagine if all students gained awareness of these skills before leaving school, entering the workforce and being engaged fully in personal and professional relationships. What a difference this would make! Our short video clip says it all…and… it’s the student voices that are convincing! watch?v=HxJFBn3INHI I am concerned about the statistics reported in the media recently, which indicate that New Zealand has the worst rate of family and intimate partner violence in the world. And to think that a shocking 80 percent of incidents go unreported! As New Zealand citizens who have a collective responsibility to keep our communities safe, we need to be more pro-active in aiming to eliminate this ‘violence’ problem. One area to promote is Peace Education in schools; programmes that focus on Relationship Education and support the vision of The New Zealand Curriculum so that young people will be confident, connected lifelong learners that make healthy choices and avoid problems in adolescence, including violence. Recently, The Peace Foundation has been engaged in two research projects, the overall aim being to discover the impact of our two mainstream peace education programmes: (1) the Cool Schools Peer

Mediation Programme for primary schools, and (2) the Leadership through Peer Mediation Programme (LtPM) for secondary schools. (Refer to Page 3 opposite for more information on this research work.) I have been amazed at the testimonials, received during the data gathering process from teachers, programme coordinators, guidance counsellors, principals, students, and current and former student peer mediators, which exemplify the positive impacts of learning peaceful conflict resolution skills at school. We can certainly reduce this ‘violence’ problem by engaging youth as part of the solution. The following are a sample of some significant quotes: “Peer mediation and the leadership within our school makes a significant contribution to two of our core values whanaungatanga and manaakitanga. It has been incredibly rewarding to see students thrive, grow in confidence and feel that their own dignity is enhanced.” Teacher (secondary) “I think it would benefit the school community as a whole if more students could train to be mediators. There are only limited spaces each year because of funding. More students could benefit from the training where the skills they learn have a ripple effect into their homes and our community helping our young people to be more caring, understanding, accepting citizens.” Programme coordinator (secondary) “Oh yes, the skills I have learnt have influenced my teaching effectiveness and my marriage. It has helped me to not jump to conclusions and not to blame other people.” Programme coordinator (primary)

“I use the skills I've learnt in my personal life all the time. As a trainee doctor being able to build rapport and understand different personality types has been invaluable. I still reference my peer mediation training when we have professional and communication skills assessments!” Former peer mediator (secondary) immediately apparent. And if your school is also a Xero user, transactions can be even easier. Significant work is also happening on our website. The look has been modernised and an online payment system activated. This means it will be easier to find out what we are up to and will provide much quicker access to resources for our partnership schools. We also hope to have online training registration active prior to the 2017 school year. These improvements will allow for more efficient processing of all schools’ transactions, whether booking a training, ordering resources or paying invoices. We invite any school using Xero to contact

Peace Foundation launches Crowdfunding project to expand peer mediation across schools in New Zealand

1. Get peer mediation skills taught in a further 160 schools across NZ 2. Develop a project to get peer mediation to every school in the country. 3. Transform our website to make it much more interactive and accessible to students, teachers, parents and peaceworkers. With your help, we will be able to recruit two full time teacher trainers to join the team, replace our tired Cool Schools car, get some modern computers, and pay our staff a living wage! We’d also like to make a workplace programme available, to tackle the high levels of violence in our communities, to help reconcile and heal. You can help too. Give up a coffee for a day (or a week) and pledge the savings to our givealitte initiative:

As many of you know Peer Mediation is a home-grown product – made in NZ. Kids love it and so do the teachers. We are getting more and more people letting us know examples Christopher of it being used to diffuse conflict Le Breton outside schools, in the community and off the rugby field (in the changing rooms). The Peer Mediation Programme was developed by children 20 years ago and continues to work powerfully. That is its strength. So, with this fantastic feedback, we have just launched our $300,000 crowdfunding project to do three things:

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“Being a peer mediator has made me be more responsible. I have learnt new stuff, and helped the school to be a safer place with no one fighting and punching.” Student peer mediator (primary) I would like to thank the following individuals for their valuable support in assisting with these two research projects: Dr Helene Connor (Unitec Institute of Technology), Lyndon Burford (PhD Candidate, International Relations, University of Auckland), Marie Nassanka (PhD Candidate, National Centre of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago), Dr Gillian Tasker, and Peace Foundation interns Leo Buccahan, Katherine Matthews and Samantha McKinlay. Our hope and vision is that the findings from these two reports will encourage the Ministry of Education, in particular, to fund our peace education programmes in schools nationwide. The need is there. It is time. Arohanui, Christina Barruel Head of Peace Education

“The LtPM training and programme contributes significantly to student wellbeing! It creates belonging, connectedness and social responsibility.” Student peer mediator (secondary)

Exciting Technology Updates at the Peace Foundation

The Peace Foundation administration processes are currently being re-vamped! Since March I have been working closely with our Accountants to update and Annie Ferguson simplify our bookkeeping and finance functions. We are doing this by implementing new software – Xero! Whilst it has been hard work exporting and importing data from a legacy system and learning the intricacies of a new system, the benefits and simplicity of Xero have been

“One student in particular who has had anger issues, he was in my classroom last year and I did a lot of work with him using the skills from our peer mediation program. This year he is in year 6 and he has become a peer mediator. All of my fellow teachers cannot believe how much he has evolved.” Programme coordinator (primary)

Student peer mediators from Otahuhu College

us so that we can directly connect. In addition we are actively seeking to connect with as many schools as possible via Facebook. Connecting will allow us to see and support your schools’ activities and we can keep you up to date with ours. You can connect with us at The Peace Foundation @PeaceFoundationNZ and we will connect with you in return. Annie Ferguson Co-General Manager, IT and Administration And watch our clip here:

Thank you. In partnership for peace. Ngā Mihi. Best wishes. Christopher Le Breton Co-General Manager, Funding, Partnerships and Peace Development.

