October11 NZ Video News

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IBC 2011 – Another Great Show I finally found out that IBC means the “International Broadcasting Convention” and I guess that really does sum it up. A lot of what goes on at IBC is actually behind the scenes, it’s not the trade show, even though that’s the main focus that I go there for – to see the new products and talk with some of our suppliers – but this year, I did in fact go to one of the seminars. There was a particularly good presentation on loudness and how the Europeans are managing it, or not managing it as the case may be. Again, it turned out that it’s an example of a non-united Europe as to how they might implement this, but I won’t tell you any more just at the present. The show itself is different from NAB in that it’s spread over about 13 different halls, all connected by doorways or corridors and it really is a bit of a labyrinth. This now, I think, is my fourth year and I don’t get lost quite so often, but it’s still difficult to find your way around. The official attendees were over 50,000 visitors and over 1,300 exhibitors from more than 160 countries and I think that the difference at IBC is that there are more exhibitors than at NAB even though their stand size is much smaller. There are a lot more from European, Asian and Middle Eastern countries here so it really is more cosmopolitan than NAB. One of the reasons I discovered for that when I was in Shanghai on my way back, was the difficulty the Chinese have in getting visas into America. It is really difficult and quite expensive and you have no guarantee of getting in, even if you have an invite to the show, whereas Europe is much easier. continued on page 2

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Sony at IBC Sony are the only exhibitors to have their own hall at IBC and that was where I met up with Scott Webster … and no, he wasn’t playing.


You’ve been let out on your own without “father”?

Scott: Yes, the training wheels have come off and they’ve sent me out into the world all alone. Ed:

Amsterdam’s a bit of a risky place to send a young lad?

Scott: Yes, it was a bit of an eye-opener for a young fella on his own in the big bad world Grant. Ed: Yes, well, that could be the subject of another issue! But “Sony – beyond HD” – this is a continuation of the NAB theme I guess and really that’s pretty much what I’ve gathered from this whole show. People are looking to the next level. In some areas that’s 3D; in other areas that’s Super nVISION and 4K, so obviously Sony’s looking in those sorts of directions too – maybe not the Super nVISION, but …? Scott: Yes, it’s very much a carry on from NAB. At NAB we made a lot of announcements, but we didn’t confirm a lot of the details behind those announcements. Here at IBC, we’ve followed that up with the product on the stand and with definite delivery dates and costs on a lot of those earlier announcements.

NZVN on the web. Go to <https://sites.google.com/site/nzvideonews> for more news.

All the latest IBC news from Sony, Gencom, PLS, Quinto, Syntec and Protel - as well as DVT’s “Aftermath” party.


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