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Special Interest
Nature is important for people across all ages. Older adults can benefit from nature as much as children or youth. This program will reconnect you with nature in an educational format through a variety of outdoor walks and talks with trained educators from Seedling Forest Education. All classes will take place outdoors so please dress for the weather.
Henderson Recreation Centre Seedling Forest Program
Sep 20-Oct 27 T/Th 10:30am-12:30pm $120/12 143466 PHILOSOPHER’S CAFÉ 50 YRS+
In a relaxing environment similar to a cafe, we will discuss philosophical ideas and questions, as well as topics that puzzle us. On our first day we will step into the conversation with a set theme and end our gathering with finalizing together a list of wished subjects. The sessions will be guided in order to promote an inclusive environment and encourage an engaging exchange of ideas. Please bring $5 to cover the cost of handouts.
Monterey Recreation Centre Dolores Stanley
Sep 20-Oct 25 T 1:30-3:30pm M $114/6 142298 Nov 1-Dec 6 T 1:30-3:30pm M $114/6 142299 REDISCOVER PLAY 2.0! 19 YRS+
Rediscover the joy of play in these fun and collaborative workshops. We will use elements of improv to explore skills such as active listening, connecting with others and being in the moment. This is not learning how to improvise but rather using improv as a tool for personal discovery through laughter and play! Week #1: Connection through Storytelling, Week #2: Be Present, Week #3: Embrace Failure. You can register for each workshop individually, or for all three at a discounted rate. This is an updated set of these workshops, if you have done them before, please join us again!
Monterey Recreation Centre Brett Macdonald, Be Improv
Oct 2 – Dec 4 Su 1:00-2:30pm $65/3 142907 Oct 2 Su 1:00-2:30pm $25/1 142857 Nov 6 Su 1:00-2:30pm $25/1 142858 Dec 4 Su 1:00-2:30pm $25/1 142859 IS IT TIME TO DOWNSIZE? 50 YRS+
As we age and our lifestyle changes, we need to look ahead to be proactive with our choices. This four-week course on “Downsizing”, provides in-depth exploration of the myriad amount of information available to provide guidance for a considered decision. In Week 1 we look at the considerations when we make a decision to Downsize. In Week 2 we explore the implications of the decision from a legal and financial perspective. In Week 3 we create a work plan for the process, and finally in Week 4 we look at the “now what” after the process has happened. Using illustrative and practice games the participant will learn basic chess strategy and tactics, including opening and endgame principles. Also forks, pins, skewers, discovered and double checks. Basic knowledge of chess principles is recommended.
Monterey Recreation Centre Ian Corden
Oct 7-Nov 18 F 2:15-4:15pm M $112/5 144155 Nov 25-Dec 16 F 2:15-4:15pm M $90/4 144232 LOOKING YOUR BEST
In this fun and informative two part workshop Certified Colour Consultant Shirley Millar will show you just how impacting colours are in enhancing one’s appearance. In the first session you will be seasonally colour coded and learn to identify and choose your best colours for clothing and accessories. In the second session, hair colour will be discussed and you will learn and apply simple makeup techniques with proper colour choices to enhance your own natural colouring. You will receive a seasonal fact sheet. Colour Wallets are available and may be purchased separately.
Monterey Recreation Centre Shirley Millar
Sep 25-Oct 2 Su 1:30-4:00pm $80/2 142351 Oct 12-Oct 19 W 9:30am-12:00pm M $80/2 142353 Nov 13-Nov 20 Su 1:30-4:00pm $80/2 142354 AROMATHERAPY, THE ART OF BLENDING 19 YRS+
Learn the top ten essential oils, their therapeutic properties and how to use them everyday safely and effectively. Discuss creating your own essential oil medicine cabinet. In class, create blends for sleep, concentration, lymphatic drainage, scarring, acne and other ailments. Create a personal synergy (blend), a rollon, massage oil, a solid scent perfume, and a perfume spray. Recipes and blends provided. Please bring a $25 dollar supply fee to the instructor.
Monterey Recreation Centre Cheryl Theilade Oct 15 S 9:00-11:30am $55/1 142911 PURE & SIMPLE SOAP MAKING! 19 YRS+
Soap from scratch! From pre-blended bases, learn the basics of cold process soap making from scratch! Make a long-lasting herbal floral soap and a batch of citrus explosion. Explore different ingredients, methods, and techniques that you can use to create exciting soaps. Learn about troubleshooting, history and packaging/decorating your soaps! Also receive a finished soap bar and recipes. Please bring hand towel to class. Come to class scent free and bring an apron (or wear appropriate clothing). Please bring a $30 dollar supply fee to the instructor.
Monterey Recreation Centre Cheryl Theilade Oct 15 S 12:00-2:00pm $55/1 142553