2016 WINTER edition


Leadership through Peer Mediation (LtPM) research shows strong, positive impact on schools and students by Lyndon Burford (PhD Candidate in International Relations, University of Auckland) In semester  2,  2015,  The Peace  Foundation commissioned preliminary research into the impact of the LTPM peer mediation programme on the wellbeing of peer mediators and the ‘cultures’ of the schools the programme operates in. The research focused particularly on the key issues that students seek mediation for: n The LTPM-based skills that peer mediators find most useful in helping resolve conflicts at school. n The impact of the LTPM experience on the personal lives of mediators, as well as their professional lives once they leave school, and n The perceptions of staff and students about the impact of LTPM on their schools’ cultures. The research focused on nine secondary schools in the Auckland region, where we have the strongest participation in the LTPM programme. In total, we surveyed 172 participants in schools ranging from deciles one to ten. Participants were divided into staff (principals, teachers and LTPM coordinators) and students (current

and former peer mediators, and students who have used the LTPM peer mediation service). The research findings represent a strong endorsement of the LTPM programme and the skills it teaches around leadership, personal responsibility, rapport building and active, empathic communication. A majority across all participant categories believed LTPM had improved their schools’ cultures. The programme was seen as having improved relationships within the student body, as well as having reduced bullying, thus creating a safer school environment. This is a strong indication that LTPM is achieving its objective of empowering students to become ‘ambassadors of social justice.’ Former LTPM peer mediators were overwhelmingly positive about the programme’s impact at the personal level. Many found that LTPM-based skills had improved relationships with family and friends, and had benefitted their tertiary educational outcomes in fields such as law, medicine and psychology. This research shows The Peace Founda-

tion’s commitment to constant self-evaluation and programme improvement. We aim to provide top-quality, evidence-based training that empowers young New Zealanders with the skills and confidence to thrive, emotionally and academically, in the hyper-connected world of the 21st century. Our thanks go to Dr Helene Connor of Unitec Institute of Technology, and to former Peace Foundation intern Leo Buccahan, a recent MA graduate of the University of Bradford, England, who conducted the research.

Student peer mediators ‘in training’ from Western Springs College, Auckland.

Cool Schools Programme Report: Strong Correlation Between Coordinators Teaching Effectiveness and Primary Students Overall Academic Success by Samantha McKinlay (Research Intern for The Peace Foundation) During the months of May, June, and July, The Peace Foundation has been working closely with PhD candidates within the Peace and Conflict Studies Department at the University of Otago. This partnership was formed in order to conduct a survey regarding the effectiveness, impact, and sustainability of the Cool Schools Mediation Programme. This survey recorded 65 participants in total. Of those participants there were 39 teachers, 16 principals, and 15 student peer mediators within primary schools throughout New Zealand. Face-to-face interviews were also documented, specifically in Auckland based primary schools, to gain a more conclusive overview of the impact of the Cool Schools Programme. The findings cited a fierce advocacy from schools regarding the Cool Schools Programme while also highlighting the extent to which the implementation of this programme had been effective in its efforts to promote a more peaceful community among students and staff. When asked during an interview if the programme had any impact on her teaching effectiveness, 2016 WINTER edition

Rebecca Harris, a teacher coordinator at Rosebank School stated “I do. I’ve certainly gained a lot more patience and have also gained the ability to actually hear both sides of an argument in order to address the student’s behaviour.” Emma Leonhardt, a fellow teacher coordinator at Upper Harbour Primary also responded to this question with “I’m using everything I’ve learned in this programme to help build relationships in my classroom and it has even helped me develop some of my lesson plans.” This development demonstrates a ripple effect in the general quality of class time and has even contributed positively to student’s overall academic success. Jules, a peer mediator at Oratia District School, states, “Yeah, last year I got into a lot of mischief and wasn’t really doing my homework and now with the programme I’ve managed to get a lot more work done.” When another student was asked if they had noticed any difference in their overall marks, Madison, a peer mediator from Upper Harbour School answered “I’ve been achieving better results because I’m not laughing at things and being silly in class anymore. I’m really taking

the time to understand the material now.” This research has placed a magnifying glass on The Peace Foundation’s impact on the wider primary school community and has demonstrated a strong correlation between coordinators teaching effectiveness and student’s academic success. By enriching the well being of staff and students, it can be concluded that this programme has the ability to help teachers stimulate the expansion of young minds and supplement New Zealand’s youth with the drive to succeed.

Peer mediators at Rosebank School (Central Auckland) give a presentation at a Cool Schools Network Meeting

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School News

Peer Mediators Reward System

by Emma Davis (Cool Schools Coordinator at Upper Harbour Primary School, Albany, Auckland) Do you ever find that peer mediators start the year enthusiastically and then their enthusiasm for the role starts dwindling? As a peer mediator coordinator at Upper Harbour Primary School, I am constantly trying to find new and inspiring ways to engage the children. The peer mediation reward scheme is basically a system where it encourages peer mediators to do duties and attend meetings and then rewards them for doing so. The rewards are a way of enabling the children to feel valued and at the same time allow them to feel like they are achieving something. I broke the awards into three parts, bronze, silver and gold. After each duty they get to sign off one of the requirements to get an award. Examples could be getting to their duty on time or knowing the rules of peer mediation. Once they have completed five peer mediation duties they get awarded their bronze award which is a certificate signed by the principal, and recognition for their achievements in a whole school assembly. The silver award has more requirements and is slightly more challenging. The gold award is for children who would like to work above and beyond their duties. These can be ticked off any time over the year but can only be gained if all of the bronze and silver requirements have been achieved. For a gold award, children need to show that they are making an impact in school by either planning a school assembly, Peace Week or a whole school event that promotes peace. This is the part the children love. As an extra incentive, through The Peace Foundation, we are introducing an award which is the Peace Ambassador Award. This is for children who go the extra mile and show initiation when it comes to peer mediation. As a team at Upper Harbour Primary School the children decided that to be awarded this special title they would need to create something to help the school; they would need to leave a legacy. The children’s ideas included making a booklet about peer mediation to give to future peer mediators or design posters for the classrooms for how to solve problems. I believe it is crucial to recognise these children who give up their break times to help their school. They should be made aware of how their impact on the school is invaluable and the skills they are learning are skills they can use for life. I started the scheme this term, and so far it is working wonderfully. I am always happy to talk to other Peer Mediators from Upper Harbour coordinators to share ideas. Primary School.

Peer Mediators’ Training Levels / Awards Name:

Level 1 Bronze Award


For the award you will be able to: n

Know the rules of mediation


Keep the bag in order (new sheets, old sheets removed…)


Tidy up after duty


Be on time and carry out duty


Be familiar with the mediaiton script

Level 2 Silver Award

For the award you will be able to: n

Complete a Mediation Agreement Form and hand in to the teacher


Have a friendly and caring manner


Use a variety of questions during the mediation process to help solve the problem


Help sort out a problem effectively


Talk with a teacher if help is needed


Demonstrate active listening skills


Repeat the problem back to the children in conflict


Show confidentiality


Be confident in knowing what to do when a problem is too big

Level 3 Gold Award

For this award you will be able to: n

Attend Thursday meetings regularly


Have a meeting with Ms Craig, Mrs Thorburn or Mr Cowie


Present in an assembly


Teach a circle time lesson


Help train future peer mediators


Organise a lunch time club

After each duty it is your responsibility to come to Miss Davis to receive a signature. You can only tick off one box per duty. After each level you will be recognised in an assembly and receive your sticker. Once you have completed all boxes you will see Ms Craig and Mr Cowie in recognition of your invaluable contribution to the school and will receive a certificate for your hard work.

