Vol 228
Atomise presents Avid at Auckland Show Well, no excuses if any of you Aucklanders missed this event because you all got an invite in our last issue. We’re at the Atomise / Avid presentation in Auckland with Richard Kelly and Ren Middleton from Avid. Ed: Well Richard, we’ve just been blown away by a presentation from Dan telling us about his editing on The Hobbit. You must be very proud to have been involved with WingNut Films and all of the major projects that they’ve done? Richard: Absolutely. It’s a relationship I am extremely proud of. I started on Lord of the Rings and have worked on everything up to their current project. It’s just an awesome environment to work in with such passionate people pushing the technology as hard as they can to deliver the result that they feel necessary. Ed: They could have gone anywhere in the world; they came to New Zealand and Peter Jackson could have brought in anybody in the world to look after his Avids and the whole workflow, but he chose you? Richard: He did and it was fantastic having the opportunity to pitch for a proposal to provide a system. Ed: So it wasn’t a given … he didn’t just say “well Richard’s doing it.” You actually had to stack up against competition?
Richard and Ren.
Richard: I certainly had to do a proposal that went through to the decision makers. They looked very kindly on our proposal and I did have a reasonable amount of support from the production company too. Ed: Now your involvement goes a bit beyond Avid, because I understand that the Avid was used as a compiler for the edit decisions and something else was used for the final output, but there were lots of other elements involved and that’s where your installation enabled that workflow to happen? Richard: At the time, it was one of the key reasons we went for the ISIS 7000. Bear in mind, this was quite a