Create Fresh at TVNZ The TVNZ building in central Auckland has been refurbished but that is not the total extent of the channel upgrade. To show us the latest developments we are in the bowels of TVNZ in Studio 1A with Keith Bremner from Gencom and Lindsay Chalmers, head of News and Programming at TVNZ. Ed: This looks like something very special; a purpose-built studio that came about because of someone’s clever idea. Tell us about it Lindsay? Lindsay: TVNZ recognises that it needs to position itself for the future, and that means lots of things. What does “future” mean? Our delivery platforms are all changing, we all know that, every broadcaster’s going through that. Our audience is changing as well, so its needs and the kind of content that it wants is also changing. We really want to find the ideas that are going to marry those two changes together – and the talent that will deliver that. So TVNZ has come up with “a cunning plan” that we’ve called “New Blood” and that’s to highlight and put some wheels under both talent and ideas that we’ve got internally and, actually, what we bring in externally as well. So this is really kind of branching out and just trying to find new ways to create content and deliver that to an audience which we all know is changing. That is the premise of what we’re looking at here in this studio. Ed:
And where can we see the expression of that?
Lindsay: There are a number of activities that TVNZ has put forward including Banter which is a low cost, bit on the fly I guess, weekly quiz show that goes out on Duke. We’re near the end of the season of that to be fair – we’ve just got one more episode to go and it’s been very successful. We actually have discovered new talent here in Tim Batt, our presenter, a very clever man, along the
Keith and Lindsay in Studio 1A at TVNZ.
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