Peer Mediation at Te Mata School in Havelock North, Hawkes Bay Te Mata School in Havelock North has 20 Year 6 Peer Mediators, a leadership job that is well sought after. The first step in becoming a mediator is applying for the job in Term 4 of Year 5. All Year 6 students participate in an inquiry into What Makes Healthy Relationships? Children learn to stand in others shoes, develop the skills of active listening and to approach conflict with a ‘win/win’ attitude. Once selected the Peer Mediators undergo further training. Role play is an integral part of the final training as the children rehearse the mediation script. We interviewed a group of peer mediators to find out some more about their leadership role in the school. Here is what they had to say: “We are on duty once a week. My buddy and I put on bright vests so that the children can easily find us, pick up our folder and head out into the playground. Three groups are on at a time so we rotate around likely trouble spots. At the moment we are busy dealing with

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conflict in the leaf huts.” (Ollie) “Our school is a happy place and with 600 children there is always someone to help. Problems such as friends not playing together, kids interrupting other kids’ games, story-telling and fairplay are the main issues. We note down the conflicts on our board. Mrs Wilkie checks the problem board regularly and talks at assembly to the teachers or to specific children about problems.” (Niamh and Eva) “As a peer mediator we help calm kids down, help them solve problems to make playtimes happy times. I really enjoy helping kids solve their problems and helping them learn what to do next time. Next time they might be able to do it themselves. (Sammy) “I get a real sense of satisfaction when I see happy smiling faces instead of the sad ones that I started with. (Hannah) Even if they weren’t friends before they sometimes become friends afterwards because they solved the problem together. (TJ)

Peer mediators from the 2016 Te Mata School team. “I have learnt so much since becoming a peer mediator. I have learnt not to take sides, to listen carefully and how to calm people down.”(Niamh) As a school we really value the contribution these school leaders make to provide a safe, happy and inclusive playground.

2016 WINTER edition

School News

Leadership Through Peer Mediation: The Journey Begins by Kimberley Alford LLB, LLM (First Class Hons.) Public Law, Resolution Institute LEADR Accredited Mediator "Congratulations on reaching settlement!" the mediators smile with relief and the disputants high five each other with grins. “That was terrifying!” one of the disputants laughs, “but you guys were awesome!” she adds to the mediators. An outcome to be proud of. The dispute was complicated, involving two people living side by side in the same building. One played loud music late at night and talked noisily on his mobile, and the other needed to study in the evenings for her scholarship. Both initially appeared unwilling to compromise, emotions ran high, at one tense point it looked like reaching agreement would be impossible. This was a student mediation, part of the Leadership Through Peer Mediation Programme (LTPM) for schools run by The Peace Foundation. Although it was a mock mediation, roleplayed by other students, for the student mediators in the hot seat it felt very real. Closely observed by their peers and adult coaches, navigating the mediation process and the dynamics of conflict, this was a very demanding set of circumstances for these students. As an adult coach, having attended three LTPM days at Mount Roskill Grammar and Waiheke High School, I see enormous benefits of this powerful programme. These young “ambassadors of social justice” learn skills that will stay with them throughout their lives and fundamentally shape how they view conflict. For these future promoters of peace and re-

spect, I believe they will be significantly advantaged by their understanding of the mediation process and resolving conflict. The full day programme is intense for the students. As well as building an understanding of dispute resolution, they develop insight into their own responses to conflict. They learn about the importance of effective questioning, active listening, building rapport, empathy and body language. Waiheke Island High School student mediators have just completed their LtPM training day, March 2016. Students throughout the day also discuss “Dialogues for Peace” and brainstorm project ideas for peace which they will take into their homes, schools and communities. The level of engagement with this aspect of the training and resulting creativity was astounding and very powerful. As an adult coach, it was a privilege to work with these young people on their learning journey. Kimberley Alford working with student peer mediators from What impressed me with both the Waiheke High School during March 2016. Advanced and Introductory Progroup work, media, writing and by the end of grammes, was how in a respectful the session they are enthusiastically taking on and collaborative environment alongside their the challenge of a mediation role play. peers, they gained highly practical insights “Thanks,” the student mediators smile at into applying a mediation process to resolving the support of their peers. “Can we do another conflict. And the conflict itself then becomes one?” the two disputants ask, “we want to be far less terrifying, as the power of mediation the mediators now!” For these students, the is revealed. lifelong journey of building conflict manageAnd they had fun! Both the LTPM Proment skills and successful, peaceful relationgrammes incorporate many different learning ships has begun. modes, music, theatre, role play, discussion,

LtPM Advanced Training at Mt Roskill Grammar School by Melody Ting (Year 12 student MRGS) Recently 33 of us MRGS peer mediators participated in the LtPM Advanced Mediation Training facilitated by The Peace Foundation. We were fortunate to have adult LEADR coaches who were a group of lawyers and engineers who were also professional mediators. They helped us learn how to deal with more difficult conflict situations and helped us to think deeper about the right questions to ask which helped us to resolve the conflict scenario quicker and more effectively. I really enjoyed the little skit the LEADR mediators performed for us which helped us identify the correct and incorrect mediation skills. I also enjoyed the personal coaching each LEADR mediator gave to all of us students. A highlight of the day was when ex MRGS ‘Mediator of the Year 2008,’ Daniel Pega2016 WINTER edition

do, came to visit us. He said that being a mediator kept him at school and changed his life. Thank you Christina Barruel and the LEADR mediators: Kimberley Alford, Janine Edge, Ruth Gregory, Brian Knolles, Nicki Mapleston and Katherine Matthews for spending the whole day with us, teaching and coaching us to be better mediators. We really appreciate it!

The Advanced LtPM training team; students, teachers, LEADR professional mediator coaches, interns, volunteers and staff from The Peace Foundation.

Daniel Pegado, past LTPM student mediator, visits the Mt Roskill Grammar Advanced Mediation Training Day to share his story of ‘the power of mediation’ and how it has influenced his life since leaving school.

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Family Programme

The Magic of Rapport

by Lisa Gibson (Peaceful Family Communication Coordinator)

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” Maya Angelou Rapport is the secret ingredient to everything you hope to achieve as a parent. It is the feeling of shared understanding, trust and connection that close friends develop. In parenting terms you might also call it “bonding” with your child. If you want to positively influence and encourage your child’s growth and development then rapport is the key. If you want your child to make good choices and be happy in life, once again rapport is your best tool. Some parents will find that this experience of rapport naturally occurs with their child; but even where it’s not that

easy, rapport can be learned. Most people try to get into rapport by using words – but here’s the thing, words don’t always work. So what does create rapport? Dr Milton Erickson understood that we have both a conscious and subconscious mind and in his life-time of working with thousands of patients he noticed that people who had rapport tended to match and mirror each other non-verbally as well as verbally. “People like people who are like themselves or are like how they’d like to be”. Erickson was a genius in understanding that if he was to have success with his patients then he could create it by simply matching and mirroring the body positions, voice qualities and even breathing of his patients. This way he could influence their subconscious mind by creating empathy and trust and more importantly the belief that anything was possible.

