MARCH 2018
Vol 244
(09) 527 6126
Choose Your Weapons We’re at Imagezone in Scanlan Street in Auckland Central and we’re going to hear from Stephen Baker. Ed: Stephen, tell us about the situation where somebody comes in, they’re picking up gear for a shoot, but they need to choose more than just the camera. They need the accessories, the bits and pieces that go along to make up a production and the DOP has a choice as to what they take, but the team here at Imagezone can offer some assistance in this area? Stephen: Typically, the process does start quite a few days before the first shoot day. My role is that I talk to producers, they come to me saying “we’ve got a shoot coming up” and generally the first thing that comes out of their mouth is “it needs to be a Mini and some nice lenses.” Currently, the ARRI Mini is the “go to” camera, it’s what all the DOPs want, it works very well as a production camera, it’s also very good for handheld – and at the moment, the trend is very much things handheld on Easyrigs or on MōVI Pros and that, for want of a better term, NYPD Blue look of things moving constantly. Ed:
Stephen: The dynamic look, yes. Often the DOP has a wish list of what lenses he wants – for him, the lenses are the most important thing, the look he wants. Is he looking for a clean look, does he want a vintage look – there are a multitude of options so, here at Imagezone, we’ve got a very wide range of lenses from your ARRI standards and a couple of sets of Super Speeds through to our new G35s Gecko-Cam which are a reinvention of the classic Canon K35, a very popular lens back in the 70s and 80’s – Aliens and that sort of stuff were shot on the K35. A German company called Gecko-Cam released a G35 which is their homage to it. It’s not exactly the same lens, but it is similar; it has a strong look, it’s a very warm lens, it’s gone out a couple of times and so far
Stephen presents the GH5S with anamorphic zoom lens.
I’ve had positive reports. Then we move into the more classic – the Leica Summicrons, the Cooke S4s, the ARRI Master Primes and the ARRI Master Anamorphics. Our lenses start at around $700, all the way up to around $4500 per day….but I’m always happy to discuss. Ed:
Per lens or per set?
Stephen: Ed:
Per set per day.
Phewww …