Amazingly we are all unconscious experts at this skill as we have been doing it since before we were born. We have mirror neurons in our brains that are important in the whole process of learning complex social skills. John and Julie Gottman are psychologists who have done in depth research into couples and what makes some stay together and others divorce. Their research shows that’s it’s not the similarity of personality, interests or even the number of arguments between the couple. What makes a difference is the level of rapport. Couples who stay together actually feel closer, and feel more alike, because they stay in rapport. If you would like to learn more about the magic of rapport and other skills to deal with the challenges of parenting in the 21st century, then please get in touch and join us for our next workshop. Email: lisa.gibson@

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“It is the best course I’ve attended in communication. It’s fun and I’ve learnt so many great skills.” This inspirational and interactive

training course is packed with practical tips and real life examples to help you navigate conflicts and create stronger bonds with people you love.

Learn how to resolve conflict consciously and create a love filled safe home for all. Create more understanding with stronger and loving connections. Grow responsible resilient kids. Know how to easily handle a challenging situation and a difficult attitude.


Contact Lisa Gibson Changemakers for Peace Peacemakers for Change

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Ph 021 464 190 www.

2016 WINTER edition

Kia Tau te Rangimarie

Kia Tau Te Rangimarie - Maori Conflict Resolution Programme by Cherie Mangu - Kia Tau Te Rangimarie Programme Coordinator Tēnā tātou katoa te whānau huri noa i te motu, I would firstly like to express gratitude to my predecessors Johnnie Black, Tania Te Whenua and Carol Smith for establishing the solid foundation in which Kia Tau Te Rangimarie currently stands. I am blessed to have been appointed to continue their great work in enabling rangatahi to become greater leaders and acquiring better life skills through Peaceful Conflict Resolution. It has been an exciting journey this far as the new Kia Tau Te Rangimarie programme co-ordinator spreading the programme from the Whanganui river all the way to Kaitaia in the far North. Kia Tau Te Rangimarie now takes a more holistic approach to conflict, incorporating the Hauora Māori model of Health, formally known as ‘Te whare tapa whā’, designed by Dr Mason Durie. Our health and well-being is likened to a whare or house, whose strength is determined by the four walls which it is constructed. Each wall of the whare represents one of four dimensions of our health. Ko te taha wairua (spiritual), taha whānau (social), taha tinana (physical), and taha hinengaro (psychological). As all dimensions are interrelated, if one dimension is affected the strength of subsequent dimensions are also affected. Of equal importance is the foundation on which the house is built. A stronger foundation yields a stronger home. Kia Tau Te Rangimarie builds upon the foundation of Te Aho Matua principles to create a solid foundation for rangatahi to learn including aroha (love), manaakitanga (caring), and tuakiri (identity). E tika ana kia tū whakahīhī te tamaiti i roto i tōna ake iwi, ēngari kia whai koha anō ki ngā iwi katoa. Children should have pride in their own heritage and culture, however they must also maintain a respect for all cultures.

Ko ngā āhuatanga ako katoa he mea mahi i roto i te koanga ngākau, me te whakaihiihi hinengaro. All aspects of learning are to be done with a joyful heart and stimulated mind.

Ngā kaiako, teachers of TKKM o Te Atihaunui a Paparangi.

Ngā tauira, students of Te Puawaitanga (Birkdale Primary).

He tapu te tinana o te tangata. Nō reira he mahi nui tērā, ko te whakaako i te tamaiti ki ngā āhuatanga whakapakari i tōna tinana, kia tupu ai tōna hauora... Kia kaua ia e tūkino i tōna tinana, i te tinana rānei ā tētahi atu. The body is a sacred gift. Therefore, it is important that children are taught how to strengthen their bodies so their well-being flourishes...Teach them to respect their bodies, and respect the bodies of others.

Staff Profile

Ko te ngākau te mata me te kuaha o te wairua. Otirā, ko te whiu o te kupu, ko te wero, ko te riri, ko te aroha, ko te hūmārie, me ēnei āhuatanga katoa, he mea kuhu ki te ngākau, tītī tonu ki te wairua. The heart is the entrance to the spirit. Our words, challenges, anger, love, kindness, and all these things enter in by the heart and affect our spirit.

He Opua Komata tēnei nō te tihi taumata o Hikurangi Ko Waiapu te awa tapu i tohi ai au ki tō tātou nei Matua nui i te rangi Rere ana ngā wai ki te Waitākaro, ka tau atu ki te Pā o Hiruharama, ki Te Aitanga-a-mate Ka moe a Porourangi ki a Hamoterangi, ka puta ko ngā o uri o Ngāti Porou Tihei Mauri Ora!

Programme Coordinator - Cherie Mangu

Te Pariha o Hikurangi ki te Pa o Hiruharama

Tēnā tātou katoa, my name is Cherie Mangu and I was raised on the beautiful East Coast of New Zealand in Ruatoria with my whānau of 8. I am also a descendant of Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Hine me Te Atihaunui-ā-Pāpārangi. I was educated at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Waiū o Ngāti Porou and have been heavily involved in community and marae initiatives. My passion for kaupapa Māori and Sport has been a catalyst in my pursuit to help improve the health and well-being of Maori. I have completed my Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Science conjoint degree, majoring in Sport and Exercise Science, Physiology and Maori studies and will graduate in September this year. I have been a mentor, ambassador and counsellor for many University and Youth programmes, including the Chancellor’s Award for Top Scholars, BEAMS programme, Tuakana Programme, Whaia Te Pae Tawhiti and FSY conference. The home and school have the greatest influence on the children’s growth. The children and youth are not only the leaders of tomorrow but are also the parents of the leaders of tomorrow. Kia Tau Te Rangimarie is about helping rangatahi become greater leaders using a tikanga Māori approach, tailored specifically to the needs of each kura to help children learn excellent communication and mediation skills. “Ko te kai o te rangatira, he korero” “Communication, is the food of a chief” Nāku noa, Nā Cherie Mangu

2016 WINTER edition

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Schools’ Peace Week 2016 by Lucy Stewart (Peace Week Coordinator)

Schools’ Peace Week 2016 is shaping up to be an exciting event, with schools across New Zealand, and from overseas, signing up to participate. We already have 130 schools registered from New Zealand, the USA, China, Jordan, Pakistan and New Caledonia, and registrations continue to come in daily. Schools’ Peace Week will be held from Monday 8th August to Friday 12th August (Week 3, Term 3, 2016 NZ). The theme for 2016 is “Dialogue for Peace”. This theme arose out of our World without War Conference 2015. The idea behind the theme is that there is a multitude of different ways to dialogue, and when it comes to building peace, it is crucial to be able to listen to someone else’s ideas and point of view. The ideas coming in from schools as to how they will participate, and

what peace activities they will carry out around this theme are truly creative and inspiring. The Peace Foundation New Zealand, started Schools' Peace Week in 2000 to educate people of the consequences of nuclear war and to campaign for a world free of nuclear weapons. The date of Schools’ Peace Week commemorates Hiroshima Day on 6 August, and Nagasaki Day on 9 August. The event has become increasingly popular in New Zealand and abroad each year and students are engaged in various activities, which promote peaceful practices in our schools and communities. By making small changes we are able to empower people to create a safe world based on justice and human rights as well as to build a sustainable environment and peaceful relationships.

Peace Symposium - Student performance

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We welcome schools to get in touch if they would like any more information or would like to register their interest in participating in this event. It is not too late! Please get in touch with our team if you would like any more information: Email: Facebook: SchoolsPeaceWeek Telephone: 09 373 2379

Participants at the Auckland Secondary Schools’ Peace Symposium 2015

2016 WNTER edition

Past Events

Youth Talk! 2016: Creating Spaces for Dialogue and Change by Lucy Stewart, Youth Programmes Coordinator More than 340 students participated in The Peace Foundation's event 'Youth Talk' on May 25th at Westlake Girls High School. Youth Talk is part of the national initiative Youth Week NZ, organised by Ara Taiohi, and this year's theme was "Giving back is giving forward" - Aroha Mai, Aroha Atu. Youth Week is about recognising the amazing contributions and achievements of young people in New Zealand. This nationwide series of events organised by youth celebrates the talents, successes and contributions of local young people to their communities, as well as worldwide. The Peace Foundation’s Youth Week 2016 event took the form of Youth Talk!. Modeled on TED talks, youth speakers presented and discussed their great achievements and inspired their peers with their stories. The main theme for this year was “Aroha Mai, Aroha Atu - Giving Forward is Giving Back”. Youth speakers described how they have “given back” in some way – fighting the trafficking of girls, helping after natural disasters, fundraising for needy – to name a few topics. The presentations were followed

West Lake Girls High Students discuss the theme of ‘giving forward is giving back’ during interactive workshops.

by interactive workshops lead by youth on the implementation of the theme in our communities. "The discussions covered various issues including the media's influence on world problems, the pitfalls of campaign work, how to maintain momentum in a campaign, and many other thought-provoking questions," Westlake students Rhiana Merota, Kasey Lui and Izzy Sheild stated. "It was an awesome experience and we would like to thank the coordinator Lucy Stewart from The Peace Foundation for organising this inspirational event."

400 students listen to the youth speakers during Youth Talk! presentations.

Anya Satyanand, Executive Officer of Ara Taiohi, the organisers of the national Youth Week campaign says: “Youth Week is a great chance for young people to take action and influence change in their communities.” “Youth culture is one of generosity. Young people totally get what it is to look after the people around them. Youth Week this year celebrates this spirit of caring and recognises our young people as champions of change.” - Chris Martin, Ata Taiohi Board Chair and Selwyn District Council Youth Advisor.

Amandeep Kaur, from Manurewa High School, discusses her community and fundraising work.

Dean Shippey, of Find Her Smile, talks about fighting the trafficking of girls in Asia.

2016 WINTER edition

MediationWORKS 9

Past Events

Celebrating The Peace Foundation’s 41st Anniversary On May 23 and 24, The Peace Foundation celebrated its 41st birthday. The dates marked more than four decades of peacebuilding initiatives. The

organization celebrated this anniversary both





where several peace scholars and peace education supporters presentations gave

speeches on the challenges to peace in New Zealand, as well as the Foundation's achievements and prospects for the

future of peacebuilding and disarmament in New Zealand and the world. The Peace

The Peace Foundation team in the Beehive with Chester Borrows, Deputy Speaker of the New Zealand Parliament.

Foundation team had the great honour

to present its work to parliamentarians and other Wellington supporters of peace education in the Beehive.

Supporters and performers at the Auckland 41st birthday celebration.

Pink Shirt Day 2016: Speaking up against bullying In support of Pink Shirt Day Aotearoa 2016, part of The Peace Foundation team got their pink t-shirts on and headed down to BaristaCats Café in central Auckland: because who are better anti-bullying ambassadors than cats?

10 MediationWORKS

International Cultural Festival The Peace Foundation participated in the Auckland International Cultural Festival with loads of peaceful messages to spread. Among other activities, the Foundation’s stand invited festival visitors to contribute with their peace drawings on its peace mural, take a seat and make new friendships, as well as pin their hometown on the Global Peace Supporters’ map.

2016 WINTER edition


Don’t Underestimate Child and Youth Agency in Peacebuilding by Sandra Segall (Communications Coordinator) In March this year, a conjunction of international non-governmental organizations (Global Partnership for Children & Youth in Peacebuilding) published a report on children and youth as successful promoters of peace in conflict ridden communities. The report relied upon case studies from Colombia, DRC and Nepal, and concluded that the integration of children in peacebuilding projects contributed to lowering the incidence of violence and discrimination in the communities. These programmes helped promote peaceful cohabitation and augmented the support given to vulnerable groups. The results of the report led the organizations to pinpoint three recommendations for a more youth oriented peacebuilding approach: “Number one, engage children as peacebuilders from a young age. Number two, encourage multi-pronged and multi-stakeholder efforts to support children as peacebuilders. And number three, engage with children and youth as partners in formal and informal governance and peace structures in a wide range of contexts, not only those affected by armed conflict.” Children’s participation in peacebuilding isn’t a new addition to the peacemaking arena. In Colombia, youth initiatives have been an integral part of the peacebuilding land-

School courtyard in Antioquía, Colombia. Photo: Charlotte Kesl / Flickr Creative Commons

scape for the last 20 years. In 1996, the Children for Peace Movement was founded and got more than 2.7 million children to vote for peace, many of them from areas heavily affected by the ongoing armed conflict. The movement was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1998 and was “the first largescale initiative in Colombia promoting children as subjects with rights and not only objects of protection.” Since then, impres-

sive steps have been taken to include children in decision-making processes. Last year, Colombia introduced a new law which aims to incorporate peace as a school subject nationwide. Finally, children have great potential as peacebuilders both in violent conflict and ‘peaceful’ contexts because their peace activities diminish the occurrence of all forms of violence in communities.

Q&A - Nadeem Ghazi - Peace Educator in Pakistan by Sandra Segall (Communications Coordinator) What are the main obstacles to peace education in Pakistan? Pakistan is facing tremendous challenges in the education sector, with 25 million children not attending schools at all. Official records show that this figure has remained mostly unchanged since 2005. There’s also hate speech and references to violence in the school curriculum, the government is trying to remove those words and parts from the school books.

Peace education is a very new concept in Pakistan, we have to be careful that in ensuring that it’s integrated with Islamic and Pakistani culture, so that people receive a clear message about peace education, rather than interpreting it as a threat of the Western agenda. Given that education itself is threatened by violent conflict in Pakistan, what role could children and schools play as drivers of peace?

We need to work on mindsets, as for more than two decades, our people have been in war and I believe that we need to bring basic education to every child. Peace education is the only solution to unlearn all violence, hate speech and extremism and instead teach children skills for how to be kind, caring and live well together. Education is the only hope for Pakistan. The country has a history of suffering from violence, extremism and especially youth has been targeted. One way to help break the cycle of violence is to actively teach young people how to live together peacefully. Young people are especially at risk from conflict and extremist influences, but they also have great capacity to learn how to practice peace. The best way to teach them this is through peace education programs that integrate knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to prevent violence and resolve conflict peacefully with everyday lessons taught to children and youth in schools and communities.

Nadeem Ghazi works with several peace education and learning projects in Pakistan.

2016 WINTER edition

MediationWORKS 11


“Today’s youth will be the leaders of tomorrow…” by Lucy Stewart (REACT Programme Coordinator)

Today’s youth will be the leaders of tomorrow and as such it is vital that they are informed, responsible global citizens who value diversity, and practice critical thinking and understanding. The Peace Foundation’s Responding to Armed Conflict (REACT) presentation is available for free to all high schools in the wider Auckland region. The presentation focuses on issues of armed conflict and promotes peaceful solutions and disarmament. The purpose of the presentation is to raise awareness and promote discussion among young people on these issues and present them with ways that they can engage in global issues in a peaceful way. Our topics vary from presentation to presentation depending on a school’s needs and wishes. The REACT program this year

has been going from strength to strength with numerous successful presentations to a range of high schools across Auckland, such as Mount Albert Grammar School, King’s College and West Lake Girls’ High School. We have an experienced research team who have a lot of expertise in the field of peace and disarmament and are eager to share their knowledge and experiences. Topics requested by schools this year have been varied and challenging: Nuclear disarmament, conflict in Israel and Palestine, Conflict minerals in the DRC, the recent bombings in France, and New Zealand’s positive role in peace-making around the world. Our REACT team have been thoroughly impressed by the attentiveness of the students we have presented to and their insightful questions and discussions on the issues. It is obvious the desire of students to help bring about change in the wider world.

Lucy Stewart giving a lecture on international disarmament and peacemaking efforts to students at King’s College.

12 MediationWORKS

Some comments from students regarding our presentations: "They put the situation in another perspective that was very encouraging and open." "I learned the factors that had contributed to this issue and that it was different from what was first perceived." "Great ideas were brought up, and I really enjoyed it! Thank you Peace Foundation for bringing up great ideas." The REACT presentation can be delivered to class groups, lunchtime clubs or school assemblies. The content is flexible depending on a school’s needs and wishes and we are happy to adjust our topics to fit into NCEA requirements. If you would like to book the REACT team to present at your school, please email us at: or contact us on: 09 373 2379. We look forward to hearing from you.

More than 400 students attended the React lectures at King's College in June 2016.

2016 WINTER edition

Interns Katherine Matthews

My name is Katherine Matthews. I joined The Peace Foundation as a intern for the school and community mediation programmes. I have been working alongside Christina Barruel assisting with the school trainings, observing first hand the impact the programmes are having on our future generation. I have also been assisting with evaluation research for the Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme which will be critical for awareness around the importance of peaceful conflict resolution skills being taught in primary schools. Thank you for this opportunity.

Lisa Leech

I am a people person with a fierce passion to help others create positive change within themselves and a desire to make peaceful change globally specifically against conflicts of war. The Peace Foundation posed a constructive and challenging place to learn. I learnt how to understand people before understanding their conflicts, which has been a vital lesson on a personal and professional level.

Maricar Cristino

Mabuhay! I’m Maricar Cristino, better known as Maecie. I’m from the Philippines and I was a student studying International Marketing. My background in international relations and diplomacy is what drew me to join The Peace Foundation, but seeing what they do and understanding why they do it is what made me stay in the organisation. Now, with my new degree and additional knowledge, I am ready to impart what I have learned from my internship experience to my colleagues in the Philippines.

Alya Vasylenko

Alya Vasylenko is currently a bachelor student studying International Communication at Hanze University, Netherlands. She is originally from Ukraine and she speaks English, Ukrainian, Russian and Dutch. Alya has also acquired a specialization in Law in Ukraine, thus communication is her second degree. Recently, she spent six months in Sweden doing an exchange semester and helping with communication projects at the University of Gothenburg. Alya is excited to work for the Peace Foundation and she hopes that she can learn a lot about peace education, communication and peaceful conflict resolution.

Jay Kapadiya

Jay Kapadiya is from Gujarat, India. He studies Graduate diploma in Applied management at Otago Polytechnic and is currently an intern with The Peace Foundation. Jay joined the Foundation in April 2016 as an Administration Assistant and he hopes that he will gain further experience in his area. He is also keen to learn more about peace education and communication. He is passionate about music and plays guitar in his spare time. He is excited about being with The Peace Foundation and working with the team.

Samantha McKinlay

Samantha McKinlay is currently a senior at the University of Florida, originally from West Palm Beach, Florida. She will be receiving her Bachelors of Science in Family, Youth, and Community Science with a minor in Sociology next school semester. After receiving her degree her goal is to continue her education and obtain a Masters in Clinical Social Work. During her time at the University of Florida she has conducted undergraduate research on community perceived preparedness among Floridian counties. She has been involved with local Gainesville NGOs such as Big Brother’s Big Sisters of Mid-Florida and CDS Family & Behavioral Health Services. In her spare time she enjoys cooking, music, and exploring nature. Samantha looks forward to working along side the Peace Foundation in its efforts to teach peaceful conflictresolution skills to both children and families alike.

2016 WINTER edition

Staff and Interns

New Staff ... Alessandra Kuribara

Alessandra Kuribara is The Peace Foundation’s Web Developer. She is originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and has pursued a career in Information Technology (IT) after graduating from Centro Universitario da Fundacao de Ciencias Aplicadas with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. In her drive to acquire deeper knowledge and skills in this sector, she enrolled at the University of California, Irvine, in 2008 to obtain a certification in Oracle Database Administration. She has also worked as a DBA intern with EMPOWERTRAIN in California. In the course of her IT career, Alessandra has held various positions in Sao Paulo including as a Programmer with Telefonica, a Systems Analyst with ABN AMRO Bank and a Senior Systems Analyst with Consist Software. In Sao Paulo, she ran her own business, FEAST CATERING. Since arriving in Auckland in May 2015, Alessandra has completed a course at Cornell Institute of Business and Technology, graduating with a Diploma in Software Development. She joined The Peace Foundation in October 2015, initially as an IT intern. Alessandra enjoys travelling and baking in her spare time.

Sandra Segall

Sandra Segall is a Communications Officer and Editor at The Peace Foundation. Prior to joining our team, she worked as a journalist and communications manager in Chile, where she also co-headed a grassroots project for women’s rights in Latin America. Sandra holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from Umea University, Sweden. She speaks fluent English, Spanish and Swedish. Sandra frequently writes on issues related to conflict transformation and peacebuilding for her blog Conflict & Identity.

MediationWORKS 13


Workshops ....

Auckland Primary Teachers’ Cool Schools Training Workshops WHEN: Thursday 1st December

(Week 8, Term 4, 2016) 9.30a.m – 3.30pm

Thursday 23rd February (Week 4, Term 1, 2017) 9.30a.m - 3.30p.m. Friday 10th March (Week 6, Term 1, 2017) 9.30a.m. - 3.30p.m. WHERE: Venues to be confirmed.

$150+GST per person which includes: resource material, certificate, morning tea and lunch. INTERESTED: Email: christina@ to register. COST:

Upcoming Events ...

Due Dates: SUMMER EDITION 2016/2017

Due By Friday 4th November (Week 4, Term 4, 2016)


Due by Friday 2nd June (Week 4, Term 2, 2017)

The United Nations International Day of Peace (Peace Day) 2016 Auckland Secondary Schools’ Peace Symposium WHEN: Friday 19th August

(Week 4, Term 3, 2016)

WHERE: Western Springs Garden

Community Hall THEME: Dialogues for Peace COST: $100 per school INTERESTED: To register, email: christina@

Christina Barruel Head of Peace Education Pri/Sec

Gillian Tasker Pri/Sec

Sue Ferguson Pri/Sec/

Lynn Scott Pri/Sec

Tracy Scott Pri/Sec

Cherie Mangu Kia Tau te Rangimārie Programme Coordinator

Lucy Stewart Youth Programme Coordinator

Lisa Gibson Family Programme Coordinator

14 MediationWORKS

for Peace makers Change Change akers for Peacem

tion Educa Peace mmes Progra etter Newsl

WHEN: Wednesday 21st September 2016. WHAT: The General Assembly has declared

this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. THEME: The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace.

Universal Children’s Day WHEN: Monday 21st November 2016.

WHAT: The United Nations’ Universal Children’s Day promotes international togetherness and awareness among children worldwide. THEME: Stop Violence Against Children!

Consultant Contact Details ... Name

for Peace makers Change Change akers for Peacem

tion Educa Peace mmes Progra etter Newsl



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is an opportunity to celebrate the creative force and the innovative impetus that young people bring to every society. This year’s theme – “Youth Civic Engagement” – emphasises the role played by the involvement and inclusion of young people in building social cohesion and collective well-being.

Please can all article contributions be emailed to:


(Week 5, Term 1, 2016)

WHAT: International Youth Day


WHEN: Friday 12th August 2016


Friday 12th August (Week 3, Term 3, 2016) THEME: Dialogues for Peace INTERESTED: > SPW2016 > to register. Email: peaceweek@

MediationWorks (Educational Programmes Newsletter) 2016/2017


WHEN: Monday 8th August -

United Nations International Youth Day


2016 National Schools’ Peace Week

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09 373 2379 027 272 9331

Taranaki, Wellington, Manawatu/ Wanganui

04 475 9770 021 023 32765

021 874 799

Wellington, Tasman Bay

027 542 3665

South Island (minus Tasman Bay)

021 055 9575


09 373 2379 021 215 7177


09 373 2379 022 067 3517


09 373 2379 021 464 910


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"Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace." Kofi Annan

Auckland, Coromandel, Waikato, Northland, Far North

Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, East Cape, Hawkes Bay

for Peace makers Change Change akers for Peacem

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2016 WINTER edition

Cool Schools, LtPM and KTR Resources

Order Form

Name: School: Address: Email: Phone: Fax: Order number: Cool Schools Trainer: Resource Items

Price (incl GST)


Total $

Primary and Intermediate Cool Schools Primary Manual


The Essential Peer Mediator Handbook

1 copy $12.00 10 copies $100.00 20 copies $180.00

Co-ordinator’s Kit (USB stick) includes roleplay peer mediation’ video clips


Poster: The Mediation Process


Poster: The Problem Solving Owl


Poster: A Good Listener

$6.00 $15.00

Poster set: (3 posters - one of each) BUY 3 SETS GET 1 SET FREE Badges: Presentation/Graduation Uniform Peace Ambassador

$4.00 $2.50 $4.00

Sign (weatherproof 60x40cm)




Small (93cm around chest) Lime green colour Medium (102cm) Large (113cm)

Sm Med Lge

Secondary Badges: Presentation/Graduation

$4.00 $2.50 $4.00

Uniform Peace Ambassador Sign (weatherproof 60x40cm)


LtPM Poster: The Mediation Process - Secondary


Co-ordinator’s Kit (USB stick) includes roleplay peer mediation’ video clips


LtPM - Student Manual

1 copy $10.00 10 copies $80.00 20 copies $100.00

Kia Tau te Rangimarie Kia Tau te Rangimaire Coordinator’s Kit (USB stick)


Posters - English and Maori (doubled sided)


Badge - Peace Ambassador/He Kairangimarie



ie Tau Te Rangimar

Te Houhanga Rongo

Tuatoru: Tikanga u me nga ai te Whakata anō o te hui. Me Tuatahi: Mihimā ngā mihi whakatau, whakatau ngā whainga te hui

tikanga me

hoki ngā Whakatuwhera ki ngā tikanga. minenga. Whakamārama kōrero tā ia te minenga anō – he wā whakaae katoa ki a koutou

➠ Me whakarongo tangata.


ngā kaikōrero

– kaua e haukoti.– kaua e whakaiti. anō

a koutou ➠ Kia takitahi a koutou i noa. kōrero. ➠ Kia whakamanahi raru whakatau kia pono āu kōtahitia te ➠ Kia tika, kia wānangahia ➠ Whakaaengia


Tuarua: Whaikor

tīmata te kōrero? tuarua: Ki te kaikōrero ki a koe. Kia tau.” anō “He wā kōrero koe?” kaikōrero tuatahi, i ahatia. E pēhea ana mai ➠ Pātaitia te pēnei, “Tēnā, whakamōhiotia hia ngā kōrero Whakarāpopoto nā te...” koe “Nā e ... ana koe?” tuarua, E pēhea ana te kaikōrero mai i ahatia. ➠ Pātaitiawhakamōhiotia “Tēnā, hia. Whakarāpopoto hunga tautoko: tuarua me te kaikōrero tuatahi, ➠ Pātaitia te anō tā koutou?” ngā kōrero. “He kōrero nā kia pau katoa Pātaitia te pātai

➠ Mā wai e

➠ Pātaitia

The Mediation

Ko nga hiahia

rongo ia pāti ia pāti: te houhanga whainga mō

Tuawha: Ko “Me aha

kaikōrero tuarua


and trust. Explain Build rapport to the rules. Introduce yourselves. Get agreement rules of mediation. get a turn.

other – you’ll


whakaaro ki “Ka pēhea tēnā nei?”

a koe?”

te ai i te raruraru ➠ Pātaitiaaha koe kia whakatau ā “Me

ai, tuatahi pātai ki te kaikōrero ki a koe?” whakaaro whakaaro, “Ka pēhea tēnā pāti, pau ai ngā o ia pāti o ia ngā whakautu hia te whakataunga.

➠ Tahuri anō

Whakarāpopoto ➠ Whakahaerehia noa ngā raruraru. whakatau

➠ ➠ ➠ ➠ ➠

Postage and Packaging North Island $8.00

ing Needs

on and Rules

Stage 1: Introducti

nga Whakata

kaikōrero tuatahi:

➠ Pātaitia tekoe kia whakatau ai tē raruraru


Stage 3: Establish


“He aha āu



e Kia Tau Te Rangimari


Ko te Whaka

pāti e rua: te raru?” Pātaitia ngā nei kua ea ai. “Mā te whakataunga kōrua?” ngā pāti hainatia “Kua tau hoki ā, tukuna ki hei kirimana, te haere. Tuhia te whakataunga pēhea ana kia kitea e he wā anō ngā raru. Whakaritea kua ea katoa whakataunga ngā kaikōrero, kōrerotia, te ka taea Mihi atu ki kōrero kua katoa ngā ētahi atu. Engari, te hui he tapu tuku whakamōhio ki e Mea atu ki kia kaua rā hoki, nā reira kua tau katoa te raruraru. te whakamōhio

the purpose


To disputant your turn “You will get

solve this ➠ Ask 1st disputant: you do to help “What can

“What do

you are feeling


How ➠ Ask the 2nd happened. tell us what

“Do you

from each disputant

until an agreement

is reached.

reached. ➠ Elicit responses the agreement

Stage 5: you are feeling

about this.”

Kia Tau te Rangimarie Posters English/Maori

Postage and Packaging South Island $16.00


about this?”

“Please people: and support Mediator summarises. 2nd disputant then ask the add?” until they to all parties above question repeating the Unpack: keep else to add. have nothing

you’d like to ➠ Ask 1st disputant have anything


that idea?” think about problem?”

“What can

that idea?” ➠ Ask 1st disputant: you think of


“Please for example, ...” Mediator summarises, feeling ... because “So you are

“What do you

solve this ➠ Ask 2nd disputant: you do to help


and thanks for

How ➠ Ask 1st disputant: happened. tell us what

Stage 4: Generatin

the Problem

like to speak

➠ “Who wouldgoing second:


g Solutions


➠ Listen to eachspeaks at a time – no interrupting ➠ One person – no put-downs or name-calling ➠ Be respectful – tell the truth ➠ Be honest and solve the problem together ➠ Agree to try

Stage 2: Defining

party in turn:

➠ Ask eachdo you need from this mediation?”


Agreeme Reaching an


➠ Ask both think the agreement solves


the problem?”

“Do you and ask happy now?” Report Form “Are you both the Mediation agreement on

➠ Write up theto sign it.

disputants date and time. agreement. “check-back”

They can share ➠ Arrange a disputants on reachingis an confidential. the mediation ➠ Congratulate reached through involved that ➠ Remind allpeers that an agreement was

He Kaiwhakahaere hei Houhanga Rongo He Kaihouhanga Rongo hei Whakahaere

with their mediation process.

Changemakers for Peace - Peacemakers for Change

Contact: The Peace Foundation Phone (09) 373 2379 Fax (09) 379 2668 E-mail

Contact: The Peace Foundation Phone (09) 373 2379 Fax (09) 379 2668 E-mail

Primary/ Secondary

Secondary Uniform

Primary Uniform

The Peace Foundation, PO Box 8055, Symonds Street, Grafton, Auckland 1150 Phone (09) 373 2379 Fax (09) 379 2668 Email 2016 WINTER edition

Secondary Presentation/ Graduation

Primary Presentation/Graduation

Kia Tau te Rangimarie USB stick

School Outdoor Sign Vest (front view)

Vest (back view)

LtPM Coordinators Kit USB stick

Cool Schools Coordinators Kit USB stick

MediationWORKS 15

In Focus

THANK YOU .....THANK YOU ..... THANK YOU .....THANK YOU ..... THANK YOU.. Supports The Peace Foundation Resolution Institute is a vibrant community of mediators, arbitrators, adjudicators, restorative justice practitioners and other DR professionals. Created as a result of the integration of LEADR with the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia in 2014, Resolution Institute is a not-for-profit organisation with more than 4,000 members in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region. As LEADR, Resolution Institute has been training and accrediting New Zealand mediators for over 20 years. Resolution Institute members make a valuable contribution to The Peace Foundation's secondary school programme, LtPM (Leadership through Peer Mediation), by coaching students in mediation skills and sharing their work experience. Resolution Institute Trainer and LtPM Coach Anna Quinn says, “Mentoring students is a really good way for Resolution Institute mediators to develop their own skills both in coaching and gaining more experience

with mediation in a different context.” During 2015, Christina Barruel (Head of Peace Education), and Nadeem Ghazi (Peace Foundation intern from Pakistan), were awarded a Resolution Institute Scholarship. This 5 day training course introduces participants to the theory and practical skills of mediation. Completion of this course and the assessment leads to LEADR Accreditation or accreditation under the Australian National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS). The two Scholarships were valued at $6,520. Nadeem completed the training in March 2015 and Christina in November 2015. She successfully obtained her Accreditation in May 2016. Christina is now a professional member of Resolution Institute and has her profile on their website: https://www. The Peace Foundation would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Resolution Institute’s General Manager, Catherine Cooper,

PO Box 8055, Symonds Street, Grafton, Auckland 1150, Aotearoa/New Zealand Ph (09) 373 2379 Fax (09) 379 2668 Email Website This newsletter is printed using environmentally friendly soy-based inks on FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Certified paper from responsibly managed forests.

Thank you Resolution Institute! From left to right: Catherine Cooper (CEO), Christina Barruel (The Peace Foundation) and Margaret Murphy (Former Coordinator of Training and Membership Services)

and Resolution Institute trainers, Anna Quinn and Carol Powell, for their support in providing The Peace Foundation with an accredited, professional, adult mediator. It seems very fitting for an organisation whose main work over the last 24 years, has been providing peer mediation skills to schools throughout New Zealand.

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